Are you looking to develop a winning quarterly award package? This guide is designed to help you create an effective nomination that showcases the nominee's individual area of expertise.


The Quarterly Awards program is designed to recognize those individuals who have excelled in their individual area of expertise. AF Form 1206 is used to document and evaluate the performance of active duty Airmen. This form requires a narrative explanation of the nominee's accomplishments, highlighting their contributions and achievements, not just their job duties. Also, the Airman Concept section of the form is meant to recognize how the airman exemplifies the Air Force Core Values, contributes to the unit and community, and demonstrates self-improvement and conduct.


When compiling inputs, make sure to ask the following three questions about the nominee and ensure the answers are emphasized in the nomination:

  • What did the member do?

  • How did he/she accomplish it?

  • What was the result/impact?

For example: What did the member do? - Ensured accountability and prompt processing of all TDY requests.

How was it accomplished? - By developing an effective suspensing and tracking system for all requests.

Result/Impact? - Produced a zero percent late rating and less than 3 percent return rate from MPF for the period of Jan - Mar 99.

Comparison of before and after statistics, measurable amounts, or achievements never attained before can be used to make the package even stronger.


Different awards have different criteria, so make sure to read the guidelines for the award category you are applying for and tailor your nomination accordingly.


Give specific examples and evidence of the nominee's accomplishments, and make sure they align with the criteria for the award category you are applying for. Use quotes and endorsements from supervisors, colleagues, or other relevant individuals to provide additional support for the nomination.


Make sure to follow the AF Form 1206 format and guidelines, such as page limits, font size and types, headings, and other requirements. This will ensure that your nomination package is complete, accurate, and easy to read.


It can be helpful to include examples of previous winning nominations as a guide and inspiration for writing your own nomination. This can also help you understand the type of information and language that is most effective.


A checklist of all the important elements that should be included in the nomination, such as facts, specific examples, and measurable results, can be helpful for writers who may be less familiar with the nomination process.


Awards come in different levels, such as unit, wing, and command level awards. Tailoring the nomination package to different levels of awards requires different information, examples, and approach. Provide guidance on how to tailor the nomination package to different levels of awards and the differences that need to be taken into consideration.


Provide additional resources such as websites or publications that may be helpful for writers who are looking to learn more about writing nominations.

By following these tips, you will be better prepared to write a compelling and winning quarterly award package. Remember to focus on the nominee's achievements and specific examples, use facts and statistics, tailor the nomination to the specific award category and level, use appropriate formatting and layout, provide detailed examples and evidence, and include a checklist and additional resources for reference. By paying attention to these details, you increase the chances of your nominee winning the award.

  • When writing examples for the "Leadership and Job Performance in Primary Duty" section of the AF Form 1206, it's recommended to use a similar format as for the "Airman Concept" section, using an active voice sentence structure and being specific, clear, and concise. This will help to clearly convey the airman's actions, achievements, and their impact.

    For example:

    "Airman Smith certified less-than-lethal tools and rapidly accomplished training for three weapons, exceeding the Air Force standard by 200%."

    "Airman Smith trained and qualified four airmen in Alarm Monitor duty, raising the flight duty position evaluation pass rate to 98%."

    In these examples, the sentences clearly state who is taking the action (Airman Smith) and what action is being taken (certifying less-than-lethal tools and training airmen in Alarm Monitor duty) and the result (exceeding the Air Force standard and raising the pass rate).

    It's also recommended to use a consistent and logical structure for examples, for instance, starting with a subject, verb and objective. Also, providing context such as time-frame, specific duties and responsibilities could be helpful. It's also a good practice to consult with the relevant authorities, supervisor or previous evaluations to ensure that the examples align with the criteria and standards for the "Leadership and Job Performance in Primary Duty" section.


    Coordinated and supervised the maintenance of $20M worth of aerospace ground equipment, ensuring 100% mission readiness for all aircraft sorties

    Implemented a preventive maintenance program for all ground equipment, reducing equipment downtime by 50%

    Developed and conducted training for 15 Airmen on the proper use and maintenance of aerospace ground equipment, increasing equipment lifespan by 20%

    Led a team of 8 Airmen in the maintenance and repair of 4 high-priority aircraft engines, resulting in a 25% increase in aircraft availability

    Conducted in-depth troubleshooting and repairs on aerospace propulsion systems, reducing aircraft turnaround time by 40%

    Developed and implemented new procedures for the maintenance of aerospace propulsion systems, resulting in a 15% increase in aircraft readiness

    Coordinated with other maintenance teams to ensure all ground equipment and propulsion systems were properly maintained and ready for use

    Led a team of 10 Airmen in the overhaul of a high-priority aircraft engine, resulting in a 20% reduction in maintenance costs

    Assisted in the development and implementation of new technologies and techniques in aerospace propulsion maintenance, increasing efficiency by 30%

    Conducted regular inspections of all aerospace ground equipment and propulsion systems, identifying and resolving potential issues before they become problems.

    1. Created an innovative strategy to train over 30 new AGE personnel resulting in an increase in operational readiness during an important exercise.

    2. Developed a “technology-on-wheels” mobile training program that traveled throughout the base and exponentially increased the proficiency of personnel in equipment operation.

    3. Spearheaded a team to assess the efficacy of existing AGE checkouts and recommended cost-saving measures to senior leadership.

    4. Assessed individual personnel’s potential and suggested targeted areas of training to help them achieve their goals and advance their skillsets.

    5. Led a successful safety initiative program that decreased the number of preventable accidents among AGE personnel on base by 50%.

    6. Devised a plan for the implementation of new AGE processes which resulted in a reduction of wasted resources and an increase in time-efficiency.

    7. Devised an automated AGE checking system that streamlined the processes, reducing the time and required resources by 75%.

    8. Trained and supervised a team of 15 persons on the proper use of new AGE equipment, leading to an increase in effectiveness in their duties.

    9. Formulated a maintenance plan to ensure greater performance and efficiency in the use of AGE equipment, saving time and money in the process.

    10. Developed a program to detect AGE problem areas and proactively address them with cost-effective solutions.

    11. Identified discrepancies in the system and put in place preventive controls to ensure better performance and reliability of AGE equipment.

    12. Exceeded critical deadlines for maintenance of AGE equipment and ensured availability for exercises and operations.

    13. Participated in a review of AGE processes and identified several innovative ways to streamline and improve performance.

    14. Managed a team of 10 personnel who implemented new AGE processes resulting in an increased proficiency and efficiency.

    15. Developed and implemented a series of preventive AGE maintenance checks that reduced the need for unscheduled repairs.

    16. Implemented new operational protocols that enabled the team to work collaboratively and troubleshoot AGE problems more efficiently.

    17. Proposed innovative techniques for training and maintenance that resulted in a dramatic reduction in equipment downtime and increased overall productivity.

    18. Recognized issues between AGE processes and protocols and developed effective solutions that optimized personnel performance.

    19. Performed a thorough review of existing AGE processes and identified areas of improvement, leading to better efficiency and quality.

    20. Consolidated duties performed by AGE personnel to ensure increased productivity and reduced operational costs.

    21. Established and instituted an agreement with a nearby military base to better coordinate maintenance of AGE equipment to increase effectiveness in use.

    22. Developed and implemented a checklist for troubleshooting and maintenance of AGE equipment, leading to reduced downtime and improved proficiency.

    23. Identified unneeded equipment and parts in the fleet, allowing resources to be reallocated for better use in other areas.

    24. Ensured that all AGE personnel were adequately trained and supervised in order to prevent accidents and efficiently perform their duties.

    25. Modified and improved existing AGE methods to increase response time and reliability when deploying overseas or on missions.

  • When writing the examples for the Airman Concept section of the AF Form 1206, it's recommended to use an active voice sentence structure. This means that the sentences should clearly state who is taking the action and what action is being taken. For example, "Airman Smith consistently demonstrated strong leadership skills, effectively leading and motivating their team to achieve mission success." This sentence clearly states who (Airman Smith) is taking the action (demonstrating strong leadership skills) and what the result of that action is (effectively leading and motivating the team to achieve mission success).

    It is also important to be specific, clear and concise in the examples, avoid using overly complex language or jargon, and focus on specific behaviors, actions or achievements. Additionally, it's recommended to use a consistent and logical structure, the examples can be divided into categories like, "Leadership" "Job Performance", "Contribution to the unit" and so on, to make it easy for the reader to follow the information and understand the examples.

    It's also a good practice to provide a context for the examples, such as the time frame and the specific duties and responsibilities of the airman. And as always, it's good to consult with the relevant authorities and supervisor, to ensure that the examples are accurate, aligned with the criteria and standards, and properly support the nomination.


    1. Achieved a 90% pass rate on the Air Force physical fitness test.

    2. Showed dedication to achieving a high level of mission readiness.

    3. Demonstrated strong technical knowledge and expertise in their specialty.

    4. Displayed exemplary leadership and communication skills when leading a team.

    5. Demonstrated resilience in the face of difficult and challenging situations.

    6. Developed innovative solutions to complex technical issues.

    7. Maintained a high level of personal integrity and accountability.

    8. Demonstrated a commitment to continuous learning and professional development.

    9. Demonstrated an understanding of the Air Force core values.

    10. Exhibited outstanding commitment to the well-being of their Airmen.

    11. Showed an ability to solve complex problems with sound judgement.

    12. Demonstrated a strong sense of patriotism and dedication to the mission.

    13. Possessed a deep understanding of Air Force regulations and policies.

    14. Showed an ability to maintain a high level of situational awareness.

    15. Demonstrated exceptional ability to work with a diverse team.

    16. Possessed the necessary technical and administrative skills to complete assignments.

    17. Exhibited a high level of attention to detail during critical tasks.

    18. Demonstrated a commitment to excellence in all areas of their duties.

    19. Provided mentorship and guidance to junior Airmen in their career field.

    20. Displayed a strong sense of loyalty to the Air Force and their fellow Airmen.

    21. Exhibited an outstanding level of commitment to the Air Force mission.

    22. Consistently met or exceeded expectations for assigned tasks and duties.

    23. Demonstrated a strong sense of self-discipline and personal responsibility.

    24. Possessed an excellent understanding of the mission and its objectives.

    25. Showed the ability to develop and implement effective strategies for the team.

    26. Demonstrated an ability to work independently, as well as in a team environment.

    27. Demonstrated a commitment to achieving a high level of mission readiness.

    28. Displayed exceptional problem-solving skills when faced with difficult challenges.

    29. Showed an ability to remain calm and composed in stressful and challenging situations.

    30. Possessed an excellent understanding of the Air Force core values and regulations.

    31. Demonstrated a strong sense of loyalty and dedication to the Air Force mission.

    32. Possessed an exceptional level of technical expertise in their specialty.

    33. Demonstrated the ability to prioritize tasks and manage time effectively.

    34. Exhibited a commitment to helping others and fostering a positive work environment.

    35. Showed an understanding of the importance of safety and security protocols.

    36. Possessed a high level of understanding of Air Force regulations and policies.

    37. Demonstrated a commitment to self-improvement and professional development.

    38. Possessed an excellent ability to adapt to changing environments and circumstances.

    39. Showed an understanding of the importance of providing effective customer service.

    40. Demonstrated an understanding of the mission and its importance to the Air Force.

    41. Demonstrated an ability to foster positive relationships with their peers and superiors.

    42. Possessed an exceptional level of knowledge in their career field and related disciplines.

    43. Showed an understanding of the importance of following orders and regulations.

    44. Demonstrated an understanding of the importance of teamwork and collaboration.

    45. Possessed a high level of knowledge of Air Force policies and procedures.

    46. Showed a commitment to taking initiative and completing tasks in a timely manner.

    47. Exhibited a strong sense of pride in their work and dedication to their duties.

    48. Displayed an exceptional level of attention to detail in all areas of their work.

    49. Demonstrated a commitment to maintaining the highest level of professionalism.

    50. Possessed an excellent ability to demonstrate sound judgement in all areas of their duties.

    51. Showed an ability to remain calm and composed when faced with difficult situations.

    52. Demonstrated an understanding of the importance of safety and security protocols.

    53. Possessed a deep understanding of the Air Force core values and regulations.

    54. Displayed a commitment to developing and implementing effective strategies.

    55. Demonstrated an exceptional level of commitment to their fellow Airmen.

    56. Possessed the necessary technical and administrative skills to effectively complete tasks.

    57. Showed an understanding of the importance of effective communication and collaboration.

    58. Demonstrated an ability to prioritize tasks and manage time effectively.

    59. Exhibited a strong sense of loyalty and dedication to the Air Force mission.

    60. Possessed a high level of attention to detail during critical tasks and assignments.

    61. Showed an ability to think and act quickly in emergency or high-pressure situations.

    62. Demonstrated a commitment to achieving a high level of mission readiness.

    63. Possessed an excellent understanding of the mission and its objectives.

    64. Showed the ability to work with a variety of people and personalities.

    65. Exhibited outstanding leadership and communication skills when leading a team.

    66. Demonstrated a strong sense of self-discipline and personal responsibility.

    67. Possessed a deep understanding of Air Force regulations, policies and procedures.

    68. Showed an ability to solve complex problems with sound judgement.

    69. Demonstrated an understanding of the importance of following orders and regulations.

    70. Possessed an exceptional level of knowledge in their career field and related disciplines.

    71. Displayed a commitment to excellence in all areas of their duties and responsibilities.

    72. Demonstrated a commitment to providing effective customer service.

    73. Showed an understanding of the importance of safety and security protocols.

    74. Exhibited a strong sense of patriotism and dedication to the mission.

    75. Possessed an excellent ability to remain calm and composed in stressful situations.

    76. Demonstrated a high level of attention to detail during critical tasks.

    77. Possessed an excellent understanding of the Air Force core values.

    78. Showed an ability to develop and implement effective strategies for the team.

    79. Demonstrated an understanding of the importance of teamwork and collaboration.

    80. Exhibited an outstanding level of commitment to the Air Force mission.

    81. Possessed an exceptional level of technical expertise in their specialty.

    82. Showed an ability to think and act quickly in emergency or high-pressure situations.

    83. Demonstrated a commitment to continuous learning and professional development.

    84. Exhibited a strong sense of loyalty to the Air Force and their fellow Airmen.

    85. Possessed a high level of understanding of Air Force regulations and policies.

    86. Demonstrated an exceptional ability to work with a diverse team.

    87. Showed a commitment to taking initiative and completing tasks in a timely manner.

    88. Possessed an excellent ability to maintain a high level of situational awareness.

    89. Demonstrated a strong sense of pride in their work and dedication to their duties.

    90. Showed a commitment to helping others and fostering a positive work environment.

    91. Exhibited an outstanding level of commitment to the well-being of their Airmen.

    92. Possessed an excellent understanding of the mission and its importance to the Air Force.

    93. Displayed exemplary leadership and communication skills when leading a team.

    94. Demonstrated a commitment to maintaining the highest level of professionalism.

    95. Showed an understanding of the importance of providing effective customer service.

    96. Possessed an exceptional level of knowledge in their career field and related disciplines.

    97. Demonstrated an understanding of the importance of following orders and regulations.

    98. Possessed a high level of understanding of Air Force regulations and policies.

    99. Exhibited a strong sense of patriotism and dedication to the mission.

    100. Demonstrated resilience in the face of difficult and challenging situations.


    1. Actively developed plans to improve squadron safety between October 2018 and June 2019, resulting in a 25% decrease in preventable accidents.

    2. Met all deadlines for monthly reports between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all deadlines were met in a timely manner.

    3. Served as the primary advisor to the commander on matters related to policy and personnel between October 2018 and June 2019, providing key insights and making meaningful contributions.

    4. Displayed tremendous resilience when dealing with difficult situations between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding solutions to complex problems.

    5. Showcased excellent communication skills between October 2018 and June 2019, providing clear and concise instructions to subordinates.

    6. Demonstrated superior leadership abilities between October 2018 and June 2019, leading by example and motivating team members.

    7. Exhibited exemplary professionalism when dealing with difficult and sensitive situations between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting highly professional behavior.

    8. Demonstrated a commitment to excellence between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently meeting and exceeding standards.

    9. Actively sought out and identified areas of improvement between October 2018 and June 2019, implementing new processes and procedures to increase efficiency.

    10. Showed a commitment to learning and personal development between October 2018 and June 2019, actively researching and learning new skills.

    11. Provided consistent and reliable maintenance of aircraft between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all aircraft were in a safe and operable condition.

    12. Demonstrated superior knowledge of aircraft systems between October 2018 and June 2019, providing detailed and accurate information to the commander.

    13. Developed and implemented new safety protocols between October 2018 and June 2019, resulting in a decrease in preventable accidents.

    14. Maintained a high level of accuracy when completing paperwork between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all paperwork was completed correctly.

    15. Actively monitored aircraft performance between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring aircraft performance remained within standards.

    16. Demonstrated a deep understanding of aviation regulations between October 2018 and June 2019, providing accurate and up-to-date information to the commander.

    17. Showcased initiative when facing challenging tasks between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding ways to overcome obstacles.

    18. Demonstrated the ability to work independently between October 2018 and June 2019, effectively managing tasks without direct supervision.

    19. Showed a commitment to maintaining a safe working environment between October 2018 and June 2019, proactively addressing potential hazards.

    20. Actively engaged with subordinates between October 2018 and June 2019, providing clear guidance and direction.

    21. Exhibited a high level of trustworthiness between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently displaying integrity and honesty.

    22. Demonstrated the ability to effectively plan and manage projects between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all projects were completed on schedule.

    23. Maintained a professional demeanor when dealing with difficult personnel between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting a high level of composure.

    24. Actively sought out and identified areas of improvement between October 2018 and June 2019, implementing new processes and procedures to increase efficiency.

    25. Developed and implemented new training protocols between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all personnel were properly trained.

    26. Showcased excellent problem solving skills between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding solutions to complex issues.

    27. Demonstrated a commitment to meeting deadlines between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all tasks were completed in a timely manner.

    28. Displayed exemplary knowledge of aircraft systems between October 2018 and June 2019, providing detailed and accurate information to the commander.

    29. Exhibited superior leadership abilities between October 2018 and June 2019, leading by example and motivating team members.

    30. Demonstrated a willingness to take on additional responsibilities between October 2018 and June 2019, volunteering for difficult tasks.

    31. Showed initiative when facing challenging tasks between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding ways to overcome obstacles.

    32. Effectively managed personnel and resources between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all personnel were properly utilized.

    33. Showed a commitment to personal development between October 2018 and June 2019, actively researching and learning new skills.

    34. Actively monitored aircraft performance between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring aircraft performance remained within standards.

    35. Demonstrated an understanding of aviation regulations between October 2018 and June 2019, providing accurate and up-to-date information to the commander.

    36. Exhibited a high level of accuracy when completing paperwork between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all paperwork was completed correctly.

    37. Showcased excellent communication skills between October 2018 and June 2019, providing clear and concise instructions to subordinates.

    38. Demonstrated a professional demeanor when dealing with difficult personnel between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting a high level of composure.

    39. Exhibited a high level of trustworthiness between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently displaying integrity and honesty.

    40. Showed a commitment to meeting deadlines between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all tasks were completed in a timely manner.

    41. Actively provided advice and guidance to subordinates between October 2018 and June 2019, helping them to reach their goals.

    42. Demonstrated superior knowledge of aircraft systems between October 2018 and June 2019, providing detailed and accurate information to the commander.

    43. Actively developed plans to improve squadron safety between October 2018 and June 2019, resulting in a 25% decrease in preventable accidents.

    44. Showed a commitment to excellence between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently meeting and exceeding standards.

    45. Successfully identified and implemented cost-saving measures between October 2018 and June 2019, resulting in a reduction of expenditures.

    46. Actively engaged with subordinates between October 2018 and June 2019, providing clear guidance and direction.

    47. Demonstrated excellent problem solving skills between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding solutions to complex issues.

    48. Exhibited a commitment to team building between October 2018 and June 2019, helping to build a cohesive team environment.

    49. Actively sought out and identified areas of improvement between October 2018 and June 2019, implementing new processes and procedures to increase efficiency.

    50. Demonstrated the ability to effectively plan and manage projects between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all projects were completed on schedule.

    51. Showed a commitment to maintaining a safe working environment between October 2018 and June 2019, proactively addressing potential hazards.

    52. Demonstrated the ability to work independently between October 2018 and June 2019, effectively managing tasks without direct supervision.

    53. Developed and implemented new safety protocols between October 2018 and June 2019, resulting in a decrease in preventable accidents.

    54. Actively monitored aircraft performance between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring aircraft performance remained within standards.

    55. Showed a commitment to learning and personal development between October 2018 and June 2019, actively researching and learning new skills.

    56. Demonstrated a deep understanding of aviation regulations between October 2018 and June 2019, providing accurate and up-to-date information to the commander.

    57. Showed the ability to remain calm and composed in difficult situations between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting a high level of composure.

    58. Demonstrated superior knowledge of aircraft systems between October 2018 and June 2019, providing detailed and accurate information to the commander.

    59. Met all deadlines for monthly reports between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all deadlines were met in a timely manner.

    60. Actively monitored aircraft performance between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring aircraft performance remained within standards.

    61. Maintained a professional demeanor when dealing with difficult personnel between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting a high level of composure.

    62. Showed a commitment to meeting deadlines between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all tasks were completed in a timely manner.

    63. Demonstrated a deep understanding of aviation regulations between October 2018 and June 2019, providing accurate and up-to-date information to the commander.

    64. Actively sought out and identified areas of improvement between October 2018 and June 2019, implementing new processes and procedures to increase efficiency.

    65. Showcased initiative when facing challenging tasks between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding ways to overcome obstacles.

    66. Exhibited a commitment to team building between October 2018 and June 2019, helping to build a cohesive team environment.

    67. Demonstrated the ability to effectively plan and manage projects between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all projects were completed on schedule.

    68. Maintained a high level of accuracy when completing paperwork between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all paperwork was completed correctly.

    69. Demonstrated excellent problem solving skills between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding solutions to complex issues.

    70. Exhibited exemplary professionalism when dealing with difficult and sensitive situations between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting highly professional behavior.

    71. Demonstrated superior leadership abilities between October 2018 and June 2019, leading by example and motivating team members.

    72. Actively monitored aircraft performance between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring aircraft performance remained within standards.

    73. Maintained a professional demeanor when dealing with difficult personnel between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting a high level of composure.

    74. Showed a commitment to learning and personal development between October 2018 and June 2019, actively researching and learning new skills.

    75. Served as the primary advisor to the commander on matters related to policy and personnel between October 2018 and June 2019, providing key insights and making meaningful contributions.

    76. Demonstrated a willingness to take on additional responsibilities between October 2018 and June 2019, volunteering for difficult tasks.

    77. Displayed tremendous resilience when dealing with difficult situations between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding solutions to complex problems.

    78. Demonstrated the ability to work independently between October 2018 and June 2019, effectively managing tasks without direct supervision.

    79. Developed and implemented new training protocols between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all personnel were properly trained.

    80. Showcased excellent communication skills between October 2018 and June 2019, providing clear and concise instructions to subordinates.

    81. Actively provided advice and guidance to subordinates between October 2018 and June 2019, helping them to reach their goals.

    82. Exhibited a high level of trustworthiness between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently displaying integrity and honesty.

    83. Showed a commitment to excellence between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently meeting and exceeding standards.

    84. Actively developed plans to improve squadron safety between October 2018 and June 2019, resulting in a 25% decrease in preventable accidents.

    85. Successfully identified and implemented cost-saving measures between October 2018 and June 2019, resulting in a reduction of expenditures.

    86. Demonstrated the ability to remain calm and composed in difficult situations between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting a high level of composure.

    87. Showed initiative when facing challenging tasks between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding ways to overcome obstacles.

    88. Actively monitored aircraft performance between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring aircraft performance remained within standards.

    89. Demonstrated a commitment to meeting deadlines between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all tasks were completed in a timely manner.

    90. Showed a commitment to personal development between October 2018 and June 2019, actively researching and learning new skills.

    91. Exhibited exemplary knowledge of aircraft systems between October 2018 and June 2019, providing detailed and accurate information to the commander.

    92. Maintained a high level of accuracy when completing paperwork between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all paperwork was completed correctly.

    93. Exhibited a commitment to team building between October 2018 and June 2019, helping to build a cohesive team environment.

    94. Demonstrated the ability to work independently between October 2018 and June 2019, effectively managing tasks without direct supervision.

    95. Showed a commitment to maintaining a safe working environment between October 2018 and June 2019, proactively addressing potential hazards.

    96. Actively engaged with subordinates between October 2018 and June 2019, providing clear guidance and direction.

    97. Demonstrated excellent problem solving skills between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding solutions to complex issues.

    98. Demonstrated superior leadership abilities between October 2018 and June 2019, leading by example and motivating team members.

    99. Actively sought out and identified areas of improvement between October 2018 and June 2019, implementing new processes and procedures to increase efficiency.

    100. Demonstrated a deep understanding of aviation regulations between October 2018 and June 2019, providing accurate and up-to-date information to the commander.

  • When writing examples for the "Significant Self-Improvement" section of the AF Form 1206, it's recommended to use a similar format as the "Leadership and Job Performance in Primary Duty" and "Airman Concept" section. The sentence structure should be written in active voice and be specific, clear, and concise. This will help to clearly convey the airman's actions, achievements, and their impact.

    For example:

    "Airman Smith completed three college credit hours, earning a 3.0 GPA, and destroying 20% of general education requirements."

    "Airman Smith organized a four-man 6-hour race team, improved health and combat mission readiness, and finished first out of 26 teams."

    In these examples, the sentences clearly state who is taking the action (Airman Smith) and what action is being taken (completing college credit hours, organizing a race team) and the result (earning a 3.0 GPA, improving health and mission readiness, finishing first in the race).

    It's also recommended to use a consistent and logical structure for examples, for instance, starting with a subject, verb and objective. Also, providing context such as time-frame, specific duties and responsibilities could be helpful. It's also a good practice to consult with the relevant authorities, supervisor or previous evaluations to ensure that the examples align with the criteria and standards for the "Significant Self-Improvement" section of the form 1206.


    1. Developed a time management system for her squadron, ensuring task completion and efficiency within six months.

    2. Developed a comprehensive training plan for new airman, resulting in improved retention and morale within the squadron.

    3. Created a streamlined process to track aircraft maintenance records, reducing paperwork by 50% in eight months.

    4. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 30% reduction in costs within four months.

    5. Mentored five junior airman, improving their performance and morale.

    6. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve operational safety, reducing incidents by 25% in six months.

    7. Established a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within four months.

    8. Developed a program to increase airman fitness and wellbeing, resulting in improved morale and productivity within six months.

    9. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within four months.

    10. Developed a strategy to improve the squadron’s public image, resulting in improved relations and greater recognition within six months.

    11. Created a system to track aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within five months.

    12. Developed a plan to improve airman retention and morale, leading to improved recruitment and retention within six months.

    13. Developed a system to monitor aircraft safety, resulting in improved safety and operations within four months.

    14. Created a program to improve airman communication and performance, leading to improved efficiency and morale within six months.

    15. Developed a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within four months.

    16. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 20% reduction in costs within six months.

    17. Established a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within eight months.

    18. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within four months.

    19. Mentored five junior airman, improving their performance and morale.

    20. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve operational safety, reducing incidents by 20% in six months.

    21. Developed a comprehensive training plan for new airman, resulting in improved retention and morale within the squadron.

    22. Created a streamlined process to track aircraft maintenance records, reducing paperwork by 45% in eight months.

    23. Developed a strategy to improve the squadron’s public image, resulting in improved relations and greater recognition within six months.

    24. Developed a system to monitor aircraft safety, resulting in improved safety and operations within four months.

    25. Developed a program to increase airman fitness and wellbeing, resulting in improved morale and productivity within eight months.

    26. Created a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within four months.

    27. Established a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within six months.

    28. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 25% reduction in costs within four months.

    29. Developed a time management system for her squadron, ensuring task completion and efficiency within six months.

    30. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve airman retention and morale, leading to improved recruitment and retention within eight months.

    31. Created a program to improve airman communication and performance, leading to improved efficiency and morale within four months.

    32. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within six months.

    33. Mentored five junior airman, improving their performance and morale.

    34. Developed a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within five months.

    35. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve operational safety, reducing incidents by 25% in four months.

    36. Developed a comprehensive training plan for new airman, resulting in improved retention and morale within the squadron.

    37. Created a streamlined process to track aircraft maintenance records, reducing paperwork by 50% in four months.

    38. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 30% reduction in costs within six months.

    39. Developed a strategy to improve the squadron’s public image, resulting in improved relations and greater recognition within four months.

    40. Developed a system to monitor aircraft safety, resulting in improved safety and operations within six months.

    41. Developed a program to increase airman fitness and wellbeing, resulting in improved morale and productivity within four months.

    42. Created a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within eight months.

    43. Established a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within four months.

    44. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 20% reduction in costs within four months.

    45. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within eight months.

    46. Mentored five junior airman, improving their performance and morale.

    47. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve operational safety, reducing incidents by 20% in four months.

    48. Developed a comprehensive training plan for new airman, resulting in improved retention and morale within the squadron.

    49. Created a streamlined process to track aircraft maintenance records, reducing paperwork by 45% in four months.

    50. Developed a strategy to improve the squadron’s public image, resulting in improved relations and greater recognition within eight months.

    51. Developed a system to monitor aircraft safety, resulting in improved safety and operations within four months.

    52. Developed a program to increase airman fitness and wellbeing, resulting in improved morale and productivity within four months.

    53. Created a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within four months.

    54. Established a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within six months.

    55. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 25% reduction in costs within six months.

    56. Developed a time management system for her squadron, ensuring task completion and efficiency within four months.

    57. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve airman retention and morale, leading to improved recruitment and retention within four months.

    58. Created a program to improve airman communication and performance, leading to improved efficiency and morale within six months.

    59. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within four months.

    60. Mentored five junior airman, improving their performance and morale.

    61. Developed a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within five months.

    62. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve operational safety, reducing incidents by 25% in six months.

    63. Developed a comprehensive training plan for new airman, resulting in improved retention and morale within the squadron.

    64. Created a streamlined process to track aircraft maintenance records, reducing paperwork by 50% in six months.

    65. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 30% reduction in costs within four months.

    66. Established a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within four months.

    67. Developed a strategy to improve the squadron’s public image, resulting in improved relations and greater recognition within six months.

    68. Developed a system to monitor aircraft safety, resulting in improved safety and operations within eight months.

    69. Developed a program to increase airman fitness and wellbeing, resulting in improved morale and productivity within four months.

    70. Created a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within six months.

    71. Established a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within four months.

    72. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 20% reduction in costs within four months.

    73. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within six months.

    74. Mentored five junior airman, improving their performance and morale.

    75. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve operational safety, reducing incidents by 20% in eight months.

    76. Developed a comprehensive training plan for new airman, resulting in improved retention and morale within the squadron.

    77. Created a streamlined process to track aircraft maintenance records, reducing paperwork by 45% in six months.

    78. Developed a strategy to improve the squadron’s public image, resulting in improved relations and greater recognition within four months.

    79. Developed a system to monitor aircraft safety, resulting in improved safety and operations within four months.

    80. Developed a program to increase airman fitness and wellbeing, resulting in improved morale and productivity within six months.

    81. Created a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within eight months.

    82. Established a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within five months.

    83. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 25% reduction in costs within six months.

    84. Developed a time management system for her squadron, ensuring task completion and efficiency within four months.

    85. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve airman retention and morale, leading to improved recruitment and retention within four months.

    86. Created a program to improve airman communication and performance, leading to improved efficiency and morale within four months.

    87. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within eight months.

    88. Mentored five junior airman, improving their performance and morale.

    89. Developed a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within six months.

    90. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve operational safety, reducing incidents by 25% in four months.

    91. Developed a comprehensive training plan for new airman, resulting in improved retention and morale within the squadron.

    92. Created a streamlined process to track aircraft maintenance records, reducing paperwork by 50% in four months.

    93. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 30% reduction in costs within six months.

    94. Developed a strategy to improve the squadron’s public image, resulting in improved relations and greater recognition within eight months.

    95. Developed a system to monitor aircraft safety, resulting in improved safety and operations within six months.

    96. Developed a program to increase airman fitness and wellbeing, resulting in improved morale and productivity within four months.

    97. Created a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within four months.

    98. Established a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within four months.

    99. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 20% reduction in costs within six months.

    100. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within four months.

    Completed 3 college credit hours; earned 3.0 GPA--destroyed 20% of general education requirements

    Organized four man 6 hr race team; improved health and combat mission readiness--finished first of 26 teams

    Completed advanced training in (relevant field) and earned a certification; resulting in increased proficiency and expertise in their primary duty and improved mission readiness by 20%.

    Completed a professional development course in (relevant field) and earned a certification; resulting in an increase in job proficiency by 15% and being able to take on more responsibilities.

    Completed a degree program in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and being able to successfully tackle complex task with greater ease.

    Volunteer in community service and achieved a recognition for their commitment, this helped to improved the public perception and support for the airforce by 25%.

    Published a research paper or article in (relevant field); showing the ability to conduct independent research, share knowledge with others and increased their professional reputation by 50%.

    Participated in competitive sports or physical fitness training; resulting in improved health and fitness by 20% and being able to carry out the duty with greater ease, speed and efficiency.

    Completed a language-training program and achieved proficiency in (foreign language); resulting in increased ability to work with diverse groups of people and understand different cultures, improved the ability to work with coalition forces by 25%.

    Participated in mentorship program, where they helped fellow airmen and increased the proficiency and expertise of the mentees by 20%.

    Implemented a new process or system in their primary duty, resulting in an increase in efficiency by 30% and productivity by 25%

    Completed an online or distance-learning program, showing the ability to continue learning and growing, even when face-to-face training is not possible, This led to an increase in the skill set by 15%.

    Attended a professional development course in (relevant field), resulting in a greater understanding of the profession, improved mission readiness by 20%, and increased the individual’s ability to work with others.

    Developed a new program or procedure to improve morale and efficiency in their primary duty, resulting in improved morale by 25% and increased efficiency by 20%.

    Attended a seminar or workshop in (relevant field); resulting in greater knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Completed a certification in (relevant field); resulting in an increase in the skill set by 15% and the ability to take on additional job responsibilities.

    Completed an online or distance-learning program in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty, and being able to successfully tackle complex tasks with greater ease.

    Organized and coordinated a fundraising event to benefit a charitable cause; resulting in increased awareness and support, and improved public perception of the airforce by 25%.

    Developed a new safety procedure in their primary duty, resulting in improved safety by 20% and increased mission readiness by 15%.

    Became a certified instructor in (relevant field); resulting in the ability to teach others, and increased mission readiness by 25%.

    Attended a professional conference in (relevant field); showing the ability to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies, and increased their professional reputation by 40%.

    Participated in a research project in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and being able to successfully tackle complex tasks with greater ease.

    Developed and implemented a new system to improve the accuracy and speed of (relevant field); resulting in improved mission readiness by 15% and increased efficiency by 25%.

    Attended a leadership course and earned a certification; resulting in increased ability to lead and manage teams, and improved mission readiness by 20%.

    Completed a certification program in (relevant field); resulting in increased skill set by 15% and the ability to take on additional job responsibilities.

    Attended a seminar in (relevant field); resulting in improved knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Organized and hosted an event to benefit a charitable cause; resulting in increased awareness and support, and improved public perception of the airforce by 25%.

    Completed a training program and earned a certification; resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and improved mission readiness by 10%.

    Completed a professional development program in (relevant field); resulting in increased understanding of the profession, improved mission readiness by 15%, and increased the individual’s ability to work with others.

    Participated in a job shadowing program and learned new skills; resulting in improved job proficiency by 15% and increased ability to work with diverse groups of people.

    Attended a workshop in (relevant field); resulting in greater knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Participated in a mentorship program and increased the proficiency and expertise of the mentees by 15%.

    Developed and implemented a new system to improve the accuracy and speed of (relevant field); resulting in improved mission readiness by 20% and increased efficiency by 25%.

    Attended a leadership course and earned a certification; resulting in increased ability to lead and manage teams, and improved mission readiness by 25%.

    Completed a certification program in (relevant field); resulting in increased skill set by 20% and the ability to take on additional job responsibilities.

    Attended a seminar in (relevant field); resulting in improved knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Organized and hosted an event to benefit a charitable cause; resulting in increased awareness and support, and improved public perception of the airforce by 30%.

    Completed a training program and earned a certification; resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and improved mission readiness by 15%.

    Completed a professional development program in (relevant field); resulting in increased understanding of the profession, improved mission readiness by 20%, and increased the individual’s ability to work with others.

    Participated in a job shadowing program and learned new skills; resulting in improved job proficiency by 20% and increased ability to work with diverse groups of people.

    Attended a workshop in (relevant field); resulting in greater knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Participated in a mentorship program and increased the proficiency and expertise of the mentees by 20%.

    Completed a certification in (relevant field); resulting in an increase in the skill set by 20% and the ability to take on additional job responsibilities.

    Completed an online or distance-learning program in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty, and being able to successfully tackle complex tasks with greater ease.

    Organized and coordinated a fundraising event to benefit a charitable cause; resulting in increased awareness and support, and improved public perception of the airforce by 30%.

    Developed a new safety procedure in their primary duty, resulting in improved safety by 25% and increased mission readiness by 20%.

    Attended a professional development course in (relevant field), resulting in a greater understanding of the profession, improved mission readiness by 25%, and increased the individual’s ability to work with others.

    Developed a new program or procedure to improve morale and efficiency in their primary duty, resulting in improved morale by 30% and increased efficiency by 25%.

    Attended a seminar or workshop in (relevant field); resulting in greater knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Implemented a new process or system in their primary duty, resulting in an increase in efficiency by 35% and productivity by 30%

    Completed a language-training program and achieved proficiency in (foreign language); resulting in increased ability to work with diverse groups of people and understand different cultures, improved the ability to work with coalition forces by 30%.

    Participated in competitive sports or physical fitness training; resulting in improved health and fitness by 25% and being able to carry out the duty with greater ease, speed and efficiency.

    Volunteer in community service and achieved a recognition for their commitment, this helped to improved the public perception and support for the airforce by 30%.

    Published a research paper or article in (relevant field); showing the ability to conduct independent research, share knowledge with others and increased their professional reputation by 55%.

    Completed a degree program in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and being able to successfully tackle complex task with greater ease.

    Organized four man 6 hr race team; improved health and combat mission readiness--finished first of 30 teams

    Completed advanced training in (relevant field) and earned a certification; resulting in increased proficiency and expertise in their primary duty and improved mission readiness by 25%.

    Completed a professional development course in (relevant field) and earned a certification; resulting in an increase in job proficiency by 20% and being able to take on more responsibilities.

    Attended a professional conference in (relevant field); showing the ability to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies, and increased their professional reputation by 45%.

    Participated in a research project in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and being able to successfully tackle complex tasks with greater ease.

    Completed 3 college credit hours; earned 3.5 GPA--destroyed 25% of general education requirements

    Attended a professional development program in (relevant field); resulted in increased understanding of the profession, improved mission readiness by 30%, and increased the individual’s ability to work with others.

    Completed a certification program in (relevant field); resulting in increased skill set by 25% and the ability to take on additional job responsibilities.

    Attended a seminar in (relevant field); resulting in improved knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Organized and hosted an event to benefit a charitable cause; resulting in increased awareness and support, and improved public perception of the airforce by 35%.

    Completed a training program and earned a certification; resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and improved mission readiness by 20%.

    Developed a new system to improve the accuracy and speed of (relevant field); resulting in improved mission readiness by 25% and increased efficiency by 30%.

    Attended a leadership course and earned a certification; resulting in increased ability to lead and manage teams, and improved mission readiness by 30%.

    Participated in a job shadowing program and learned new skills; resulting in improved job proficiency by 25% and increased ability to work with diverse groups of people.

    Attended a workshop in (relevant field); resulting in greater knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Participated in a mentorship program and increased the proficiency and expertise of the mentees by 25%.

    Developed and implemented a new safety procedure in their primary duty, resulting in improved safety by 30% and increased mission readiness by 25%.

    Completed a certification in (relevant field); resulting in an increase in the skill set by 25% and the ability to take on additional job responsibilities.

    Completed an online or distance-learning program in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty, and being able to successfully tackle complex tasks with greater ease.

    Organized and coordinated a fundraising event to benefit a charitable cause; resulting in increased awareness and support, and improved public perception of the airforce by 35%.

    Developed a new program or procedure to improve morale and efficiency in their primary duty, resulting in improved morale by 35% and increased efficiency by 30%.

    Attended a professional conference in (relevant field); showing the ability to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies, and increased their professional reputation by 50%.

    Participated in a research project in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and being able to successfully tackle complex tasks with greater ease.

  • When writing examples for the "Base or Community Involvement" section of the AF Form 1206, it is recommended to use a similar sentence structure as for the "Leadership and Job Performance in Primary Duty," "Significant Self-Improvement" and "Airman Concept" section, using active voice and being specific, clear, and concise. This will help to clearly convey the airman's actions, achievements, and their impact on the community.

    For example:

    "Airman Smith escorted a Special Olympic athlete and supported them to win a gold medal, representing the Air Force on a national scale."

    "Airman Smith was elected as Dorm Council President and spearheaded the construction of a fitness center, providing a gym for 60 dormitory personnel."

    In these examples, the sentences clearly state who is taking the action (Airman Smith) and what action is being taken (escorting a Special Olympic athlete, elected as Dorm Council President) and the result (winning a gold medal, constructing a fitness center).

    It's also recommended to use a consistent and logical structure for examples, for instance, starting with a subject, verb, and objective. Also, providing context such as time-frame, specific duties and responsibilities could be helpful. It's also a good practice to consult with the relevant authorities, supervisor or previous evaluations to ensure that the examples align with the criteria and standards for the "Base or Community Involvement" section of the form 1206.


    1. Coordinated off-base visits to local schools to educate students on the importance of service, 2015-present.

    2. Led weekly meetings with volunteer organization to develop strategies for local outreach initiatives, 2018-2019.

    3. Spearheaded efforts to organize a fundraising event for a local charity, 2017.

    4. Mentored junior airmen in the unit on the importance of service and civic engagement, 2016-2017.

    5. Developed a program to sponsor a family in need during the holidays, 2018.

    6. Volunteered at the base’s food pantry to help feed families in need, 2017-present.

    7. Established a partnership with a local non-profit to assist in their mission, 2018-2019.

    8. Participated in a weekly volunteer program to clean a local park, 2016-2017.

    9. Hosted a career fair for local high school students to learn about military opportunities, 2019.

    10. Created a program to provide meals for the homeless in the area, 2018-present.

    11. Donated time to a local animal shelter to assist with pet adoptions, 2017-2018.

    12. Organized a clothing donation drive to benefit a local homeless shelter, 2019.

    13. Built a playground for a community center in a low-income area, 2018.

    14. Assisted in the development of a mentorship program for underprivileged youth, 2017-2018.

    15. Assisted in the organization of an airshow to benefit the local community, 2019.

    16. Participated in an annual blood drive to support the local hospital, 2018-present.

    17. Developed a program to provide free tutoring services to local low-income students, 2018-present.

    18. Established a partnership with a local elementary school to provide after-school activities for students, 2017-2018.

    19. Participated in a volunteer program to build homes for families in need, 2018-2019.

    20. Spearheaded efforts to organize a community outreach event for the base, 2019.

    21. Organized a community clean-up day to improve the local environment, 2018.

    22. Donated time to a local animal shelter to assist with pet adoptions, 2017-2018.

    23. Assisted in the organization of a community event to raise awareness of airman contributions, 2018-2019.

    24. Spearheaded efforts to create a mentorship program for local youth, 2017-2018.

    25. Developed a program to provide meals for the homeless in the area, 2018-present.

    26. Hosted a career fair for local high school students to learn about military opportunities, 2019.

    27. Supported a local youth center by helping to increase access to resources, 2018-2019.

    28. Participated in a weekly volunteer program to clean a local park, 2016-2017.

    29. Led weekly meetings with volunteer organization to develop strategies for local outreach initiatives, 2018-2019.

    30. Coordinated off-base visits to local schools to educate students on the importance of service, 2015-present.

    31. Organized a volunteer program to collect donations for a local charity, 2018.

    32. Created a program to provide free tutoring services to local low-income students, 2018-present.

    33. Developed a program to sponsor a family in need during the holidays, 2018.

    34. Established a partnership with a local non-profit to assist in their mission, 2018-2019.

    35. Mentored junior airmen in the unit on the importance of service and civic engagement, 2016-2017.

    36. Assisted in the development of a mentorship program for underprivileged youth, 2017-2018.

    37. Volunteered at the base’s food pantry to help feed families in need, 2017-present.

    38. Participated in an annual blood drive to support the local hospital, 2018-present.

    39. Supported a local youth center by helping to increase access to resources, 2018-2019.

    40. Assisted in the organization of an airshow to benefit the local community, 2019.

    41. Led a team of volunteers to build a playground for a community center in a low-income area, 2018.

    42. Sponsored a local underprivileged student to attend a summer camp, 2019.

    43. Established a partnership with a local elementary school to provide after-school activities for students, 2017-2018.

    44. Volunteered at a local homeless shelter to help serve meals, 2015-present.

    45. Participated in a volunteer program to deliver meals to homebound seniors, 2018.

    46. Assisted with a community project to provide clean water to a local village, 2018-2019.

    47. Developed a program to provide free meals to homeless veterans, 2017-present.

    48. Organized a clothing donation drive to benefit a local homeless shelter, 2019.

    49. Mentored a group of local high schoolers on how to be successful in their future careers, 2017-2018.

    50. Coordinated a base-wide volunteer project to clean up a local park, 2018.

    51. Established a partnership with a local library to provide literacy services, 2016-2017.

    52. Conducted a series of workshops for local high school students on the importance of financial literacy, 2019.

    53. Organized a community clean-up day to improve the local environment, 2018.

    54. Assisted with a local organization to provide job-training services to disadvantaged citizens, 2017-2018.

    55. Led a team of volunteers to build a playground for a community center in a low-income area, 2018.

    56. Developed a program to provide job-placement assistance to local veterans, 2018-present.

    57. Assisted in the organization of a community event to raise awareness of airman contributions, 2018-2019.

    58. Spearheaded efforts to organize a fundraising event for a local charity, 2017.

    59. Participated in a volunteer program to restore a local park, 2016-2017.

    60. Donated time to a local animal shelter to assist with pet adoptions, 2017-2018.

    61. Established a partnership with a local school to provide a mentoring program for at-risk youth, 2018-2019.

    62. Developed a program to provide free job-training for local residents, 2017-present.

    63. Hosted an event for local teachers to learn about military career opportunities, 2019.

    64. Coordinated off-base visits to local schools to educate students on the importance of service, 2015-present.

    65. Led weekly meetings with volunteer organization to develop strategies for local outreach initiatives, 2018-2019.

    66. Assisted with a community project to provide clean water to a local village, 2018-2019.

    67. Led a team of volunteers to build a playground for a community center in a low-income area, 2018.

    68. Participated in an annual blood drive to support the local hospital, 2018-present.

    69. Developed a program to provide meals for the homeless in the area, 2018-present.

    70. Assisted in the organization of a community event to raise awareness of airman contributions, 2018-2019.

    71. Established a partnership with a local elementary school to provide after-school activities for students, 2017-2018.

    72. Organized a volunteer program to collect donations for a local charity, 2018.

    73. Mentored junior airmen in the unit on the importance of service and civic engagement, 2016-2017.

    74. Participated in a weekly volunteer program to clean a local park, 2016-2017.

    75. Developed a program to sponsor a family in need during the holidays, 2018.

    76. Supported a local youth center by helping to increase access to resources, 2018-2019.

    77. Donated time to a local animal shelter to assist with pet adoptions, 2017-2018.

    78. Hosted a career fair for local high school students to learn about military opportunities, 2019.

    79. Created a program to provide free tutoring services to local low-income students, 2018-present.

    80. Assisted with a local organization to provide job-training services to disadvantaged citizens, 2017-2018.

    81. Spearheaded efforts to organize a community outreach event for the base, 2019.

    82. Organized a clothing donation drive to benefit a local homeless shelter, 2019.

    83. Mentored a group of local high schoolers on how to be successful in their future careers, 2017-2018.

    84. Developed a program to provide free meals to homeless veterans, 2017-present.

    85. Participated in a volunteer program to deliver meals to homebound seniors, 2018.

    86. Coordinated a base-wide volunteer project to clean up a local park, 2018.

    87. Established a partnership with a local library to provide literacy services, 2016-2017.

    88. Assisted in the development of a mentorship program for underprivileged youth, 2017-2018.

    89. Conducted a series of workshops for local high school students on the importance of financial literacy, 2019.

    90. Sponsored a local underprivileged student to attend a summer camp, 2019.

    91. Developed a program to provide job-placement assistance to local veterans, 2018-present.

    92. Volunteered at the base’s food pantry to help feed families in need, 2017-present.

    93. Spearheaded efforts to organize a fundraising event for a local charity, 2017.

    94. Volunteered at a local homeless shelter to help serve meals, 2015-present.

    95. Assisted in the organization of an airshow to benefit the local community, 2019.

    96. Organized a community clean-up day to improve the local environment, 2018.

    97. Led a team of volunteers to build a playground for a community center in a low-income area, 2018.

    98. Created a program to provide free tutoring services to local low-income students, 2018-present.

    99. Developed a program to provide meals for the homeless in the area, 2018-present.

    100. Hosted an event for local teachers to learn about military career opportunities, 2019.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity event, which raised $10,000 for a local children's hospital.

    Organized a blood drive that collected over 100 units of blood, helping to save hundreds of lives.

    Volunteered as a mentor for a local youth organization, helping to guide and support at-risk youth.

    Organized a community clean-up event, which helped to beautify the local area and improve the quality of life for residents.

    Assisted in the training of local emergency responders, helping to improve their ability to respond to emergencies and save lives.

    Volunteered at a local animal shelter, helping to care for and find homes for adoptable pets.

    Organized a toy drive, which provided Christmas presents for hundreds of underprivileged children.

    Volunteered at a local food bank, helping to distribute food and other essentials to those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity run, which raised $5,000 for a local veterans organization.

    Organized a disaster-relief effort, which provided assistance to those affected by a natural disaster.

    Participated in a charity cycling event, raising money for a local charity supporting cancer research.

    Assisted in the organization and execution of a community safety fair, educating community members on emergency preparedness and safety procedures.

    Led a team of airmen in volunteering at a homeless shelter, providing support and assistance to those in need.

    Organized a local sporting event, promoting healthy living and encouraging physical activity among community members.

    Organized a health fair, providing free health screenings and educating community members about healthy living.

    Participated in a community beautification project, helping to improve the appearance of the local area and boost morale.

    Volunteered at a local school, providing support and assistance to students and teachers.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a fundraising event, raising money for a local charity supporting children with disabilities.

    Assisted in a community outreach program, providing support and assistance to veterans and military families in the local area.

    Organized a donation drive for a local food pantry, providing food and other essentials for those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity golf tournament, raising money for a scholarship fund for disadvantaged youth.

    Volunteered at a local animal shelter, helping to find homes for adoptable animals.

    Organized a clothing drive, providing warm clothing and other essentials to those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in coordinating a fundraising event, raising money for a local homeless shelter.

    Assisted in organizing a car wash event, raising money for a local charity supporting cancer research.

    Organized a school supply drive, providing supplies to underprivileged children in the local area.

    Assisted in a community health education program, providing information to local residents about health and safety.

    Organized a volunteer event at a local soup kitchen, providing meals and other essentials to those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity auction, raising money for a local charity supporting children’s education.

    Participated in a community clean-up event, helping to beautify the local area and improve the quality of life for residents.

    Volunteered at a local library, helping to organize and provide resources to library patrons.

    Assisted in a community outreach program, providing education and resources to those in need.

    Organized a community picnic, providing an opportunity for local residents to come together and socialize.

    Volunteered at an animal rescue organization, helping to find homes for stray and abandoned pets.

    Organized a holiday food drive, providing food to those in need during the holidays.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity car show, raising money for a local charity supporting veterans.

    Volunteered at a local hospital, providing emotional and physical support to patients and families.

    Organized a backpack drive, providing backpacks filled with school supplies to underprivileged children.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a 5K run/walk, raising money for a local charity supporting children’s causes.

    Assisted in a local job fair, providing resources and assistance to those seeking employment.

    Organized a community recycling program, helping to promote environmental awareness and reduce waste.

    Led a team of airmen in volunteering at a soup kitchen, providing meals and other essentials to those in need.

    Participated in a community garden project, providing fresh produce to those in need in the local area.

    Organized a fundraising event for a local animal shelter, raising money to help care for and find homes for adoptable pets.

    Volunteered at a local homeless shelter, providing support and assistance to those in need.

    Organized a community block party, providing a safe environment for local residents to come together and socialize.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity concert, raising money for a local charity supporting children’s causes.

    Assisted in a local literacy program, providing literacy resources and support to those in need.

    Organized a donation drive for a local school, providing supplies and other essentials to students and teachers.

    Volunteered at a local senior center, providing support and assistance to elderly residents.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity baseball game, raising money for a local charity supporting homeless veterans.

    Assisted in a local mentoring program, providing guidance and support to at-risk youth.

    Organized a community art project, helping to promote creativity and artistic expression in the local area.

    Volunteered at a local animal shelter, helping to care for and find homes for adoptable pets.

    Organized a charity bike ride, raising money for a local charity supporting cancer research.

    Participated in a community outreach program, providing education and resources to those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity golf tournament, raising money for a local charity supporting breast cancer research.

    Assisted in a local job training program, providing resources and assistance to those seeking employment.

    Organized a donation drive for a local homeless shelter, providing food and other essentials to those in need.

    Volunteered at a local library, helping to organize and provide resources to library patrons.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity dinner, raising money for a local charity supporting underprivileged children.

    Assisted in a local disaster relief effort, providing assistance to those affected by a natural disaster.

    Organized a donation drive for a local animal shelter, providing food and other essentials to care for animals.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity golf tournament, raising money for a local charity supporting the environment.

    Volunteered at a local soup kitchen, helping to provide meals and other essentials to those in need.

    Organized a community clean-up event, helping to beautify the local area and improve the quality of life for residents.

    Assisted in a community outreach program, providing education and resources to those in need.

    Organized a toy drive, providing Christmas presents for hundreds of underprivileged children.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity dance, raising money for a local charity supporting women's rights.

    Participated in a charity cycling event, raising money for a local charity supporting mental health research.

    Assisted in the organization and execution of a community health fair, providing free health screenings and educating community members about healthy living.

    Volunteered at a local animal shelter, helping to find homes for adoptable animals.

    Organized a donation drive for a local food pantry, providing food and other essentials to those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity run, which raised $3,000 for a local veterans organization.

    Organized a school supply drive, providing supplies to underprivileged children in the local area.

    Volunteered at a local school, providing support and assistance to students and teachers.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity golf tournament, raising money for a scholarship fund for disadvantaged youth.

    Assisted in a community health education program, providing information to local residents about health and safety.

    Organized a clothing drive, providing warm clothing and other essentials to those in need.

    Organized a fundraising event for a local animal shelter, raising money to help care for and find homes for adoptable pets.

    Volunteered at a local homeless shelter, providing support and assistance to those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity auction, raising money for a local charity supporting children’s education.

    Participated in a community beautification project, helping to improve the appearance of the local area and boost morale.

    Organized a donation drive for a local library, providing resources to library patrons.

    Assisted in a local job fair, providing resources and assistance to those seeking employment.

    Organized a community recycling program, helping to promote environmental awareness and reduce waste.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a 5K run/walk, raising money for a local charity supporting children’s causes.

    Volunteered at a local hospital, providing emotional and physical support to patients and families.

    Organized a backpack drive, providing backpacks filled with school supplies to underprivileged children.

    Assisted in a local literacy program, providing literacy resources and support to those in need.

    Organized a community picnic, providing an opportunity for local residents to come together and socialize.

    Volunteered at an animal rescue organization, helping to find homes for stray and abandoned pets.

    Organized a holiday food drive, providing food to those in need during the holidays.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity car show, raising money for a local charity supporting veterans.

    Participated in a community garden project, providing fresh produce to those in need in the local area.

    Organized a community block party, providing a safe environment for local residents to come together and socialize.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity concert, raising money for a local charity supporting children’s causes.

    Assisted in a local job training program, providing resources and assistance to those seeking employment.

    Organized a health fair, providing free health screenings and educating community members about healthy living.

    Volunteered at a local senior center, providing support and assistance to elderly residents.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity baseball game, raising money for a local charity supporting homeless veterans.

    Assisted in a local mentoring program, providing guidance and support to at-risk youth.

    Organized a community art project, helping to promote creativity and artistic expression in the local area.

    Organized a blood drive that collected over 50 units of blood, helping to save lives.

    Volunteered as a mentor for a local youth organization, helping to guide and support at-risk youth.

    Assisted in the training of local emergency responders, helping to improve their ability to respond to emergencies and save lives.

    Organized a disaster-relief effort, which provided assistance to those affected by a natural disaster.

    Participated in a charity walk, raising money for a local charity supporting research for a rare disease.

    Led a team of airmen in volunteering at a homeless shelter, providing support and assistance to those in need.

    Organized a local sporting event, promoting healthy living and encouraging physical activity among community members.

    Volunteered at a local food bank, helping to distribute food and other essentials to those in need.

    Organized a donation drive for a local animal shelter, providing food and other essentials to care for animals.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity golf tournament, raising money for a local charity supporting the environment.

    Assisted in a community outreach program, providing education and resources to those in need.

    Organized a fundraising event for a local animal shelter, raising money to help care for and find homes for adoptable pets.

    Volunteered at a local soup kitchen, helping to provide meals and other essentials to those in need.

    Organized a community clean-up event, helping to beautify the local area and improve the quality of life for residents.

    Participated in a charity cycling event, raising money for a local charity supporting mental health research.

    Assisted in the organization and execution of a community health fair, providing free health screenings and educating community members about healthy living.

    Volunteered at a local animal shelter, helping to find homes for adoptable animals.

    Organized a donation drive for a local food pantry, providing food and other essentials to those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity dance, raising money for a local charity supporting women's rights.

  • EPR bullets, or Enlisted Performance Report bullets, are short, concise statements that summarize an airman's accomplishments and contributions to the Air Force. When writing EPR bullets, it is important to follow a specific format and structure to ensure they are clear and effective. Here are some tips on how to write EPR bullets:

    Use active voice: EPR bullets should be written in the active voice to clearly convey who performed the action and what was accomplished.

    Be specific: Use specific facts, figures, and dates to support the bullet and make it more compelling.

    Use action verbs: Use strong action verbs to describe the accomplishment, such as "managed," "led," "implemented," "executed," "trained," etc.

    Use quantitative measures: Use quantitative measures such as numbers, percentages, or dollar amounts to demonstrate the impact and significance of the accomplishment.

    Show impact and results: The key to a good EPR bullet is showing the impact and results of the accomplishment. Explain how the accomplishment improved mission readiness, saved time or money, or contributed to the unit's goals and objectives.

    Be concise: EPR bullets should be short and to the point. Use no more than two or three sentences to describe the accomplishment.


    Led a team of flight engineers in executing a complex aircraft maintenance plan, resulting in a 100% mission readiness rate for the quarter.

    Implemented a new pre-flight checklist procedure, increasing the efficiency of flight operations by 20% and reducing potential safety hazards.

    By following these tips, you can ensure that your EPR bullets are clear, concise, and effectively communicate the airman's accomplishments to the appropriate leadership.



    - Performs pre-flight/post-flight servicing operations and inspections; checks/verifies maintenance documentation

    - Coordinates fleet ground support equipment maintenance; inspects/tracks serviceability records

    - Inspects/evaluates aircraft systems, components, and safety equipment; recommends necessary maintenance/repairs

    - Performs aircraft component inspections; identifies discrepancies and takes corrective action in accordance with maintenance directives

    - Diagnoses and repairs aircraft systems and components; operates ground support equipment and test equipment

    - Develops and recommends modifications to improve aircraft performance; maintains aircraft systems and components

    - Ensures compliance with organizational and technical directives; reviews/modifies aircraft maintenance publications

    - Completes assigned maintenance tasks on time and to applicable standards; maintains current knowledge of aircraft systems

    - Performs on-the-job aircraft maintenance training; assists in the development of aircraft maintenance policies and procedures

    - Investigates flight control and airframe systems malfunctions; inspects and repairs aircraft components

    - Tests/aligns aircraft systems using approved test equipment; performs scheduled and unscheduled maintenance

    - Assists in the inspection and repair of aircraft engines; troubleshoots and repairs engine electrical systems

    - Carries out preventive maintenance tasks; inspects/tests aircraft components for proper functioning

    - Monitors and inspects aircraft flight control systems; repairs/replaces damaged components

    - Troubleshoots and repairs aircraft hydraulic systems; inspects/replaces aircraft airframe components as required


    - Adapted quickly to new environments; performed daily inspections on a/c after trans to new base--ensured 100% mission success

    - Adaptive to ever-changing MX taskings; completed a/c repair in record time--allowing the unit to deploy to next mission

    - Adeptly managed 8 personnel in tasking of 6 F-15s; completed 200 maintenance actions--ensuring airworthiness and safety

    - Adeptly managed 4 personnel in tasking of 5 A-10s; completed 145 maintenance actions--ensuring airworthiness and safety

    - Adeptly managed 6 personnel in tasking of 4 F-16s; completed 149 maintenance actions--ensuring airworthiness and safety

    - Adeptly managed 10 personnel in tasking of 9 C-130s; completed 234 maintenance actions--ensuring airworthiness and safety

    - Advised and supervised 10 personnel on a/c maintenance; ensured a/c were serviceable at all times--maintaining 100% mission success

    - Advised and supervised 8 personnel on a/c maintenance; ensured a/c were serviceable at all times--maintaining 95% mission success

    - Advised and supervised 6 personnel on a/c maintenance; ensured a/c were serviceable at all times--maintaining 90% mission success

    - Advice and supervision to 4 personnel on a/c maintenance; ensured a/c were serviceable at all times--maintaining 88% mission success

    - Analyzed structures and systems; identified potential issues during pre-flight inspections--ensuring safety and airworthiness

    - Analyzed and inspected exterior surfaces; identified potential issues during post-flight inspections--ensuring safety and airworthiness

    - Analyzed and inspected landing gear; identified potential issues during post-flight inspections--ensuring safety and airworthiness

    - Assisted with avionics repair on C-130; removed faulty component--ensured aircraft readiness for next sortie

    - Attained 20 certifications in avionics repair and maintenance--enabled shop to exceed 100% qualification rate

    - Achieved 99% accuracy in completing Post Flight Inspections--ensured aircraft was available for next mission

    - Applied specialized knowledge of hydraulic and fuel systems; resolved issue in under 30 minutes--contributed to faster turn-around times

    - Accomplished engine run and exhaust inspections; earned certifications to perform tasks usually reserved for NCOs

    - Acted as lead on HSC team; completed 203 carded items and 8 delayed discrepancies--enabled aircraft to return to service 24 hrs early

    - Accomplished 35 maintenance checks on F-16 fighter jet--maintained 100% pass rate on Quality Assurance evaluations

    - Aided in the repair of faulty engine component; replaced defective part in under 2 hours--contributed to faster turn-around times

    - Assisted in the removal of 8 actuators for duct repair; enabled successful G20 Summit with 45 flight hours and 4 sorties

    - Aided in the installation of two hydraulic pumps; completed the task in just 1.5 days--sustained critical limits

    - Attained specialized chaffing awareness training; completed 8 modules and 2 hrs instruction--enhanced aircraft troubleshooting skills

    - Earned 15 pax bus operation license; trained four additional personnel--increased sections deployment qualifications to 80%

    - Conducted radio modulator training; diligently trained 30 FP escorts--raised AOR qual rate from 70% to 100%

    - Identified bird strike on right wing during post-flight inspection; ensured aircraft availability for next sortie

    - Meticulously inspected C-130 FCC instruments; trained and evaluated 3 prospects on 60 tasks--checked and certified 2 new FCCs

    - Led night shift PAR team during February 2010 ORE; contributed to overall success--demonstrated leadership skills

    - Applied PIG MAT knowledge to 5-level CDC; achieved near perfect 99% average over 3 volumes--enhanced expertise

    - Demonstrated meticulous attention to detail; identified bird strike on right wing during post-flight inspection--ensured aircraft availability for next sortie

    - Hand-selected by unit commander to observe 1st AF AFOA inspection; provided expert guidance/insight

    - ADCC for acft A4125; re-qualified 155 pre-flight insps/3 TCTOs--bolstered 94% mx schedule effectiveness

    - Logistically coordinated equipment forward deployment to Afghanistan to support coalition air forces

    - Replaced faulty engine driven hydraulic pump during launch; enabled vital supply sortie without delay

    - Troubleshot cockpit voice recorder malf as DCC--saved acft; 248 Army paratroopers jump qualified

    - Advanced HG trainer; devoted 70+ hrs to cultivate skills/sharpen presentation--Wg Amn of Qtr, Jan-Apr 06

    - Trained four apprentices on 125+ tasks; reduced section's tng backlog; ensured timely 5-lvl upgrades

    - Identified/procured substitute parts; repaired critical assets--reduced average downtime by 9 days

    - Completed Course 14/5 blocks in less than 5 weeks; all tests scored below 85%--future SRE reqmnts met

    - Conducted 322 non-powered unit inspections; 115 discrepancies fixed--raised flight's serviceability by 35%

    - Aided 917th A-10 isochronal maintenance; led depanel and phase preparation--reduced aircraft downtime by 20%

    - Aided A/R specialist w/flt control mx; removed/repaired rudder in less than 7 hrs--beat ACC's standard

    - Aggressively pursued upgrade training; 100% qualified on core tasks within 8 mos--scored 82% on EOC exam

    - Aided jet shop w/60-hr eng insp; confirmed integrity of $2.5M sys--raised Mx Schd Effectiveness rate to 90%

    - Aided job exhausted hydr unit; finished landing gear strut re-pack in 14 hrs vs 18--drove 84% Sept '07 MC rate

    - Aided in 1500 hr fan blade insp--completed in 8 hrs--8 hrs ahead of schedule--Airman of the Month Nov 06

    - Pursued "red ball" maintenance; removed/replaced SIRU; saved vital SOUTHCOM intel msn

    - Assisted electrics technican troubleshoot/repair anti-skid failure during "red ball"--32 aircrew trng reqmnts met

    - Aided Guidance/Control w/ADI "red ball"--acquired parts/assisted installation--increased system knowledge

    - Organized summer Vacation Bible School Program for 40+ kids--groomed youth's spiritual values

    - Aided inspection section supervisor during manning shortage; enhanced job knowledge--promote immediately

    - Conducted 1500 hr fan blade insp--completed in 8 hrs--8 hrs ahead of schedule--Airman of the Month Nov 06

    - Certified for "red ball" maintenance; removed/replaced SIRU; saved vital SOUTHCOM intel msn

    - Assisted electrics technician troubleshoot/repair anti-skid failure during "red ball"--32 aircrew trng reqmnts met

    - Managed Guidance/Control w/ADI "red ball"--procured parts/assisted installation--increased system knowledge

    - Successfully organized summer Vacation Bible School Program for 40+ kids--groomed youth's spiritual values

    - Assisted w/aircraft B-inspection; identified/replaced faulty fuel pump--ensured squadron safety/mission success

    - Assisted w/infrared suppression panel completion; ensured aircrew safety--led to 100% sortie success rate

    - Assisted w/MTF mx; identified/replaced broken oil pump--saved crew 2 hrs/enabled mx to meet on-time deadline

    - Assisted w/propeller replacement--completed well under 4-hr std--actions key to squadron's 95% sortie success rate

    - Assisted w/troubleshooting electrical system issues; identified/repaired faulty wiring--returned a/c to service

    - Developed/coordinated aircrew trng on F-16 systems; boosted mission readiness/enabled 6 sorties/3 hrs/day

    - Enabled F-15E flight ops; replaced faulty pressurization valve--contributed to Wg's 89.4% sortie success rate

    - Ensured F-15E mission success; replaced faulty starter/engine--key to 93% sortie success rate/AMU's highest

    - Executed 4-level phase insp on F-15E; identified/repaired leaking fuel line--prevented major mx issue

    - Executed F-16 avionics/electrical systems maintenance; repaired faulty wiring--saved 3 hrs/enabled mission launch

    - Executed F-16 inlet/exhaust systems maintenance; replaced faulty fan/compressor--enabled mission launch on time

    - Executed F/A-18 avionics/electrical systems maintenance; identified/repaired broken harness--ensured safety

    - Executed maintenance on F-15E fuel system; identified/repaired broken hose--saved squadron 2 hrs/enabled launch

    - Facilitated F-16 avionics/electrical systems maintenance; replaced faulty circuit breaker--enabled mission launch

    - Facilitated F-16 hydraulic systems maintenance; identified/repaired broken line--saved squadron 2 hrs/enabled launch

    - Facilitated F/A-18 avionics/electrical systems maintenance; identified/repaired faulty wiring--enabled mission launch

    - Facilitated maintenance on F-15E fuel system; replaced faulty valve--saved squadron 2 hrs/enabled mission launch

    - Assisted Maintenance Controller; monitored "to-go" list & provided crew support--ensured all msns launched on-time

    - Assisted Maintenance Operations; launched/recovered 20 msns--contributed to 3rd Qtr "Excellent" rating

    - Assisted in 1.6K hrs of C-17 mx; facilitated 4 Wg/Gp msns--key to 3.2K hrs of mx completed in Oct 10

    - Assisted in "redball" F-16 engine start; enabled launch of two msns--aided SOF efforts in AOR

    - Assisted in 15 "redball" mx issues; rectified 8 mechanical discrepancies--prevented 5 ground aborts

    - Assisted in crisis repair of hydraulic system--enabled a/c launch/completion of 5 msns/saved 1.2K fuel costs

    - Assisted in flight line maintenance; installed 2.5K of wiring--reduced discrepancy rate to 2.5%

    - Assisted in left wing panel replacment; finished task in 18 hrs--enabled 5 msns to launch on-time

    - Assisted in mx prog & launch msn prep; analyzed & rewrote 15 tech orders--prevented 3 launch aborts

    - Assisted in post-flight check; identified & rectified two discrepancies--saved 5 hrs of mx time

    - Assisted in pre-flight check; identified & rectified 3 discrepancies--enabled 5 msns to launch on-time

    - Assisted in troubleshooting fuel system issue; identified & rectified 3 discrepancies--enabled 3 msns to launch

    - Assisted Mx Controllers; tracked & rectified discrepency list--enabled all msns to launch on-time

    - Assisted Senior Mx Controller; tracked & rectified discrepency list--enabled all msns to launch on-time

    - Assisted with 72K hrs of F-15 mx; completed 3K hrs of maintenance--key to 3.2K hrs of mx completed in Oct 10

    - Assisted with C-17 hydraulic system repair--enabled a/c launch/completion of 5 msns/saved 1.2K fuel costs

    - Assisted with F-15 maintenance; installed 2.5K of wiring--reduced discrepancy rate to 2.5%

    - Assisted with left wing panel replacment; finished task in 18 hrs--enabled 5 msns to launch on-time

    - Assisted with mx prog & launch msn prep; analyzed & rewrote 15 tech orders--prevented 3 launch aborts

    - Assisted with post-flight check; identified & rectified two discrepancies--saved 5 hrs of mx time

    - Assisted with pre-flight check; identified & rectified 3 discrepancies--enabled 5 msns to launch on-time

    - Assisted with troubleshooting fuel system issue; identified & rectified 3 discrepancies--enabled 3 msns to launch

    - Assisted sheet metal section; replaced skin panels on 4 F-15 acft--minimized airframe corrosion

    - Assisted structural techs replace PW-229 engine mount on F-15 acft--restored acft to mission capable

    - Assisted techs remove/replace engine starter on F-15 acft--returned acft to flying schedule on-time

    - Assisted technicians in removal/installation of engine generator on F-15 acft--ensured mission success

    - Assisted technicians troubleshoot/repair engine generator malfunction--prevented electrical system failure

    - Assisted technicians troubleshoot/repair fuel system component malfunction--returned four a/c to flying schedule

    - Assisted technicians troubleshoot/repair hydraulic system component malfunction--restored acft to mission capable

    - Assisted technicians troubleshoot/repair landing gear system--saved $33K in fuel consumption/avoided mission delay

    - Assisted with engine run; provided ground safety and fire coverage support--minimized manning shortage

    - Assisted with launch/recovery of nine aircraft; alleviated manning shortage--avoided mission disruption

    - Assisted with removal/installation of a/c engine components--returned acft to flying schedule on-time

    - Assisted with removal/installation of a/c hydraulic components--ensured mission success

    - Assisted with removal/installation of engine control system components--prevented potential IFE electrical failure

    - Assisted with removal/installation of F-15 engine components--ensured acft readiness for upcoming mission

    - Assisted with removal/installation of PW-229 engine mount on F-15 acft--returned acft to mission capable

    - Assisted with removal/installation of PW-229 engine mount on F-15 acft--returned acft to ready status

    - Assisted with removal/replacement of two generators--minimized potential IFE electrical system failure

    - Assisted with troubleshooting of emergency electrical system--ensured mission success/avoided mission disruption

    - Assisted with troubleshooting/repair of engine generator malfunction--returned four a/c to flying schedule on-time

    - Assisted propulsion techs troubleshoot/repair auxiliary power unit on A-10 acft--returned acft to ready status

    - Executed 22 corrosion inspections; identified/solved 4 corrosion issues in 1 shift--enabled 664 FMC rate

    - Executed comprehensive FOD walks; identified/cleaned up debris--contributed to 1,000+ sorties w/o FOD incident

    - Executed frequent inspections of hydraulic components; identified & replaced several worn out parts--improved acft safety

    - Executed pre-flight checks; identified/resolved several discrepancies--contributed to 94% MSE rate

    - Executed removal & repair of defective landing gear components--restored acft to serviceable status in <1 hr

    - Executed removal/replacement of 3 fuel tanks; completed task 2.5 hrs early--saved $2K in labor costs

    - Executed removal/replacement of fuel control unit; completed in 2.5 hrs--saved $1K in labor costs

    - Executed repairs/replacements of 3 APU components; restored acft to serviceable status--saved $3K in labor costs

    - Executed repairs/replacements of 8 critical avionics components--restored acft to "flyable" status in <2 hrs

    - Executed repairs/replacement of cockpit control panel--restored acft to "flyable" status in <1 hr

    - Executed repairs/replacement of landing gear components--restored acft to "flyable" status in <1.5 hrs

    - Executed repairs/replacements of multiple hydraulic components--restored acft to "flyable" status in <2 hrs

    - Executed troubleshooting on defective engine starters--restored acft to "flyable" status in <2 hrs

    - Executed troubleshooting on malfunctioning navigation systems--restored acft to "flyable" status in <2 hrs

    - Expertly managed 2-shift DEPOT level maintenance/repairs/servicing of 4 C-130E's--met all scheduled milestones

    - Expertly managed 3-shift maintenance/repairs/servicing of 3 C-130J's--met all scheduled milestones ahead of time

    - Expertly managed full-service maintenance/repairs/servicing of 2 C-130H's--met all scheduled milestones

    - Expertly managed complex maintenance/repairs/servicing of 8 C-17's--met all scheduled milestones ahead of time

    - Expertly managed complete maintenance/repairs/servicing of 11 KC-135's--met all scheduled milestones on time

    - Attended 2MSS safety briefings; stayed abreast of safety standrds/instilled safety culture in unit--zero mishaps

    - Attended 3-Day Lean Six Sigma Course; gained knowledge on quality improvement--enhanced AMU performance

    - Attended engine run-up class; qualified to perform engine run-ups--enabled timely acft mx/achieved 100% status

    - Attended FOD walk-downs; identified/removed FOD--ensured safe acft ops/contributed to "Ready Now" status

    - Attended Honeywell F-22 Engine course; improved troubleshooting efficiency--saved 2 hrs per engine mx

    - Attended Hydraulics Course; received 8 hrs of training/gained knowledge on hydraulic systems--enhanced troubleshooting ability

    - Attended Pre-flight Familiarization class; increased knowledge on pre-flight safety procedures--ensured safe acft ops

    - Attended Propulsion System Training; acquired knowledge on propulsion systems--improved troubleshooting capability

    - Corrected eqpt malfunctions; troubleshot/repaired 4 eqpt--ensured 100% acft readiness/saved $12K in parts

    - Corrected F-16 fuel line issues; replaced/repaired 3 fuel lines--prevented acft downtime/saved $7K in parts

    - Corrected HVAC issues; repaired faulty actuator/saved $4.2K in parts--ensured acft readiness/maintained 100% rate

    - Corrected mech & elec malfunctions; repaired/replaced 6 eqpt--prevented acft downtime/saved $6.5K in parts

    - Established 4-level maintenance program; upgraded acft mx/cut down operational downtime by 30%

    - Identified/corrected C-17 engine manifold issues; replaced/repaired 2 manifolds--prevented acft downtime/saved $7K

    - Inspected/tested acft systems; identified/corrected 8 malfunctions--ensured 100% acft readiness/prevented downtime

    - Performed A-10 fuel system troubleshooting; replaced/repaired 3 fuel lines--prevented acft downtime/saved $7K

    - Performed in-depth troubleshooting; identified/corrected 6 malfunctions--ensured 100% acft readiness/prevented downtime

    - Troubleshot avionics systems; ensured airworthiness of 10 acft/averted flying schedule shutdown--acft Code-1 next sortie

    - Certified engine specialist; repaired malfunctions/corrosion--restored powerplant to peak performance/avoided downtime

    - Committed to quality assurance; performed re-calibrations/inspections--ensured compliance/zero defects

    - Conscientious supervisor; managed/coordinated maintenance tasks--improved EWO completion rate 40%

    - Demonstrated safety expertise; maintained safety protocols/equipment--eliminated potential harm to personnel

    - Developed asset tracking system; designed/implemented online database--improved inventory accuracy/located parts

    - Diligent mechanical troubleshooter; identified/resolved discrepancies--restored acft to optimal condition/minimized NMC

    - Extensive knowledge of avionics; troubleshot/repaired faulty systems--prevented disruption of mission-critical ops

    - Focused on customer service; responded to requests in timely manner--ensured satisfaction/maintained positive relations

    - Final-checked maintenance records; performed meticulous review/proofread--corrected errors/led to accurate reporting

    - Generated multiple reports; collated/summarized data--produced/presented timely/accurate information to staff

    - Handled complex maintenance issues; identified/isolated root causes--resolved problems/restored acft to service

    - Implemented cost reduction initiative; identified/analyzed cost drivers--realized 20% savings in parts/supplies

    - Innovative approach to maintenance; developed/implemented new processes--increased NMC on acft/reduced costs

    - Knowledgeable on airframe/powerplant systems; inspected/adjusted components--ensured optimal performance/minimized risk

    - Managed aircraft parts stock; maintained/updated inventory records--ensured availability of parts/reduced downtime

    - Monitored daily operations; supervised personnel/reviewed activities--ensured compliance/adherence to regulations

    - Participated in system upgrades; removed/replaced/tested equipment--installed new avionics/navigation systems

    - Proactive aircraft maintenance technician; identified/reported discrepancies--facilitated safe/timely repair/prevented NMC

    - Quality-control specialist; conducted audits/inspections/tests--confirmed compliance/ensured acft safety/minimized risk


    - Completed C-130H flt line msn; achieved 590 maintenance/inspection actions--saved over $50K in cost avoidance

    - Conducted acft repair; reconditioned parts with advanced tech--reduced aircraft downtime by 40%

    - Coordinated with other sections; ensured acft launch on time--provided over 100 sorties/800 hrs of flight time

    - Developed mx plan; diagnosed/repaired F-15E acft--initiated over 1000 maintenance actions/saved $200K in cost

    - Ensured acft safety; coordinated with flt chief/inspector--averted critical safety/security issues/maintained operational readiness

    - Executed F-16C inspection; inspected 2 a/c sys--ensured 24 acft flt sched/met 300 hrs of msn/saved $317K in cost

    - Elevated AMXS mx proficiency; trained 5 Airmen on maintenance--enhanced squadron capabilities by 15%

    - Facilitated 3 F-22A maintenance checks--improved readiness rate/enabled deployment of acft/met msn objectives

    - Fulfilled acft maintenance sched; completed 15 checklists--ensured acft safety/supported taskings/saved $50K in cost

    - Generated 10 acft for mission--key to continuous bomber presence/mission success/saved $100K in cost

    - Implemented new procedures; replaced 5 airframe components--enabled acft to meet mission deadlines/saved $150K in cost

    - Improved flt line mx; serviced 7 F-15E engines--increased mission readiness/saved $75K in cost

    - Key player in flt line mx; maintained 8 acft--ensured mission success/saved $150K in cost

    - Managed acft component repairs; reconditioned components--reduced aircraft downtime/saved $125K in cost

    - Met acft mx needs; inspected/repaired 3 F-16C acft--averted critical safety/security issues/saved $175K in cost

    - Orchestrated acft recovery ops; repaired 4 C-130H acft--met mission objectives/saved $200K in cost

    - Performed mx sched; completed 10 checks/inspections--ensured acft safety/supported taskings/saved $100K in cost

    - Provided acft support; serviced 10 F-22A engines--increased mission readiness/saved $50K in cost

    - Qualified as C-17 acft mx lead; certified for 3 acft checks--provided support for 6 msns/saved $250K in cost

    - Repaired acft components; reconditioned parts with advanced tech--increased aircraft safety/saved $150K in cost

    - Established QA/QC processes for aircraft maintenance--ensured quality/precision of work

    - Streamlined/standardized aircraft maintenance record keeping--achieved 95% accuracy in data entry

    - Implemented preventive maintenance techniques to reduce defects/costs--saved 5K in repairs/year

    - Generated daily/weekly/monthly reports for aircraft maintenance--enabled improved visibility into operations

    - Coordinated/collaborated with aircraft maintenance teams to set goals/priorities--improved efficiency/effectiveness

    - Developed comprehensive protocols for aircraft maintenance--increased safety/compliance with regulations

    - Spearheaded aircraft maintenance training initiatives--developed skills/knowledge of technicians

    - Reconciled discrepancies in aircraft maintenance logs--resolved issues/minimized downtime

    - Optimized aircraft maintenance scheduling processes--ensured timely completion of repairs

    - Scheduled/coordinated aircraft maintenance with technicians/vendors--maintained high quality service

    - Conducted regular aircraft maintenance inspections/audits--ensured safety/regulatory compliance

    - Tracked/analyzed aircraft maintenance trends/data--provided insights to improve operations

    - Coordinated aircraft maintenance activities with operations/logistics teams--ensured smooth operations

    - Established vendor relationships for aircraft maintenance/services--achieved cost savings/greater efficiency

    - Evaluated/verified aircraft maintenance records/documentation--maintained accuracy of data

    - Monitored/managed aircraft maintenance budget--optimized spending/maximized cost savings

    - Formulated/executed aircraft maintenance plans--ensured readiness/smooth operations

    - Performed aircraft maintenance troubleshooting/repairs--resolved issues/maintained serviceability

    - Developed preventative maintenance strategies for aircraft--reduced costs/improved uptime

    - Analyzed/correlated aircraft maintenance records--generated timely/accurate reports/statistics

    - Assisted in the installation/removal of aircraft components--ensured proper maintenance/functionality


    - Considered critical resource; meticulously inspected/serviced 10 C-130H acft--ensured 96% mission capable rate

    - Combined expertise/leadership; directed mx of 20 acft in 24 hrs--saved $250K in overtime/contract costs

    - Coordinated fabrication of unique parts; sourced/installed 8 complex components--ensured 100% mission success

    - Consolidated acft dbases; reviewed/combined 4 distinct data sets--prompted 99.9% accuracy in reporting

    - Collaborated w/vendors/suppliers; worked w/inspectors/engineers--secured critical mx parts/services in record time

    - Cogent problem solver; analyzed/repaired faulty avionics sys--ensured 94% mission success rate

    - Committed to excellence; conducted in-depth mx inspections of 5 acft--resulted in 0 discrepancies

    - Crafted new mx process; outlined/implemented 4 stage plan--resulted in 96% mission success rate

    - Carried out vital repairs; troubleshot/repaired 3 defective comps--ensured 100% mission success rate

    - Constructed/tested 3 engines; fabricate/inspected/tested--success rate of 98% for mission-critical acft

    - Conferred w/mechanics; identified/resolved 10 mx issues--averted costly downtime for acft

    - Collaborated w/maintenance team; identified/resolved 21 discrepancies--ensured 94% mission success rate

    - Championed safety campaigns; conducted mx safety training/briefings--resulted in 0 safety incidents

    - Compiled mx records/logs; updated/maintained 10 acft--ensured 99% accuracy in reporting

    - Crafted mx strategies; identified/implemented 6 new mx protocols--resulted in 95% mission success rate

    - Crafted/implemented testing plans; tested/verified 6 acft components--ensured 100% mission success rate

    - Collaborated w/engineers; conducted/analyzed 6 test stand runs--resulted in 92% mission success rate

    - Contributed to acft inventory; identified/resolved 15 discrepancies--increased availability of acft by 8%

    - Captained weekly safety meetings; briefed/trained 30 mx personnel--resulted in 97% mission success rate

    - Composed mx reports; reviewed/submitted 18 mx records--ensured 100% accuracy in reporting

    - Diagnosed/repaired 8 C-130 fuel-leak issues; re-aligned 10 fuel control pgs--ensured acft readiness for '14 CDR

    - Directed 6 techs/2 mgrs; oversaw maintenance/repair of 5 acft--saved $35K/saved 18K hrs/ensured 2K sorties

    - Ensured '15 AMXS manning levels; coordinated mx/inspection of 11 acft/31 components--enabled 9K sorties

    - Executed 9.2K mx actions/inspections; achieved 100% pass rate on 4 PE's/3 QVI's--awarded Quality Award 9 Qtr '16

    - Fabricated 25 new cooling components; replaced 500 defective parts--ensured acft reliability/enabled 10K sorties

    - Installed 12 new avionics/engine components; verified proper functioning--ensured timely launch of 8 acft

    - Led 7 techs/2 mgrs; maintained/inspected 4 acft--saved $35K/saved 8K hrs/ensured 2K sorties

    - Liaised with 13 vendors; established 11 new repair contracts--enabled mx shop to expedite repairs/reduce downtime

    - Maintained/inspected 4 acft; ensured 0 AWP rate--awarded AFGSC Maintenance Excellence Awd '17

    - Managed 6 QA contractors; oversaw mx/inspection of 12 acft/21 components--ensured 9K sorties

    - Monitored/inspected 4 acft; directed 6 techs/2 mgrs--saved $35K/saved 8K hrs/ensured 2K sorties

    - Organized 12 mx/inspections; seized 100% pass rate on 4 PE's/3 QVI's--awarded Quality Award 10 Qtr '16

    - Performed 1.3K mx actions/inspections; seized 100% pass rate on 4 PE's/2 QVI's--awarded QA Honor Roll 5 Qtr '16

    - Performed 1.6K equipment dispatches for acft--performed 300 service inspections/20 maintenance actions

    - Reconditioned 5 C-130 engine components; initiated 5 fuel control pgs--ensured acft safety/enabled 10K sorties

    - Replaced 3.2K defective parts; verified proper functioning--ensured timely launch of 8 acft

    - Supervised 7 techs/2 mgrs; maintained/inspected 6 acft--saved $35K/saved 8K hrs/ensured 2K sorties

    - Trained 7 techs on 12 maintenance tasks; liaised w/5 agencies--jt base lauded ESOHCAMP inspection

    - Utilized HAZMAT pgm; co-built pgm & liaised w/5 agencies--jt base lauded ESOHCAMP insp

    - Completed 2.5K maintenance actions; enabled 10K+ combat sorties in support of OEF/OIF w/ zero downtime

    - Completed 5K maintenance actions; achieved 97% in-commission rate for 4 months; vital for mission success

    - Completed 1.2K maintenance actions; maintained critical acft availability--ensured successful mission completion

    - Completed 1K+ aircraft inspections; enabled acft to fly over 8K combat sorties in FY13 with zero downtime

    - Completed 2K maintenance actions; enabled 10K sorties/20K+ fly hrs; achieved 94% equipment in-commission rate

    - Completed 50 complex maintenance tasks; earned 100% quality assurance pass rate on eight inspections

    - Completed 400 maintenance/inspection actions; maintained acft availability--sustained 100% mission success rate

    - Completed 300+ maintenance actions ahead of schedule; earned section 97% in-commission rate; zero overdue inspections

    - Completed 52 scheduled maintenance tasks; achieved 98.3% mission success rate; zero overdue inspections

    - Completed 2.5K aircraft inspections/maintenance actions; enabled 10K+ combat sorties in support of OEF/OIF

    - Completed 4 college courses; obtained 9 hours for Avionics Technology degree--maintained 3.7 GPA/awarded CCAF

    - Completed 1.2K maintenance actions; achieved 98% in-commission rate for 4 months; enabled mission success

    - Completed 4K maintenance actions; enabled acft to fly over 10K combat sorties in FY13 with zero downtime

    - Completed 250 inspections; maintained critical acft availability--ensured successful mission completion rate of 99.9%

    - Completed 50 complex maintenance tasks; earned 100% quality assurance pass rate on eight inspections w/ zero discrepancies

    - Completed 2K+ maintenance actions; enabled 12K+ sorties/20K+ fly hrs; achieved 94% equipment in-commission rate

    - Completed 45 complex maintenance tasks; earned 100% quality assurance pass rate on eight inspections; zero discrepancies

    - Completed 60 critical equipment repairs; earned superb 100% quality assurance pass rate on eight inspections

    - Completed 3K maintenance/inspection actions; maintained acft availability--sustained 100% mission success rate

    - Completed 35 maintenance tasks ahead of schedule; efforts directly contributed to sections 97% in-commission rate

    - Completed 7-level CDCs/cert'd 80% UGT <6 mos; achieved 97% on end-of-crs score--Sq capes upped by 19%

    - Completed 950 seamless equipment dispatches/over 250 service inspections as 336 FS AGE dedicated driver

    - Completed 8K equipment dispatches/650+ service inspections; directly supported 5K sorties--zero mishaps

    - Completed 1,030 maintenance tasks during extended OEF/OIF, utilized 62% manning--enhanced availability 13%

    - Completed 110 pre-flight insps; dispatched 312 combat msns--sustained unit's 89% deployed MC rate/10% > std

    - Completed all 5-level core tasks in 11 months--scored 97% on end-of-course exam--10% above ACC standard

    - Completed CCAF Associates Degree in Acft Mx Technology; increased technical knowledge--maintained 3.67 GPA

    - Successfully completed 10-level upgrade task training reqs 6 months ahead of schedule--set standards for peers to follow

    - Completed 8-level CDCs/cert'd 90% UGT <6 mos; achieved 99% on end-of-crs score--Sq capes upped by 25%

    - Completed 1,250 seamless equipment dispatches/over 350 service inspections as 336 FS AGE dedicated driver

    - Completed 10K equipment dispatches/850+ service inspections; directly supported 6K sorties--zero mishaps

    - Completed 1,330 maintenance tasks during extended OEF/OIF, utilized 67% manning--enhanced availability 18%

    - Completed 125 pre-flight insps; dispatched 377 combat msns--sustained unit's 94% deployed MC rate/13% > std

    - Completed all 5-level core tasks in 12 months--scored 99% on end-of-course exam--14% above ACC standard

    - Completed CCAF Associates Degree in Acft Mx Technology; increased technical knowledge--maintained 3.94 GPA

    - Completed 10-level upgrade task training reqs 8 months ahead of schedule--set standards for peers to follow

    - Completed 9-level CDCs/cert'd 100% UGT <6 mos; achieved 100% on end-of-crs score--Sq capes upped by 32%

    - Completed 1,450 seamless equipment dispatches/over 450 service inspections as 336 FS AGE dedicated driver

    - Completed 12K equipment dispatches/1,050+ service inspections; directly supported 7K sorties--zero mishaps

    - Completed 1,530 maintenance tasks during extended OEF/OIF, utilized 72% manning--enhanced availability 23%

    - Completed 140 pre-flight insps; dispatched 442 combat msns--sustained unit's 99% deployed MC rate/16% > std

    - Completed overhaul of actuator assembly; achieved 95% efficiency rate--saved AF $75K in replacement costs

    - Completed troubleshooting of AGE test station; identified faulty components and replaced--increased acft readiness by 10%

    - Completed maintenance on three F-22's; ensured aircrafts were mission ready--ensured safety of all personnel

    - Completed maintenance on three F-16's; ensured all aircrafts met T.O. standards--ensured safe & timely operations

    - Conducted 20 monthly acft inspections; identified/repaired discrepancies--enabled 8 acft to meet mission ready status

    - Conducted BX Task Training; certified in 10 complex acft maintenance tasks--improved MXG readiness by 20%

    - Conducted seven root cause analysis; identified/repaired 30 discrepancies--increased acft reliability by 15%

    - Executed maintenance on hydraulic systems; repaired/replaced faulty components--saved AF $45K in replacement costs

    - Executed maintenance on APU systems; restored system to serviceable status--ensured acft maintained mission ready status

    - Facilitated maintenance on four F-35s; ensured all aircrafts met T.O. standards--ensured safe & timely operations

    - Implemented new SOPs for inventory control; automated tracking system--reduced shop discrepancies by 15%

    - Maintained/repaired electrical systems; replaced faulty components--saved AF $75K in replacement costs

    - Performed maintenance on four F-15s; ensured all aircrafts met T.O. standards--ensured safe & timely operations

    - Repaired/replaced over 20 components from acft structure; ensured structural integrity--increased acft readiness by 10%

    - Completed two avionics trouble-shooting & repair classes; improved troubleshooting techniques--saved 50 man-hours

    - Performed troubleshooting and repair of multiple avionics systems; saved 300 man hours in mx

    - Performed two Aircraft Corrosion Control inspections; detected/repaired corrosion--saved 1.5K man hours

    - Performed one Airworthiness Release inspection; ensured zero discrepancies on return to flight status

    - Performed one Egress inspection; identified/repaired four discrepancies--ensured safety of crew

    - Performed one Ground Safety inspection; identified and corrected three discrepancies--ensured safety of personnel

    - Performed one emergency power supply inspection; identified and corrected two discrepancies--prevented emergency

    - Assisted in two phase maintenance inspections; identified and corrected two discrepancies--saved 50 man-hours

    - Assisted in two phase maintenance inspections; identified and corrected two discrepancies--saved 50 man-hours

    - Assisted in two Unscheduled Maintenance inspections; identified and corrected two discrepancies--saved 50 man-hours

    - Performed monthly maintenance on hydraulic systems; identified and corrected two discrepancies--saved 50 man-hours

    - Assisted in two pre-flight inspections; identified and corrected two discrepancies--saved 50 man-hours

    - Completed three out of phase inspections; identified and corrected two discrepancies--saved 50 man-hours

    - Contributed to USD/F-35 JDAM/RECCE mission--instrumental in successful launch of 107 GBU-12s/FW's 1st F-35 JDAM rls

    - Documented 22 supply requests; expedited delivery of critical parts--ensured on-time completion of QA'd tasks

    - Executed 300+ hrs of acft Mx ops; accomplished w/o any discrepancies--ensured acft readiness/deployment capability

    - Executed multiple acft major insps; identified/corrected 20 discrepancies--enabled 95% mission-capable rate

    - Executed preflight/post-flight inspections; identified/corrected 25 discrepancies--ensured acft readiness

    - Facilitated acft Mx ops; provided guidance to 15 personnel--ensured successful completion of assigned tasks

    - Finalized 1,000+ hrs of acft Mx operations; tasks completed in 8 of 12 hrs--set shop benchmark

    - Guided six personnel thru acft Mx ops; uncovered/corrected 25 discrepancies--ensured acft readiness

    - Identified/corrected 20 discrepancies during acft Mx ops--ensured acft readiness/deployment capability

    - Inspected acft components; conducted 100+ man hrs of Mx ops--ensured successful completion of assigned tasks

    - Led eight personnel in acft Mx ops; identified/corrected 11 discrepancies--enabled 95% mission-capable rate

    - Logged 100+ hrs of acft Mx ops; identified/corrected 20 discrepancies--ensured acft readiness/deployment capability

    - Diagnosed/repaired faulty LOX pressure valve--avoided acft swap/mission delay--completed on time

    - Completed 10 phase inspections; seven aircraft sold back FMC--key to 3 BW generating 268 sorties FY10

    - Coordinated 11 phase inspections on 6 aircraft; sold back FMC--key to 3 BW generating 268 sorties FY10

    - Documented 13 phase inspections on 8 aircraft; sold back FMC--key to 3 BW generating 268 sorties FY10

    - Developed and implemented Aircraft Maintenance Scheduling System; improved turnaround time by 15%

    - Developed and implemented Isochronal Inspection; reduced unscheduled maintenance by 30%

    - Executed 15 aircraft phase inspections; performed tear down and rebuild of six aircrafts

    - Executed 15 aircraft phase inspections; performed tear down and rebuild of six aircrafts--saved $400K in labor

    - Executed 25 aircraft phase inspections; repaired/replaced over 100 parts--reduced maintenance costs by $20K

    - Executed 30 aircraft phase inspections; reviewed blueprints/technical data--identified and corrected discrepancies

    - Executed 35 aircraft phase inspections; inspected and tested all components--ensured all aircrafts were mission ready

    - Implemented maintenance tracking system for LOX pressure valve; ensured timely repair/replacement--saved $5K

    - Identified and repaired faulty airspeed indicator; provided accurate speed readings--ensured mission success

    - Installed/repaired autopilot systems; enabled aircraft to fly with minimal crew intervention--saved $4K in labor

    - Maintained, repaired and replaced aircraft panels; enabled aircraft to remain airworthy--saved $2K in parts

    - Promoted to Flight Line Supervisor; ensured all aircrafts were mission ready--completed 70 F/L checks in FY10

    - Re-engined five aircrafts; replaced engines and parts--ensured mission success and saved $3K in labor

    - Repaired and replaced components in C-17 aircraft; ensured aircrafts were mission ready--saved $1.5K in parts

    - Researched and developed aircrafts maintenance manuals; promoted standardized maintenance procedures

    - Serviced and replaced engine parts; ensured aircrafts were mission ready--saved $500 in labor

    - Serviced and repaired aircrafts fuel system; ensured aircrafts were mission ready and saved $2K in parts

    - Supported five aircraft deployments; inspected/repaired/replaced components--ensured mission success

    - Troubleshot and repaired faulty components; identified and corrected discrepancies--ensured mission success

    - Coord'd w/contractors; replaced 10 AGE components--reduced non-mission capable rate by 8%

    - Develop'd mx scheds for 3 F-15s; tracked/monitored/updated/reported--ensured mx compliance/readiness

    - Executed mx repairs/modifications on 2 F-16s; installed 5 new pneumatic components--ensured mx readiness

    - Led 10-mbr mx tm; replaced/repaired 10 AGE components--ensured msn capable rate by 20%

    - Managed/executed repairs/modifications of 4 F-22s; replaced 3 AGE components--ensured mx readiness

    - Maintained/repaired/modified 5 F-15s; replaced 2 hydraulic components--ensured msn capable rate by 100%

    - Prepared 5 F-16s for deployment; replaced/repaired 3 AGE components--ensured mx readiness for deployment

    - Reconfigured/repaired/modified 3 F-22s; installed 5 new pneumatic components--ensured mx readiness

    - Researched/analyzed/documented 20+ mx issues; identified/corrected faults in 3 F-15s--ensured msn capable rate by 10%

    - Supervised/directed/coordinated 12 mbr mx tm; rehabilitated 5 AGE components--ensured mx compliance/readiness

    - Troubleshot/inspected/repaired 5 F-16s; replaced 4 electrical components--ensured msn capable rate by 25%

    - Updated/maintained/analyzed/reported 5 F-15s; replaced/repaired 10 AGE components--ensured mx compliance/readiness

    - Conducted performance/safety inspections on 6 F-16s; identified/corrected faults in 4 F-22s--ensured msn capable rate by 15%

    - Inspected/repaired/maintained/modified 8 F-15s; replaced 5 hydraulic components--ensured msn capable rate by 50%

    - Led 5-mbr mx tm; replaced/repaired 15 AGE components--ensured mx compliance/readiness

    - Developed/reviewed/approved/managed 4 mx scheds; tracked/monitored/updated/reported--ensured mx compliance/readiness

    - Oversaw/coordinated/supervised 10 mx tm; rehabilitated 10 AGE components--ensured mx compliance/readiness

    - Prepared/updated/maintained/analyzed/reported 15 F-16s; replaced/repaired 3 AGE components--ensured mx compliance/readiness

    - Prepared/updated/maintained/analyzed/reported 15 F-22s; replaced/repaired 5 AGE components--ensured mx compliance/readiness

    - Researched/analyzed/documented 10+ mx issues; identified/corrected faults in 7 F-15s--ensured msn capable rate by 20%

    - Conducted performance/safety inspections on 8 F-22s; identified/corrected faults in 10 F-16s--ensured msn capable rate by 35%

    - Cross-utilized personnel; identified hydraulic leak--isolated faulty component; averted system failure

    - Cut thru-put time on avionics repair; increased efficiency by 20%--saved $60K in parts/labor costs

    - Diagnosed malfunction of C-130H AFM; liaised w/engineer to install APU--enabled mx/flight ops w/o delays

    - Diagnosed stagnant FOD on F-15E intake; cleared in fifteen min--enabled sortie on time/saved $10K in downtime

    - Executed C-17A preflight mx checks; identified faulty avionics--saved $15K in unnecessary purchases

    - Executed ten F-16C engine malfunctions; rectified issue--ensured safe flight/saved $20K in mx costs

    - Extracted faulty component from C-17A fuel line; replaced w/new--eliminated potential fire hazard

    - Fabricated parts and components; replaced seized turbine gearbox--averted system failure/saved $20K

    - Fabricated two C-130H oil filter assemblies; surpassed mx std--saved $18K in labor/parts costs

    - Inspected APUs on 11 C-130Hs; zero discrepancies--ensured combat ready/saved $20K in mx costs

    - Inspected C-17A tail component; replaced faulty component--guaranteed mx/flight ops w/o delays

    - Installed new main landing gear brake assembly on F-15E; replaced faulty component--ensured safe flight

    - Interfaced w/contractor to modify C-17A avionics; saved $35K in costly purchases--ensured mx/flight ops

    - Inspected C-130H fuselage panel; replaced faulty component--averted system failure/saved $30K in mx costs

    - Liaised with engineers to repair F-16C fuel system--rectified issue/enabled sortie on time/saved $20K

    - Managed C-5B avionics repair; surpassed repair std--saved $15K in parts/labor costs

    - Modified C-17A fuel line; replaced faulty component--guaranteed mx/flight ops w/o delays

    - Operated C-130H mx checks; identified faulty avionics--saved $15K in unnecessary purchases

    - Overhauled F-15E fuel system; replaced faulty component--enabled sortie on time/saved $20K in mx costs

    - Performed C-17A preflight mx checks; identified faulty avionics--saved $15K in unnecessary purchases

    - Performed preflight mx checks on 11 C-130Hs; zero discrepancies--ensured combat ready/saved $20K in mx costs

    - Prepared C-130H for deployment; outfitted w/assets--ensured mx/flight ops w/o delay/saved $25K in downtime

    - Rebuilt leaking APU on F-16C; salvaged sortie/saved $20K in mx costs--ensured safe flight

    - Rebuilt faulty engine on C-5B; surpassed repair std--saved $15K in parts/labor costs

    - Reconditioned C-17A avionics; surpassed repair std--saved $15K in parts/labor costs

    - Replaced faulty component in F-15E fuel system--rectified issue/enabled sortie on time/saved $20K in mx costs

    - Replaced faulty component in C-130H cargo compartment--averted system failure/saved $30K in mx costs

    - Repaired cracked turbine engine combustion can liner assembly; saved $165K in replacement cost

    - Repaired F-16C hydraulic system; replaced faulty component--enabled sortie on time/saved $20K in mx costs

    - Tested APUs on 11 C-130Hs; zero discrepancies--ensured combat ready/saved $20K in mx costs

    - Updated tool management sys; simplified user proficiency/accountability--created TC MAX training outline

    - Utilized C-17A fuel line; replaced faulty component--guaranteed mx/flight ops w/o delays

    - Validated B-2s; secured acft and crew--zero damaged assets--coordinated resources for weather evacuation

    - Certified as jet fuel specialist; ensured quality control of >6K gal/day--contributed to 8.5K+ flight hrs/2.3K sorties FY09

    - Certified for A/R mx tasks; reduced shop's time-to-repair by 12%--promptly returned acft to 100% mission capable rate

    - Contributed to hi-tech troubleshooting of acft engine--restored >$120M asset to service in <24 hrs

    - Conducted post-flight inspections on >50 acft--ensured >50% of acft returned to service w/o further mx needed

    - Coordinated acft mx w/ A/R team; completed >3.2K hrs maintenance/inspections--saved >$1.2M in acft downtime

    - Coordinated w/ A/R mx team; completed >2.5K hrs maintenance/inspections--on-time delivery of >$25M aircraft

    - Developed innovative shop mx procedures; improved productivity by 36%--contributed to fleet's >95% mission capable rate

    - Developed/implemented mx/inspection plan--ensured >2.3K sorties/ >4.5K hrs of flight time FY10

    - Developed >4K hrs mx/inspection plan; improved acft readiness by >21%--contributed to >5.7K sorties/ >10K hrs flight time

    - Diagnosed/repaired >3K hrs of mx-related issues--returned >50 acft to service w/o further mx needed

    - Dissembled/re-assembled >10 acft components; reduced shop downtime by >45%--contributed to >3.2K sorties/ >6.4K hrs flight time

    - Established mx/inspection protocols; improved acft readiness by >25%--ensured >2.7K sorties/ >5.2K hrs flight time

    - Ensured accuracy of >1K hrs mx/inspection documents--promptly returned >50 acft to service w/o further mx needed

    - Executed >3K hrs of acft maintenance--ensured >2.3K sorties/ >4.5K hrs of flight time FY10

    - Expedited emergency mx/inspections on >50 acft--returned >$40M asset to service in <24 hrs

    - Facilitated mx/inspection of >10 acft--contributed to >3.2K sorties/ >6.4K hrs flight time FY10

    - Identified/diagnosed source of engine failure; restored >$100M asset to service in <24 hrs

    - Led mx/inspection team; completed >2.3K hrs maintenance/inspections--returned >50 acft to service w/o further mx needed

    - Mentored >4 Airmen; increased acft mx efficiency by >30%--contributed to >5.7K sorties/ >10K hrs flight time

    - Performed mx of >5K hrs on >30 acft--ensured >2.7K sorties/ >5.2K hrs flight time FY10

    - Re-constructed >2K hrs mx/inspection documents--promptly returned >50 acft to service w/o further mx needed

    - Redesigned mx/inspection plan; improved acft readiness by >28%--contributed to >3.2K sorties/ >6.4K hrs flight time

    - Streamlined mx/inspection protocols; improved productivity by >45%--ensured >2.7K sorties/ >5.2K hrs flight time

    - Supervised >3K hrs of acft maintenance--ensured >2.3K sorties/ >4.5K hrs of flight time FY10

    - Trained >10 Airmen on mx/inspection tasks; increased acft mx efficiency by >40%--contributed to >5.7K sorties/ >10K hrs flight time

    - Troubleshot >3K hrs of mx-related issues--returned >50 acft to service w/o further mx needed

    - Updated >4K hrs mx/inspection records--promptly returned >50 acft to service w/o further mx needed

    - Validated mx/inspection documents; improved acft readiness by >23%--contributed to >2.7K sorties/ >5.2K hrs flight time

    - Verified >2K hrs of mx/inspection data--ensured >2.3K sorties/ >4.5K hrs of flight time FY10

    - Worked on >3K hrs of acft maintenance--contributed to >3.2K sorties/ >6.4K hrs flight time FY10

    - Completed all req'd 7-level core tasks two mos ahead of schedule--increased unit productivity

    - Completed all req'd 7-level core tasks in record time--incrs'd unit's 7-level CAF std by 30%

    - Completed all req'd 7-level core tasks/CDCs/AFI's ahead of 7-week schedule--incrs'd unit's 7-level capes 20%

    - Completed all req'd 7-level core tasks/CDCs/AFI's in record time--incrs'd unit's 7-level CAF std by 35%

    - Demonstrated exceptional ability; completed difficult/complex maintenance/repairs--saved unit $50K

    - Demonstrated exceptional knowledge; identified/resolved complex maintenance issues--saved unit $25K

    - Demonstrated expertise; completed complex repairs/maint on acft 30% faster than std--saved unit $10K

    - Demonstrated technical proficiency; completed complex repairs/maint on acft 50% faster than std--saved unit $15K

    - Demonstrated technical skill & ability; completed acft maintenance tasks 20% faster than std--saved unit $20K

    - Demonstrated technical ability; developed new maintenance protocols 10% faster than std--saved unit $30K

    - Developed and implemented effective maintenance procedures; achieved 95% FMC--exceeded unit's 80% CAF std

    - Developed and implemented effective maintenance and repair standards; achieved 97% FMC--exceeded unit's 85% CAF std

    - Demonstrated expertise; troubleshot and repaired complex malfunctions--saved unit $35K

    - Demonstrated expertise; identified/resolved multiple acft maintenance problems--saved unit $45K

    - Demonstrated expertise; identified/resolved complex maintenance issues--saved unit $55K

    - Demonstrated technical skill; completed acft maintenance tasks 25% faster than std--saved unit $10K

    - Demonstrated technical skill; completed acft maintenance tasks 30% faster than std--saved unit $15K

    - Demonstrated technical proficiency; identified/resolved complex maintenance issues--saved unit $20K

    - Demonstrated technical proficiency; identified/resolved multiple acft maintenance problems--saved unit $25K

    - Demonstrated technical expertise; identified and repaired complex malfunctions--saved unit $30K

    - Demonstrated technical expertise; developed new maintenance protocols 20% faster than std--saved unit $40K

    - Demonstrated technical expertise; developed new maintenance protocols 25% faster than std--saved unit $45K

    - Demonstrated technical skill & ability; developed and implemented effective maintenance procedures--saved unit $50K

    - Demonstrated technical skill & ability; developed and implemented effective maintenance and repair standards--saved unit $55K

    - Demonstrated technical proficiency; developed and implemented effective maintenance procedures--saved unit $60K

    - Demonstrated technical proficiency; developed and implemented effective maintenance and repair standards--saved unit $65K

    - Demonstrated technical expertise; troubleshot and repaired complex malfunctions--saved unit $70K

    - Demonstrated technical expertise; identified/resolved multiple acft maintenance problems--saved unit $75K

    - Demonstrated technical ability; completed difficult/complex maintenance/repairs--saved unit $80K

    - Demonstrated technical ability; identified and repaired complex malfunctions--saved unit $85K

    - Demonstrated technical skill; completed acft maintenance tasks 40% faster than std--saved unit $20K

    - Demonstrated technical skill; completed acft maintenance tasks 45% faster than std--saved unit $25K

    - Deployed to Al Dhafra AB, UAE; orchestrated mx spt of 4K cmbt flt hrs/zero msn delays--led to 6.5K ISIL targets destroyed

    - Deployed TDY to Al Udeid AB, Qatar; enabled 36 live-fire sorties--vital to $4.1M muns dropped/100% release rate

    - Deployed to Al Udeid AB, Qatar; enabled 180 combat msns/1,798 flt hrs in support of OIF/OEF--ensured aircraft readiness

    - Deployed to Al Udeid AB, Qatar; completed 1K maintenance inspections/3K flight line deliveries--supported 88 diverse airframes

    - Deployed for WSEP 13-1; provided needed mx spt for 24 pilots/6K cmbt flt hrs--enabled 138 GBUs/105 rockets/29K rnds

    - Deployed for 105 days; enabled 100% accountability of 41 assets/61.5M worth--replaced/shipped/received 2 eng's

    - Deployed to Al Dhafra AB, UAE; maintained 216 ATO's/2.7K cmbt flt hrs--ensured zero msn delays f/USCENTCOM msns

    - Deployed to Al Udeid AB, Qatar; enabled 8 trng msns/24 pilots upgraded--expended 138 GBUs/105 rockets/29K rnds

    - Deployed to Al Udeid AB, Qatar; conducted 7 IFEs/cleared rwy in <30 mins--enabled zero delays f/USCENTCOM msns

    - Deployed to Al Udeid AB, Qatar; completed 2K inspections/3K flight line deliveries--supported 88 diverse airframes

    - Deployed for WSEP 13-1; enabled 10 trng msns/24 pilots upgraded--expended 138 GBUs/105 rockets/29K rnds

    - Deployed for OIF/OEF; enabled 100% accountability of 141 assets/61.5M worth--replaced/shipped/received 2 eng's

    - Deployed to Al Udeid AB, Qatar; completed 1K maintenance inspections/3K flight line deliveries--supported 88 diverse airframes

    - Deployed for WSEP 13-1; enabled 36 live-fire sorties--vital to $4.1M muns dropped/100% release rate

    - Deployed to Al Udeid AB, Qatar; enabled 166 combat msns/1,798 flt hrs in support of OIF/OEF--ensured aircraft readiness

    - Deployed for WSEP 13-1; provided needed mx spt for 24 pilots/6K cmbt flt hrs--enabled 138 GBUs/105 rockets/29K rnds

    - Deployed for OIF/OEF; enabled 100% accountability of 41 assets/61.5M worth--replaced/shipped/received 2 eng's

    - Deployed to Al Dhafra AB, UAE; maintained 216 ATO's/2.7K cmbt flt hrs--ensured zero msn delays f/USCENTCOM msns

    - Deployed to Al Udeid AB, Qatar; conducted 7 IFEs/cleared rwy in <30 mins--enabled zero delays f/USCENTCOM msns

    - Demonstrated core values; exceptional knowledge, skill, ability; safety minded; 0 tech data violations, 0 DSV's

    - Demonstrated precise TO compliance; 9/9 QA evaluations/zero defects--reinforced 98% pass rate 1st quarter of FY15

    - Executed F100 mx spt; inspected/maintained 86 assets/1.9M worth--enabled 5K cmbt flt hrs/zero mx-induced delays

    - Executed 7K mx hrs/87 mx events; completed 4K inspections--enabled 100% mission readiness for 4K sorties

    - Deployed OIF/OEF; completed 1K inspections and 3K flight line deliveries--supported 88 diverse airframes

    - Executed F100 mx spt; inspected/maintained 86 assets/1.9M worth--enabled 5K cmbt flt hrs/zero mx-induced delays

    - Deployed eng mngr/tracked 41 assets worth $61.5M; replaced/shipped/received 2 eng's--ensured 100% accountability

    - Executed F100 mx spt; inspected/maintained 86 assets/1.9M worth--enabled 5K cmbt flt hrs/zero mx-induced delays

    - Deployed OIF/OEF; completed 2K inspections and 3K flight line deliveries--supported 88 diverse airframes

    - Performed 7K mx hrs/87 mx events; completed 4K inspections--enabled 100% mission readiness for 4K sorties

    - Executed 7K mx hrs/87 mx events; completed 4K inspections--enabled 100% mission readiness for 4K sorties

    - Deployed OEF/OIF; completed 2K inspections and 3K flight line deliveries--enabled 100% mission readiness for 4K sorties

    - Deployed OEF/OIF; completed 1K inspections and 3K flight line deliveries--supported 88 diverse airframes

    - Demonstrated precise TO compliance; 9/9 QA evaluations/zero defects--enabled 1st quarter of FY15 98% pass rate

    - Deployed OIF/OEF; completed 2K inspections and 3K flight line deliveries--ensured 100% mission readiness for 4K sorties

    - Deployed mx asset; performed four stab trim bump checks/ensured aircraft crew ready--enabled on-time msn's

    - Deployed Ex WIC 12B; enabled 66 trng msns/24 pilots upgraded--expended 138 GBUs/105 rockets/29K rnds

    - Executed 7K mx hrs/87 mx events; completed 4K inspections--reinforced 100% mission readiness for 4K sorties

    - Deployed to Qatar AB; maintained acft avionics/engines--performed 100+ mx actions/20K dispatches

    - Deployed to OEF/OIF; performed 10K maintenance actions--ensured acft ready for combat ops/flts

    - Deployed to OEF/OIF; performed 2K maintenance actions--ensured 10 coalition airframes ready for ops

    - Deployed to OEF/OIF; managed maintenance/logistics--completed 4K successful acft inspections/2K dispatches

    - Deployed to OEF/OIF; launched 230 sorties in 7K hrs--maintaining acft with highest level of accuracy

    - Deployed to Nellis AFB; conducted 143 acft inspection/maintenance actions--ensured 100% mission success

    - Deployed to Qatar AB; conducted 20 acft engine inspections--performed 5K maintenance actions/100K dispatches

    - Deployed to Qatar AB; completed 4K maintenance inspections/200K dispatches--ensured mission success

    - Deployed to OEF/OIF; led mx team of 19--performed 122 acft inspections/maintenance actions/15K dispatches

    - Deployed to Qatar; managed mx of 22 acft--completed 5K maintenance actions/50K dispatches on time

    - Deployed to OEF/OIF; managed 10 acft msns--performed 25K maintenance actions/15K dispatches

    - Deployed to Qatar; managed mx of 8 acft--completed 5K maintenance actions/25K dispatches on schedule

    - Deployed to site; conducted 8K maintenance actions--ensured acft ready for combat ops/flts with 100% success

    - Deployed to OEF/OIF; completed 3K maintenance actions--ensured 9 coalition airframes ready for ops

    - Deployed to Qatar AB; conducted 10 acft avionics inspections--performed 10K maintenance actions/100K dispatches

    - Deployed to Qatar; completed 4K maintenance inspections/200K dispatches--ensured acft mission success

    - Deployed to OEF/OIF; led mx team of 25--performed 142 acft inspections/maintenance actions/20K dispatches

    - Deployed to Nellis AFB; conducted 160 acft inspection/maintenance actions--ensured 100% mission success

    - Deployed to Qatar AB; managed 10 acft msns--performed 30K maintenance actions/20K dispatches

    - Deployed to OEF/OIF; managed 15 acft msns--performed 35K maintenance actions/25K dispatches

    - Deployed to Qatar AB; conducted 20 acft avionics inspections--performed 15K maintenance actions/150K dispatches

    - Deployed to Qatar; managed mx of 10 acft--completed 6K maintenance actions/30K dispatches on time

    - Deployed to site; conducted 10K maintenance actions--ensured acft ready for combat ops/flts with 100% success

    - Deployed to Qatar AB; conducted 25 acft engine inspections--performed 7K maintenance actions/125K dispatches

    - Deployed to Qatar; completed 5K maintenance inspections/250K dispatches--ensured acft mission success

    - Deployed to OEF/OIF; led mx team of 30--performed 172 acft inspections/maintenance actions/25K dispatches

    - Deployed to OEF/OIF; completed 4K maintenance actions--ensured 12 coalition airframes ready for ops

    - Deployed to Qatar; managed mx of 15 acft--completed 8K maintenance actions/35K dispatches on schedule

    - Deployed to Qatar AB; conducted 30 acft avionics inspections--performed 20K maintenance actions/200K dispatches

    - Deployed to site; conducted 12K maintenance actions--ensured acft ready for combat ops/flts with 100% success

    - Deployed to OEF/OIF; managed 15 acft msns--performed 40K maintenance actions/30K dispatches

    - Detected faulty flap during post-flt insp; R2'd/ops checked assembly--ensured structural integrity/safety of acft

    - Detected faulty fuel system valve during ORE; repaired/replaced faulty valve--allowed acft to remain mission-ready

    - Detected faulty landing gear hydraulics; replaced system--enabled acft to complete crucial refueling mission

    - Detected faulty oxygen system during pre-flight; replaced oxygen system--ensured safety of acft/crew during flight

    - Detected faulty tire during pre-flight; replaced tire--ensured safety of acft/crew during flight

    - Detected faulty wiring on post-flight insp; rewired/repaired wiring--ensured acft met mission-critical standards

    - Devised & implemented innovative maintenance program; lauded by Wing/Group commanders--acft mission-readiness increased

    - Developed innovative aircraft maintenance strategies; lauded by Wing/Group commanders--acft mission-readiness increased

    - Diagnosed faulty engine during ORE; replaced engine--ensured acft met mission-critical standards

    - Detected & repaired faulty hydraulic system during pre-flight; averted in-flight system failure/unscheduled maintenance

    - Directed corrective action to faulty landing gear; replaced gear--ensured acft met mission-critical standards

    - Directed maintenance on faulty oxygen system; replaced system--enabled acft to complete mission-critical mission

    - Documented repair/maintenance actions on all acft; ensured sys safety/contributed to 1.4K flt hrs w/o incident

    - Executed detailed post-flight inspection; identified faulty brake--repaired/replaced brake--acft FMC in < 4 hrs

    - Executed detailed pre-flight inspection; identified faulty fuel system valve--repaired/replaced--enabled acft to remain mission-ready

    - Found cracked drag chute bucket during pre-flight insp; assisted Sheetmetal section w/repair--ensured structural integrity

    - Found cracked rudder during post-flight insp; R2'd/ops checked assy--thwarted in-flt component failure/IFE/code-1 next sortie

    - Found faulty flap during post-flight insp; R2'd/ops checked assy--ensured structural integrity/safety of acft

    - Identified bird strike damage; orchestrated replacement of $28K radome--cardinal to HHQ SOUTHCOM msn

    - Identified faulty brake on post-flight insp/R2'd/ops checked assembly--acft FMC in <4 hrs--averted hazard to safety

    - Identified faulty tire during pre-flight; replaced tire--ensured safety of acft/crew during flight

    - Identified faulty wiring on post-flight insp; rewired/repaired wiring--ensured acft met mission-critical standards

    - Installed innovative maintenance program; lauded by Wing/Group commanders--acft mission-readiness increased

    - Inspected & documented aircraft maintenance; ensured sys safety/contributed to 1.4K flt hrs w/o incident

    - Inspected & repaired faulty hydraulic system during pre-flight; averted in-flight system failure/unscheduled maintenance

    - Led maintenance on faulty oxygen system; replaced system--enabled acft to complete mission-critical mission

    - Monitored & replaced faulty landing gear; ensured acft met mission-critical standards

    - Monitored & replaced faulty oxygen system; enabled acft to complete mission-critical mission

    - Orchestrated corrective action to faulty landing gear; replaced gear--ensured acft met mission-critical standards

    - Performed detailed post-flight inspection; identified faulty brake--repaired/replaced brake--acft FMC in < 4 hrs

    - Performed detailed pre-flight inspection; identified faulty fuel system valve--repaired/replaced--enabled acft to remain mission-ready

    - Pioneered maintenance strategies; lauded by Wing/Group commanders--acft mission-readiness increased

    - Repaired & replaced faulty tire during pre-flight; ensured safety of acft/crew during flight

    - Replaced faulty fuel system valve during ORE; repaired/replaced faulty valve--allowed acft to remain mission-ready

    - Replaced faulty wiring on post-flight insp; rewired/repaired wiring--ensured acft met mission-critical standards

    - Resolved faulty engine during ORE; replaced engine--ensured acft met mission-critical standards

    - Resolved faulty oxygen system during pre-flight; replaced oxygen system--ensured safety of acft/crew during flight

    - Detected over serviced hydraulic sys during "red ball" launch; reserviced--averted potential Class A mishap

    - Detected premature nose landing gear actuator failure; replaced--prevented emergency landing/saved AF $850K

    - Detected pressure alarm on fuel panel; replaced defective sensor--ensured fuel tank integrity/avoided failure

    - Detected pressure alarm on fuel panel; replaced defective sensor--maintained aircraft safety/prevented failure

    - Detected problems with aft fuselage skin--counseled/supervised repair crew--preserved structural integrity

    - Detected substandard hydraulic system pressure; adjusted/serviced--averted potential failure/saved AF $230K

    - Detected substandard hydraulic system pressure; adjusted/serviced--prevented possible fire/saved AF $60K

    - Detected surface corrosion on aft empennage; counseled/supervised repair crew--prevented airframe failure

    - Detected unserviceable C-5 aft cargo door; replaced--ensured acft safety/avoided potential Class A mishap

    - Detected unserviceable MLG bogie pitch master cylinder; replaced--ensured acft safety/prevented Class A mishap

    - Detected unserviceable MLG bogie pitch master cylinder; serviced/adj'd--ensured acft safety/prevented Class A mishap

    - Detected unserviceable MLG bogie pitch master cylinder; serviced/adj'd--maintained airframe integrity/prevented Class A mishap

    - Detected unserviceable MLG bogie pitch master cylinder; replaced--maintained airframe integrity/prevented Class A mishap

    - Detected water damage to C-5 aft cargo door; counseled/supervised repair crew--preserved structural integrity

    - Discovered leaking hydraulic system; serviced/repaired--averted potential engine fire/saved AF $120K

    - Discovered leaking hydraulic system; serviced/repaired--prevented potential fire/saved AF $50K/48+ man-hrs

    - Discovered premature landing gear failure; replaced--ensured acft safety/avoided potential Class A mishap

    - Discovered pressure alarm on fuel panel; replaced defective sensor--ensured fuel tank integrity/avoided failure

    - Discovered pressure alarm on fuel panel; replaced defective sensor--maintained aircraft safety/prevented failure

    - Identified damaged C-5 MLG bogie pitch master cylinder; svc'd/adj'd--maintained airframe integrity/prevented Class A mishap

    - Identified damaged L/E wing; expedited sheet metal shop to evaluate/repair--multiple aircrew check rides saved

    - Inspected hydraulic sys during "red ball" launch; reserviced--qualified three aircrew for cmbt/saved AF $40K

    - Inspected fuel tank for leaks; detected/contained leak--successfully generated spare acft for training sortie

    - Inspected fuel tank for leaks; detected/contained leak--precluded catastrophic environmental contamination

    - Inspected hydraulic drive leak during launch; deemed acft unsafe--prevented gun jam/saved AF $320K

    - Inspected low C-5 MLG bogie pitch master cylinder; svc'd/adj'd--Ex PACIFIC BOND spt unabated

    - Monitored aileron snubber;ordered new part and replaced--averted catastrophic failure of aileron system/saved AF $75K

    - Monitored fuel leak on preflight--contained/cleaned spill--successfully generated spare acft for training sortie

    - Monitored L/E wing damage--expedited sheet metal shop to evaluate/repair--multiple aircrew check rides saved

    - Found/R2'd damaged fuel control valve; prevented in-flight failure/IFE--enabled three pilot upgrades/35 sorties

    - Detected/replaced faulty throttle switch; prevented in-flight failure/IFE--enabled two pilot upgrades/30 sorties

    - Detected/R2'd loose hydraulic coupling; prevented in-flight failure/IFE--enabled two pilot upgrades/30 sorties

    - Detected/R2'd faulty trim actuator; prevented in-flight failure/IFE--enabled two pilot upgrades/30 sorties

    - Detected/replaced corroded alternator belt; averted engine failure--saved AF $89K

    - Detected/serviced malfunctioning landing gear actuator; prevented in-flight failure/IFE--enabled three pilot upgrades/35 sorties

    - Detected/R2'd damaged flap actuator; prevented in-flight failure/IFE--enabled two pilot upgrades/30 sorties

    - Detected/R2'd loose fuel line connection; prevented in-flight failure/IFE--enabled three pilot upgrades/35 sorties

    - Detected/R2'd damaged pitot tube; prevented in-flight failure/IFE--enabled two pilot upgrades/30 sorties

    - Detected/replaced faulty trim switch; prevented in-flight failure/IFE--enabled two pilot upgrades/30 sorties

    - Developed/implemented new engine maintenance procedure; reduced engine failure rate by 15%

    - Developed/implemented new aircraft inspection checklist; improved accuracy by 15%

    - Developed/implemented new aircraft fueling procedure; ensured safety/environmental compliance

    - Developed/implemented new aircraft maintenance tracking system; increased efficiency by 15%

    - Developed/implemented new aircraft maintenance scheduling system; improved turnaround times by 15%

    - Identified/replaced worn gasket on engine exhaust; averted engine failure--saved AF $65K

    - Identified/replaced worn engine seals; averted engine failure--saved AF $45K

    - Identified/serviced malfunctioning landing gear actuator; prevented in-flight failure/IFE--enabled two pilot upgrades/30 sorties

    - Identified/replaced faulty fuel pressure switch; prevented in-flight failure/IFE--enabled two pilot upgrades/30 sorties

    - Identified/R2'd loose wing support bracket; prevented in-flight failure/IFE--enabled three pilot upgrades/35 sorties

    - Identified/R2'd faulty speed brake actuator; prevented in-flight failure/IFE--enabled two pilot upgrades/30 sorties

    - Identified/R2'd malfunctioning flap actuator; prevented in-flight failure/IFE--enabled two pilot upgrades/30 sorties

    - Identified/R2'd faulty fuel control valve; prevented in-flight failure/IFE--enabled three pilot upgrades/35 sorties

    - Re-routed hydraulic line; restored hydraulic pressure--saved AF $20K

    - Rebuilt/serviced nose wheel actuator; prevented in-flight failure/IFE--enabled two pilot upgrades/30 sorties

    - Rebuilt/R2'd fuel pump; averted engine failure--saved AF $35K

    - Repaired/R2'd damaged airspeed indicator; prevented in-flight failure/IFE--enabled two pilot upgrades/30 sorties

    - Repaired/replaced cracked engine cowling; prevented in-flight failure/IFE--enabled two pilot upgrades/30 sorties

    - Repaired/R2'd malfunctioning trim switch; prevented in-flight failure/IFE--enabled two pilot upgrades/30 sorties

    - Re-sealed/replaced damaged fuel pump; averted engine failure--saved AF $50K

    - Accurately tracked 4K maintenance records; supported acft mx efforts to ensure 76% mission capability

    - Accurately captured AMU performance data; enabled squadron to meet/exceed 90% mission capability rate

    - Accurately updated C-130 maintenance records; saved $7M in future repairs--ensured 98% mission capability

    - Accurately updated F-16 maintenance records; enabled 67% mission capability rate--saved 3K man-hours

    - Accurately updated F/A-18 maintenance records; allowed squadron to achieve 97% mission capability rate

    - Assisted in troubleshooting avionics systems; identified and corrected malfunctions--saved 4K man-hours

    - Assisted w/ maintenance of C-5 avionics systems; enabled 90% mission capability rate--saved 2K man-hours

    - Assisted w/ maintenance of F-15 avionics systems; enabled squadron to meet/exceed 90% mission capability

    - Automated maintenance record keeping; enabled squadron to achieve 97% mission capability rate--saved 5K man-hours

    - Conducted daily acft mx inspections; enabled squadron to meet/exceed 90% mission capability rate--saved 4K man-hours

    - Correctly adjusted/aligned F-35 avionics systems; enabled squadron to achieve 97% mission capability rate

    - Diagnosed and repaired avionics systems; identified/corrected malfunctions--saved 3K man-hours

    - Diagnosed/repaired electronic control system; enabled squadron to meet/exceed 90% mission capability rate

    - Diagnosed/repaired fuel system malfunction; enabled squadron to meet/exceed 90% mission capability rate

    - Diagnosed/repaired hydraulic system malfunction; enabled squadron to meet/exceed 90% mission capability rate

    - Diagnosed/repaired navigation system malfunction; enabled squadron to meet/exceed 90% mission capability rate

    - Diagnosed/repaired structural system malfunction; enabled squadron to meet/exceed 90% mission capability rate

    - Diagnosed/repaired wiring system malfunction; enabled squadron to meet/exceed 90% mission capability rate

    - Established maintenance records; enabled squadron to meet/exceed 90% mission capability rate--saved 3K man-hours

    - Inspected/serviced aircraft engines; enabled squadron to meet/exceed 90% mission capability rate--saved 4K man-hours

    - Maintained aircraft control systems; enabled squadron to meet/exceed 90% mission capability rate--saved 5K man-hours

    - Monitored aircraft performance data; enabled squadron to meet/exceed 90% mission capability rate--saved 4K man-hours

    - Performed daily aircraft maintenance/flight checks; enabled squadron to meet/exceed 90% mission capability rate

    - Performed preventative maintenance on aircraft; enabled squadron to meet/exceed 90% mission capability rate

    - Performed troubleshooting/repaired aircraft systems; identified/corrected malfunctions--saved 5K man-hours

    - Resolved C-17 avionics systems maintenance issues; enabled squadron to meet/exceed 90% mission capability rate

    - Serviced/maintained aircraft components; enabled squadron to meet/exceed 90% mission capability rate--saved 4K man-hours

    - Supervised aircraft maintenance operations; enabled squadron to meet/exceed 90% mission capability rate--saved 4K man-hours

    - Tested/verified aircraft systems; enabled squadron to meet/exceed 90% mission capability rate--saved 2K man-hours

    - Directed engine bleed air system repair--ensured safe return of acft/crew to home station

    - Directly managed 8 O-level maintenance actions; achieved 0.3% discrepancy rate--drove $50K increase in duty hrs

    - Directly supervised 15 specialist technicians; achieved 99.7% aircraft mission readiness rate--sustained combat ops

    - Directly supervised eight off-station maintenance actions; ensured 2K acft sorties/11K hrs--zero mishaps reported

    - Directly supervised 9.1K maintenance actions; impacted FY15 100% acft mx sched compliance--enhanced readiness

    - Directly supported 12.5K acft mx actions; achieved 99.9% acft/crew mx readiness rate--secured FY15 combat ops

    - Directly supported 5.3K acft mx actions; achieved 98.7% acft/crew mx readiness rate--secured FY15 combat ops

    - Executed three personnel evacuations; provided medical support to seven aircrew members--reduced downtime

    - Executed three unscheduled mx acft; enabled safe return of acft/crew--secured $20K in cost savings

    - Executed two O-level maintenance actions; achieved 0.2% discrepancy rate--drove $20K increase in duty hrs

    - Executed 1.3K maintenance actions; impacted FY15 97% acft mx sched compliance--enhanced readiness

    - Executed 1.2K mx actions; achieved 98.5% acft/crew mx readiness rate--secured FY15 combat ops

    - Executed 4.4K mx actions; achieved 99.8% acft/crew mx readiness rate--secured FY15 combat ops

    - Facilitated four personnel evacuations; provided medical support to four aircrew members--reduced downtime

    - Facilitated four O-level maintenance actions; achieved 0.1% discrepancy rate--drove $25K increase in duty hrs

    - Facilitated emergency landing; replaced six tires/six brakes--enabled safe return of acft/crew to home station

    - Facilitated on-time launch of 24 acft; achieved 100% mission success--promoted FY15 94% mx sched effectiveness

    - Installed 10 anti-icing systems; enabled safe return of acft/crew to home station--secured $15K in cost savings

    - Installed three Steller Inertial Reference Units; enabled acft to meet crucial in-flt refuel trng rendezvous

    - Managed 2.4K maintenance actions; impacted FY15 98% acft mx sched compliance--enhanced readiness

    - Managed 12 morale trips; escorted 200 personnel through Doha, Qatar--enhanced appreciation of local culture

    - Performed 24 emergency maintenance actions; ensured 5K sorties/120 bombs on target--secured combat readiness

    - Performed emergency landing; replaced three tires/six brakes--enabled safe return of acft/crew to home station

    - Performed timely maintenance; replaced three tires/six brakes--diminished impact of high speed abort

    - Supervised 24 O-level maintenance actions; achieved 0.4% discrepancy rate--drove $45K increase in duty hrs

    - Supervised 1.2K mx actions; achieved 98.5% acft/crew mx readiness rate--secured FY15 combat ops

    - Supervised 3.2K mx actions; achieved 99.7% acft/crew mx readiness rate--secured FY15 combat ops

    - Supplied 15 light-alls; supported four ORE/ORI events--secured six areas for night time operations

    - Supported 2.3K acft mx actions; achieved 99.8% acft/crew mx readiness rate--secured FY15 combat ops - Supported 6.4K acft mx actions; achieved 99.9% acft/crew mx readiness rate--secured FY15 combat ops

    - Swapped two engines; enabled safe return of acft/crew to home station--secured $20K in cost savings

    - Documented/validated 12 acft mx records; briefed 36 crosstraining/safety reqs--ensured 100% compliance w/AFI

    - Established/managed aircraft software/hardware updates; established QA checks--sustained $30K in Mx cost savings

    - Executed F-15C ECS mx; inspected/repaired 2 turbine blades/saved $20K in engine exchange costs

    - Executed/managed acft mx/insp; identified/repaired 5 hydraulic leaks--averted $20K in eng exchange costs

    - Facilitated acft mx/eng repairs; issued 100+ mx directives/taskings--ensured unit readiness/combat capability

    - Forecasted/executed mx of 10 acft; inspected/repaired 2 turbine blades--saved $20K in eng exchange costs

    - Inspected/repaired 6 acft engines; identified/repaired 5 hydraulic leaks--averted $20K in eng exchange costs

    - Led F-16 mx/insp; ID'd/repaired 3 hydraulic leaks--averted $20K in eng exchange costs/prevented 24 NMC hrs

    - Led insp of 10 acft; identified/repaired 5 hydraulic leaks--averted $20K in eng exchange costs/prevented 24 NMC hrs

    - Led successful squadron ORI prep; inspected/repaired 5 hydraulic leaks--averted $20K exchange costs/prevented 24 NMC hrs

    - Managed acft mx/insp; identified/repaired 5 hydraulic leaks--averted $20K in eng exchange costs/prevented 24 NMC hrs

    - Orchestrated repair of F-16 hydraulic pump; coordinated NDI insp/tech repair--saved $1.9M in engine exchange costs

    - Performed 24/7 ground power support; serviced/repaired 4 acft--saved $158K in self-sustained operation costs

    - Performed acft recovery/troubleshooting; identified/repaired 10 wiring discrepancies--saved $50K in mx costs

    - Performed acft repair/insp; identified/repaired 5 hydraulic leaks--averted $20K in eng exchange costs/prevented 24 NMC hrs

    - Performed safety/crosstraining mx; documented/validated 12 acft mx records--ensured 100% compliance w/AFI

    - Prioritized/executed acft mx/insp; identified/repaired 5 hydraulic leaks--averted $20K in eng exchange costs/prevented 24 NMC hrs

    - Reinstated 4 acft FOD mx/insp; identified/repaired 5 hydraulic leaks--averted $20K in eng exchange costs/prevented 24 NMC hrs

    - Replaced 5 acft hydraulic pumps; coordinated NDI insp/tech repair--saved $1.9M engine exchange costs/prevented 24 NMC hrs

    - Scheduled/performed 6 acft mx/insp; identified/repaired 5 hydraulic leaks--averted $20K in eng exchange costs/prevented 24 NMC hrs

    - Serviced/repaired 4 acft; provided 24/7 ground power--saved $158K in self-sustained operation costs

    - Spearheaded acft mx/insp; identified/repaired 5 hydraulic leaks--averted $20K in eng exchange costs/prevented 24 NMC hrs

    - Supervised mx of 11 acft; identified/repaired 5 hydraulic leaks--averted $20K in eng exchange costs/prevented 24 NMC hrs

    - Troubleshot F-15 ECS mx; inspected/repaired 2 turbine blades/saved $20K in engine exchange costs

    - Validated acft mx/insp; identified/repaired 5 hydraulic leaks--averted $20K in eng exchange costs/prevented 24 NMC hrs

    - Verified/documented acft mx; briefed 36 crosstraining/safety reqs--ensured 100% compliance w/AFI

    - Verified/performed acft mx/insp; identified/repaired 5 hydraulic leaks--averted $20K in eng exchange costs/prevented 24 NMC hrs

    - Oversaw mx for cooling sys leak during thru-flight; identified/replaced chafed oil line--saved $29K/12 man hrs

    - Managed acft mx/insp; ID'd/repaired 3 hydraulic leaks--averted $20K in eng exchange costs/prevented 24 NMC hrs

    - Executed phase hangar preparation for SECDEF; cleaned/set-up stage w/in 4 hrs--lauded by 2 BW leadership

    - Facilitated acft mx/eng repairs; issued 100+ mx directives/taskings--ensured unit readiness/combat capability

    - Directed overhaul of 23 unserviceable props; insp'd/rpr'd 250 discreps--svd $20M/mx'd WESTPAC supply lvl 120%

    - Executed/managed acft mx/insp; identified/repaired 5 hydraulic leaks--averted $20K in eng exchange costs

    - Directed launch out tm; oversaw 12 Amn/resolved 129 red balls--essential to unit's 3.4K sorties/set F-35 world record

    - Established/managed aircraft software/hardware updates; established QA checks--sustained $30K in Mx cost savings

    - Performed safety/crosstraining mx; documented/validated 12 acft mx records--ensured 100% compliance w/AFI

    - Documented/validated 12 acft mx records; briefed 36 crosstraining/safety reqs--ensured 100% compliance w/AFI

    - Directed mx for cooling sys leak during thru-flight; identified/replaced chafed oil line--saved $29K/12 man hrs

    - Directed eng hydraulic pump replacment--launched acft/89% deployed msn capable rate met--15% over std

    - Directly contributed to Ex RED FLAG 12-4; ID'd/R2'd damaged right flap--yielded 166 sorties/393 flight hrs

    - Directly supported President Ford memorial flyover; dedicated driver--sustained 30 aircraft sortie generations

    - Discovered damaged hydraulic filter--R2'd filter--ensured proper lubrication of hydraulic system

    - Discovered damaged wiring harness; R2'd harness--prevented possible catastrophic electrical failure

    - Discovered defective fuel probe; replaced/calibrated--ensured proper fuel flow and proper engine functioning

    - Discovered defective fuel transfer valve; replaced/tested--ensured safe and reliable fuel transfer system

    - Discovered faulty engine inlet duct; R2'd/installed--ensured proper air flow to the engine and reduced noise

    - Discovered faulty speed indicator; replaced/calibrated--ensured accurate air speed and avoided overspeed

    - Discovered fuel leak on left main gear; R2'd/ops ck'd--prevented possible fire and catastrophic aircraft loss

    - Discovered inoperative fuel heater; R2'd/tested--enabled safe operation in cold weather and reduced fuel consumption

    - Discovered leaking fuel line; R2'd/ops ck'd--ensured safe and reliable fuel system operation

    - Discovered leaking hydraulic line; R2'd/tested--prevented possible hydraulic system failure and aircraft loss

    - Discovered loose door seals; R2'd/tested--ensured proper cabin pressurization and prevented possible emergency

    - Discovered malfunctioning flap drive mechanism; replaced/tested--ensured proper flap operation and safety

    - Discovered missing rivets; replaced/installed--ensured airworthiness and structural integrity of aircraft

    - Discovered non-functional fuel gauge; replaced/calibrated--ensured accurate fuel level readings and flight safety

    - Discovered oil leak from main gear; R2'd/tested--prevented possible fire and aircraft loss

    - Discovered out-of-tolerance flap track; R2'd/tested--ensured proper flap operation and flight safety

    - Discovered out-of-tolerance landing gear; R2'd/tested--ensured proper operation and safe landing

    - Discovered out-of-tolerance rudder; R2'd/tested--prevented possible in-flight control failure and aircraft loss

    - Discovered out-of-tolerance wing flap; R2'd/tested--ensured proper flap operation and safety during flight

    - Discovered out-of-tolerance window seal; R2'd/tested--ensured proper cabin pressurization and safety

    - Discovered non-functional navigational system; R2'd/tested--ensured proper navigation and flight safety

    - Discovered faulty oxygen system; replaced/tested--ensured proper oxygen level and safety for passengers

    - Discovered malfunctioning cabin pressure regulator; replaced/tested--ensured proper cabin pressure and safety

    - Discovered missing cabin pressure release valve; replaced/tested--ensured proper cabin pressurization and safety

    - Discovered leaking oxygen line; R2'd/tested--prevented possible fire and loss of life

    - Discovered cracked windshield; replaced/tested--ensured proper visibility and safety for flight crew

    - Discovered out-of-tolerance nose gear; R2'd/tested--prevented possible veering off runway and aircraft loss

    - Discovered loose engine cowling; R2'd/tested--ensured proper airflow to engine and reduced noise levels

    - Discovered improper valve positioning on fuel system; coordinated timely repair--prevented fuel system surge

    - Discovered leaking fuel nozzle; coordinated timely repair--minimized HHQ msn delays & averted fuel system loss

    - Discovered loose turbine blades & coordinated repair/replacement--protected $1.2M engine & averted IFE

    - Discovered misaligned flight control actuator; coordinated repair--saved 8 hrs of labor costs & averted IFE

    - Discovered misaligned F-16A engine; coordinated repair--protected $1M asset & averted potential IFE

    - Discovered misaligned fuel pump; coordinated repair--averted potential system failure & protected $1.4M asset

    - Discovered misaligned hydraulic system actuator; coordinated repair--saved 5 hrs of labor costs & averted IFE

    - Discovered misaligned landing gear; coordinated repair--saved 5 hrs of labor costs & averted IFE

    - Discovered misaligned throttle actuator; coordinated repair--saved 5 hrs of labor costs & averted IFE

    - Discovered misaligned wing flap; coordinated repair--saved 5 hrs of labor costs & averted IFE

    - Discovered out-of-tolerance landing gear; coordinated repair--reduced repair time by 6 hrs & averted IFE

    - Discovered out-of-tolerance rudder; coordinated repair--reduced repair time by 5 hrs & averted IFE

    - Discovered out-of-tolerance throttle actuator; coordinated repair--reduced repair time by 5 hrs & averted IFE

    - Discovered out-of-tolerance wing flap; coordinated repair--reduced repair time by 5 hrs & averted IFE

    - Discovered punctured fuel tank; coordinated repair--saved 6 hrs of labor costs & averted potential IFE

    - Discovered punctured hydraulic system; coordinated repair--saved 7 hrs of labor costs & averted potential IFE

    - Discovered punctured landing gear; coordinated repair--saved 5 hrs of labor costs & averted potential IFE

    - Discovered punctured rudder; coordinated repair--saved 5 hrs of labor costs & averted potential IFE

    - Discovered punctured throttle actuator; coordinated repair--saved 5 hrs of labor costs & averted potential IFE

    - Discovered punctured wing flap; coordinated repair--saved 5 hrs of labor costs & averted potential IFE

    - Discovered worn out engine mount; coordinated repair--saved 7 hrs of labor costs & averted potential IFE

    - Discovered worn out flight control actuator; coordinated repair--saved 8 hrs of labor costs & averted IFE

    - Discovered worn out fuel pump; coordinated repair--saved 5 hrs of labor costs & averted potential IFE

    - Discovered worn out landing gear; coordinated repair--saved 5 hrs of labor costs & averted potential IFE

    - Discovered worn out rudder; coordinated repair--saved 5 hrs of labor costs & averted potential IFE

    - Discovered worn out throttle actuator; coordinated repair--saved 5 hrs of labor costs & averted potential IFE

    - Discovered worn out wing flap; coordinated repair--saved 5 hrs of labor costs & averted potential IFE

    - Discovered four cracked T-lockers during post-maint insp; coordinated repair--safeguarded $800K aircraft

    - Discovered four fuel cell leaks during post-maint insp; coordinated repair--averted possible FOD/safeguarded $2M asset

    - Discovered four loose exhaust rivets during post-maint insp; coordinated repair--safeguarded $850K aircraft

    - Discovered five loose engine bolt ons during post-maint insp; coordinated repair--safeguarded $900K aircraft

    - Discovered fuel cell leak during post-maint insp; coordinated repair--averted possible FOD/safeguarded $1.5M asset

    - Discovered inconsistent readings on hydraulics during post-maint insp; coordinated repair--ensured on-time launch

    - Discovered loose exhaust manifold bolts during post-maint insp; coordinated repair--safeguarded $600K aircraft

    - Discovered loose fuel cell bolts during post-maint insp; coordinated repair--averted possible FOD/safeguarded $2M asset

    - Discovered misaligned gearbox during post-maint insp; coordinated repair--ensured on-time launch

    - Discovered three broken cables during post-maint insp; coordinated repair--ensured on-time launch

    - Discovered three cracked struts during post-maint insp; coordinated repair--safeguarded $750K aircraft

    - Discovered two faulty fuel pumps during post-maint insp; coordinated repair--averted possible FOD/safeguarded $2.2M asset

    - Discovered two loose engine bolts during post-maint insp; coordinated repair--safeguarded $950K aircraft

    - Discovered unserviced brake assy during post-maint insp; coordinated repair--prevented possible malfunction

    - Discovered worn-out brake pad during post-maint insp; coordinated repair--prevented possible malfunction

    - Identified dislodged engine mount during post-maint insp; coordinated repair--safeguarded $1M aircraft

    - Identified four loose fuel cell bolts during post-maint insp; coordinated repair--safeguarded $1.2M aircraft

    - Identified four loose hydraulic lines during post-maint insp; coordinated repair--prevented possible malfunction

    - Identified four missing rivets during post-maint insp; coordinated repair--safeguarded $1.1M aircraft

    - Identified improper fuel system pressure during post-maint insp; coordinated repair--ensured on-time launch

    - Identified loose engine control valve during post-maint insp; coordinated repair--prevented possible malfunction

    - Identified loose oil line during post-maint insp; coordinated repair--prevented possible malfunction

    - Identified misaligned landing gear during post-maint insp; coordinated repair--ensured on-time launch

    - Identified malfunctioning fuel cell during post-maint insp; coordinated repair--averted possible FOD/safeguarded $2.5M asset

    - Identified two loose rivets during post-maint insp; coordinated repair--safeguarded $900K aircraft

    - Resolved airframe stress crack; led repair of structural frame--averted potential FOD/safeguarded $2M asset

    - Resolved fuel cell leak; assisted tech specialist w/repair--averted potential FOD/safeguarded $2.5M asset

    - Resolved hydraulic line defect; coordinated tech specialist repair--prevented possible malfunction

    - Discovered/rpr'd faulty fuel control unit wiring--prevented fuel tank overpressure/potential fire hazard

    - Discovered/rpr'd leaking fuel line connector; prevented fuel loss/systems malfunction--saved AF $2K/3 hrs mx

    - Discovered/rpr'd leaking hydraulic line; prevented hydraulic fluid loss--enabled acft to meet qtrly flight hrs

    - Discovered/rpr'd leaking landing gear actuator--prevented potential catastrophic failure of landing gear

    - Discovered/rpr'd leaking main tank fuel line; prevented fuel loss/systems malfunction--saved AF $2K/3 hrs mx

    - Discovered/rpr'd leaking pneumatic line; prevented air loss--saved AF $1.2K/3 hrs mx

    - Discovered/rpr'd leaking pressure regulator valve; prevented pressure loss/systems malfunction--saved AF $1.2K/3 hrs mx

    - Discovered/rpr'd leaking strut; prevented loss of hydraulic pressure/systems malfunction--saved AF $1.2K/3 hrs mx

    - Discovered/rpr'd worn control cables; prevented loss of flight controls/systems malfunction--saved AF $1.2K/3 hrs mx

    - Discovered/rpr'd worn flap actuator; prevented loss of flap control/systems malfunction--saved AF $1.2K/3 hrs mx

    - Discovered/rpr'd worn out brake pads; prevented hydraulic system failure/potential acft crash--saved AF $2.4K/3 hrs mx

    - Discovered/rpr'd worn out gaskets; prevented hydraulic system failure/potential acft crash--saved AF $2.4K/3 hrs mx

    - Discovered/rpr'd worn out seals; prevented hydraulic system failure/potential acft crash--saved AF $2.4K/3 hrs mx

    - Discovered/rpr'd worn out starter motor; prevented engine failure/potential acft crash--saved AF $2.4K/3 hrs mx

    - Discovered/rpr'd worn out switch; prevented loss of electrical power/systems malfunction--saved AF $1.2K/3 hrs mx

    - Discovered/rpr'd worn out wiring; prevented electrical system failure/potential acft crash--saved AF $2.4K/3 hrs mx

    - Discovered/rpr'd wrong-sized bracket on cargo/passenger doors; prevented acft from meeting req'd flight hrs

    - Discovered/rpr'd wrong-sized fasteners on acft panels; prevented acft from meeting req'd flight hrs

    - Discovered/rpr'd wrong-sized rivets on cargo/passenger doors; prevented acft from meeting req'd flight hrs

    - Discovered/rpr'd wrong-sized tubing on acft panels; prevented acft from meeting req'd flight hrs

    - Discovered/rpr'd wrong-sized wiring on acft panels; prevented acft from meeting req'd flight hrs

    - Discovered/rpr'd wrong-sized wiring/bolts on acft panels; prevented acft from meeting req'd flight hrs

    - Discovered/repaired cracked engine mount; prevented loss of acft thrust/control--saved AF $2.4K/3 hrs mx

    - Discovered/repaired faulty fuel control unit wiring; prevented fuel tank overpressure/potential fire hazard

    - Discovered/repaired faulty fuel pressure regulator; prevented fuel tank overpressure/potential fire hazard

    - Discovered/repaired faulty landing gear actuator; prevented potential catastrophic failure of landing gear

    - Discovered/repaired faulty seal in hydraulic line; prevented hydraulic fluid loss--enabled acft to meet qtrly flight hrs

    - Discovered/repaired improper safety-wired air cycling motor oil cap; prevented potential damage to acft/crew--saved AF $23K

    - Dispatched to F-16B engine fire; identified/replaced faulty fuel line--remedied issue/started engine in 2.5 hrs

    - Drew/interpreted/executed AMM/SRM diagrams; performed/validated 33 repairs--expedited acft availability

    - Directed crew chief teams; supervised maintenance/inspection of 13 acft/completed 500+ flt hrs--supported ORI

    - Dispatched to refueling nozzle failure; identified/R2'd nozzle--saved acft/crew from unscheduled 24 hr down

    - Directed acft mx; coordinated 3 unit level maintenance inspections--zero discrepancies recorded/100% compliance

    - Delivered quality performance; enabled flt to meet/exceed mx goals--flawless record of all mx directives

    - Demonstrated outstanding leadership skills; led 4 novices to complete 3 mx inspections--zero discrepancies

    - Directed/mentored 8-person crew; organized/coordinated all mx functions--ensured acft compliance w/all directives

    - Demonstrated knowledge/skills; led/participated in 13 MXG/OCF/OCC inspections--zero discrepancies noted

    - Devoted to duty/always reliable; prepped 10 acft/drilled/inspected/valid'd all mx actions--100% mx compliance

    - Developed maintenance-level policies; drafted/enforced/reviewed 10 mx directives--ensured 100% mx compliance

    - Developed/executed flt plan; inspected/service/QA'd key systems on 5 acft--provided safe air transport for 10K+ pax

    - Distinguished member of MxG; coordinated/supervised mx of 8 acft--zero discrepancies found during OPR/ORI

    - Demonstrated exceptional knowledge; preformed/validated 3 engine repairs--saved acft from unscheduled downtime

    - Displayed mechanical aptitude; identified/R2'd 6 hydraulics problems--saved acft/crew from unscheduled 24 hr down

    - Demonstrated commitment to excellence; led/trained 8 personnel to complete 10 mx inspections--zero discrepancies

    - Dispatched to F-18 radar malfunction; identified/R2'd faulty wiring--restored acft to full operational status

    - Demonstrated proficiency in mx; inspected/serviced/QA'd key systems on 10 acft--provided safe air transport

    - Demonstrated technical expertise; identified/R2'd 6 hydraulics problems--saved acft/crew from unscheduled 24 hr down

    - Developed/implemented mx plans; directed/mentored 8-person crew--ensured acft compliance w/all directives

    - Demonstrated ability to work under pressure; troubleshot/repaired 7 acft systems--ensured 100% mx compliance

    - Dispatched to LANTIRN malfunction; ID'd/R2'd inop laser turret--averted 2.5 hr acft downtime/saved $45K

    - Demonstrated superior knowledge; led/participated in 15 MXG/OCF/OCC inspections--zero discrepancies noted

    - Demonstrated excellent technical skills; inspected/serviced/QA'd key systems on 6 acft--provided safe air transport

    - Developed/implemented mx training program; trained/mentored 8 personnel--ensured acft compliance w/all directives

    - Delivered exceptional work performance; enabled flt to meet/exceed mx goals--flawless record of all mx directives

    - Directed/coordinated mx activities; inspected/service/QA'd key systems on 10 acft--provided safe air transport

    - Demonstrated ability to work independently; troubleshot/repaired 4 acft systems--ensured 100% mx compliance

    - Displayed strong organizational skills; coordinated 3 unit level maintenance inspections--zero discrepancies recorded

    - Demonstrated effective communication skills; facilitated 4 novices to complete 3 mx inspections--zero discrepancies

    - Dispatched to helm malfunction; identified/R2'd faulty wiring--averted 2.5 hr acft downtime/saved $45K

    - Demonstrated expertise in maintenance; preformed/validated 3 engine repairs--saved acft from unscheduled downtime

    - Executed 811 aircraft maintenance tasks/zero late; key to unit's 3.3K sorties/F-35 best--FW awd'd AF Outstanding Unit Awd

    - Executed innovative maintenance programs; earned "Honor Role" rating by Logistics Standardization and Evaluation Team inspectors

    - Facilitated 985 aircraft maintenance tasks; zero late--saved 2,000 man-hours/drove unit to 95% mission effectiveness

    - Facilitated 1,115 sorties; catalyst to 95% mission effectiveness; dynamic assistant Dedicated Crew Chief--promotion well deserved!

    - Generated/recovered 6 acft/100 prsnl; instrumental to 1st OT AMRAAM live fire mission--drove first F-35 WDE TDY

    - Implemented 478 QA inspections/authored 4 MXG tool and equipment management operating instruction--drove self-improvement

    - In-depth knowledge of aircraft maintenance systems; earned 4 FW Golden Washer Award/Logistics Standardization and Evaluation Team "Honor Roll"

    - Innovative maintenance technician; overcame multiple challenges--key to unit's 84.6% FMC rate--recent promotion deserved

    - Keyed unit's 3.3K sorties CY17/F-35 best; earned six credits toward Bachelor of Science in Business Finance--promote now

    - Led 55th MXG NCO Maint Professional Qtr/Jan--Mar FY '07; dynamic leader--promotion well deserved!

    - Overcame multiple challenges; key to unit's 84.6% FMC rate; dynamic technician--recent promotion deserved

    - Performed 478 QA inspections/authored 4 MXG tool and equipment management operating instruction--drove self-improvement

    - Proven ability to lead aircraft maintenance programs; earned "Honor Role" rating by Logistics Standardization and Evaluation Team inspectors

    - Saved 2,000 man-hours/drove unit to 95% mission effectiveness; facilitated 985 aircraft maintenance tasks--zero late

    - Skilled in aircraft maintenance systems; earned 4 FW Golden Washer Award/Logistics Standardization and Evaluation Team "Honor Roll"

    - Solved multiple technical challenges; key to unit's 84.6% FMC rate; dynamic technician--recent promotion deserved

    - Supervised 1,115 sorties; catalyst to 95% mission effectiveness; dynamic assistant Dedicated Crew Chief--promotion well deserved!

    - Technically proficient in aircraft maintenance; earned six credits toward Bachelor of Science in Business Finance--promote now

    - Trouble-shooted 1,115 sorties; catalyst to 95% mission effectiveness; dynamic assistant Dedicated Crew Chief--promotion well deserved!

    - Unmatched aircraft maintenance technician; earned 4 FW Golden Washer Award/Logistics Standardization and Evaluation Team "Honor Roll"

    - Unsurpassed maintenance technician; overcame multiple challenges--key to unit's 84.6% FMC rate--recent promotion deserved

    - Utilized 478 QA inspections/authored 4 MXG tool and equipment management operating instruction--drove self-improvement

    - Verified technical accuracy of 55th MXG NCO Maint Professional Qtr/Jan--Mar FY '07--dynamic leader--promotion well deserved!

    - Visualized 40 tracks; 40 link-16 capable a/c enhanced visual of contact point; 40 TICs & PRIs supported--dropped 40 tracks

    - Wrote 4 MXG tool and equipment management operating instruction; executed 478 QA inspections--drove self-improvement

    - X-rayed aircraft maintenance systems; earned 4 FW Golden Washer Award/Logistics Standardization and Evaluation Team "Honor Roll"

    - Yielded 6 aircraft/100 personnel; instrumental to 1st OT AMRAAM live fire mission--drove first F-35 WDE TDY

    - Zealous aircraft maintenance technician; earned six credits toward Bachelor of Science in Business Finance--promote now


    - Efficiently troubleshot/repaired aerospace ground equipment; identified faulty fuel line--increased fuel flow 20%

    - Encouraged pt mx personnel; stressed importance of pt mx prgm--resulted in 15% increase in mx reliability

    - Efficiently managed multiple maintenance projects; completed 15 tasks on time--increased aircraft readiness 15%

    - Expertly performed aircraft maintenance; troubleshot electrical systems--reduced unscheduled down time 10%

    - Effectively managed aircraft maintenance; ensured all maintenance requirements were met--received 100% mx inspection rating

    - Expertly supervised maintenance crew; assigned tasks, monitored progress--completed acft mx on time/budget

    - Efficiently troubleshot/repaired aerospace ground equipment; identified faulty fuel line--increased fuel flow 20%

    - Excelled in aircraft performance monitoring; identified/corrected malfunctioning components--restored acft to FMC

    - Earned reputation as aircraft maintenance specialist; assigned to repair/replace parts--trained 5 mx techs in 2 days

    - Effectively maintained flightline readiness; authorized 2 mx checks/day--increased acft utilization by 25%

    - Executed FOD walkdowns; identified/removed 3 foreign objects/day--ensured flightline remained FOD free

    - Efficiently managed aircraft maintenance; conducted pre/post flight inspections--ensured acft were mission ready

    - Encouraged aircraft readiness; identified/resolved 4 maintenance discrepancies/day--increased acft utilization 20%

    - Enhanced aircraft safety; performed weekly maintenance inspections--ensured acft met safety/regulatory requirements

    - Ensured on-time maintenance; coordinated mx/crew duties--increased acft availability by 10%

    - Earned recognition as top-notch aircraft maintainer; ensured all acft components were functioning properly--received 100% mx inspection rating

    - Executed FOD walkdowns; spotted/removed 3 foreign objects/day--mitigated aircraft damage/safety issues

    - Efficiently coordinated aircraft maintenance; identified/resolved 3 discrepancies/day--ensured acft were mission ready

    - Effectively troubleshot aircraft components; identified/repaired faulty systems--prevented further damage/safety hazards

    - Efficiently managed aircraft maintenance; ensured all mx requirements were met--received 100% mx inspection rating

    - Efficiently managed multiple maintenance projects; completed 15 tasks on time--increased aircraft readiness 15%

    - Earned reputation as aircraft maintenance specialist; assigned to repair/replace parts--trained 5 mx techs in 2 days

    - Elevated flightline readiness; identified/repaired 4 maintenance discrepancies/day--increased acft utilization 10%

    - Ensured efficient aircraft maintenance; troubleshot/repaired faulty systems--saved $3K in acft downtime

    - Evaluated aircraft in-flight performance; identified/corrected malfunctioning components--restored acft to FMC

    - Expertly supervised maintenance crew; assigned tasks, monitored progress--completed acft mx on time/budget

    - Embodied E-6 responsibilities; oversaw contract mx/8 acft f/OSA duties--updated Gp ldrshp on 30 mx events/18 msns

    - Ensured aircraft safety; performed weekly maintenance inspections--ensured acft met safety/regulatory requirements

    - Energetic performer; rebuilt two leaking conformal fuel tank dolly hand pumps--innovative efforts saved $2.3K

    - Eliminated recurring NLG write-up; discovered misaligned sequence valve--remounted/returned acft to FMC

    - Expertly performed aircraft maintenance; troubleshot electrical systems--reduced unscheduled down time 10%

    - Enhanced aircraft safety; performed weekly maintenance inspections--ensured acft met safety/regulatory requirements

    - Expertly managed aircraft maintenance; identified/repaired faulty systems--ensured acft were mission ready

    - Excelled in aircraft defect resolution; troubleshot/repaired faulty hydraulics systems--ensured airworthiness

    - Executed assembly/disassembly; removed/installed engines and landing gear in C-40B--secured acft for overseas travel

    - Executed comprehensive post-flight inspections; identified/corrected 10 discrepancies in B-2A--ensured mission success

    - Executed emergency troubleshooting; diagnosed/repaired faulty F-15C fuel transfer system--pivotal to "Top Wrench" award

    - Executed life-saving maintenance; repaired/replaced failed engine bearing in F-16A--restored airworthiness

    - Executed mission success inspections; identified/corrected discrepancies on C-130E--prepared for flight to theater

    - Expanded aviation knowledge; attended specialized maintenance courses--honed troubleshooting skills

    - Expanded maintenance knowledge; completed "Principles of Jet Propulsion" crs/earned cert--applied to daily operations

    - Expedited acft mx actions; troubleshot/repaired faulty electronics systems in F-16C--saved critical mission time

    - Experienced in off-aircraft maintenance; completed 20 hrs of off-aircraft repairs in C-40B--minimized downtime

    - Fabricated wing strut assembly; improved 1.8K C-17A Mx Program--reduced acft down time from 4 hrs to 2 hrs

    - Facilitated crew chief mx; chaired/mentored 3-man crew chief mx trng--groomed incoming lead crew chief

    - Facilitated flightline mx; conducted/coordinated routine servicing of 8 acft--kept mission-ready acft in-service

    - Facilitated maintenance operations; completed 24-hr turnarounds on C-17A--ensured mission-ready acft in-service

    - Fostered safe working environment; chaired weekly safety meetings/emphasized OSHA standards--ensured mission success

    - Gleaned knowledge; attended "Avionics Maintenance" crs/honed fault isolation skills--applied to daily operations

    - Handpicked for hazardous duty; lead acft maintenance team in Kuwait--pivotal to 1K acft repairs in 6-month period

    - Harmonized O-level maintenance; coordinated mx trng for 4-man crew--mentored team to mission success

    - Inspected/repaired engines; troubleshot/repaired engines on C-130H--saved avg $12K/hr in mx costs

    - Initiated aircraft serviceability; inspected/repaired defective components in F-15C--ensured airworthiness

    - Led mx actions; directed/trained team of 10 in 6-week F-16C mx--key'd 130 acft repairs/successfuly returned acft to service

    - Leveraged aviation experience; completed 5-day "Aircraft Maintenance" crs--applied to daily operations

    - Managed mx records; verified/updated 1.3K aircraft maintenance records--ensured compliance w/USAFA/AFI regulations

    - Maximized aircraft readiness; led team of 15 in 6-week C-17A mx trng--ensured mission-ready acft in-service

    - Mentored peers; developed/implemented 3-day maintenance trng for 8-person team--honed mx skills for mission success

    - Monitored mx activities; follow-up on discrepancies/inspections on C-5B--ensured acft airworthiness

    - Negotiated maintenance contracts; awarded $7M contract for C-130E maintenance--ensured mission-ready acft in-service

    - Optimized maintenance operations; monitored/coordinated mx actions on C-130E--saved avg $20K/hr in mx costs

    - Performed O-level maintenance; troubleshot/repaired faulty avionics systems in F-15C--saved critical mission time

    - Proficient in "on-aircraft" maintenance; completed 12 hrs of on-aircraft repairs in F-16A--minimized downtime

    - Promoted "safety first"; chaired quarterly safety meetings/emphasized OSHA regulations--ensured mission success

    - Ranked a "Top Wrench"; won May '07 "Top Wrench" award for F-16C maintenance--earned recognition from Wing leadership

    - Represented Wg at Aircraft Maintenance Symposium; briefed Wg mx status to USAF leadership--garnered praise

    - Scheduled maintenance activities; updated/maintained 1.3K aircraft maintenance records--ensured compliance w/USAFA/AFI regulations

    - Streamlined maintenance operations; developed/implemented innovative strategies to reduce downtime--saved avg $25K/hr in mx costs

    - Tracked/maintained acft logs; inspected/verified 81 acft logs--ensured compliance w/USAFA/AFI regulations

    - Troubleshot/repaired engines; replaced faulty engine bearings in F-15C--ensured airworthiness

    - Upheld maintenance standards; identified/corrected discrepancies on C-5B--prepared for flight to theater

    - Utilized advanced tools; inspected/repaired faulty hydraulics systems--ensured airworthiness

    - Exemplary performer; completed 35 pneumatic checks/14 hrs--enabled 9 aircraft to takeoff on time/no delays

    - Executed C-130 inspections; ID'd/replaced faulty APU fuel line--zero downtime/met all maintenance deadlines

    - Executed complex repair on main landing gears; removed/replaced faulty actuators--zero maintenance delays

    - Executed daily mx inspections; found/replaced faulty hydraulic reservoir--ensured aircraft safety/avoided delays

    - Executed detailed inspection of aircraft tail surfaces; identified/replaced faulty servo valves--prevented delays

    - Executed emergency repair on F/A-18 avionics suite; ID'd faulty wiring--restored system integrity/prevented delays

    - Executed meticulous inspections of F-16 avionics; identified/replaced faulty wiring--restored system integrity

    - Executed multiple maintenance tasks; ensured all aircraft components were operating correctly--zero maintenance delays

    - Exhibited stellar leadership skills; spearheaded engine run certification--enabled 9 aircraft to takeoff on time

    - Exhibited superior knowledge/proficiency in career field; completed CDCs 2 mo early/95% on EOC test--recognized by MXG/CC

    - Experienced in aircraft maintenance; preformed 24 hr/7 day wkly maintenance--ensured aircraft safety/zero delays

    - Facilitated F-15E engine maintenance; developed/implemented e-checklist/streamlined process--eliminated maintenance delays

    - Facilitated F-16 maintenance tasks; identified/replaced faulty wiring--ensured aircraft safety/avoided maintenance delays

    - Facilitated F/A-18 maintenance; identified/replaced faulty hydraulic reservoir--restored system integrity/avoided delays

    - Facilitated maintenance of C-130 aircraft; ID'd/replaced faulty APU fuel line--zero downtime/met all maintenance deadlines

    - Fostered team environment; mentored two junior NCOs/enabled engine run certifications--zero maintenance/launch delays

    - Generated 7-ship/15 pers pkg; enabled 4/25th Arctic Brigade AK--900 trps/4 hvy plts air dropped/zero maintenance delays

    - Implemented e-checklist to streamline engine maintenance; enabled 9 aircraft to takeoff on time--zero maintenance delays

    - Identified faulty NLG strut; aided replacement/ops checks <7 hrs--keyed 190 srts/14 PUGS/zero maintenance delays

    - Identified/replaced faulty APU fuel line; completed C-130 inspections--zero downtime/met all maintenance deadlines

    - Identified/replaced faulty hydraulic reservoir; executed daily mx inspections--ensured aircraft safety/avoided delays

    - Identified/replaced faulty JFS/CGB <4 hrs/demolished 8 hr fix rt--keyed 190 sorties/400 hrs/14 PUGS/zero maintenance delays

    - Identified/replaced faulty servo valves; executed detailed inspection of aircraft tail surfaces--prevented delays

    - Identified/replaced faulty wiring; executed complex repair on main landing gear--zero maintenance delays

    - Performed 24 hr/7 day wkly maintenance; experienced in aircraft maintenance--ensured aircraft safety/zero delays

    - Replaced faulty JFS/CGB <4 hrs/demolished 8 hr fix rt; ex COMBAT HAMMER mbr--keyed 190 sorties/400 hrs/14 PUGS

    - Replaced two cracked mounts; evaluated bomb door mounting brackets--restored system integrity/zero maintenance delays

    - Responsible for engine run certifications; entrusted junior NCO w/critical task--MSgt billet waived by MXG/CC

    - Streamlined process for engine maintenance; implemented e-checklist--enabled 9 aircraft to takeoff on time/zero delays

    - Thoroughly inspected aircraft; identified/replaced faulty wiring--restored system integrity/avoided maintenance delays

    - Trusted member of maintenance team; completed 35 pneumatic checks/14 hrs--enabled 9 aircraft to takeoff on time

    - Exceptional maintenance supervisor; oversaw team of 23 maintainers/technicians--set the standard for timely mx tasks

    - Exceptional mx professional; initiated utilization of new techniques/procedures--led to improved acft mx quality

    - Exceptional troubleshooter; identified root cause of persistent mx issue--ensured 99.9% acft flight rate

    - Flawless maintenance execution; managed team of 10 technicians--ensured unit achieved 97% mission effectiveness

    - Implemented new maintenance procedures; implemented new methods to increase mx efficiency--led to 100% acft availability

    - Innovative technician; developed new mx procedure for unpredictable engine failure--reduced downtime by 10%

    - Outstanding dedication to mx; tracked down long-standing issue--enabled unit to achieve record breaking mission success rate

    - Outstanding mx professional; managed team of 15 Airmen--ensured acft readiness rate of 98%

    - Outstanding NCO; reorganized mx shop--led to improved mx efficiency/reduced labor hours by 20%

    - Outstanding technical proficiency; completed mx tasks in record time--led to 100% mission completion rate

    - Proactive technician; identified defective fuel line before launch--prevented costly acft damage/down time

    - Proven maintenance professional; developed innovative methods to reduce acft downtime--enabled unit to fly more than 95% mssns

    - Recognized for excellence in mx; awarded "Outstanding Airmen of the Month"--3Q17

    - Recognized for superior mx; awarded "NCO of the Quarter"--2Q18

    - Remarkable maintenance skills; successfully repaired/maintained 7 acft--enabled unit to reach 99% mission effectiveness rate

    - Responsible for leading mx techs; managed team of 15--ensured unit achieved 99% flight rate for 3 consecutive months

    - Selfless maintenance technician; developed innovative mx procedure to reduce man-hours--led to a 20% reduction in mx hours

    - Superb maintenance skills; identified/repaired malfunctioning avionics sys--enabled unit to fly 8K+ hrs in 1Q18

    - Superior mx technician; developed innovative mx techniques--led to unit achieving 98% mission readiness rate

    - Talented maintainer; completed mx tasks in record time--led to unit achieving 99% mission success rate

    - Unmatched maintenance expertise; completed mx tasks in record time--led to acft being ready for flight in under 12 hrs

    - Unrivaled mx technician; identified/repaired defective fuel line--prevented acft from facing costly downtime

    - Unsurpassed mx professional; managed team of 20 mx techs--ensured unit achieved 95% mission effectiveness rate

    - Utilized advanced mx techniques; provided on-the-spot training to techs--led to improved mx efficiency/reduced mx time by 15%

    - Valuable asset to mx team; identified/repaired malfunctioning avionics sys--enabled unit to fly 8K+ hrs in 1Q18

    - Versatile mx professional; successfully diagnosed/repaired complex sys--enabled acft to be ready for flight in under 8 hrs

    - Executed Radar/IFF TCTO; ID'd/R2'd 47 broken/defective cable harness--sustained 28/38 WRM assets/saved $1.4M

    - Executed 12-hr maint surge; completed 23 awy/alert mx tasks/11 acft inspected--key to 4K+ sorties/FY17

    - Executed S/W and H/W insp; ID'd/R2'd 17 defective components--ensured 100% A/C msn capable/no losses

    - Executed FHP surge; gen'd 2 loaded acft/aided lcl FHP 125 srts/190 hrs--USAFE Wg postured <6 hrs

    - Executed rep/overhaul on 6 A/C; ID'd/R2'd 38 defective parts--sustained 28/38 WRM assets/saved $573K

    - Executed 72-hr maint surge; completed 35 awy/alert mx tasks/17 acft inspected--key to 4K+ sorties/FY17

    - Executed pre-msn checklist; ID'd/R2'd 28 defective components--ensured 100% A/C msn capable/no losses

    - Executed 30-day/50-hr insp; PAR team mbr/completed 60 mx actions/98 sorties/153 flt hrs--secured 82.6% FMC

    - Executed FHP surge; gen'd 2 loaded acft/aided lcl FHP 122 srts/180 hrs--USAFE Wg postured <6 hrs

    - Executed A/C servicing; ID'd/R2'd 39 defective parts--sustained 28/38 WRM assets/saved $674K

    - Executed 12-hr mx surge; completed 50 awy/alert mx tasks/20 acft inspected--key to 4K+ sorties/FY17

    - Executed Engine TCTO; ID'd/R2'd 45 defective parts--sustained 28/38 WRM assets/saved $1.3M

    - Executed Post-flts insps; mx validated 100% by 5 level inspector--met all ATO's in AOR/reduced lcl mx time

    - Executed A/C Servicing; ID'd/R2'd 41 broken/defective parts--sustained 28/38 WRM assets/saved $483K

    - Executed 30-day/50-hr insp; PAR team mbr/completed 75 mx actions/110 sorties/163 flt hrs--secured 87.5% FMC

    - Executed HHQ alert tasker; gen'd 5 loaded acft/cont'd lcl FHP 218 srts/322 hrs--USAFE Wg postured <15 hrs

    - Executed Radar/IFF TCTO; ID'd/R2'd 51 broken/defective cable harness--sustained 28/38 WRM assets/saved $1.8M

    - Executed S/W and H/W insp; ID'd/R2'd 20 defective components--ensured 100% A/C msn capable/no losses

    - Executed 12-hr insp surge; completed 45 awy/alert mx tasks/15 acft inspected--key to 4K+ sorties/FY17

    - Executed FHP surge; gen'd 3 loaded acft/aided lcl FHP 150 srts/205 hrs--USAFE Wg postured <8 hrs

    - Executed rep/overhaul on 8 A/C; ID'd/R2'd 44 defective parts--sustained 28/38 WRM assets/saved $723K

    - Executed 72-hr mx surge; completed 38 awy/alert mx tasks/18 acft inspected--key to 4K+ sorties/FY17

    - Executed pre-msn checklist; ID'd/R2'd 33 defective components--ensured 100% A/C msn capable/no losses

    - Executed 30-day/50-hr insp; PAR team mbr/completed 65 mx actions/88 sorties/143 flt hrs--secured 80.7% FMC

    - Executed HHQ alert tasker; gen'd 6 loaded acft/cont'd lcl FHP 225 srts/335 hrs--USAFE Wg postured <18 hrs

    - Executed IFE actions; retrieved broken hardware/changed blown tires--runway cleared/re-opened within 1.5 hrs

    - Executed GAU-2B/A gun TCTO; ID'd/R2'd 51 defective breech bolts--sustained 28 WRM assets worth $823K

    - Executed Alert ops; readied 5 A/C/20 A/A loads/13 mx tasks/100% FMC--key to 115th FW receiving 2017 AFOUA

    - Executed deployed 500-hr insp--rated "Zero" defects by QA--returned combat acft msn capable 44 hrs early

    - Executed Radome TCTD on 8 acft; pinpointed/replaced insufficient radome shroud mounts--QA honor roll Sept' 17

    - Executed PHASE II sortie surge; PAR team mbr/completed 45 mx actions/60 sorties/93 flt hrs--secured 92.3% FMC

    - Executed Engine TCTO; ID'd/R2'd 48 defective parts--sustained 28/38 WRM assets/saved $1.4M

    - Executed A/C servicing; ID'd/R2'd 42 defective parts--sustained 28/38 WRM assets/saved $573K

    - Facilitated two preventive maintenance inspections; identified/corrected discrepancies and reduced aircraft downtime

    - Facilitated six phase inspections; identified/corrected discrepancies and reduced aircraft downtime

    - Fixed 34 discrepancies on C-130 aircraft; reduced maintenance time by 60%

    - Fixed discrepancies in C-130 aircraft; reduced maintenance time by 60%

    - Fixed discrepancies on F-16 aircraft; reduced maintenance time by 50%

    - Gained expertise in aircraft maintenance; certified for multiple aircraft variants

    - Generated aircraft maintenance reports; ensured compliance with USAF and FAA regulations

    - Identified and corrected discrepancies in C-130 aircraft; reduced maintenance time by 60%

    - Identified and fixed discrepancies in F-16 aircraft; reduced maintenance time by 50%

    - Improved aircraft maintenance efficiency; reduced maintenance time by 30%

    - Implemented aircraft maintenance program; reduced maintenance time by 20%

    - Increased aircraft maintenance efficiency; reduced maintenance time by 40%

    - Investigated aircraft maintenance issues; identified and corrected discrepancies and reduced aircraft downtime

    - Led aircraft maintenance team; completed maintenance of multiple aircrafts within deadline

    - Maintained 100% accuracy in aircraft maintenance; completed tasks within specified standards

    - Performed aircraft maintenance; identified and corrected discrepancies and reduced aircraft downtime

    - Performed aircraft maintenance on multiple aircrafts; ensured compliance with USAF and FAA regulations

    - Performed preventative maintenance inspections; identified and corrected discrepancies and reduced aircraft downtime

    - Prepared aircraft maintenance reports; ensured compliance with USAF and FAA regulations

    - Reduced aircraft maintenance time by 20%; completed tasks within specified standards

    - Reduced aircraft maintenance time by 30%; completed tasks within specified standards

    - Reduced aircraft maintenance time by 40%; completed tasks within specified standards

    - Reduced aircraft maintenance time by 50%; completed tasks within specified standards

    - Reduced aircraft maintenance time by 60%; completed tasks within specified standards

    - Revised aircraft maintenance plan; reduced maintenance time by 20%

    - Trained personnel in aircraft maintenance; ensured compliance with USAF and FAA regulations

    - Utilized advanced aircraft maintenance techniques; reduced maintenance time by 40%

    - Volunteered in aircraft maintenance program; identified and corrected discrepancies and reduced aircraft downtime

    - Volunteered to inspect base dormitories; ensured top standard compliance

    - Worked with aviation safety personnel to develop aircraft maintenance plan; reduced maintenance time by 30%

    - Worked with cross-functional teams to develop aircraft maintenance plan; reduced maintenance time by 40%

    - Expertly prepared/coordinated F-15C acft before/after flight; inspected/determined root causes for any mx discrepancies--secured 100% mission capable rate

    - Expertly provided mx support to inter-theater airlift; corrected 216 mx discrepancies--enabled airlift of 1,500+ personnel

    - Expertly repaired engine main oil filter housing; averted potential engine damage--key to acft readiness

    - Executed real-time troubleshooting on all acft systems; identified/corrected flight control system discrepancies--ensured 100% mission capability

    - Executed testing/inspection of acft systems; identified/corrected 12 discrepancies--bolstered acft mission capability

    - Expedited repairs of complex electrical systems; corrected faulty equipment--averted potential acft delays

    - Expertly coordinated acft mx actions; flawlessly completed engine changeouts--secure 100% mission capable rate

    - Expertly troubleshot/repaired faulty ground control station; corrected discrepancies--enabled successful acft launch

    - Expertly managed maintenance requirements; tracked/reported on >$1M equip/parts--enabled 100% mission capability

    - Expertly managed maintenance of acft systems; completed on-time inspections--maintained 100% msn capable rate

    - Expertly overhauled three F-16 engines; returned acft to mission-capable status--averted potential delays

    - Expertly performed F-16 acft sheet metal rep; corrected discrepancies--expedited acft launch

    - Expertly maintained cont/oper of >$2.5M equip; tracked/reported items--enabled 100% mission capability

    - Expertly monitored acft avionics systems; identified/corrected discrepancies--enabled successful acft launch

    - Expertly prepared/coordinated acft before/after flight; inspected/determined root causes for any mx discrepancies--secured 100% mission capable rate

    - Expertly repaired faulty navigation systems; identified/corrected discrepancies--averted potential acft delays

    - Expertly tracked >$2.5M equip/parts; enabled 100% mission capability--key to acft readiness

    - Expertly troubleshot/repaired faulty fuel systems; identified/corrected discrepancies--enabled successful acft launch

    - Expedited removal/repair of damaged acft parts; corrected discrepancies--averted potential acft delays

    - Experienced acft recovery specialist; recovered damaged acft from runway--returned acft to mission capable

    - Experienced acft maintainer; ensured acft readiness--enabled successful launch of 131 missions

    - Experienced acft maintenance supervisor; monitored/coordinated mx actions--expedited acft launch

    - Experienced acft maintenance technician; inspected/repaired components--enabled 100% mission capable rate

    - Experienced acft parts inspector; identified/corrected discrepancies--bolstered acft mission capability

    - Experienced mx technician; identified/corrected >$1.5M equip/parts--enabled 100% mission capability

    - Experienced mx manager; tracked/reported on >$2.5M equip/parts--enabled 100% mission capability

    - Experienced troubleshooter; repaired faulty navigation systems--averted potential acft delays

    - Experienced unit deployment monitor; deployed 26 personnel/45 short tons cargo--supported AEF 1/2/GWOT

    - Expertly inspected rudder cable system--correlated discrepancies found during pre-flt & post-flt insp

    - Expertly rerouted/re-terminated defective AWACS antenna cables; restored signal strength to 100%

    - Expertly tested/verified fuel pressure and flow; corrected discrepancies--returned aircraft to mission ready

    - Expertly tested/verified landing gear operation; corrected discrepancies--returned aircraft to mission ready

    - Expertly replaced faulty fuel pump; returned aircraft to mission ready--saved $5K in parts/labor

    - Expertly replaced both hydraulic pumps for flaps/slats; returned aircraft to mission ready--saved $7K in parts/labor

    - Expertly repaired faulty air data computer; prevented premature grounding of aircraft--saved $3K

    - Expertly replaced faulty ignition wires; removed fire warning from cockpit--saved $2K in parts/labor

    - Expertly replaced defective harnesses; prevented potential fire--saved $4K in parts/labor

    - Expertly replaced faulty starter generator; restored aircraft to mission ready--saved $8K in parts/labor

    - Expertly replaced failed actuators; returned aircraft to mission ready--saved $6K in parts/labor

    - Expertly inspected and repaired fuel cells; ensured aircraft structural integrity--saved $5K in parts/labor

    - Expertly replaced hydraulics lines; returned aircraft to mission ready--saved $2K in parts/labor

    - Expertly replaced faulty transponder; returned aircraft to mission ready--saved $3K in parts/labor

    - Expertly replaced faulty oxygen mask regulator; removed fire warning from cockpit--saved $4K in parts/labor

    - Expertly replaced faulty navigation system; prevented premature grounding of aircraft--saved $6K

    - Expertly replaced faulty engine component; returned aircraft to mission ready--saved $7K in parts/labor

    - Expertly replaced defective air data computer; returned aircraft to mission ready--saved $5K in parts/labor

    - Expertly replaced faulty stabilizer control; returned aircraft to mission ready--saved $3K in parts/labor

    - Expertly replaced faulty flap motor; returned aircraft to mission ready--saved $4K in parts/labor

    - Expertly replaced faulty landing gear component; returned aircraft to mission ready--saved $2K in parts/labor

    - Expertly replaced defective engine component; prevented premature grounding of aircraft--saved $8K

    - Expertly replaced faulty starter generator; returned aircraft to mission ready--saved $6K in parts/labor

    - Expertly replaced failed actuators; prevented premature grounding of aircraft--saved $7K in parts/labor

    - Expertly inspected/replaced faulty oxygen system; prevented fire warning from cockpit--saved $3K in parts/labor

    - Expertly replaced defective engine component; returned aircraft to mission ready--saved $5K in parts/labor

    - Expertly replaced faulty airspeed indicator; returned aircraft to mission ready--saved $4K in parts/labor

    - Expertly replaced faulty navigation system; prevented premature grounding of aircraft--saved $2K

    - Expertly replaced faulty fuel pump; returned aircraft to mission ready--saved $7K in parts/labor

    - Expertly replaced both hydraulic pumps for flaps/slats; prevented premature grounding of aircraft--saved $6K in parts/labor


    - Facilitated F-15E avionics mx; perf'd 8 actions/rewired LRU--ensured 2K hrs/sys availability

    - Facilitated F/A-18E/F C-MTS mx; inspected/replaced faulty parts--saved 16 man hrs/enhanced msn readiness

    - Facilitated F-22A ground mx; replaced landing gear w/o incident--ensured 50 sorties/day/msn success

    - Facilitated inter-service mx; led F-16C/D mx/overhauled engine--saved $5K/man hrs/ensured ISR msn

    - Facilitated mx for B-1B; ID'd faulty fuel system/replaced--saved $20K/ensured msn success

    - Facilitated mx of E-3B; replaced faulty nose wheel assembly--ensured 6K hrs/msn success

    - Facilitated mx on F-16C/D; replaced faulty wiring--ensured 3K hrs/msn success

    - Facilitated Mx of KC-10; ID'd faulty wiring/fixed 3 faults--ensured 10K hrs/msn success

    - Facilitated mx of T-38C; performed 9 mx actions/replaced faulty parts--ensured 1K hrs/msn success

    - Facilitated rapid mx; scrambled 3 crews/fixed 5 faults--ensured 24 hrs/msn success

    - Facilitated SLEP/C-5M; ID'd 4 faults/replaced faulty actuator--ensured 8K hrs/msn success

    - Facilitated C-130H mx; inspected/replaced faulty wheel assembly--ensured 2K hrs/msn success

    - Facilitated E-2C mx; replaced faulty wiring/inspected--ensured 6K hrs/msn success

    - Facilitated C-17 mx; inspected/replaced faulty wiring--ensured 10K hrs/msn success

    - Facilitated C-130J mx; inspected/replaced faulty actuator--ensured 2K hrs/msn success

    - Facilitated F-15E mx; performed 7 mx actions/fixed 3 faults--ensured 2K hrs/msn success

    - Facilitated F/A-18E/F mx; replaced faulty landing gear--ensured 50 sorties/msn success

    - Facilitated F-22A mx; ID'd faulty fuel system/replaced--saved $20K/ensured msn success

    - Facilitated KC-135 mx; rewired LRU/perf'd 8 actions--ensured 2K hrs/sys availability

    - Facilitated Mx for B-1B; replaced faulty wiring--ensured 3K hrs/msn success

    - Facilitated mx on E-3B; replaced faulty nose wheel assembly--ensured 6K hrs/msn success

    - Facilitated mx of T-38C; inspected/replaced faulty parts--ensured 1K hrs/msn success

    - Facilitated rapid mx; scrambled 3 crews/ID'd 4 faults--ensured 24 hrs/msn success

    - Facilitated SLEP/C-5M; replaced faulty actuator/inspected--ensured 8K hrs/msn success

    - Facilitated TCTO proof; uploaded enhanced s/w suite/4 acft--boosted radar capes/$500B prgm IOC achieved

    - Filled critical phase slot; 2 day avg turn time on eng insps/10 phase insps c/w--5K hrs generated for war effort

    - Finished "Foundations of Effective Thinking" CBT--improved reasoning skills--enhanced leadership abilities

    - Led mx team in C-17A; ID'd faulty wiring/3 faults--saved 4K hrs/msn success

    - Managed mx of F-16C/D; replaced faulty actuator--ensured 1K hrs/msn success

    - Perf'd no-notice DV depart chg; alerted 4 hrs early/led insp/tow across afld--avoided hurricane/praised by SECDEF tm

    - Presided over F-15E mx; replaced faulty wiring--ensured 5K hrs/msn success

    - Scheduled 10 mx actions on C-130H; replaced faulty wheel assembly--ensured 2K hrs/msn success

    - Took charge of F-18 mx; replaced faulty wiring--ensured 5K hrs/msn success

    - Trained 8 specs in egress mx; oversaw DAS amp install/aided canopy replacement--secured 90% MC rt

    - Utilized 3iR6 upgrade; uploaded enhanced s/w suite/4 acft--boosted radar capes/$500B prgm IOC achieved

    - Flawlessly conducted 6 month post-flight inspections on B-52 aircraft--saved $12K/completed before deadline

    - Completed 5-level aircraft maintenance upgrade requirements in 8 months--finished ahead of schedule

    - Fixed multiple hydraulic and electrical systems on B-52 aircraft--saved $20K on repair costs

    - Serviced and repaired 25 aircraft engines--saved the unit $30K in maintenance costs

    - Fixed a broken flap system on a B-52 aircraft--saved the unit $1.5K in maintenance costs

    - Completed a 5-level aircraft maintenance upgrade in 8 months--set a record for the unit

    - Conducted maintenance and repair on over 50 aircraft--saved the unit over $50K in maintenance costs

    - Successfully completed a 24-month aircraft maintenance course--finished ahead of schedule

    - Completed a comprehensive aircraft electrical system overhaul--increased aircraft performance by 5%

    - Fixed a broken fuel system on a B-52 aircraft--saved the unit $3.5K in maintenance costs

    - Successfully serviced and repaired 10 aircraft engines--saved the unit $20K in maintenance costs

    - Flawlessly maintained over 20 aircraft--increased the unit's safety rating by 10%

    - Completed a 5-level aircraft maintenance upgrade in 6 months--set a record for the unit

    - Fixed a broken landing gear system on a B-52 aircraft--saved the unit $2.5K in maintenance costs

    - Conducted maintenance and repair on over 100 aircraft--saved the unit over $100K in maintenance costs

    - Installed new avionics systems on 8 aircraft--saved the unit $15K in maintenance costs

    - Flawlessly maintained over 50 aircraft--increased the unit's safety rating by 15%

    - Inspected and serviced 25 aircraft--saved the unit $5K in maintenance costs

    - Successfully completed a 12-month aircraft maintenance course--finished ahead of schedule

    - Fixed a broken flight control system on a B-52 aircraft--saved the unit $4K in maintenance costs

    - Successfully serviced and repaired 15 aircraft engines--saved the unit $25K in maintenance costs

    - Completed an aircraft propulsion system overhaul--increased aircraft performance by 10%

    - Repaired a broken fuel system on a B-52 aircraft--saved the unit $2K in maintenance costs

    - Installed new navigation systems on 10 aircraft--saved the unit $20K in maintenance costs

    - Inspected and serviced 35 aircraft--saved the unit $7.5K in maintenance costs

    - Flawlessly maintained over 75 aircraft--increased the unit's safety rating by 20%

    - Fixed a broken communications system on a B-52 aircraft--saved the unit $3K in maintenance costs

    - Successfully completed a 36-month aircraft maintenance course--finished ahead of schedule

    - Repaired a broken landing gear system on a B-52 aircraft--saved the unit $4K in maintenance costs

    - Installed new flight control systems on 12 aircraft--saved the unit $25K in maintenance costs

    - Flawlessly maintained over 100 aircraft--increased the unit's safety rating by 25%

    - Inspected and serviced 45 aircraft--saved the unit $10K in maintenance costs

    - Successfully serviced and repaired 20 aircraft engines--saved the unit $30K in maintenance costs

    - Completed a comprehensive aircraft mechanical system overhaul--increased aircraft performance by 15%

    - Forcefully managed 25+ personnel--effectively maintained 100% accountability--contributed to AMU's 4th qtr '06 91% pass rate

    - Flawless flight line supervisor; managed documentation/accountability of 4K+ items--maintained 100% accuracy

    - Flawlessly identified & replaced faulty starter generator on C-130--saved $5K & avoided 24 hr impound

    - Fabricated/installed new navigation antenna--completed 3 hrs early--propelled on-time deployment departure

    - Foam specialist; inspected & maintained 6K+ mx items--saved $70K+ in replacement costs--key asset f/Cmd's busiest FCC wc

    - Flawless aircraft sheet metal sheet metal specialist; repaired 4K+ structural cracks/corrosion--essential to unit's 93% pass rate

    - Flight line specialist; managed 8K+ mx items--ensured 100% accuracy & accountability--zero sorties lost due to AGE support

    - Flight control surfaces specialist; performed fluid level checks/serviced 8K+ mx items--zero sorties lost due to AGE support

    - Fabricated/installed new pilot seats--completed 3 hrs early--contributed to on-time SWA deployment departure

    - Flight line inspector; tracked 10K+ mx items--ensured 100% accuracy & accountability--essential to unit's 93% pass rate

    - Flawlessly replaced faulty generator on C-130--saved $5K & avoided 24 hr impound--contributed to AMU's 4th qtr '06 91% pass rate

    - Forcefully managed 25+ personnel--effectively maintained 100% accountability--contributed to AMU's 4th qtr '06 91% pass rate

    - Flawlessly identified & replaced faulty starter generator on C-130--saved $5K & avoided 24 hr impound

    - Fabricated/installed new navigation antenna--completed 3 hrs early--propelled on-time deployment departure

    - Foam specialist; inspected & maintained 6K+ mx items--saved $70K+ in replacement costs--key asset f/Cmd's busiest FCC wc

    - Flawlessly fabricated/installed new main landing gear--completed 3 hrs early--contributed to on-time SWA deployment departure

    - Flight control system specialist; performed fluid level checks/serviced 8K+ mx items--zero sorties lost due to AGE support

    - Flawless aircraft system specialist; repaired 4K+ structural cracks/corrosion--essential to unit's 93% pass rate

    - Flight line specialist; managed 8K+ mx items--ensured 100% accuracy & accountability--zero sorties lost due to AGE support

    - Fabricated/installed new pilot seats--completed 3 hrs early--contributed to on-time SWA deployment departure

    - Flight line inspector; tracked 10K+ mx items--ensured 100% accuracy & accountability--essential to unit's 93% pass rate

    - Flawlessly replaced faulty generator on C-130--saved $5K & avoided 24 hr impound--contributed to AMU's 4th qtr '06 91% pass rate

    - Flawlessly directed nose gear strut change--completed 3 hrs early--incited on-time SWA deployment departure

    - Flight computer monitor; managed $59,000 worth of assets--tracked all computers through the repair process

    - Force multiplier during C-130 mx shortfall; covered 8 msns/25 days/groomed Amn--key asset f/Cmd's busiest FCC wc

    - Followed strict tech data usage; earned 100% pass rt on five QA evals--essential to section's 98%/unit's 93% pass rts

    - Flight DITS Monitor; reviewed 50+ write ups in IMDS daily--maintained less than a 3% discrepancies rate

    - Flight physical trainer; 87 tested, zero overdue; maintained fitness--earned 4 EMS "Fitness Excellence Award"

    - Flight focal point for ORI administration procedures; instrumental in 2007 4 FW's overall "Excellent" rating

    - FO recovered; retrieved lost auxiliary lighting control knob from cockpit during turn--avoided 24 hr impound

    - Focused flight line dispatcher; completed over 1.8K deliveries--directly contributed to 2.5K successful sorties

    - Focused supervisor; managed five drivers/delivery of 21K dispatches--zero sorties lost due to AGE support

    - FOD beater; found metal pieces in APU intake screen/removed FO/insp for damage--saved $158K power unit

    - Fabricated/installed new instrument panel--completed 3 hrs early--contributed to on-time SWA deployment departure

    - Flawless flight line supervisor; managed documentation/accountability of 4K+ items--maintained 100% accuracy

    - Flawlessly performed the ASL-100 system check--saved $4K & avoided 24 hr impound--contributed to AMU's 4th qtr '06 91% pass rate

    - Forcefully managed 25+ personnel--effectively maintained 100% accountability--contributed to AMU's 4th qtr '06 91% pass rate

    - Flawlessly identified & replaced faulty starter generator on C-130--saved $5K & avoided 24 hr impound

    - Fabricated/installed new navigation antenna--completed 3 hrs early--propelled on-time deployment departure

    - Foam specialist; inspected & maintained 6K+ mx items--saved $70K+ in replacement costs--key asset f/Cmd's busiest FCC wc

    - Executed repair of broken wheel well door latch; replaced damaged latch components--ensured airworthiness

    - Completed electrical wiring repair on damaged wire harness--savings of $10K+ due to repair vs replacement

    - Fixed cracked tailpipe during routine inspection; welded patch to ensure airworthiness--saved $20K+ in parts

    - Found numerous loose rivets on the vertical stabilizer; replaced and tightened--ensured safety of flight

    - Found broken landing gear brake line; replaced faulty line--avoided potential emergency landing

    - Found loose cowling screws; tightened/secured--increased efficiency of ORE acceptance/generation rate

    - Found engine exhaust leak; replaced/repaired faulty components--reduced flight risk/saved AF $7K

    - Found 6 loose screws on engine cowling; tightened/replaced--increased aircraft flight safety by 20%

    - Found broken nose gear actuator; removed/replaced faulty part--ensured success of ORE acceptance/generation

    - Found frayed main gear brake line; replaced with new line--avoided potential emergency landing

    - Found faulty gear motor; troubleshot/replaced--saved $15K in parts/labor costs due to repair vs replace

    - Found hydraulics leak in main gear system; replaced damaged seal--reduced flight risk/saved AF $3K

    - Found left aileron pushrod loose; tightened/replaced--increased flight safety/prevented potential mid-air incident

    - Found cracked fuel line; replaced/repaired faulty components--reduced flight risk/saved AF $5K

    - Found loose rivets on the vertical stabilizer; replaced/tightened--ensured safety of flight/prevented potential mishap

    - Found broken tailpipe during pre-flight inspection; welded patch to ensure airworthiness--saved $25K+ in parts

    - Found numerous loose screws on engine cowling; tightened/replaced--prevented potential in-flight incident

    - Found cracked windscreen; conducted permanent repair/replacement--reduced flight risk/saved AF $3K

    - Found loose actuator on right wing flap; tightened/replaced--increased aircraft flight safety by 25%

    - Found loose control cable on aft tail section; tightened/replaced--reduced flight risk/saved AF $2K

    - Found faulty gear motor; troubleshot/replaced--increased aircraft flight safety by 30%

    - Found frayed tail rudder cable; replaced with new cable--avoided potential emergency landing

    - Found crack in canopy seal; repaired/replaced faulty seal--saved $2K+ in parts/labor costs due to repair vs replace

    - Found loose screws on nose landing gear; tightened/replaced--increased efficiency of ORE acceptance/generation rate

    - Found faulty air duct in cockpit; replaced/repaired faulty components--reduced flight risk/saved AF $4K

    - Found loose rivets on the left wing; replaced/tightened--ensured safety of flight/prevented potential mishap

    - Found broken nose gear actuator; removed/replaced faulty part--increased aircraft flight safety by 15%

    - Found frayed main gear brake line; replaced with new line--prevented potential emergency landing

    - Found numerous loose screws on engine cowling; tightened/replaced--increased aircraft flight safety by 10%

    - Found crack in canopy seal; repaired/replaced faulty seal--prevented potential in-flight incident

    - Inspected/repaired 20 fuel cells; replaced 12 fuel cells--ensured aircrew safety and mission success

    - Coordinated with local services to repair fuel cell pressure relief valve--saved unit $2K in repair costs

    - Inspected/verified fuel cell fuel valves, fuel lines, and fuel drains--ensured aircrew safety and mission success

    - Repaired engine inlet diffuser; replaced worn parts--ensured engine safe operation/prolonged engine life

    - Inspected/repaired landing gear; replaced worn parts--ensured safe operation/prolonged gear life

    - Coordinated with local services to replace engine control unit--ensured engine safe operation/prolonged engine life

    - Coordinated with local services to repair fuel filter--ensured engine safe operation/prolonged engine life

    - Fulfilled 9 acft maintenance tasks; accomplished 42 launches--lightened crew chief workload

    - Inspected/repaired engine inlet diffuser; replaced worn parts--ensured engine safe operation/prolonged engine life

    - Coordinated with local services to replace hydraulic system components--ensured aircraft safe operation/prolonged life

    - Inspected/verified engine oil filter, oil lines, and oil coolers--ensured engine safe operation/prolonged engine life

    - Found three cockpit control cable breaks; coordinated fix with squadron/local agencies--saved $300K+ in replacement cost

    - Inspected/repaired engine exhaust components; replaced worn parts--ensured engine safe operation/prolonged engine life

    - Inspected/verified pneumatic components; replaced worn parts--ensured aircraft safe operation/prolonged life

    - Repaired/replaced access panels; replaced worn parts--ensured aircraft safe operation/prolonged life

    - Inspected/verified avionics components; replaced worn parts--ensured aircraft safe operation/prolonged life

    - Coordinated with local services to replace electrical system components--ensured aircraft safe operation/prolonged life

    - Inspected/verified main landing gear; replaced worn parts--ensured aircraft safe operation/prolonged life

    - Found loose electrical connections; coordinated fix with squadron/local agencies--saved $300K+ in replacement cost

    - Inspected/verified engine control unit; replaced worn parts--ensured engine safe operation/prolonged engine life

    - Inspected/repaired engine bleed air system; replaced worn parts--ensured engine safe operation/prolonged engine life

    - Found loose engine components; coordinated fix with squadron/local agencies--saved $300K+ in replacement cost

    - Inspected/repaired engine control system; replaced worn parts--ensured engine safe operation/prolonged engine life

    - Found defective engine mounts; coordinated fix with squadron/local agencies--saved $300K+ in replacement cost

    - Inspected/verified engine fuel system; replaced worn parts--ensured engine safe operation/prolonged engine life

    - Inspected/verified engine air intake system; replaced worn parts--ensured engine safe operation/prolonged engine life

    - Repaired engine inlet diffuser; replaced worn parts--ensured engine safe operation/prolonged engine life

    - Found loose engine components; coordinated fix with squadron/local agencies--saved $300K+ in replacement cost

    - Assisted in the repair of 47 F-15E airframes; enabled 25% mission availability rate--earned 74% QA rating

    - Assisted in repair/removal of 49 F-16 avionics systems; enabled increased mission availability--garnered 100% QA rating

    - Assisted on repairs of F-16 hydraulic systems; enabled 93% mission availability--garnered '05 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Assisted on repairs of F-15C landing gear systems; enabled 98% mission availability--garnered '06 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Assisted on repairs of F-16 electrical systems; enabled 99% mission availability--garnered '07 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Conducted 24 acft post-flight inspections; identified/corrected 54 discrepancies--zero safety/mission canx

    - Conducted weekly inspections on 28 F-16s; identified/corrected over 200 discrepancies--zero safety/mission canx

    - Conducted monthly inspections on 11 F-15s; identified/corrected over 500 discrepancies--zero safety/mission canx

    - Conducted quarterly inspections on 20 F-16s; identified/corrected over 1,000 discrepancies--zero safety/mission canx

    - Conducted yearly inspections on 32 F-15s; identified/corrected over 5,000 discrepancies--zero safety/mission canx

    - Completed/turned in 35 maintenance reports; enabled Sq to track/identify trends in maintenance actions

    - Completed/turned in 25 maintenance reports; enabled Sq to track/identify trends in maintenance actions--zero safety canx

    - Coordinated with 45 suppliers; enabled Sq to replenish inventory/spares--enabled 78% mission availability

    - Coordinated the implementation of new maintenance procedures; enabled Sq to achieve 72% mission availability rate

    - Developed/implemented new maintenance procedures; enabled Sq to achieve 79% mission availability rate--garnered '04 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Developed/implemented new maintenance procedures; enabled Sq to achieve 84% mission availability rate--garnered '05 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Developed/implemented new maintenance procedures; enabled Sq to achieve 88% mission availability rate--garnered '06 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Developed/implemented new maintenance procedures; enabled Sq to achieve 93% mission availability rate--garnered '07 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Implemented 8 new maintenance plans; enabled Sq to achieve 79% mission availability rate--garnered '04 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Implemented 9 new maintenance plans; enabled Sq to achieve 84% mission availability rate--garnered '05 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Implemented 11 new maintenance plans; enabled Sq to achieve 88% mission availability rate--garnered '06 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Implemented 14 new maintenance plans; enabled Sq to achieve 93% mission availability rate--garnered '07 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Led 17 maintainers to service 12 acft; enabled Sq to meet 95% mission availability rate--garnered '04 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Led 20 maintainers to service 15 acft; enabled Sq to meet 97% mission availability rate--garnered '05 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Led 25 maintainers to service 18 acft; enabled Sq to meet 99% mission availability rate--garnered '06 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Led 30 maintainers to service 21 acft; enabled Sq to meet 100% mission availability rate--garnered '07 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Oversaw 2,500+ mx task cards; enabled Sq to achieve 96% mission availability rate--garnered '04 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Oversaw 3,000+ mx task cards; enabled Sq to achieve 97% mission availability rate--garnered '05 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Oversaw 4,000+ mx task cards; enabled Sq to achieve 98% mission availability rate--garnered '06 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Oversaw 5,000+ mx task cards; enabled Sq to achieve 99% mission availability rate--garnered '07 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Provided oversight to 6 mx teams; enabled Sq to meet 95% mission availability rate--garnered '04 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Provided oversight to 8 mx teams; enabled Sq to meet 97% mission availability rate--garnered '05 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Provided oversight to 10 mx teams; enabled Sq to meet 99% mission availability rate--garnered '06 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Provided oversight to 12 mx teams; enabled Sq to meet 100% mission availability rate--garnered '07 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Re-engined 9 F-15s; enabled Sq to achieve 94% mission availability rate--garnered '04 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Re-engined 11 F-15s; enabled Sq to achieve 96% mission availability rate--garnered '05 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Re-engined 14 F-15s; enabled Sq to achieve 98% mission availability rate--garnered '06 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Re-engined 17 F-15s; enabled Sq to achieve 100% mission availability rate--garnered '07 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Headed 8-man maintenance/repair team on F-15E; fixed 17 aircraft errors--ensured safe air travel

    - Heeded maintenance reqs; saved $50K in costly repairs; tracked/managed 8K+ parts w/precision

    - Held four-hour maintenance sessions; trained 13 personnel in proper FOD procedures--reduced accidents by 55%

    - Hosted QA/QC training sessions; instructed 19 personnel in safety protocols--zero incidents on shift

    - Implemented new maintenance schedule; streamlined process/reduced labor costs--increased acft readiness

    - Initiated engine inspection program; identified/fixed faulty carburetor--saved $13K on repairs/parts

    - Inspected/serviced 30+ aircraft systems; identified/fixed 2K+ discrepancies--increased acft readiness by 50%

    - Inspected/repaired acft electronics; reduced downtime/avoided costly repairs--saved $15K in parts/labor

    - Instituted new maintenance logbook; identified/fixed 300+ discrepancies--ensured acft safety/readiness

    - Led pre-flight inspections; identified/fixed 200+ discrepancies--averted eight potential accidents

    - Managed 200+ repair requests; identified/fixed 7K+ discrepancies--improved acft readiness by 20%

    - Monitored/tested acft systems; identified/fixed 300+ discrepancies--improved acft reliability/safety

    - Operated maintenance equipment; serviced acft/avionics systems--ensured proper functioning of airframes

    - Performed 1K+ maintenance checks; identified/fixed 300+ discrepancies--averted 10 potential accidents

    - Prevented FOD exposure; inspected/serviced 400+ acft engines--ensured no damage/loss of life

    - Programmed 17 maintenance checks; identified/fixed 500+ discrepancies--increased acft reliability by 40%

    - Qualified maintenance personnel; trained 25 personnel in proper acft practices--increased acft safety/readiness

    - Researched/developed new maintenance techniques; identified/fixed 200+ discrepancies--reduced acft downtime

    - Scheduled/supervised 30+ maintenance sessions; identified/fixed 500+ discrepancies--averted potential accidents

    - Serviced 150+ acft components; identified/fixed faulty parts--reduced repair/replacement costs by 30%

    - Streamlined maintenance processes; identified/fixed 30K+ discrepancies--improved acft readiness/safety

    - Supervised 200+ acft inspections; identified/fixed 100+ discrepancies--improved acft safety/reliability

    - Tested/inspected acft components; identified/fixed 8K+ discrepancies--improved acft operation/safety

    - Trained 10 personnel in acft maintenance; identified/fixed 3K+ discrepancies--increased readiness by 40%

    - Updated acft records; identified/fixed 800+ discrepancies--ensured acft safety/readiness

    - Verified acft performance; identified/fixed 700+ discrepancies--ensured acft reliability/safety

    - Wrote/reviewed maintenance reports; identified/fixed 1K+ discrepancies--improved acft readiness/safety

    - Analyzed acft wiring diagrams; identified/fixed 900+ discrepancies--improved acft operation/safety

    - Coordinated acft repairs; identified/fixed 400+ discrepancies--increased acft safety/reliability

    - Created acft maintenance plans; identified/fixed 7K+ discrepancies--reduced acft downtime/costs

    - Developed new maintenance procedures; identified/fixed 1K+ discrepancies--ensured acft safety/readiness

    - Evaluated acft systems; identified/fixed 20K+ discrepancies--ensured acft reliability/operability

    - Inspected acft systems; identified/fixed 500+ discrepancies--improved acft safety/operability

    - Monitored acft maintenance; identified/fixed 300+ discrepancies--prevented costly repairs/replacements

    - Repaired acft systems; identified/fixed 200+ discrepancies--improved acft performance/reliability

    - Resolved acft maintenance issues; identified/fixed 400+ discrepancies--increased acft readiness/safety

    - Scheduled acft maintenance; identified/fixed 1K+ discrepancies--improved acft reliability/operability

    - Supervised acft maintenance; identified/fixed 600+ discrepancies--ensured acft safety/readiness

    - Tracked acft repairs; identified/fixed 5K+ discrepancies--reduced acft downtime/costs

    - Handpicked for F-16 DACT; executed 216 sorties/1,322 flying hrs--met all tasked objectives

    - Handpicked for ACC-directed deployment to Kuwait; established $600K wheel and tire facility--saved 90+ man-hrs

    - Handpicked as ACC-directed Wg Project Officer; managed $1.2M engine overhaul program--100% compliance/on-time

    - Handpicked to lead F-16 engine change out; supervised 13 personnel--acft flight-ready <6 hrs

    - Handpicked to conduct F-18 nose to tail program; trained 10 crew chiefs on 15 avionics tasks--1000+ trng sorties flown

    - Handpicked as aircrew flightline expediter; inspected 100+ sorties/1,200+ flying hrs--zero discrepancies noted

    - Handpicked for ACC-directed F-15 fuel tank inspection; inspected 11 fuel tanks--ensured safe operations

    - Handpicked to lead F-16 post-flight check; inspected 10 acft--all discrepancies noted/corrected

    - Handpicked to coordinate emergency airlift of critical supplies; supervised loading/offloading of supplies--mission accomplished <24 hrs

    - Handpicked to lead F-18 pre-flight check; inspected 10 acft--all discrepancies noted/corrected

    - Handpicked to conduct emergency aircraft maintenance; identified/repaired 50+ discrepancies--acft flight-ready <5 hrs

    - Handpicked to coordinate emergency aircraft maintenance; identified/repaired 80+ discrepancies--acft flight-ready <3 hrs

    - Handpicked to lead ACC-directed F-16 engine inspection; inspected 10 engines--ensured safe operations

    - Handpicked for no-notice Ex RED FLAG MRT; delivered new nosecone/seals--acft FMC <6 hrs

    - Handpicked for ACC-directed F-15 fuel tank replacement; replaced 8 fuel tanks--ensured safe operations

    - Handpicked to brief ACC/AF Daedalian teams on F-16 msn--efforts secured ACC win, Sq Amn/Qtr 3rd Qtr 06

    - Handpicked to lead ACC-directed F-18 engine inspection; inspected 10 engines--ensured safe operations

    - Handpicked to conduct emergency aircraft maintenance; identified/repaired 40+ discrepancies--acft flight-ready <4 hrs

    - Handpicked to support ACC F-15 engine overhaul program; managed $1.5M program--100% compliance/on-time

    - Handpicked as ACC-directed Wg Project Officer; managed $1.3M engine overhaul program--100% compliance/on-time

    - Handpicked to lead ACC-directed F-15 engine inspection; inspected 10 engines--ensured safe operations

    - Handpicked to brief ACC/AF Daedalian teams on F-15 msn--efforts secured ACC win, Sq Amn/Qtr 4th Qtr 06

    - Handpicked to lead ACC-directed F-18 engine change out; supervised 15 personnel--acft flight-ready <8 hrs

    - Handpicked for F-16 DACT; executed 220 sorties/1,400 flying hrs--met all tasked objectives

    - Handpicked for first F-35 nose to tail program, trained on 3 crew-chief on 25 avionics tasks--1200 trng sorties flown

    - Successfully serviced and repaired 10 aircraft engines--saved the unit $20K in maintenance costs

    - Flawlessly maintained over 20 aircraft--increased the unit's safety rating by 10%

    - Completed a 5-level aircraft maintenance upgrade in 6 months--set a record for the unit

    - Fixed a broken landing gear system on a B-52 aircraft--saved the unit $2.5K in maintenance costs

    - Conducted maintenance and repair on over 100 aircraft--saved the unit over $100K in maintenance costs

    - Installed new avionics systems on 8 aircraft--saved the unit $15K in maintenance costs

    - Flawlessly maintained over 50 aircraft--increased the unit's safety rating by 15%

    - Inspected and serviced 25 aircraft--saved the unit $5K in maintenance costs

    - Successfully completed a 12-month aircraft maintenance course--finished ahead of schedule

    - Fixed a broken flight control system on a B-52 aircraft--saved the unit $4K in maintenance costs

    - Successfully serviced and repaired 15 aircraft engines--saved the unit $25K in maintenance costs

    - Completed an aircraft propulsion system overhaul--increased aircraft performance by 10%

    - Repaired a broken fuel system on a B-52 aircraft--saved the unit $2K in maintenance costs

    - Installed new navigation systems on 10 aircraft--saved the unit $20K in maintenance costs

    - Inspected and serviced 35 aircraft--saved the unit $7.5K in maintenance costs

    - Flawlessly maintained over 75 aircraft--increased the unit's safety rating by 20%

    - Fixed a broken communications system on a B-52 aircraft--saved the unit $3K in maintenance costs

    - Successfully completed a 36-month aircraft maintenance course--finished ahead of schedule

    - Repaired a broken landing gear system on a B-52 aircraft--saved the unit $4K in maintenance costs

    - Installed new flight control systems on 12 aircraft--saved the unit $25K in maintenance costs

    - Flawlessly maintained over 100 aircraft--increased the unit's safety rating by 25%

    - Inspected and serviced 45 aircraft--saved the unit $10K in maintenance costs

    - Successfully serviced and repaired 20 aircraft engines--saved the unit $30K in maintenance costs

    - Completed a comprehensive aircraft mechanical system overhaul--increased aircraft performance by 15%

    - Forcefully managed 25+ personnel--effectively maintained 100% accountability--contributed to AMU's 4th qtr '06 91% pass rate

    - Flawless flight line supervisor; managed documentation/accountability of 4K+ items--maintained 100% accuracy

    - Flawlessly identified & replaced faulty starter generator on C-130--saved $5K & avoided 24 hr impound

    - Fabricated/installed new navigation antenna--completed 3 hrs early--propelled on-time deployment departure

    - Foam specialist; inspected & maintained 6K+ mx items--saved $70K+ in replacement costs--key asset f/Cmd's busiest FCC wc

    - Flawless aircraft sheet metal sheet metal specialist; repaired 4K+ structural cracks/corrosion--essential to unit's 93% pass rate

    - Flight line specialist; managed 8K+ mx items--ensured 100% accuracy & accountability--zero sorties lost due to AGE support

    - Flight control surfaces specialist; performed fluid level checks/serviced 8K+ mx items--zero sorties lost due to AGE support

    - Fabricated/installed new pilot seats--completed 3 hrs early--contributed to on-time SWA deployment departure

    - Flight line inspector; tracked 10K+ mx items--ensured 100% accuracy & accountability--essential to unit's 93% pass rate

    - Flawlessly replaced faulty generator on C-130--saved $5K & avoided 24 hr impound--contributed to AMU's 4th qtr '06 91% pass rate

    - Forcefully managed 25+ personnel--effectively maintained 100% accountability--contributed to AMU's 4th qtr '06 91% pass rate

    - Flawlessly identified & replaced faulty starter generator on C-130--saved $5K & avoided 24 hr impound

    - Fabricated/installed new navigation antenna--completed 3 hrs early--propelled on-time deployment departure

    - Foam specialist; inspected & maintained 6K+ mx items--saved $70K+ in replacement costs--key asset f/Cmd's busiest FCC wc

    - Flawlessly fabricated/installed new main landing gear--completed 3 hrs early--contributed to on-time SWA deployment departure

    - Flight control system specialist; performed fluid level checks/serviced 8K+ mx items--zero sorties lost due to AGE support

    - Flawless aircraft system specialist; repaired 4K+ structural cracks/corrosion--essential to unit's 93% pass rate

    - Flight line specialist; managed 8K+ mx items--ensured 100% accuracy & accountability--zero sorties lost due to AGE support

    - Fabricated/installed new pilot seats--completed 3 hrs early--contributed to on-time SWA deployment departure

    - Flight line inspector; tracked 10K+ mx items--ensured 100% accuracy & accountability--essential to unit's 93% pass rate

    - Flawlessly replaced faulty generator on C-130--saved $5K & avoided 24 hr impound--contributed to AMU's 4th qtr '06 91% pass rate

    - Flawlessly directed nose gear strut change--completed 3 hrs early--incited on-time SWA deployment departure

    - Flight computer monitor; managed $59,000 worth of assets--tracked all computers through the repair process

    - Force multiplier during C-130 mx shortfall; covered 8 msns/25 days/groomed Amn--key asset f/Cmd's busiest FCC wc

    - Followed strict tech data usage; earned 100% pass rt on five QA evals--essential to section's 98%/unit's 93% pass rts

    - Flight DITS Monitor; reviewed 50+ write ups in IMDS daily--maintained less than a 3% discrepancies rate

    - Flight physical trainer; 87 tested, zero overdue; maintained fitness--earned 4 EMS "Fitness Excellence Award"

    - Flight focal point for ORI administration procedures; instrumental in 2007 4 FW's overall "Excellent" rating

    - FO recovered; retrieved lost auxiliary lighting control knob from cockpit during turn--avoided 24 hr impound

    - Focused flight line dispatcher; completed over 1.8K deliveries--directly contributed to 2.5K successful sorties

    - Focused supervisor; managed five drivers/delivery of 21K dispatches--zero sorties lost due to AGE support

    - FOD beater; found metal pieces in APU intake screen/removed FO/insp for damage--saved $158K power unit

    - Fabricated/installed new instrument panel--completed 3 hrs early--contributed to on-time SWA deployment departure

    - Flawless flight line supervisor; managed documentation/accountability of 4K+ items--maintained 100% accuracy

    - Flawlessly performed the ASL-100 system check--saved $4K & avoided 24 hr impound--contributed to AMU's 4th qtr '06 91% pass rate

    - Forcefully managed 25+ personnel--effectively maintained 100% accountability--contributed to AMU's 4th qtr '06 91% pass rate

    - Flawlessly identified & replaced faulty starter generator on C-130--saved $5K & avoided 24 hr impound

    - Fabricated/installed new navigation antenna--completed 3 hrs early--propelled on-time deployment departure

    - Foam specialist; inspected & maintained 6K+ mx items--saved $70K+ in replacement costs--key asset f/Cmd's busiest FCC wc

    - Executed repair of broken wheel well door latch; replaced damaged latch components--ensured airworthiness

    - Completed electrical wiring repair on damaged wire harness--savings of $10K+ due to repair vs replacement

    - Fixed cracked tailpipe during routine inspection; welded patch to ensure airworthiness--saved $20K+ in parts

    - Found numerous loose rivets on the vertical stabilizer; replaced and tightened--ensured safety of flight

    - Found broken landing gear brake line; replaced faulty line--avoided potential emergency landing

    - Found loose cowling screws; tightened/secured--increased efficiency of ORE acceptance/generation rate

    - Found engine exhaust leak; replaced/repaired faulty components--reduced flight risk/saved AF $7K

    - Found 6 loose screws on engine cowling; tightened/replaced--increased aircraft flight safety by 20%

    - Found broken nose gear actuator; removed/replaced faulty part--ensured success of ORE acceptance/generation

    - Found frayed main gear brake line; replaced with new line--avoided potential emergency landing

    - Found faulty gear motor; troubleshot/replaced--saved $15K in parts/labor costs due to repair vs replace

    - Found hydraulics leak in main gear system; replaced damaged seal--reduced flight risk/saved AF $3K

    - Found left aileron pushrod loose; tightened/replaced--increased flight safety/prevented potential mid-air incident

    - Found cracked fuel line; replaced/repaired faulty components--reduced flight risk/saved AF $5K

    - Found loose rivets on the vertical stabilizer; replaced/tightened--ensured safety of flight/prevented potential mishap

    - Found broken tailpipe during pre-flight inspection; welded patch to ensure airworthiness--saved $25K+ in parts

    - Found numerous loose screws on engine cowling; tightened/replaced--prevented potential in-flight incident

    - Found cracked windscreen; conducted permanent repair/replacement--reduced flight risk/saved AF $3K

    - Found loose actuator on right wing flap; tightened/replaced--increased aircraft flight safety by 25%

    - Found loose control cable on aft tail section; tightened/replaced--reduced flight risk/saved AF $2K

    - Found faulty gear motor; troubleshot/replaced--increased aircraft flight safety by 30%

    - Found frayed tail rudder cable; replaced with new cable--avoided potential emergency landing

    - Found crack in canopy seal; repaired/replaced faulty seal--saved $2K+ in parts/labor costs due to repair vs replace

    - Found loose screws on nose landing gear; tightened/replaced--increased efficiency of ORE acceptance/generation rate

    - Found faulty air duct in cockpit; replaced/repaired faulty components--reduced flight risk/saved AF $4K

    - Found loose rivets on the left wing; replaced/tightened--ensured safety of flight/prevented potential mishap

    - Found broken nose gear actuator; removed/replaced faulty part--increased aircraft flight safety by 15%

    - Found frayed main gear brake line; replaced with new line--prevented potential emergency landing

    - Found numerous loose screws on engine cowling; tightened/replaced--increased aircraft flight safety by 10%

    - Found crack in canopy seal; repaired/replaced faulty seal--prevented potential in-flight incident

    - Inspected/repaired 20 fuel cells; replaced 12 fuel cells--ensured aircrew safety and mission success

    - Coordinated with local services to repair fuel cell pressure relief valve--saved unit $2K in repair costs

    - Inspected/verified fuel cell fuel valves, fuel lines, and fuel drains--ensured aircrew safety and mission success

    - Repaired engine inlet diffuser; replaced worn parts--ensured engine safe operation/prolonged engine life

    - Inspected/repaired landing gear; replaced worn parts--ensured safe operation/prolonged gear life

    - Coordinated with local services to replace engine control unit--ensured engine safe operation/prolonged engine life

    - Coordinated with local services to repair fuel filter--ensured engine safe operation/prolonged engine life

    - Fulfilled 9 acft maintenance tasks; accomplished 42 launches--lightened crew chief workload

    - Inspected/repaired engine inlet diffuser; replaced worn parts--ensured engine safe operation/prolonged engine life

    - Coordinated with local services to replace hydraulic system components--ensured aircraft safe operation/prolonged life

    - Inspected/verified engine oil filter, oil lines, and oil coolers--ensured engine safe operation/prolonged engine life

    - Found three cockpit control cable breaks; coordinated fix with squadron/local agencies--saved $300K+ in replacement cost

    - Inspected/repaired engine exhaust components; replaced worn parts--ensured engine safe operation/prolonged engine life

    - Inspected/verified pneumatic components; replaced worn parts--ensured aircraft safe operation/prolonged life

    - Repaired/replaced access panels; replaced worn parts--ensured aircraft safe operation/prolonged life

    - Inspected/verified avionics components; replaced worn parts--ensured aircraft safe operation/prolonged life

    - Coordinated with local services to replace electrical system components--ensured aircraft safe operation/prolonged life

    - Inspected/verified main landing gear; replaced worn parts--ensured aircraft safe operation/prolonged life

    - Found loose electrical connections; coordinated fix with squadron/local agencies--saved $300K+ in replacement cost

    - Inspected/verified engine control unit; replaced worn parts--ensured engine safe operation/prolonged engine life

    - Inspected/repaired engine bleed air system; replaced worn parts--ensured engine safe operation/prolonged engine life

    - Found loose engine components; coordinated fix with squadron/local agencies--saved $300K+ in replacement cost

    - Inspected/repaired engine control system; replaced worn parts--ensured engine safe operation/prolonged engine life

    - Found defective engine mounts; coordinated fix with squadron/local agencies--saved $300K+ in replacement cost

    - Inspected/verified engine fuel system; replaced worn parts--ensured engine safe operation/prolonged engine life

    - Inspected/verified engine air intake system; replaced worn parts--ensured engine safe operation/prolonged engine life

    - Repaired engine inlet diffuser; replaced worn parts--ensured engine safe operation/prolonged engine life

    - Found loose engine components; coordinated fix with squadron/local agencies--saved $300K+ in replacement cost

    - Assisted in the repair of 47 F-15E airframes; enabled 25% mission availability rate--earned 74% QA rating

    - Assisted in repair/removal of 49 F-16 avionics systems; enabled increased mission availability--garnered 100% QA rating

    - Assisted on repairs of F-16 hydraulic systems; enabled 93% mission availability--garnered '05 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Assisted on repairs of F-15C landing gear systems; enabled 98% mission availability--garnered '06 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Assisted on repairs of F-16 electrical systems; enabled 99% mission availability--garnered '07 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Conducted 24 acft post-flight inspections; identified/corrected 54 discrepancies--zero safety/mission canx

    - Conducted weekly inspections on 28 F-16s; identified/corrected over 200 discrepancies--zero safety/mission canx

    - Conducted monthly inspections on 11 F-15s; identified/corrected over 500 discrepancies--zero safety/mission canx

    - Conducted quarterly inspections on 20 F-16s; identified/corrected over 1,000 discrepancies--zero safety/mission canx

    - Conducted yearly inspections on 32 F-15s; identified/corrected over 5,000 discrepancies--zero safety/mission canx

    - Completed/turned in 35 maintenance reports; enabled Sq to track/identify trends in maintenance actions

    - Completed/turned in 25 maintenance reports; enabled Sq to track/identify trends in maintenance actions--zero safety canx

    - Coordinated with 45 suppliers; enabled Sq to replenish inventory/spares--enabled 78% mission availability

    - Coordinated the implementation of new maintenance procedures; enabled Sq to achieve 72% mission availability rate

    - Developed/implemented new maintenance procedures; enabled Sq to achieve 79% mission availability rate--garnered '04 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Developed/implemented new maintenance procedures; enabled Sq to achieve 84% mission availability rate--garnered '05 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Developed/implemented new maintenance procedures; enabled Sq to achieve 88% mission availability rate--garnered '06 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Developed/implemented new maintenance procedures; enabled Sq to achieve 93% mission availability rate--garnered '07 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Implemented 8 new maintenance plans; enabled Sq to achieve 79% mission availability rate--garnered '04 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Implemented 9 new maintenance plans; enabled Sq to achieve 84% mission availability rate--garnered '05 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Implemented 11 new maintenance plans; enabled Sq to achieve 88% mission availability rate--garnered '06 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Implemented 14 new maintenance plans; enabled Sq to achieve 93% mission availability rate--garnered '07 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Led 17 maintainers to service 12 acft; enabled Sq to meet 95% mission availability rate--garnered '04 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Led 20 maintainers to service 15 acft; enabled Sq to meet 97% mission availability rate--garnered '05 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Led 25 maintainers to service 18 acft; enabled Sq to meet 99% mission availability rate--garnered '06 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Led 30 maintainers to service 21 acft; enabled Sq to meet 100% mission availability rate--garnered '07 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Oversaw 2,500+ mx task cards; enabled Sq to achieve 96% mission availability rate--garnered '04 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Oversaw 3,000+ mx task cards; enabled Sq to achieve 97% mission availability rate--garnered '05 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Oversaw 4,000+ mx task cards; enabled Sq to achieve 98% mission availability rate--garnered '06 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Oversaw 5,000+ mx task cards; enabled Sq to achieve 99% mission availability rate--garnered '07 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Provided oversight to 6 mx teams; enabled Sq to meet 95% mission availability rate--garnered '04 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Provided oversight to 8 mx teams; enabled Sq to meet 97% mission availability rate--garnered '05 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Provided oversight to 10 mx teams; enabled Sq to meet 99% mission availability rate--garnered '06 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Provided oversight to 12 mx teams; enabled Sq to meet 100% mission availability rate--garnered '07 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Re-engined 9 F-15s; enabled Sq to achieve 94% mission availability rate--garnered '04 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Re-engined 11 F-15s; enabled Sq to achieve 96% mission availability rate--garnered '05 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Re-engined 14 F-15s; enabled Sq to achieve 98% mission availability rate--garnered '06 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Re-engined 17 F-15s; enabled Sq to achieve 100% mission availability rate--garnered '07 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Headed 8-man maintenance/repair team on F-15E; fixed 17 aircraft errors--ensured safe air travel

    - Heeded maintenance reqs; saved $50K in costly repairs; tracked/managed 8K+ parts w/precision

    - Held four-hour maintenance sessions; trained 13 personnel in proper FOD procedures--reduced accidents by 55%

    - Hosted QA/QC training sessions; instructed 19 personnel in safety protocols--zero incidents on shift

    - Implemented new maintenance schedule; streamlined process/reduced labor costs--increased acft readiness

    - Initiated engine inspection program; identified/fixed faulty carburetor--saved $13K on repairs/parts

    - Inspected/serviced 30+ aircraft systems; identified/fixed 2K+ discrepancies--increased acft readiness by 50%

    - Inspected/repaired acft electronics; reduced downtime/avoided costly repairs--saved $15K in parts/labor

    - Instituted new maintenance logbook; identified/fixed 300+ discrepancies--ensured acft safety/readiness

    - Led pre-flight inspections; identified/fixed 200+ discrepancies--averted eight potential accidents

    - Managed 200+ repair requests; identified/fixed 7K+ discrepancies--improved acft readiness by 20%

    - Monitored/tested acft systems; identified/fixed 300+ discrepancies--improved acft reliability/safety

    - Operated maintenance equipment; serviced acft/avionics systems--ensured proper functioning of airframes

    - Performed 1K+ maintenance checks; identified/fixed 300+ discrepancies--averted 10 potential accidents

    - Prevented FOD exposure; inspected/serviced 400+ acft engines--ensured no damage/loss of life

    - Programmed 17 maintenance checks; identified/fixed 500+ discrepancies--increased acft reliability by 40%

    - Qualified maintenance personnel; trained 25 personnel in proper acft practices--increased acft safety/readiness

    - Researched/developed new maintenance techniques; identified/fixed 200+ discrepancies--reduced acft downtime

    - Scheduled/supervised 30+ maintenance sessions; identified/fixed 500+ discrepancies--averted potential accidents

    - Serviced 150+ acft components; identified/fixed faulty parts--reduced repair/replacement costs by 30%

    - Streamlined maintenance processes; identified/fixed 30K+ discrepancies--improved acft readiness/safety

    - Supervised 200+ acft inspections; identified/fixed 100+ discrepancies--improved acft safety/reliability

    - Tested/inspected acft components; identified/fixed 8K+ discrepancies--improved acft operation/safety

    - Trained 10 personnel in acft maintenance; identified/fixed 3K+ discrepancies--increased readiness by 40%

    - Updated acft records; identified/fixed 800+ discrepancies--ensured acft safety/readiness

    - Verified acft performance; identified/fixed 700+ discrepancies--ensured acft reliability/safety

    - Wrote/reviewed maintenance reports; identified/fixed 1K+ discrepancies--improved acft readiness/safety

    - Analyzed acft wiring diagrams; identified/fixed 900+ discrepancies--improved acft operation/safety

    - Coordinated acft repairs; identified/fixed 400+ discrepancies--increased acft safety/reliability

    - Created acft maintenance plans; identified/fixed 7K+ discrepancies--reduced acft downtime/costs

    - Developed new maintenance procedures; identified/fixed 1K+ discrepancies--ensured acft safety/readiness

    - Evaluated acft systems; identified/fixed 20K+ discrepancies--ensured acft reliability/operability

    - Inspected acft systems; identified/fixed 500+ discrepancies--improved acft safety/operability

    - Monitored acft maintenance; identified/fixed 300+ discrepancies--prevented costly repairs/replacements

    - Repaired acft systems; identified/fixed 200+ discrepancies--improved acft performance/reliability

    - Resolved acft maintenance issues; identified/fixed 400+ discrepancies--increased acft readiness/safety

    - Scheduled acft maintenance; identified/fixed 1K+ discrepancies--improved acft reliability/operability

    - Supervised acft maintenance; identified/fixed 600+ discrepancies--ensured acft safety/readiness

    - Tracked acft repairs; identified/fixed 5K+ discrepancies--reduced acft downtime/costs

    - Handpicked for F-16 DACT; executed 216 sorties/1,322 flying hrs--met all tasked objectives

    - Handpicked for ACC-directed deployment to Kuwait; established $600K wheel and tire facility--saved 90+ man-hrs

    - Handpicked as ACC-directed Wg Project Officer; managed $1.2M engine overhaul program--100% compliance/on-time

    - Handpicked to lead F-16 engine change out; supervised 13 personnel--acft flight-ready <6 hrs

    - Handpicked to conduct F-18 nose to tail program; trained 10 crew chiefs on 15 avionics tasks--1000+ trng sorties flown

    - Handpicked as aircrew flightline expediter; inspected 100+ sorties/1,200+ flying hrs--zero discrepancies noted

    - Handpicked for ACC-directed F-15 fuel tank inspection; inspected 11 fuel tanks--ensured safe operations

    - Handpicked to lead F-16 post-flight check; inspected 10 acft--all discrepancies noted/corrected

    - Handpicked to coordinate emergency airlift of critical supplies; supervised loading/offloading of supplies--mission accomplished <24 hrs

    - Handpicked to lead F-18 pre-flight check; inspected 10 acft--all discrepancies noted/corrected

    - Handpicked to conduct emergency aircraft maintenance; identified/repaired 50+ discrepancies--acft flight-ready <5 hrs

    - Handpicked to coordinate emergency aircraft maintenance; identified/repaired 80+ discrepancies--acft flight-ready <3 hrs

    - Handpicked to lead ACC-directed F-16 engine inspection; inspected 10 engines--ensured safe operations

    - Handpicked for no-notice Ex RED FLAG MRT; delivered new nosecone/seals--acft FMC <6 hrs

    - Handpicked for ACC-directed F-15 fuel tank replacement; replaced 8 fuel tanks--ensured safe operations

    - Handpicked to brief ACC/AF Daedalian teams on F-16 msn--efforts secured ACC win, Sq Amn/Qtr 3rd Qtr 06

    - Handpicked to lead ACC-directed F-18 engine inspection; inspected 10 engines--ensured safe operations

    - Handpicked to conduct emergency aircraft maintenance; identified/repaired 40+ discrepancies--acft flight-ready <4 hrs

    - Handpicked to support ACC F-15 engine overhaul program; managed $1.5M program--100% compliance/on-time

    - Handpicked as ACC-directed Wg Project Officer; managed $1.3M engine overhaul program--100% compliance/on-time

    - Handpicked to lead ACC-directed F-15 engine inspection; inspected 10 engines--ensured safe operations

    - Handpicked to brief ACC/AF Daedalian teams on F-15 msn--efforts secured ACC win, Sq Amn/Qtr 4th Qtr 06

    - Handpicked to lead ACC-directed F-18 engine change out; supervised 15 personnel--acft flight-ready <8 hrs

    - Handpicked for F-16 DACT; executed 220 sorties/1,400 flying hrs--met all tasked objectives

    - Handpicked for first F-35 nose to tail program, trained on 3 crew-chief on 25 avionics tasks--1200 trng sorties flown

    - Handpicked to coordinate emergency airlift of medical supplies; supervised loading/offloading of supplies--mission accomplished <36 hrs

    - Handpicked to support ACC F-16 engine overhaul program; managed $1.4M program--100% compliance/on-time

    - Handpicked to conduct emergency aircraft maintenance; identified/repaired 70+ discrepancies--acft flight-ready <2 hrs

    - Handpicked for no-notice Ex BLUE FLAG MRT; delivered new fuselage/seals--acft FMC <7 hrs

    - Handpicked to lead F-18 post-flight check; inspected 10 acft--all discrepancies noted/corrected

    - Handpicked as ACC-directed Wg Project Officer; managed $1.5M engine overhaul program--100% compliance/on-time

    - Handpicked to brief ACC/AF Daedalian teams on F/A-18 msn--efforts secured ACC win, Sq Amn/Qtr 1st Qtr 06

    - AEC/HC's go-to tech; identified/replaced two fuel pressure switches--saved 20 hrs of additional maint

    - Atop of tech mx; inspected/replaced high pressure fuel metering unit--averted mission failure/cancellation

    - Completed C-130 wing spar mx--inspected/replaced 26 parts--averted mission destruction

    - Completed critical F-15E avionics mx; replaced 3 MLG actuators--maximized mission readiness

    - Completed major B-52H CTF mx; replaced two fuel pumps--averted msn/aircrew safety hazard

    - Completed nine B-2 avionics mx; replaced two aft radomes--enabled successful mission launch

    - Completed throttle quadrant replacement on F-15E; ensured msn success--averted mission destruction

    - Delivered vital ECM/ELINT mx; installed/tested six systems--enabled 10 successful missions

    - Developed/implemented four mx SOPs; improved aircrew safety/msn effectiveness--reduced mx discrepancies by 40%

    - Diagnosed/repaired T-38 electrical mx; replaced/calibrated 4 components--ensured mission success/safety

    - Directed mx of B-2 avionics; replaced two aft radomes--prevented mission destruction/aircrew safety hazard

    - Ensured acft mx readiness; inspected/repaired C-130H engines--delivered five successful msns

    - Ensured engine mx; inspected/replaced F-15E intake ducts--prevented mission destruction/aircrew safety hazard

    - Executed heavy mx on F-15E; replaced four MLG actuators--maximized mission readiness

    - Handpicked for SOUTHCOM acft mx; replaced two fuel pumps--averted mission destruction/aircrew safety hazard

    - Identified/replaced two fuel pressure switches--saved 20 hrs of additional mx

    - Inspected/repaired C-130H engines; ensured acft mx readiness--delivered five successful msns

    - Installed/tested six ECM/ELINT systems; delivered vital mx--enabled 10 successful missions

    - Led mx of B-2 avionics; replaced two aft radomes--prevented mission destruction/aircrew safety hazard

    - Maximized F-15E mission readiness; replaced/calibrated four components--ensured mission success/safety

    - Performed B-52H CTF mx; replaced two fuel pumps--averted msn/aircrew safety hazard

    - Performed intricate -10 turbine change in single shift--reduced equipment downtime by 50%

    - Prepared four B-52H a/c for '10 NORI; zero delays--enabled 2 BW "Satisfactory" rating...promote now

    - Quick action resulted in zero trng sorties lost; replaced "red ball" leading edge flap actuator

    - Replaced three MLG actuators on F-15E; completed critical avionics mx--enabled successful mission launch

    - Replaced two fuel pumps on B-2 acft mx; averted mission destruction/aircrew safety hazard--promote now

    - Root cause to nose wheel vibration; detected/replaced improper hardware--eliminated acft mishap

    - Saved SOUTHCOM msn; replaced SIRU during launch--gathered 8.5 hrs of vital intel info

    - Trained four Airmen on ADLS/TBA procedures; helped phase NCO trainers--shrunk recurring overdue list 8%

    - Zero delays helped Comm/Nav replace SIRU--saved SOUTHCOM msn--gathered 8.5 hrs of vital intel info

    - Served as lead on 6 a/c engine change outs--ensured all maintenance requirements were met--maximized aircraft availability

    - Led a team of 8 personnel in order to perform a 9,000 hour periodic a/c inspection--ensured safety regulations were met

    - Assisted with a/c engine repair--removed and replaced defective spark plugs--ensured aircraft was mission-ready

    - Performed a/c engine removal and installation--ensured all safety regulations and time frames were met

    - Led a/c engine wash--ensured all safety procedures were followed--ensured engine was clean and in compliance

    - Assisted with a/c landing gear maintenance--ensured all components and mechanisms were in working order

    - Ensured maintenance records were up to date--utilized computer programs to track and update all records--maintained accountability

    - Performed pre-flight inspections with a/c crew--ensured aircraft was mission ready--identified and corrected all minor discrepancies

    - Completed a/c electrical system checks--ensured all wiring and circuits were safe and functioning properly

    - Performed weapon system checks--ensured all components were properly installed and functioning correctly

    - Performed a/c hydraulic system checks--ensured all valves and hoses were functioning properly--ensured aircraft safety

    - Utilized technical manuals to accurately troubleshoot and diagnose all aircraft systems--ensured aircraft met safety regulations

    - Led a team of 6 personnel in order to perform a 4,000 hour periodic a/c inspection--ensured safety regulations were met

    - Assisted with a/c airframe maintenance--ensured all components and mechanisms were in working order

    - Performed a/c brake system inspections--ensured brakes were functioning properly--ensured aircraft safety

    - Inspected a/c fuel system--ensured all valves and hoses were functioning properly--ensured aircraft safety

    - Assisted in the repair of a/c landing gear--ensured all components and mechanisms were in working order

    - Assisted with a/c flight control system maintenance--ensured all components and mechanisms were in working order

    - Performed a/c avionics system checks--ensured all wiring and circuits were safe and functioning properly

    - Led a/c engine wash--ensured all safety procedures were followed--ensured engine was clean and in compliance

    - Utilized technical manuals to accurately troubleshoot and diagnose all aircraft systems--ensured aircraft met safety regulations

    - Assisted in a/c engine repair--removed and replaced defective spark plugs--ensured aircraft was mission-ready

    - Performed a/c engine removal and installation--ensured all safety regulations and time frames were met

    - Completed a/c electrical system checks--ensured all wiring and circuits were safe and functioning properly

    - Served as lead on 6 a/c engine change outs--ensured all maintenance requirements were met--maximized aircraft availability

    - Performed a/c hydraulic system checks--ensured all valves and hoses were functioning properly--ensured aircraft safety

    - Inspected a/c fuel system--ensured all valves and hoses were functioning properly--ensured aircraft safety

    - Assisted with a/c airframe maintenance--ensured all components and mechanisms were in working order

    - Assisted with a/c flight control system maintenance--ensured all components and mechanisms were in working order

    - Performed a/c avionics system checks--ensured all wiring and circuits were safe and functioning properly

    - Assisted with a/c engine repair--removed and replaced defective spark plugs--ensured aircraft was mission-ready

    - Performed pre-flight inspections with a/c crew--ensured aircraft was mission ready--identified and corrected all minor discrepancies

    - Assisted with a/c brake system inspections--ensured brakes were functioning properly--ensured aircraft safety

    - Highly skilled; performed FL-1D floodlight major inspection--zero discrepancies noted by quality assurance

    - Performed weapon system checks--ensured all components were properly installed and functioning correctly

    - Highly motivated--completed cfetp core tasks/CDCs ahead of 15 month schedule--increased unit productivity

    - Highly respected NCO; consistently motivated personnel to achieve unprecedented results...a talented leader


    - ID'd broken wing tip light bulb; replaced bulb/secured w/safety wire--prevented potential night vision hazard

    - ID'd corroded wing pitot tube; R2'd/replaced tube--critical to maintain >95% acft availability for msn success

    - ID'd damaged nozzle mount on F-16; coor'd/facilitated repair/insp--saved acft from ground abort/prevented damage

    - ID'd defective avionics fan; changed fan/tested system--essential to maintain <10% code-3 break rate Dec 16'

    - ID'd faulty altimeter; replaced altimeter/tested system--key to Dec 07 87% Msn Capable rate

    - ID'd fuel leak in tank; R2'd fuel tank/line/sensor--averted system damage/fuel loss

    - ID'd hydraulic line leak; replaced line/filled system--essential to maintain <10% code-3 break rate Feb 17'

    - ID'd insufficient aileron control cable tension; coor'd/facilitated repair/insp--saved acft from ground abort/prevented damage

    - ID'd leaking exhaust valve; coor'd/facilitated repair/insp--saved acft from ground abort/prevented damage

    - ID'd loose engine cowling; secured cowling/prevented FOD--amplified shift quals by 8%

    - ID'd missing landing gear seal; replaced seal/rigged system--prevented potential dropped objects/mishap

    - ID'd O-ring seal failure on fuel control unit; R2'd O-ring/seal--critical to maintain >95% acft availability for msn success

    - ID'd QA-NCR for broken rivet on F-16 canopy; coor'd/facilitated repair/insp--saved acft from ground abort/prevented damage

    - ID'd ruptured hydraulic line; replaced line/filled system--essential to maintain <10% code-3 break rate Jan 17'

    - ID'd wheel well corrosion; R2'd wheel well/secured bolts--prevented potential dropped objects/mishap

    - ID'd worn actuator cable; replaced cable/rigged system--prevented potential dropped objects/mishap

    - ID'd worn steering cable; replaced cable/rigged system--prevented potential dropped objects/mishap

    - ID'd/R2'd condemned engine cowling; navigated/tnd 3 prsnl on 28 step task/replaced <1 hr--amplified shift quals by 8%

    - Led 5 prsnl in R2 of C-17's L.E. flap; replaced actuator/tested sys--prevented potential inflight mishap

    - Organized/supervised 5 prsnl in replcmnt of C-17 nose wheel; installed wheel/secured w/safety wire--prevented potential night vision hazard

    - Prep'd/coord'd R2 of faulty flaps on acft; replaced/rigged sys--prevented potential inflight mishap

    - R2'd damaged acft engine; replaced engine/tested system--essential to maintain <10% code-3 break rate Dec 16'

    - R2'd electrical control box on B-1; repaired/tested system--key to Dec 07 87% Msn Capable rate

    - R2'd runaway fuel pressure on acft; replaced fuel pressure/tested system--averted system damage/fuel loss

    - R2'd V-22 hydraulics; replaced/tested system--prevented potential inflight mishap

    - Resolved structural bonding issue on acft; coor'd/completed repairs in 4 hours vs 8 hr std--key to Dec 07 87% Msn Capable rate

    - Trained 21 prsnl on CMMS; resolved neg trends--reduced errors 21%/cemented unit's 93% QA pass rt

    - Identified faulty starter generator; replaced with new one--drastically improved operational readiness rate

    - Identified faulty torque tube support bracket; replaced with new--alleviated vibration and premature wear

    - Identified inoperative flap motor; replaced before flight--prevented unnecessary delay in mission

    - Identified inoperative stabilizer trim motor; replaced w/ new--restored full flight control capability

    - Identified/replaced missing navigation antenna; restored navigation/communication systems--enabled aircraft to land safely

    - Identified/repaired leaking hydraulic line; sealed/tested--ensured proper pressure for safe flight operation

    - Identified/repaired loose fuel line; replaced/tested--prevented potential fire hazard during flight

    - Identified/repaired loose wire during functional check; restored--ensured aircraft meets all mission criteria

    - Identified/repaired malfunctioning fuel tank drain valve; restored--prevented fuel leakage during flight

    - Identified/repaired loose gear actuator; replaced--secured gear in place, improved aircraft safety

    - Identified/repaired loose left aileron; ensured proper flight control--eliminated the possibility of mission failure

    - Identified/repaired two broken fan blades; replaced/aligned blades--secured safety of passengers and crew

    - Identified/replaced faulty altimeter; ensured altimeter reliability--prevented potential accident on takeoff

    - Identified/replaced faulty oxygen bottle valve; prevented pressurization failure--ensured safe flight operations

    - Identified/replaced missing cockpit door handle; prevented accidental opening--avoided potential catastrophic event

    - Inspected/repaired fuel tanks for corrosion; replaced/tested--prevented potential fuel leaks during flight

    - Inspected/repaired faulty fuel system circuit; restored functionality--secured fuel system operation during flight

    - Installed/inspected engine cowling; replaced/secured--ensured proper air flow during takeoff/landing

    - Installed/inspected fuel tank vent system; replaced/tested--prevented potential fire hazard on takeoff/landing

    - Installed/inspected landing gear components; replaced/tested--secured aircraft safety during landing

    - Installed/inspected/repaired air speed indicator; tested/calibrated--ensured aircraft meets all mission criteria

    - Investigated/repaired faulty rudder pedal; replaced/secured--restored aircraft's full flight control capability

    - Performed/inspected regular maintenance on aircraft's wing; replaced/tested--enabled aircraft to reach full mission capability

    - Reconfigured/repaired aircraft's avionics system; restored functionality--enabled aircraft to meet safety regulations

    - Replaced/inspected faulty gearbox; replaced/tested--secured proper gear operation for safe flight operations

    - Repaired/inspected faulty hydraulic system; replaced/tested--ensured proper pressure for safe flight operations

    - Repaired/inspected faulty landing gear system; replaced/tested--secured aircraft safety during takeoff/landing

    - Resolved/repaired defective battery; replaced with new--enabled aircraft to meet all mission criteria

    - Inspected acft fuel tanks; discovered corrosion--recommended repair/prevented impeding system failure

    - Inspected MLG actuator trim hoses; identified cracks--replaced/ensured acft landing gear integrity

    - Inspected wiring harness; identified broken connector--repaired/ensured all acft engine systems operational

    - Replaced leaking hydraulic valve; tested/confirmed proper pressure--prevented imminent engine failure

    - Replaced four cracked/frayed main landing gear tires; ensured safe acft operation/avoided $14K tire replacement

    - Replaced faulty engine control panel; troubleshot/resolved issue--restored acft engine operations

    - Re-torqued loose engine mount bolts; restored torque parameters--prevented catastrophic engine failure

    - Repaired malfunctioning airspeed indicator; tested/confirmed proper operation--sustained navigation accuracy

    - Repaired the electrical system; replaced defective wires--prevented future acft power loss

    - Replaced seven malfunctioning fuel injectors; tested/confirmed proper operations--saved $1.8M in parts/man-hours

    - Repaired hydraulics system; replaced leaking hoses/fittings--prevented future system malfunctions

    - Utilized aircraft troubleshooting manual; identified/repaired faulty system--restored acft safety/avoided costly repair

    - Replaced leaking nose gear actuator; reinstalled/torqued hardware--ensured safe acft operation

    - Inspected engine fire extinguisher; replaced system--safeguarded acft personnel/prevented $1.7M asset loss

    - Inspected braking system; identified leak--repaired/restored proper operation--safeguarded acft/crew

    - Performed engine strut/ring cowling inspections; identified/repaired FOD damage--saved $2.3M in parts/man-hours

    - Performed routine acft maintenance; identified/repaired leaking O-ring--safeguarded acft/crew

    - Replaced defective fuel pumps; reinstalled/torqued hardware--prevented future system malfunctions

    - Replaced faulty cockpit pressure control panel; tested/confirmed proper operation--sustained acft control

    - Repaired faulty rudder pedals; replaced defective parts--ensured acft maneuverability/saved $2.9M in parts/man-hours

    - Repaired malfunctioning fuel line; replaced defective parts--ensured safe acft operations/prevented $1.5M asset loss

    - Replaced leaking oil filter; inspected/repaired system--safeguarded acft/crew/prevented $1.2M asset loss

    - Inspected acft avionics; identified/repaired faulty system--restored acft safety/avoided costly repair

    - Replaced leaking hydraulic valve; tested/confirmed proper pressure--prevented imminent system failure

    - Repaired faulty canopy actuator; replaced defective parts--ensured acft airworthiness/avoided $2.5M asset loss

    - Replaced faulty engine control panel; troubleshot/resolved issue--restored acft engine operations

    - Inspected wiring harness; identified broken connector--repaired/ensured all acft engine systems operational

    - Replaced two cracked ring cowling; directed multi-shop repair actions--sustained vital post-phase engine runs

    - Identified misaligned MLG actuator restrictor pres line; torqued line/R'd safetywire--insured landing gear integrity

    - Replaced four worn F-15 scissor link bushings; restored seven mounts--negated intake control failure/saved $7.5K

    - Identified improperly sealed canopy flood light cover; located/retrieved in 1 hr--thwarted impoundment/saved 12 man-hrs

    - Inspected acft fuel tanks; discovered corrosion--recommended repair/prevented impeding system failure

    - Identified improper ring cowl inlet door hardware; replaced defective parts--prevented FOD to $1.5M asset

    - Identified/repaired faulty landing gear actuator solenoid; prevented gear collapse--rescued critical cargo mission

    - Identified/repaired cracked fuel line; averted fuel leak and potential fire--returned aircraft to service

    - Identified/repaired loose connection on #2 engine oil line during postflight--ensured safe operation during next mission

    - Identified/repaired malfunctioning flap jackscrew during routine inspection-- salvaged aircraft readiness

    - Identified/repaired worn-out bearing on #2 engine; restored engine efficiency--saved $25K in maintenance costs

    - Identified/repaired/replaced two fuel-contaminated fuel injectors; prevented engine flameouts--ensured timely mission completion

    - Inspected/analyzed main gearbox lubricant; averted catastrophic failure--saved unit $50K in repairs

    - Inspected/repaired left-side engine starter; prevented total engine failure--salvaged critical air refueling mission

    - Inspected/repaired/replaced faulty hydraulic actuator; restored full flaps control--enabled safe return to base

    - Inspected/repaired/replaced malfunctioning nose gear steering locks; prevented potential runway accident--saved $80K

    - Inspected/replaced corroded antenna connection; restored communication capability--rescued mission-critical cargo flight

    - Maintained aircraft life support systems; ensured all components were operational--enabled safe air transport of 10 personnel

    - Monitored/analyzed fuel levels in main tank; identified leak--prevented fuel contamination/aircraft fire

    - Monitored/analyzed fuel system; identified/repaired leaking fuel injectors--prevented engine flameouts/saved $20K

    - Monitored/ensured quality control standards; implemented/maintained safety procedures--ensured safe air operations

    - Performed 10-hour phase inspection; identified/repaired eight discrepancies--saved $30K in maintenance costs

    - Performed routine maintenance checks; identified/repaired faulty wiring--restored aircraft to service

    - Performed/inspected mechanical/electrical systems; identified/repaired broken connection--prevented system failures

    - Proactively identified/repaired hydraulic system leakage; prevented potential failure--enabled safe flight of 10 personnel

    - Proactively identified/repaired worn out fuel tube; prevented fuel contamination-- ensured mission-critical cargo flight

    - Re-inspected/repaired/replaced damaged left-side thrust reverser; avoided possible engine flameout--saved $10K

    - Re-inspected/repaired/replaced damaged left-side engine starter; prevented total engine failure--enabled safe mission

    - Re-inspected/repaired/replaced defective nose gear steering locks; prevented potential runway accident--saved $10K

    - Re-inspected/repaired/replaced malfunctioning flap jackscrew; restored aircraft readiness--salvaged critical air refueling mission

    - Re-mapped/repaired/replaced three chaffed ignition harnesses; averted certain shock hazard--promotion to SSgt warranted

    - Re-tested/repaired faulty landing gear actuator solenoid; prevented gear collapse--rescued critical cargo mission

    - Repaired/replaced nine corroded antenna connections; restored communication capability--rescued mission-critical cargo flight

    - Rigorously inspected/replaced six worn-out tires during preflight--action prevented severe personnel injury/aircraft damage

    - Systematically implemented/monitored vehicle usage rotation schedule; ensured equalized wear--extended vehicle service life

    - Thoroughly inspected/analyzed main gearbox lubricant; averted catastrophic failure--saved unit $30K in repairs

    - Achieved 83% avg on acft maintenance training test--led to 100% qualification of 15 maintainers

    - Analyzed failed component; replaced faulty part--saved $15K/prevented catastrophic failure of airframe

    - Assessed aircrew's landing gear--identified loose bolts/nuts; corrected to spec--ensured safe flight ops

    - Assessed hydraulic system; identified leak in the master cylinder; replaced faulty part--saved AF $4.5K

    - Audited acft records for 10 C-17s; identified 2 overdue inspections--prevented 6-figure maintenance cost

    - Audited 25 Insp/Service documents; found discrepancies; provided quality control--ensured 100% accuracy

    - Conducted fuel system inspections; identified corrosion on fuel lines--prevented fuel contamination/saved $10K

    - Crafted maintenance plan for F-15s; replaced 3 engines; improved fuel efficiency--saved AF 4K/flight hour

    - Designed innovative system to track/update acft maintenance history--saved AF $3K/qtr in labor costs

    - Developed safety procedure to inspect fuel system; identified 6 faulty fuel lines--prevented explosion/saved $5K

    - Diagnosed fault on F-22 avionics bay; replaced faulty components--ensured safe flight ops/saved AF $1.5K

    - Documented/tracked all maintenance activities on 8 F-16s--provided clear record for QA/saved $25K in labor costs

    - Effectively managed the maintenance of 9 F-22s; tracked/updated all records--ensured 100% compliance with AF regs

    - Evaluated acft maintenance records; identified overdue inspections--saved AF $8K/prevented catastrophic failure

    - Executed 8 acft repairs; changed faulty/worn brake assemblies--ensured safe flight ops/saved AF $6K

    - Implemented new maintenance program for C-130s; tested/verified systems--increased efficiency by 15%/saved AF $2K

    - Interfaced w/contractors to ensure compliance w/AF regs; identified 3 non-compliant parts--prevented $8K in fines

    - Located/replaced faulty part on C-17; identified/replaced leaking fuel line--prevented fire/saved AF $17K

    - Maintained/inspected 5 C-5s; identified/replaced 6 faulty wiring harnesses--ensured safe flight ops/saved AF $2K

    - Monitored/inspected acft systems; identified/replaced worn/faulty parts--ensured safe flight ops/saved AF $5K

    - Operated/optimized O-level maintenance on F-22s; completed 19 inspections--ensured 100% safety/saved AF $4.5K

    - Planned/executed acft maintenance on 9 A-10s; inspected/replaced 10 parts--ensured safe flight ops/saved AF $3K

    - Qualified/certified 15 maintainers on F-16; developed new training program--ensured 100% compliance/saved AF $2.5K

    - Replaced faulty brakes on C-130--ensured safe flight ops/saved AF $2.5K/prevented catastrophic failure

    - Researched/analyzed acft maintenance records; identified/replaced 4 faulty parts--saved AF $7K/prevented fire

    - Scheduled maintenance on 7 F-15s; identified/replaced 3 faulty components--ensured safety/saved AF $4K

    - Supervised/directed acft maintenance on 8 F-35s; identified/replaced 12 parts--ensured 100% safety/saved AF $6K

    - Tracked/monitored acft maintenance records; identified/replaced 5 faulty parts--ensured safety/saved AF $4.5K

    - Updated/maintained acft records for 12 F-22s; identified/replaced 8 faulty components--ensured 100% safety/saved AF $5K

    - Verified/inspected acft maintenance on 6 A-10s; identified/replaced 4 faulty parts--ensured safety/saved AF $3K

    - Assisted maintenance team during F-15 Avionics upgrade; inspected 30 mx tasks--ensured 100% operational readiness

    - Assisted maintenance team during F-22 Avionics upgrade; inspected 30 mx tasks--ensured 100% operational readiness

    - Assisted maintenance team during F-35 Avionics upgrade; inspected 30 mx tasks--ensured 100% operational readiness

    - Conducted 15 aircraft inspections; identified and corrected 5 discrepancies--ensured 100% operational readiness

    - Conducted 12 aircraft inspections; identified and corrected 4 discrepancies--ensured 100% operational readiness

    - Conducted 10 aircraft inspections; identified and corrected 3 discrepancies--ensured 100% operational readiness

    - Conducted 5 aircraft inspections; identified and corrected 2 discrepancies--ensured 100% operational readiness

    - Developed innovative mx tracking system; tracked 490 mx tasks--improved mx data accuracy by 20%

    - Developed innovative mx tracking system; tracked 2,843 mx tasks--improved mx data accuracy by 15%

    - Developed innovative mx tracking system; tracked 4,903 mx tasks--improved mx data accuracy by 10%

    - Ensured 100% F-16 mx compliance; identified/corrected 3 discrepancies; increased operational readiness by 15%

    - Ensured 100% F-22 mx compliance; identified/corrected 4 discrepancies; increased operational readiness by 10%

    - Ensured 100% F-35 mx compliance; identified/corrected 5 discrepancies; increased operational readiness by 7%

    - Established F-16 maintenance standard; identified/corrected 3 discrepancies; improved mx accuracy by 25%

    - Established F-22 maintenance standard; identified/corrected 4 discrepancies; improved mx accuracy by 20%

    - Established F-35 maintenance standard; identified/corrected 5 discrepancies; improved mx accuracy by 15%

    - Innovative and reliable NCO; maintained 100% operational readiness during OEF/OIF deployment

    - Lead aircraft maintenance crew; inspected/corrected 6 discrepancies; increased operational readiness by 30%

    - Managed mx operations for F-16 fleet; tracked/verified 6 mx tasks--ensured 100% operational readiness

    - Managed mx operations for F-22 fleet; tracked/verified 7 mx tasks--ensured 100% operational readiness

    - Managed mx operations for F-35 fleet; tracked/verified 8 mx tasks--ensured 100% operational readiness

    - Provided instruction to new aircrew; taught 7 mx tasks--ensured 100% operational readiness

    - Provided instruction to new aircrew; taught 8 mx tasks--ensured 100% operational readiness

    - Provided instruction to new aircrew; taught 9 mx tasks--ensured 100% operational readiness

    - Qualified as aircraft maintenance instructor; trained 8 mx techs--ensured 100% operational readiness

    - Qualified as aircraft maintenance instructor; trained 9 mx techs--ensured 100% operational readiness

    - Qualified as aircraft maintenance instructor; trained 10 mx techs--ensured 100% operational readiness

    - Stepped up as Airfield Mx officer; inspected/corrected 5 discrepancies; increased operational readiness by 20%

    - Supervised mx operations during F-16 deployment; tracked/verified 6 mx tasks--ensured 100% operational readiness

    - Supervised mx operations during F-22 deployment; tracked/verified 7 mx tasks--ensured 100% operational readiness

    - Supervised mx operations during F-35 deployment; tracked/verified 8 mx tasks--ensured 100% operational readiness

    - Trained 12 mx techs on F-16 maintenance; instructed 7 mx tasks--ensured 100% operational readiness

    - Trained 15 mx techs on F-22 maintenance; instructed 8 mx tasks--ensured 100% operational readiness

    - Trained 18 mx techs on F-35 maintenance; instructed 9 mx tasks--ensured 100% operational readiness

    - Vital to F-16 mx operations; identified/corrected 3 discrepancies; improved mx accuracy by 25%

    - Vital to F-22 mx operations; identified/corrected 4 discrepancies; improved mx accuracy by 20%

    - Vital to F-35 mx operations; identified/corrected 5 discrepancies; improved mx accuracy by 15%

    - Diagnosed airframe corrosion; ID'd/repaired eroded bulkhead--ensured acft readiness and saved $150K

    - Performed remote maintenance; assessed/repaired 12 hydraulic lines--ensured acft readiness and saved $200K

    - Accomplished complete engine change; completed in <2 hrs--enabled acft to meet mission demands

    - Conducted ancillary preventive maintenance; inspected/repaired 44 components--ensured acft readiness and svd $100K

    - Fixed hydraulics system malfunction; replaced/repaired 11 fittings--enabled acft to launch 1 hr ahead of schedule

    - Conducted in-depth troubleshooting; identified/repaired faulty wiring harness--enabled acft to meet mission demands

    - Isolated fuel system failure; identified/repaired/checked two pumps--saved an estimated 4 man-hours per unit

    - Diagnosed broken servo; ID'd/repaired/checked system--enabled acft to launch 1 hr ahead of schedule

    - Fixed APU start malf; identified/repaired/checked elect control box--enabled acft to meet mission demands

    - Isolated flight control system failure; identified/repaired/checked 5 components--enabled acft to launch 3 hrs early

    - Accomplished complete landing gear change; completed in <2 hrs--enabled acft to meet mission demands

    - Performed remote maintenance; assessed/repaired 15 hydraulic lines--ensured acft readiness and saved $150K

    - Conducted ancillary preventive maintenance; inspected/repaired 50 components--ensured acft readiness and svd $125K

    - Fixed hydraulics system malfunction; replaced/repaired 13 fittings--enabled acft to launch 2 hrs ahead of schedule

    - Diagnosed broken servo; ID'd/repaired/checked system--enabled acft to launch 2 hrs ahead of schedule

    - Isolated flight control system failure; identified/repaired/checked 7 components--enabled acft to launch 4 hrs early

    - Accomplished complete engine change; completed in <2 hrs--enabled acft to meet mission demands

    - Fixed APU start malf; identified/repaired/checked elect control box--enabled acft to meet mission demands

    - Conducted in-depth troubleshooting; identified/repaired faulty wiring harness--enabled acft to launch 2 hrs early

    - Diagnosed airframe corrosion; ID'd/repaired eroded bulkhead--ensured acft readiness and saved $175K

    - Isolated/R2'd faulty fuel line and replaced with new part--ensured safe maintenance and improved reliability

    - Isolated/R2'd faulty fuel pump; replaced faulty unit--enabled acft to fly sorties/2,524 hrs--averted premature failure

    - Isolated/R2'd faulty control surfaces; replaced parts--restored acft to full operational capability

    - Isolated/R2'd faulty wiring harness; replaced--restored acft to full operational capability/averted premature failure

    - Isolated/R2'd faulty fuel flow sensor; replaced--restored acft to full operational capability/averted premature failure

    - Isolated/R2'd faulty transmission; replaced--restored acft to full operational capability/averted premature failure

    - Isolated/R2'd faulty brake system; replaced--restored acft to full operational capability/averted premature failure

    - Isolated/R2'd faulty engine; replaced--restored acft to full operational capability/averted premature failure

    - Isolated/R2'd faulty hydraulics; replaced--restored acft to full operational capability/averted premature failure

    - Isolated/R2'd faulty oil system; replaced--restored acft to full operational capability/averted premature failure

    - Isolated/R2'd faulty cooling system; replaced--restored acft to full operational capability/averted premature failure

    - Isolated/R2'd faulty navigation system; replaced--restored acft to full operational capability/averted premature failure

    - Isolated/R2'd faulty landing gear; replaced--restored acft to full operational capability/averted premature failure

    - Isolated/R2'd faulty avionics; replaced--restored acft to full operational capability/averted premature failure

    - Isolated/R2'd faulty fuel injection system; replaced--restored acft to full operational capability/averted premature failure

    - Isolated/R2'd faulty power management system; replaced--restored acft to full operational capability/averted premature failure

    - Isolated/R2'd faulty environmental system; replaced--restored acft to full operational capability/averted premature failure

    - Isolated/R2'd faulty electrical system; replaced--restored acft to full operational capability/averted premature failure

    - Isolated/R2'd faulty air data system; replaced--restored acft to full operational capability/averted premature failure

    - Isolated/R2'd faulty fire suppression system; replaced--restored acft to full operational capability/averted premature failure

    - Isolated/R2'd faulty ice protection system; replaced--restored acft to full operational capability/averted premature failure

    - Journeyman that performs aircraft maintenance at a Craftsman's level; delivers the highest level of excellence and obliterates all maintenance challenges--promote now!

    - Craftsman-level aircraft maintenance technician; consistently produces superior quality results, obliterates any challenges--promote now!

    - Journeyman aircraft maintenance technician; surpasses all challenges and offers the highest quality of excellence--promote now!

    - Aircraft maintenance professional that offers superior workmanship; hallmark is excellence and obliterates all challenges--promote now!

    - Aircraft maintenance technician who delivers exemplary performance; consistently surpasses expectations and obliterates all challenges--promote now!

    - Journeyman aircraft maintenance technician; consistently produces superior quality results and obliterates any challenges--promote now!

    - Aircraft maintenance professional; exceeds all challenges and offers the highest level of technical excellence--promote now!

    - Aircraft maintenance technician that offers superior workmanship; highest quality of excellence and obliterates all challenges--promote now!

    - Aircraft maintenance technician; exceeds all challenges and delivers the highest level of technical excellence--promote now!

    - Aircraft maintenance technician; produces superior quality results and obliterates all challenges--promote now!

    - Journeyman aircraft maintenance technician; produces superior quality results and obliterates any challenges--promote now!

    - Aircraft maintenance professional; exceeds all challenges and offers the highest level of excellence--promote now!

    - Aircraft maintenance technician; consistently produces superior quality results and obliterates all challenges--promote now!

    - Aircraft maintenance technician; provides highest level of excellence and obliterates any challenges--promote now!

    - Aircraft maintenance technician; offers superior workmanship and obliterates all maintenance challenges--promote now!

    - Aircraft maintenance technician; delivers the highest level of technical excellence and obliterates all challenges--promote now!

    - Aircraft maintenance professional; consistently surpasses expectations and obliterates all challenges--promote now!

    - Aircraft maintenance technician; produces superior quality results and obliterates any maintenance challenges--promote now!

    - Aircraft maintenance professional; delivers the highest level of technical excellence and obliterates all challenges--promote now!

    - Journeyman aircraft maintenance technician; consistently produces superior quality results and obliterates all challenges--promote now!

    - Adroitly maintained F-15E Strike Eagle acft--prolonged mission readiness--awarded Airman of the Month

    - Proactive in resolving emergency hydraulic system issues--averted mission abort--ensured mission success

    - Supervised 3 aircraft servicing teams--ensured 100% mission readiness--proud recipient of GT awards

    - Coordinated F-16C Falcon engine replacement--completed in record time--ensured mission success

    - Thoroughly inspected 6 F-15E Strike Eagle acft--enforced safety regulations--ensured mission success

    - Performed maintenance on 4 F-16C Falcon acft--ensured mission readiness--proud recipient of GT awards

    - Facilitated emergency engine start procedure--ensured success of 3 sorties--awarded Airman of the Month

    - Discovered critical defect in landing gear system--coordinated repairs--averted potential accident

    - Took lead on emergency repair of F-15E Strike Eagle's wing--ensured mission success--awarded Airman of the Month

    - Resolved faulty engine control unit--averted mission abort--ensured mission success

    - Coordinated repairs to F-15E Strike Eagle's fuel system--ensured mission readiness--awarded Airman of the Month

    - Identified unsafe condition in F-16C Falcon--coordinated repairs--ensured mission success

    - Successfully supervised 8 aircraft servicing teams--ensured 100% mission readiness--proud recipient of GT awards

    - Performed maintenance on 5 F-16C Falcon acft--ensured mission readiness--awarded Airman of the Month

    - Thoroughly inspected 5 F-15E Strike Eagle acft--enforced safety regulations--ensured mission success

    - Facilitated emergency engine start procedure--ensured success of 4 sorties--proud recipient of GT awards

    - Adroitly maintained F-15E Strike Eagle acft--prolonged mission readiness--proud recipient of GT awards

    - Proactive in resolving emergency hydraulic system issues--averted mission abort--awarded Airman of the Month

    - Discovered critical defect in landing gear system--coordinated repairs--ensured mission success

    - Took lead on emergency repair of F-15E Strike Eagle's wing--ensured mission success--proud recipient of GT awards

    - Led technical team in successful overhaul of two F-16 engines--resulted in 100% reliability rate

    - Meticulously inspected/serviced 10 F-16 engines--ensured an increase in aircraft mission readiness rate

    - Maxed out on workload; completed maintenance on five aircraft in three days--reduced aircraft downtime

    - Met wing requirements of 30 aircraft in-commission rate--promptly achieved goal in three days

    - Meticulous maintenance technician; responsible for 15 aircrafts' successful mission completion--no defects reported

    - Exceptional NCO; provided technical expertise in support of AFSOC F-15 maintenance program--upheld 99% mission success rate

    - Expertly performed maintenance on 15 aircraft; each receiving "Excellent" rating from ACC/IG--contributed to wing's "Outstanding" rating

    - Ensured successful launch of 17 aircraft; zero mishaps during sortie execution--highlighted by ACC/IG

    - Handpicked for deployments; conducted maintenance on 12 aircraft--ensured 100% mission readiness rate

    - Instrumental in successful CORE installation; replaced 28 faulty FOD covers--propelled 6 MS "Outstanding" rating

    - Led team of 5 technicians in successful overhaul of 12 F-16 engines--increased aircraft reliability rate to 100%

    - Maintained FOD-free environment; conducted daily walks; identified/removed 10 lbs of FOD--cemented 2 MXS "Excellent" rating

    - Meticulous technician; conducted daily pre-flight inspections on 10 F-16s--ensured no safety issues during sortie execution

    - Proactive NCO; performed maintenance on 10 F-16s during ORI--successfully maintained aircraft mission readiness rate at 98%

    - Proactive maintenance technician; performed daily inspections on 10 F-16s--ensured aircraft mission readiness rate of 100%

    - Responsible for daily maintenance of 8 F-15 engines; attributed to successful sortie execution--ensured 99% mission effectiveness rate

    - Responsible for overhaul of four F-15 engines; zero defects noted--contributed to wing's overall "Excellent" rating

    - Scrupulous mechanic; identified/repaired faulty hydraulic system--ensured no aircraft downtime during AEF deployment

    - Successful completion of 3 month AGE reorganization; increased storage capacity by 40%--contributed to wing's "Outstanding" rating

    - Successfully serviced 15 aircraft; each receiving "Excellent" rating from ACC/IG--contributed to wing's "Outstanding" rating


    - Led 8-person mx team; performed 7 aircraft inspections--met standard criteria in <6 hrs/increased flying hrs

    - Led C-130 acft emergency mx; troubleshot/corrected fuel leak--restored acft to FMC in <2 hrs

    - Maintained F-35 CAC rep; created five operational FTD courses w/440hrs of instruction--upgraded AF-wide curriculum

    - Mx'd 8 F-35 CAC rep; troubleshot/corrected wiring/troubleshot/corrected fuel/electrical systems--returned acft to FMC <4 hrs

    - Navigated F-15 Eagle acft; flew 50 sorties/accrued 250 flight hrs--improved unit's mission capability to 79%

    - Oversaw F-16 Falcon acft maintenance; launched 95 combat sorties/enabled 515 hrs of reconnaissance support--isolated 45 threats

    - Pilot-in-Command of C-17 acft; launched Operation TOY DROP acft--Joint Army/AF/NATO event; collected 1753 toys for needy children

    - Quality Assurance Supervisor; led ISO Inspection efforts/supervised 12 work area inspections--achieved 100% pass rate

    - Repaired C-40 acft anomaly; guided 6 Amn in replacing/repairing rudder torque tube--1st ever repair for RAB--rescued acft f/home STA return

    - Restored F-15 Eagle acft; troubleshot/corrected wire harness--removed/replaced 30-min interval--returned acft to FMC <2 hrs

    - Scheduled F-16 Falcon acft maintenance; finished two 750hr inspections--spurred 90% Mx Scheduling Effectiveness rate

    - Serviced F-35 CAC rep; troubleshot/corrected wiring/troubleshot/corrected fuel/electrical systems--restored acft to FMC <4 hrs

    - Supervised acft electrical system; troubleshot/corrected wiring/troubleshot/corrected fuel/electrical systems--returned acft to FMC <4 hrs

    - Supervised F-15 Eagle acft maintenance; launched 50 sorties/accrued 250 flight hrs--improved unit's mission capability to 79%

    - Technical Advisor for C-17 acft; led 8-person mx team/performed 7 aircraft inspections--met standard criteria in <6 hrs/increased flying hrs

    - Troubleshooting for C-40 acft; identified mis-manufactured electronics rack/initiated swap--ended 52hr mx stalemate

    - Troubleshooting Lead; repaired C-130 acft emergency mx--troubleshot/corrected fuel leak--restored acft to FMC <2 hrs

    - Upheld F-16 Falcon acft maintenance; launched 95 combat sorties/enabled 515 hrs of reconnaissance support--isolated 45 threats

    - Utilized F-35 CAC rep; created five specialized FTD crs's w/440 hrs of instruction--curriculum update forecasted AF-wide

    - Led avionics comp mx on 4 acft; replaced faulty altimeters/heads-up displays--saved $42K/enabled >4 sorties

    - Led daily acft mx/insp; pinpointed/resolved faulty fuel shut-off valve--enabled five alft mission-capable rate

    - Led engine cable mx; identified/repaired failed ignition wire--allowed six acft to complete sorties/zero delays

    - Led engine exhaust mx; identified/replaced faulty fan cowl--enabled four acft to complete sorties/zero delays

    - Led flightline mx; identified/repaired faulty fuel indicators--enabled five acft to complete sorties/zero delays

    - Led flightline trng initiative; trn'd 10 on new FOD/safety requirements--slashed FOD incidents by 20%

    - Led fuel system mx; identified/repaired faulty fuel pumps--enabled five acft to complete sorties/zero delays

    - Led Hydraulics mx; identified/repaired faulty hydraulic seals--enabled four acft to complete sorties/zero delays

    - Led maintenance check rides; trn'd/mentored six personnel--all passed/met OJT reqmts/zero repeat failures

    - Led mx of F119 engine; identified/repaired faulty fuel injectors--enabled four acft to complete sorties/zero delays

    - Led O-level mx; identified/repaired faulty fuel injectors--enabled four acft to complete sorties/zero delays

    - Led OJT trng initiative; trn'd five on new F-16 systems/procedures--slashed failure rates by 30%

    - Led periodic acft mx/insp; identified/repaired faulty wing flaps--enabled five acft to complete sorties/zero delays

    - Led propeller mx; identified/repaired faulty pitch change mechanism--enabled four acft to complete sorties/zero delays

    - Led repair/replace of faulty cowl flaps; identified/repaired faulty actuator--enabled four acft to complete sorties/zero delays

    - Led safety standdown; trn'd seven on FOD prevention/flightline safety--slashed FOD incidents by 10%

    - Led wing mx; identified/repaired faulty fuel tanks--enabled four acft to complete sorties/zero delays

    - Led wing mx; identified/repaired faulty fuel transfer lines--enabled five acft to complete sorties/zero delays

    - Led/executed acft mx; identified/repaired faulty engine control unit--enabled four acft to complete sorties/zero delays

    - Led hazardous material compliance check; identified and removed expired maintenance items--increased safety

    - Led intricate egress and escape system inspection; replaced faulty actuator--safeguarded aircrews

    - Led Jet Fuel Starter (JFS) replacement on two F-16s; reduced idling time and increased fuel savings

    - Led major engine repair; removed and replaced faulty parts--ensured time-sensitive mission success

    - Led maintenance on four airframes; completed 60 inspections and 14 repairs--boosted readiness rate to 95%

    - Led mission planning brief; explained aircraft maintenance requirements--gained 100% compliance rate

    - Led repair on two faulty fuel booster pumps; ensured safe operation--increased aircraft availability

    - Led serviceability check on C-17 cargo bay; identified and corrected deficiencies--maintained mission capability

    - Led team of 6 in accomplishing two F-15E engine changes--returned acft to combat sortie capable status

    - Led two aircraft engine inspections; identified and replaced faulty parts--saved $50K for wing

    - Led wing-wide engine inspection; replaced faulty parts--increased mission capability by 20%

    - Managed 20 Airmen in completion of avionics and electrical repairs--sustained 100% mission capability

    - Managed critical C-17 landing gear damage repair; replaced main gear box--averted mission failure

    - Managed hazardous material compliance check; identified and removed expired maintenance items--increased safety

    - Managed time-sensitive engine repair; removed and replaced faulty parts--ensured mission success

    - Monitored and maintained aircraft avionics; identified and replaced faulty parts--increased mission efficacy

    - Performed 500-hour serviceability check; identified and replaced faulty parts--increased aircraft availability

    - Scheduled and coordinated maintenance on six aircraft; completed 50 inspections and 10 repairs--improved readiness

    - Streamlined aircraft maintenance process; implemented new tracking system--increased efficiency by 35%

    - Led troubleshooting/repair of C-17 hydraulic system--saved $10K/restored acft/expedited flight

    - Led replacement/inspection of B-2 weapons bay doors--maintained 100% mission success rate/6 mths

    - Led scheduled maintenance/inspection of C-5 aft cargo door--1.5X faster than std/saved 3K man-hrs

    - Led inspection of F-16 mission avionics--ensured safety of flt/conferred with tech reps for accuracy

    - Led inspection/repair of C-130 electrical system--corrected faults/restored acft/ensured mission success

    - Led maintenance/repair of F-15 avionics--completed task 1 day ahead of std/enhanced readiness

    - Led overhaul of F-22 engine--completed task 3 days faster than std/ensured mission readiness

    - Led maintenance/inspection of B-1B weapons systems--verified accuracy of system/ensured mission success

    - Led repair of C-17 tail rotor system--completed task within 7 hours/saved 4 man-hrs

    - Led repair/replacement of F-22 avionics--ensured acft ready for combat/saved 3K man-hrs

    - Led inspection of B-2 landing gear--ensured acft ready for flight/saved 5 man-hrs

    - Led overhaul/inspection of F-16 hydraulic system--restored acft/saved 6K man-hrs

    - Led maintenance/repair of F-15 fuel system--completed task 8 hours ahead of std/saved 5K man-hrs

    - Led inspection of C-130 engine systems--ensured acft ready for mission/saved 3K man-hrs

    - Led repair/replacement of C-17 avionics--completed task within 10 hours/ensured mission capability

    - Led inspection of B-1B wing systems--ensured acft ready for flight/saved 4 man-hrs

    - Led overhaul/inspection of F-22 fuel system--restored acft/saved 7K man-hrs

    - Led maintenance/repair of F-15 wing systems--completed task 12 hours ahead of std/saved 6K man-hrs

    - Led inspection of C-130 avionics--ensured acft ready for mission/saved 4K man-hrs

    - Led repair/replacement of B-2 hydraulic system--completed task within 15 hours/restored acft

    - Fabricated five custom tool cribs--enabled unit to store mx tools/materials properly and accounted for

    - Developed mx safety prgm; implemented weekly safety stand downs--reduced mishaps/injuries by 40%

    - Developed/implemented protocol for engine wash/water system checks--maximized engine performance/longevity

    - Developed/implemented tool control prgm; drastically reduced tool loss/theft--saved unit $50K in replacements

    - Developed/implemented corrosion control prgm; identified/eliminated corrosion on critical mx components--saved $10K

    - Developed/implemented aircraft mx prgm; enabled unit to track/monitor mx activities/issues--enhanced safety/efficiency

    - Directed/coordinated aircraft mx mgrs; identified/corrected mx discrepancies/issues--guaranteed mission readiness

    - Directed/coordinated engine wash/water system checks; identified/corrected defects--ensured airworthiness/safety

    - Directed/coordinated wing/flight line mx crews; identified/corrected discrepancies--guaranteed mission readiness

    - Directed/coordinated mx activity on six aircraft--enabled unit to achieve 100% mission capability/required sorties

    - Developed/implemented weekly/monthly mx tracking system; enabled unit to track/monitor mx activities/issues

    - Developed/implemented mx procedures/policies; enabled unit to comply w/AF/DoD mx reqs/guidelines--maintained airworthiness

    - Developed/implemented quality control prgm; enabled unit to inspect/reject faulty parts/materials--saved $20K

    - Developed/implemented phase mx prgm; reduced mx discrepancies/issues--enabled unit to achieve 100% mission capability

    - Developed/implemented mx tracking system; enabled unit to track/monitor mx activities/issues--enhanced safety/efficiency

    - Directed/coordinated mx activity of four aircraft; identified/corrected mx discrepancies/issues--guaranteed mission readiness

    - Coordinated/supervised daily/weekly mx activities; identified/corrected mx discrepancies/issues--ensured airworthiness/safety

    - Led team; removed/re-installed four engine cowls in half the allotted time--facilitated engine replacement

    - Coordinated/supervised aircraft mx mgrs; identified/corrected mx discrepancies/issues--guaranteed mission readiness

    - Led unit's Pre-Launch Insp trng; qual'd 10 Dedicated Crew Chiefs--increased war operational readiness efforts

    - Leveraged cross-utilization trng; trained/advised 3 MI-17 aircrews on NVGs--fighting season missions increased 44%

    - Installed new pneumatic lines; checked integrity of system--ensured safe operation of aircraft/saved $1M

    - Inspected/replaced fuel tank; found corrosion/leaks--corrected issue/saved $50K in acft parts/100 man-hrs

    - Inspected/replaced hydraulic lines; ensured system integrity--prevented possible loss of aircraft flight control

    - Inspected/replaced brake lines; obtained parts on short notice--averted potential loss of aircraft/saved $62K

    - Identified/replaced damaged control cables; ensured system integrity--prevented system failure/saved $400K

    - Inspected/repaired oil cooler; found no loose connections--prevented potential fire/saved $2M in acft parts/200 man-hrs

    - Replaced/rigged elevator control cables; ensured system integrity--saved acft from potential loss of flight control

    - Repaired faulty engine fire detection; replaced FBLC A--averted possible fire/saved $200K in acft parts/150 man-hrs

    - Inspected/replaced faulty oxygen system; ensured system integrity--prevented potential failure/saved $1M in acft parts/250 man-hrs

    - Replaced damaged fan blade; verified fan speed--ensured safe operation of aircraft/saved $1M

    - Identified/replaced faulty fuel system; verified system integrity--prevented system failure/saved $1.2M in acft parts/300 man-hrs

    - Resolved jammed flap drive system; cleared debris--ensured safe operation of aircraft/saved $500K

    - Inspected/replaced damaged fuel lines; ensured system integrity--prevented potential loss of aircraft/saved $75K

    - Installed new oxygen mask; verified system integrity--saved acft from potential in-flight failure/loss of life/$13.2M

    - Inspected/rigged landing gear; replaced missing parts--prevented acft from potential loss of flight control/saved $25K

    - Installed new air filters; ensured system integrity--prevented potential system failure/saved $2.5M in acft parts/400 man-hrs

    - Replaced faulty wiring harness; verified system integrity--averted potential fire/saved $200K in acft parts/150 man-hrs

    - Replaced faulty wing flaps; ensured system integrity--prevented potential loss of aircraft/saved $2M

    - Installed/rigged control cables; ensured system integrity--prevented system failure/saved $400K in acft parts/200 man-hrs

    - Installed new fan switch; verified system integrity--saved acft from potential in-flight failure/loss of life/$13.2M

    - Inspected/replaced faulty radar system; ensured system integrity--prevented potential system failure/saved $1M in acft parts/250 man-hrs


    - Managed KC-10 A/C IFE program; conducted >1K mx actions/inspections--ensured >90% mx

    - Managed O-Level mx of F-16 A/C; performed >45 mx actions/inspections--ensured >90% mx effectiveness

    - Managed personnel/repair of 15 components; increased availability rate >18%--key to zero operational delays

    - Managed repair of F-22 A/C panel; reduced downtime >50%, returned asset to duty--supported 6K+ flight hrs

    - Managed shop area #4 personnel; coord'd >1K mx actions/inspections--ensured >89% mx efctvness/0 LSET findings

    - Inspected/repaired C-5 A/C; coord'd >5K mx actions/inspections--ensured >90% mx effectiveness/zero LSET findings

    - Performed >45K mx actions/inspections; raised availability rate 5%--key to sq's '12 AFGSC MEA

    - Performed >45K mx actions/inspections; raised availability rate 5%--key to sq's '12 AFMC MEA

    - Performed A/C 50-hour inspections; ensured 100% FMC rate--key to sq's '12 AFMC MEA

    - Performed F-15 A/C IFE program; conducted >2K mx actions/inspections--ensured >90% mx effectiveness

    - Performed F-16 A/C IFE program; conducted >1K mx actions/inspections--ensured >90% mx effectiveness

    - Performed F-22 A/C IFE program; conducted >1K mx actions/inspections--ensured >90% mx effectiveness

    - Performed KC-10 A/C IFE program; conducted >1K mx actions/inspections--ensured >90% mx effectiveness

    - Performed O-Level mx of F-16 A/C; performed >45 mx actions/inspections--ensured >90% mx effectiveness

    - Performed QA on 1.5K mx actions; raised FMC rate 5%--key to sq's '12 AFMC MEA

    - Performed repair of F-22 A/C panel; reduced downtime >50%, returned asset to duty--supported 6K+ flight hrs

    - Repaired 1K+ components; raised availability rate >18%--key to zero operational delays

    - Supervised 13 personnel; coord'd >15K mx actions/inspections--ensured >90% mx effectiveness/zero LSET findings

    - Supervised mx section; maintained >1K mx actions/inspections--ensured >90% mx effectiveness/zero LSET findings

    - Monitored/documented acft mx records; identified discrepancies; corrected 200+ discrepancies--saved AMU >$50K

    - Performed acft phase inspections; inspected acft exhaust, intakes, landing gear components--ensured 100% compliance

    - Performed maintenance on acft parts; troubleshot, diagnosed and repaired acft brakes--ensured acft readiness

    - Presented acft maintenance training to 15 personnel--ensured 100% personnel certified to operate acft

    - Processed mx paperwork; identified discrepancies & corrected 2K+ discrepancies--saved AF >$32K

    - Reconciled/validated acft mx documentation--ensured accuracy of 4K+ data entries with zero discrepancies

    - Rejuvenated acft landing gear components; identified/replaced worn parts--improved safety/performance of acft

    - Scheduled/coordinated acft maintenance; scheduled acft for daily/weekly maintenance--ensured acft readiness

    - Supervised/mentored 15 personnel; provided guidance/technical advice--resulted in 100% personnel retention

    - Tracked acft maintenance status/records; ensured timely completion of mx tasks--maintained 100% on-time mx rate

    - Assisted acft mx personnel with troubleshooting/diagnostics; identified/replaced faulty parts--ensured acft safety

    - Developed acft maintenance training program; created 20-hour training program--ensured personnel safety

    - Executed acft maintenance repairs; identified/replaced worn parts--ensured acft performance & safety

    - Facilitated acft maintenance downloads; obtained acft maintenance data--ensured 100% accuracy of acft records

    - Inspected acft components; identified/replaced worn parts--ensured acft safety/performance

    - Monitored acft mx records; identified discrepancies & corrected 600+ discrepancies--saved AMU >$25K

    - Performed daily inspection of acft components; identified/replaced worn parts--ensured acft safety/performance

    - Prepared acft for flight operations; inspected acft components & replaced worn parts--ensured acft readiness

    - Troubleshot acft systems; identified/replaced faulty parts--ensured acft safety & performance

    - Updated acft mx records; identified discrepancies & corrected 800+ discrepancies--saved AF >$40K

    - Monitored/adjusted $2.5M in acft parts/equipment--enabled 95% mx efficiency/zero msn delays during Jun '09

    - Monitored/inspected 7 acft for AFI compliance; saved 25 hrs of mx time/ensured 100% mission success

    - Monitored/inspected acft for AFI compliance; saved 25 hrs of mx time, ensuring 100% mission success

    - Performed 50+ acft inspections/repairs; identified/resolved multiple discrepancies--saved $10K acft mx cost

    - Performed advanced mx on CH-53E & UH-1N; 5K+ hrs w/zero msn delays--ensured 100% mission success rate

    - Performed complex electrical/avionics mx on acft; restored radar & auto-landing system--zero msn delays

    - Performed scheduled mx on 8 acft; completed all msn objectives w/zero safety infractions/zero msn delays

    - Streamlined mx process--reduced acft turnaround time by 25%; enabled 100% mission success rate/Mar '08

    - Supervised 19 mx personnel; ensured mx standards/safeguarded $1M in acft mx parts & equipment

    - Supervised mx of 3 acft; completed 1K+ hrs w/zero msn delays--ensured unit's 100% mission success rate

    - Supervised mx of 3 acft; completed 1K+ hrs w/zero msn delays--enabled unit to achieve 100% mission success rate

    - Supervised mx of 4 acft; completed 1.2K hrs w/zero msn delays--enabled unit to achieve 100% mission success rate

    - Trained 18 mx personnel; completed all acft mx actions w/zero msn delays--ensured unit's 100% mission success rate

    - Trained 18 mx personnel; completed all acft mx actions w/zero msn delays--enabled unit to acheive 100% mission success rate

    - Trained 18 mx personnel; completed all mx actions w/zero msn delays--enabled unit to achieve 100% mission success rate

    - Utilized 20 mx personnel to complete 2K acft mx actions w/zero msn delays--enabled unit to achieve 100% mission success rate

    - Utilized cost-effective mx measures; saved $30K in acft mx costs--enabled unit to achieve 100% mission success rate

    - Utilized cost-effective mx measures; saved $30K in acft mx costs--ensured unit's 100% mission success rate

    - Monitored/maintained $1.5M aircrew survival equipment acct; ensured 100% supply availability for 22 aircraft

    - Outstanding leader; oversaw shop operations/maint of 10 C-130Hs--ensured 98% mission success rate

    - Oversaw maintenance operations of 2 KC-135Rs; ensured 100% mission ready status during 3-day TDY

    - Perfected maintenance operations; ID'd/R2'd faulty control cable--helped acft return to service in <2 hrs

    - Professional manager; ensured 100% of 14 acft was mission ready during 72-hour ORI--wg rated "Excellent"

    - Proven leader; motivated/mentored 6 MXers--raised unit's ORI score from "Marginal" to "Excellent"

    - Reliable aircraft maintainer; ID'd/R2'd faulty fuel cell--avoided mission-critical acft failure

    - Resourceful troubleshooter; pinpointed/corrected multiple F-16 fuel system issues--saved $5K in parts/labor

    - Safety conscious; identified/corrected hazardous landing gear assembly on C-130--prevented future mishaps

    - Service-oriented craftsman; ID'd/R2'd faulty fuel cell--enabled aircraft to meet mission requirements

    - Skilled craftsman; ID'd/R2'd corroded hydraulic system component--contributed to acft's 97% mission success

    - Skilled mechanic; troubleshooted/corrected 14 discrepancies on acft FMC--saved $2.7K in parts/labor

    - Tech-savvy leader; created/implemented detailed acft maintenance SOP--doubled safety/mission readiness rate

    - Tenacious problem solver; identified/corrected defective autopilot system--ensured smooth acft operation

    - Thorough analyst; ID'd/R2'd faulty landing gear hydraulics--enabled acft to return to service in <2 hrs

    - Thoroughly inspect/service/repair acft; ensured 100% mission readiness during ORI--lauded by Unit CC

    - Tireless maintainer; oversaw critical engine repairs--enabled acft to meet mission requirements in <2 hrs

    - Troubleshooter extraordinaire; identified/corrected major fuel system issue--prevented hazardous mission failure

    - Unparalleled maintainer; ID'd/R2'd faulty fuel cell--saved $2.7K in parts/labor and returned acft to service

    - Unwavering dedication; mentored/trained 2 Airmen on acft maintenance--developed future industry leaders

    - Versatile maintainer; ID'd/R2'd faulty control cable--ensured acft returned to service in <2 hrs

    - Visionary leader; mentored/trained 6 MXers--raised unit's ORI score from "Marginal" to "Excellent"

    - Well-rounded maintainer; R2'd faulty landing gear assembly--enabled acft to meet mission requirements

    - Outstanding performer; increased quality standards on 5 FMCs by 50%--earned Section Maintenance Excellence Award

    - Oversaw crew of 26 Airmen; ran monthly QA on 4 F-15s/2 F-16s--contributed to 98% mission capability rate

    - Oversaw 6-mnth deployment to Iraq; completed all scheduled maintenance on 4 F-15s/3 F-16s--zero missons cancelled

    - Oversaw daily maintenance ops; tracked/maintained 12 a/c/60+ parts--rvw'd/approved 350+ parts orders <$1M

    - Oversaw engine build-up prgm; guided five Amn on F-15/F-16 engines--participated in 7 engine tear-downs

    - Oversaw fuel cell testing; inspected/tested 7 F-15/F-16 cells--averted $1.3M in replacements/fuel system anomalies

    - Participated in 10 OREs; inspected/certified 3 F-15/F-16 systems--contributed to 95% mission capability rate

    - Performed maint on F-15/F-16 a/c; serviced/maintained 10 a/c/320+ parts/instruments--met QA/QI standards

    - Processed 25+ parts orders; tracked/shipped items to 15 diff locations--saved $250K in replacement costs

    - Processed maintenance paperwork; updated/maintained all records/logs--enabled 100% compliance with safety standards

    - Quality control expert; audited 12 a/c/60+ parts/instruments--cut errors by 11%/increased mission readiness rate

    - Rebuilt 4 engines; performed piston/valve/fuel system overhauls--saved $550K in replacement costs

    - Scheduled/coordinated maintenance; inspected/maintained 10 a/c/60+ parts/instruments--met QA/QI standards

    - Supervised/maintained fuel systems on 10 F-15/F-16 a/c; inspected/tested cells--averted $1.4M in replacements

    - Mx maestro; identified/replaced faulty fuel pump--restored critical pilot/navigational capabilities

    - Mx pro; certified/replaced aileron actuator on C-130J--enabled 275 sorties/3K hrs of flight ops

    - Mx sage; identified/replaced faulty generator--restored full power, enabled critical night flight ops

    - Mx savvy; identified/replaced faulty fire suppression system--enabled safe engine start operations

    - Mx savvy; identified/replaced faulty hydraulic pump--enabled full system functionality for overseas ops

    - Mx whiz! identified/replaced faulty air data computer--restored full flight control functionality

    - Outstanding mx eye; identified/replaced faulty engine cylinder--restored full thrust capabilities

    - Outstanding mx eye; identified/replaced faulty fuel pump--restored full fuel system functionality

    - Proactive mx; identified/replaced faulty oxygen regulator--restored full flight cabin pressure

    - Proactive mx; identified/replaced faulty starter generator--enabled safe engine restart operations

    - Quality mx; identified/replaced faulty fuel line--restored full fuel flow to engine

    - Quality mx; identified/replaced faulty transmission linkages--enabled full transmission control

    - Quick-thinking mx; identified/replaced faulty control surface actuator--restored full flight control

    - Reliable mx; identified/replaced faulty landing gear--enabled safe landing operations

    - Results-driven mx; identified/replaced faulty engine cowling--ensured full engine cooling capability

    - Results-driven mx; identified/replaced faulty fuel valve--enabled full engine power capabilities

    - Solutions-oriented mx; identified/replaced faulty air data computer--restored full aircraft control

    - Technical mx; identified/replaced faulty engine mount--enabled safe high-altitude flight operations

    - Technical mx; identified/replaced faulty fire suppression system--enabled safe engine start operations

    - Versatile mx; identified/replaced faulty thrust reverser--enabled safe landing operations


    - Navigated hazardous terrain to assess damage to F-16C during OEF; expedited repairs--sent msn ready acft to fight

    - Negotiated w/vendors for parts/mx supplies; saved $15K parts/supplies--contributed to wing's '09 AFGO-E Award

    - Negotiated deal to trade older avionics parts for upgraded versions; saved wing $60K--acft back w/in 12 hrs

    - Noted oil leak on F-16A; coordinated w/mx crew to expedite repairs--ensured acft availability for OIF missions

    - Notarized mx records; ensured mx documents were properly entered--enabled wing to maintain acft availability for OEF

    - Noted discrepancy in MAFS computer system; coordinated w/SMC personnel to correct--ensured correct acft mx data

    - Negotiated w/vendors for parts/mx supplies; saved wing $20K in parts/supplies--contributed to wing's '10 AFGO-E Award

    - Negotiated deal to trade older avionics parts for upgraded versions; saved wing $50K--acft back w/in 8 hrs

    - Noted fuel leak on F-15C; coordinated w/mx crew to expedite repairs--ensured acft availability for OEF missions

    - Notified of loose flap actuator on F-15E during insp; tightened actuator to spec--acft msn ready in 4 hrs

    - Navigated hazardous terrain to assess damage to F-15E during OEF; expedited repairs--sent msn ready acft to fight

    - Nailed refueling panel repair--acft msn ready in 6 hrs--critical to WG's '05 Air Force Outstanding Unit Award

    - Notified of faulty bearing on B-1B during insp; replaced bearing--acft msn ready in 12 hrs

    - Nailed two main gear strut repacks--acft msn ready in 30 hrs--essential to WG's '07 Meritorious Unit Award

    - Notarized mx records; ensured mx documents were properly entered--enabled wing to maintain acft availability for OIF

    - Noted discrepancy in MAFS computer system; coordinated w/SMC personnel to correct--ensured correct acft mx data

    - Navigated hazardous terrain to assess damage to B-52H during OIF; expedited repairs--sent msn ready acft to fight

    - Negotiated w/vendors for parts/mx supplies; saved $10K parts/supplies--contributed to wing's '11 AFGO-E Award

    - Noticed hydraulic leak during panel inspection; coordinated hydraulic line repair--restored F-16A sys integrity


    - Oxygen system specialist; repaired/maintained 106 oxygen systems--guaranteed crew safety/flight readiness

    - Operational Readiness Exercises mainstay; completed 5 aircraft inspections--ensured safe/effective flts

    - OEF/OIF deployer; completed 25 engine oil drain/refill--ensured readiness of 28+ fighter acft

    - OIF/OEF deployer; oversaw 800+ F-16 flight line inspections--ensured pilot safety/readiness for combat ops

    - Observed discrepancies in aircraft engines; diagnosed/repaired issue--eliminated potential for emergency

    - On-shift leader; managed crew of 5--ensured compliance with maintenance standards/diectives

    - On-call supervisor; directed 4 aircrews on short notice--supported 3K sorties/5K+ flight hrs

    - Off-shift leader; received/coordinated 207 maintenance requests--ensured timely completion of 8K sorties

    - Observed/corrected discrepancies in F-16 flt control systems--ensured aircraft safety/flight readiness

    - Organized/implemented acft maintenance training program--ensured crews met all safety/performance standards

    - Overhauled F-16 engine; replaced/repaired 50 components--restored engine to peak performance/readiness

    - Perfected corrosion control program; developed detailed corrosion control SOPs--saved $2.7K in corrosion repairs

    - Performed complete tear-down/inspection/reassembly of two F-16 engines--empowered rapid return to service

    - Performed critical inspections; identified two major discrepancies--prevented costly engine/component failure

    - Performed detailed daily inspections on assigned acft; identified/resolved 17 discrepancies--promote to MSgt!

    - Performed detailed troubleshooting/repairs on C-17 avionics--mitigated three Class A mx discrepancies

    - Performed rigorous inspections; identified 10 discrepancies--corrected each flaw in 5 hrs or less--promote!

    - Performed weekly acft maintenance; enabled 18 acft to fly 488.8 hrs--drove 100% mission capable rate

    - Planned/coordinated/executed mx tasks; completed all tasks in 8 hrs vs 12 hrs--drove 65% fix rate above ACC standard

    - Restored F-16 ejection seat; overhauled seat to 100% mission capable--saved $8.5K in replacement costs

    - Supervised 21 maintenance personnel; ensured 100% FMC on assigned acft--drove 78.7% FMC rate

    - Supervised mx team of 15; identified/resolved 16 discrepancies--promote to MSgt at first opportunity

    - Achieved 3.0 GPA in professional mx courses; first in class to complete--exceeded ACC standards for mx

    - Crafted mx SOPs; reduced average aircraft repair time by 45%--increased mission capable rate to 90%

    - Developed detailed mx SOPs; augmented safety and efficiency during all mx tasks--saved $2.7K in repairs

    - Developed quality control program; inspected all acft to exceed ACC standards--drove 95% mission capable rate

    - Exceptional performer; identified/reconditioned 6 airframes--drove unit to achieve top ACC mx rating

    - Executed daily mx inspections; identified/resolved 11 discrepancies--drove 94% mission capable rate

    - Executed emergency maintenance; returned 3 acft to mission capable condition in 3 hrs vs 6 hrs--saved $10K in repairs

    - Inspected/repaired assigned acft; drove unit to exceed ACC standard 79% FMC rate--earned SrA BTZ Dec 2010

    - Led mx team during ORI; met all objectives--key factor in 4 FW receiving "Excellent" rating

    - Mentored 5 Airmen; developed mx skills--boosted flt's qual's by 45%--earned SrA BTZ Dec 2010

    - Oversaw 5K+ on-wing maintenance actions; kept aircraft mission-ready--ensured unit's 100% mission success rate

    - Oversaw/coordinated maintenance of 12 aircraft/3K flying hours--enabled wing to exceed 100% mission-ready rate

    - Raised unit's maintenance capability by 30%; overhauled/replaced 18 parts--increased aircraft availability by 25%

    - Rebuilt 20 airframes; overhauled 4 engines/2 fuel systems--reinstated unit's maintenance capability to 100%

    - Repaired 8 fuel systems; assisted in maintenance of 3 aircraft--averted mission delays/ensured 100% mission success

    - Replaced 20 fuel components; restored fuel system to 100% capability--enabled unit to achieve mission readiness rate of 95%

    - Replaced 20 fuel components; maintained quality assurance--ensured aircraft mission success rate of 100%

    - Serviced 4 aircraft/4K flying hours; overhauled 5 fuel systems--enabled wing to exceed 100% mission success rate

    - Demonstrated technical expertise; overhauled fuel acutators/valves--saved wing $45K/raised aircraft mission success rate

    - Devised innovative plan to reduce maintenance costs; saved wing $25K/increased mission success rate to 100%

    - Executed 3K avionics maintenance actions; enabled wing to exceed 100% mission success rate

    - Expertly directed maintenance of 10 aircraft/2K flying hours--enabled wing to exceed 100% mission success rate

    - Exhibited superior maintenance proficiency; ID'd/repaired 3 fuel system malfunctions--averted mission delay

    - Finished 50 maintenance actions/repaired 5 engines--enabled wing to exceed 100% mission success rate

    - Installed 14 fuel system components; restored fuel system to 100% capability--enabled unit to exceed 100% mission success rate

    - Instrumental in overhauling 6 fuel systems; enabled wing to exceed 100% mission success rate

    - Maintained 100% mission success rate with superior performance/outstanding technical expertise

    - Performed 3K avionics maintenance actions; enabled wing to exceed 100% mission success rate

    - Repaired 6 fuel systems; assisted in maintenance of 10 aircraft--enabled wing to exceed 100% mission success rate

    - Replaced 20 fuel components; restored fuel system to 100% capability--enabled unit to achieve mission readiness rate of 97%

    - Replaced 20 fuel components; maintained quality assurance--ensured aircraft mission success rate of 100%

    - Supervised 4K+ on-wing maintenance actions; kept aircraft mission-ready--ensured wing's 100% mission success rate

    - Upgraded 4 fuel systems; enabled unit to achieve mission readiness rate of 97%--increased aircraft availability by 25%

    - Oversaw flt's acft mx--ensured 2K+ flt hrs w/zero safety/mishap incidents/3K+ sorties--awarded '15 DM's Excellence Award

    - Oversaw acft mx; 2K+ flt hrs/3K+ sorties/zero safety/mishap incidents--earned Wg's '15 Academic Achievement Award

    - Oversaw avionics/electrical mx; ensured 0.7% repeat/99% msn effectiveness/97% 12-hr fix rate--secured '16 FW "Excellent" rating

    - Oversaw QA prgm; assisted 3 acft mx grps/14 NCOs/19 Airmen--secured 1st FW "Excellent" rating for '17/awarded Wg FHP

    - Oversaw acft mx; 1K+ flt hrs/zero safety/mishap incidents--secured Wg's '17 Academic Achievement Award/ZD

    - Oversaw AMMO prgm; accounted for 5K+ ammo assets/$3.4M--earned 4th consecutive FW "Excellent" rating/ZD

    - Oversaw engine mx; 2K+ flt hrs/zero safety/mishap incidents--earned Wg's '17 Maintenance Innovation Award

    - Oversaw acft mx documentation; completed 8K+ forms/records--awarded Wg's '17 RPA Maintenance Excellence Award

    - Oversaw flt's acft mx; completed 1K+ scheduled/unscheduled jobs--secured 2nd FW "Excellent" rating/ZD

    - Oversaw acft maintenance--ensured 2K+ flt hrs/3K+ sorties w/zero safety/mishap incidents/awarded Wg's '17 Top Performer Award

    - Oversaw flt's mx; secured 1K+ flt hrs/zero safety/mishap incidents--earned Wg's '17 Maintenance Quality Award

    - Oversaw acft mx; completed 8K+ scheduled/unscheduled jobs--secured 2nd FW "Excellent" rating/awarded Wg's '18 RPA Maintenance Award

    - Oversaw acft maintenance; 1.2K+ flt hrs/zero safety/mishap incidents--earned Wg's '18 Maintenance Innovation Award

    - Oversaw acft mx; 1.5K+ flt hrs/zero safety/mishap incidents--secured Wg's '18 Academic Achievement Award/ZD

    - Oversaw flt's mx; completed 4K+ scheduled/unscheduled jobs--secured 3rd FW "Excellent" rating/awarded Wg's '19 Maintenance Excellence Award

    - Oversaw acft mx; completed 2K+ scheduled/unscheduled jobs--secured 2nd FW "Excellent" rating/awarded Wg's '19 Maintenance Quality Award

    - Oversaw flt's acft mx; secured 1.2K+ flt hrs/zero safety/mishap incidents--earned Wg's '19 Top Performer Award


    - Performed 25 B-1B phase insps; contributed to 23K mx actions/returned 7K hrs--sq won '12 AFGSC MEA

    - Performed 75 C-5 phase insps; contributed to 25K mx actions/returned 8K hrs--sq won '13 AFGSC MEA

    - Performed 100 F-16 phase insps; contributed to 27K mx actions/returned 9.5K hrs--sq won '14 AFGSC MEA

    - Performed 150 F-35 phase insps; contributed to 28.5K mx actions/returned 10K hrs--sq won '15 AFGSC MEA

    - Proactive Airmen; co-authored AGE parking plan/decreased ramp parking/increased availability--promote to SMSgt!

    - Professional; analyzed 22 mx discrepancies/determined root cause--saved unit $19.2K in maintenance costs

    - Re-configured 6 F-16 engine cowls; completed 4K mx actions/returned 10K hrs--contributed to sq's '17 AFGSC MEA

    - Re-configured 6 B-1B engine cowls; completed 4.5K mx actions/returned 11K hrs--contributed to sq's '18 AFGSC MEA

    - Re-configured 6 F-35 engine cowls; completed 5K mx actions/returned 12K hrs--contributed to sq's '19 AFGSC MEA

    - Reconstructed F-16 tail hook; completed 2.5K mx actions/returned 5K hrs--contributed to sq's '20 AFGSC MEA

    - Repaired B-1B fuel system; completed 3K mx actions/returned 6K hrs--contributed to sq's '21 AFGSC MEA

    - Replaced F-35 instrument panel; completed 2.5K mx actions/returned 5K hrs--contributed to sq's '22 AFGSC MEA

    - Resolved 3 B-52 component issues; completed 4.5K mx actions/returned 11K hrs--contributed to sq's '23 AFGSC MEA

    - Resolved 4 C-5 component issues; completed 5K mx actions/returned 12K hrs--contributed to sq's '24 AFGSC MEA

    - Resolved 5 F-16 component issues; completed 6K mx actions/returned 13K hrs--contributed to sq's '25 AFGSC MEA

    - Resolved 6 F-35 component issues; completed 6.5K mx actions/returned 14K hrs--contributed to sq's '26 AFGSC MEA

    - Serviced six B-1B fuel systems; completed 4K mx actions/returned 10K hrs--contributed to sq's '27 AFGSC MEA

    - Serviced six F-16 fuel systems; completed 4.5K mx actions/returned 11K hrs--contributed to sq's '28 AFGSC MEA

    - Serviced six F-35 fuel systems; completed 5K mx actions/returned 12K hrs--contributed to sq's '29 AFGSC MEA

    - Supported 4 AFRES C-5s; performed 8K mx actions/returned 15K hrs--contributed to sq's '30 AFGSC MEA

    - Performed 90 maintenance actions; enabled 3K+ sorties--contributed to flight's 95% in-commission rate

    - Performed 97 7-level insps; enabled 2K+ soil samples to be collected--contributed to flight's 95% in-commission rate

    - Performed 98 maintenance actions on F-16 A/C; enabled 2K+ sorties--contributed to flight's 95% in-commission rate

    - Performed 99 major/minor maintenance actions; enabled 2K+ sorties--contributed to flight's 96% in-commission rate

    - Performed complex maintenance actions on F-15 A/C; enabled 3K+ sorties--contributed to flight's 98% in-commission rate

    - Performed monthly scheduled maintenance on 8 F-16s; enabled 4K+ sorties--contributed to flight's 95% in-commission rate

    - Performed preventative maintenance on 6 A/C; enabled 3K+ sorties--contributed to flight's 94% in-commission rate

    - Performed troubleshooting on F-15s; corrected 15 discrepancies--contributed to flight's 97% in-commission rate

    - Performed visual inspections on 100+ A/C--contributed to flight's 95% average in-commission rate

    - Researched & corrected discrepancies on F-16s; enabled 2K+ sorties--contributed to flight's 96% in-commission rate

    - Accomplished 25 post-flight inspections; 6 discrepancies identified/rectified--enabled flight's 95% in-commission rate

    - Assisted in the overhaul of 2 F-15 A/C--key to flight's 95% average in-commission rate

    - Coordinated with 15 A/C maintenance personnel--key to flight's 95% in-commission rate

    - Developed maintenance procedures that highlighted discrepancies--enabled flight's 95% in-commission rate

    - Ensured all A/C components were operational; enabled 3K+ sorties--contributed to flight's 95% in-commission rate

    - Evaluated 15+ A/C for discrepancies; corrected 6 discrepancies--contributed to flight's 95% in-commission rate

    - Maintained 100+ A/C components; enabled 3K+ sorties--contributed to flight's 94% in-commission rate

    - Monitored & corrected 5 discrepancies on F-16s; enabled 2K+ sorties--contributed to flight's 97% in-commission rate

    - Performed 5 emergency maintenance actions; averted 6 GACs--contributed to flight's 95% in-commission rate

    - Supervised 15 maintenance personnel; completed 100 maintenance actions--contributed to flight's 96% in-commission rate

    - Performed/supervised corrosion control; inspected and treated 50 aircraft--key to prevent corrosion, extend service life

    - Performed/supervised aircraft cleaning; inspected/cleaned 14 aircraft--ensured aircraft met AF standards

    - Performed/supervised aircraft engine maintenance/repair; conducted 14 engine runs/inspected for discrepancies--zero found

    - Performed/supervised aircraft hydraulic system maintenance; inspected and tested hydraulic components--ensured 100% mission ready

    - Performed/supervised aircraft electrical system maintenance; inspected and tested electrical components--ensured 100% mission ready

    - Supervised/performed aircraft electrical system maintenance; replaced/repaired faulty components--key to maintain acft status

    - Performed/supervised aircraft avionics maintenance; inspected/repaired/calibrated avionics systems--ensured 100% mission ready

    - Performed/supervised aircraft system maintenance; serviced/repaired/replaced systems as necessary--ensured 100% mission ready

    - Performed/supervised aircraft structural maintenance; inspected/repaired/replaced structural components--ensured 100% mission ready

    - Supervised/performed aircraft engine maintenance; repaired/replaced faulty parts--ensured 100% mission ready aircraft

    - Performed emerg tow supervisor duties after tow bar separated--halted runaway acft/damage to $159M asset

    - Performed fleet equipment overhaul for 18 acft/reduced -21 discrepancies from 55 to 10--23 MXG ORI ready

    - Performed nitrogen servicing cart membrane modification; raised critical equipment in-commission rate 50%

    - Performed on the spot tripod jack pump replacement; ensured proper aircraft lowering--averted work stoppage

    - Performed on-the-spot axle jack repair; uninterrupted acft maintenance ensured sortie surge generation success

    - Performed Preflight during CORI-09; efforts garnered "zero-defect"--launched on time leading to wg success

    - Performed supervisor/refuel task; earned 100% pass rate by evaluators--key to units zero 2007 LSET findings

    - Performed Transient Alert mx controller duties; coordinated 47 a/c recoveries--successful '12 wing airshow

    - Performed urgent action TCTO; repaired damaged brake wiring--key to AETC Maintenance Daedalian Awd

    - Performs/supervises aircraft basic postflight, preflight, thruflight, walk around and other special inspections

    - Personally involved in up-grade/continuation training of 24 Crew Chiefs--maintained integrity of unit training program

    - Performed/supervised aircraft preflight/postflight/thruflight inspections; identified/rectified 6 discrepancies

    - Supervised 4-man ground handling team; ensured safe/professional support--evidenced by zero mishaps/damage

    - Performed daily Organizational Level Maintenance Checklist; ensured aircraft maintenance--no reports of malfunctions

    - Performed/supervised night shift maintenance; executed after hour sorties--key to no-notice alert status

    - Performed/supervised engine maintenance/repair; conducted 14 engine runs/inspected for discrepancies--zero found

    - Performed/supervised post-flight/pre-flight maintenance; ensured safe/effective operations--no mission abortions

    - Performed/supervised annual aircraft maintenance; inspected 5 aircraft--ensured 100% mission readiness

    - Performed/supervised daily floor checks; ensured all aircraft systems/components were operational--no discrepancies

    - Performed/supervised air crew duties; trained 8 new aircrew--equipping unit with 100% mission ready personnel

    - Performed/supervised maintenance on C-130 Hercules; enabled acft to fly sorties--key to unit's success in theater

    - Pinpointed faulty hydraulics; determined root cause/repaired--enabled successful mission/prevented MISHAP

    - Pinpointed faulty TACAN antenna mount; replaced/aligned--restored max range/accuracy/avoided abort

    - Pinpointed improper torque on oil filter; changed filter/torque to spec--prevented catastrophic engine failure

    - Pinpointed improper wiring on generator control; repaired/replaced wiring--enabled acft to meet mission goal

    - Pinpointed leaking hydraulic line; replaced line/repaired fitting--averted system failure/saved $20K in parts

    - Pinpointed malfunctioning gyro; replaced instrument/realigned--restored navigation accuracy/ensured msn success

    - Pinpointed steering problem; performed troubleshooting/repaired/realigned--restored acft to full mission capability

    - Pinpointed/repaired cracked electrical conduit; replaced defective parts--restored acft to full mission capability

    - Rebuilt fuel tank; corrected leaks/excess corrosion--saved AF $1.2M in parts/15K man-hrs/restored acft to flight status

    - Completed over 100 aircraft maintenance inspections; identified/resolved numerous issues--raised mission readiness by 20%

    - Conducted post-flight inspections; discovered/corrected 7 discrepancies--maximized aircraft life/saved $10K in repairs

    - Developed/implemented 7 new maintenance procedures; standardized/streamlined workflow--saved AF $12K/year in labor

    - Discovered/repaired APU fire loop wiring issue; identified/replaced defective parts--increased aircraft mission readiness

    - Discovered/repaired fuel leak on aircraft; replaced defective parts/seals--prevented catastrophic failure/saved $12K

    - Executed 10+ aircraft maintenance checks; identified/resolved 8 discrepancies--increased mission readiness by 10%

    - Identified/replaced faulty fuel pressure regulator; averted system failure/saved AF $25K in parts/labor

    - Installed new fuel system components; replaced hoses/lines/nozzles--saved AF $18K in repairs/increased msn capability

    - Maintained/inspected 10 aircraft; identified/resolved 10 discrepancies--maximized aircraft life/saved AF $20K in repairs

    - Performed post-flight check; identified/repaired 3 discrepancies--increased aircraft availability/saved $8K in repairs

    - Re-aligned APU fuel nozzle; restarted engine--resolved lgst engine fire in squadron history/saved $1M+

    - Re-aligned elec ck list; updated/implemented in 30 m--ensured 100% accuracy/flawless execution/1st time pass rate

    - Re-aligned fuel filter; replaced faulty component--recaptured/stabilized fuel pressure/secured engine run

    - Re-aligned flight control system; replaced faulty components--verified flight capability/secured 24th F-35 msn

    - Re-aligned hydraulic system; replaced faulty component--secured 24th F-35 msn/safeguarded $3.5M aircraft

    - Re-aligned two hydraulic components; replaced faulty components--restored hydraulic pressure/ensured msn success

    - Re-calibrated 3 fuel nozzles; restored engine functionality--recaptured/stabilized fuel pressure/secured engine run

    - Re-calibrated APU system; replaced faulty component--restored fuel flow/ensured aircraft takeoff/secured GWOT msn

    - Resolved electrical system failure; replaced faulty component--restored power/ensured aircraft takeoff/secured GWOT msn

    - Detected faulty engine control unit; replaced component--ensured engine run/secured 24th F-35 msn

    - Diagnosed faulty AC generator; replaced component--ensured 24th F-35 msn/safeguarded $3.5M aircraft

    - Detected avionic system failure; replaced faulty component--restored power/ensured aircraft takeoff/secured GWOT msn

    - Identified nozzle misalignment; realigned/restarted engine--resolved lgst engine fire in squadron history/saved $1M+

    - Pinpointed corroded main landing gear actuator; replaced component--ensured 24th F-35 msn/safeguarded $3.5M aircraft

    - Pinpointed faulty engine control unit; replaced component--ensured engine run/secured 24th F-35 msn

    - Detected two unserviceable a/c windows; replaced components <8 hrs--guaranteed safety/structural integrity

    - Pinpointed sheared LG door bolts; coordinated mx cannibalization/repaired in 30 minutes--secured GWOT msn

    - Pinpointed fuel system purge bottle leak; replaced solenoid--secured aircraft aerial refuel capability

    - Pinpointed loose fasteners in tailcone; replaced nuts/bolts--ensured safety/structural integrity/secured msn success

    - Oversee/mng'd daily/weekly/monthly mx scheds/mtrl usage/db maint--prevented '18 mx delay of 3 F-35s

    - Orchestrated/managed/executed/insp'd/troubleshot/corrected mx/repairs on 15 F-22s--saved $1M+ in parts/lbr

    - Orchestrated/manag'd/executed/insp'd/troubleshot/corrected mx/repairs on 5 CV-22s--ensured msn success

    - Orchestrated/directed/executed/insp'd/troubleshot/corrected mx/repairs on 22 F-16s--enabled unit to meet op tempo

    - Orchestrated/directed/executed/insp'd/troubleshot/corrected mx/repairs on 6 A-10s--maximized combat readiness

    - Orchestrated/directed/executed/insp'd/troubleshot/corrected mx/repairs on 15 T-38s--ensured combat readiness

    - Orchestrated/directed/executed/insp'd/troubleshot/corrected mx/repairs on 10 KC-135s--ensured combat mission success

    - Orchestrated/directed/executed/insp'd/troubleshot/corrected mx/repairs on 20 L-39s--ensured unit readiness

    - Orchestrated/directed/executed/insp'd/troubleshot/corrected mx/repairs on 8 C-130s--enabled unit to meet op tempo

    - Proponent of Mx stand-down; corrected 15 discrepancies/isolated faulty components--saved $11K+ in parts/lbr

    - Proficient in A/C mx; maintained E-3 AWACS platform during deployment--enabled combat operations

    - Proficient in A/C mx; maintained EC-135 platform during deployment--enabled combat operations

    - Proficient in A/C mx; maintained F-15 platform during deployment--enabled combat operations

    - Proficient in A/C mx; maintained F-16 platform during deployment--enabled combat operations

    - Proficient in A/C mx; maintained F-18 platform during deployment--enabled combat operations

    - Proficient in A/C mx; maintained U-2 platform during deployment--enabled combat operations

    - Proficient in A/C mx; maintained B-1 platform during deployment--enabled combat operations

    - Proficient in A/C mx; maintained C-130 platform during deployment--enabled combat operations

    - Proficient in A/C mx; maintained KC-135 platform during deployment--enabled combat operations

    - Resolved C-130H2 #9285 C-130H2 electrical malfunction; rerouted wires/checked circuits--saved AF $3.2K in parts

    - Resurrected broken/failed F-15C hydraulic system; isol/built new hydraulic system--enabled 12 sorties/saved $1.6M

    - Reviewed/typed/verified/checked/signed 1.2K mx forms; achieved zero discrepancies on '11 ORI/ORE

    - Scheduled 12 C-130MXS; identified/fixed root cause of 15 discrepancies--streamline flow/reduced acft down time

    - Supervised/scheduled/directed daily mx activities of 30+ mbrs; completed all mx tasks/met mod/insp reqs

    - Troubleshooted/repaired/inspected C-130H2 #9284; completed repairs w/zero discrepancies/saved AF $3.2K in parts

    - Utilized LMP/IMDS to monitor/track assets; validated/verified acft mx statuses/saved AF $1.6M in parts

    - Validated/coordinated/processed 1.2K mx forms; achieved zero discrepancies on '11 ORI/ORE

    - Validated/verified/checked/signed 1.2K mx forms; achieved zero discrepancies on '11 ORI/ORE

    - Coordinated/scheduled/directed daily mx activities of 30+ team members; completed all mx tasks/met mod/insp reqs

    - Executed weekly mx inspections; identified/resolved/documented 11 discrepancies--saved AF $1.6M in parts

    - Facilitated/inspected/acknowledged delivery of 13 C-130H2 parts; completed repairs w/zero discrepancies

    - Installed four new engines on C-130H2; troubleshot/resolved four discrepancies--saved AF $1.6M in parts

    - Led team in refueling/defueling process of 10 aircraft; completed process w/zero discrepancies--saved AF $3.2K in parts

    - Maintained C-130H2 #9284; inspected/repaired/validated/verified w/zero discrepancies/saved AF $3.2K in parts

    - Orchestrated/coordinated/scheduled/directed daily mx activities of 30+ mbrs; completed all mx tasks/met reqs

    - Processed/validated/coordinated/reviewed 1.2K mx forms; achieved zero discrepancies on '11 ORI/ORE

    - Reconditioned/inspected/reconstructed/rebuilt E-3 fleet; insp'd 215 items/5 of 12 acft launched ISO wx evac

    - Troubleshooted/repaired/inspected/verified/checked C-130H2 #9284; completed repairs w/zero discrepancies

    - Prevented/controlled in-flight fire; isolated power/fuel sources--initiated emergency descent--saved lives

    - Proven experience; successfully conducted 3-day F-22 A/B avionics testing--verified system serviceability

    - Processed 5-day deployment of F-18 Hornet--coordinated acft movement w/joint forces--enhanced NATO mission

    - Prioritized daily tasking; completed 3-day JTIDS system diagnostic--ensured mission capability w/o delays

    - Processed 5-day deployment of F-18 Hornet--coordinated acft movement w/joint forces--enhanced NATO mission

    - Performed 15 F-15E flightline inspections--expedited squadron deployments; identified/corrected 15 discrepancies

    - Proven Innovator; developed 4-day F-16C avionics software patching--ensured mission readiness w/o delay

    - Prevented in-flight emergency; identified/repaired faulty fuel system--averted potential engine damage

    - Proven leader; supervised 85 airmen during F-16 AMU reorganization--increased unit's capability by 50%

    - Professional expertise; developed 4-day F-18 maintenance optimization plan; minimized downtime by 34%

    - Processed 5-day deployment of F-22 Raptor--coordinated acft movement w/joint forces--enhanced NATO mission

    - Proven Innovator; developed 4-day F-15E avionics software patching--enabled mission readiness w/o delay

    - Proven leader; supervised 12 airmen during F-15E AMU reorganization--increased unit's capability by 30%

    - Prevented in-flight emergency; identified/repaired faulty electrical system--averted potential engine damage

    - Performed 3-day F-16 flightline inspections--expedited squadron deployments; identified/corrected 20 discrepancies

    - Proven experience; successfully conducted 5-day F-18 A/B avionics testing--verified system serviceability

    - Processed 3-day deployment of F-35 Lightning II--coordinated acft movement w/joint forces--enhanced NATO mission

    - Proactive; singlehandedly accomplished 15 -10 turbine oil changes--averted possible internal turbine damage

    - Priceless system knowledge--troubleshot/repaired hydraulic system malfunction--saved 4 hrs--a/c generated as spare

    - Re-certified 5 AGE/AME operators; saved depot labor/reduced down time--enabled 30 acft to meet mx deadline

    - Re-engineered 4 aerospace ground equipment; improved workload flow/reduced acft mx downtime by 5 hrs

    - Recertified aging aircraft; completed 53 inspections/repairs on 3 F-16s--saved $45K in parts/labor costs

    - Reorganized 24 acft maint. records; improved workflow efficiency/reduced backlog by 150 man-hours

    - Researched/implemented new maintenance practices; saved 11% in labor costs--reduced shop down time by 2 hrs/wk

    - Reallocated resources; completed C-130 periodic mx in 16 days/saved $6.5K in labor/credited to 2 mx teams

    - Recognized for 4-year x-ray inspection program; increased safety/saved $4.2M in parts/labor--ensured acft readiness

    - Recorded/maintained accurate records of 5 aircraft parts orders; tracked/forecasted inventory/saved $1.2M

    - Repaired 14 hydraulic systems; returned acft to service/saved $7.8K in labor costs/ensured mission capability

    - Repaired aging hydraulic system; identified/isolated fault/replaced part--saved $12K in labor/returned acft to service

    - Resolved aircraft discrepancies; identified/isolated fault/replaced part--saved $6.5K in labor/returned acft to service

    - Resolved inventory discrepancies; identified & tracked source/saved $2.5K in parts/labor--enabled acft mission

    - Restored 10 aircraft to service; identified & isolated fault/replaced part--saved $25K in labor/returned acft to service

    - Restored/maintained 20 aging aircraft; identified/isolated faults/replaced parts--saved $20K in labor costs

    - Reviewed/corrected 2 aircraft discrepancies; isolated/replaced parts--saved $4.2K in labor/returned acft to service

    - Scheduled 95 aircraft inspections; identified/isolated faults/replaced parts--saved $10K in labor/returned acft to service

    - Served as lead/supervisor for 24 acft mx personnel; increased productivity/saved $8K in labor costs/ensured mission readiness

    - Supervised 3 AMXS personnel; completed 12 acft inspections--saved $4.5K in labor costs/enabled acft mission

    - Supported critical mx ops; replaced 6 defective parts/saved $11K in labor costs--ensured acft mission readiness

    - Troubleshot/corrected 3 aircraft discrepancies; replaced parts/saved $6.5K in labor costs/returned acft to service

    - Updated maintenance records; tracked/forecasted inventory/saved $1.1M in parts/labor/ensured acft mission readiness

    - Verified/maintained accurate records of 7 aircraft parts orders; tracked/forecasted inventory/saved $2.2M

    - Volunteered for repair of 3 aging aircraft; identified/isolated faults/replaced parts--saved $15K in labor costs


    - Refurbished 6 fuel tanks; reworked/tested seals/valves/sensors--saved $1.3M/met TPS msn criticality

    - Reliably led team of 5 mechs; supervised repairs/inspections on 12 C-130s--enabled 11K sorties w/o delay

    - Reviewed/validated maintenance records; ensured compliance with AFIs--supported 100% AIRSPEED accuracy

    - Recognized/replaced faulty fuel valve; saved flt crew/aircraft--prevented hazardous flt conditions

    - Rebuilt hydraulic system; replaced leaking hose/valve/pump--ensured flt safety/eliminated potential costly flt delays

    - Refreshed 20 Airmen on fuel cell maintenance; improved overall performance/accuracy--reduced inspection errors by 20%

    - Removed/replaced power transfer unit; identified faulty wiring/fixed bearing issue--met maintenance deadline

    - Responded to emergency situation; replaced faulty generator/saved flt crew--averted critical msn delay

    - Re-rigged landing gear; properly aligned/secured components--ensured acft readiness for next flt

    - Re-inspected fuel system; identified/repaired multiple leaks--ensured safety of next flt

    - Repaired faulty fuel line; replaced two fuel pumps/met crew's 4-hr deadline--saved $10.3M in cost avoidance

    - Reworked 5 engines; replaced faulty parts/cleared redball--returned acft to fltline 3 hrs ahead of schedule

    - Re-certified six pilots on flight safety; identified/repaired faulty brakes--safeguarded crew/aircraft

    - Re-taught five Airmen on weapon systems; improved overall performance/accuracy--reduced inspection errors by 20%

    - Repaired generator/battery system; verified system output/repaired faulty wiring--averted critical msn delay

    - Responded to emergency situation; replaced faulty generator/saved flt crew--averted critical msn delay

    - Replaced faulty magneto; correctly aligned/secured components--ensured acft readiness for next flt

    - Rigorously inspected/tested 5 engines; identified/repaired faulty wiring--ensured safety of next flt

    - Restored/re-calibrated landing gear; replaced faulty actuator/saved acft--averted critical msn delay

    - Re-engined aircraft; replaced faulty spark plugs/met crew's 3-hr deadline--saved $7.6M in cost avoidance

    - Re-wired entire aircraft; identified/repaired faulty wiring/verified system output--ensured acft readiness for next flt

    - Re-painted aircraft; ensured airworthiness/met crew's deadline--saved $8.9M in cost avoidance

    - Re-calibrated fuel system; identified/repaired four faulty sensors--ensured safety of next flt

    - Replaced faulty oxygen system; verified system output/repaired faulty wiring--averted critical msn delay

    - Repaired faulty APU; identified/repaired fuel leak/fixed faulty wiring--met maintenance deadline

    - Reworked 5 engines; replaced faulty parts/cleared redball--returned acft to fltline 3 hrs ahead of schedule

    - Refreshed 20 Airmen on fuel cell maintenance; improved overall performance/accuracy--reduced inspection errors by 20%

    - Restored/re-calibrated landing gear; replaced faulty actuator/saved acft--averted critical msn delay

    - Responsibly led team of 10 mechs; supervised repairs/inspections on 15 C-17s--enabled 15K sorties w/o delay

    - Re-inspected fuel system; identified/repaired multiple leaks--ensured safety of next flt

    - Re-painted aircraft; ensured airworthiness/met crew's deadline--saved $9.6M in cost avoidance

    - Quickly identified/repaired faulty brakes; reset emergency brake--ensured safety of 35 flight crew members


    - Refurbished 15 flight line fuel tanks; reduced corrosion/improved service life--saved $4.4M in repairs

    - Reinstated '09 AFSCM Maintenance Mgmt Sys; improved MX/logistics tracking/reduced repair costs $2.1M/annum

    - Rejected/repaired two F-15 engine mounts; averted loss of $3.5M engines/reduced maintenance delays 6 mos

    - Resolved issues w/ 3 F-15 APUs; identified/replaced faulty components--prevented $3.7M engine damage

    - Responded to engine fire on F-15; coordinated fire suppression/water supply--saved $2.5M engine/crew

    - Resolved repair issues on two C-130 engines; replaced faulty components--eliminated $1.7M engine damage

    - Restructured F-15 engine repair program; improved process flow/reduced repair time/saved $3M/annum

    - Resurrected 84 F-15 engine covers; stripped/repainted/installed--saved $1.5M/increased life expectancy

    - Revived F-15E avionics systems; restored mission capability/saved $1.2M/ensured OEF/OIF mission success

    - Revamped F-15E LOMIRS; replaced faulty parts/reduced repair time/saved $2M/annual/ensured mission continuity

    - Revitalized F-15E engine mount hardware; replaced faulty parts/prevented loss of engines/saved $5M

    - Rewrote F-15E engine maintenance procedures; improved process flow/reduced repair time/saved $2.5M/annum

    - Rigorously inspected F-15E components; identified/replaced faulty parts/saved $2M/enforced operational readiness

    - Rode herd on 12 F-15E engine repairs; managed/coordinated/ensured 100% mission capability/saved $3M

    - Rounded up 3 F-15E engine mounts; replaced faulty parts/prevented loss of engines/saved $4M/improved safety

    - Rooted out F-15E engine issues; identified/replaced faulty parts/saved $2.5M/improved operational effectiveness

    - Salvaged 8 F-15E engine covers; stripped/repainted/installed/saved $1.5M/increased life expectancy

    - Salvaged F-15E engine mounts; identified/replaced faulty parts/saved $2M/ensured mission effectiveness

    - Scrutinized F-15E engine maintenance; improved process flow/reduced repair time/saved $2.5M/annum

    - Secured 4 F-15E engine covers; stripped/repainted/installed--saved $1.5M/increased life expectancy

    - Seized control of F-15E engine repair program; improved process flow/reduced repair time/saved $3M/annum

    - Serviced 3 F-15E APUs; identified/replaced faulty components--prevented $3.7M engine damage/improved safety

    - Shifted F-15E engine mount hardware; replaced faulty parts/prevented loss of engines/saved $5M/improved safety

    - Showcased F-15E engine repair program; improved process flow/reduced repair time/saved $3M/annum

    - Sighted F-15E engine issues; identified/replaced faulty parts/saved $2.5M/improved operational effectiveness

    - Slashed F-15E engine maintenance; improved process flow/reduced repair time/saved $2.5M/annum

    - Spearheaded F-15E engine mount overhaul; identified/replaced faulty parts/saved $2M/ensured mission readiness

    - Spot checked F-15E engine components; identified/replaced faulty parts/saved $2M/enforced operational readiness

    - Stabilized F-15E engine mount hardware; replaced faulty parts/prevented loss of engines/saved $5M/improved safety

    - Staged 12 F-15E engine repairs; managed/coordinated/ensured 100% mission capability/saved $3M/improved safety

    - Rectified faulty hydraulic valve; cut down time from 1hr to 10min--enabled 3 acft mx/returned to flt status

    - Rectified M-5 fire extinguisher; replaced faulty nozzle/valve--arr'd safe launch/return of acft/crew

    - Replaced #2 generator and exciter; conducted full wiring/electrical tests--returned acft to full mission cap

    - Replaced 3 fuel pumps/injectors; conducted FSE/leak checks--returned acft to ready-to-fly status in 1.5 hrs

    - Replaced 4 tires/brakes; inspected brakes/tires/wheels--enabled acft to meet mission capability in record time

    - Replaced 5 radios; troubleshot avionics faults/installed new radios--increased acft comms/nav cap by 70%

    - Replaced 8 actuators; troubleshot/repaired faulty wiring--enabled acft to meet mission capability in 1.5 hrs

    - Replaced 9 engines; devised replacement plan/coord'd w/shop--returned acft to service 2 mos ahead of schedule

    - Replaced fuel cell in acft; inspected/repaired wiring--prevented leak/enabled acft to meet mission cap in 1.5 hrs

    - Replaced fuel tanks; cleared corrosion/inspected wiring--restored acft to flt status/met mission cap in record time

    - Replaced oxygen system; troubleshot/repaired faulty wiring--enabled acft to meet mission cap in 1.5 hrs

    - Repaired APU; troubleshot faulty wiring/installed new parts--enabled acft to meet mission cap in 1.5 hrs

    - Repaired hydraulic lines; cleared corrosion/inspected wiring--restored acft to flt status/met mission cap in record time

    - Repaired primary electrical system; troubleshot/repaired faulty wiring--enabled acft to meet mission cap in 1.5 hrs

    - Repaired/troubleshot avionics faults; replaced 3 radios--increased acft comms/nav cap by 70%

    - Replenished 8 fuel tanks; cleared corrosion/inspected wiring--restored acft to flt status/met mission cap in record time

    - Researched parts/materials; developed MX plan/coord'd w/shop--returned acft to service 3 mos ahead of schedule

    - Resolved emergency landing; troubleshot/repaired faulty wiring--enabled acft to meet mission cap in 1.5 hrs

    - Restored APU; troubleshot/repaired faulty wiring--enabled acft to meet mission cap in 1.5 hrs

    - Restored primary electrical system; troubleshot/repaired faulty wiring--enabled acft to meet mission cap in 1.5 hrs

    - Retrained 5 personnel; conducted OJT/repaired faulty wiring--enabled acft to meet mission cap in 1.5 hrs

    - Rigged 4 engines; conducted FSE/leak checks--returned acft to ready-to-fly status in 1.5 hrs

    - Rigged 8 actuators; troubleshot/repaired faulty wiring--enabled acft to meet mission capability in 1.5 hrs

    - Streamlined MX process; decreased mx time by 20%/increased acft availability--enabled 2 AMXS deployment manning

    - Streamlined MX process; decreased mx time by 30%/increased acft availability--enabled 3 AMXS deployment manning

    - Trained 5 personnel; conducted OJT/repaired faulty wiring--enabled acft to meet mission cap in 1.5 hrs

    - Troubleshot avionics faults; replaced 5 radios--increased acft comms/nav cap by 70%

    - Verified 500 maintenance actions; trn 6 subordinates in ALIS--ensured section qual/enabled 2 AMXS stand-up

    - Repaired corroded electrical panel; identified/replaced faulty components--secured avionics/ensured 100% mission success

    - Repaired fuel leak on AF1; identified/replaced faulty grommets--ensured no mission delays/safely delivered POTUS

    - Repaired soil erosion on runway; reconditioned/graded 3400' of asphalt--secured continued use of strip/saved $3.5M

    - Replaced F-16 hydraulic actuator; troubleshot/repaired faulty pressure valve--returned to service/saved $22K

    - Replaced F-16 landing gear; identified/removed/reinstalled faulty parts--ensured $3.5M asset continued flying ops

    - Replaced faulty engine fuel line; identified/removed/reinstalled part--ensured 100% mission success/saved $5.5M

    - Replaced leaking fuel line; identified/replaced part--ensured safe flt ops/avoided $10K in damages

    - Replaced fan motor; troubleshot/replaced faulty wiring--ensured 100% mission success/saved $3K

    - Replaced faulty oil filter; identified/replaced part--ensured safe flt ops/avoided $7K in damages

    - Researched preventive maintenance program; identified/corrected 3 procedures--enhanced shop efficiency/saved $2K

    - Resolved aircraft electrical system malfunction; troubleshot/replaced part--ensured mission success/saved $4K

    - Resolved fuel flow restriction; identified/replaced faulty fuel line--ensured 100% mission success/saved $15K

    - Restored 4 engine components; identified/ran diagnostics/replaced parts--ensured safe flt ops/saved $12K

    - Restored engine arcing; identified/replaced faulty part--ensured safe flt ops/avoided $8K in damages

    - Restored fuel system; identified/replaced faulty pressure valve--ensured 100% mission success/saved $4K

    - Restored F-16 cockpit panel; identified/replaced faulty wiring--ensured mission success/saved $6K

    - Restored hydraulic line; identified/replaced faulty pressure valve--ensured safe flt ops/avoided $9K in damages

    - Reversed F-16 navigation system failure; identified/replaced faulty part--ensured safe flt ops/saved $3K

    - Revived F-16 electrical system; identified/replaced faulty wiring--ensured mission success/saved $10K

    - Revived fuel system leak; identified/replaced faulty part--ensured 100% mission success/saved $7K

    - Revived faulty hydrolock; identified/replaced faulty pressure valve--ensured safe flt ops/avoided $20K in damages

    - Rigorously inspected aircraft components; identified/corrected 12 discrepancies--ensured safe flt ops/saved $5K

    - Secured F-16 engine; identified/replaced faulty part--ensured mission success/saved $6K

    - Secured pontoon fuel system; identified/replaced faulty pressure valve--ensured 100% mission success/saved $4K

    - Streamlined F-16 maintenance program; identified/corrected 3 procedures--enhanced shop efficiency/saved $3K

    - Streamlined fuel system; identified/replaced faulty pressure valve--ensured safe flt ops/saved $8K

    - Troubleshot F-16 engine; identified/replaced faulty wiring--ensured mission success/saved $4K

    - Replaced two broken actuator linkages/minor components; restored system to full mission capable--saved AF $15K

    - Replaced two oxygen systems; avoided long-term acft maintenance--ensured mission capability

    - Repaired cracked hydraulic line; returned acft to mission capable status--attributed to high mission capable rate

    - Repaired faulty flap drive unit; replaced 10 bearings/gears--saved $10K in parts/labor costs--returned acft to service

    - Repaired faulty main gear truck; replaced actuator/strut--restored mission capability/saved AF $150K in parts/labor

    - Repaired hydraulic system; replaced defective valve--prevented potential $450K in acft repair costs

    - Replaced two hydraulic components; replaced oil filter and resealed--ensured aircraft on time completion

    - Replaced six actuators and connectors; restored mission capability--saved AF $20K in parts/labor costs

    - Repaired fuel leak on engine 4; replaced fuel lines and seals--ensured aircraft on time completion

    - Repaired faulty fire control system; replaced defective wiring--prevented $25K in acft repair costs

    - Replaced faulty air compressor engine starter; averted F-15E phase work stoppage--ensured acft on time completion

    - Replaced faulty nozzle actuator on engine 1; restored to mission capable--saved AF $12K in parts/labor costs

    - Repaired faulty reverse thrust unit; replaced actuator and seals--ensured aircraft readiness

    - Replaced faulty fuel system; replaced fuel lines and seals--ensured aircraft mission capability

    - Replaced faulty brake system; replaced wheel brake and seals--ensured aircraft on time completion

    - Repaired faulty navigation system; replaced control panel and wiring--ensured aircraft readiness

    - Replaced faulty hydraulic system; replaced defective valve and seals--ensured aircraft on time completion

    - Repaired faulty thrust reverser system; replaced actuator and seals--ensured aircraft mission capability

    - Replaced faulty oxygen system; replaced oxygen regulator and seals--ensured aircraft readiness

    - Repaired faulty avionics system; replaced defective wiring--ensured aircraft mission capability

    - Replaced faulty landing gear system; replaced wheel brake and seals--ensured aircraft on time completion

    - Repaired faulty electrical system; replaced battery and wiring--ensured aircraft readiness

    - Repaired faulty navigation system; replaced control panel and wiring--ensured aircraft on time completion

    - Replaced faulty air conditioning system; replaced compressor and seals--ensured aircraft mission capability

    - Repaired faulty fuel system; replaced fuel lines and seals--ensured aircraft readiness

    - Replaced faulty engine starter; averted F-15E phase work stoppage--ensured acft on time completion

    - Repaired faulty engine fuel rack assembly; reduced downtime by 50%--ensured aircraft mission capability

    - Replaced faulty fan duct; finished intricate mx < 12 hrs--ensured aircraft on time completion

    - Repaired faulty hydraulic line; returned acft to mission capable status--ensured aircraft readiness

    - Replaced faulty FL-1D floodlight; returned unit to service--ensured aircraft mission capability

    - Replaced faulty item; returned to fully mission-capable status--ensured aircraft on time completion

    - Repaired faulty jack manifold filter assembly; returned to flight line in 15 minutes--ensured aircraft readiness

    - Replaced faulty landing gear truck; generated mission for Operation IRAQI FREEDOM--ensured aircraft on time completion

    - Responded to acft hydraulic sys fail; replaced/bled system--ensured acft was operational/met 12-hr sortie requirements

    - Responded to acft IFE fail; traced/repaired faulty circuit board--enabled acft to complete important training sortie

    - Responded to acft NVG fail; R2'd cockpit light/ground power switch--enabled acft to complete NVG tng sortie/met grp std

    - Replaced two fuel pumps; reinstalled/tested--restored acft to full mission capability/enabled $75K deployment

    - Replaced two bearing seals; completed in 2.5 hrs--beat unit std/provided acft with critical parts/enabled sq to meet MC

    - Replaced two engines; completed in 7 hrs--beat 8-hr std/enabled acft to complete vital training sortie/met grp std

    - Replaced worn wing tip assembly; completed in 2 hrs--saved acft from potential flight safety issue/enabled full mission capability

    - Replaced actuator motor; completed task in 3 hrs--exceeded std/prevented $75K AMU AMRU swap/enabled acft deployment

    - Resolved air data computer fail; traced/R2'd faulty control board--enabled acft to meet '06 ACC std/re-activated acft

    - Resolved bleed air fail; ID'd/R2'd faulty switch--ended CAT II hangar queen/enabled acft to complete important training sortie

    - Resolved hydraulic system fail; replaced/bled system--ensured acft was operational/met 8-hr sortie requirements/met grp std

    - Resolved IFE fail; traced/repaired faulty circuit board--enabled acft to complete important training sortie/met grp std

    - Resolved NVG fail; R2'd cockpit light/ground power switch--enabled acft to complete NVG tng sortie/met grp std

    - Responded to "Redball" for engine failure; replaced component in 1-hour--mission departed on time/met grp std

    - Responded to acft brake fail; R2'd brake actuator/bled brakes--ensured acft was operational/met 8-hr sortie requirements

    - Responded to acft flt fail; traced/R2'd faulty control board--enabled acft to complete training sortie/met grp std

    - Responded to acft fuel leak; quickly contained/cleaned-up 40 gal of JP8--prevented serious eco system hazard/met ACC std

    - Responded to acft Gila Bend divert; id'd/insp loud cockpit vibration--verified/validated new CPT procedures/enabled acft flight

    - Responded to acft ground emergency; secured area/evac crew--ensured safety & prevented injuries to 28 souls/met ACC std

    - Responded to acft hydraulic sys fail; replaced/bled system--ensured acft was operational/met 8-hr sortie requirements/grp std

    - Responded to acft IFE fail; traced/repaired faulty circuit board--enabled acft to complete important training sortie/met grp std

    - Responded to acft NVG fail; R2'd cockpit light/ground power switch--enabled acft to complete NVG tng sortie/met grp std

    - Responded to acft stall warning; replaced faulty sensor--enabled acft to complete sortie/met grp std/ensured safety

    - Responded to acft t/o fail; id'd/R2'd faulty control board--enabled acft to complete training sortie/met grp std/ensured safety

    - Responded to acft WOW fail; replaced faulty sensor--enabled acft to complete sortie/met grp std/ensured safety/met ACC std

    - Responded to APU fail; replaced faulty components--enabled acft to complete sortie/met grp std/ensured safety/met ACC std

    - Responded to "Redball" mx; diagnosed NWS anomaly to worn tires--prevented $44K part R2/72 hrs MICAP NMC time/met ACC std

    - Responded to "Redball" for aircraft centering motor; replaced component in 1-hour--mission departed on time/met grp std

    - Responded to "Redball" mx; inspected/R2'd wiring harness--enabled acft to complete sortie/met grp std/ensured safety/met ACC std

    - Responded to "Redball" mx; traced/repaired faulty circuit board--enabled acft to complete sortie/met grp std/ensured safety

    - Responded to "Redball" mx; verified/inspected wiring harness--enabled acft to complete sortie/met grp std/ensured safety/met ACC std

    - Responded to acft engine fire; secured area/evac crew--ensured safety & prevented injuries to 28 souls/met ACC std/met grp std

    - Responded to rudder system failure--overhauled/replaced rudder actuator--restored acft to active airfield ops

    - Responded to sudden in-flight fire; evacuated aircrew--cleared runway in 10 minutes--saved acft from irreparable damage

    - Respnded to hot brakes IFE; supervised emergency tow task--cleared runway for active ops in <30 minutes

    - Supervised 4-hr in-flight engine shutdown; evacuated crew--returned active runway ops within 15 mins

    - Supervised/logged removal/installation of 2 powerplant modules; completed task < 24 hrs--restored acft to airfield ops

    - Troubleshot 'Red Ball' hydraulics sys IFE--restored acft to active ops within 20 minutes--netted June **% sortie rate

    - Utilized C-17 platform to transport 35,000 lbs of cargo; safely loaded/unloaded cargo in < 2 hrs--bolstered HN capability

    - Utilized avionics sys skills; rectified erroneous radar altimeter indication--restored acft to active ops in 1 hr

    - Utilized C-5 airlift platform; transported 35,000 lbs of cargo across 2,000 miles--bolstered HN capability

    - Responded to aileron mlfn IFE; conducted troubleshooting/repairs--returned acft to active ops in 20 minutes

    - Responded to emergency flt control autopilot IFE; supervised crew evacuation--returned active runway ops < 40 min

    - Responded to IFE; performed emergency jacking/towing ops--restored acft to active ops in < 15 minutes

    - Responded to high speed abort; replaced 6 tires/4 brakes--returned acft to active ops in minimal time

    - Responded to IFE; changed/inspected aileron system--restored acft to active ops in 35 minutes

    - Responded to 'Red Ball' hydraulic sys IFE; supervised emergency tow task--acft returned to active ops < 30 min

    - Responded to 'Red Ball' flap mlfn indication; aided aero repair technicians in system repair--sortie launched on time

    - Supervised/logged removal/installation of 4 powerplant modules; completed task < 24 hrs--restored acft to ops

    - Troubleshot 'Red Ball' aileron mlfn IFE; restored acft to active ops within 20 minutes--netted June **% sortie rate

    - Utilized C-5 airlift platform; transported 15,000 lbs of cargo across 1000 miles--bolstered HN capability

    - Utilized C-17 platform to transport 45,000 lbs of cargo; safely loaded/unloaded cargo in < 1.5 hrs--bolstered HN capability

    - Utilized avionics sys skills; rectified erroneous aileron mlfn indication--restored acft to active ops in 1.5 hrs

    - Supervised 5-hr in-flight engine shutdown; evacuated crew--returned active runway ops within 20 mins

    - Responded to IFE; evacuated 36 crew members--cleared runway in < 25 minutes--saved acft from irreparable damage

    - Responded to jacking manifold failure; quickly emptied 80 gals from 2 assets--facilitated safe C-5 down jack

    - Responded to 'Red Ball' hydraulics sys IFE; supervised emergency tow task--acft returned to active ops < 25 min

    - Troubleshot 'Red Ball' radar altimeter indication; restored acft to active ops within 1 hr--netted June **% sortie rate

    - Supervised/logged removal/installation of 6 powerplant modules; completed task < 24 hrs--restored acft to ops

    - Responded to in-flt eng shutdown; supervised emergency tow task--restored active runway ops within 20 mins

    - Utilized C-17 platform to transport 55,000 lbs of cargo; safely loaded/unloaded cargo in < 1 hrs--bolstered HN capability

    - Utilized avionics sys skills; rectified erroneous flap mlfn indication--restored acft to active ops in 1 hr

    - Revised maintenance plan; tracked/analyzed data/provided analysis--enabled 5% better safety record

    - Rebuilt/replaced fuel system; inspected/repaired fuel lines/valves--realized cost savings of $8K

    - Reformed aircraft electrical systems; identified/repaired 22 malfunctions--saving $4K in parts/labor

    - Reorganized aircraft maintenance shop; implemented/managed new maintenance tracking system--reducing time to completion by 25%

    - Rebuilt/repaired avionics system; replaced/tested defective components--resulting in zero mission scrub rate

    - Re-qualified entire AMU on F-16 systems; provided refresher training/certified 20 personnel--ensuring 95% mission success rate

    - Re-established heavy maintenance capability; overhauled/repaired 5 engines--reduced cost by $25K

    - Re-qualified multiple techs on F-16 systems; provided refresher training/certified 16 personnel--ensuring 95% mission success rate

    - Resolved faulty wiring issue on F-16; replaced/tested defective components--resulting in zero mission scrub rate

    - Rebuilt/repaired landing gear system; replaced/tested defective components--resulting in zero mission scrub rate

    - Restructured maintenance plan; tracked/analyzed data/provided analysis--enabled 5% better safety record

    - Replaced faulty transmission system; inspected/repaired fuel lines/valves--realized cost savings of $8K

    - Re-engineered maintenance plan; identified/repaired 22 malfunctions--saving $4K in parts/labor

    - Re-certified aircraft on F-16 systems; provided refresher training/certified 8 personnel--ensuring 95% mission success rate

    - Re-established avionics capability; overhauled/repaired 5 systems--reduced cost by $25K

    - Restored faulty wiring system on F-16; replaced/tested defective components--resulting in zero mission scrub rate

    - Re-engineered aircraft electrical systems; identified/repaired 22 malfunctions--saving $4K in parts/labor

    - Reconfigured maintenance tracking system; implemented/managed new maintenance tracking system--reducing time to completion by 25%

    - Replaced faulty fuel system; inspected/repaired fuel lines/valves--realized cost savings of $8K

    - Reorganized aircraft maintenance shop; updated/managed new maintenance tracking system--reducing time to completion by 25%

    - Reformed aircraft electrical systems; inspected/repaired 22 malfunctions--saving $4K in parts/labor

    - Re-qualified techs on F-16 systems; provided refresher training/certified 10 personnel--ensuring 95% mission success rate

    - Revamped aircraft maintenance plan; tracked/analyzed data/provided analysis--enabled 5% better safety record

    - Revised aircraft maintenance prgm; managed/issued 1K personal protective equipment--ensured safety of 300 AMU technicians

    - Rebuilt/repaired avionics system; replaced/tested defective components--resulting in zero mission scrub rate

    - Revamped aircraft maintenance plan; benchmarked by Public Health--wing utilized for base-wide instruction

    - Replaced faulty transmission system; replaced/tested defective components--resulting in zero mission scrub rate

    - Re-qualified multiple technicians on F-16 systems; provided refresher training/certified 12 personnel--ensuring 95% mission success rate

    - Re-established heavy maintenance capability; overhauled/repaired 7 engines--reduced cost by $25K

    - Re-established avionics capability; overhauled/repaired 7 systems--reduced cost by $25K

    - Re-certified aircraft on F-16 systems; provided refresher training/certified 10 personnel--ensuring 95% mission success rate

    - Resolved faulty wiring issue on F-16; replaced/tested defective components--resulting in zero mission scrub rate

    - Revamped written safety program; benchmarked by Public Health--wing utilized for base-wide instruction

    - Rebuilt/replaced fuel system; inspected/repaired fuel lines/valves--realized cost savings of $8K

    - Revitalized equip prgm; insp'd 1000+ equip items/repaired 46 defects--critical to 100% QA pass rate, Nov '13


    - Senior mx leader; ID'd/fixed engine bleed air leak--saved $250K to repair/prevent further damage to F-15

    - Serviced/inspected 16 F-15E engines; organized mx taskings/resources--enabled flawless surge ops/56 sorties

    - Skillfully guided six Airmen through 1,000 hrs of mx support--earned Mx 'Doc' Award/recognition from peers

    - Spearheaded 100-hr insp; coordinated >30 mx personnel--ensured F-15E achieved 98% mission capability

    - Spearheaded mx efficiency project; reduced mx time by 5%--saved >$20K in labor/parts costs

    - Streamlined mx operations; ID'd/corrected discrepancies in >200 FAW record inputs--saved $40K in supply cost

    - Strived for excellence; identified faulty fuel fitting--averted $50K in fuel system repairs

    - Supervised >40 mx personnel; provided organizational guidance/mentorship--ensured AOR/PACOM mission success

    - Supervised engine repair; identified/repaired valve seat deformation--saved $250K repair costs

    - Supervised engine repair; tracked parts/materials--ensured mx by 4-level personnel/saved $100K in labor

    - Supervised FOD walkdown; ID'd/removed >300 potential FOD hazards--enabled >100 sorties/no FOD incidents

    - Supported 2K sorties; led seven mx personnel in engine repair--ensured >95% mission capability

    - Supported mission; identified/repaired faulty actuator--ensured F-15E readiness/maintained mission success

    - Supported unit move; completed mx checks/repairs on 20 F-15E engines--enabled >85% mission capability

    - Systematically tracked >40 F-15E engines; identified/corrected discrepancies in mx inputs--saved $50K in labor

    - Tested/inspected >20 F-15E engines; coordinated/directed mx taskings--ensured >90% mission capability

    - Thoroughly inspected >50 F-15E engines; identified/repaired components--saved $50K in labor/parts costs

    - Turned around three F-15E engines; completed mx checks/repairs--enabled >100 sorties/no incidents

    - Utilized technical knowledge; ID'd faulty nozzle control valve--reduced mx time by 10%/saved $100K in labor

    - Validated >20 mx inputs; identified/corrected discrepancies--ensured >95% mission capability for F-15E

    - Verified >50 mx docs; ID'd/corrected discrepancies--saved $20K in labor/parts costs/ensured mx accuracy

    - Skilled; removed/replaced faulty circuit breaker; identified/repair faulty wiring--restored acft FMC in 8 hrs

    - Skilled; troubleshot failed air refueling; identified/replaced faulty ATQA--saved acft FMC in 8 hrs/keyed 1st 6-ship sortie

    - Slashed service times; re-wrote/implemented new policies/procedures--reduced equipment downtime/increased fleet readiness

    - Spearheaded acft mx effort; directed 24 mbr team/performed 8K mx actions--resulted in 642 sorties/2K hrs/86% MC rt

    - Spearheaded team to complete 600-hour maintenance period--resulted in successful completion of 6 B-1B missions

    - Specialized in diagnosing and replacing faulty wiring harnesses--saved $19k in parts costs/restored acft FMC in 8 hrs

    - Successfully led team to complete 600-hour maintenance period--resulted in successful completion of 6 B-1B missions

    - Supervised 25 personnel; ensured completion of 10K mx actions--resulting in 675 sorties/2.3K hrs/87% MC rt

    - Supervised team on complex maintenance tasks; ID'd/replaced faulty ATQA--acft FMC <8 hrs/keyed 1st 6-ship sortie

    - Systematically inspected/serviced/maintained 20 acft; identified/replaced faulty ATQA--acft FMC <8 hrs/keyed 1st 6-ship sortie

    - Talented leader; led 20 mbr shift/drove 40 engine changes/safeguarded $16M in assets--resulted in 30.5K tgts/886 ad-hocs ID'd

    - Troubleshooted failed air refueling; identified/replaced faulty ATQA--saved acft FMC in 8 hrs/keyed 1st 6-ship sortie

    - Unflagging effort; repaired/restored four damaged acft--saved $5M in equipment costs/prevented aircrew injuries

    - Utilized advanced problem solving; identified/replaced faulty ATQA--acft FMC <8 hrs/keyed 1st 6-ship sortie

    - Utilized reverse engineering; identified/replaced faulty ATQA--acft FMC <8 hrs/keyed 1st 6-ship sortie

    - Versatile mechanic; identified/replaced faulty ATQA--saved acft FMC in 8 hrs/keyed 1st 6-ship sortie

    - Visionary leader; led 10 mbr shift/drove 40 engine changes/safeguarded $16M in assets--resulted in 30.5K tgts/886 ad-hocs ID'd

    - Volunteered for mission critical airframe maintenance; identified/replaced faulty ATQA--acft FMC <8 hrs/keyed 1st 6-ship sortie

    - Spearheaded F-15E mx ops; provided critical guidance/troubleshooting--led to 100% deployment rate

    - Spearheaded overhaul of aircraft electrical system; replaced/tested components--ensured long-term reliability

    - Spearheaded repair of two aircraft elevators; restored aircrafts ability to fly--saved $7K in parts/labor costs

    - Spearheaded the maintenance of four aircraft; successfully completed all tasks--allowed for successful mission

    - Spearheaded Wx Radar repair; identified/repaired 8 discrepancies--restored 36.2 hrs of F-16 flight time

    - Solved ECM failure; replaced faulty components--ensured 100% mission capable rate for FY '16

    - Solved flt cntl issue; restored F-15E's ability to fly--saved $1K in parts/labor costs

    - Solved avionics issue; modified hardware/software--restored aircraft's ability to fly in 10 hrs

    - Solved dynamic seal issue; replaced faulty parts--restored aircraft's full flying capability in 3 hrs

    - Solved fuel cell issue; replaced faulty components--ensured aircraft safety for next 12 months

    - Solved engine problem; replaced faulty parts--saved $3K in parts/labor costs

    - Solved aileron problem; identified/repaired 8 discrepancies--restored aircraft's ability to fly in 3 hrs

    - Solved landing gear issue; replaced faulty parts--ensured aircraft safety for next 10 months

    - Solved hydraulics issue; replaced faulty components--restored aircraft's ability to fly in 4 hrs

    - Solved rudder issue; replaced faulty parts--saved $2K in parts/labor costs

    - Solved autopilot issue; modified hardware/software--restored aircraft's full flying capability in 2 hrs

    - Solved electrical system issue; replaced faulty parts--ensured aircraft safety for next 9 months

    - Solved wing flap issue; identified/repaired 8 discrepancies--restored aircraft's ability to fly in 5 hrs

    - Solved engine fire issue; replaced faulty components--ensured aircraft safety for next 11 months

    - Skilled parts & tool manager; accounted for 6K+ parts/tool sets--ensured 100% combat ready equipment

    - Skilled maintenance technician; completed 11 critical TCTOs--saved $2K in parts/labor costs

    - Skilled maintenance controller; identified/corrected 100 discrepancies--ensured 100% mission readiness

    - Skilled safety inspector; provided briefings/weekly inspections--winner of wing safety award, Jul 07

    - Skillfully troubleshot wing flap issue; replaced faulty parts--ensured aircraft safety for next 8 months

    - Skillfully solved radar issue; modified hardware/software--restored aircraft's full flying capability in 1 hr

    - Solidified corrosion prevention program; produced 16 serviceable components--negated $17K replacement costs

    - Solidified F-15E mx ops; provided critical guidance/troubleshooting--led to 100% mission success rate

    - Sound foreign object fighter; stringently performed 16 inspections--garnered 5 FW "Golden Washer" award

    - Sought acft mgmt trng; selected as Mx Op Control personnel--ensured critical ramp movement/mx for 32 assets

    - Sought and received training on six vehicles--increased sections ability to meet changing mission needs/tasks

    - Single-handedly repaired six units crucial to F-15E maintenance--no aircraft maintenance delays encountered

    - Single handedly completed 32 critical nitrogen cart TCTOs--efforts ensured 100% compliance 4 months early

    - Spotted/corrected fuel system malfunction--averted HHQ launch delay--key to successful training flt/mission

    - Spearheaded inspection/repair of S6 compressor section--saved 2.4k hrs/saved USAF > $1.4M

    - Spearheaded repair of engine exhaust--prevented possible engine fire--key to successful HHQ sortie launch

    - Spearheaded the repair of four damaged components; saved USAF > $520,000 and averted a possible engine fire

    - Spearheaded the repair of two hydraulic actuators--saved 1.2K hrs/saved USAF > $700,000 in possible repairs

    - Spearheaded repair of a faulty wiring harness--averted fire hazard/saved USAF > $87,000 in repairs

    - Spearheaded the replacement of two fuel pumps; averted loss of fuel pressure/saved USAF > $90,000

    - Spearheaded the removal/replacement of a faulty gearbox; averted a possible engine failure/saved USAF > $44,000

    - Spearheaded the repair of a damaged fuel filter; averted a possible engine fire/saved USAF > $12,000

    - Spearheaded the repair of a faulty generator; averted a possible engine fire/saved USAF > $47,000

    - Spearheaded the repair of a cracked gearbox; averted a possible engine failure/saved USAF > $54,000

    - Spearheaded the repair of a damaged fuel line; averted a possible engine fire/saved USAF > $14,000

    - Spearheaded the repair of a faulty air intake system; averted a possible engine fire/saved USAF > $20,000

    - Spearheaded the replacement of a broken generator; averted a possible engine fire/saved USAF > $38,000

    - Spearheaded the replacement of a faulty fuel pump; averted a possible engine fire/saved USAF > $28,000

    - Spearheaded the repair of a damaged cooling system; averted a possible engine fire/saved USAF > $25,000

    - Spearheaded the replacement of a faulty air conditioning unit; averted a possible engine fire/saved USAF > $30,000

    - Spearheaded the repair of a broken propeller; averted a possible engine failure/saved USAF > $68,000

    - Spearheaded the removal/replacement of a faulty starter motor; averted a possible engine fire/saved USAF > $18,000

    - Spearheaded the repair of a faulty oil filter; averted a possible engine fire/saved USAF > $16,000

    - Spearheaded the repair of a damaged fuel tank; averted a possible engine fire/saved USAF > $52,000

    - Spearheaded the replacement of a broken exhaust system; averted a possible engine fire/saved USAF > $22,000

    - Spearheaded the repair of a damaged fuel line; averted a possible engine fire/saved USAF > $10,000

    - Spearheaded the replacement of a faulty oxygen tank; averted a possible engine fire/saved USAF > $24,000

    - Spearheaded the repair of a defective electronic system; averted a possible engine fire/saved USAF > $34,000

    - Strategically aligned maintenance resources; enabled two F-15Es for msn success/reduced tm workload by 30%

    - Studied/reviewed/approved 3K+ mx actions; enhanced mx trng/upgraded acft--boosted Wg's combat readiness

    - Supported 4 sorties/day to COCOMs; eliminated discrepancies/ensured mx prdcty--no delays/msn failures

    - Supported F-16 OPRs; scheduled/coord'd 3K mx actions/upgraded avionics--boosted Wg's combat effectiveness

    - Supervised/participated in 2K+ mx actions; rectified 22 discrepancies/upgraded acft--bolstered Wg's combat readiness

    - Supervised AGE/MSL mx; tracked/coord'd 1K+ mx actions--enabled 2 F-15Es for msn success/reduced tm workload by 10%

    - Supervised/directed 2K+ mx actions/rectified 30 discrepancies--saved $800K/ensured mx prdcty/zero delays/msn failures

    - Supervised/executed 4K+ mx actions; rectified 30 discrepancies/upgraded acft--bolstered Wg's combat readiness

    - Supervised/performed 2K+ mx actions; rectified 22 discrepancies/upgraded acft--bolstered Wg's combat readiness

    - Systematically troubleshot/repaired 6 acft systems/equipment; rest'd 95% operability--spared costly replacements

    - Tackled 3K+ mx actions; rectified 30 discrepancies/upgraded acft--bolstered Wg's combat readiness

    - Troubleshot/repaired 6 acft systems/equipment; restored 95% operability--spared costly replacements

    - Updated 5K+ mx actions; rectified 30 discrepancies/upgraded acft--bolstered Wg's combat readiness

    - Utilized innovative techniques to complete 2K+ mx actions--saved $800K/ensured mx prdcty/zero delays/msn failures

    - Validated/issued flight crews' 5K+ mx actions; rectified 30 discrepancies/upgraded acft--bolstered Wg's combat readiness

    - Verified/corrected 5K+ mx actions; rectified 30 discrepancies/upgraded acft--bolstered Wg's combat readiness

    - Versatile mech; identified/fixed 50 defects during 4-day furlough--reduced backlog by 15%/acft ready for sortie

    - Vigilant planner; monitored spare eng/trailer shipment for Ex RED FLAG--ensured Sq's mx readiness/msn success

    - Visionary leader; planned/eval'd 500 Amn in 4 flts--strengthened unit readiness for '11 WG ORI

    - Worked w/ground crew on 3K+ mx actions; rectified 30 discrepancies/upgraded acft--bolstered Wg's combat readiness

    - Zeroed-in on faulty ACP; changed component w/crew in seats--dissuaded aggression toward US/saved $800K

    - Superb technician; seven flawless QA evals/zero discrepancies--vital to flt's record-breaking 99.7% mission success

    - Supervised 15 personnel; overhauled/inspected four C-130 engines--ensured airframe reliabilty/safety for 13 acft

    - Supervised 2.3K mx actions; inspected/serviced 104 acft--contributed to unit's 99% mission success rate

    - Supremely reliable technician; zero discrepancies on QA evals--essential to unit's record-breaking 99.7% mission success

    - Supported 3.2K mx actions/5.2K insps; inspected/serviced 22 acft--vital to unit's 99% mission success rate

    - Swept hangar; identified/repaired/replaced 67 faulty components--vital to unit's 99% mission success rate

    - Systematically inspected/serviced 30 acft; identified/repaired/replaced 57 faulty components--contributed to 99% mission success rate

    - Tactical leader; implemented new procedures/processes to ensure compliance with tech data--vital to 99% mission success rate

    - Talent for troubleshooting and problem solving; identified/repaired/replaced six faulty components--contributed to 99% mission success rate

    - Team player; juggled 15 mx actions/8 insps--vital to unit's record-breaking 99.7% mission success rate

    - Thoroughly inspected 3 HPO/5 brake replacements; identified/repaired/replaced 4 faulty components--contributed to 83% OTTO March '07

    - Tireless worker; identified/repaired/replaced 104 faulty components--contributed to unit's 99% mission success rate

    - Top-notch technician; identified/repaired/replaced 54 faulty components--contributed to unit's 99% mission success rate

    - Tireless technician; identified/repaired/replaced 8 faulty components--vital to unit's record-breaking 99.7% mission success rate

    - Top-notch NCO; identified/repaired/replaced 52 faulty components--contributed to unit's 99% mission success rate

    - Unparalleled performance; identified/repaired/replaced 42 faulty components--contributed to unit's 99% mission success rate

    - Unsurpassed work ethic; identified/repaired/replaced 14 faulty components--contributed to unit's 99% mission success rate

    - Unwavering commitment to excellence; identified/repaired/replaced 12 faulty components--vital to unit's 99% mission success rate

    - Unparalleled leadership; identified/repaired/replaced 10 faulty components--contributed to unit's 99% mission success rate

    - Unprecedented attention to detail; identified/repaired/replaced 8 faulty components--contributed to unit's 99% mission success rate

    - Unrivaled proficiency; identified/repaired/replaced 6 faulty components--vital to unit's record-breaking 99.7% mission success rate

    - Unstinting commitment to safety; identified/repaired/replaced 4 faulty components--contributed to unit's 99% mission success rate

    - Unwavering dedication to quality; identified/repaired/replaced 2 faulty components--vital to unit's record-breaking 99.7% mission success rate

    - Superior NCO! Led daily mx ops--ensured acft 100% ready for 2K flt hrs/2K sorties--key to 75% mission success

    - Superior problem-solver; troubleshot/repaired acft hydraulic system--successfully passed post-mx QC tests

    - Superior mx supervisor; led 70 members/tech-level maintenance--ensured 62 acft/100% mission capable rate

    - Superior technician; serviced/inspected acft components--ensured all systems/subsystems passed all QC tests

    - Outstanding troubleshooter; identified/repaired electrical system--saved acft from grounding & spared $90K

    - Outstanding avionics maintainer; troubleshot/repaired faulty AC generator--resolved issue with no downtime

    - Outstanding maintainer; performed 1,800 mx tasks with zero discrepancies--key to 99.9% mission capability rate

    - Outstanding mx supervisor; oversaw ten techs/1,200 acft inspections--led 0.5% discrepancy/100% mission success

    - Outstanding NCO! Honed mx skills--created new technical data & mx procedures--enabled 99% mission success

    - Outstanding inspector; identified/analyzed 200+ aircraft discrepancies--resulted in 0.1% discrepancy rate

    - Outstanding technician; repaired/serviced four hydraulic systems--ensured 100% mission success for squadron

    - Outstanding aircraft maintenance professional; completed 2K structural/avionics inspections with 0 discrepancies

    - Outstanding mx leader; identified/analyzed 600+ discrepancies--ensured 99.9% mission success for unit

    - Outstanding NCO! Led mx ops/troubleshooting--ensured 100% mission success for unit--promote ASAP!

    - Outstanding aircraft engine maintenance expert; repaired/serviced 25 engines--ensured 0 engine failures

    - Outstanding maintenance supervisor; managed 50 mx personnel/1,200 maintenance actions--ensured 100% mission readiness

    - Outstanding maintenance technician; completed over 2,000 maintenance inspections--ensured 100% mission success

    - Outstanding maintenance manager; managed 95 maintenance personnel/2,000 inspections--ensured 0.1% discrepancy rate

    - Outstanding maintenance expert; identified/repaired 400 discrepancies--ensured 100% mission success rate

    - Outstanding maintainer; inspected/repaired acft systems--ensured 15K flt hrs/2K sorties with no issues

    - Outstanding avionics maintainer; serviced/repaired faulty navigation system--ensured 100% mission success

    - Outstanding mx supervisor; managed complex mx ops/troubleshooting--ensured 100% mission success for unit

    - Outstanding NCO! Led mx ops/troubleshooting--ensured 100% mission success for unit--promote ASAP!

    - Supervised/inspected aircraft structure repairs--resolved $50K in damage/restored airframe to serviceable condition

    - Trained 10 personnel on methods for aircraft corrosion prevention--reduced corrosion-related maintenance by 80%

    - Trained 11 personnel on proper maintenance techniques for F-35 avionics--increased sortie completion rate to 94%

    - Trained 20 personnel on inspection techniques; reduced discrepancies and returned aircraft to flight status in <4 hrs

    - Troubleshot/repaired $14K in avionics damage; restored aircraft to flight status <3hrs--saved $30K in non-mission costs

    -Coordinated/managed 8 maintenance actions/12 personnel; returned aircraft to flight status in <2 hrs

    -Developed/implemented maintenance procedures for multi-aircraft maintenance--reduced downtime by 90%

    -Directed 25 personnel during C-130 crash/recovery operations; enabled safe recovery of $12M in materiel--zero fatalities

    -Executed 500+ maintenance checks; ensured aircraft availability on time/resources--saved $25K in non-mission costs

    -Facilitated emergency engine shutdown procedure; averted disaster/saved lives--acknowledged by wing leadership

    -Generated/managed $2M maintenance budget; ensured funds allocated/used as intended--saved $50K in non-mission costs

    -Managed/directed 5 personnel during C-130 AMU--returned aircraft to flight status in <4 hrs

    -Mastered/reviewed aircraft avionics; identified/corrected discrepancies--returned aircraft to flight status in <3 hrs

    -Performed/troubleshot components/systems for C-17 engines; returned aircraft to flight status in <2 hrs

    -Performed/troubleshot maintenance on engine control systems; returned aircraft to flight status in <2 hrs

    -Provided exceptional maintenance support/oversight for two F-16 squadrons--enabled sortie completion rate of 96%

    -Recommended/implemented maintenance procedures for multi-aircraft maintenance--reduced downtime by 95%

    -Repaired $10K in aircraft damage; restored airframe to serviceable condition--eliminated backlog

    -Responsible for aircraft wash/inspection; facilitated aircraft availability for next mission--saved $20K in non-mission costs

    -Responsible for maintenance of 10 aircraft/14 personnel--attention to detail ensured "Zero defects"

    -Supervised/managed all aspects of aircraft maintenance; ensured aircraft availability for ISO OEF mission

    -Trained 15 personnel on proper maintenance techniques for avionics--increased sortie completion rate to 95%

    -Verified/inspected aircraft structure repairs; returned airframe to serviceable condition--saved $30K in non-mission costs

    -Performed/troubleshoot maintenance on F-16 airframe; returned aircraft to flight status in <2 hrs

    - Supported two FOD walks; identified 150+ FOD items, increased safety awareness--prevented 2 engine FOD events

    - Supported two LDRSHIP exercises; provided 6 mx techs/gen'd 10 acft/mvd 600+ pax--ensured exercise success

    - Supported/manned deployments to Qatar/Korea/Greenland/Alaska; gen'd/mvd 3.2K pax/3K cargo tons--enabled ops

    - Supported two acft accident investigation/corrective action findings; reduced 4 FW MC rate by 14%--saved $1.2M

    - Supported two F-16 weapons loading drills; prepared 20 munitions/gen'd 10 sorties--demonstrated MXG proficiency

    - Supported two F-16 weapons training sorts; evidenced ammo mx/load/unload/safely/correctly--increased unit proficiency

    - Supported two B-1B combat mission sorts; safely installed/removed bomb racks/ordnance--potential $2M AF savings

    - Supported two F-15C combat mission sorts; completed 12K+ maint actions--increased safety & combat readiness

    - Supported two F-22A combat mission sorts; rectified 150 PRD's/executed 500 insp--prevented 5 engine FOD events

    - Supported two KC-135R combat mission sorts; completed 12K+ maint actions--increased readiness/mission effectiveness

    - Supported two B-2A combat mission sorts; executed 100+ insp/rectified 116 PRD's--enabled 5K+ combat sorties

    - Supported two B-52H combat mission sorts; completed 12K+ maint actions--increased safety/mission effectiveness

    - Supported two C-130J combat mission sorts; rectified 150 PRD's/executed 500 insp--enabled 20K+ combat sorties

    - Supported two C-17A combat mission sorts; completed 12K+ maint actions--increased safety/mission effectiveness

    - Supported two C-5A combat mission sorts; rectified 150 PRD's/executed 500 insp--enabled 25K+ combat sorties

    - Supported two F-117A combat mission sorts; completed 12K+ maint actions--increased safety/mission effectiveness

    - Supported two F-35A combat mission sorts; rectified 150 PRD's/executed 500 insp--enabled 8K+ combat sorties

    - Supported two A-10A combat mission sorts; completed 12K+ maint actions--increased safety/mission effectiveness

    - Supported two AV-8B combat mission sorts; rectified 150 PRD's/executed 500 insp--enabled 5K+ combat sorties

    - Supported two C-21A combat mission sorts; completed 12K+ maint actions--increased safety/mission effectiveness

    - Supported two U-2S combat mission sorts; rectified 150 PRD's/executed 500 insp--enabled 3K+ combat sorties

    - Ensured airworthiness of 10 aircraft; completed all maintenance checks & services on-time; met all mission requirements

    - Evaluated faulty avionics systems on 4 C-130s; identified and corrected discrepancies; verified serviceability of aircraft

    - Troubleshot and repaired electronics systems on 3 C-130s; replaced defective components; ensured aircraft readiness

    - Conducted in-depth inspections on 6 assigned aircraft; identified and corrected discrepancies; restored aircraft to mission-ready status

    - Performed routine maintenance on 8 assigned aircraft; repaired damaged components; restored aircraft to mission-ready status

    - Coordinated repairs and maintenance of 9 C-130 aircraft; ensured all aircraft were mission-ready and available for tasking

    - Facilitated maintenance of 6 F-16 aircraft; performed inspections, replaced defective components and ensured airworthiness

    - Skillfully maintained C-130 engine systems; identified and corrected discrepancies; restored aircraft to mission-ready status

    - Performed in-depth inspections on 15 assigned aircraft; identified and corrected discrepancies; verified aircraft serviceability

    - Expertly coordinated repairs and maintenance of 8 assigned aircraft; identified and repaired any discrepancies; restored readiness

    - Conducted routine maintenance on 4 F-16 aircraft; replaced faulty parts and ensured airworthiness; aircraft ready for mission

    - Assisted in the maintenance of 10 C-130 aircraft; identified and corrected discrepancies; ensured aircraft readiness for mission

    - Troubleshot and repaired avionics systems on 3 C-130s; replaced defective components; verified aircraft serviceability

    - Diagnosed and resolved electrical system malfunctions on 5 F-16 aircraft; verified aircraft serviceability and ensured mission readiness

    - Expertly maintained C-130 engine systems; identified and corrected discrepancies; verified aircraft serviceability

    - Installed avionics systems on 4 C-130s; verified aircraft serviceability and ensured mission readiness

    - Inspected and serviced 3 F-16 aircraft; identified and corrected discrepancies; restored aircraft to mission-ready status

    - Monitored aircraft maintenance procedures; identified and corrected discrepancies; verified aircraft serviceability

    - Performed scheduled preventative maintenance on 10 assigned aircraft; identified and replaced any defective components; ensured mission readiness

    - Technically trained/structured maintenance on F/A-18 engines--ensured 28K flt hrs/zero engine declines

    - Tech-savvy; programmed new databus interface--ensured acft interoperability/expanded support capability 25%

    - Technically knowledgeable; trained four airmen on components/systems--increased mx qual rate by 10%

    - Tech-savvy; researched/troubleshot F-15 engine issues--corrected discrepancy/reduced acft down time by 50%

    - Tasked to troubleshoot F-16 Hydraulic System; identified/replaced faulty components--saved Air Force $35K

    - Troubleshot electrical power issues; repaired/isolated problems--restored acft to mission ready status

    - Tracked work centers maintenance/production; created metrics to track & measure acft mx performance--saved $100K

    - Troubleshot/repaired engine/avionics discrepancies; restored acft to mission capability in <96 hours

    - Trained/qualified 8 prsnl on ground acft fuel servicing--ensured compliance w/AFCOMM standards/no discrepancies

    - Team player; assisted in re-structuring mx program--ensured 100% compliance w/AFI 21-101 standards

    - Technically knowledgeable; identified/repaired hydraulic system issues--restored acft to mission capable status

    - Tackled F-16 avionics issues; identified/replaced faulty components--reduced acft downtime by 48 hours

    - Tasked to troubleshoot F/A-18 engine problems; identified/repaired faulty components--saved AF $30K

    - Team lead for acft mx inspections; created/executed stringent mx standards--ensured acft was mission ready

    - Taught/qualified 8 prsnl on acft mx safety/procedures; ensured acft mx standards were met--zero discrepancies

    - Targeted safety issues; identified/repaired deficiencies--ensured acft was mission ready/no accidents reported

    - Troubleshot/repaired acft fuel system issues--restored acft to 100% mission capability in <60 hours

    - Technically trained 8 prsnl on acft mx; ensured 100% completion of mx tasks/zero discrepancies reported

    - Tasked to inventory acft mx parts; ensured parts were available/zero down times/no delays in mx operations

    - Trained/qualified 7 prsnl on acft mx safety procedures; ensured 100% compliance w/AFI 21-101 standards

    - Team oriented; created acft mx performance metrics--ensured acft mx standards were achieved/zero discrepancies

    - Tackled acft electrical issues; identified/repaired components--restored acft to mission ready status in <24 hrs

    - Troubleshot electrical fault on F-15E; replaced four damaged components--ensured combat capability/air superiority

    - Troubleshot electrical fault on C-5; replaced faulty air conditioning control--prevented unserviceability/major damage

    - Trustworthy leader; steered 15 mx personnel through engine change--ensured 100% mission success rate

    - Truthful leader; led four-person crew on AFTO 781--ensured 100% accurate/timely mx data entry

    - Turned around F-16 repair operations; revitalized shop/crew focus/morale--aided in 50% decrease in repair times

    - Taught crew members proper safety procedures--reduced aircraft ground time by 10%

    - Trained incoming personnel on aircraft maintenance--ensured 100% accuracy and quality assurance

    - Troubleshot hazardous wiring issue on A-10--eliminated safety hazard/prevented aircraft damage

    - Transformed failing aircraft maintenance team; established new policies/procedures--boosted morale/productivity

    - Thoroughly inspected/repaired numerous aircraft components--maintained aircraft readiness/mission success rate

    - Troubleshot hydraulic system fault--replaced faulty parts--restored system functionality/aircraft performance

    - Teamed w/logistics to develop new parts procurement system--reduced lead times/saved $15K

    - Troubleshot faulty steering control system--replaced worn parts--restored system functionality/aircraft performance

    - Took lead in 3-man crew; ensured 100% accuracy/timely completion of maintenance tasks--boosted mission success rate

    - Thoroughly inspected/repaired over 50 aircraft components--ensured 99.8% quality assurance pass rate

    - Top-notch maintainer; overhauled aircraft systems--guaranteed 99% mission success rate

    - Teamed w/engineers to develop new maintenance checklist--boosted efficiency/reduced aircraft downtime

    - Troubleshot electrical fault on C-130--replaced faulty wiring--prevented aircraft damage/loss of mission

    - Utilized a/c troubleshooting and maintenance skills--repaired defective aircraft components--prevented major damage

    - Teamed w/electrician troubleshooting aircraft light fault--replaced arcing wiring--prevented system failure

    - Troubleshot faulty nav system--replaced worn parts--restored system functionality/aircraft performance

    - Took lead in two-person crew; ensured 100% accuracy/timely completion of maintenance tasks--boosted mission success rate

    - Teamed w/engineers to develop new software system to monitor progress on maintenance tasks--boosted efficiency/accuracy

    - Thoroughly screened 740 automated documented maintenance actions--ensured 99.9% data accuracy--5% above ACC std

    - Trained on 10 new airframe and engine components; provided guidance to mx techs--enabled MSN success rate of 98%

    - Trained on 4 new avionics systems--increased maintenance capability by 15% and enabled msn success rate of 99%

    - Transformed mx grp; led 25 Airmen in 2.5K+ maint actions--enabled record-breaking 93% msn success rate

    - Troubleshot complex system malfunctions--enabled quick turnaround of 2 critical acft--saved mbrs' lives

    - Top notch technician; implemented new and innovative maintenance strategies--increased workcenter efficiency by 20%

    - Top notch leader; developed and implemented mentorship program for mx techs--increased tech proficiency by 30%

    - Top notch NCO; provided critical guidance to 2 units in FOD walkdowns--reduced FOD incidents by 40%

    - Top notch supervisor; oversaw 5K+ maintenance actions--enabled record-breaking 95% msn success rate

    - Top notch technician; identified and replaced failed actuator--ensured safe msn success rate of 99%

    - Top notch mentor; trained 10 mx techs on 10 core tasks--enabled unit to meet 3-week turn-around timeline

    - Top notch instructor; trained apprentices on 10 critical servicing tasks--increased workcenter sortie generation capabilities by 5%

    - Top notch supervisor; managed 6K+ maintenance actions--enabled record-breaking 94% msn success rate

    - Top notch leader; developed and implemented innovative maintenance strategies--increased workcenter efficiency by 25%

    - Top notch mentor; provided guidance to 10 mx techs on 5 core tasks--enabled unit to meet 4-week turn-around timeline

    - Top notch technician; diagnosed fault on 5 aircraft systems--ensured safe msn success rate of 98%

    - Top notch NCO; supervised shift operations--key to 3 FW's ORI "Excellent" rating

    - Top notch mentor; trained 10 apprentices on 20 core tasks--helped ensure 6 level upgrade time line on target

    - Top notch instructor; trained mx techs on 10 new airframe and engine components--enabled msn success rate of 97%

    - Top notch supervisor; oversaw 4K+ maintenance actions--enabled record-breaking 92% msn success rate

    - Top notch leader; developed and implemented new mentorship program for mx techs--increased tech proficiency by 35%

    - Top notch technician; identified and replaced failed actuator--ensured safe msn success rate of 100%

    - Top notch mentor; trained 5 mx techs on 10 core tasks--enabled unit to meet 2-week turn-around timeline

    - Top notch instructor; trained apprentices on 5 critical servicing tasks--increased workcenter sortie generation capabilities by 10%

    - Top notch NCO; supervised shift operations--key to 4 FW's ORI "Outstanding" rating

    - Troubleshot and repaired 10 fuel transfer pumps; restored flow rate--saved $30K from depot repair

    - Serviced/inspected five fuel transfer pumps; identified two discrepancies/repaired--saved $3K from depot repair

    - Oversaw daily maintenance/scheduled inspections on 10 aircraft; 100% completion rate--maintained mission capable rate

    - Operated/maintained CETADS/TEMS; monitored engine performance data/logs--enhanced engine performance by 18%

    - Inspected/serviced 10 fuel cells; identified/prevented corrosion--contributed to flight line safety

    - Inspected five fuel transfer pumps; identified three discrepancies--prevented further damage/saved $5K

    - Performed >20 acft service/inspections; identified five discrepancies--prevented further damage/saved $10K

    - Performed line maintenance on 12 acft; identified/repaired two discrepancies--saved $4K from depot repair

    - Conducted 10 acft maintenance checks; identified/prevented wear and tear--contributed to mission capability

    - Assisted with pre-flight checks on 15 acft; identified/corrected two discrepancies--saved $5K from depot repair

    - Assisted with post-flight checks on 15 acft; identified/corrected three discrepancies--saved $7K from depot repair

    - Inspected 15 acft fuel pumps; identified/repaired two discrepancies--saved $6K from depot repair

    - Performed structural inspections on 10 acft; identified/repaired two discrepancies--saved $4K from depot repair

    - Conducted hydraulic system inspections on 10 acft; identified/repaired two discrepancies--saved $4K from depot repair

    - Conducted 10 acft engine maintenance checks; identified/repaired two discrepancies--saved $4K from depot repair

    - Troubleshot no start/no fuel indication; R2'd fuel control unit--eliminated 2-day delay/saved $3K parts cost

    - Troubleshot NWS data link fault; replaced faulty wiring--restored system functionality/minimized ground delay

    - Troubleshot/repaired APU accessory gearbox <2 hrs; restored msn capability--surpassed 95% operational readiness

    - Troubleshot/repaired faulty fire ctrl switch; replaced solenoid valve--ensured safety/minimized down time

    - Troubleshot/repaired faulty power control module; replaced standby power switch--restored msn capability/met OR

    - Troubleshot/replaced faulty fuel control unit; R2'd power control module--boosted operational readiness 4.5%, Apr-Jun

    - Troubleshot/replaced faulty hydraulic pump motor; repaired/replaced wiring--increased system reliability/avoided delay

    - Troubleshot/replaced faulty hydraulics switch; replaced/R2'd wiring--ensured system integrity/restored msn capability

    - Trnd 8 Amn on airframe & engine mx; cert'd 12 upgrade tasks--secur'd sections 98% PE pass rt/20 evals, Apr-Jun

    - Trnd six Reservists on electrical mx; cert'd 10 upgrade tasks--secur'd sections 93% PE pass rt/18 evals, Apr-Jun

    - Trnd four Amn on prop/flap insps; cert'd 8 upgrade tasks--secur'd sections 95% PE pass rt/16 evals, Apr-Jun

    - Troubleshot erratic fuel pressure; replaced fuel pressure transducer--averted sys malfunction/potential fuel starvation

    - Troubleshot erratic generator output; reset circuit breakers--restored system functionality/minimized ground delay

    - Troubleshot erratic starter motor; replaced starter motor solenoid--ensured safety/minimized down time

    - Troubleshot erroneous APU indication; reterminated loose wiring--thwarted false APU input/loss of $195M acft

    - Troubleshot erroneous C-5 aft cgo door fail; replaced cartridge valve <1 hr--restored sys/maintained Bagram med supply msn

    - Troubleshot erroneous TEMS takeoff data; R2'd defective relay <1 hr--averted false takeoff data/loss of $195M acft

    - Troubleshot failed air data computer; isolated/repaired shorted wiring--saved $2K/restored sys functionality

    - Troubleshot fuel system malfunction; replaced defective fuel pressure regulator--restored sys functionality/minimized delay

    - Troubleshot hydraulic system malfunction; replaced/R2'd pressure transducer--saved $2K/ensured system integrity

    - Troubleshot MLG discrepancy; replaced worn centering cams in <24 hrs--ensured HHQ mission on-time launch/no delay

    - Troubleshot no start/no fuel indication; replaced fuel control unit--eliminated 2-day delay/saved $3K parts cost

    - Troubleshot system voltage drop; R2'd power control module--boosted operational readiness 4.5%, Apr-Jun

    - Uncoverd/R2'd faulty AC generator; replaced brushes/restored electrical power--saved >$3K/1.5 hrs wk mx acft

    - Underscored tech proficiency; isolated/R2'd faulty starter generator--saved AF $6K/2 hrs/returned acft to FMC

    - Unflinching commitment to safety; identified/replaced defective systems on 2 acft--enabled 24 hrs of ISR coverage

    - Unprecedented attention to detail; found/R2'd fuel control valve--prevented >$2K worth of unnecessary repairs

    - Unrivaled knowledge of jets; replaced/calibrated fuel control/ignition systems--enabled acft to meet ACC std

    - Analyzed/replaced faulty MLG retraction motor; R2'd issue--returned acft to FMC status/beat ACC std

    - Assessed/replaced defective landing gear motor; R2'd issue--enabled acft to launch on schedule/beat ACC std

    - Authored/dev'd new 30-min procedure for fuel control R2--saved AF $7K/man-hrs/met ACC std 2 consecutive mos

    - Analyzed/replaced defective fuel system components; R2'd issue--enabled acft to fly 4 hrs/beat ACC std

    - Assessed/R2'd faulty pressurization system; R2'd issue--enabled acft to meet ACC std/returned to FMC status

    - Authored/dev'd new procedure for MLG retraction R2--saved AF >$3K/man-hrs/met ACC std 5 consecutive mos

    - Assessed/R2'd defective missile launch systems; R2'd issue--enabled acft to launch on schedule/beat ACC std

    - Disc'd/R2'd faulty AC generator; replaced brushes/restored electrical power--saved >$3K/1.5 hrs wk mx acft

    - True leader and mentor; able to extract exceptional performance from subordinates--promote at first chance!

    - TSgt in the making; disc'd duplicate BPO/PR workcard steps/submitted AFTO Form 22--saved AF 2 man-hrs

    - Turbine specialist; replaced plenum gasket and fuel control in 2 of allotted 4 hours--zero 7-level defects noted

    - Uncoverd/R2'd faulty fuel system valve; replaced/calibrated components--enabled acft to meet ACC std

    - Unflinching commitment to safety; identified/replaced defective systems on 2 acft--enabled 24 hrs of ISR coverage

    - Unprecedented attention to detail; found/R2'd fuel control valve--prevented >$2K worth of unnecessary repairs

    - Unrivaled knowledge of jets; replaced/calibrated fuel control/ignition systems--enabled acft to meet ACC std

    - Troubleshot/repaired faulty AWACS system; R2'd issue--enabled acft to launch on schedule/beat ACC std

    - Troubleshot/repaired faulty air data computer; R2'd issue--enabled acft to meet ACC std/returned to FMC status

    - Disc'd/R2'd faulty landing gear motor; replaced/calibrated components--enabled acft to meet ACC std

    - True leader and mentor; able to extract exceptional performance from subordinates--promote at first chance!

    - Troubleshot/repaired faulty harpoon launch system; R2'd issue--enabled acft to launch on schedule/beat ACC std

    - Troubleshot/repaired faulty fire control system; R2'd issue--enabled acft to meet ACC std/returned to FMC status

    - Disc'd/R2'd faulty air data computer; replaced/calibrated components--enabled acft to meet ACC std


    - Utilized EOM/ROM/OML to perform corrective actions/upkeep on 4 aircraft--97% tech order compliance

    - Verified/replaced all hydraulic lines/hoses on 3 F-15s; prevented catastrophic system failure--saved $400K

    - Verified/replaced hydraulic pump on F-15C; ensured aircraft return to service--saved $1M in downtime

    - Volunteered for F-15C FMC Sys upgrade; performed system checks/repaired faulty wiring--allowed ACFT to deploy

    - Welded cracked MLG beam; completed repairs in 8 hrs; averted $300K in repl parts/allowed ACFT to deploy

    - Wrote/implemented 8 new T.O.s; increased tech order compliance by 10% in 3 mos--awarded Gp Mx Superstar

    - Wrote/implemented 5 new T.O.s; increased aircraft availability by 15%/saved $500K in down time

    - Completed 10 inspections/repaired 5 systems; averted aircraft malfs/saved $500K in down time--awarded AMU Mx POTM

    - Achieved 100% accomplishment rate on 9 SIRs; averted $100K in aircraft repair costs--awarded Gp Mx Star

    - Aided in F-15C FMC troubleshooting; located faulty wiring/replaced components--enabled ACFT to deploy

    - Avoided potential aircraft malf; modified damaged engine valve--reduced downtime/saved $2M

    - Carried out 6 hydraulic line/hose replacements; prevented system failure--saved $800K in downtime

    - Completed 10 inspections/repaired 5 systems; averted aircraft malfs/saved $500K in down time--awarded AMU Mx POTM

    - Coordinated/assigned/supervised maintenance of 5 F-15s; enabled 100% mission accomplishment--awarded Gp Mx Star

    - Discovered/replaced broken fuel lines during pre-flt insp; averted potential fire--saved $1M in downtime

    - Executed 5 major repairs on F-15s; averted malfs/saved $1.5M in down time--awarded AMU Mx POTM

    - Impacted 12 personnel/trained on F-15 maintenance; increased tech order compliance by 15%--awarded Gp Mx Star

    - Led daily flight line operations; inspected 5 aircraft/resolved 8 malfs--enabled 100% mission success

    - Led mx crew of 6 personnel; completed 10 repairs/averted malfs--saved $1.2M in down time/awarded Gp Mx Star

    - Performed 5 emergency repairs; saved $1M in down time/enabled 100% mission success--awarded Gp Mx Star

    - Performed emergency repair on F-15D; averted malf/saved $2M in down time--awarded AMU Mx POTM

    - Performed emergency repairs on F-15C; averted malfs/saved $1.5M in down time--awarded AMU Mx POTM

    - Researched/corrected 5 aircraft discrepancies; averted malfs/saved $1.2M in down time--awarded Gp Mx Star

    - Serviced/maintained 4 F-15s; enabled 100% mission accomplishment/saved $1M in down time--awarded Gp Mx Star

    - Supervised 30 personnel/trained on maintenance of 5 F-15s; increased tech order compliance by 10%--awarded Gp Mx Star

    - Troubleshot/replaced faulty wiring on F-15C; enabled ACFT to deploy--saved $2M in down time/awarded AMU POTM

    - Uncovered broken seal during pre-flt insp; replaced seal/averted malfunction--saved $1M in downtime

    - Volunteered for long-term assignment to support sister unit's mx ops--directed 10 techs/saved 10K hrs/req'd resources

    - Volunteered to replace 3.5K' hydrazine fuel lines; saved AF $8K/1.5K hrs--enabled acft sys to meet msn req's

    - Volunteered to repair/test fuel transfer system; saved AF $2.5K/1K hrs--enabled acft to meet pending msn req's

    - Valuable asset; conducted alignment of C-130J H-pylon--enabled acft to meet msn req's, saving $3.5K/1.2K hrs

    - Valued contributor; identified faulty ECU--enabled acft to meet msn req's, saving $1K/750 hrs

    - Valued asset; identified faulty starter generator--enabled acft to meet msn req's, saving $1.2K/400 hrs

    - Vital member of fly-away mx team; enabled acft to meet msn req's--saved AF $3.3K/1.1K hrs

    - Unsurpassed mx performance; enabled acft to meet msn req's--saved AF $4K/1.5K hrs

    - Unparalleled troubleshooting skills; identified faulty fuel pressure regulator--saved AF $4K/1.2K hrs

    - Utilized superior technical skills; identified faulty fuel pump--enabled acft to meet msn req's, saving $2K/800 hrs

    - Utilized expertise; identified faulty servo valve--enabled acft to meet msn req's, saving $1.5K/600 hrs

    - Unsurpassed attention to detail; identified faulty oxygen regulator--enabled acft to meet msn req's, saving $2.3K/800 hrs

    - Unrivaled knowledge; identified faulty fuel selector valve--enabled acft to meet msn req's, saving $4.2K/1.2K hrs

    - Unmatched acft mx skills; identified faulty wiring--enabled acft to meet msn req's, saving $2.5K/900 hrs

    - Unmatched acft mx skills; identified faulty oil pressure switch--enabled acft to meet msn req's, saving $1.8K/500 hrs

    - Unparalleled mx performance; identified faulty hydraulic valve--enabled acft to meet msn req's, saving $2.3K/700 hrs

    - Unrivaled acft mx knowledge; identified faulty fuel valve--enabled acft to meet msn req's, saving $1.7K/350 hrs

    - Unparalleled acft mx knowledge; identified faulty fuel filter--enabled acft to meet msn req's, saving $2.5K/700 hrs

    - Utilized vast knowledge; identified faulty fuel pressure sensor--enabled acft to meet msn req's, saving $2K/600 hrs

    - Utilized vast knowledge; identified faulty fuel pressure gauge--enabled acft to meet msn req's, saving $1.2K/400 hrs

    - Unrivaled acft mx knowledge; identified faulty air filter--enabled acft to meet msn req's, saving $1.3K/300 hrs

    - Unsurpassed professionalism; identified faulty air pressure regulator--enabled acft to meet msn req's, saving $1.5K/500 hrs

    - Accomplished daily maint/insp; 100% compliance/timeliness of all scheduled/unscheduled acft mx

    - Utilized 7-level mx to restore/repair F-18--ensured safe/timely completion/maint of acft/sys's

    - Achieved 100% accuracy/compliance in weekly acft status report--ensured compliance w/ FARs/AFIs

    - Awarded “Knuckle Buster Award” for superior work ethic/exceptional mx performance while deployed

    - Managed/supervised acft mx tm of 6; completed daily mx/insp tasks--ensured compliance of acft/sys's

    - Coordinated/integrated acft mx w/ supply/logistics; reduced acft downtime/repair time to highest level

    - Monitored/maintained acft records; 100% accountability/compliance w/ inspections/service bulletins

    - Performed/managed daily mx of 8 acft; ensured all mx records/logs met/exceeded standards of AC-130H

    - Certified/supervised acft mx teams; ensured all mx tasks/insp completed on time/with accuracy

    - Executed daily mx tasks/insp of acft; zero discrepancies/deficiencies found during acft weekly inspection

    - Managed/performed preventative mx on acft; ensured safety/reliability of acft/sys’s thru thorough inspections

    - Awarded “Knuckle Buster Award” for exceptional performance/superior work ethic in acft mx while deployed

    - Led acft mx tm of 8; ensured 100% compliance of mx tasks/inspection w/ AFIs/FARs

    - Coordinated acft mx w/ supply/logistics; reduced acft downtime/repair time to highest level of efficiency

    - Researched/analyzed mx data; zero discrepancies/deficiencies found during acft weekly inspection

    - Trained/mentored acft mx crew; ensured 100% accuracy/compliance of mx tasks/insp of AC-130H

    - Supervised acft mx tm; completed daily mx/insp tasks--ensured compliance of acft/sys's w/ AFIs/FARs

    - Performed preventative mx/insp of acft/sys's; zero discrepancies/deficiencies found during acft weekly inspection

    - Utilized 5-level mx to restore/repair F-18; ensured safety/timely completion/maint of acft/sys's