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Which Statement About Inheritance Is True

Question: Which allele combination represents a female who is a carrier for an X-linked recessive disorder?

Answer: XRXr

Question: How are sex-linked traits inherited?

Answer: Alleles are passed from the parents’ sex chromosomes to the sex chromosomes in the offspring.

Question: Which symbol is used to label a male that expresses a sex-linked disorder on a pedigree?

Answer: D (Square 100% filled in)

Question: Hemophilia is an X-linked recessive disorder.

What is the probability of having hemophilia for the cross that is shown in the Punnett square?

Answer: 50 percent

Question: Hemophilia is an X-linked recessive disorder (Xh) that is passed through generations and can be traced by using a pedigree.

Based on the pedigree that is shown, which describes John?

Answer: does not have hemophilia