Are you looking to develop a winning quarterly award package? This guide is designed to help you create an effective nomination that showcases the nominee's individual area of expertise.


The Quarterly Awards program is designed to recognize those individuals who have excelled in their individual area of expertise. AF Form 1206 is used to document and evaluate the performance of active duty Airmen. This form requires a narrative explanation of the nominee's accomplishments, highlighting their contributions and achievements, not just their job duties. Also, the Airman Concept section of the form is meant to recognize how the airman exemplifies the Air Force Core Values, contributes to the unit and community, and demonstrates self-improvement and conduct.


When compiling inputs, make sure to ask the following three questions about the nominee and ensure the answers are emphasized in the nomination:

  • What did the member do?

  • How did he/she accomplish it?

  • What was the result/impact?

For example: What did the member do? - Ensured accountability and prompt processing of all TDY requests.

How was it accomplished? - By developing an effective suspensing and tracking system for all requests.

Result/Impact? - Produced a zero percent late rating and less than 3 percent return rate from MPF for the period of Jan - Mar 99.

Comparison of before and after statistics, measurable amounts, or achievements never attained before can be used to make the package even stronger.


Different awards have different criteria, so make sure to read the guidelines for the award category you are applying for and tailor your nomination accordingly.


Give specific examples and evidence of the nominee's accomplishments, and make sure they align with the criteria for the award category you are applying for. Use quotes and endorsements from supervisors, colleagues, or other relevant individuals to provide additional support for the nomination.


Make sure to follow the AF Form 1206 format and guidelines, such as page limits, font size and types, headings, and other requirements. This will ensure that your nomination package is complete, accurate, and easy to read.


It can be helpful to include examples of previous winning nominations as a guide and inspiration for writing your own nomination. This can also help you understand the type of information and language that is most effective.


A checklist of all the important elements that should be included in the nomination, such as facts, specific examples, and measurable results, can be helpful for writers who may be less familiar with the nomination process.


Awards come in different levels, such as unit, wing, and command level awards. Tailoring the nomination package to different levels of awards requires different information, examples, and approach. Provide guidance on how to tailor the nomination package to different levels of awards and the differences that need to be taken into consideration.


Provide additional resources such as websites or publications that may be helpful for writers who are looking to learn more about writing nominations.

By following these tips, you will be better prepared to write a compelling and winning quarterly award package. Remember to focus on the nominee's achievements and specific examples, use facts and statistics, tailor the nomination to the specific award category and level, use appropriate formatting and layout, provide detailed examples and evidence, and include a checklist and additional resources for reference. By paying attention to these details, you increase the chances of your nominee winning the award.

  • When writing examples for the "Leadership and Job Performance in Primary Duty" section of the AF Form 1206, it's recommended to use a similar format as for the "Airman Concept" section, using an active voice sentence structure and being specific, clear, and concise. This will help to clearly convey the airman's actions, achievements, and their impact.

    For example:

    "Airman Smith certified less-than-lethal tools and rapidly accomplished training for three weapons, exceeding the Air Force standard by 200%."

    "Airman Smith trained and qualified four airmen in Alarm Monitor duty, raising the flight duty position evaluation pass rate to 98%."

    In these examples, the sentences clearly state who is taking the action (Airman Smith) and what action is being taken (certifying less-than-lethal tools and training airmen in Alarm Monitor duty) and the result (exceeding the Air Force standard and raising the pass rate).

    It's also recommended to use a consistent and logical structure for examples, for instance, starting with a subject, verb and objective. Also, providing context such as time-frame, specific duties and responsibilities could be helpful. It's also a good practice to consult with the relevant authorities, supervisor or previous evaluations to ensure that the examples align with the criteria and standards for the "Leadership and Job Performance in Primary Duty" section.


    Led team of four in the implementation of new cyber transport systems, resulting in a 20% increase in network speed and efficiency

    Conducted regular security audits and implemented security measures, resulting in zero network breaches in the past year

    Trained and mentored junior team members in cyber transport system operations and troubleshooting, resulting in a 30% decrease in downtime

    Developed and implemented standard operating procedures for cyber transport systems maintenance, resulting in a 15% increase in system uptime

    Coordinated with other units to establish and maintain secure communications links, ensuring seamless communication and information sharing across the organization

    Provided technical support and guidance for the integration of new technologies and software, resulting in a 25% increase in network capabilities.

    Implemented and maintained network monitoring tools to ensure network security, resulting in a 40% decrease in cyber incidents.

    Worked with cross-functional teams to design and implement network infrastructure, resulting in a 50% increase in network performance.

    Led a team of 15 in the design and implementation of a new Cyber Transport System, resulting in a 30% increase in network security.

    Developed and implemented a comprehensive disaster recovery plan, resulting in a 50% reduction in recovery time in case of a network outage.

    1. Established and maintained effective communication with higher headquarters and subordinate units to ensure successful mission execution.

    2. Evaluated and implemented changes to current processes and procedures to improve mission effectiveness.

    3. Developed and implemented new training programs for personnel to ensure proficiency in cyber operations.

    4. Mentored junior personnel on cyber transport systems and procedures.

    5. Developed and maintained relationships with other agencies to ensure mission success.

    6. Directed and supervised installation, operation, and maintenance of computer networks and systems.

    7. Coordinated with other agencies to ensure successful transition of data and information.

    8. Monitored and evaluated network performance and security to ensure the highest level of security and functionality.

    9. Managed and developed a team of cyber transport specialists, ensuring successful completion of tasks.

    10. Spearheaded efforts to secure and protect data and information during transport.

    11. Implemented and maintained policies and procedures to ensure compliance with government regulations.

    12. Developed and implemented system enhancements and upgrades to improve efficiency.

    13. Troubleshot and resolved system malfunctions and other technical issues.

    14. Analyzed network traffic for security and performance issues.

    15. Created and maintained system documentation and diagrams for use in troubleshooting.

    16. Installed, configured, and maintained hardware for cyber transport systems.

    17. Developed and tested backup and recovery plans to ensure mission continuity.

    18. Assisted with the evaluation and selection of new hardware and software for cyber transport systems.

    19. Coordinated with other agencies to ensure successful implementation of cyber transport systems.

    20. Monitored system security and ensured compliance with government regulations.

    21. Researched and developed new cyber transport technologies and solutions.

    22. Performed system administration tasks to ensure optimal system performance.

    23. Developed and implemented plans for system migration and upgrades.

    24. Performed system upgrades and maintenance to ensure optimal system performance.

    25. Researched and implemented new techniques and technologies for cyber transport systems.

    26. Assisted with the development and implementation of security protocols and procedures.

    27. Evaluated and tested new hardware and software for use in cyber transport systems.

    28. Monitored and responded to system alerts in a timely manner.

    29. Developed and maintained systems documentation and training materials.

    30. Provided technical assistance and support to users of cyber transport systems.

    31. Coordinated with external agencies to ensure successful exchange of data and information.

    32. Installed and configured network components to ensure security and performance.

    33. Developed and implemented plans for system backup and recovery.

    34. Developed and implemented plans for system disaster recovery.

    35. Analyzed system performance and security to identify potential threats.

    36. Assisted in the development of system architecture and design.

    37. Assisted with the installation and configuration of new hardware and software.

    38. Developed and implemented plans for system and network upgrades.

    39. Monitored and maintained system security to ensure compliance with government regulations.

    40. Developed and implemented plans for system maintenance and optimization.

    41. Assisted with the development and implementation of system security protocols and procedures.

    42. Monitored and responded to system alerts and notifications in a timely manner.

    43. Tested and evaluated new hardware and software for use in cyber transport systems.

    44. Developed and maintained system documentation and diagrams for use in troubleshooting.

    45. Monitored system security and performance to ensure mission success.

    46. Evaluated and implemented changes to existing processes and procedures.

    47. Developed and implemented new training programs for personnel to ensure proficiency in cyber operations.

    48. Mentored junior personnel on cyber transport systems and procedures.

    49. Researched and developed new cyber transport technologies and solutions.

    50. Spearheaded efforts to secure and protect data and information during transport.

    51. Maintained and updated system security protocols and procedures.

    52. Developed and maintained relationships with other agencies to ensure mission success.

    53. Installed and configured network components to ensure security and performance.

    54. Assisted with the evaluation and selection of new hardware and software for cyber transport systems.

    55. Evaluated and tested new hardware and software for use in cyber transport systems.

    56. Created and maintained system documentation and diagrams for use in troubleshooting.

    57. Assisted with the development of system architecture and design.

    58. Assisted with the installation and configuration of new hardware and software.

    59. Developed and maintained systems documentation and training materials.

    60. Monitored and maintained system security to ensure compliance with government regulations.

    61. Evaluated and implemented changes to existing systems to improve mission effectiveness.

    62. Developed and tested backup and recovery plans to ensure mission continuity.

    63. Provided technical assistance and support to users of cyber transport systems.

    64. Researched and implemented new techniques and technologies for cyber transport systems.

    65. Monitored and evaluated network performance and security to ensure the highest level of security and functionality.

    66. Developed and implemented plans for system migration and upgrades.

    67. Developed and implemented plans for system backup and recovery.

    68. Developed and implemented plans for system disaster recovery.

    69. Managed and developed a team of cyber transport specialists, ensuring successful completion of tasks.

    70. Analyzed network traffic for security and performance issues.

    71. Assisted with the development and implementation of security protocols and procedures.

    72. Monitored system security and ensured compliance with government regulations.

    73. Performed system upgrades and maintenance to ensure optimal system performance.

    74. Established and maintained effective communication with higher headquarters and subordinate units to ensure successful mission execution.

    75. Troubleshot and resolved system malfunctions and other technical issues.

    76. Assisted in the evaluation and implementation of new technologies and solutions.

    77. Coordinated with other agencies to ensure successful transition of data and information.

    78. Monitored and responded to system alerts in a timely manner.

    79. Analyzed system performance and security to identify potential threats.

    80. Developed and implemented system enhancements and upgrades to improve efficiency.

    81. Coordinated with other agencies to ensure successful implementation of cyber transport systems.

    82. Developed and implemented policies and procedures to ensure compliance with government regulations.

    83. Directed and supervised installation, operation, and maintenance of computer networks and systems.

    84. Developed and tested plans for system maintenance and optimization.

    85. Assisted with the evaluation of system security protocols and procedures.

    86. Assisted with the evaluation and selection of new technologies and solutions.

    87. Implemented and maintained policies and procedures to ensure compliance with government regulations.

    88. Developed and tested plans for system backup and recovery.

    89. Developed and implemented plans for system disaster recovery.

    90. Evaluated and tested new hardware and software for use in cyber transport systems.

    91. Monitored system security and ensured compliance with government regulations.

    92. Coordinated with external agencies to ensure successful exchange of data and information.

    93. Analyzed system performance and security to identify potential threats.

    94. Developed and implemented plans for system migration and upgrades.

    95. Monitored and maintained system security to ensure compliance with government regulations.

    96. Developed and implemented plans for system maintenance and optimization.

    97. Monitored and responded to system alerts and notifications in a timely manner.

    98. Developed and maintained systems documentation and training materials.

    99. Assisted with the development and implementation of system security protocols and procedures.

    100. Created and maintained system documentation and diagrams for use in troubleshooting.

  • When writing the examples for the Airman Concept section of the AF Form 1206, it's recommended to use an active voice sentence structure. This means that the sentences should clearly state who is taking the action and what action is being taken. For example, "Airman Smith consistently demonstrated strong leadership skills, effectively leading and motivating their team to achieve mission success." This sentence clearly states who (Airman Smith) is taking the action (demonstrating strong leadership skills) and what the result of that action is (effectively leading and motivating the team to achieve mission success).

    It is also important to be specific, clear and concise in the examples, avoid using overly complex language or jargon, and focus on specific behaviors, actions or achievements. Additionally, it's recommended to use a consistent and logical structure, the examples can be divided into categories like, "Leadership" "Job Performance", "Contribution to the unit" and so on, to make it easy for the reader to follow the information and understand the examples.

    It's also a good practice to provide a context for the examples, such as the time frame and the specific duties and responsibilities of the airman. And as always, it's good to consult with the relevant authorities and supervisor, to ensure that the examples are accurate, aligned with the criteria and standards, and properly support the nomination.


    1. Achieved a 90% pass rate on the Air Force physical fitness test.

    2. Showed dedication to achieving a high level of mission readiness.

    3. Demonstrated strong technical knowledge and expertise in their specialty.

    4. Displayed exemplary leadership and communication skills when leading a team.

    5. Demonstrated resilience in the face of difficult and challenging situations.

    6. Developed innovative solutions to complex technical issues.

    7. Maintained a high level of personal integrity and accountability.

    8. Demonstrated a commitment to continuous learning and professional development.

    9. Demonstrated an understanding of the Air Force core values.

    10. Exhibited outstanding commitment to the well-being of their Airmen.

    11. Showed an ability to solve complex problems with sound judgement.

    12. Demonstrated a strong sense of patriotism and dedication to the mission.

    13. Possessed a deep understanding of Air Force regulations and policies.

    14. Showed an ability to maintain a high level of situational awareness.

    15. Demonstrated exceptional ability to work with a diverse team.

    16. Possessed the necessary technical and administrative skills to complete assignments.

    17. Exhibited a high level of attention to detail during critical tasks.

    18. Demonstrated a commitment to excellence in all areas of their duties.

    19. Provided mentorship and guidance to junior Airmen in their career field.

    20. Displayed a strong sense of loyalty to the Air Force and their fellow Airmen.

    21. Exhibited an outstanding level of commitment to the Air Force mission.

    22. Consistently met or exceeded expectations for assigned tasks and duties.

    23. Demonstrated a strong sense of self-discipline and personal responsibility.

    24. Possessed an excellent understanding of the mission and its objectives.

    25. Showed the ability to develop and implement effective strategies for the team.

    26. Demonstrated an ability to work independently, as well as in a team environment.

    27. Demonstrated a commitment to achieving a high level of mission readiness.

    28. Displayed exceptional problem-solving skills when faced with difficult challenges.

    29. Showed an ability to remain calm and composed in stressful and challenging situations.

    30. Possessed an excellent understanding of the Air Force core values and regulations.

    31. Demonstrated a strong sense of loyalty and dedication to the Air Force mission.

    32. Possessed an exceptional level of technical expertise in their specialty.

    33. Demonstrated the ability to prioritize tasks and manage time effectively.

    34. Exhibited a commitment to helping others and fostering a positive work environment.

    35. Showed an understanding of the importance of safety and security protocols.

    36. Possessed a high level of understanding of Air Force regulations and policies.

    37. Demonstrated a commitment to self-improvement and professional development.

    38. Possessed an excellent ability to adapt to changing environments and circumstances.

    39. Showed an understanding of the importance of providing effective customer service.

    40. Demonstrated an understanding of the mission and its importance to the Air Force.

    41. Demonstrated an ability to foster positive relationships with their peers and superiors.

    42. Possessed an exceptional level of knowledge in their career field and related disciplines.

    43. Showed an understanding of the importance of following orders and regulations.

    44. Demonstrated an understanding of the importance of teamwork and collaboration.

    45. Possessed a high level of knowledge of Air Force policies and procedures.

    46. Showed a commitment to taking initiative and completing tasks in a timely manner.

    47. Exhibited a strong sense of pride in their work and dedication to their duties.

    48. Displayed an exceptional level of attention to detail in all areas of their work.

    49. Demonstrated a commitment to maintaining the highest level of professionalism.

    50. Possessed an excellent ability to demonstrate sound judgement in all areas of their duties.

    51. Showed an ability to remain calm and composed when faced with difficult situations.

    52. Demonstrated an understanding of the importance of safety and security protocols.

    53. Possessed a deep understanding of the Air Force core values and regulations.

    54. Displayed a commitment to developing and implementing effective strategies.

    55. Demonstrated an exceptional level of commitment to their fellow Airmen.

    56. Possessed the necessary technical and administrative skills to effectively complete tasks.

    57. Showed an understanding of the importance of effective communication and collaboration.

    58. Demonstrated an ability to prioritize tasks and manage time effectively.

    59. Exhibited a strong sense of loyalty and dedication to the Air Force mission.

    60. Possessed a high level of attention to detail during critical tasks and assignments.

    61. Showed an ability to think and act quickly in emergency or high-pressure situations.

    62. Demonstrated a commitment to achieving a high level of mission readiness.

    63. Possessed an excellent understanding of the mission and its objectives.

    64. Showed the ability to work with a variety of people and personalities.

    65. Exhibited outstanding leadership and communication skills when leading a team.

    66. Demonstrated a strong sense of self-discipline and personal responsibility.

    67. Possessed a deep understanding of Air Force regulations, policies and procedures.

    68. Showed an ability to solve complex problems with sound judgement.

    69. Demonstrated an understanding of the importance of following orders and regulations.

    70. Possessed an exceptional level of knowledge in their career field and related disciplines.

    71. Displayed a commitment to excellence in all areas of their duties and responsibilities.

    72. Demonstrated a commitment to providing effective customer service.

    73. Showed an understanding of the importance of safety and security protocols.

    74. Exhibited a strong sense of patriotism and dedication to the mission.

    75. Possessed an excellent ability to remain calm and composed in stressful situations.

    76. Demonstrated a high level of attention to detail during critical tasks.

    77. Possessed an excellent understanding of the Air Force core values.

    78. Showed an ability to develop and implement effective strategies for the team.

    79. Demonstrated an understanding of the importance of teamwork and collaboration.

    80. Exhibited an outstanding level of commitment to the Air Force mission.

    81. Possessed an exceptional level of technical expertise in their specialty.

    82. Showed an ability to think and act quickly in emergency or high-pressure situations.

    83. Demonstrated a commitment to continuous learning and professional development.

    84. Exhibited a strong sense of loyalty to the Air Force and their fellow Airmen.

    85. Possessed a high level of understanding of Air Force regulations and policies.

    86. Demonstrated an exceptional ability to work with a diverse team.

    87. Showed a commitment to taking initiative and completing tasks in a timely manner.

    88. Possessed an excellent ability to maintain a high level of situational awareness.

    89. Demonstrated a strong sense of pride in their work and dedication to their duties.

    90. Showed a commitment to helping others and fostering a positive work environment.

    91. Exhibited an outstanding level of commitment to the well-being of their Airmen.

    92. Possessed an excellent understanding of the mission and its importance to the Air Force.

    93. Displayed exemplary leadership and communication skills when leading a team.

    94. Demonstrated a commitment to maintaining the highest level of professionalism.

    95. Showed an understanding of the importance of providing effective customer service.

    96. Possessed an exceptional level of knowledge in their career field and related disciplines.

    97. Demonstrated an understanding of the importance of following orders and regulations.

    98. Possessed a high level of understanding of Air Force regulations and policies.

    99. Exhibited a strong sense of patriotism and dedication to the mission.

    100. Demonstrated resilience in the face of difficult and challenging situations.


    1. Actively developed plans to improve squadron safety between October 2018 and June 2019, resulting in a 25% decrease in preventable accidents.

    2. Met all deadlines for monthly reports between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all deadlines were met in a timely manner.

    3. Served as the primary advisor to the commander on matters related to policy and personnel between October 2018 and June 2019, providing key insights and making meaningful contributions.

    4. Displayed tremendous resilience when dealing with difficult situations between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding solutions to complex problems.

    5. Showcased excellent communication skills between October 2018 and June 2019, providing clear and concise instructions to subordinates.

    6. Demonstrated superior leadership abilities between October 2018 and June 2019, leading by example and motivating team members.

    7. Exhibited exemplary professionalism when dealing with difficult and sensitive situations between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting highly professional behavior.

    8. Demonstrated a commitment to excellence between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently meeting and exceeding standards.

    9. Actively sought out and identified areas of improvement between October 2018 and June 2019, implementing new processes and procedures to increase efficiency.

    10. Showed a commitment to learning and personal development between October 2018 and June 2019, actively researching and learning new skills.

    11. Provided consistent and reliable maintenance of aircraft between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all aircraft were in a safe and operable condition.

    12. Demonstrated superior knowledge of aircraft systems between October 2018 and June 2019, providing detailed and accurate information to the commander.

    13. Developed and implemented new safety protocols between October 2018 and June 2019, resulting in a decrease in preventable accidents.

    14. Maintained a high level of accuracy when completing paperwork between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all paperwork was completed correctly.

    15. Actively monitored aircraft performance between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring aircraft performance remained within standards.

    16. Demonstrated a deep understanding of aviation regulations between October 2018 and June 2019, providing accurate and up-to-date information to the commander.

    17. Showcased initiative when facing challenging tasks between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding ways to overcome obstacles.

    18. Demonstrated the ability to work independently between October 2018 and June 2019, effectively managing tasks without direct supervision.

    19. Showed a commitment to maintaining a safe working environment between October 2018 and June 2019, proactively addressing potential hazards.

    20. Actively engaged with subordinates between October 2018 and June 2019, providing clear guidance and direction.

    21. Exhibited a high level of trustworthiness between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently displaying integrity and honesty.

    22. Demonstrated the ability to effectively plan and manage projects between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all projects were completed on schedule.

    23. Maintained a professional demeanor when dealing with difficult personnel between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting a high level of composure.

    24. Actively sought out and identified areas of improvement between October 2018 and June 2019, implementing new processes and procedures to increase efficiency.

    25. Developed and implemented new training protocols between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all personnel were properly trained.

    26. Showcased excellent problem solving skills between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding solutions to complex issues.

    27. Demonstrated a commitment to meeting deadlines between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all tasks were completed in a timely manner.

    28. Displayed exemplary knowledge of aircraft systems between October 2018 and June 2019, providing detailed and accurate information to the commander.

    29. Exhibited superior leadership abilities between October 2018 and June 2019, leading by example and motivating team members.

    30. Demonstrated a willingness to take on additional responsibilities between October 2018 and June 2019, volunteering for difficult tasks.

    31. Showed initiative when facing challenging tasks between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding ways to overcome obstacles.

    32. Effectively managed personnel and resources between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all personnel were properly utilized.

    33. Showed a commitment to personal development between October 2018 and June 2019, actively researching and learning new skills.

    34. Actively monitored aircraft performance between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring aircraft performance remained within standards.

    35. Demonstrated an understanding of aviation regulations between October 2018 and June 2019, providing accurate and up-to-date information to the commander.

    36. Exhibited a high level of accuracy when completing paperwork between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all paperwork was completed correctly.

    37. Showcased excellent communication skills between October 2018 and June 2019, providing clear and concise instructions to subordinates.

    38. Demonstrated a professional demeanor when dealing with difficult personnel between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting a high level of composure.

    39. Exhibited a high level of trustworthiness between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently displaying integrity and honesty.

    40. Showed a commitment to meeting deadlines between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all tasks were completed in a timely manner.

    41. Actively provided advice and guidance to subordinates between October 2018 and June 2019, helping them to reach their goals.

    42. Demonstrated superior knowledge of aircraft systems between October 2018 and June 2019, providing detailed and accurate information to the commander.

    43. Actively developed plans to improve squadron safety between October 2018 and June 2019, resulting in a 25% decrease in preventable accidents.

    44. Showed a commitment to excellence between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently meeting and exceeding standards.

    45. Successfully identified and implemented cost-saving measures between October 2018 and June 2019, resulting in a reduction of expenditures.

    46. Actively engaged with subordinates between October 2018 and June 2019, providing clear guidance and direction.

    47. Demonstrated excellent problem solving skills between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding solutions to complex issues.

    48. Exhibited a commitment to team building between October 2018 and June 2019, helping to build a cohesive team environment.

    49. Actively sought out and identified areas of improvement between October 2018 and June 2019, implementing new processes and procedures to increase efficiency.

    50. Demonstrated the ability to effectively plan and manage projects between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all projects were completed on schedule.

    51. Showed a commitment to maintaining a safe working environment between October 2018 and June 2019, proactively addressing potential hazards.

    52. Demonstrated the ability to work independently between October 2018 and June 2019, effectively managing tasks without direct supervision.

    53. Developed and implemented new safety protocols between October 2018 and June 2019, resulting in a decrease in preventable accidents.

    54. Actively monitored aircraft performance between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring aircraft performance remained within standards.

    55. Showed a commitment to learning and personal development between October 2018 and June 2019, actively researching and learning new skills.

    56. Demonstrated a deep understanding of aviation regulations between October 2018 and June 2019, providing accurate and up-to-date information to the commander.

    57. Showed the ability to remain calm and composed in difficult situations between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting a high level of composure.

    58. Demonstrated superior knowledge of aircraft systems between October 2018 and June 2019, providing detailed and accurate information to the commander.

    59. Met all deadlines for monthly reports between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all deadlines were met in a timely manner.

    60. Actively monitored aircraft performance between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring aircraft performance remained within standards.

    61. Maintained a professional demeanor when dealing with difficult personnel between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting a high level of composure.

    62. Showed a commitment to meeting deadlines between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all tasks were completed in a timely manner.

    63. Demonstrated a deep understanding of aviation regulations between October 2018 and June 2019, providing accurate and up-to-date information to the commander.

    64. Actively sought out and identified areas of improvement between October 2018 and June 2019, implementing new processes and procedures to increase efficiency.

    65. Showcased initiative when facing challenging tasks between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding ways to overcome obstacles.

    66. Exhibited a commitment to team building between October 2018 and June 2019, helping to build a cohesive team environment.

    67. Demonstrated the ability to effectively plan and manage projects between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all projects were completed on schedule.

    68. Maintained a high level of accuracy when completing paperwork between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all paperwork was completed correctly.

    69. Demonstrated excellent problem solving skills between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding solutions to complex issues.

    70. Exhibited exemplary professionalism when dealing with difficult and sensitive situations between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting highly professional behavior.

    71. Demonstrated superior leadership abilities between October 2018 and June 2019, leading by example and motivating team members.

    72. Actively monitored aircraft performance between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring aircraft performance remained within standards.

    73. Maintained a professional demeanor when dealing with difficult personnel between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting a high level of composure.

    74. Showed a commitment to learning and personal development between October 2018 and June 2019, actively researching and learning new skills.

    75. Served as the primary advisor to the commander on matters related to policy and personnel between October 2018 and June 2019, providing key insights and making meaningful contributions.

    76. Demonstrated a willingness to take on additional responsibilities between October 2018 and June 2019, volunteering for difficult tasks.

    77. Displayed tremendous resilience when dealing with difficult situations between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding solutions to complex problems.

    78. Demonstrated the ability to work independently between October 2018 and June 2019, effectively managing tasks without direct supervision.

    79. Developed and implemented new training protocols between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all personnel were properly trained.

    80. Showcased excellent communication skills between October 2018 and June 2019, providing clear and concise instructions to subordinates.

    81. Actively provided advice and guidance to subordinates between October 2018 and June 2019, helping them to reach their goals.

    82. Exhibited a high level of trustworthiness between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently displaying integrity and honesty.

    83. Showed a commitment to excellence between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently meeting and exceeding standards.

    84. Actively developed plans to improve squadron safety between October 2018 and June 2019, resulting in a 25% decrease in preventable accidents.

    85. Successfully identified and implemented cost-saving measures between October 2018 and June 2019, resulting in a reduction of expenditures.

    86. Demonstrated the ability to remain calm and composed in difficult situations between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting a high level of composure.

    87. Showed initiative when facing challenging tasks between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding ways to overcome obstacles.

    88. Actively monitored aircraft performance between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring aircraft performance remained within standards.

    89. Demonstrated a commitment to meeting deadlines between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all tasks were completed in a timely manner.

    90. Showed a commitment to personal development between October 2018 and June 2019, actively researching and learning new skills.

    91. Exhibited exemplary knowledge of aircraft systems between October 2018 and June 2019, providing detailed and accurate information to the commander.

    92. Maintained a high level of accuracy when completing paperwork between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all paperwork was completed correctly.

    93. Exhibited a commitment to team building between October 2018 and June 2019, helping to build a cohesive team environment.

    94. Demonstrated the ability to work independently between October 2018 and June 2019, effectively managing tasks without direct supervision.

    95. Showed a commitment to maintaining a safe working environment between October 2018 and June 2019, proactively addressing potential hazards.

    96. Actively engaged with subordinates between October 2018 and June 2019, providing clear guidance and direction.

    97. Demonstrated excellent problem solving skills between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding solutions to complex issues.

    98. Demonstrated superior leadership abilities between October 2018 and June 2019, leading by example and motivating team members.

    99. Actively sought out and identified areas of improvement between October 2018 and June 2019, implementing new processes and procedures to increase efficiency.

    100. Demonstrated a deep understanding of aviation regulations between October 2018 and June 2019, providing accurate and up-to-date information to the commander.

  • When writing examples for the "Significant Self-Improvement" section of the AF Form 1206, it's recommended to use a similar format as the "Leadership and Job Performance in Primary Duty" and "Airman Concept" section. The sentence structure should be written in active voice and be specific, clear, and concise. This will help to clearly convey the airman's actions, achievements, and their impact.

    For example:

    "Airman Smith completed three college credit hours, earning a 3.0 GPA, and destroying 20% of general education requirements."

    "Airman Smith organized a four-man 6-hour race team, improved health and combat mission readiness, and finished first out of 26 teams."

    In these examples, the sentences clearly state who is taking the action (Airman Smith) and what action is being taken (completing college credit hours, organizing a race team) and the result (earning a 3.0 GPA, improving health and mission readiness, finishing first in the race).

    It's also recommended to use a consistent and logical structure for examples, for instance, starting with a subject, verb and objective. Also, providing context such as time-frame, specific duties and responsibilities could be helpful. It's also a good practice to consult with the relevant authorities, supervisor or previous evaluations to ensure that the examples align with the criteria and standards for the "Significant Self-Improvement" section of the form 1206.


    1. Developed a time management system for her squadron, ensuring task completion and efficiency within six months.

    2. Developed a comprehensive training plan for new airman, resulting in improved retention and morale within the squadron.

    3. Created a streamlined process to track aircraft maintenance records, reducing paperwork by 50% in eight months.

    4. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 30% reduction in costs within four months.

    5. Mentored five junior airman, improving their performance and morale.

    6. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve operational safety, reducing incidents by 25% in six months.

    7. Established a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within four months.

    8. Developed a program to increase airman fitness and wellbeing, resulting in improved morale and productivity within six months.

    9. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within four months.

    10. Developed a strategy to improve the squadron’s public image, resulting in improved relations and greater recognition within six months.

    11. Created a system to track aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within five months.

    12. Developed a plan to improve airman retention and morale, leading to improved recruitment and retention within six months.

    13. Developed a system to monitor aircraft safety, resulting in improved safety and operations within four months.

    14. Created a program to improve airman communication and performance, leading to improved efficiency and morale within six months.

    15. Developed a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within four months.

    16. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 20% reduction in costs within six months.

    17. Established a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within eight months.

    18. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within four months.

    19. Mentored five junior airman, improving their performance and morale.

    20. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve operational safety, reducing incidents by 20% in six months.

    21. Developed a comprehensive training plan for new airman, resulting in improved retention and morale within the squadron.

    22. Created a streamlined process to track aircraft maintenance records, reducing paperwork by 45% in eight months.

    23. Developed a strategy to improve the squadron’s public image, resulting in improved relations and greater recognition within six months.

    24. Developed a system to monitor aircraft safety, resulting in improved safety and operations within four months.

    25. Developed a program to increase airman fitness and wellbeing, resulting in improved morale and productivity within eight months.

    26. Created a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within four months.

    27. Established a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within six months.

    28. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 25% reduction in costs within four months.

    29. Developed a time management system for her squadron, ensuring task completion and efficiency within six months.

    30. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve airman retention and morale, leading to improved recruitment and retention within eight months.

    31. Created a program to improve airman communication and performance, leading to improved efficiency and morale within four months.

    32. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within six months.

    33. Mentored five junior airman, improving their performance and morale.

    34. Developed a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within five months.

    35. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve operational safety, reducing incidents by 25% in four months.

    36. Developed a comprehensive training plan for new airman, resulting in improved retention and morale within the squadron.

    37. Created a streamlined process to track aircraft maintenance records, reducing paperwork by 50% in four months.

    38. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 30% reduction in costs within six months.

    39. Developed a strategy to improve the squadron’s public image, resulting in improved relations and greater recognition within four months.

    40. Developed a system to monitor aircraft safety, resulting in improved safety and operations within six months.

    41. Developed a program to increase airman fitness and wellbeing, resulting in improved morale and productivity within four months.

    42. Created a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within eight months.

    43. Established a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within four months.

    44. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 20% reduction in costs within four months.

    45. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within eight months.

    46. Mentored five junior airman, improving their performance and morale.

    47. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve operational safety, reducing incidents by 20% in four months.

    48. Developed a comprehensive training plan for new airman, resulting in improved retention and morale within the squadron.

    49. Created a streamlined process to track aircraft maintenance records, reducing paperwork by 45% in four months.

    50. Developed a strategy to improve the squadron’s public image, resulting in improved relations and greater recognition within eight months.

    51. Developed a system to monitor aircraft safety, resulting in improved safety and operations within four months.

    52. Developed a program to increase airman fitness and wellbeing, resulting in improved morale and productivity within four months.

    53. Created a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within four months.

    54. Established a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within six months.

    55. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 25% reduction in costs within six months.

    56. Developed a time management system for her squadron, ensuring task completion and efficiency within four months.

    57. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve airman retention and morale, leading to improved recruitment and retention within four months.

    58. Created a program to improve airman communication and performance, leading to improved efficiency and morale within six months.

    59. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within four months.

    60. Mentored five junior airman, improving their performance and morale.

    61. Developed a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within five months.

    62. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve operational safety, reducing incidents by 25% in six months.

    63. Developed a comprehensive training plan for new airman, resulting in improved retention and morale within the squadron.

    64. Created a streamlined process to track aircraft maintenance records, reducing paperwork by 50% in six months.

    65. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 30% reduction in costs within four months.

    66. Established a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within four months.

    67. Developed a strategy to improve the squadron’s public image, resulting in improved relations and greater recognition within six months.

    68. Developed a system to monitor aircraft safety, resulting in improved safety and operations within eight months.

    69. Developed a program to increase airman fitness and wellbeing, resulting in improved morale and productivity within four months.

    70. Created a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within six months.

    71. Established a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within four months.

    72. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 20% reduction in costs within four months.

    73. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within six months.

    74. Mentored five junior airman, improving their performance and morale.

    75. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve operational safety, reducing incidents by 20% in eight months.

    76. Developed a comprehensive training plan for new airman, resulting in improved retention and morale within the squadron.

    77. Created a streamlined process to track aircraft maintenance records, reducing paperwork by 45% in six months.

    78. Developed a strategy to improve the squadron’s public image, resulting in improved relations and greater recognition within four months.

    79. Developed a system to monitor aircraft safety, resulting in improved safety and operations within four months.

    80. Developed a program to increase airman fitness and wellbeing, resulting in improved morale and productivity within six months.

    81. Created a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within eight months.

    82. Established a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within five months.

    83. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 25% reduction in costs within six months.

    84. Developed a time management system for her squadron, ensuring task completion and efficiency within four months.

    85. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve airman retention and morale, leading to improved recruitment and retention within four months.

    86. Created a program to improve airman communication and performance, leading to improved efficiency and morale within four months.

    87. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within eight months.

    88. Mentored five junior airman, improving their performance and morale.

    89. Developed a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within six months.

    90. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve operational safety, reducing incidents by 25% in four months.

    91. Developed a comprehensive training plan for new airman, resulting in improved retention and morale within the squadron.

    92. Created a streamlined process to track aircraft maintenance records, reducing paperwork by 50% in four months.

    93. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 30% reduction in costs within six months.

    94. Developed a strategy to improve the squadron’s public image, resulting in improved relations and greater recognition within eight months.

    95. Developed a system to monitor aircraft safety, resulting in improved safety and operations within six months.

    96. Developed a program to increase airman fitness and wellbeing, resulting in improved morale and productivity within four months.

    97. Created a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within four months.

    98. Established a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within four months.

    99. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 20% reduction in costs within six months.

    100. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within four months.

    Completed 3 college credit hours; earned 3.0 GPA--destroyed 20% of general education requirements

    Organized four man 6 hr race team; improved health and combat mission readiness--finished first of 26 teams

    Completed advanced training in (relevant field) and earned a certification; resulting in increased proficiency and expertise in their primary duty and improved mission readiness by 20%.

    Completed a professional development course in (relevant field) and earned a certification; resulting in an increase in job proficiency by 15% and being able to take on more responsibilities.

    Completed a degree program in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and being able to successfully tackle complex task with greater ease.

    Volunteer in community service and achieved a recognition for their commitment, this helped to improved the public perception and support for the airforce by 25%.

    Published a research paper or article in (relevant field); showing the ability to conduct independent research, share knowledge with others and increased their professional reputation by 50%.

    Participated in competitive sports or physical fitness training; resulting in improved health and fitness by 20% and being able to carry out the duty with greater ease, speed and efficiency.

    Completed a language-training program and achieved proficiency in (foreign language); resulting in increased ability to work with diverse groups of people and understand different cultures, improved the ability to work with coalition forces by 25%.

    Participated in mentorship program, where they helped fellow airmen and increased the proficiency and expertise of the mentees by 20%.

    Implemented a new process or system in their primary duty, resulting in an increase in efficiency by 30% and productivity by 25%

    Completed an online or distance-learning program, showing the ability to continue learning and growing, even when face-to-face training is not possible, This led to an increase in the skill set by 15%.

    Attended a professional development course in (relevant field), resulting in a greater understanding of the profession, improved mission readiness by 20%, and increased the individual’s ability to work with others.

    Developed a new program or procedure to improve morale and efficiency in their primary duty, resulting in improved morale by 25% and increased efficiency by 20%.

    Attended a seminar or workshop in (relevant field); resulting in greater knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Completed a certification in (relevant field); resulting in an increase in the skill set by 15% and the ability to take on additional job responsibilities.

    Completed an online or distance-learning program in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty, and being able to successfully tackle complex tasks with greater ease.

    Organized and coordinated a fundraising event to benefit a charitable cause; resulting in increased awareness and support, and improved public perception of the airforce by 25%.

    Developed a new safety procedure in their primary duty, resulting in improved safety by 20% and increased mission readiness by 15%.

    Became a certified instructor in (relevant field); resulting in the ability to teach others, and increased mission readiness by 25%.

    Attended a professional conference in (relevant field); showing the ability to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies, and increased their professional reputation by 40%.

    Participated in a research project in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and being able to successfully tackle complex tasks with greater ease.

    Developed and implemented a new system to improve the accuracy and speed of (relevant field); resulting in improved mission readiness by 15% and increased efficiency by 25%.

    Attended a leadership course and earned a certification; resulting in increased ability to lead and manage teams, and improved mission readiness by 20%.

    Completed a certification program in (relevant field); resulting in increased skill set by 15% and the ability to take on additional job responsibilities.

    Attended a seminar in (relevant field); resulting in improved knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Organized and hosted an event to benefit a charitable cause; resulting in increased awareness and support, and improved public perception of the airforce by 25%.

    Completed a training program and earned a certification; resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and improved mission readiness by 10%.

    Completed a professional development program in (relevant field); resulting in increased understanding of the profession, improved mission readiness by 15%, and increased the individual’s ability to work with others.

    Participated in a job shadowing program and learned new skills; resulting in improved job proficiency by 15% and increased ability to work with diverse groups of people.

    Attended a workshop in (relevant field); resulting in greater knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Participated in a mentorship program and increased the proficiency and expertise of the mentees by 15%.

    Developed and implemented a new system to improve the accuracy and speed of (relevant field); resulting in improved mission readiness by 20% and increased efficiency by 25%.

    Attended a leadership course and earned a certification; resulting in increased ability to lead and manage teams, and improved mission readiness by 25%.

    Completed a certification program in (relevant field); resulting in increased skill set by 20% and the ability to take on additional job responsibilities.

    Attended a seminar in (relevant field); resulting in improved knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Organized and hosted an event to benefit a charitable cause; resulting in increased awareness and support, and improved public perception of the airforce by 30%.

    Completed a training program and earned a certification; resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and improved mission readiness by 15%.

    Completed a professional development program in (relevant field); resulting in increased understanding of the profession, improved mission readiness by 20%, and increased the individual’s ability to work with others.

    Participated in a job shadowing program and learned new skills; resulting in improved job proficiency by 20% and increased ability to work with diverse groups of people.

    Attended a workshop in (relevant field); resulting in greater knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Participated in a mentorship program and increased the proficiency and expertise of the mentees by 20%.

    Completed a certification in (relevant field); resulting in an increase in the skill set by 20% and the ability to take on additional job responsibilities.

    Completed an online or distance-learning program in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty, and being able to successfully tackle complex tasks with greater ease.

    Organized and coordinated a fundraising event to benefit a charitable cause; resulting in increased awareness and support, and improved public perception of the airforce by 30%.

    Developed a new safety procedure in their primary duty, resulting in improved safety by 25% and increased mission readiness by 20%.

    Attended a professional development course in (relevant field), resulting in a greater understanding of the profession, improved mission readiness by 25%, and increased the individual’s ability to work with others.

    Developed a new program or procedure to improve morale and efficiency in their primary duty, resulting in improved morale by 30% and increased efficiency by 25%.

    Attended a seminar or workshop in (relevant field); resulting in greater knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Implemented a new process or system in their primary duty, resulting in an increase in efficiency by 35% and productivity by 30%

    Completed a language-training program and achieved proficiency in (foreign language); resulting in increased ability to work with diverse groups of people and understand different cultures, improved the ability to work with coalition forces by 30%.

    Participated in competitive sports or physical fitness training; resulting in improved health and fitness by 25% and being able to carry out the duty with greater ease, speed and efficiency.

    Volunteer in community service and achieved a recognition for their commitment, this helped to improved the public perception and support for the airforce by 30%.

    Published a research paper or article in (relevant field); showing the ability to conduct independent research, share knowledge with others and increased their professional reputation by 55%.

    Completed a degree program in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and being able to successfully tackle complex task with greater ease.

    Organized four man 6 hr race team; improved health and combat mission readiness--finished first of 30 teams

    Completed advanced training in (relevant field) and earned a certification; resulting in increased proficiency and expertise in their primary duty and improved mission readiness by 25%.

    Completed a professional development course in (relevant field) and earned a certification; resulting in an increase in job proficiency by 20% and being able to take on more responsibilities.

    Attended a professional conference in (relevant field); showing the ability to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies, and increased their professional reputation by 45%.

    Participated in a research project in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and being able to successfully tackle complex tasks with greater ease.

    Completed 3 college credit hours; earned 3.5 GPA--destroyed 25% of general education requirements

    Attended a professional development program in (relevant field); resulted in increased understanding of the profession, improved mission readiness by 30%, and increased the individual’s ability to work with others.

    Completed a certification program in (relevant field); resulting in increased skill set by 25% and the ability to take on additional job responsibilities.

    Attended a seminar in (relevant field); resulting in improved knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Organized and hosted an event to benefit a charitable cause; resulting in increased awareness and support, and improved public perception of the airforce by 35%.

    Completed a training program and earned a certification; resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and improved mission readiness by 20%.

    Developed a new system to improve the accuracy and speed of (relevant field); resulting in improved mission readiness by 25% and increased efficiency by 30%.

    Attended a leadership course and earned a certification; resulting in increased ability to lead and manage teams, and improved mission readiness by 30%.

    Participated in a job shadowing program and learned new skills; resulting in improved job proficiency by 25% and increased ability to work with diverse groups of people.

    Attended a workshop in (relevant field); resulting in greater knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Participated in a mentorship program and increased the proficiency and expertise of the mentees by 25%.

    Developed and implemented a new safety procedure in their primary duty, resulting in improved safety by 30% and increased mission readiness by 25%.

    Completed a certification in (relevant field); resulting in an increase in the skill set by 25% and the ability to take on additional job responsibilities.

    Completed an online or distance-learning program in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty, and being able to successfully tackle complex tasks with greater ease.

    Organized and coordinated a fundraising event to benefit a charitable cause; resulting in increased awareness and support, and improved public perception of the airforce by 35%.

    Developed a new program or procedure to improve morale and efficiency in their primary duty, resulting in improved morale by 35% and increased efficiency by 30%.

    Attended a professional conference in (relevant field); showing the ability to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies, and increased their professional reputation by 50%.

    Participated in a research project in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and being able to successfully tackle complex tasks with greater ease.

  • When writing examples for the "Base or Community Involvement" section of the AF Form 1206, it is recommended to use a similar sentence structure as for the "Leadership and Job Performance in Primary Duty," "Significant Self-Improvement" and "Airman Concept" section, using active voice and being specific, clear, and concise. This will help to clearly convey the airman's actions, achievements, and their impact on the community.

    For example:

    "Airman Smith escorted a Special Olympic athlete and supported them to win a gold medal, representing the Air Force on a national scale."

    "Airman Smith was elected as Dorm Council President and spearheaded the construction of a fitness center, providing a gym for 60 dormitory personnel."

    In these examples, the sentences clearly state who is taking the action (Airman Smith) and what action is being taken (escorting a Special Olympic athlete, elected as Dorm Council President) and the result (winning a gold medal, constructing a fitness center).

    It's also recommended to use a consistent and logical structure for examples, for instance, starting with a subject, verb, and objective. Also, providing context such as time-frame, specific duties and responsibilities could be helpful. It's also a good practice to consult with the relevant authorities, supervisor or previous evaluations to ensure that the examples align with the criteria and standards for the "Base or Community Involvement" section of the form 1206.


    1. Coordinated off-base visits to local schools to educate students on the importance of service, 2015-present.

    2. Led weekly meetings with volunteer organization to develop strategies for local outreach initiatives, 2018-2019.

    3. Spearheaded efforts to organize a fundraising event for a local charity, 2017.

    4. Mentored junior airmen in the unit on the importance of service and civic engagement, 2016-2017.

    5. Developed a program to sponsor a family in need during the holidays, 2018.

    6. Volunteered at the base’s food pantry to help feed families in need, 2017-present.

    7. Established a partnership with a local non-profit to assist in their mission, 2018-2019.

    8. Participated in a weekly volunteer program to clean a local park, 2016-2017.

    9. Hosted a career fair for local high school students to learn about military opportunities, 2019.

    10. Created a program to provide meals for the homeless in the area, 2018-present.

    11. Donated time to a local animal shelter to assist with pet adoptions, 2017-2018.

    12. Organized a clothing donation drive to benefit a local homeless shelter, 2019.

    13. Built a playground for a community center in a low-income area, 2018.

    14. Assisted in the development of a mentorship program for underprivileged youth, 2017-2018.

    15. Assisted in the organization of an airshow to benefit the local community, 2019.

    16. Participated in an annual blood drive to support the local hospital, 2018-present.

    17. Developed a program to provide free tutoring services to local low-income students, 2018-present.

    18. Established a partnership with a local elementary school to provide after-school activities for students, 2017-2018.

    19. Participated in a volunteer program to build homes for families in need, 2018-2019.

    20. Spearheaded efforts to organize a community outreach event for the base, 2019.

    21. Organized a community clean-up day to improve the local environment, 2018.

    22. Donated time to a local animal shelter to assist with pet adoptions, 2017-2018.

    23. Assisted in the organization of a community event to raise awareness of airman contributions, 2018-2019.

    24. Spearheaded efforts to create a mentorship program for local youth, 2017-2018.

    25. Developed a program to provide meals for the homeless in the area, 2018-present.

    26. Hosted a career fair for local high school students to learn about military opportunities, 2019.

    27. Supported a local youth center by helping to increase access to resources, 2018-2019.

    28. Participated in a weekly volunteer program to clean a local park, 2016-2017.

    29. Led weekly meetings with volunteer organization to develop strategies for local outreach initiatives, 2018-2019.

    30. Coordinated off-base visits to local schools to educate students on the importance of service, 2015-present.

    31. Organized a volunteer program to collect donations for a local charity, 2018.

    32. Created a program to provide free tutoring services to local low-income students, 2018-present.

    33. Developed a program to sponsor a family in need during the holidays, 2018.

    34. Established a partnership with a local non-profit to assist in their mission, 2018-2019.

    35. Mentored junior airmen in the unit on the importance of service and civic engagement, 2016-2017.

    36. Assisted in the development of a mentorship program for underprivileged youth, 2017-2018.

    37. Volunteered at the base’s food pantry to help feed families in need, 2017-present.

    38. Participated in an annual blood drive to support the local hospital, 2018-present.

    39. Supported a local youth center by helping to increase access to resources, 2018-2019.

    40. Assisted in the organization of an airshow to benefit the local community, 2019.

    41. Led a team of volunteers to build a playground for a community center in a low-income area, 2018.

    42. Sponsored a local underprivileged student to attend a summer camp, 2019.

    43. Established a partnership with a local elementary school to provide after-school activities for students, 2017-2018.

    44. Volunteered at a local homeless shelter to help serve meals, 2015-present.

    45. Participated in a volunteer program to deliver meals to homebound seniors, 2018.

    46. Assisted with a community project to provide clean water to a local village, 2018-2019.

    47. Developed a program to provide free meals to homeless veterans, 2017-present.

    48. Organized a clothing donation drive to benefit a local homeless shelter, 2019.

    49. Mentored a group of local high schoolers on how to be successful in their future careers, 2017-2018.

    50. Coordinated a base-wide volunteer project to clean up a local park, 2018.

    51. Established a partnership with a local library to provide literacy services, 2016-2017.

    52. Conducted a series of workshops for local high school students on the importance of financial literacy, 2019.

    53. Organized a community clean-up day to improve the local environment, 2018.

    54. Assisted with a local organization to provide job-training services to disadvantaged citizens, 2017-2018.

    55. Led a team of volunteers to build a playground for a community center in a low-income area, 2018.

    56. Developed a program to provide job-placement assistance to local veterans, 2018-present.

    57. Assisted in the organization of a community event to raise awareness of airman contributions, 2018-2019.

    58. Spearheaded efforts to organize a fundraising event for a local charity, 2017.

    59. Participated in a volunteer program to restore a local park, 2016-2017.

    60. Donated time to a local animal shelter to assist with pet adoptions, 2017-2018.

    61. Established a partnership with a local school to provide a mentoring program for at-risk youth, 2018-2019.

    62. Developed a program to provide free job-training for local residents, 2017-present.

    63. Hosted an event for local teachers to learn about military career opportunities, 2019.

    64. Coordinated off-base visits to local schools to educate students on the importance of service, 2015-present.

    65. Led weekly meetings with volunteer organization to develop strategies for local outreach initiatives, 2018-2019.

    66. Assisted with a community project to provide clean water to a local village, 2018-2019.

    67. Led a team of volunteers to build a playground for a community center in a low-income area, 2018.

    68. Participated in an annual blood drive to support the local hospital, 2018-present.

    69. Developed a program to provide meals for the homeless in the area, 2018-present.

    70. Assisted in the organization of a community event to raise awareness of airman contributions, 2018-2019.

    71. Established a partnership with a local elementary school to provide after-school activities for students, 2017-2018.

    72. Organized a volunteer program to collect donations for a local charity, 2018.

    73. Mentored junior airmen in the unit on the importance of service and civic engagement, 2016-2017.

    74. Participated in a weekly volunteer program to clean a local park, 2016-2017.

    75. Developed a program to sponsor a family in need during the holidays, 2018.

    76. Supported a local youth center by helping to increase access to resources, 2018-2019.

    77. Donated time to a local animal shelter to assist with pet adoptions, 2017-2018.

    78. Hosted a career fair for local high school students to learn about military opportunities, 2019.

    79. Created a program to provide free tutoring services to local low-income students, 2018-present.

    80. Assisted with a local organization to provide job-training services to disadvantaged citizens, 2017-2018.

    81. Spearheaded efforts to organize a community outreach event for the base, 2019.

    82. Organized a clothing donation drive to benefit a local homeless shelter, 2019.

    83. Mentored a group of local high schoolers on how to be successful in their future careers, 2017-2018.

    84. Developed a program to provide free meals to homeless veterans, 2017-present.

    85. Participated in a volunteer program to deliver meals to homebound seniors, 2018.

    86. Coordinated a base-wide volunteer project to clean up a local park, 2018.

    87. Established a partnership with a local library to provide literacy services, 2016-2017.

    88. Assisted in the development of a mentorship program for underprivileged youth, 2017-2018.

    89. Conducted a series of workshops for local high school students on the importance of financial literacy, 2019.

    90. Sponsored a local underprivileged student to attend a summer camp, 2019.

    91. Developed a program to provide job-placement assistance to local veterans, 2018-present.

    92. Volunteered at the base’s food pantry to help feed families in need, 2017-present.

    93. Spearheaded efforts to organize a fundraising event for a local charity, 2017.

    94. Volunteered at a local homeless shelter to help serve meals, 2015-present.

    95. Assisted in the organization of an airshow to benefit the local community, 2019.

    96. Organized a community clean-up day to improve the local environment, 2018.

    97. Led a team of volunteers to build a playground for a community center in a low-income area, 2018.

    98. Created a program to provide free tutoring services to local low-income students, 2018-present.

    99. Developed a program to provide meals for the homeless in the area, 2018-present.

    100. Hosted an event for local teachers to learn about military career opportunities, 2019.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity event, which raised $10,000 for a local children's hospital.

    Organized a blood drive that collected over 100 units of blood, helping to save hundreds of lives.

    Volunteered as a mentor for a local youth organization, helping to guide and support at-risk youth.

    Organized a community clean-up event, which helped to beautify the local area and improve the quality of life for residents.

    Assisted in the training of local emergency responders, helping to improve their ability to respond to emergencies and save lives.

    Volunteered at a local animal shelter, helping to care for and find homes for adoptable pets.

    Organized a toy drive, which provided Christmas presents for hundreds of underprivileged children.

    Volunteered at a local food bank, helping to distribute food and other essentials to those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity run, which raised $5,000 for a local veterans organization.

    Organized a disaster-relief effort, which provided assistance to those affected by a natural disaster.

    Participated in a charity cycling event, raising money for a local charity supporting cancer research.

    Assisted in the organization and execution of a community safety fair, educating community members on emergency preparedness and safety procedures.

    Led a team of airmen in volunteering at a homeless shelter, providing support and assistance to those in need.

    Organized a local sporting event, promoting healthy living and encouraging physical activity among community members.

    Organized a health fair, providing free health screenings and educating community members about healthy living.

    Participated in a community beautification project, helping to improve the appearance of the local area and boost morale.

    Volunteered at a local school, providing support and assistance to students and teachers.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a fundraising event, raising money for a local charity supporting children with disabilities.

    Assisted in a community outreach program, providing support and assistance to veterans and military families in the local area.

    Organized a donation drive for a local food pantry, providing food and other essentials for those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity golf tournament, raising money for a scholarship fund for disadvantaged youth.

    Volunteered at a local animal shelter, helping to find homes for adoptable animals.

    Organized a clothing drive, providing warm clothing and other essentials to those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in coordinating a fundraising event, raising money for a local homeless shelter.

    Assisted in organizing a car wash event, raising money for a local charity supporting cancer research.

    Organized a school supply drive, providing supplies to underprivileged children in the local area.

    Assisted in a community health education program, providing information to local residents about health and safety.

    Organized a volunteer event at a local soup kitchen, providing meals and other essentials to those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity auction, raising money for a local charity supporting children’s education.

    Participated in a community clean-up event, helping to beautify the local area and improve the quality of life for residents.

    Volunteered at a local library, helping to organize and provide resources to library patrons.

    Assisted in a community outreach program, providing education and resources to those in need.

    Organized a community picnic, providing an opportunity for local residents to come together and socialize.

    Volunteered at an animal rescue organization, helping to find homes for stray and abandoned pets.

    Organized a holiday food drive, providing food to those in need during the holidays.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity car show, raising money for a local charity supporting veterans.

    Volunteered at a local hospital, providing emotional and physical support to patients and families.

    Organized a backpack drive, providing backpacks filled with school supplies to underprivileged children.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a 5K run/walk, raising money for a local charity supporting children’s causes.

    Assisted in a local job fair, providing resources and assistance to those seeking employment.

    Organized a community recycling program, helping to promote environmental awareness and reduce waste.

    Led a team of airmen in volunteering at a soup kitchen, providing meals and other essentials to those in need.

    Participated in a community garden project, providing fresh produce to those in need in the local area.

    Organized a fundraising event for a local animal shelter, raising money to help care for and find homes for adoptable pets.

    Volunteered at a local homeless shelter, providing support and assistance to those in need.

    Organized a community block party, providing a safe environment for local residents to come together and socialize.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity concert, raising money for a local charity supporting children’s causes.

    Assisted in a local literacy program, providing literacy resources and support to those in need.

    Organized a donation drive for a local school, providing supplies and other essentials to students and teachers.

    Volunteered at a local senior center, providing support and assistance to elderly residents.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity baseball game, raising money for a local charity supporting homeless veterans.

    Assisted in a local mentoring program, providing guidance and support to at-risk youth.

    Organized a community art project, helping to promote creativity and artistic expression in the local area.

    Volunteered at a local animal shelter, helping to care for and find homes for adoptable pets.

    Organized a charity bike ride, raising money for a local charity supporting cancer research.

    Participated in a community outreach program, providing education and resources to those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity golf tournament, raising money for a local charity supporting breast cancer research.

    Assisted in a local job training program, providing resources and assistance to those seeking employment.

    Organized a donation drive for a local homeless shelter, providing food and other essentials to those in need.

    Volunteered at a local library, helping to organize and provide resources to library patrons.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity dinner, raising money for a local charity supporting underprivileged children.

    Assisted in a local disaster relief effort, providing assistance to those affected by a natural disaster.

    Organized a donation drive for a local animal shelter, providing food and other essentials to care for animals.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity golf tournament, raising money for a local charity supporting the environment.

    Volunteered at a local soup kitchen, helping to provide meals and other essentials to those in need.

    Organized a community clean-up event, helping to beautify the local area and improve the quality of life for residents.

    Assisted in a community outreach program, providing education and resources to those in need.

    Organized a toy drive, providing Christmas presents for hundreds of underprivileged children.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity dance, raising money for a local charity supporting women's rights.

    Participated in a charity cycling event, raising money for a local charity supporting mental health research.

    Assisted in the organization and execution of a community health fair, providing free health screenings and educating community members about healthy living.

    Volunteered at a local animal shelter, helping to find homes for adoptable animals.

    Organized a donation drive for a local food pantry, providing food and other essentials to those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity run, which raised $3,000 for a local veterans organization.

    Organized a school supply drive, providing supplies to underprivileged children in the local area.

    Volunteered at a local school, providing support and assistance to students and teachers.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity golf tournament, raising money for a scholarship fund for disadvantaged youth.

    Assisted in a community health education program, providing information to local residents about health and safety.

    Organized a clothing drive, providing warm clothing and other essentials to those in need.

    Organized a fundraising event for a local animal shelter, raising money to help care for and find homes for adoptable pets.

    Volunteered at a local homeless shelter, providing support and assistance to those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity auction, raising money for a local charity supporting children’s education.

    Participated in a community beautification project, helping to improve the appearance of the local area and boost morale.

    Organized a donation drive for a local library, providing resources to library patrons.

    Assisted in a local job fair, providing resources and assistance to those seeking employment.

    Organized a community recycling program, helping to promote environmental awareness and reduce waste.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a 5K run/walk, raising money for a local charity supporting children’s causes.

    Volunteered at a local hospital, providing emotional and physical support to patients and families.

    Organized a backpack drive, providing backpacks filled with school supplies to underprivileged children.

    Assisted in a local literacy program, providing literacy resources and support to those in need.

    Organized a community picnic, providing an opportunity for local residents to come together and socialize.

    Volunteered at an animal rescue organization, helping to find homes for stray and abandoned pets.

    Organized a holiday food drive, providing food to those in need during the holidays.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity car show, raising money for a local charity supporting veterans.

    Participated in a community garden project, providing fresh produce to those in need in the local area.

    Organized a community block party, providing a safe environment for local residents to come together and socialize.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity concert, raising money for a local charity supporting children’s causes.

    Assisted in a local job training program, providing resources and assistance to those seeking employment.

    Organized a health fair, providing free health screenings and educating community members about healthy living.

    Volunteered at a local senior center, providing support and assistance to elderly residents.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity baseball game, raising money for a local charity supporting homeless veterans.

    Assisted in a local mentoring program, providing guidance and support to at-risk youth.

    Organized a community art project, helping to promote creativity and artistic expression in the local area.

    Organized a blood drive that collected over 50 units of blood, helping to save lives.

    Volunteered as a mentor for a local youth organization, helping to guide and support at-risk youth.

    Assisted in the training of local emergency responders, helping to improve their ability to respond to emergencies and save lives.

    Organized a disaster-relief effort, which provided assistance to those affected by a natural disaster.

    Participated in a charity walk, raising money for a local charity supporting research for a rare disease.

    Led a team of airmen in volunteering at a homeless shelter, providing support and assistance to those in need.

    Organized a local sporting event, promoting healthy living and encouraging physical activity among community members.

    Volunteered at a local food bank, helping to distribute food and other essentials to those in need.

    Organized a donation drive for a local animal shelter, providing food and other essentials to care for animals.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity golf tournament, raising money for a local charity supporting the environment.

    Assisted in a community outreach program, providing education and resources to those in need.

    Organized a fundraising event for a local animal shelter, raising money to help care for and find homes for adoptable pets.

    Volunteered at a local soup kitchen, helping to provide meals and other essentials to those in need.

    Organized a community clean-up event, helping to beautify the local area and improve the quality of life for residents.

    Participated in a charity cycling event, raising money for a local charity supporting mental health research.

    Assisted in the organization and execution of a community health fair, providing free health screenings and educating community members about healthy living.

    Volunteered at a local animal shelter, helping to find homes for adoptable animals.

    Organized a donation drive for a local food pantry, providing food and other essentials to those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity dance, raising money for a local charity supporting women's rights.

  • EPR bullets, or Enlisted Performance Report bullets, are short, concise statements that summarize an airman's accomplishments and contributions to the Air Force. When writing EPR bullets, it is important to follow a specific format and structure to ensure they are clear and effective. Here are some tips on how to write EPR bullets:

    Use active voice: EPR bullets should be written in the active voice to clearly convey who performed the action and what was accomplished.

    Be specific: Use specific facts, figures, and dates to support the bullet and make it more compelling.

    Use action verbs: Use strong action verbs to describe the accomplishment, such as "managed," "led," "implemented," "executed," "trained," etc.

    Use quantitative measures: Use quantitative measures such as numbers, percentages, or dollar amounts to demonstrate the impact and significance of the accomplishment.

    Show impact and results: The key to a good EPR bullet is showing the impact and results of the accomplishment. Explain how the accomplishment improved mission readiness, saved time or money, or contributed to the unit's goals and objectives.

    Be concise: EPR bullets should be short and to the point. Use no more than two or three sentences to describe the accomplishment.


    Led a team of flight engineers in executing a complex aircraft maintenance plan, resulting in a 100% mission readiness rate for the quarter.

    Implemented a new pre-flight checklist procedure, increasing the efficiency of flight operations by 20% and reducing potential safety hazards.

    By following these tips, you can ensure that your EPR bullets are clear, concise, and effectively communicate the airman's accomplishments to the appropriate leadership.


    - Deploys 6K+ wts/controllers to 75 installations; transmits/receives MSNs & high-priority ex msgs in <5 sec

    - Monitors/verifies missions-based HPN segment performance; coordinates transfers/restorations to correct poor qual

    - Ensures communications readiness of AMOCC worldwide through testing/monitoring & maintenance of 7.9K in-service vsls

    - Improves communication capabilities & digital tactical picture shared w/Intel via installation of 230+ km armored fiber

    - Implements/Maintains 28K-line telecommunications switch to ensure real-time global security & intel operations

    - Troubleshoots/repairs transmissions for 45 missions supporting intel/special ops/humanitarian ops/theater contingencies

    - Repairs & maintains COMSEC/NAVSEC equip for 8 area mx sites; processes recurring material deficiency rep for updating COMSEC products

    - Diagnoses/repairs 4 C4ISR audio/visual systems comprising 28 high-bandwidth nodes supporting global intel/Strike msns

    - Configures/installs/maintains high-bandwidth 2-way digital systems & secure voice nodes across $170M DoDIN node

    - Configures/operates circuit control equip; establishes/maintains an avg of 2.5K high speed datalinks in US/overseas lctns

    - Administers/verifies radios & lnks supporting msnr ops/air refueling/tactical airlift/combined/jnt ops w/coalition forces

    - Tests/Scrutinizes crypto equip on 52K lines ensuring secure support to strategic/tactical msn & coalition forces units

    - Interfaces/collaborates w/engineers/augmentees; plans/execs installation/integration of equipment via COMNEC/rad network systems

    - Structures/administers fiber-optic networks; lays fiber & ruggedized underground/surface cables providing RSF ops facilities

    - Establishes/operates DC power systems; troubleshoots/services DC power equip; sets specs/ensures reliabilty of power environ

    - Maintains surveillance equip on 1K sites worldwide; supervises compilation/distribution of surge/HD requirements for 62 KC-10s

    - Dismantles/reassembles COMSEC equipment; administers/periodically services MSNs & associate COMSEC equipment in lctns

    - Assesses/verifies msn capacities & capabiliites; briefs aircrews on comsec's procedures & utilizes tac codes prior to cab-off missions

    - Aligns/installations/services satellite terminals & nuclear prsrve equip over 6 installations; ensures high qual of security communs

    - Maintains & operates training consoles; operates COMSEC/NAVSEC equip for 14 area mx sites; distributes school materials for cyber trans

    - Refurbishes data processing equip for special x-msns; installs & maintains DHS 1st Responder network nodes maintained on-site

    - Develops & evaluates prgm/systems info reliabiliity & integrity; upgradesCOM SEC equip & hrs msn critical resources & staff

    - Supervises/resolves degraded satcom perf problem affecting air ops & codeword msns; deploy/maintenance/in-service equip

    - Builds/maintains HCB equipment sys; repairs/adjusts encryptors/telephones/intrusion det systems; manages COMSEC/NAVSEC off-site facilities

    - Executes missile defense communication requirements for multiple sites; ensures accurate testing & calibration for sensitive equip

    - Replenishes COMSEC accys & weighs/inspects all containers related to mission critical cyber trans support; provides timely info to ensure complete inventory

    - Oversees testing/installation/upgrade of broadband/wideband/high bandwidth NA/C4isr transmission s/n for aeronautical navigation/intel missions

    - Monitors/maintains global SKYGUARD network w/remote access from 10 installations; ensure timely issue/dispensation of moving target indicators

    - Manages/operates 2 remote Real Time Local Area Network hubs downlinking intel/imaging msns to global intel hub; ensures timely relay of msns

    - Monitors/repairs/maintains communication equip sensitive to external enviro; provides on-site replacement of COMSEC equip over 65 sites

    - Assesses/repairs telecom networks; administers RX/TX functions/maintains legacy remotes/switches; ensures real-time availability of msn critical networks

    - Verifies/test crypto apps; synchronizes sys/networks to support 5.6K aircraft w/global operational/logistical support & IV/ISR/C3 msns

    - Develops/integrates/assesses cybersecurity sols; preps & dials in multiple receivers worldwide; manages site monitoring & communications

    - Establishes deferred maint activities; installs/repairs fiber optic cbls/cable trays for communications capability to remote data centers

    - Operates/maintains mobile rapid deployable satellite clrst; tests/repair sub sys/equipment; ensures high speed connectivity of all theatre forces

    - Configures/installs multiple service techs w/max automation; utilises 400K nodes liks/segments across all MAJCOM's; upgrds mission critical satcom networks

    - Monitors computing equip performance; evaluates AUTODIN/EDI environ; resolves system malfunctions & recoveries of data on all remote sites

    - Establishes/Maintains secondary fiber paths for redundant msn impact analysis; debugs/repairs/tests s/w f/w & maintains 8K+circuits

    - Authored cyber security SOPs; provided cyber-security protocols for 9K patrons--ensured zero breaches/2 years

    - Authored 3K IT security directives; ensured no breaches/access attempts--doubled base-wide operational safety

    - Benchmarked base-wide DoD IT security; identified over 300 outdated patches--developed anti-virus/malware protection

    - Built 24 port router; coordinated w/network team--updated server infrastructure for 7K customers/zero downtime

    - Carried out encryption projects; analyzed/reverse-engineered application/protocols--secured 4K wireless connections

    - Compiled report; analyzed 20K cyber assets/datalinks--enhanced 6K satellite uplinks for Command & Control mission

    - Computer security POC; implemented NIPRNet security plan--ensured data integrity/zero breaches for 8K customers

    - Configured 10K secure datalink protocols; synchronized DODIN assets--restored access for 5K customers/zero downtime

    - Consolidated cyber transport systems; migrated over 10K customers--ensured zero security breaches/two years

    - Developed secure cyber transport system; reconfigured 88K protocols--ensured zero data breaches/24 months

    - Diagnosed cyber transport failure; identified malfunctioning components--repaired 8K systems/zero downtime

    - Developed risk control measures; assessed threat levels/security protocols--secured 4K wireless connections/zero breaches

    - Drafted update to AF Portal; identified/resolved 400 cyber vulnerabilities--enhanced security/7K patrons

    - Est'd cyber security protocols; implemented/maintained over 7K networks--ensured zero breaches/two years

    - Engineered 24K secure route paths; coordinated w/network team--updated server infrastructure for 6K customers

    - Fabricated secure pathways; identified/repaired 35K anomalies--ensured zero data breaches/8K customers

    - Formulated cyber security protocols; provided cyber-security protocols for 9K patrons--ensured zero breaches/2 years

    - Guided 3 junior Airmen; imparted 25K hrs of cyber transport training--mentored 6K personnel/zero security breaches

    - Identified/analyzed cyber threats; mitigated over 7K vulnerabilities--ensured zero breaches/two years

    - Installed/maintained 5K routers; coordinated w/IT staff--ensured cyber security/zero breaches/6K patrons

    - Mentored 4 junior Airmen; imparted 32K hrs of cyber transport training--mentored 7K personnel/zero security breaches

    - Monitored 12K cyber systems; ensured data security/integrity--secured 3K wireless connections/zero breaches

    - Negotiated cyber transport contracts; acquired over 6K servers--ensured 850 customer needs met

    - Orchestrated cyber transport; coordinated w/network staff--updated server infrastructure for 4K customers/zero downtime

    - Performed 20K security scans; evaluated/updated security protocols--secured 5K wireless connections/zero breaches

    - Presented cyber security protocols; provided cyber-security protocols for 7K patrons--ensured zero breaches/2 years

    - Produced cyber security SOPs; provided cyber-security protocols for 8K patrons--ensured zero breaches/2 years

    - Reconfigured 20K routers; coordinated w/network staff--updated server infrastructure for 7K customers/zero downtime

    - Secured cyber transport system; updated/maintained 5K networks--ensured zero breaches/two years

    - Supervised cyber transport team; mentored 4 junior Airmen--ensured 850 customer needs met

    - Troubleshot cyber transport issue; identified/repaired 18K anomalies--ensured zero data breaches/9K customers

    - Upgraded cyber transport system; reconfigured 88K protocols--ensured zero data breaches/24 months

    - Validated cyber security protocols; audited/revised security plan--secured 3K wireless connections/zero breaches

    - Verified cyber transport system; audited/revised security plan--secured 4K wireless connections/zero breaches

    - Wrote cyber security SOPs; provided cyber-security protocols for 9K patrons--ensured zero breaches/2 years

    - Constructed AF portal for cross-domain web access; enabled secure wireless access for 400+ users

    - Developed portal for secure web access; enabled auto-logon for laptop users; eliminated manual logon process

    - Established network server; enabled secure data transmission between two disparate networks--ensured info security

    - Evaluated existing ntwk protocols; identified flaws/opps--led to imprvmnt of security/stability of network

    - Exhibited strong problem-solving skills; identified/resolved 10+ internal/external ntwk conflicts--minimized downtime

    - Facilitated web site creation/updates; delegated duties to 14 ITA personnel--increased customers’ web access

    - Generated hard drive backup system; recovered critical data within minutes--ensured continuity of vital ops

    - Guided 9AF in securing ntwk resources; implemented custom security protocols to protect sensitive info

    - Implemented multiple secure links; enabled data sharing between sites--sustained network performance

    - Initiated base-wide secure remote access; enabled users to access ntwk outside office--improved efficiency

    - Installed router to facilitate data flow; increased data access for 54 users--enhanced customer support

    - Invested in new satellite communication systems; improved capability for 1.2 million users--boosted operational readiness

    - Led 4KAF in establishing VPN tunnel; enabled remote authentication for 25K personnel--enhanced global connectivity

    - Modernized data access for 7 AF; synchronized web server with new tech--provided secure access for users

    - Negotiated contracts w/vendors; procured 5K in hardware/software--critical infrastructure for ntwk modernization

    - Optimized ntwk topology; removed redundant ntwk resources--enabled ntwk access for 20K+ personnel

    - Performed system troubleshooting; identified rogue ntwk access points--ensured info integrity/security

    - Presented ntwk security info; raised awareness on data access--promoted user confidence in ntwk security

    - Repaired web server; upgraded software to improve performance--enhanced customer web access

    - Reviewed and updated security protocols; ensured compliance w/AF-specific standards--secured AF ntwk

    - Secured web site for 5K users; improved click-thru rate by 30%--increased effectiveness of customer service

    - Streamlined network security; decreased vulnerability to external threats--promoted info security/trust

    - Tested existing ntwk infrastructure; discovered ntwk compatibility issues--revised ntwk security plan

    - Troubleshot ntwk connectivity; diagnosed/isolated cause of sporadic outages--restored ntwk access

    - Utilized Fortran programming language; developed scripts to streamline ntwk ops--increased efficiency

    - Verified ntwk integrity; checked for malicious activity--promoted safety/security of user data

    - Web page hosting; managed 15 web sites--provided vital customer service to 200K users

    - X-rayed existing ntwk devices; identified/replaced malfunctioning components--sustained continuity of ops

    - Yielded data security solutions; designed/implemented an AF-specific firewall--ensured info security/privacy

    - Coordinated installation of 79 new workstations--116% increase in efficiency/completion time for all JTF missions

    - Developed/implemented 5A program; solidified partnerships w/14 off-base organizations--allocated resources to affected areas

    - Developed 5 LANs/3 WANs; activated 82 nodes/routers, restored connectivity to 13K users--ensured secure data transfer

    - Discovered/repaired unauthorized port access--ensured secure transmission of mission-critical data--averted disruption

    - Established/maintained remote access for CJSOTF-A personnel; enabled CENTCOM/CENTAF personnel to monitor 12 ongoing missions

    - Execut'd operational/tactical level repair/spt for 33K nodes; standardized & improved network performance for 15K users

    - Fabricated/tested 25 secure routers/switches; configured 4BK encrypted modem circuits--upgraded 82K data transmissions

    - Gathered/analyzed 45K tracerts; identified anomalies in data-driven network--updated/reconfigured 43 routers restoring connectivity

    - Generated/analyzed 35K daily reports--targeted network intrusions/vulnerabilities--secured 5K ports across 14K nodes

    - Integrated JWICS/SIPR voice/data switches; synchronized 38K+ data streams/5K+ circuits--contributed to successful JCS exercise

    - Led team of 18 technicians; installed 2K+ secure routers/switches--ensured seamless transmission of classified data

    - Leveraged 4K secure routers/switches; established 5BK encrypted modem circuits--increased efficiency of data transmission

    - Managed 12K communications nodes/lines; ensured continuity of secure data--averted potential disruption of 17 mission-critical exercises

    - Monitored/adjusted persistent link for two OCONUS sites; enabled CENTCOM/CENTAF personnel to monitor 15 ongoing missions

    - Operationalized secure routing/switching policies/procedures; optimized netwrk performance--ensured secure data transmission

    - Performed detailed analysis of 4K tracerts; identified anomalies in data-driven network--updated/reconfigured 28 routers

    - Planned/Scheduled personnel rotations for 24/7 CISO operations; ensured critical network resources were monitored 24/7

    - Processed/analyzed 4K daily reports; identified network intrusions/vulnerabilities--secured 3K ports across 5K nodes

    - Prog'd 5 GbE switches/routers; integrated 12K voice/data connections--streamlined/doubled speed of classified data transfer

    - Realigned/reconfigured 67 secure routers/switches; ensured secure transfer of classified data--averted disruption of 4K connections

    - Recruited/supervised 17 personnel; established 4K secure routers/switches--guaranteed continuity of secure data transmission

    - Researched/revised 6 security protocols; enforced security policies/procedures--secured 8K ports across 14K nodes

    - Restructured/reconfigured network infrastructure--enabled seamless transmission of classified data--averted potential disruption

    - Secured 1.2K communications nodes/lines; enabled secure data transmissions--guaranteed continuity of mission-critical exercises

    - Spearheaded training of 10 personnel; installed 14K secure routers/switches--ensured seamless transmission of classified data

    - Supervised 8 personnel; managed 3K conversations/day--upgraded/guaranteed fidelity of secure data transmission

    - Synchronized 25K voice/data connections; engineered 4BK encrypted modem circuits--streamlined efficiency of data transfer

    - Tested/verified 3 LANs/2 WANs; connected 82 nodes/routers, restored connectivity to 11K users--ensured secure data transfer

    - Trained 8 technicians; installed 1K+ secure routers/switches--guaranteed continuity of secure data transmission

    - Utilized 4K secure routers/switches; established 5BK encrypted modem circuits--increased efficiency of data transmission

    - Verified/validated 8 LANs/5 WANs; connected 102 nodes/routers, restored connectivity to 13K users--ensured secure data transfer

    - Visualized/analyzed 6K tracerts; identified anomalies in data-driven network--updated/reconfigured 38 routers restoring connectivity

    - Wrote/edited 24 security protocols; enforced security policies/procedures--secured 9K ports across 16K nodes

    - Established 15 network access points; gave UDM readiness system access to update 50 mobility folders--facilitated msn readiness

    - Fabricated/tested 45 secure routers/switches; configured 6BK encrypted modem circuits--upgraded 112K data transmissions

    - Developed/implemented 5C program; solidified partnerships w/15 off-base organizations--allocated resources to affected areas

    - Led team of 20 technicians; installed 3K+ secure routers/switches--ensured continuity of classified data transmission

    - Configured/deployed 22 assets; enabled deployed-in-place sys for CA, TX, USINDOPACOM--powered 6 cyber msns

    - Execut'd operational/tactical level repair/spt for 43K nodes; standardized & improved network performance for 25K users

    - Coordinated installation of 95 new workstations--146% increase in efficiency/completion time for all JTF missions

    - Conducted in-depth QA inspection of B-Staff collaboration room--guaranteed quality audio for JCS exercise

    - Tested/verified 4 LANs/3 WANs; connected 92 nodes/routers, restored connectivity to 15K users--ensured secure data transfer

    - Generated/analyzed 45K daily reports--targeted network intrusions/vulnerabilities--secured 7K ports across 18K nodes

    - Developed efficiency program; reduced 10 hrs/wk in database mgmt--saved $150K in personnel/annual overhead

    - Developed fiber circuit design for AFNNET; allocated for 10K users--maximized bandwidth utilization for traffic

    - Developed new installation procedures; cut set-up time in half--reduced installation cost by 20%

    - Developed secondary network protection; added firewalls to shield multiple Air Force networks--averted intrusions

    - Developed training program; reduced new-hire tech time by 20%--saved $50K in labor/annual overhead

    - Developed workaround for computer access; set up VPN tunneling--allowed users to access information remotely

    - Developed/implemented 20 additional protocols to support mission requirements--enabled the secure transmission of 5TB of data

    - Installed 5 servers for DoD gateway TACLANE; coordinated with 10 vendors--ensured secure data access for 2K users

    - Installed new router routers; coordinated FW/AV/IPS--ensured encryption of data on 3,500 workstations

    - Installed new system--active/passive HA pair of servers, 14 nodes--zero downtime for 7K users, eliminated bottleneck

    - Installed redundant communications systems for AFRC; configured for 10K users--ensured zero downtime for mission-critical applications

    - Investigated firewall anomaly; relocated 3 APs/added 4 firewalls--ensured zero downtime for mission-critical applications

    - Maintained C2 network; monitored 24/7, analyzed malicious activity--averted intrusion of more than 4,100 workstations

    - Monitored 24/7 cyber security; responded to 15 incidents--averted intrusion of more than 8,000 workstations

    - Optimized transmission times; reduced line-of-sight latency by 32%--saved $13K/yr in bandwidth costs

    - Provisioned 3,000 users with secure remote access; upgraded security protocols--prevented intrusion of sensitive data

    - Reestablished network connectivity; replaced faulty hardware--enabled 4K users to access mission-critical applications

    - Reconfigured AFNNET intrusion detection system; replaced outdated hardware--ensured mission-critical applications maintained zero downtime

    - Reconfigured communications equipment for AFRC; allocated for 10K users--zero downtime for mission-critical applications

    - Redesigned internal comms architecture; cut traffic latency 20%--enabled 2,500 users to access mission-critical applications

    - Resolve LAN network outages; coordinated with 10 agencies--prevented downtime of mission-critical applications

    - Restored connectivity on 8K workstations; reformatted/reprogrammed devices--zero downtime for mission-critical applications

    - Secured 6K workstations; coordinated with 10 vendors-- ensured encryption of data on those devices

    - Setup CISCO routers/switches; configured for 10K users--ensured remote access to mission-critical applications

    - Tested 10K end user devices; replaced faulty hardware--enabled 8K users to access mission-critical applications

    - Updated security protocols; updated DMZ configurations--ensured secure remote access to 3K users

    - Upgraded server; coordinated with 10 agencies--ensured zero downtime for mission-critical applications

    - Upgraded web-based mail server; established secure remote access for 8K users--eliminated user downtime for AFNNET

    - Verified security protocols; identified 5 intrusion attempts--ensured encryption of data on 4K workstations

    - Verified/updated security protocols for 5K users; updated DMZ configurations--ensured secure remote access for 5,000 users

    - Worked with DISA to install 10K workstations; maximized bandwidth utilization--ensured secure data access for 9,000 users

    - Worked with 8 vendors to coordinate installation of fiber circuit design--maximized bandwidth utilization for traffic over 3,000 users

    - Developed redundancy system; enabled automatic failover--ensured mission-critical applications maintained zero downtime

    - Set up virtual private network; enabled remote access to mission-critical applications for 6,000 users--saved $300K in labor/annual overhead

    - Deployed and configured 10K workstations; added firewalls to shield multiple Air Force networks--averted intrusions for 3,000 users

    - Upgraded 3 AF e-mail relay servers; allowed over 6,000 worldwide users to see database--reduced total cost of ownership by 20%

    - Configured new web-based voting system; completed in 2 hours--registration time reduced nearly 95% for over 3,500 users

    - Developed new wireless network architecture; upgraded 24 devices--extra work hours prevented downtime for 4,000 users

    - Upgraded 5 long-haul hardware systems; Wing POC for DISA--zero user downtime for 2 AFs, weather links, 1,500 users

    - Maintained C2 network; monitored 24/7, analyzed malicious activity--averted intrusion of more than 6,000 workstations

    - Coordinated major power mx at 10 sites; secured $106M C2 node/50% USEUCOM data--saved $3K/yr in bandwidth costs

    - Upgraded server; coordinated with 15 agencies--ensured zero downtime for mission-critical applications for 3,000 users

    - Coordinated with 8 vendors to install fiber circuit design--maximized bandwidth utilization for traffic over 9K users

    - Installed 15 new servers for DoD gateway TACLANE; coordinated with 20 vendors--ensured secure data access for 5K users

    - Developed efficiency program; reduced 15 hrs/wk in database mgmt--saved $250K in personnel/annual overhead for 3,500 users

    - Installed new router; coordinated FW/AV/IPS--ensured encryption of data on 6,000 workstations worldwide

    - Developed/implemented 30 additional protocols to support mission requirements--enabled the secure transmission of 10TB of data over 3,000 users

    - Created web-based training program; provided 70-hour training cycle to over 2,000 personnel--averted training delay

    - Created/maintained secure site; ensured 100% availability for 120 customers--averted 40 mission sorties

    - Diagnosed/repaired faulty RAM chips in 42 controllers/5 minutes; restored flight simulator data link--averted cancellation of eight training sessions

    - Diagnosed/repaired Silver Flag ntwk outage; restored 90 training sites in 10 minutes--averted training delay for 120 students

    - Established secure FTP site; enabled transfer of 20K files to 120 customers--minimized processing time/averted 40 mission sorties

    - Established secure FTP site; provided 5K records to 120 customers--averted 40 mission sorties

    - Installed/tested web-based training program; provided 70-hour training cycle to 1,200 personnel--averted training delay

    - Monitored joint fighter training exercise; provided real-time data to 120 customers--averted 40 mission sorties

    - Monitored/upgraded Langley AFB security system; defended against 6 malicious attempts/hour--ensured optimal protection

    - Optimized computer resource utilization; reduced administrative overhead by 40%--supported 4K computer users

    - Restored CAA web page; consolidated access to 128 resources--guaranteed 24/7 career reference availability

    - Restored FSA/WM help site; cataloged over 5K pubs, forms, and guides--used to support 6K computer users

    - Restored Silver Flag site; enabled access to 10K training records--averted training delay for 120 students

    - Restored system data access; synchronized 20 data links in 15 minutes--averted 40 training sortie cancellations

    - Troubleshoot/repaird data links; realigned 10K records in 15 minutes--averted training delay for 120 students

    - Updated 1 AF website; supported optimal project planning for 1,200 personnel--project approval four days faster

    - Updated Tyndall websites; enhanced browsing for users/cut service calls by 20%--improved user satisfaction

    - Upgraded software for 70 systems; resolved browser compatibility issues--4K computer users assured secure access

    - Upgraded/tested Langley AFB security system; defended against 6 malicious attempts per hour--ensured optimal protection

    - Verified/validated sites; ensured compliance of 103 structures--protected force

    - Verified/validated training records; identified/updated 10K records in 15 minutes--averted training delay for 120 students

    - Repaired faulty RAM chips in 42 controllers; replaced module/restored data link in 20 minutes--averted 40 training sortie cancellations

    - Installed/tested secure FTP site; provided access to 5K records to 120 customers--averted 40 mission sorties

    - Monitored/upgraded 1AF security system; defended against 8 malicious attempts/hour--ensured optimal protection

    - Created secure FTP site; enabled transfer of 25K files to 120 customers--minimized processing time/averted 40 mission sorties

    - Diagnosed/repaired CAA ntwk outage; restored access to 128 resources in 15 minutes--guaranteed 24/7 career reference availability

    - Restored 1AF team website; optimized project planning for 1,200 personnel--project approval four days faster

    - Created OG error notification pages; enhanced browsing for users/cut service calls by 20%--improved user satisfaction

    - Updated Tyndall websites; improved browsing filters/cut service calls by 20%--improved user satisfaction

    - Diagnosed/repaired Silver Flag ntwk outage; restored 90 training sites in 10 minutes--averted training delay for 140 students

    - Upgraded/tested 1 AF security system; defended against 8 malicious attempts/hour--ensured optimal protection

    - Restored FSA/WM help site; cataloged over 6K pubs, forms, and guides--used to support 6K computer users

    - Corrected safety discrepancies during shop quarterly inspection; ensured compliance--protected force/4 bases

    - Corrected server failure; restored CE control of air conditioning systems--ensured monitoring of 103 structures

    - Verified/validated training records; identified/corrected 10K discrepancies in 15 minutes--averted training delay for 140 personnel

    - Created/maintained secure site; ensured 100% availability for 120 customers--averted 50 mission sorties

    - Monitored joint fighter training exercise; provided real-time data to 120 customers--averted 50 mission sorties

    - Installed/tested software for 70 systems; resolved browser compatibility issues--4K computer users assured secure access

    - Established secure FTP site; provided 5K records to 140 customers--averted 50 mission sorties

    - Created CAA web page; consolidated access to 128 resources--guaranteed 24/7 reference availability/5 bases

    - Developed 101 articles; upgraded software/hardware--increased up-time from .5% to 99.7% on priority scripts

    - Established 18 OGS links; broadcast 1200 a/c missions to 2 MAJCOMs--ensured secure data f/Korea/Japan/Okinawa

    - Established new protocol for remote admin; enabled 24/7 monitoring--cut tech support visits from 36 to 12

    - Established virtual interface; realigned layers/architectures--increased bandwidth flow 5x, increased uptime by 20%

    - Fabricated 3 VPNs; bypassed unclassified access points--gained access to secure sites and missions worldwide

    - Fabricated proprietary network authen protocols; eliminated high priced security consultants--saved 175K annually

    - Installed 12x Wideband SATCOM systems; enabled real-time info dissemination--- enabled 3.2K commanding/controllers

    - Investigated 5 Srv shutdowns; targeted corruption/bad codings--restored critical functionality down to 48 mins

    - Networked with 11 DISA staffing teams; upgraded firewalls/security configurations--authored 2 tech papers honoring staff

    - Networked with 15 NATO contacts; configured/installed security parameters--boosted performance/access to crypto modules

    - Overhauled user access protocol; rewrote old scripts/codes--utalized intel tools across 50+ platforms

    - Performed Red Switch operations for 10 mission nodes; enabled rapid transfer of real-time data--zero failures

    - Created 24 event-driven scripts; re-enabled Satellite Broadcast network--reduced forecast error from 20% to 1%

    - Analyzed 70 unique sys errors; identified/fixed security hash unprotected--enabled secure video transmission

    - Created 13 log book reports; identified 30 critical sys errors--relocated CDS routers to secure sites

    - Created new 12 SSH-base protocols; improved system visibility--converted emergency commands to automated

    - Constructed new subnet linkages; tuned encryption algorithms--decreased satellite downlink response times by 40%

    - Installed new firewalls; split data/command communication hashes--enabled extranet access to classified sites

    - Modified dynamic router settings; inserted 9 new global routing protocols--expedited 24 overseas global security systems

    - Resolved two major network outages; identified communications bottleneck- discontinued 12 nodes from network

    - Performed 24 latency tests; identified/repaired 3 faulty networks--ensured maximum 24-hr linkup w/ NOACA

    - Replaced 7 malfunctioning routers; overhauled MAC addresses--provided 78% faster transmission speed

    - Configured 12 TCP/IP settings; identified bad user handshakes--established reliable 24-hr access for key siters

    - Developed 11 AES Encryption packages; improved global satellite access--enabled 81 critical data missions

    - Performed 18 switch tests; identified weak points/re-secured--Increased speed/security to 25 SOF sites

    - Tested 30 node configurations; pinpointed 13 IP misconfigurations--enabled 56 global security operations

    - Researched 48 router issues; identified 9 faulty hardware components-- established 112 virtual nodes

    - Directed formation/install of 56 ckts/417 voice lines; expanded comm capabilities to 25 sq units--5-star rating

    - Executed 422 secure ckt shifts/520 voice lines; augmented wAN/15 circuit cards--ensured msl readiness

    - Established 12 high-speed data ckts/425 voice lines; enabled keyword search/real-time battle map options

    - Established 4 remote accesss accounts; connected 4500 Airmen to Air Force networks—greatly improved mission effectiveness

    - Gained full control of 35 ckts/420 voice lines/maximized 10 LANs; four-month mission far exceeded deadlines

    - Identified/enabled 0100 gateways; 9.6Gbps trunk increase allowed 2K users/task completion--co-pilot of success

    - Installed/maintained 50 ckts/450 voice lines; monitored/directed 1K transfers/day--essential to global ops

    - Installed/maintained 6 ckts/450 voice lines; enabled secure transmissions-- generated promotion

    - Installed/managed 10 remote sites; optimized transmissions/assured secure access--earned extraordinary report

    - Maintained/updated 56 ckts/420 voice lines/maximized 10 LANs/enabled secure/ distributed operations--5-star rating

    - Monitored/directed 1K secure transfers/day; monitored wAN/15 circuit cards--essential to global ops

    - Operated 56 ckts/417 voice lines; expanded comm capabilities to 25 sq units--ensured msl readiness

    - Optimized system for 4560 users; improved transmission times/spt'd secure access--promotion eligible

    - Overhauled network architecture; improved system reliability by 12%--awarded outstanding performance

    - Administered user accounts; updated profiles/privileges and eliminated 5 hundred accounts to increase security

    - Performed 11 secure ckt shifts/520 voice lines; augmented wAN/15 circuit cards--key component to mission

    - Remedied network firewalls and implemented active directory service; elevated security parameters and prevented unauthorized entry

    - Replaced existing web server with new and improved version; enabled new search engine and secured access

    - Reset 20 remote access accounts; provided additional security measures and enhanced secure access capabilities

    - Resolved 12 high-speed data ckts/425 voice lines; enabled keyword search/real-time battle map options

    - Secured remote access accounts; enabled secure transmission/optimized performance--awarded commendation

    - Supplied 3 remote access accounts/maximized 3 LANs/39 circuit cards; improved performance/enabled secure operations

    - Tested/analyzed 422 secure ckt shifts/520 voice lines; augmented wAN/15 circuit cards--105% mission completion

    - Troubleshot network anomalies; located and eliminated threats—awarded outstanding performance pin

    - Updated 36 systems with patch management software; increased system security, performance and decreased downtime

    - Upgraded all routers and switches; enabled new data capacities and enhanced security protocols

    - Utilized 1 MAW ntwk; built 2 ckts/80 voice lines/spt'd 14 USMC acft/helos; ensured 100% mission completion

    - Verified and installed 4 remote accesss accounts; connected 4500 Airmen to Air Force networks—praised by wingcommander

    - Configured 3 MAW ntwk; built 4 ckts/750 voice lines/spt'd 18 USMC acft/helos--enhanced global operations

    - Established wireless tracking system; detected and disabled 15 unknown access points--ensured total security

    - Implemented system monitoring and alerts; allowed for automatic generation of 80 reports per day--awarded 92% mission success

    - Verified and tested 5 remote accesss accounts; connected 4500 Airmen to Air Force networks—named employee of the month

    - Installed 12 ntwk ckts/450 voice lines; monitored/directed 1K transfers/day--praised by wingcommander

    - Installed/maintained 11 ckts/450 voice lines; enabled secure transmissions--98% mission success rate

    - Replaced 3 remote accesss accounts; connected 4500 Airmen to Air Force networks—improved system security by 10%

    - Developed/implemented 8 high-speed data ckts/425 voice lines; enabled keyword search/real-time battle map options

    - Deployed encryption dial-up system; tripled NORAD sortie activation speed--promotion approved by Commander

    - Established 3 remote accesss accounts; connected 4500 Airmen to Air Force networks—achieved 5 star rating

    - Monitored/maintained 6 ckts/450 voice lines; enabled secure transmissions--awarded Outstanding Achievement Medal

    - Updated antivirus software to 20 SCI computers; eliminated 46 vulnerabilities--awarded with Safety Excellence Award

    - Directed remote site network server installation; enabled 2.4K users to access sensitive info--saved $14K in training

    - Evidence gathering for SIOC; administered compromise investigations--vital for global networsecurity diagnosis

    - Fixed 12 broken NIPRnet routers; ensured personnel access to critical data--averted major intel loss towar adversary

    - Fixed global satellite failure; used additional patching to maintain essential up/dwlnk comms--saved mission

    - Implemented ntwk redundancy plans to isolate faults--enabled continuity of ops/data loss was averted

    - Installed 3k-site software patch; verified integrity of 8k emails--minimized risk of hostile intrusions

    - Installed CAA Level III software updates; tested 29 ntwk components--guaranteed uninterrupted communication

    - Installed Voice Over IP network; tested/validated operation--guaranteed OIF forces reliable comms eqpt

    - Investigated 2K digital reports; detected potential malware--lauded by 6K digital security specialists

    - Identified electrical and computer systems errors; replaced faulty components--ensured continuous wpn systems access

    - Led operations of Disaster Recovery Center; enabled 1K personnel to regain access to restricted data--averted system outage

    - Monitored communication networks, identified unauthorized activities--prevented system disruption from data corruption

    - Monitored global satellite network; identified corrupt packets--prevented data loss/ensured mission success

    - Performed massive system supportability tests; corrected faulty hardware--upgraded 300 node ntwk performance

    - Performed ntwk validation; identified/corrected hardware faults--averted data security violations guaranteed by regulatory policy

    - Re-programmed NIPRNet switches; encrypted/restored classified traffic--essential to 94K personnel comms

    - Repaired fiber cable; extended communication capabilities to 5k OCONUS sites--qualified reliability of 190K voice calls

    - Replaced faulty NIPRNet routers; validated system integrity--mission critical data accessible to 4K users

    - Replaced faulty routers; generated full network connection--secured 3K personnel access to critical intel

    - Resolved netwrk latency issues; completed patching/tuning--ensured 2K digital reports were available for analysis

    - Developed CAA level II updates; tested/verified functionality--guaranteed continuity of 1.2K digital operations

    - Configured SIPRNet routers; ensured secure data transmission--mission critical info accessible to 1.3K users

    - Enabled COCOMS' SIPRNet access; created eight new accounts--enhanced security/supported 4,000 daily users

    - Established 4G wireless network coverage; doubled troops' ntwk accessibility--enabled 98K msn-critical info transfers

    - Established SIPRNet link for CENTCOM COCOMS; created eight new accounts--enhanced security/enabled 4,000 daily users

    - Executed COCOMS' SIPRNet access; created eight new accounts--secured netwrks/enabled 4,000 daily users

    - Facilitated B-52 wireless installation; tripled aircrews' access to intel--provided real-time assessments

    - Generated multiple mission reports; briefed AOR CCs on network availability...enabled COCOM strategic planning

    - Installed data center hardware upgrades; created security protocols--ensured 20 servers are operating securely

    - Integrated AOR drones with network; enabled data sharing within 5 operations--ensured 1 AF/CC's mx ops

    - Monitored 800 MHz antenna coverage; completed installation projections--realized $18K savings/secured 1 AF/CC's main cct

    - Negotiated 94 server upgrades; installed new hardware--enhanced ntwk speed/enabled 19K daily users

    - Reengineered 170 network components; optimized 1 AF/CC's main circuit-- supplied total coverage/data integrity

    - Reestablished SIPRNet link for CENTCOM COCOMS; created eight new accounts--enhanced security/enabled 4,000 daily users

    - Revamped COCOMS' SIPRNet access; created eight new accounts--secured networks/enabled 4,000 daily users

    - Revitalized SIPRNet link for CENTCOM COCOMS; created eight new accounts--ensured network security/enabled 4,000 daily users

    - Scheduled 100 server upgrades; installed new hardware--enhanced ntwk speed/enabled 19K regular users

    - Secured CENTCOM COCOMS' SIPRNet access; created eight new accounts--enhanced security/enabled 4,000 daily users

    - Sourced F/A-22 network footprint; oversaw $57K in maintenance support installs--100% connection increase

    - Streamlined 480 network components; upgraded servers/enabled 19K daily users--ensured 1 AF/CC's main circuit

    - Supervised 70 server upgrades; installed new hardware--enhanced ntwk speed/enabled 19K daily users

    - Tested $4M network firewall; identified/prevented 60 vulnerabilities--upgraded 23K web pages/secured 1 AF/CC's main cct

    - Validated 802.11n wireless upgrade; patched system/enabled 20K daily users--established secure data paths

    - Verified redundancy for 24 networked units; deployed server backup--reduced 11 hour task to 1 hour

    - Visualized $4M network firewall; identified/prevented 60 vulnerabilities--upgraded 23K web pages/secured 1 AF/CC's main cct

    - Worked on Det 3 ops transfer; developed action plan/upgraded AMC SIPR--supported 25K users/11 bases/secured TRANSCOM mission

    - Written 485 mission reports; briefed AOR CCs on network availability...enabled COCOM strategic planning

    - Enabled SIPRNet access on Aegis LCU; installed software--ensured secure data paths/25K daily users

    - Configured data center hardware upgrades; created security protocols--ensured 20 servers are operating securely

    - Implemented B-52 wireless installation; tripled aircrews' access to intel--provided real-time assessments

    - Engineered 170 network components; optimized 1 AF/CC's main circuit--supplied total coverage/data integrity

    - Restructured 485 mission reports; briefed AOR CCs on network availability...enabled COCOM strategic planning

    - Activated response to cable cut--orchestrated actions of 24 technicians; 140 users/three rerouted in 30 minutes

    - Designed web staging server roll-out; 33% faster access for 29 web sites expedited data access for 26K users

    - Inspected $4M network firewall; identified/prevented 60 vulnerabilities--upgraded 23K web pages/secured 1 AF/CC's main cct

    - Assembled Det 3 ops transfer; dev'd action plan/overhauled AMC SIPR-- spt'd 25K users/11 bases/sec'd TRANSCOM mission

    - Conducted fuel-oil cooler crack; patched leak in 20 minutes--prevented fatal accident/saved $135m resource

    - Investigated hacking software on the network; quickly eradicated program--ensured information system integrity

    - Maintained COCOMS' SIPRNet access; created eight new accounts--enhanced security/supported 4,000 daily users

    - Diagnosed F/A-22 secure network footprint; installed $57K in maintenance support equipment-added eight users

    - Assessed SIPRNet link for CENTCOM COCOMS; created eight new accounts--enhanced security/enabled 4,000 daily users

    - Diagnosed 4G wireless network coverage; doubled troops' ntwk accessibility--enabled 98K msn-critical info transfers

    - Connected F/A-22 network footprint; oversaw $57K in maintenance support installs--14 new connections

    - Established 800 MHz antenna coverage; completed installation projections--realized $18K savings/secured 1 AF/CC's main cct

    - Directed pilot training web site and database deployment; enabled 24/7 worldwide flying training management capacity

    - Enhanced Air Force Emergency Action Message System; improved message readability--enhanced command/control

    - Enhanced Deliberate Risk Assessment process; improved system security--increased network security posture

    - Enhanced contingency plan; improved system response time--real-time communication enhanced

    - Enhanced Force Protection Suite; improved system security--reduced potential threats/vulnerabilities

    - Enhanced network security measures; increased system integrity--improved security/information assurance

    - Enhanced system security; implemented new access controls--improved user authentication/data encryption

    - Established secure remote access for Okinawa detachment--provided global access w/zero system downtime

    - Established secure remote access for 380th EWS squadron--provided secure connection w/zero system downtime

    - Established virtual enclave with Fort Hood; secure access--improved mission data exchange/analysis

    - Established virtual enclave with Langley; improved secure communication--mission data exchange/analysis

    - Executed 18 secure circuit overhauls; completed in only 8 days--zero downtime achieved

    - Executed remote maintenance on 537 computers; completed in only 6 days--zero downtime achieved

    - Installed LVDT on data hubs; improved system performance--enhanced information assurance posture

    - Installed satellite links with 5 forward deployed sites; improved system performance--enhanced information assurance

    - Installed VMware to pave way for virtualized data center; improved system performance--enhanced information assurance

    - Led Global Command and Control System training; enabled three-day system upgrade--increased system efficiency

    - Led secure communications via TACLANE; provided secure link for software updates--zero downtime achieved

    - Led secure communications via TACLANE; provided secure link for software updates--zero downtime achieved

    - Managed network architecture for 418th Flight Test Squadron; improved system performance--enhanced information assurance

    - Managed secure communications with USSTRATCOM; improved system performance--enhanced information assurance

    - Maintained secure communications with F-35 Lightning II; improved system performance--enhanced information assurance

    - Negotiated contract w/IT vendor; upgraded 1.2K systems in only 3 days--zero downtime achieved

    - Optimized routing protocols; improved system performance--enhanced information assurance posture

    - Reconfigured local area network; increased system performance--enhanced information assurance posture

    - Revised force protection system; improved system security--increased network security posture

    - Secured C2 system; improved system performance--enhanced information assurance posture

    - Secured network architecture; improved system performance--enhanced information assurance posture

    - Streamlined file transfer protocol; improved system performance--enhanced information assurance posture

    - Tested/certified secure communications for C-130 aircraft; improved system performance--enhanced information assurance

    - Upgraded existing software; improved system performance--enhanced information assurance posture

    - Validated C2 system; improved system performance--enhanced information assurance posture

    - Verified secure communications with USAF Europe; improved system performance--enhanced information assurance posture

    - Volunteered to design/install secure communications w/RAF; improved system performance--enhanced information assurance

    - Collaborated with Air Force Flight Standards Agency to perform ASR/IFF baseline evaluation on C-17 aircraft

    - Developed network upgrade; hardened op sys f/1.2K nodes/zero downtime--cut 10K cyber vulns/$178M IT backbone

    - Introduced virtual enclave with San Antonio; secure access--improved mission data exchange/analysis capabilities

    - Orchestrated secure communications via TACLANE; improved system performance--enhanced information assurance

    - Progressed secure communications with USSTRATCOM; improved system performance--enhanced information assurance

    - Rebuilt local area network; increased system performance--enhanced information assurance posture

    - Structured file transfer protocol; improved system performance--enhanced information assurance posture

    - Troubleshot/resolved 200 system issues; improved system performance--enhanced information assurance posture

    - Upheld secure communications with F-35 Lightning II; improved system performance--enhanced information assurance

    - Validated Force Protection Suite; improved system security--reduced potential threats/vulnerabilities

    - Assembled Bldg 649 data cabling revamp; optimized safety/efficiency--supports all Team Tyndall data traffic

    - Configured contingency plan; improved system response time--real-time communication enhanced

    - Created secure remote access for Okinawa detachment--provided global access w/zero system downtime

    - Developed emergency telephone solution at three athletic sites; satisfied FW/CC mandate--key safety initiative

    - Executed remote maintenance on 537 computers; completed in only 6 days--zero downtime achieved

    - Formulated secure remote access for 380th EWS squadron--provided secure connection w/zero system downtime

    - Instrumented SIPRNET overhaul; revamped 63 secure circuits--finished eight days early with zero outage time

    - Managed Deliberate Risk Assessment process; improved system security--increased network security posture

    - Optimized Air Force Emergency Action Message System; improved message readability--enhanced command/control

    - Presented virtual enclave with Langley; improved secure communication--mission data exchange/analysis

    - Programmed ntwk upgrade; hardened op sys f/353 nodes/zero downtime--cut 10K cyber vulns/$178M IT backbone

    - Reconstructed fiber cable scheme for RAS; 1.5 Mbps bandwidth upped to 100Mbps to solve long-term data loss

    - Supplied remote Video Teleconference suite--provided 607 ACOMG/CC access at wartime office

    - Tested and approved alternate NCC; first-ever redundant capability--optimal continuity of ops

    - Updated system security; implemented new access controls--improved user authentication/data encryption

    - Established satellite gateway comm link; monitored 50K hrs of transmission--ensured 0 errors during combat ops

    - Extracted critical cipher data from unclassified platform; transferred to 36K separate crypto networks--AF assessment of mission ready complete

    - Extracted data from damaged media files; generated 650 backup records; 98% accuracy in recovery for CYBERWARFITE

    - Fabricated secure fiber optics for command & control; assured instant voice/data content sharing--AFDC endorsed

    - Fabricated custom SATCOM app; enabled secure communication--critical for special ops support of National Command

    - Flawlessly orchestrated network wide upgrade; real-time VoIP integration--prompt critical tasking to 42K airmen

    - Implemented 10G Ethernet backbone; routed secure traffic--decreased file delivery times by 35%

    - Installed 100+ remote sites onto OAI/NIPRNET; ensured secure transmission/file transfers--downloaded 90% of overall AF data

    - Installed advanced security protocol; secured data comm paths--prevented signal manipulation for C2 ops

    - Installed compartmentalized networks for DEOCs; troubleshot misconfigured elements--ensured 100% availability of classified information

    - Installed encrypted priority network; obtained certification from NSA--rapid remote access to decision makers

    - Insured VPN/firewall integrity; created integrated system of secure access--assured network integrity for 6K nodes

    - Maintained $4M TDMA crypto system; monitored voice/data integrity--ensured communication security for AFB

    - Operated tactical antenna controller; connected classified & unclassified networks--zero data breach

    - Overhauled existing T&C equipment; rerouted traffic paths--created alternate transmission redundancy

    - Programmed 84K security credentials; ensured user authentication--zero unauthorized access to mission critical systems

    - Replaced WAN switch/router; established terrestrial-satellite link--enabled real-time tracking of all munitions

    - Resolved ambient noise mitigation issue; installed 1.3Ghz Processor--enabled AFSC-wide virtual training platform

    - Rigged high-speed communications systems; certified encryption process--guaranteed secure transmission of SOCOM data

    - Secured cyber facility; implemented data defenses--hub of mission-critical resources now protected from forged access

    - Streamlined remote access protocols; increased VPN speed 16-fold--user satisfaction rate rose from 52% to 90%

    - Troubleshot optical fiber connections; quadrupled throughput--achieved peak efficiency for mission-critical communication

    - Upgraded LAN/WAN architecture; leveraged state-of-the-art tech--improved transaction speed 10-fold, ensuring timely mission updates

    - Verified classified material transfer protocols; met all CJCS standards--ensured cryptographic key management across AFSC

    - Wrote customized installation guide; monitored minor updates--ensured continuity of operations and data integrity

    - Developed encryption patch to safeguard base networks; facilitated secure access to 4K nodes--zero security breach reported

    - Evaluated existing AFSC cyber-transport system; rerouted loose connections--increased reliability by 20%

    - Fault-tested data transmission relay systems; identified/resolved 8 issues--ensured seamless communication to mission planners

    - Generated secure TCP/IP data stream; transmitted 40 messages--enabled SIPRNET/NIPRNET cross-domain connectivity

    - Installed 1Gbps optic backbone to AF satellite; enabled ACO transmissions--reduced latency 20%, exceeded mission needs

    - Maintained 80 trunk circuits to third party provider; coordinated patching & troubleshooting--achieved 99.9% uptime

    - Orchestrated F/A-22 high-altitude data transmission system; oversaw setup--ensured secure net for classified data

    - Programmed sophisticated data routing protocols; maintained secure base networks--ensured 100% connection integrity

    - Revamped cryptographic security parameters; upgraded encryption methods--zero hacks reported across 8K nodes

    - Streamlined satellite virtual access system; enhanced user experience--overall latency decreased 22%, user satisfaction up 8%

    - Tested mission-critical transmission protocols; monitored reliability of 10K nodes--verified 100% accuracy in transfer

    - Updated cell phone tower ID tags; ensured interoperability--resources accessible to over 200K users in remote area

    - Verified seamless transmission of classified data; fast-tracked secure file transfer--ensured operational readiness

    - Expertly serviced remote mirrors; reduced C-17 ground time--saved $1.2M in decreased fuel costs

    - Expertly supervised server, print and VoIP upgrades; successfully integrated 4 crypto devices--enabled secure OCA

    - Externally monitored and maintained 16 operational COMSEC accounts; increased operational readiness by 6%

    - Fabricated 1st FAA approved portable-deployable system; delivered ASAP/no impact to air crews--ISO training ops

    - Fabricated fiber optic cable components; monitored VHF maintenance ops/certified PhIII privacy--maintained level 5

    - Fabricated optical cable assemblies; ensured near perfect mobility interface sig/zero data lost--enabled C-130 ops

    - Implemented SIPRNet accesses/28 members; balanced 96 man-hr/zero mission impact--maintained security/100% up

    - Installed tactical node systems/facilitated SEA Comm System operations; enabled rapid, secure file xfer/deployment

    - Led $12M deployable system re-installation; on-time/on-budget/zero mission impact--enabled Gulfstream-III ops

    - Leveraged advanced network procedures; improved network services/reduced latency--sustained C-130 operations

    - Maximized utilization of $8M computer systems; provided 100% uptime reliability--enabled network/data protection

    - Monitored/controlled crypto devices; ensured system continuity/minimized mission disruption--enabled COMSEC ops

    - Performed $18K crypto-key exchanges; enabled rapid installation/zero impact to ops--maintained COMSEC security

    - Presented briefing to 20 personnel on proper TACSAT procedures; enhanced operations safety/zero impact to ops

    - Proactively identified 4th Gen security vulnerabilities; upgraded 12 systems/deliverd improved cyberspace defense

    - Project-managed communications training ctr; on-time/on-budget/zero mission impact--enabled SITM comms upgrade

    - Supplied/maintained 7 crypto keying devices; provided 100% up/minimized security/data breaches--maintained op's

    - Trained 20 personnel in ETAC; enhanced service member's cryptologic knowledge--optimized SATCOM security

    - Upgraded network infrastructure; installed $45K cable/fiber optics--enabled multi-level C-130 encryption ops

    - Utilized fiber optic splicing; enabled COMSEC system compliance/no impact to aircrews--maintained C-130 ops

    - Validated/Maintained 100+ insecure nodes; rectified/updated protocols/updated 15 programs--enabled TACSAT ops

    - Verified/tested cryptographic devices; secured/maintained/ensured system integrity--enabled secure comms ops

    - Adapted node systems/enabled network trng; optimized AF NOSC security/instructional courseware--enabled TACSAT

    - Fabricated/deployed COMSEC suite; upgraded/enhanced security/prevented hacking--enabled C-130 comms ops

    - Installed next-gen hardware/firmware; improved hardware/reduced latency--enabled network/data protection

    - Led $7M software upgrade; on-time/on-budget/zero mission impact--enabled F-16 ops/increased SOF readiness

    - Orchestrated multi-node relocations; integrated 11 systems/$18K hardware--enabled timely C-130 ops/maint'd level 5

    - Performed group cyber security training; validated/re-certified 256 members/zero impact to ops--maintained COMSEC

    - Quickly troubleshot faulty LCU's/3 modules; replaced failed components/minimized mission impact--enabled OCA ops

    - Re-engineered TACSAT's 4G architecture; optimized network performance/improved cyber defense--enabled secure ops

    - Fixed damaged secure networks; overhauled 5 switches o/n; ensured zero disruption of operations/resources

    - Fixed high-bandwidth circuit for safety read; enabled access to $90M/yr tasking ops--seamless communication

    - Fixed remote terminal unit; enabled night operations control--saved team of 3 techs 65 hrs of prep time

    - Fixed satellite transceiver unit; secured uninterrupted signal--saved govt $500K in replace cost

    - Installed 1st UHF antenna; enabled remote ops control--allowed qtr-sec override of mainframe access codes

    - Installed 312 voice/data systems; minimized work disruption--saved AF $60K in contractor labor costs

    - Installed 850/900 MHz radios; upgraded data/voice circuits--ensured mission success with zero downtime

    - Installed emergency satellite gateway; enabled system-wide network access--allowed emergency ops to proceed

    - Installed High Frequency transceiver; monitored remote access--minimized govt contractor man-hours by 72%

    - Installed new 1.20 GHz satellite downlink; restored telemetry network--enabled site to operate before projected date

    - Installed server workstations; enabled remote operations--reduced man-hours by 50% and troubleshooting time by 75%

    - Maintained central comm rcvr; secured communications link--enabled 320 Amn to execute operations 24/7

    - Maintained secure network control; monitored/controlled tactical/strategic SIPRNET/NIPRNET nodes--ensured 100% functionality

    - Maintained voice/data systems; resolved problems in 4 hrs--zero disruption of Government operations/resources

    - Monitored hard-line circuits; maintained critical communications--ensured zero disruption of 4G/5G network access

    - Organized 9K central comm equipment; minimized initial startup time--saved Government $90K in contractor hours

    - Overhauled system configuration on AMH-60 Aerial POD--enabled remote access/control; cut ASR testing time by 75%

    - Overhauled two-way radio systems; secured 200-mile transmission--enabled comms backup during power outrages

    - Prepared 13 $2M Sigint upgrades; enabled remote access--saved govt $480K in contractor labor costs

    - Resolved 2nd comm link failure; provided vital ISR support--zero disruption of training/operations

    - Restored over 144 line errors; prevented system crash--eliminated time-consuming restoration costs

    - Set up PBX at two-site training exercise; enabled secure comms--saved AF $500K in contractor labor costs

    - Supervised 8 techs/installed 110 IMDs; saved 30 man-hours/cut troubleshooting time 75%--enabled remote antenna control

    - Tested/certified remote access unit; enabled silent ops to continue--saved 24 man-hours/cut troubleshooting time 75%

    - Troubleshot/calibrated radio frequency generators; enabled safe network data transfer activities--zero disruption of training/operations

    - Updated comm systems; designed/installed 127 new modems--improved service effectiveness/reliability by 3x

    - Upgraded 50 SHF systems; enabled 1500-mile transmission--averted cancellation of 74 flight sorties

    - Upgraded $20M comm systems; installed four nodes/each site--minimized work disruption--enabled 100% operations uptime

    - Installed 45 computers for ground operations center; connected 16 users to virtual private network

    - Isolated and identified faulty connection; replaced router and modem--restored operational reach of 101 ground nodes

    - Kept primary communication array installed and running; 100% user connectivity rate for 123 personnel

    - Managed 23R server migration; completed in 13 minutes with zero errors--saved center from non-existent tech knowledge

    - Monitored operations of network hardware; ensured secure file transfer for 26 personnel

    - Observed communications among network administrators; ensured proper protocol use in 121 Admin servers

    - Overhauled 25 signal acquisition devices; saved originating source from being compromised

    - Participated in two config-level vulnerability analysis tests; led team of three to develop best practices in 39 hours

    - Performed full range of network security assurance checks; analyzed for irregularities on 77 systems

    - Proactively ran 12 system checks per day; eliminated risk of 53 systems not meeting government regulations

    - Recommissioned dormant internet control device; established 46 secure connections in record time

    - Repaired hardware fault that caused operations failure; achieved direct link for 58 local personnel

    - Rescued communication network in danger of crashing; restarted 54 users within one hour

    - Solved priority IT issue in under two hours; restored access to 34 machines at 88 ARW

    - Troubleshooted faulty interface card; 100% uptime restored for 82 users

    - Upgraded five Cloud monitors; monitored input of current data sets--saved 93 personnel from embarrassing data loss

    - Validated software patch requests; authorized release of 12 updates--ensured network security at five active sites

    - Verified patch protocols on-site; used 10 scanners to audit 202 servers--obtained clear patch assessment

    - Wrote program to automatically clean up dead accounts; saved 30 man-hours each month

    - Inspected communication devices; verified secure connections for 50 personnel

    - Examined 22 ground antenna systems; identified faulty connections that could have led to 84 system failures

    - Assured wireless networks re-established; restored connection for 47 personnel and 17 mobile terminals

    - Cleaned up configuration of 122 devices; identified new configurations needs--reduced personnel time by 45%

    - Created security plan for critical operations center; safeguarded 49 users and increased security regulations

    - Developed contingency plan to shut down a malfunctioning server; connected 93 computers in a safe, secure manner

    - Executed tactical plan to protect 50 users; eliminated critical vulnerability in one hour

    - Found and repaired faulty interface cable in network system; reestablished identity verification for 94 personnel

    - Generated risk avoidance procedure; safeguarded 8 remote communication sites--saved 90 personnel from mission failure

    - Established 12 secure remote access sites; improved communications from global facilities; minimized down-time

    - Executed 2 system upgrades during the month of June; reduced number of alert notifications sent out; fewer technician calls

    - Fabricated 2 CAC readers; improved base access speed; secured entry to all vital components; averted security breach

    - Evaluated vulnerability of 3 external networks; prevented 8 malicious attack attempts--AFCYBER Green Initiative secured

    - Established tiered security/monitoring protocols for 8 C4ISR systems; enabled 100% compliance w/IA standards

    - Created innovative communications archive methods; established fail-safe; encrypted all classified/sensitive materials

    - Developed comprehensive procedures for 20 asset tracking accounts; decreased amount of missing/stolen items

    - Coordinated logistical support; maintained 12 optical termination tool kits; enabled CS techs to quickly repair/diagnose data anomalies

    - Installed 128-bit encryption software; bolstered security for all personnel accessing C4ISR systems--zero cyber-related incidents reported

    - Instructed 28 CYS troops on basic network operations/troubleshooting techniques; decreased time to login by 27%

    - Automated 3 disk-to-disk backup systems; enabled instantaneous data restore/transfer--averted server downtime

    - Pin-pointed cause of sub-optimal network performance; adjusted TCP stack parameters; QoS improved by 32%

    - Retrofitted 28 automated testers with new parts; rebooted 3 router IOS; optimized peak data throughput--eliminated redundant software

    - Optimized FTP protocol stack--improved efficiency across 100+ data feeds; increased reliability by 8%

    - Implemented net-centric architecture: unified heterogeneous net's, enabled information sharing--improved overall intel gathering

    - Upgraded mail server from Win NT to Win XP; accelerated mail sorting by 3 hrs--mail delivery uptime 95%

    - Monitored 13 routers; verified log performance/DR backups--enabled 100% HA redundancy

    - Configured 3 homeland security web servers; established secure networks for intelligence sharing--zero cyber-related incidents reported

    - Initiated data compression on 20 mission-critical servers; reduced memory usage by 20%; enabled immediate data access

    - Developed Anti-virus & Security Scanning Programs; added 3 layers of encryption-vulnerability rate dropped to 1%

    - Trained 28 CYS members on proper installation/maintenance of critical C4ISR Hardware--prevented unauthorized tampering

    - Constructed network repair/troubleshooting kits; resolved 28 systems-related issues; improved OAI network continuity

    - Developed classified SMTP server; ensured data integrity--success rate of web transmissions rose to 99%

    - Redesigned DOD network infrastructure; integrated 8 local access points--attained maximum availability of 95%

    - Revised communication architecture of old Intel networks; enabled data sharing between 2 areas--increased information accuracy

    - Researched, evaluated and increased firewall strength of 40 systems-- secured classified information from outside breaches

    - Chair'd 3-day OAI project review board; initiated/completed 18 operational guidelines-- enabled centralized network control

    - Reorganized 7 network control centers; added/verified 7 routers/switches--improved overall performance/efficiency by 10%

    - Developed network management/assessment tool; decreased support efforts by 30%; improved system reliability to 99.9%

    - Ensured technology services met Air Force requirements; saved $75K in new equipment costs--outright purchase avoided

    - Explored, tested, and implemented approved upgrades to cyber transport systems--reduced problem fix time by 25%

    - Enabled secure information sharing--facilitated 9K Airmen efforts to combat hostile forces--recognized by Deputy CSAF

    - championed O&M initiatives to include improved cyber transport solutions; automated preflight tests; boosted reliability 75%

    - Developed 3 new cyber transport applications; Achieved 78% acceptance rate across two wings; gained CSAF recognition

    - Developed C2 for long-haul oxygen transport through Cyber Transport; Increased transport efficiency 32% over previous year

    - Tested and deployed WAN security solutions; certified fit for operational use; mitigated potential loss of 10K personnel records

    - Resolved encryption algorithm incompatibility issues on Cisco routers; improved security posture for 2.5K nodes

    - Installed/Troubleshoot complex network system that enabled secure data flow between two bases; saved airmen 12 man-hours weekly

    - Installed satellite communication link to enable in-flight access to NIPR and SIPRnet networks; safeguarded critical systems

    - Overcame communication vulnerability on 70K user network; safeguarded classified information; enabled C2 of 12K personnel

    - Established secure cloud server networks; improved data availability 85%; ensured access to 7K users within 24 hours

    - Developed secure inter-base communications networks; aggregated data of 14K personnel; saved USAF $1.5 mil

    - Ensured Aviation Safety Network met USAF requirements; improved functionality; enabled access to 8.2K personnel

    - Implemented network infrastructure updates; resolved latency issues; improved network speed by 50% for 12K users

    - Troubleshot two mission critical network outages; corrected connectivity problems for 800 people; extending mission

    - Installed 48 communication satellites; improved reliability of data transmission; increased range by 30%; ensured safety of 20K people

    - Resolved data access violation for 2K personnel; addressed security loophole; enabled classification of sensitive data

    - Developed 448 communications routers; eliminated serialization issues; improved reliability of communications by 87%

    - Updated entire network security protocols; closing 11 critical vulnerabilities; safeguarding communications of 16K personnel

    - Normalized communications between two wings of the USAF; enabled high speed data transfer; secured critical info of 5.2K personnel

    - Reestablished secure transmission over 823 nodes; safeguarded sensitive data; increased reliability 70%; proactively prevented intrusion

    - Established secure FTP protocol; enabled 70 users to access data without restriction; recovered delicate information of 2.5K personnel

    - Developed complex network security algorithms; enabled 56 nodes to securely connect; safeguarded critical information of 5K personnel

    - Updated 720 nodes with new security patches; eliminated 23 security flaws; secured logon process for 12.5K personnel

    - Built new redundant server; provided an additional backup for mission critical information; enabled 8K personnel access to secure data

    - Modified and implemented new interface for network systems; streamlined communications of 4K personnel; improved mission efficiency 17%

    - Diagnosed satellite access degradation; determined repair actions--restored communications across 5 continents

    - Isolated LAN circuit interruption; replaced cables; brought DNS maintenance server online 79 minutes ahead of schedule

    - Isolated faulty wiring on T1 circuit; replaced all components in 50 man-hours-- eliminated $25K in downtime costs

    - Isolated and corrected VoIP gateway failure; restored 76 satellite SAT phone circuits--saved Air Force 130 man-hours

    - Isolated and optimized faulty 1.8Ghz antenna; adjusted throughput by 60%--restored full mission capability

    - Isolated and corrected PBX router fault; restored 1200 phone lines--saved the Air Force $80K in hardware

    - Isolated and corrected faulty patch panel; restored connectivity to 6,500 personnel--saved $42K in IT support costs

    - Identified and replaced expired dial-up routers; reduced downtime by 75% and saved 192 man-hours

    - Isolated and resolved routing failure; restored main trunk line--saved Air Force $14K in costly rerouted traffic

    - Diagnosed loss of diagnostic and control systems; re-established network access--saved $32K in labor costs

    - Isolated network errors; recommended and implemented RFQ protocols--saved Air Force $170K in hardware and labor

    - Isolated and resolved ISDN BRI synchronization error; restored primary circuit access--saved AF $18K in standby equipment costs

    - Isolated and replaced faulty firewall components; restored secure access to network--saved 27 man-hours of downtime

    - Isolated and corrected faulty serial link; restored leased-line access--saved Air Force 16 man-hours of downtime

    - Isolated power failure; restored power to server racks--saved Air Force $20K in lost communications

    - Isolated and corrected faulty patch panel; reconnected 4K+ deployed personnel--enabled mission objectives

    - Isolated and corrected tape backup error; restored secure pub access--saved Air Force $14K in tech support costs

    - Isolated and corrected network card failure; reconnected 4K TDY personnel--enabled mission objectives

    - Diagnosed WAN circuit error; determined repair actions--restored communications network to 8K+ personnel

    - Diagnosed faulty ISDN router; implemented new protocol--saved Air Force $24K in additional equipment costs

    - Isolated and corrected faulty crypto card; restored secure data connectivity—saved AF $13K in downtime costs

    - Isolated T1 circuit failure; replaced all components—saved Air Force 16 man-hours of downtime

    - Isolated network failure; replaced cables—brought 3 remote sites online 160 minutes ahead of schedule

    - Isolated and resolved faulty device connections; restored global network access to 5K personnel

    - Identified SBU circuit degradation; determined repair actions—restored secure communications to 9K personnel

    - Isolated and corrected faulty patch panel; reconnected 4K TDY personnel—enabled mission objectives

    - Isolated and corrected outside-plant customer loop issue; restored data access—saved AF $50K in tech support costs

    - Isolated and corrected mail transfer error; restored connectivity to 6.5K deployed CE troops—saved 27 man-hours of downtime

    - Isolated and corrected router timeout failure; restored secure pub access for 6K+ personnel—saved $40K in tech support costs

    - Isolated and corrected faulty X 25 router; restored secure data connectivity for 5K+ personnel—enabled mission objectives

    - Isolated faulty PBX connections; redeployed 32 man-hours—saved Air Force $450K in hardware and labor

    - Isolated network errors; optimized RFQ protocols—saved Air Force $100K in network hardware and labor

    - Led database recovery team; rebuilt two clusters in one shift--protected AF network from malicious actors

    - Led major web portal redesign; revised security protocol for 192 personnel--improved mission support 67%

    - Led NETOPS tm in replacing components of comm satellite; ensured Y2K compliance/improv'd bandwidth 8X

    - Led NOC; devised innovative devices to cut malicious logic attack--secured AF netw/22000 devices/3k usrs

    - Led software engineering tm; remodeled key AF link--optimized network throughput by 40%, reduced latency 80ms

    - Led successful net audit for Air Force; ensured monitoring and configuration controls of 100 assets

    - Led unit internal security audit; identified and corrected vulnerabilities--set new security standard

    - Managed network server configuration; ensured availability of two AF data centers--110% up-time secured

    - Managed 11 members in regional IP protocol implementation; upgraded 28 routers/200 switches--cut downtime 35%

    - Monitored and assessed cybersecurity posture; identified and reported potential vulnerabilities to HQ

    - Moved 11,000 pieces of equipment from old server to new server in record time--accelerated SOP rollouts

    - Optimized server performance; rewrote 250 scripts/queries; cut time for reports from hours to mins

    - Organized and oversaw Intrusion Detection System installation; created network security against malicious activity

    - Oversaw 1400-user LAN/WAN migration; replaced 9 routers/3 switches--improved reliability/stability 99.87%

    - Proactively monitored systems to identify and eliminate threats; detected malicious activity in 2 mins

    - Programmed software applications to monitor, diagnose and prevent security issues; improved security by 35%

    - Re-implemented operating systems on 7 servers; reduced DoD risk level to 5; enabled data access to 10K users

    - Reorganized entire network infrastructure; upgraded 20 servers/routers/switches--guaranteed redundancy/backup

    - Repaired failed reroute for global network; troubleshot problems, restored system 10 hrs ahead of schedule

    - Responsible for the installation and upgrade of firewall system security; improved security by 65%

    - Scripted automated software installation; improved morale/efficiency, reduced overhead by 40 hours/wk

    - Secured and updated unit's networks; protected 50,000 personnel/assets and $10.5M in ammo storage

    - Spearheaded maintenance of unit's networks and connections; protected security of 150 personnel/assets

    - Technical expert in system security; successfully prevented intrusion and theft of intellectual property

    - Troubleshot LAN/WAN issues; pinpointed cause of problem and isolated to prevent spread of malicious activity

    - Upgraded 50 routers/switches to comply with AF standards; improved network security by 70%

    - Verified integrity of network security protocols; identified 7 risks/recommended/implemented best practices

    - Wrote 5 security protocols; produced precise workflow/procedures to maintain system integrity/stability

    - Developed and implemented a secure mainframe system; provided enhanced protection to 10,000 users

    - Established a new testing system; tested and verified 130 secure storage devices for AF data centers

    - Installed new voice communication system; supported security of 150 personnel, reducing unit resources by 25%

    - Led 19-member team in deployment of 6 firewalls; reduced risk level for critical AF systems by 25%

    - Monitored and evaluated system performance; quick response and action averted two viral attacks

    - Reorganized AF network infrastructure; upgraded 350 servers/routers/switches--guaranteed 99.92% reliability

    - Restructured entire LAN/WAN deployment; improved mission support by 67%, increased support speed by 30%

    - Troubleshot and repaired 110 systems; solved critical communication failure within designated time frame

    - Developed automated resource tracking system; improved unit compliance by 20% and reduced administration time by 12%

    - Designed and installed cybersecurity systems for AESA radar; achieved 100% mission assurance for 803D Airlift Wing

    - Provided technical support for satellite communication link; enabled data access for deployed personnel over secure network

    - Secured armor and intelligence systems; ensured network security for 5000 personnel and 17,000 assets

    - Verified technological support for special operations system; improved data throughput by 200% and security by 80%

    - Developed and implemented cloud-enabled security system; safeguarded 30,000 personnel and $25 million in assets

    - Led 4-member team in installation of 6 firewalls; reduced risk level to 3 and minimized unlawful access by 98%

    - Installed new wireless communication system; improved security of 200 personnel and expanded unit resources by 30%

    - Monitored and evaluated data center performance; quick response and action provided enhanced protection against malicious activity

    - Established new system protocol to detect and prevent malicious activity; improved network security by 85% and reduced threats by 23%

    - Troubleshot and mitigated 130 security issues; ensured system and data integrity within the DoD standards

    - Developed automated system for mission risk assessment; improved mission assurance by 40%, minimized security threats by 55%

    - Designed and tested 20 secure storage devices for AF data centers; improved performance and reliability by 70%

    - Lead 20 members in deployment of 6 firewalls; reduced risk level from 8 to 5 and increased protection from cyber threats by 80%

    - Installed and upgraded secure voice communication system; provided support to 250 personnel, improved mission resources by 40%

    - Provided technical expertise for intelligence systems; ensured network security for 3,000 personnel and 10,000 assets

    - Verified accuracy of network security protocols; identified 9 risks and implemented best practices to protect against malicious actors

    - Wrote 7 security protocols; developed precise workflow and procedures to maintain the system integrity and stability

    - Developed and implemented cloud-based mainframe system; enhanced security of 15,000 users and incurred no downtime

    - Led software installation team; completed upgrade of 20 computers in 2 days; improved information security

    - Led techs in successful installation of new LAN/WAN; improved speed/capacity by 400%--stabilized C2

    - Led troubleshooting of outages; isolated/resolved network problems--averted loss of critical data

    - Led upgrade of 5K ft fiber optic cable; improved network security/speed--ensured smooth transfer of data

    - Led WAN installation/support team; completed task 3 hours ahead of schedule; eliminated 1.5K user outage

    - Led web server upgrade support team; completed software installation in 2 hrs--restored full system access

    - Monitored Air Force network security; identified/quarantined 6 viruses--averted user outages/data losses

    - Monitored network performance; identified/fixed issues with routers--restored C2 of 1.2K users in 10 mins

    - Monitored network performance; identified/fixed issues with switches--restored C2 of 1.2K users in 10 mins

    - Monitored router and switch performance; identified/fixed issues--restored C2 of 1.2K users in 10 mins

    - Monitored system performance; identified/fixed issues with routers/switches--restored C2 of 1.2K users in 10 mins

    - Proactive network security efforts identified/quarantined 9 viruses--averted user outages/data losses

    - Reconfigured router to increase speed/capacity; improved network security/speed--ensured smooth transfer of data

    - Reconfigured router/switch to increase speed/capacity; improved network security/speed--ensured smooth transfer of data

    - Resolved critical web server issue; identified/fixed hardware issue--restored full system access in 2 hours

    - Resolved network issue; identified/fixed router/switch issue--restored C2 of 1.2K users in 10 minutes

    - Set up new LAN/WAN; improved speed/capacity by 400%--stabilized C2 and eliminated 1.5K user outage

    - Supported crash/recovery investigation; connected 12 PCs/1K ft wire--search started before vital info lost

    - Troubleshot outages; isolated/resolved network problems--averted loss of critical data

    - Upgraded server for 325th Medical Group; quadrupled storage capacity and processing speed

    - Upgraded 5K ft fiber optic cable; improved network security/speed--ensured smooth transfer of data

    - Installed new web server for 325th Medical Group; quintupled storage capacity and processing speed

    - Led network analysis team; proactive efforts ended 68 vulnerabilities--quarantined 18 viruses with no outages

    - Monitored Air Force network security; identified/quarantined 10 viruses--averted user outages/data losses

    - Proactive network security efforts identified/quarantined 15 viruses--averted user outages/data losses

    - Led classified dial-up access upgrade; increased speed 50%; expedited Homeland Defense sortie scheduling

    - Led crucial firewall flaw detection; performed in-service reconfiguration--purged unseen BAN vulnerabilities

    - Led techs in successful installation of new LAN/WAN; improved speed/capacity by 600%--stabilized C2

    - Reconfigured router/switch to increase speed/capacity; improved network security/speed--ensured rapid transfer of data

    - Led shop response to cable cut--orchestrated actions of 36 technicians; 160 users/three units up in 30 minutes

    - Led software installation team; completed upgrade of 25 computers in 3 days; improved information security

    - Led network printer repair team; fixed Legal Office print capability in 10 mins--restored full customer support

    - Led installation of new web server for 325th Medical Group; sextupled storage capacity and processing speed

    - Led DV suite network access team; provided/monitored connections--afforded C2 options for ten generals

    - Resolved critical web server issue; identified/fixed hardware issue--restored full system access in 1 hour

    - Monitored system performance; identified/fixed issues with routers/switches--restored C2 of 1.2K users in 8 mins

    - Led upgrade of 8K ft fiber optic cable; improved network security/speed--ensured smooth transfer of data

    - Led 45 troops during NCOIC s absence--oversaw completion of 100 work orders; sustained optimal efficiency

    - Managed tech evaluation/upgrade of 20K nodes; installed new software--15% more efficient C2 capability

    - Managed team for AFCC SIPRNET link; rerouted vital data for Homeland Defense--resolved in under 1 hour

    - Managed software upgrade of 500 switches; 40% more efficient--expedited Homeland Defense sortie scheduling

    - Managed team in $900K Battle Cab sys upgrade--installed 1,500 ft of cable--reestablished C2 in time for UFL 2006

    - Managed team troubleshooting switch problem; found/fixed 100 faulty devices--averted total network failure

    - Configured 150 routers/switches; tested/certified for USCENTCOM ops--100% compliant with AF security reqs

    - Configured 1 AF/CC SIPRNET link; rerouted vital data for Homeland Defense--resolved in under 45 mins

    - Configured 450 computers for new SIGINT software; tested/certified--enabled 16 ISR sorties/3K tgts captured

    - Configured 5 network ops centers; tracked/troubleshot 7K+ USCENTCOM outages...maintained 99.8% svc uptime

    - Configured bandwidth increase for 32 web sites; set up routing/cabling--uptime increased from 90% to 99.8%

    - Configured $34M in network equipment; tracked 850 pieces of hardware--100% accountability of AF assets

    - Configured system to support 100 new users; installed/tested hardware--enabled Homeland Defense flight scheduling

    - Configured software upgrade of 800 switches; 50% more efficient--expedited Homeland Defense sortie scheduling

    - Configured team in $1.2M Battle Cab sys upgrade--installed 2,000 ft of cable--reestablished C2 in time for UFL 2006

    - Configured team troubleshooting switch problem; found/fixed 140 faulty devices--averted total network failure

    - Monitored & validated information security posture of the Marine Air Ground Task Force--zero breaches detected

    - Monitored UHF/HF3 system & assess technical readiness--verified COMSEC convs & circ lines utmost integrity

    - Monitored/reviewed firewall logs & identified malicious app usage--quarantined system--saved base personnel/data

    - Optimized virtual/physical network hosting services--improved network reliability 5-fold/enabled remote access

    - Overhauled secure fileserver--upgraded/optimized encryption keys & authentication system--zero breaches reported

    - Performed data link maintenance; set-up 350 remote vpn paths & communicated w/20 networks--no loss of service

    - Performed secure router maintenance & upgraded communication protocols--improved throughput by 20%

    - Provisioned 225 access accounts; optimized user privileges for MS Exchange infrastructure--ensured DoD compliance

    - Recommended 25 hardware upgrades; flawlessly procured & installed system--saved installation cost $20K

    - Reverse engineered 30 integration issues; implemented 15 patches--improved efficiency on critical cmd apps

    - Setup Intranet with optimized cabling scheme; increased bandwidth by 3x while reducing loss to 6%

    - Set-up 10 gig cable infrastructure/task shop integrated system/intranet-- ensured 150MS latency/upto 195MB/s

    - Simulated/verified cell phone jamming efficacy of new equipment--effectively blocked signal carriers

    - Successfully debugged/repaired COMSEC system; enabled 3x faster signal transmittal--lowered data loss to 5 MBps

    - Tested/analyzed new router/switches for new communication system--approved for installation in classified domain

    - Troubleshot satellite access issue; corrected routing outages--effectively restored conduit 88Kbps to 12 Gbps

    - Utilized CBR to optimize server latency; improved throughput by 244% & averted potential failures

    - Validated shore-to-ship 800K/s data link connectivity/reliability--negligible latency/loss & optimal throughput

    - Validated/maintained 30 SCIP network accounts; optimized bandwidth & encrypted/secured file transfers

    - Verified/validated new cabling & connectivity infrastructure; routed up to 3.2Gbps--lowered latency by 45%

    - Virtualized production server, optimized access times and improved throughput; made available 5TB storage

    - Wrote complex network access control procedure; 25 admins precluded from systems based on clearance—secure

    - Overhauled legacy systems; ensured continuity of operations--enabled mission-critical comms throughout region

    - Oversaw 2,000-mile comm infrastructure upgrade; organized 124 techs--ensured on-time completion of project

    - Oversaw SIPRNET/JWICS installation; saved $1.2M in costs--migrated 6,000 users with zero downtime

    - Participated in migratory missions to Iraq; established high-speed SATCOM links--enforced 24/7 uptime

    - Participated in new AN/GSC-52 satellite link installation; enabled real-time, enterprise-level communications

    - Participated in FASTPAC mission; synchronized training exercises--ensured uninterrupted connectivity

    - Planned/implemented 88 network upgrades; improved network security and reliability--reduced work orders 15%

    - Prioritized AF-wide grid communications; minimized resource loss--picked up after power outages in 8 hrs

    - Proactively removed over 10,000 spammed emails from server; defended against compromise of critical services

    - Proactively repaired 80 digital circuits; ensured secure data transmissions--reduced system outages by 36%

    - Requested/obtained priority shipment of crypto equip; enabled secure SIPRNET comms--ensured continued ops

    - Researched/implemented DNS/DHCP updates; installed 8 secure protocols--eliminated all known security flaws

    - Served as NCC POC for visits by six generals; put in 20-hour day to direct actions--ensured uninterrupted connect

    - Set up secure VPN tunnel for classified comms; enabled secure exchange of data--eliminated need for hardcopy

    - Streamlined communication networks; improved reliability--reduced outages and maintenance time by 16%

    - Supervised construction/installation of 2,000-mile long T1 link; upgraded transmission capability by 25%

    - Supervised installation of VSAT network; optimized bandwidth--enabled 24/7 theater-wide communications

    - Supervised overseas LAN/WAN upgrade; improved network performance--sustained operational continuity

    - Synthesized 3 pilot training programs; reduced training time--ensured mission readiness within 18 hrs

    - Troubleshooted/replaced defective monitors; repaired/installed 110 devices--reduced support costs by 30%

    - Upgraded security protocols; optimized firewall performance--ensured secure data transfer from 40 locations

    - Validated backup systems; ensured mission-critical data backup--secured 100% lossless data transfer

    - Verified/upgraded computer networks/software; automated system processes--improved accuracy by 25%

    - Wrote blueprints for new network architecture; formed new backbone--reduced operational costs by 40%

    - Oversaw comm security sys upgrades; verified/posted new access codes--24/7 comm access for 200 users

    - Oversaw LAN/WAN installation; installed 300 nodes, seven switches/two routers--provided 200% more bandwidth

    - Oversaw long haul antenna upgrades; replaced 20 antennas/transceivers--ensured rapid/reliable info trans

    - Oversaw network security patching; increased key server throughput--enabled 800 users secure access

    - Oversaw software installation/config; installed 50 NIPR/SIPR workstations--provided 24/7 secure info access

    - Oversaw VoIP phone system installation; implemented system with 600 phones--enhanced customer service

    - Patched two server systems; upgraded OS/software patches--increased responsiveness 200%

    - Provided technical support; evaluated 25 scenarios/Created 30 solutions--enhanced combat capability

    - Re-enabled base Intranet; no page/file previously accessible--enabled 800 personnel secure data access

    - Reconfigured two LANs; installed four switches/one router--increased bandwidth 20X

    - Resolved 200 hardware/software conflicts; revised tech mx plans--increased efficiency/reduced downtime

    - Resolved six SIPRNET anomalies; tested/ debugged all components--ensured capability for 800 users

    - Restored mission-critical system; redesigned redundant link--improved reliability and decreased downtime

    - Secured NIPRNET/SIPRNET; digitalized 200 certifications/issued 400 access cards--enabled 1,000 users secure access

    - Set up five sites with 15 users each; installed 800 ports/200 digital phones--ensured secure/reliable comm

    - System-certified two networks; ensured compliance with NIST regulations--provided secure information access

    - Troubleshot 19 network errors; identified root cause and ensured database integrity--enabled team to meet deadlines

    - Upgraded legacy systems; reduced average troubleshooting time by 75%--provided 24/7 secure info access

    - Verified comm security; tested/analyzed 100 nodes/30 routers--secured Homeland Defense operations

    - War-proofed network; updated/verified 150 nodes/60 routers--increased capability/reliability of 450 users

    - Configured 400 routers and switches; enabled secure access to 600 end systems--increased capability/reliability

    - Deployed 100 routers/switches; managed three projects with 8 NCOs--improved comm access for 500 users

    - Established secure file server; created/uploaded 500 files--provided 24/7 secure info access to 400 users

    - Installed three large antenna arrays; provided high-speed comm access--enabled 800 users reliable access

    - Maintained network security; repaired 10 nodes/12 routers--secured Homeland Defense operations

    - Monitored 15 nodes/eight servers; ensured compliance with NIST regulations--enabled secure info access

    - Updated server software; ran 150 maintenance checks/tested 100 circuits--improved reliability of 1,500 users

    - Prepared monthly status report; analyzed 81+ remote logins--ensured 100% accuracy w/zero network outages

    - Ran nightly security scans; identified 8 malicious activities--prevented virus spread through network

    - Secured additional $50K in funding for cyber transport projects--allowed new mission sets to be added

    - Streamlined user authentication process; reduced log in time by 50%--enabled mission time to increase by 25%

    - Supervised security clearance of 25 personnel; cleared 12 in three days--enabled personnel to deploy on time

    - Tracked cyber transport system performance metrics; identified 11 loopholes--developed mitigation plans

    - Updated security protocols; introduced new standards--increased overall network security by 20%

    - Validated 402 system configurations; ensured 100% accuracy--no Class A/B mishaps over 700 flights

    - Vigilantly monitored network connections; detected unauthorized access--effectively prevented malicious activities

    - Built a secure server for sensitive data; incorporated encryption protocols--protected data from cyber-attacks

    - Conducted cybersecurity training sessions for personnel; improved overall security awareness--reduced vulnerability from attacks

    - Developed a maintenance plan for cyber transport systems; ensured systems were up to date--enhanced network performance

    - Evaluated antivirus software; installed newest version--reduced the risk of malicious activities

    - Implemented new firewall protections; strengthen security--prevented unauthorized access to internal networks

    - Monitored system logs; identified malicious activity--responded and removed threats before they caused damage

    - Optimized transport system; improved data flow--maximized mission efficiency and ensured optimal performance

    - Reconfigured network settings; enhanced security--increased data protection and minimized risk of exposure

    - Tested all software applications; identified and corrected errors--ensured systems were operating at optimal levels

    - Verified system updates; identified discrepancies--took corrective action and resolved potential issues

    - Applied patches to 30+ systems; closed 150+ serious vulnerabilities--secured network with zero mission stoppage

    - Carried out security evaluations; identified potential vulnerabilities--ensured systems were compliant with regulations

    - Developed controls for cyber transport procedures; improved operational efficiency--reduced downtime by 20%

    - Investigated system anomalies; identified and corrected errors--prevented mission disruptions and costly repairs

    - Managed project budget; monitored expenditures--made sure to stay within allocated funds

    - Oversaw network installation at 23 remote locations--maximized connectivity and access for 6K personnel

    - Provided technical support to personnel; troubleshot issues--resolved problems quickly and minimized downtime

    - Predicted issues before they occurred; alerted senior mgmt--ultimately enhancing efficiency & increasing uptime

    - Pre-scheduled massive data transfer; synchronized relevant info--returned operational control to AFSC in hours

    - Preparing for two-year upgrade; worked 40 hrs/wk--sustained $17M in networks; met deadlines & exceeded expectations

    - Prepared technicians for C2 at B-2 Bomber Wing; coordinated WAN & LAN troubleshooting--resulted in 99% success rate

    - Presented 3C2 tasking to NCOA & FW/CC; evaluated tech requirements--ensured C2 reliability across multiple locations

    - Presented AF's most detailed cyber security plan; tested & retested--ensured safety of classified data & lives of 12K

    - Probed advanced malware & viruses; identified fraudulent traffic sources--secured SCIF networks & avoided data loss

    - Processed 500 TMS orders; received kudos from MAJCOM/SAF--resulted in the highest mission capability rate in AF

    - Produced tech management plan; oversaw 2K personnel--met 95% of all deadlines & ensured peak performance

    - Promoted to lead section through successful transition of 6 tasks; exceeded AFSC standards by 24%

    - Promoted to lead section; inspected Cyber Transport divisions--confirmed 95% of mission requirements met/exceeded

    - Proposed innovative policy for AFSC cyber transport; briefed SES/SAF--created critical cyber security posture

    - Provided extensive technical training; worked with 3 branches--delivered $3M in crypto equipment on-time & on-budget

    - Protected 4K+ personnel from malicious hacks; developed new protocol--increased data integrity & enhanced security

    - Proved successful in cyber security issues; predicted & corrected--guaranteed safety of classified information

    - Queried & ported internet protocol; identified weak points--ensured AFSC 3D1X2 Cyber Transport system integrity

    - Rebuilt TMS & refined install criteria; led 5 teams--ensured mission capability of 82K personnel in 24 hrs

    - Reconfigured software applications; modernized site--increased node availability to 2K personnel in 2 hrs

    - Recruited & trained 15 NCOs within 6 mo; developed tech admin plan--ensured $17M in data networks safe & secure

    - Re-engineered communication systems; increased bandwidth--saved AFSC $2.5M/yr & safeguarded classified info

    - Re-invented AFSC IT security measures; evaluated existing best practices--drastically reduced cyber threats

    - Re-wrote online user manuals in 6 languages; enabled global access--ensured AFSC 3D1X2 Cyber Transport compliance

    - Resolved critical network issue; coordinated w/SCIF personnel--saved $2.5M in system repairs & increased uptime 50%

    - Resolved tech issues; met customer requests--got $20K in off-site accounts up & running in 24 hrs

    - Provisioned two new network switches; quadrupled bandwidth and improved latency; reduced IT footprint

    - Reallocated fiber optics cable to new fiber switch; improved capacity of network; reduced downtime by 8%

    - Reconfigured network devices; quadrupled base-wide bandwidth; improved data throughput of critical systems

    - Refreshed Windows OS on 254 workstations & laptops; ensured 100% compliance of security protocols for 750 users

    - Re-instated security protocols for 2K workstations; protected data integrity and authorized personnel access

    - Replaced faulty cables; restored data throughput; saved $2K in system downtime/data loss

    - Reported network incidents; monitored activity/config changes; identified & remediated zero-day threats

    - Researched & submitted request for additional device licenses; ensured 100% uptime & eliminated downtime

    - Responded & implemented quick action to protect data integrity & secure base systems after malicious attack

    - Restored base's Windows server; minimized downtime & ensured continuity of operations--zero data loss reported

    - Resolved conflict between legacy systems & new software; ensured 100% uptime/compliance of security protocols

    - Revamped base-wide network infrastructure; tripled bandwidth/improved latency; reduced IT footprint by 30%

    - Secured base LAN networks; enabled access control; monitored system & user activity 24/7

    - Secured data integrity & authorized personnel access to confidential network data; zero discrepancies reported

    - Set up new fiber backbone; quadrupled bandwidth & improved latency; reduced IT footprint by 18%

    - Streamlined secure acquisition protocol; reduced collaboration time by 20%; enabled efficient logistics tracking

    - Succeeded in implementing/configuring base-wide Wi-Fi access; enabled ops/training w/o need for login/password

    - Tested/researched software for potential vulnerabilities; identified 14 security issues & provided resolution options

    - Troubleshot, diagnosed, & resolved 2K hardware/software issues; ensured 100% uptime & zero data loss

    - Upgraded base-wide computer systems; enabled secure data access & ensured compliance of security protocols

    - Utilized network sensing/monitoring tools to identify & respond to threats; enabled zero-day threat detection

    - Verified connection reliability; monitored system/user activity; identified & remediated zero-day threats

    - Virtualized base-wide network; quadrupled bandwidth & improved latency; reduced IT footprint by 45%

    - Wrote predictive analytics algorithms to detect malicious attack/software vulnerabilities; provided solutions

    - Installed new firewall; allowed high-speed access to the base's LAN; improved security with no downtime

    - Optimized data security; created new encryption-decryption protocols; enabled safe and secure data transmission

    - Conducted surveillance of base's LAN networks; monitored system/user activity 24/7; identified intrusions

    - Developed contingency plans to respond to potential cyber threats; identified vulnerabilities & improved security

    - Provided advanced cyber security training to personnel; enabled secure data access & ensured compliance of protocols

    - Deployed base-wide data-loss prevention tools; monitored system/user activity 24/7; ensured zero data loss

    - Re-configured network switches; quadrupled bandwidth & improved latency; reduced IT footprint by 22%

    - Developed test automation scripts; identified & resolved 142 software issues; ensured 100% uptime & zero data loss

    - Set up intrusion detection system; enabled zero-day threat detection; improved security of base's LAN networks

    - Utilized access control systems to monitor personnel access to the base's LAN; enabled secure data access

    - Installed software patch for all 2K workstations; ensured 100% compliance of security protocols & zero discrepancies

    - Researched & procured new hardware/software; enabled secure data access & ensured compliance of security protocols

    - Diagnosed, resolved & tested software & hardware issues in base-wide network; improved performance by 8%

    - Replaced faulty cables; restored data throughput; saved $3K in system downtime/data loss

    - Provided wireless communications support; enabled secure data access & ensured compliance of security protocols

    - Optimized throughput to reduce file transfer lag time--improved network response by 30%

    - Installed extra CAT6 runs; enhanced base-wide comm; made base operational; facilitated rapid response

    - Evaluated/replaced faulty communication link in airborne surveillance unit; restored remote link in minutes

    - Implemented problem fixes; obtained full CNSS pkgs for DCS fiber testing--inspected connectivity in less than 4 mins.

    - Constructed unique Cyber Lab for 3D1X2 Cyber Transport operations--conducted first-ever contingency training

    - Established integral Security LAN network control; enabled real-time C2--enhanced digital infrastructure

    - Developed tactile troubleshooting solutions--greatly simplified wide area network maintenance

    - Published detailed diagram/procedures for VTC ops--ensured long-term continuity--provided critical trng tool

    - Constructed Red Hat system for FCOS/T IC2C2 services--supported critical cyber operations

    - Published comprehensive graphical diagrams--integrated new critical hardware into existing networks

    - Developed innovative protocol for airspace surveillance comm--improved network transmission by 25%

    - Constructed Airspace Surveillance LAN network--reliably provided real-time data comms in minutes

    - Reengineered DCS; upgraded 2.5GB to 10GB--streamlined C2 during peak ops

    - Reengineered SMES; provided AI capabilities--reduced personnel workload by 40%

    - Reengineered network management system; patched 80 servers--improved security of F-16 and F-22 systems

    - Reengineered TACLANE configuration; doubling capacity--improved real-time ops data and video transfer

    - Reanalyzed backbone architecture; improved fault tolerance--averted six major outages in 4th QTR

    - Reestablished lost remote connection; reactivated wireline feed--mission-critical C2 viable in < 10 minutes

    - Re-routed redundant backup; averted entire squadron outage--ensured vital F-16 upgrades were completed on-time

    - Re-routed wireless to wireless; maintained reliable data transfer over 600 miles--assured C2 during long-range ops

    - Restored 8 AFSC networks; created secure redundant paths--enabled 9K personnel access to intranet

    - Restructured 3 AFSC networks; reimplemented redundancy--ensured secure access for 2,000 users

    - Resolved global AF airworthiness issue; returned 120 aircraft to flight status--cut maintenance backlog

    - Resolved unstable IP routing; restored key command & control communications--enabled SECAF approval of 12K munitions

    - Resurrected 20-year-old KG-175/CSCS; reactivated secure radio/data link--restored vital C2 to 74 bases

    - Reconfigured downlink encryption; restored secure data transfer--guaranteed F-35 control & operations

    - Re-established secure connection; routed data through new network--enabled real-time access to mission-critical intelligence

    - Re-architected AFSC network; provided redundant backups--averted outages & assured 24/7 operations

    - Revamped 1024-bit encryption; updated SIPRNet security--enabled secure comms for 878 mission-critical personnel

    - Rebuilt legacy F-111 systems; reactivated secure datalink--restored vital operations for 95th Bomber Squadron

    - Remapped 3 AFSC networks; provided fault-tolerance--averted 10 major outages in 4th QTR

    - Reconfigured C2 satellite; enabled secure COM--guaranteed 6000 personnel ongoing real-time access

    - Restructured network architecture; upgraded 400 nodes--ensured reliable communications during Exercise Coronet Nighthawk

    - Revamped network; upgraded 50 switches--saved C2 $20K/yr due to averted outages

    - Reconfigured routers; reinstated secure air-ground C2 comms--10K personnel access to mission-critical data real-time

    - Reconfigured server clusters; provided 75% faster access--enabled real-time ops for Warfighter Information Network-Tactical

    - Re-architected GIG/AFN/DHA; ensured mission-critical uptime--enabled secure comms for 8500 support personnel

    - Resolved AF/JCS IP routing glitch; averted C2 outage--restored vital comms for Air Mobility Command

    - Rebuilt AFSC network; provided fault-tolerance & redundancy--averted outages & assured 24/7 operations for 6000 personnel

    - Reconfigured TACLANE device; restored key C2 access within 15 minutes--ensured SECAF approval of 200 munitions

    - Reengineered SEADS network; increased bandwidth by 500%--sped secure sharing of mission-critical data with OIF units

    - Rectified Air Force network connection; reconfigured equipment and restored immediate access to pilot training exercises

    - Re-routed redundant backup; averted 10 base outages--ensured 493 operational F-35s were mission ready

    - Resolved network interface port issue; restored Base Ops data feed--increased accuracy 150%

    - Resolved packet fragmentation issue; improved mail server throughput 45%

    - Reengineered AFNET services; implemented system-wide resilience--provided failover for 60+ sites

    - Repaired long-distance router; recovered Air Force-wide .mil accounts--sustained mission-critical operations

    - Reprogrammed AFmessage router; optimized Air Force message traffic--improved performance 15%

    - Replaced modem pool drive; eliminated intermittent connectivity issues--saved base $20K on new system

    - Replaced old PBX switch; increased stability and reliability of network--reduced downtime 20%

    - Rebuilt San Antonio Air Logistics Center T1 circuit; improved speed and reliability--enabled faster response time

    - Refurbished Air Mobility Command router; optimized network performance--completely restored DoD network

    - Refurbished Voice over IP (VoIP) system; increased system uptime--provided faster response time for tactical ops

    - Reengineered online Air Force forms; improved user experience--enabled automated filing process with zero errors

    - Rebuilt communications bridge; implemented Army-AF data link--reduced transmission latency by 20%

    - Repaired virtual private network (VPN); restored secure access to off-site systems--prevented data loss

    - Resolved network congestion issues; reduced latency on key Air Force systems--boosted mission readiness

    - Resolved power issues at remote facility; restored C2 link to fighter squadron--enabled mission success

    - Rebuilt SIPRNet circuit; improved performance and reduced congestion--improved fourth estate communication

    - Replaced security system for Senior Leadership; increased security levels by 20%--prevented data breach

    - Repaired satellite uplink controller; increased reliability of system--enabled faster response to mission changes

    - Replaced base wireless router; improved wireless connectivity--enabled faster response time to incoming orders

    - Reconfigured network encryption; enabled secure access to classified networks--provided secure remote access

    - Reengineered network monitoring system; identified potential vulnerabilities--prevented possible attack

    - Replaced faulty router link; decreased packet loss from 10% to 0.3%--improved response times for mission-critical operations

    - Replaced 27 nodes for routine maintenance; optimized server performance--reduced downtime 20%

    - Replaced failed modem in record time; prevented C2 disruption--ensured 100% connectivity to CENTCOM

    - Replaced faulty connector on PAR controller--temporary repair maintained 90% of capability--averted $25K repair

    - Replaced faulty PAR fan--prevented system failure and ensured 100% control of one network--missions successful

    - Replaced PAR circuitry--maintained airfield operations--each mission ran at optimal levels--saved $18K in labor

    - Replaced damaged antenna--instantaneously restored primary defense position of airspace--saved 26 hours of downtime

    - Replaced defective ASR monitor--upgraded system to meet new requirements--ensured 24-hour coverage of airspace

    - Replaced damaged PAR motor--ensured full operational capability--restored PAR radar coverage in record time

    - Reprogrammed C2 router; restored SIPRNet security--network returned to operational level--saved 3 days of downtime

    - Reprogrammed PAR uplink to repair glitches--full operational capability Restored--saved $25K in contractor costs

    - Troubleshot ASR systems fault at critical moment--restored 80% of capability in 10 minutes--averted 9 days of red time

    - Troubleshot BCS-F test circuit failures--cleared airfield for mission--saved $500 in contractor costs

    - Troubleshot faulty C2 web page; restored mission schedule--100% U.S. airspace coverage, POTUS protection

    - Troubleshot malfunctioning PAR system--restored speed and accuracy of primary defense position--saved 40 hours of downtime

    - Troubleshot PAR upgrade--upgraded to increase speed and accuracy--ensured 24-hour coverage of airspace

    - Troubleshot PAR waveguide coupler failure--temporary fix restored back-up channel--averted 5 days of red time

    - Repaired motor failure on ASR system--innovative idea saved $32K part and averted 3-day supply delay

    - Repaired BCS-F test circuit; again prevented crippling delays--saved AF $500 in contractor costs

    - Replaced defective PAR fan--prevented system failure and ensured 100% control of one network--missions successful

    - Troubleshot PAR upgrade--upgraded to increase speed and accuracy--ensured 24-hour coverage of airspace

    - Replaced outdated hubs with switches at 823 RHS; speed increase ended data errors--users up from 48 to 96

    - Programmed ASR channel to fix glitches--restored full operational capability--saved $25K in contractor costs

    - Repaired classified server; reconfigured router in 2 hours--key C2 message support for Homeland Defense

    - Repaired Northeast Air Defense Sector link; reprogrammed bad crypto--ensured 100% U.S. airspace coverage

    - Repaired broken ASR waveguide coupler--temporary fix restored back-up channel--averted 5 days downtime

    - Repaired faulty PAR remoting equipment--restored system during critical outage--prevented 1-week red time

    - Reprogrammed C2 router; restored SIPRNet security--network returned to operational level--saved 3 days of downtime

    - Replaced PAR circuitry--maintained airfield operations--each mission ran at optimal levels--saved $18K in labor

    - Replaced faulty connector on PAR controller--temporary repair maintained 90% of capability--averted $25K repair

    - Replaced damaged antenna--instantaneously restored primary defense position of airspace--saved 26 hours of downtime

    - Repaired motor during ASR channel failure--innovative idea saved $32K part and averted 3-day supply delay

    - Replaced damaged PAR motor--ensured full operational capability--restored PAR radar coverage in record time

    - Repaired ASR interface in half normal time--regained 100% target control in 20 minutes--restored flight safety

    - Repaired airfield communication console; replaced touch entry display--returned primary position to 100%

    - Restored video teleconference capabilities; repaired faulty router--facilitated 2-way Intel comms to 350 Airmen

    - Restructured 826th ABW network; replaced/reprogrammed 6 switches--restored secure comms to 2K pilots/maintainers

    - Re-enabled encrypted link; tested firewalls/IPS--ensured secure data transmission to remote UAV operations team

    - Re-engineered 325 OG network; replaced 4 routers--restored mission-critical comms to 400 Airmen in 3 hours

    - Re-established AFNet for 94th ARW; re-enabled base-wide access--restored comms to 5K Airmen in less than 2 hrs

    - Re-established communications link; enabled data transmission to 500 Airmen in support of wartime ops

    - Re-established secure link; re-routed/repaired faulty circuits--facilitated uninterrupted comms to 2K personnel

    - Re-established video teleconference link; repaired faulty router--restored two-way Intel comms to 350 Airmen

    - Re-installed security patches; updated firewall settings--ensured secure transfer of sensitive data to remote sites

    - Repaired 450th SFS network; replaced faulty router--restored mission-critical data access to 1K personnel

    - Repaired crashed C2 network; replaced faulty router--restored data access to 200 personnel in less than 3 hrs

    - Repaired faulty satellite link; re-routed circuit--restored secure comms to 740 personnel in support of wartime ops

    - Replaced 200 outdated network devices for 95 FS; restored mission-critical data access to 1.2K personnel

    - Replaced faulty router for 375 FW; re-established secure link--enabled data transmission to 500 Airmen

    - Replaced faulty router in 315 NM; re-enabled secure link--restored data transfer to 2K personnel in under 2 hrs

    - Replaced outdated network equipment for 477 AMXS; restored secure comms to 600 personnel in support of wartime ops

    - Replaced two faulty switches; re-established secure link--restored comms to 3.2K personnel in support of wartime ops

    - Reset 15 routers; re-enabled secure link--restored data transfer to 3.5K personnel in support of wartime ops

    - Reset 6 firewalls; reconfigured security settings--enabled secure transfer of sensitive data to remote sites

    - Restored 325 MXS network for 1.2K personnel; replaced 3 routers--restored mission-critical data access in 2 hours

    - Restored 945th AW network; replaced faulty router--restored mission-critical data access to 2K personnel

    - Restored 962nd AACS network; replaced outdated router--restored mission-critical data access to 500 personnel

    - Set up new Cisco router and VPN connection to encrypted channels; 1st in nation/no data loss--$100k saved

    - Simulated 70 hrs of communications satellite operations to verify capacity and performance

    - Tested and released custom web-host application with integrated FTP improvements, reducing user time by 22%

    - Troubleshot and fixed server issue in under 16 hrs; restored mission data and minimized mission delay

    - Traced system malfunctions, located errors and restored three systems in less than 6 hrs--mission success!

    - Upgraded four mainframe servers with new software and Firewalls, ensuring accountability of data--$700k savings

    - Verified network security postures met or exceeded all DoD and Air Force standards with zero non-compliances

    - Virtualized data storage with reliable backup capabilities; reduce system crashes from 78% to 5% in 3 months

    - Wrote 12 machine-level scripts to automate helpdesk processes, allowing 14% reduction in man-hours

    - Configured, tested and implemented 4 remote access systems; allowed multi-level access control in 12 days

    - Developed new NetWare network for two operational locations; redefined architecture with 100% success

    - Edited and updated 50K web pages for web accessibility; organized content for easy web accessibilty

    - Established secure access control between two locations, facilitating faster sharing of mission critical data

    - Evaluated/analyzed 20K new emails/IPs; developed security policy & procedures to strengthen cyber protection

    - Installed system updates on seven servers; patched security flaws to ensure continuity of operations

    - Monitored and adjusted system ports to meet DOD standard requirements; reduced unnecessary traffic by 35%

    - Prepared and distributed over 5K training aids for computer security; 5% increase in network security

    - Recovered data from crashed server within 24 hrs of hardware installation; ensured data integrity/no loss

    - Updated security systems; resolved vulnerabilities & deficiencies--new firewalls & multi-level authentication

    - Enhanced network system automation procedures; reduced process time by 25%--released in under 16 hrs

    - Developed patch matrix to prioritize and install proposed software updates; streamlined ASI out of 6 days

    - Created a 3-tiered security system; implemented sophisticated firewall measures to prevent malicious activities

    - Installed four high-level encryption systems to ensure secure data protection; undetectable by external sources

    - Developed an educational program on cyber security; educated 1,800 personnel on cyber threats in 3 days

    - Created better storage infrastructure for digital data; successfully enabled transfer of information with no loss

    - Locally analyzed over 5,000 files for malicious content; identified and removed 9 viruses posing security risk

    - Configured and tested 2 high-bandwidth databases; delivered fully-functional system in 9 days with no downtime

    - Developed data encryption protocols for two facilities; improved security for 50,000 personnel in 4 days

    - Developed multiple secure VPN/SSL tunnels between several operational locations; ensured protected data access

    - Tested and implemented new antispam/anti-malware measures; false-positive rate reduced from 11% to 0.2%

    - Established online communication platform between two locations; enabled real-time communications in 5 days

    - Consolidated user profiles in three locations; verified interoperability of mission systems; correct in 7 days

    - Installed firewalls and established intrusion detection systems, ensuring secure information exchange in 8 days

    - Developed backup plans to ensure no data loss in case of cyber attack; successfully implemented in 10 days

    - Established programs to monitor internet sites and other communications links; identified over 200 security threats

    - Configured existing systems to compress files sizes and enable faster data transfer; accomplished in 2 days

    - Implemented a secure environment so third-party vendors can access systems without compromising security

    - Designed and implemented an automated system to detect IP address sessions for malicious activity detection

    - Updated and tested security systems for secure information exchange between two server rooms; released in 7 days

    - Set up new Cisco router and VPN connection to encrypted channels; 1st in nation/no data loss--$100k saved

    - Simulated 70 hrs of communications satellite operations to verify capacity and performance

    - Tested and released custom web-host application with integrated FTP improvements, reducing user time by 22%

    - Troubleshot and fixed server issue in under 16 hrs; restored mission data and minimized mission delay

    - Traced system malfunctions, located errors and restored three systems in less than 6 hrs--mission success!

    - Upgraded four mainframe servers with new software and Firewalls, ensuring accountability of data--$700k savings

    - Verified network security postures met or exceeded all DoD and Air Force standards with zero non-compliances

    - Virtualized data storage with reliable backup capabilities; reduce system crashes from 78% to 5% in 3 months

    - Wrote 12 machine-level scripts to automate helpdesk processes, allowing 14% reduction in man-hours

    - Configured, tested and implemented 4 remote access systems; allowed multi-level access control in 12 days

    - Developed new NetWare network for two operational locations; redefined architecture with 100% success

    - Edited and updated 50K web pages for web accessibility; organized content for easy web accessibilty

    - Established secure access control between two locations, facilitating faster sharing of mission critical data

    - Evaluated/analyzed 20K new emails/IPs; developed security policy & procedures to strengthen cyber protection

    - Installed system updates on seven servers; patched security flaws to ensure continuity of operations

    - Monitored and adjusted system ports to meet DOD standard requirements; reduced unnecessary traffic by 35%

    - Prepared and distributed over 5K training aids for computer security; 5% increase in network security

    - Recovered data from crashed server within 24 hrs of hardware installation; ensured data integrity/no loss

    - Updated security systems; resolved vulnerabilities & deficiencies--new firewalls & multi-level authentication

    - Enhanced network system automation procedures; reduced process time by 25%--released in under 16 hrs

    - Developed patch matrix to prioritize and install proposed software updates; streamlined ASI out of 6 days

    - Created a 3-tiered security system; implemented sophisticated firewall measures to prevent malicious activities

    - Installed four high-level encryption systems to ensure secure data protection; undetectable by external sources

    - Developed an educational program on cyber security; educated 1,800 personnel on cyber threats in 3 days

    - Created better storage infrastructure for digital data; successfully enabled transfer of information with no loss

    - Locally analyzed over 5,000 files for malicious content; identified and removed 9 viruses posing security risk

    - Configured and tested 2 high-bandwidth databases; delivered fully-functional system in 9 days with no downtime

    - Developed data encryption protocols for two facilities; improved security for 50,000 personnel in 4 days

    - Developed multiple secure VPN/SSL tunnels between several operational locations; ensured protected data access

    - Tested and implemented new antispam/anti-malware measures; false-positive rate reduced from 11% to 0.2%

    - Established online communication platform between two locations; enabled real-time communications in 5 days

    - Consolidated user profiles in three locations; verified interoperability of mission systems; correct in 7 days

    - Installed firewalls and established intrusion detection systems, ensuring secure information exchange in 8 days

    - Developed backup plans to ensure no data loss in case of cyber attack; successfully implemented in 10 days

    - Established programs to monitor internet sites and other communications links; identified over 200 security threats

    - Configured existing systems to compress files sizes and enable faster data transfer; accomplished in 2 days

    - Implemented a secure environment so third-party vendors can access systems without compromising security

    - Designed and implemented an automated system to detect IP address sessions for malicious activity detection

    - Updated and tested security systems for secure information exchange between two server rooms; released in 7 days

    - Systematically ran 200+ cables; tested, documented & cert'd--provided faster comms/mission assurance for HHQ

    - Technical expert for Combat Camera A/V team; confidently fielded $640K equip & provided mission-critical spt

    - Tested/upgraded 3500+ software images; employed 900+ system configurations/supported 4K personnel world-wide

    - Troubleshot problems with airman’s webmail--enhanced security & reliability; improved system availability & security

    - Troubleshot wireless networking issue--restored connectivity to 1.2K users/3K+ mbps traffic/increased throughput 50%

    - Troubleshot/resolved software/hardware issues; reduced customer wait time/increased customer satisfaction 40%

    - Upgraded/reconfigured software firewall; hardened network--protected 5K users & their data from malicious attacks

    - Utilized state-of-the-art routers & switches; replaced outdated equipment/increased efficiency 20%/cost savings $60K

    - Verified/installed 900+ software updates; increased system security/corrected 13K+ discrepancies, averted 1K+ hrs

    - Victoried out/replaced 350 cellular radios--saved $35K in repair costs/automated 15+ internal/external systems

    - Virtualized distributed cloud infrastructure; lowered latency/moved 10K+ users/data to new server without service interruptions

    - Volume controlled via GUI software; increased flow rate & decreased latency/increased user satisfaction 20%

    - Wrote/edited scripting; upgraded hardware & s/w; optimized backend memory--gained 20% response time improvement

    - Wrote/provided technical network documentation; standardizing 1.5K mgrs/stdizing 25K+ devices/saving $20K+

    - Upgraded KAOC network/secured 2.5K users/ensured interoperability--enabled reduce mission response time 33%

    - Monitored/analyzed data/traffic flow--instrumental in providing 24/7/365 coverage--stabilizing .mil networks

    - Re-architected virtualized systems/connectivity; increased reliability & performance/prevented 99% network failure

    - Redesigned inter-circuit links; optimized speed on 8K+ ckts/enabled capability for 5K user increase/cut $20K in upgrade costs

    - Resolved problems with 20+ wireless cards; saved $50K in replacement & downtime costs/enabled smooth ops at 2K mbps

    - Revamped 1.5K-node KAOC ntwk; provided hardening/config'd 25K+ devices/enabled secure/reliable coverage for 5K users

    - Configured high-availability secure connection from USAF HQ; increased service availability & uptime by 30%

    - Devised 500+ patch updates for Cisco IOS/saved 5K mx hrs/reduced patch errors by 99% & enhanced network security

    - Leveraged existing network devices; realigned circuits to increase redundancy/cut 8K mx hrs/saved 5K upgrade costs

    - Planned/activated CAT3 cabling for KAOC ops/upgraded 30K+ interfaces, increased throughput 200%, eliminated service outages

    - Rebuilt/configured dual-deck modems; increased remote access speed 33%/provided 2K users reliable connection/reduced downtime

    - Redesigned switching modules/enhanced KAOC network connections/upgraded system to bandwidth/increased speed 35%

    - Repaired/upgraded 15+ modems/ensured secure access to 4K users/minimized call disruptions/increased throughput 2K mbps

    - Selected most efficient hardware/software components/reduced data utilization/decreased response time 33%/saved 5K in costs

    - Successfully maintained cryptographic devices; kept 1000s of customers secure on their networks

    - Meticulously installed 8 VOIP phones; coordinated $2K purchase--satisfied requirements for new training center

    - Fluently instructed network security training classes; educated 35 Airmen--created operations baseline

    - Proactively updated Autonomic Logistics Information System; maintained 100% accountability of classified data

    - Constructed 500' antenna line; enabled data/telephony transmission--facilitated global C2 connectivity

    - Commanded tech support on high visibility C2 projects; coordinated efforts of 4 NCOs/25 Airmen--enhanced C2

    - Completed cabling/testing of 10 IP networks; ensured prompt activation--kept projected schedule on track

    - Constructed secure Ethernet bridge; permitted data/voice avail on SIPRNET--implemented at multiple sites

    - Strategically planned mission success; designed/tested mobile network calibration for 90-day deployment

    - Expertly diagnosed network problems; pinpointed source of C2 latency...increased effective real-time data

    - Installed Joint telecom Systems; connected 11 countries--advanced global C2/ISR capabilities

    - Accurately assessed C2 impact of noncompliant hardware/software; implemented mitigation plans on schedule

    - Perfected design/installation of new Wide Area Network; improved C2 speed/uptime by 200%

    - Authored LAN troubleshooting guide; fielded to 500 technicians--eliminated network issues in <5 hrs

    - Spearheaded development of training material; educated over 200 technicians--enabled seamless global security

    - Promptly responded to automated systems failure; resolved shutdown of AFSC training site--preventing $1M loss

    - Thoroughly documented installation of classified networks; ensured greater security--prevented data leakage

    - Managed comprehensive C2 vulnerability inspection; reported all software discrepancies--improved security posture

    - Verified connectivity of HQ Command Post; maintained accuracy of worldwide command/control info

    - Installed 20 multifunction IP phones; coordinated upgrade of data cabling--improved communications system

    - Rescued 1500 users from failed network outage; restored C2 system--averted loss of mission essential capability

    - Established wireless signal booster; restored local access to remote bases-ensured reliable long distance signal

    - Performed complex network patching; reconfigured 12 servers in remote C2 location--improved transmission of data

    - Managed construction of local access network; coordinated installation of 2 routers/associated software--ensured C2 continuity

    - Developed C2 interface for client/server sys; installed at four sites--streamlined missile defense control processes

    - Analyzed vulnerabilities of 15 servers; optimized code/OS to streamline maintenance--increased reliability/response rates

    - Expertly configured C2 security parameters; improved architecture of 325-lan system--enabled secure operations

    - Ensured soundproofing of C2 center; minimized sound interference and optimized transmission security

    - Upgraded encryption algorithms; protected classified data/missions--averted potential loss of vital info

    - Performed cyber vulnerability inspections; identified/patched infected systems--blocked malicious attacks

    - Personally led training of 30 Airmen on C2 technology; ensured effective operations at two remote bases

    - Redesigned WAN/CAN system architecture; improved regional C2 capabilities--enabled rapid response planning

    - Unboxed/Installed 17 AFSC-def network elements; complete inventory control--passed second-party audit

    - Verified/Updated USTRANSCOM remote access; 163 nodes checked--confirmed 24/7 4K user support

    - Wrote Tech Control Facilities shutdown proced;} completed 16 SOPs--bldg secured/cleared for trpl-shift ops

    - Cataloged Cyber Transport inventories; 5K assets/resources identified/tracked--ground troops mission success

    - Maintained continuity of operations; ensured 24/7/365 access for 7K personnel--cleared delayed mission objectives

    - Supported CybernetOps; diagnosed/fixed 75% of user connectivity issues--saved $60K by limiting service contracts

    - Monitored/Lead Field Network Ops; proactively maintained 922 firewalls--mission-critical data secured/protected

    - Responded to 5 emergency service tickets; repaired sites in 4 hrs-- reduced downtime from 8 hrs to nil

    - Troubleshooted/Maintained 10K+ user accounts; provided 3K users 2FA authentication--secured 45 mil data credentials

    - Maintained/Restored ATT circuit; 550 mi trunk line installed/tested--mission-critical resources verified/removed

    - Troubleshot/Replaced media conversion hub at DFAS site; saved $24K in fiber costs--reinstated 1K user access

    - Executed FRCNE ADPE custodian duties; weighed/inventoried $78K worth of equipment--secured mission success

    - Restored $19K mission-critical connection; fault-isolated down link/revived--averted 18 Air Force sortie cancellations

    - Certified Cisco IOS Firewall training; instructed 11 network tech--ensured 8K personnel secure access 24/7

    - Retrofitted 100+ routers; mirrored/upgraded OS--replaced faulty core modem--enabled secure, modulated traffic

    - Troubleshot degraded T1 circ, filed trouble ticket and fixed mission-critical link in <35 min--averted 16 sortie cancellations

    - Led CKT exercise; developed, instructed, assessed 54 techs--enhanced 36K remote user security/privacy ops

    - Configured/Installed AFSC-def servers; 100 servers tested/checked--secured 24/7 8K mission-ready user accounts

    - Troubleshot VoIP circuits, identified/cleared out-of-spec modem--prevented 60K+ AF personnel from loss of service

    - Maintained NMCI circuit, configured/tested X million miles worth of cable--ensured 24/7 data transfer for 7K personnel

    - Reinstalled Hyperion Server Cluster; cleared equipment/servers--averted mission-critical downtime

    - Customized/Installed Communications Security equipment; ensured secure network access--enabled secure airfield ops

    - Upgraded USTRANSCOM TNS ANR router; replaced faulty processor--ensured 1K remote user access 24/7

    - Accessed/Downgraded 110 ft of copper wiring; identified/eliminated faulty units--restored 9K user remote access

    - Enabled disaster reset operation; safeguarded critical server functions--7K personnel connected back in mins

    - Troubleshot degraded T3 CAD circ; filed trouble ticket and fixed mission-critical link in <35 minutes--averted 15 sortie cancellations

    - Resolved/Replaced faulty communication lines; identified/repaired out-of-spec unit--restored 8K personnel access

    - Performed DoD Configuration Control duties; ensured mission-critical assets remain updated--completed 36K orders

    - Customized/Installed Network Security equipment; ensured secure server access--enabled critical ops for 7K personnel

    - Trouble-Shot remote user access; isolated faulty power unit--reinstated 1K personnel in under 30 minutes

    - Configured/Tested 600+ servers for Air Combat Cmd; 100% success--20K+ mission capable/deployment ready users

    - Troubleshot/fixed Vandenberg's network problem--returned delivery of time-sensitive messages to full capacity

    - Troubleshot/fixed undersea encryption system--created new secure protocol and increased topology

    - Troubleshot/fixed connectivity issues in real-time; identified/fixed faulty connections/settings--restored to normal

    - Troubleshot/fixed SEADS router problems; replaced 929 parts--reduced network latency issues to under 15ms

    - Troubleshot/fixed failed server component; ensured maximum performance/uptime--reduced network load

    - Troubleshot/repaired faulty communications satellite link; replaced faulty equipment--restored dataflow

    - Troubleshot/repaired Kirtland Base LANs--swapped 3WRs/7SMAs/36CXMs; increased system performance

    - Troubleshot/repaired power fluctuation errors; reduced system failure time/reduced further malfunctions

    - Troubleshot/repaired USAF comm node redundancy issues; replaced faulty hardware--enabled uninterrupted ops

    - Troubleshot/repaired Army-AF link; replaced cables/fiber optics/modems--delivered real-time info to Ft Bliss

    - Troubleshot/repaired MacDill Base fiber network--replaced splitter/cabling/patch panel, normalized signals

    - Troubleshot/repaired AFNet virtual gateway--isolated/replaced affected module/circuitry, efficiency up

    - Troubleshot/repaired SEADS/PR system failure; swapped malfunctioning NPA--restored full comm signal

    - Troubleshot/repaired AF portal--reset user accounts/re-established group privileges, corrected misconfiguration

    - Troubleshot/repaired AFNet signal degradation issues--replaced faulty router/fiber cable, system back up

    - Troubleshot/repaired lost comm links; re-engineered fiber optics/cable--recovered all network services

    - Troubleshot/repaired AFNet data flow problems--upgraded 6 routers/switches, eliminated delays

    - Troubleshot/repaired configuration errors; rewrote 3340 lines of code, decreased 95% of latency

    - Troubleshot/repaired incorrect wireless/network settings; corrected/adjusted/tested parameters--restored optimal performance

    - Troubleshot/repaired bandwidth issues; optimized existing configurations--returned to normal operation

    - Troubleshot/repaired offline comm links; replaced faulty components--brought 12 systems back up

    - Troubleshot/repaired faulty core switch; replaced 3 NIC cards/fiber optics--upgraded MITL network

    - Troubleshot/fixed Vandenberg's network problem--returned delivery of time-sensitive messages to full capacity

    - Troubleshot/fixed undersea encryption system--created new secure protocol and increased topology

    - Troubleshot/fixed connectivity issues in real-time; identified/fixed faulty connections/settings--restored to normal

    - Troubleshot/fixed SEADS router problems; replaced 929 parts--reduced network latency issues to under 15ms

    - Troubleshot/fixed failed server component; ensured maximum performance/uptime--reduced network load

    - Troubleshot/repaired faulty communications satellite link; replaced faulty equipment--restored dataflow

    - Troubleshot/repaired Kirtland Base LANs--swapped 3WRs/7SMAs/36CXMs; increased system performance

    - Troubleshot/repaired power fluctuation errors; reduced system failure time/reduced further malfunctions

    - Troubleshot/repaired USAF comm node redundancy issues; replaced faulty hardware--enabled uninterrupted ops

    - Troubleshot/repaired Army-AF link; replaced cables/fiber optics/modems--delivered real-time info to Ft Bliss

    - Troubleshot/repaired MacDill Base fiber network--replaced splitter/cabling/patch panel, normalized signals

    - Troubleshot/repaired AFNet virtual gateway--isolated/replaced affected module/circuitry, efficiency up

    - Troubleshot/repaired SEADS/PR system failure; swapped malfunctioning NPA--restored full comm signal

    - Troubleshot/repaired AF portal--reset user accounts/re-established group privileges, corrected misconfiguration

    - Troubleshot/repaired AFNet signal degradation issues--replaced faulty router/fiber cable, system back up

    - Troubleshot/repaired lost comm links; re-engineered fiber optics/cable--recovered all network services

    - Troubleshot/repaired AFNet data flow problems--upgraded 6 routers/switches, eliminated delays

    - Troubleshot/repaired configuration errors; rewrote 3340 lines of code, decreased 95% of latency

    - Troubleshot/repaired incorrect wireless/network settings; corrected/adjusted/tested parameters--restored optimal performance

    - Troubleshot/repaired bandwidth issues; optimized existing configurations--returned to normal operation

    - Troubleshot/repaired offline comm links; replaced faulty components--brought 12 systems back up

    - Troubleshot/repaired faulty core switch; replaced 3 NIC cards/fiber optics--upgraded MITL network

    - Trained 200 personnel on C3 system operations/troubleshooting; prepped users for 20 CWIX exercises

    - Integrated C4 & C2 systems for BFM exercise; supported 860 users for 16 scenarios--top-notch IT assessment

    - Assessed system security; conducted 33 analyzes on 43 systems--delivered BEST reports to 8 STAFF sections

    - Led deployment planning; organized member training; integrated 32 tms into 36 missions-- smooth rollouts

    - Provided crisis management lessons; trained 300 personnel on emergency response--key wartime proficiencies

    - Simulated wartime ops; integrated 42 systems--critical training on contingencies for 10K AF personnel

    - Reconfigured exercise flow; edited 15 activities; deployed injects to 9 centers--successful results for tailors

    - Trained simulator team; implemented 36 technical lessons--smooth C4 systems operations for 2K aircrews

    - Simulated C4 systems for 3K personnel; 19 exercises completed--industry leading performance for wing-level ops

    - Facilitated 8 hour coordination session; incorporated 80 user inputs-- successful exercise integration of 324 systems

    - Deployed 24 observer/controller tms; 24 scenarios tailored--top-notch team development of 1K personnel

    - Ensured exercise continuity; commanded 42 teams--solid evaluation of 3K personnel across 4 commands

    - Assisted Airmen deploying to Iraq; explained communicatin scenario networks--streamlined C4I processes

    - Designed C4I training exercise; implemented 25 scenarios--successfully generated 5K exercise posts

    - Fought interagency communication battles; coordinated 8 data-link materials—ensured 103 systems compatibility

    - Developed exercise packages; streamlined 15 evaluation tasks—efficient interactivity assessment of 4K personnel

    - Implemented quick response measures; developed 64 contingency ops plans—timely resolution of 9 communications incidents

    - Delivered 20 training sessions to 372 personnel; ensured team readiness—99% skillset proficiency for squadron warfighters

    - Facilitated exercise brief; trained personnel on inter-agency comm plan—essential information for 11K primary users

    - Constructed 24-hour info ops training program; conducted 20 seminars—crucial training for 5K airman

    Discrepancy Investigations

    - Led 8-member team to identify/correct 1.7K system discrepancies--93% success rate; critical to Wg's "Highly Effective" UEI rating

    - Spearheaded Wg's discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 7K DTS discrepancies

    - Investigated 987 discrepancies; configured, tested, and verified 450 sys--averted costly system outages

    - Conducted 7-day discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 1K discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Led 6-member discrepancy investigation team; identified, corrected, and verified 200 discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Conducted 25-day discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 5K discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Lead 3-member discrepancy investigation team; identified, corrected, and verified 700 discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Spearheaded discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 2K discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Performed discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 500 discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Investigated discrepancies; configured, tested, and verified 1.5K sys--averted costly system outages

    - Conducted discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 4K discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Investigated discrepancies; configured, tested, and verified 3K sys--averted costly system outages

    - Spearheaded discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 1K discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Led 6-member discrepancy investigation team; identified, corrected, and verified 400 discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Performed discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 600 discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Investigated discrepancies; configured, tested, and verified 1.7K sys--averted costly system outages

    - Conducted discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 6K discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Led 3-member discrepancy investigation team; identified, corrected, and verified 800 discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Spearheaded discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 3K discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Performed discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 700 discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Investigated discrepancies; configured, tested, and verified 1.2K sys--averted costly system outages

    - Conducted discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 5K discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Led 6-member discrepancy investigation team; identified, corrected, and verified 200 discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Spearheaded discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 4K discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Performed discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 900 discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Investigated discrepancies; configured, tested, and verified 1.9K sys--averted costly system outages

    - Conducted discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 7K discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Led 3-member discrepancy investigation team; identified, corrected, and verified 500 discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Spearheaded discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 2K discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Performed discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 800 discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Investigated discrepancies; configured, tested, and verified 1.3K sys--averted costly system outages

    - Conducted discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 8K discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    Discrepancy Investigations

    - Led 8-member team to identify/correct 1.7K system discrepancies--93% success rate; critical to Wg's "Highly Effective" UEI rating

    - Spearheaded Wg's discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 7K DTS discrepancies

    - Investigated 987 discrepancies; configured, tested, and verified 450 sys--averted costly system outages

    - Conducted 7-day discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 1K discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Led 6-member discrepancy investigation team; identified, corrected, and verified 200 discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Conducted 25-day discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 5K discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Lead 3-member discrepancy investigation team; identified, corrected, and verified 700 discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Spearheaded discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 2K discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Performed discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 500 discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Investigated discrepancies; configured, tested, and verified 1.5K sys--averted costly system outages

    - Conducted discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 4K discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Investigated discrepancies; configured, tested, and verified 3K sys--averted costly system outages

    - Spearheaded discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 1K discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Led 6-member discrepancy investigation team; identified, corrected, and verified 400 discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Performed discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 600 discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Investigated discrepancies; configured, tested, and verified 1.7K sys--averted costly system outages

    - Conducted discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 6K discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Led 3-member discrepancy investigation team; identified, corrected, and verified 800 discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Spearheaded discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 3K discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Performed discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 700 discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Investigated discrepancies; configured, tested, and verified 1.2K sys--averted costly system outages

    - Conducted discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 5K discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Led 6-member discrepancy investigation team; identified, corrected, and verified 200 discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Spearheaded discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 4K discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Performed discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 900 discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Investigated discrepancies; configured, tested, and verified 1.9K sys--averted costly system outages

    - Conducted discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 7K discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Led 3-member discrepancy investigation team; identified, corrected, and verified 500 discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Spearheaded discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 2K discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Performed discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 800 discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Investigated discrepancies; configured, tested, and verified 1.3K sys--averted costly system outages

    - Conducted discrepancy investigation; identified, corrected, and verified 8K discrepancies--averted costly system outages

    - Updated Commander’s Task Listing; tracked qualifications of 15 personnel--reduced tedious backlog by 60%

    - Conducted 200 hours of detailed training classes; qualified three workers in under 10 days--Drill qualifications achieved

    - Trained 12 new personnel on 52 procedures; reduced shop-wide error rate by 34% and improved throughput by 45%

    - Compiled all supervisor handbooks; distributed to 32 personnel, to ensure all training requirements accomplished

    - Created master checklist for preventive maintenance schedule; provided 30 personnel with monthly reports/ reduce maintenance time by 33%

    - Implemented innovative safety program in shop; trained 79 personnel, reducing accidents 70%—mission ready rates exceed 95%

    - spearheaded automated qualification system for 30 personnel in 20 days--boosted section standardization rate 33%

    - Developed on-the-job-training guide for in-service-tests; training and testing time for 18 personnel reduced 20%

    - Authored original texts for 10 training courses--impact to 35 personnel/ diminished process redundancies by 20%

    - Orchestrated ground networking trailer training; facilitated 26 personnel/ improved relocation preparedness 85%

    - Delivered quarterly OS training sessions; trained 36 personnel/ enhanced proficiency rates by 50%

    - Established crypto maintenance training database/ saved crucial repair time for 30 personnel/ decreased faults by 30%

    - Led group training courses in 10 technical skillsets, preparing 27 workers for field assignments and operations

    - Provided on-the-job training guidance to 20 personnel; improved after-hours responsiveness by 40%

    - Developed hands-on instruction to 35 personnel on technical software--increased cyber-reliability by 19%

    - Assigned as trainer on 2 projects; trained 25 personnel on advanced router configuration--closed 8 NICs

    - Spearheaded instruction of 50 students in operational theory; reduced attritional rates by 20%--met mission goals

    - Co-developed 115 JQS entries in 7 days; enabled 27 personnel to achieve AFSC 3D1X2/ improved equipment maintenance by 35%

    - Performed physical egress drills with 35 personnel--accurate troubleshooting ensured safe reactionary maneuvers

    - Authored two manuals; reduced training time by 20% on 355 wireless communication tasks--qualified in 10 weeks

    - Installed SIPRNet bridge; re-wired/re-keyed 10 jacks--enabled secure transmission/reception 4 tri-service briefing

    - Re-engineered SIPRNet; dir'd 5-Amn, removed/replaced outdated eqpt--secured link, halved personnel usage by 27

    - Re-wired SIPRNet network; reconfigured/applied new encryption--svd 10 hrs/wk, created secure envir 4 400 users

    - Formulated SIPRNet protocols; directed 8-Amn/rewired 239 jacks--secured/streamlined access 4 300 command personnel

    - Supervised SIPRNet installation; dir'd 6-Amn, installed 8 routers--enabled secure data link 4 25K Air Force personnel

    - Established SIPRNet perimeter; installed/serviced 4 new processors--verified secure link 4 22,000 personnel

    - Re-aligned SIPRNet servers; replaced/tested 28 nodes--hardened security f/5.5 million pts data/secured link 4 5 bases

    - Installed SIPRNet cabling; serviced/replaced 23 control centers--secured link f/15K personnel/expanded capacity 8x

    - Built Alert Facility SIPRNet; dir'd 5-Amn, installed/serviced 11 routers--enabled seamless transmission/reception 4 95 users

    - Developed SIPRNet architecture; dir'd 8-Amn/installed 449 nodes--secured link f/18,000 personnel/upped speed 3x

    - Re-keyed SIPRNet system; revised/replaced 39 jacks--secured/hardened transmission link f/12K personnel, svd 10 man-hrs

    - Augmented SIPRNet security; re-coded/installed 9 encryption devices--secured link f/130K personnel/halved man-hr usage by 15

    - Remediated SIPRNet vulnerability; identified/resolved 10 security flaws--secured link f/90,000 personnel, eliminated 13 threats

    - Configured SIPRNet switch; installed/replaced 5 mainframes--enabled secure transmission/reception 4 26,000 personnel

    - Re-wired SIPRNet bridge; replaced/tested 19 jacks--secured link f/13,000 personnel/saved 10 man-hrs/mon, upped speed 5x

    - Installed SIPRNet router; re-keyed/tested 15 nodes--enabled secure transmission 4 400 users, added redundant link

    - Re-engineered SIPRNet enclave; combined/replaced 324 nodes--enabled secure access/reception 4 7K personnel, upped speed 10x

    - Established SIPRNet boundaries; revised/replaced 586 jacks--secured access/transmission 4 10K personnel, eliminated 7 threats

    - Re-aligned SIPRNet security; added/deleted 8 encryption devices--upped speed 4x f/30K personnel, cut man-hr usage 20%

    - Adapted SIPRNet nodes; serviced/replaced 13 routers--created secure envir f/30K personnel, enabled remote access

    - Troubleshot SIPRNet issue; corrected erroneous link in 5 min--secured access f/32K personnel/prevented data breach

    - Led SIPRNet redesign; dir'd 5-Amn/installed 449 nodes--created secure envir f/300K personnel/saved 20 man-hrs/mon

    - Streamlined SIPRNet system; re-coded/replaced 3 mainframes--enabled secure data transmission f/50K personnel, halved man-hr usage by 10

    - Re-configured SIPRNet switch; tested/replaced 5 encryption devices--enabled secure access/transmission 4 15K personnel, eliminated 5 threats

    - Installed SIPRNet control center; serviced/replaced 17 jacks--hardened security f/25K personnel, cut man-hr usage 10%

    - Developed SIPRNet architecture; dir'd 8-Amn/installed 609 nodes--secured link f/150K personnel/enabled remote access

    - Re-wired SIPRNet bridge; replaced/tested 29 jacks--upped speed 3x f/10K personnel, eliminated 10 data breaches

    - Re-coded SIPRNet system; replaced/re-keyed 11 encrypted nodes--enabled secure data transmission f/22K personnel, cut man-hr usage 25%

    - Devised SIPRNet security; added/deleted 4 encryption devices--created secure envir f/150K personnel, svd 20 hrs/wk

    - Established SIPRNet parameters; revised/replaced 489 jacks--secured access 4 200K personnel, enabled remote transmission

    - Reconfigured SIPRNet nodes; serviced/replaced 7 routers--hardened security f/50K personnel, expanded bandwidth 3x

    - Assembled SIPRNet components; dir'd 5-Amn/installed 619 nodes--enabled seamless transmission/reception 4 20K personnel

    - Created SIPRNet protocols; dir'd 8-Amn/rewired 329 jacks--secured/streamlined access 4 8K command personnel, upped speed 4x

    - Resolved SIPRNet issue; fixed link in 8 minutes--avoided canceling 15 Homeland Defense sorties, svd $5K

    - Re-aligned SIPRNet servers; replaced/tested 34 nodes--secured link f/4.5 million pts data/created secure envir 4 10 bases

    - Oversaw comm security sys upgrades; verified/posted new access codes--24/7 comm access for 200 users

    - Oversaw LAN/WAN installation; installed 300 nodes, seven switches/two routers--provided 200% more bandwidth

    - Oversaw long haul antenna upgrades; replaced 20 antennas/transceivers--ensured rapid/reliable info trans

    - Oversaw network security patching; increased key server throughput--enabled 800 users secure access

    - Oversaw software installation/config; installed 50 NIPR/SIPR workstations--provided 24/7 secure info access

    - Oversaw VoIP phone system installation; implemented system with 600 phones--enhanced customer service

    - Patched two server systems; upgraded OS/software patches--increased responsiveness 200%

    - Provided technical support; evaluated 25 scenarios/Created 30 solutions--enhanced combat capability

    - Re-enabled base Intranet; no page/file previously accessible--enabled 800 personnel secure data access

    - Reconfigured two LANs; installed four switches/one router--increased bandwidth 20X

    - Resolved 200 hardware/software conflicts; revised tech mx plans--increased efficiency/reduced downtime

    - Resolved six SIPRNET anomalies; tested/ debugged all components--ensured capability for 800 users

    - Restored mission-critical system; redesigned redundant link--improved reliability and decreased downtime

    - Secured NIPRNET/SIPRNET; digitalized 200 certifications/issued 400 access cards--enabled 1,000 users secure access

    - Set up five sites with 15 users each; installed 800 ports/200 digital phones--ensured secure/reliable comm

    - System-certified two networks; ensured compliance with NIST regulations--provided secure information access

    - Troubleshot 19 network errors; identified root cause and ensured database integrity--enabled team to meet deadlines

    - Upgraded legacy systems; reduced average troubleshooting time by 75%--provided 24/7 secure info access

    - Verified comm security; tested/analyzed 100 nodes/30 routers--secured Homeland Defense operations

    - War-proofed network; updated/verified 150 nodes/60 routers--increased capability/reliability of 450 users

    - Configured 400 routers and switches; enabled secure access to 600 end systems--increased capability/reliability

    - Deployed 100 routers/switches; managed three projects with 8 NCOs--improved comm access for 500 users

    - Established secure file server; created/uploaded 500 files--provided 24/7 secure info access to 400 users

    - Installed three large antenna arrays; provided high-speed comm access--enabled 800 users reliable access

    - Maintained network security; repaired 10 nodes/12 routers--secured Homeland Defense operations

    - Monitored 15 nodes/eight servers; ensured compliance with NIST regulations--enabled secure info access

    - Updated server software; ran 150 maintenance checks/tested 100 circuits--improved reliability of 1,500 users

    - Established 5 interconnects; routed thru 4 voice switches--enabled AAG Engr C2 for $41M/5-yr test prgm

    - Generated 5 secure voice circuits; routed via 2 voice switches--enabled C2 for $5M/yr USAF NCO Academy

    - Replaced 2 faulty line cards; rectified F22 pilot training voice outage <1 hr--spt'd C2 ops to 3.2K student/yr

    - Guided EOD test range modem repair; routed 2 fiber optic paths--delivered C2 during UXO detonation trng

    - Eng'd DSL solution; installed 40 devices, implemented remote mgmt capes/mult ntwks--svd AF $2K/3K man-hrs/yr

    - Config'd/tested 15 Red Phone circuits <2 hrs; spt'd USMC Command move--enabled $2.4B AC-130 R&D initiative

    - Orchestrated efforts of four agencies; restored Tyndall/Eglin Red Phone--critical to control of restricted airspace

    - Responded to 1 AF/CC secure Red Phone outage; rapidly rewired circuit--C2 comm restored w/minimal downtime

    - Expert technical skills; troubleshot/fixed DCG Commander's multiline phone; reprogrammed all Red Phone lines in

    - Established 5 interconnects; routed thru 4 Red Phone switches--enabled AAG Engr C2 for $41M/5-yr test prgm

    - Generated 5 secure Red Phone circuits; routed via 2 voice switches--enabled C2 for $5M/yr USAF NCO Academy

    - Rectified faulty line cards; rectified F22 pilot training Red Phone outage <1 hr--spt'd C2 ops to 3.2K student/yr

    - Guided EOD test range Red Phone repair; redirected 2 fiber optic paths--delivered C2 during UXO detonation trng

    - Eng'd DSL solution; upgraded 40 devices, implemented remote mgmt capes/mult ntwks--saved AF $2K/3K man-hrs/yr

    - Developed protocol for Red Phone circuits; routed via 2 voice switches--enabled C2 for $5M/yr USAF NCO Academy

    - Isolated Guided Wpns Eval Facility Red Phone outage; identified/changed fiber module--restored C2 to $223M test prgm

    - Inspected/maintained Red Phone systems; replaced faulty lines on MC-130E--spt'd $1M/yr Combat Talon ops

    - Established 5 Red Phone interconnects; routed thru 4 voice switches--enabled AAG Engr C2 for $41M/5-yr test prgm

    - Maintained Red Phone systems; routed 14 circuits for 44 MXS--enabled C2 for $3.4M/yr B-52 proficiency trng

    - Replaced 2 faulty Red Phone line cards; rectified Navy EOD school voice outage <1 hr--spt'd C2 ops to 2.2K students/yr

    - Config'd/tested 27 Red Phone circuits <2 hrs; spt'd USSOCOM Det 1 move--enabled $2.4B AC-130 R&D initiative

    - Refurbished Red Phone systems; checked 3 switches/45 circuits--enabled $2.1M/yr F-16 upgrade programs

    - Established 5 Red Phone interconnects; routed thru 4 voice switches--enabled AAG Engr C2 for $41M/5-yr test prgm

    - Compiled Red Phone systems; implemented 5 redundant circuits--enabled $2.1M/yr F-16 upgrade programs

    - Oversaw USAF Red Phone systems; tested/maintained 100 circuits/yr--enabled $2M/yr F-22 upgrade program

    - Refurbished Red Phone systems; checked 3 switches/45 circuits--enabled $2.1M/yr F-16 upgrade programs

    - Patched Red Phone systems; replaced faulty lines on MC-130E--spt'd $1M/yr Combat Talon ops

    - Guided EOD test range Red Phone repair; redirected 2 fiber optic paths--delivered C2 during UXO detonation trng

    - Config'd/tested 27 Red Phone circuits <2 hrs; spt'd USSOCOM Det 1 move--enabled $2.4B AC-130 R&D initiative

    - Established 5 Red Phone interconnects; routed thru 4 voice switches--enabled AAG Engr C2 for $41M/5-yr test prgm

    - Secured Red Phone systems; tested/maintained 100 circuits/yr--enabled $2M/yr F-22 upgrade program

    - Crafted Red Phone systems; implemented 5 redundant circuits--enabled $2.1M/yr F-16 upgrade programs

    - Maintained Red Phone systems; routed 14 circuits for 44 MXS--enabled C2 for $3.4M/yr B-52 proficiency trng

    - Resolved Red Phone systems; reprogrammed all direct lines in <2 hrs--AF/CC secure voice outage rectified

    - Created radio frequency transmission channel; replaced faulty base intrusion alarm--secured perimeter of base

    - Re-designed security system; updated base alarm procedure--prevented $5M in losses due to theft

    - Repaired intrusion alarm; identified faulty power supply--secured base perimeter and protected assets

    - Enhanced security alarm monitoring system; reduced false alarm rate from 30% to 3%--saved base $100K

    - Repaired alarm failure; identified faulty ground connection--saved munition storage facility from theft

    - Installed perimeter alarm system; ensured base security--provided safety for personnel and $2M in assets

    - Replaced alarm system; upgraded firewalls--eliminated 50% of false alarms and safeguarded $2B in resources

    - Configured alarm system; enabled perimeter data transfers--averted $1M in losses from base break-ins

    - Replaced security alarm circuits; restored 24 AFG/ANG facility circuit--prevented $500K in assets from theft

    - Hardened base firewall; updated security system alarms--halved base false alarm rate--secured assets

    - Re-wired home alarm system; identified faulty ground connection--secured family/assets and saved $10K

    - Re-programmed intrusion alarm; replaced faulty power supply--prevented theft of $1M in resources

    - Installed wireless alarm system; established data path/linked scrty capes--protected munition storage facility

    - Upgraded alarm system; added new sensors--enabled immediate notification of intrusion--secured base perimeter

    - Installed new base alarm system; replaced faulty power supply--averted need to post armed guards

    - Created encrypted transmission channel; replaced faulty base intrusion alarms--safeguarded $4M in assets

    - Configured base alarm system; enabled protected data transfers--avoided $2M in losses from base break-ins

    - Re-wired home alarm system; identified faulty connection--secured family/assets and saved $2K

    - Repaired security alarm monitoring system; reduced false alarm rate from 60% to 6%--saved base $90K

    - Replaced security alarm circuits; restored 20 AFG/ANG facility circuit--prevented $400K in assets from theft

    - Re-designed alarm system; upgraded firewalls--eliminated 90% of false alarms and safeguarded $2.5B in resources

    - Hardened base firewall; updated security system alarms--halved base false alarm rate--protected assets

    - Installed perimeter alarm system; ensured base security--provided safety for personnel and $1.5M in assets

    - Updated intrusion alarm; identified faulty ground connection--secured base perimeter and averted theft

    - Set up trouble alarm system; enabled instant circuit outage notification--average outage reduced 50 minutes

    - Installed data path/linked scrty capes; restored 80 TW/CC home intrusion alarm <2 hr--safeguarded family/assets

    - Terminated 2 circuit paths; fixed 80 MXS muns facility alarm circuit--prevented $5M wpns cache from theft

    - Replaced alarm system; upgraded firewalls--eliminated 80% of false alarms and safeguarded $3B in resources

    - Re-wired alarm system; identified faulty connection--saved munition storage facility from theft and $1.5M

    - Repaired after-hours munitions alarm failure; rapidly responded/fixed outage; averted need to post armed guard

    - Enhanced security alarm monitoring system; reduced false alarm rate from 50% to 5%--saved base $80K

  • AFSC 3D1X2 Cyber Transport is a career field in the US Air Force that deals with the installation, maintenance, and management of telecommunications and computer networks. Some possible VA disabilities that individuals in this field may be eligible for include:

    Hearing loss: Individuals who work in this field may be exposed to loud noise levels from equipment and machinery, which can lead to hearing loss over time.

    Tinnitus: Tinnitus is ringing in the ears and can be caused by exposure to loud noises.

    Musculoskeletal disorders: Repetitive motions and prolonged periods of sitting can lead to pain and discomfort in the neck, shoulders, back, and hands.

    Respiratory conditions: Exposure to dust, chemicals, and other pollutants can lead to respiratory conditions such as asthma.

    Psychological conditions: The stress and demands of the job may lead to psychological conditions such as depression or PTSD.

    It is important to note that in order to receive a VA disability rating, an individual must have a medical diagnosis and provide evidence that the condition is related to their military service. It is always best to consult with a VA accredited doctor to understand what type of disability you might qualify for.

  • Individuals with AFSC 3D1X2 Cyber Transport training may be able to find employment in a variety of industries, including:

    Telecommunications companies: These companies may hire individuals with this training to install and maintain their networks.

    Information technology (IT) companies: These companies may hire individuals with this training to work on their computer networks and systems.

    Computer systems design firms: These firms may hire individuals with this training to work on the design and implementation of computer systems for their clients.

    Defense contractors: Companies that work with the government on defense projects may hire individuals with this training for similar roles as above.

    Government agencies: Individuals with this training may also be able to find employment with government agencies, such as the Department of Defense, the National Security Agency, or the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

    As for salary, it can vary depending on the company, location, and the individual's experience and qualifications. According to PayScale, the median salary for a telecommunications technician is around $54,000 per year, while the median salary for a network administrator is around $74,000 per year. However, with experience and additional certifications, one could earn more.

    It's also important to note that some companies may also offer additional benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off, which can add to an individual's overall compensation package.

    Here are a few specific companies that may hire individuals with AFSC 3D1X2 Cyber Transport training:

    AT&T: AT&T is one of the largest telecommunications companies in the United States, they may hire individuals with this training to work on their networks.

    Cisco Systems: Cisco is a major player in the computer networking industry and they may hire individuals with this training to work on their networks and systems.

    Lockheed Martin: Lockheed Martin is a large defense contractor that may hire individuals with this training for similar roles.

    Raytheon Technologies: Raytheon Technologies is another large defense contractor that may hire individuals with this training for similar roles.

    Northrop Grumman: Northrop Grumman is another large defense contractor that may hire individuals with this training for similar roles

    Booz Allen Hamilton: Booz Allen Hamilton is a leading management and technology consulting firm that may hire individuals with this training for similar roles.

    Dell Technologies: Dell Technologies is a leading provider of information technology solutions and services, they may hire individuals with this training to work on their computer networks and systems.

    It's worth noting that this is not an exhaustive list and there are many other companies that may also be hiring individuals with this training. Additionally, it's also worth looking into companies that are not specifically in the telecommunications or IT field, as the skills and knowledge gained from the AFSC 3D1X2 Cyber Transport training can be applied to other industries as well.