I Hate CBT's

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Z Lines Define The Edges Of Which Of The Following

Question: Which type of muscle tissue has the greatest effect on the body’s heat production?




-All of these muscle types have about the same effect on the body’s heat production

Answer: skeletal

Question: Sarcomere is best defined as…

  • a repeating unit of striated muscle

  • - actomyosin proteins

  • -a storage form of calcium

  • -thick and thin filaments

  • Answer: a repeating unit of striated muscle

  • Question: When a muscle contraction develops tension but doesn’t shorten the muscle, the contraction is called…

  • -isometric

  • -unfused tetanus

  • -isotonic

  • -incomplete twitch

  • Answer: isometric

  • Question: Skeletal muscle does each of these except..

  • -maintain posture

  • -ventilate the lungs

  • -pump blood

  • -produce movement

  • Answer: pump blood

  • Question: Muscle fatigue occurs due to a buildup of __________ and __________ in pH.

  • -creatine phosphate; decrease

  • -creatine phosphate; increase

  • -lactic acid; increase

  • -lactic acid; decrease

  • Answer: lactic acid; decrease