Are you looking to develop a winning quarterly award package? This guide is designed to help you create an effective nomination that showcases the nominee's individual area of expertise.


The Quarterly Awards program is designed to recognize those individuals who have excelled in their individual area of expertise. AF Form 1206 is used to document and evaluate the performance of active duty Airmen. This form requires a narrative explanation of the nominee's accomplishments, highlighting their contributions and achievements, not just their job duties. Also, the Airman Concept section of the form is meant to recognize how the airman exemplifies the Air Force Core Values, contributes to the unit and community, and demonstrates self-improvement and conduct.


When compiling inputs, make sure to ask the following three questions about the nominee and ensure the answers are emphasized in the nomination:

  • What did the member do?

  • How did he/she accomplish it?

  • What was the result/impact?

For example: What did the member do? - Ensured accountability and prompt processing of all TDY requests.

How was it accomplished? - By developing an effective suspensing and tracking system for all requests.

Result/Impact? - Produced a zero percent late rating and less than 3 percent return rate from MPF for the period of Jan - Mar 99.

Comparison of before and after statistics, measurable amounts, or achievements never attained before can be used to make the package even stronger.


Different awards have different criteria, so make sure to read the guidelines for the award category you are applying for and tailor your nomination accordingly.


Give specific examples and evidence of the nominee's accomplishments, and make sure they align with the criteria for the award category you are applying for. Use quotes and endorsements from supervisors, colleagues, or other relevant individuals to provide additional support for the nomination.


Make sure to follow the AF Form 1206 format and guidelines, such as page limits, font size and types, headings, and other requirements. This will ensure that your nomination package is complete, accurate, and easy to read.


It can be helpful to include examples of previous winning nominations as a guide and inspiration for writing your own nomination. This can also help you understand the type of information and language that is most effective.


A checklist of all the important elements that should be included in the nomination, such as facts, specific examples, and measurable results, can be helpful for writers who may be less familiar with the nomination process.


Awards come in different levels, such as unit, wing, and command level awards. Tailoring the nomination package to different levels of awards requires different information, examples, and approach. Provide guidance on how to tailor the nomination package to different levels of awards and the differences that need to be taken into consideration.


Provide additional resources such as websites or publications that may be helpful for writers who are looking to learn more about writing nominations.

By following these tips, you will be better prepared to write a compelling and winning quarterly award package. Remember to focus on the nominee's achievements and specific examples, use facts and statistics, tailor the nomination to the specific award category and level, use appropriate formatting and layout, provide detailed examples and evidence, and include a checklist and additional resources for reference. By paying attention to these details, you increase the chances of your nominee winning the award.

  • When writing examples for the "Leadership and Job Performance in Primary Duty" section of the AF Form 1206, it's recommended to use a similar format as for the "Airman Concept" section, using an active voice sentence structure and being specific, clear, and concise. This will help to clearly convey the airman's actions, achievements, and their impact.

    For example:

    "Airman Smith certified less-than-lethal tools and rapidly accomplished training for three weapons, exceeding the Air Force standard by 200%."

    "Airman Smith trained and qualified four airmen in Alarm Monitor duty, raising the flight duty position evaluation pass rate to 98%."

    In these examples, the sentences clearly state who is taking the action (Airman Smith) and what action is being taken (certifying less-than-lethal tools and training airmen in Alarm Monitor duty) and the result (exceeding the Air Force standard and raising the pass rate).

    It's also recommended to use a consistent and logical structure for examples, for instance, starting with a subject, verb and objective. Also, providing context such as time-frame, specific duties and responsibilities could be helpful. It's also a good practice to consult with the relevant authorities, supervisor or previous evaluations to ensure that the examples align with the criteria and standards for the "Leadership and Job Performance in Primary Duty" section.


    Manage and supervise pharmacy operations, including dispensing and inventory management.

    Provide medication therapy management and consult with healthcare providers on appropriate drug therapy.

    Ensure compliance with federal and state laws and regulations related to pharmacy practice.

    Train and mentor pharmacy technicians and students.

    Participate in quality improvement activities to ensure safe and effective medication use.

    Stay current on new drugs, drug interactions, and other changes in the field of pharmacy.

    Collaborate with other healthcare professionals to provide comprehensive patient care.

    Utilize technology such as electronic prescribing and computerized medication systems.

    Manage and maintain accurate patient records and medication histories.

    Provide education and counseling to patients and families on medication use, dosage, and potential side effects.

    1. Established and maintained an effective patient-centered pharmacy service in accordance with established guidelines and regulations.

    2. Ensured proper handling and storage of pharmaceuticals and related supplies.

    3. Developed and implemented procedures for efficient management of pharmacy operations.

    4. Directed the preparation, compounding, and dispensing of pharmaceuticals to patients.

    5. Ensured accurate maintenance of patient medication profiles and records.

    6. Evaluated medication orders for accuracy and completeness.

    7. Educated and counseled patients regarding their medications.

    8. Collaborated with medical staff to ensure safe and effective medication use.

    9. Developed and implemented protocols for drug utilization review.

    10. Monitored and reconciled medication inventories.

    11. Led the implementation of computerized pharmacy systems.

    12. Coordinated the ordering, receiving, and stocking of pharmaceuticals.

    13. Ensured compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and standards.

    14. Developed and implemented policies and procedures for pharmacy operations.

    15. Participated in the selection and training of pharmacy staff.

    16. Developed and implemented quality assurance programs to ensure optimal patient care.

    17. Prepared and maintained patient profiles, records, and reports.

    18. Coordinated pharmacy services with other healthcare departments.

    19. Assisted with the development and implementation of medication formulary.

    20. Maintained up-to-date knowledge of new drugs and their applications.

    21. Assisted in the preparation and review of budget requests for pharmacy services.

    22. Developed and implemented strategies for cost containment and cost savings.

    23. Designed and implemented a system for tracking and monitoring drug utilization.

    24. Ensured that proper records and reports are maintained in accordance with applicable regulations.

    25. Conducted periodic patient medication reviews to ensure optimal drug therapy.

    26. Developed and implemented educational programs for pharmacy staff.

    27. Investigated medication-associated adverse events and reported findings.

    28. Supervised the preparation and dispensing of sterile and non-sterile preparations.

    29. Provided clinical consultation and review of drug therapy plans.

    30. Developed and implemented policies and procedures for drug distribution and control.

    31. Ensured compliance with pharmacy regulations and standards of practice.

    32. Participated in process improvement initiatives and quality assurance activities.

    33. Monitored and evaluated pharmacy staff performance.

    34. Coordinated medication procurement and supply management activities.

    35. Developed and maintained professional relationships with pharmaceutical representatives.

    36. Assessed the need for additional pharmacy staff and resources.

    37. Developed and implemented strategies for the safe disposal of expired and unused medications.

    38. Developed and implemented systems for tracking, monitoring, and reporting medication errors.

    39. Coordinated the purchase and distribution of medications and related supplies.

    40. Assisted with the development and implementation of medication safety protocols.

    41. Reviewed, updated, and maintained medication formulary.

    42. Monitored the accuracy and completeness of medication orders.

    43. Developed and implemented protocols for medication management services.

    44. Coordinated the selection and distribution of pharmaceuticals and related supplies.

    45. Educated patients, families, and caregivers about medication use and potential side effects.

    46. Developed and monitored programs for medication reconciliation and medication adherence.

    47. Provided guidance and instruction to pharmacy staff and interns.

    48. Ensured the security and integrity of patient medical records.

    49. Investigated and resolved medication-related problems and errors.

    50. Evaluated the safety and efficacy of new drugs and drug therapies.

    51. Assisted in the development of clinical pharmacy programs.

    52. Coordinated the investigation and resolution of medication-related complaints.

    53. Developed and implemented systems for medication order entry and tracking.

    54. Monitored and analyzed drug utilization data to identify potential problems.

    55. Participated in the development and implementation of drug use policies and procedures.

    56. Developed and implemented protocols for drug storage and disposal.

    57. Provided guidance and assistance to pharmacy staff in the handling of patient medications.

    58. Observed, evaluated, and documented patient response to medication therapy.

    59. Assisted in the negotiation of drug contracts and pricing agreements.

    60. Investigated and resolved medication-related claims and billing discrepancies.

    61. Led the development of clinical pharmacy services in accordance with applicable regulations.

    62. Developed and implemented clinical pharmacy protocols to ensure safe and effective medication use.

    63. Assisted in the development of medication use evaluation programs.

    64. Reviewed and monitored medication orders for appropriateness, accuracy, and completeness.

    65. Assisted in the development of protocols for the selection and use of medications.

    66. Developed and implemented strategies for the safe and effective use of medications.

    67. Monitored and evaluated the effectiveness of medication use and drug utilization.

    68. Provided guidance and assistance to pharmacy staff with medication preparation, compounding, and dispensing.

    69. Evaluated new drugs and drug therapies for safety, efficacy, and cost effectiveness.

    70. Developed and implemented systems for medication management and drug utilization review.

    71. Investigated and resolved medication-related billing issues and discrepancies.

    72. Developed and implemented policies and procedures for the safe handling and storage of pharmaceuticals.

    73. Developed and maintained educational programs for pharmacy staff and other healthcare professionals.

    74. Monitored and evaluated the performance of pharmacy staff.

    75. Assisted with the selection, procurement, and distribution of medications and related supplies.

    76. Developed and maintained systems for tracking, monitoring, and reporting medication errors.

    77. Assisted in the development of medication formulary and protocols for drug utilization review.

    78. Assisted in the investigation and resolution of medication-related complaints.

    79. Developed and implemented strategies for cost containment and cost savings within the pharmacy services.

    80. Participated in the development and implementation of pharmacy information systems.

    81. Developed and implemented policies and procedures for medication administration and monitoring.

    82. Coordinated the ordering, receiving, and stocking of pharmaceuticals and related supplies.

    83. Monitored and reconciled medication inventories and drug utilization data.

    84. Participated in clinical rounds and provided drug information to healthcare providers.

    85. Developed and implemented quality assurance programs to ensure optimal patient care.

    86. Participated in the selection and training of pharmacy staff and interns.

    87. Reviewed patient medication profiles and records for accuracy and completeness.

    88. Developed and maintained systems for tracking adverse drug events and medication errors.

    89. Assisted in the development and implementation of medication safety protocols.

    90. Assisted with the development and implementation of clinical pharmacy programs.

    91. Coordinated the preparation and dispensing of sterile and non-sterile preparations.

    92. Evaluated new drugs and drug therapies for safety, efficacy, and cost-effectiveness.

    93. Assisted in the negotiation and maintenance of drug contracts and pricing agreements.

    94. Developed and implemented systems for medication order entry and tracking.

    95. Monitored and evaluated the effectiveness of medication use and drug utilization.

    96. Provided clinical consultation and review of drug therapy plans and protocols.

    97. Collaborated with medical staff to ensure safe and effective medication use.

    98. Developed and maintained programs for medication reconciliation and medication adherence.

    99. Evaluated patient response to medication therapy and monitored for potential side effects.

    100. Conducted periodic patient medication reviews to ensure optimal drug therapy.

  • When writing the examples for the Airman Concept section of the AF Form 1206, it's recommended to use an active voice sentence structure. This means that the sentences should clearly state who is taking the action and what action is being taken. For example, "Airman Smith consistently demonstrated strong leadership skills, effectively leading and motivating their team to achieve mission success." This sentence clearly states who (Airman Smith) is taking the action (demonstrating strong leadership skills) and what the result of that action is (effectively leading and motivating the team to achieve mission success).

    It is also important to be specific, clear and concise in the examples, avoid using overly complex language or jargon, and focus on specific behaviors, actions or achievements. Additionally, it's recommended to use a consistent and logical structure, the examples can be divided into categories like, "Leadership" "Job Performance", "Contribution to the unit" and so on, to make it easy for the reader to follow the information and understand the examples.

    It's also a good practice to provide a context for the examples, such as the time frame and the specific duties and responsibilities of the airman. And as always, it's good to consult with the relevant authorities and supervisor, to ensure that the examples are accurate, aligned with the criteria and standards, and properly support the nomination.


    1. Achieved a 90% pass rate on the Air Force physical fitness test.

    2. Showed dedication to achieving a high level of mission readiness.

    3. Demonstrated strong technical knowledge and expertise in their specialty.

    4. Displayed exemplary leadership and communication skills when leading a team.

    5. Demonstrated resilience in the face of difficult and challenging situations.

    6. Developed innovative solutions to complex technical issues.

    7. Maintained a high level of personal integrity and accountability.

    8. Demonstrated a commitment to continuous learning and professional development.

    9. Demonstrated an understanding of the Air Force core values.

    10. Exhibited outstanding commitment to the well-being of their Airmen.

    11. Showed an ability to solve complex problems with sound judgement.

    12. Demonstrated a strong sense of patriotism and dedication to the mission.

    13. Possessed a deep understanding of Air Force regulations and policies.

    14. Showed an ability to maintain a high level of situational awareness.

    15. Demonstrated exceptional ability to work with a diverse team.

    16. Possessed the necessary technical and administrative skills to complete assignments.

    17. Exhibited a high level of attention to detail during critical tasks.

    18. Demonstrated a commitment to excellence in all areas of their duties.

    19. Provided mentorship and guidance to junior Airmen in their career field.

    20. Displayed a strong sense of loyalty to the Air Force and their fellow Airmen.

    21. Exhibited an outstanding level of commitment to the Air Force mission.

    22. Consistently met or exceeded expectations for assigned tasks and duties.

    23. Demonstrated a strong sense of self-discipline and personal responsibility.

    24. Possessed an excellent understanding of the mission and its objectives.

    25. Showed the ability to develop and implement effective strategies for the team.

    26. Demonstrated an ability to work independently, as well as in a team environment.

    27. Demonstrated a commitment to achieving a high level of mission readiness.

    28. Displayed exceptional problem-solving skills when faced with difficult challenges.

    29. Showed an ability to remain calm and composed in stressful and challenging situations.

    30. Possessed an excellent understanding of the Air Force core values and regulations.

    31. Demonstrated a strong sense of loyalty and dedication to the Air Force mission.

    32. Possessed an exceptional level of technical expertise in their specialty.

    33. Demonstrated the ability to prioritize tasks and manage time effectively.

    34. Exhibited a commitment to helping others and fostering a positive work environment.

    35. Showed an understanding of the importance of safety and security protocols.

    36. Possessed a high level of understanding of Air Force regulations and policies.

    37. Demonstrated a commitment to self-improvement and professional development.

    38. Possessed an excellent ability to adapt to changing environments and circumstances.

    39. Showed an understanding of the importance of providing effective customer service.

    40. Demonstrated an understanding of the mission and its importance to the Air Force.

    41. Demonstrated an ability to foster positive relationships with their peers and superiors.

    42. Possessed an exceptional level of knowledge in their career field and related disciplines.

    43. Showed an understanding of the importance of following orders and regulations.

    44. Demonstrated an understanding of the importance of teamwork and collaboration.

    45. Possessed a high level of knowledge of Air Force policies and procedures.

    46. Showed a commitment to taking initiative and completing tasks in a timely manner.

    47. Exhibited a strong sense of pride in their work and dedication to their duties.

    48. Displayed an exceptional level of attention to detail in all areas of their work.

    49. Demonstrated a commitment to maintaining the highest level of professionalism.

    50. Possessed an excellent ability to demonstrate sound judgement in all areas of their duties.

    51. Showed an ability to remain calm and composed when faced with difficult situations.

    52. Demonstrated an understanding of the importance of safety and security protocols.

    53. Possessed a deep understanding of the Air Force core values and regulations.

    54. Displayed a commitment to developing and implementing effective strategies.

    55. Demonstrated an exceptional level of commitment to their fellow Airmen.

    56. Possessed the necessary technical and administrative skills to effectively complete tasks.

    57. Showed an understanding of the importance of effective communication and collaboration.

    58. Demonstrated an ability to prioritize tasks and manage time effectively.

    59. Exhibited a strong sense of loyalty and dedication to the Air Force mission.

    60. Possessed a high level of attention to detail during critical tasks and assignments.

    61. Showed an ability to think and act quickly in emergency or high-pressure situations.

    62. Demonstrated a commitment to achieving a high level of mission readiness.

    63. Possessed an excellent understanding of the mission and its objectives.

    64. Showed the ability to work with a variety of people and personalities.

    65. Exhibited outstanding leadership and communication skills when leading a team.

    66. Demonstrated a strong sense of self-discipline and personal responsibility.

    67. Possessed a deep understanding of Air Force regulations, policies and procedures.

    68. Showed an ability to solve complex problems with sound judgement.

    69. Demonstrated an understanding of the importance of following orders and regulations.

    70. Possessed an exceptional level of knowledge in their career field and related disciplines.

    71. Displayed a commitment to excellence in all areas of their duties and responsibilities.

    72. Demonstrated a commitment to providing effective customer service.

    73. Showed an understanding of the importance of safety and security protocols.

    74. Exhibited a strong sense of patriotism and dedication to the mission.

    75. Possessed an excellent ability to remain calm and composed in stressful situations.

    76. Demonstrated a high level of attention to detail during critical tasks.

    77. Possessed an excellent understanding of the Air Force core values.

    78. Showed an ability to develop and implement effective strategies for the team.

    79. Demonstrated an understanding of the importance of teamwork and collaboration.

    80. Exhibited an outstanding level of commitment to the Air Force mission.

    81. Possessed an exceptional level of technical expertise in their specialty.

    82. Showed an ability to think and act quickly in emergency or high-pressure situations.

    83. Demonstrated a commitment to continuous learning and professional development.

    84. Exhibited a strong sense of loyalty to the Air Force and their fellow Airmen.

    85. Possessed a high level of understanding of Air Force regulations and policies.

    86. Demonstrated an exceptional ability to work with a diverse team.

    87. Showed a commitment to taking initiative and completing tasks in a timely manner.

    88. Possessed an excellent ability to maintain a high level of situational awareness.

    89. Demonstrated a strong sense of pride in their work and dedication to their duties.

    90. Showed a commitment to helping others and fostering a positive work environment.

    91. Exhibited an outstanding level of commitment to the well-being of their Airmen.

    92. Possessed an excellent understanding of the mission and its importance to the Air Force.

    93. Displayed exemplary leadership and communication skills when leading a team.

    94. Demonstrated a commitment to maintaining the highest level of professionalism.

    95. Showed an understanding of the importance of providing effective customer service.

    96. Possessed an exceptional level of knowledge in their career field and related disciplines.

    97. Demonstrated an understanding of the importance of following orders and regulations.

    98. Possessed a high level of understanding of Air Force regulations and policies.

    99. Exhibited a strong sense of patriotism and dedication to the mission.

    100. Demonstrated resilience in the face of difficult and challenging situations.


    1. Actively developed plans to improve squadron safety between October 2018 and June 2019, resulting in a 25% decrease in preventable accidents.

    2. Met all deadlines for monthly reports between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all deadlines were met in a timely manner.

    3. Served as the primary advisor to the commander on matters related to policy and personnel between October 2018 and June 2019, providing key insights and making meaningful contributions.

    4. Displayed tremendous resilience when dealing with difficult situations between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding solutions to complex problems.

    5. Showcased excellent communication skills between October 2018 and June 2019, providing clear and concise instructions to subordinates.

    6. Demonstrated superior leadership abilities between October 2018 and June 2019, leading by example and motivating team members.

    7. Exhibited exemplary professionalism when dealing with difficult and sensitive situations between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting highly professional behavior.

    8. Demonstrated a commitment to excellence between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently meeting and exceeding standards.

    9. Actively sought out and identified areas of improvement between October 2018 and June 2019, implementing new processes and procedures to increase efficiency.

    10. Showed a commitment to learning and personal development between October 2018 and June 2019, actively researching and learning new skills.

    11. Provided consistent and reliable maintenance of aircraft between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all aircraft were in a safe and operable condition.

    12. Demonstrated superior knowledge of aircraft systems between October 2018 and June 2019, providing detailed and accurate information to the commander.

    13. Developed and implemented new safety protocols between October 2018 and June 2019, resulting in a decrease in preventable accidents.

    14. Maintained a high level of accuracy when completing paperwork between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all paperwork was completed correctly.

    15. Actively monitored aircraft performance between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring aircraft performance remained within standards.

    16. Demonstrated a deep understanding of aviation regulations between October 2018 and June 2019, providing accurate and up-to-date information to the commander.

    17. Showcased initiative when facing challenging tasks between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding ways to overcome obstacles.

    18. Demonstrated the ability to work independently between October 2018 and June 2019, effectively managing tasks without direct supervision.

    19. Showed a commitment to maintaining a safe working environment between October 2018 and June 2019, proactively addressing potential hazards.

    20. Actively engaged with subordinates between October 2018 and June 2019, providing clear guidance and direction.

    21. Exhibited a high level of trustworthiness between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently displaying integrity and honesty.

    22. Demonstrated the ability to effectively plan and manage projects between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all projects were completed on schedule.

    23. Maintained a professional demeanor when dealing with difficult personnel between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting a high level of composure.

    24. Actively sought out and identified areas of improvement between October 2018 and June 2019, implementing new processes and procedures to increase efficiency.

    25. Developed and implemented new training protocols between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all personnel were properly trained.

    26. Showcased excellent problem solving skills between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding solutions to complex issues.

    27. Demonstrated a commitment to meeting deadlines between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all tasks were completed in a timely manner.

    28. Displayed exemplary knowledge of aircraft systems between October 2018 and June 2019, providing detailed and accurate information to the commander.

    29. Exhibited superior leadership abilities between October 2018 and June 2019, leading by example and motivating team members.

    30. Demonstrated a willingness to take on additional responsibilities between October 2018 and June 2019, volunteering for difficult tasks.

    31. Showed initiative when facing challenging tasks between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding ways to overcome obstacles.

    32. Effectively managed personnel and resources between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all personnel were properly utilized.

    33. Showed a commitment to personal development between October 2018 and June 2019, actively researching and learning new skills.

    34. Actively monitored aircraft performance between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring aircraft performance remained within standards.

    35. Demonstrated an understanding of aviation regulations between October 2018 and June 2019, providing accurate and up-to-date information to the commander.

    36. Exhibited a high level of accuracy when completing paperwork between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all paperwork was completed correctly.

    37. Showcased excellent communication skills between October 2018 and June 2019, providing clear and concise instructions to subordinates.

    38. Demonstrated a professional demeanor when dealing with difficult personnel between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting a high level of composure.

    39. Exhibited a high level of trustworthiness between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently displaying integrity and honesty.

    40. Showed a commitment to meeting deadlines between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all tasks were completed in a timely manner.

    41. Actively provided advice and guidance to subordinates between October 2018 and June 2019, helping them to reach their goals.

    42. Demonstrated superior knowledge of aircraft systems between October 2018 and June 2019, providing detailed and accurate information to the commander.

    43. Actively developed plans to improve squadron safety between October 2018 and June 2019, resulting in a 25% decrease in preventable accidents.

    44. Showed a commitment to excellence between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently meeting and exceeding standards.

    45. Successfully identified and implemented cost-saving measures between October 2018 and June 2019, resulting in a reduction of expenditures.

    46. Actively engaged with subordinates between October 2018 and June 2019, providing clear guidance and direction.

    47. Demonstrated excellent problem solving skills between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding solutions to complex issues.

    48. Exhibited a commitment to team building between October 2018 and June 2019, helping to build a cohesive team environment.

    49. Actively sought out and identified areas of improvement between October 2018 and June 2019, implementing new processes and procedures to increase efficiency.

    50. Demonstrated the ability to effectively plan and manage projects between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all projects were completed on schedule.

    51. Showed a commitment to maintaining a safe working environment between October 2018 and June 2019, proactively addressing potential hazards.

    52. Demonstrated the ability to work independently between October 2018 and June 2019, effectively managing tasks without direct supervision.

    53. Developed and implemented new safety protocols between October 2018 and June 2019, resulting in a decrease in preventable accidents.

    54. Actively monitored aircraft performance between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring aircraft performance remained within standards.

    55. Showed a commitment to learning and personal development between October 2018 and June 2019, actively researching and learning new skills.

    56. Demonstrated a deep understanding of aviation regulations between October 2018 and June 2019, providing accurate and up-to-date information to the commander.

    57. Showed the ability to remain calm and composed in difficult situations between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting a high level of composure.

    58. Demonstrated superior knowledge of aircraft systems between October 2018 and June 2019, providing detailed and accurate information to the commander.

    59. Met all deadlines for monthly reports between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all deadlines were met in a timely manner.

    60. Actively monitored aircraft performance between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring aircraft performance remained within standards.

    61. Maintained a professional demeanor when dealing with difficult personnel between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting a high level of composure.

    62. Showed a commitment to meeting deadlines between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all tasks were completed in a timely manner.

    63. Demonstrated a deep understanding of aviation regulations between October 2018 and June 2019, providing accurate and up-to-date information to the commander.

    64. Actively sought out and identified areas of improvement between October 2018 and June 2019, implementing new processes and procedures to increase efficiency.

    65. Showcased initiative when facing challenging tasks between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding ways to overcome obstacles.

    66. Exhibited a commitment to team building between October 2018 and June 2019, helping to build a cohesive team environment.

    67. Demonstrated the ability to effectively plan and manage projects between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all projects were completed on schedule.

    68. Maintained a high level of accuracy when completing paperwork between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all paperwork was completed correctly.

    69. Demonstrated excellent problem solving skills between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding solutions to complex issues.

    70. Exhibited exemplary professionalism when dealing with difficult and sensitive situations between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting highly professional behavior.

    71. Demonstrated superior leadership abilities between October 2018 and June 2019, leading by example and motivating team members.

    72. Actively monitored aircraft performance between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring aircraft performance remained within standards.

    73. Maintained a professional demeanor when dealing with difficult personnel between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting a high level of composure.

    74. Showed a commitment to learning and personal development between October 2018 and June 2019, actively researching and learning new skills.

    75. Served as the primary advisor to the commander on matters related to policy and personnel between October 2018 and June 2019, providing key insights and making meaningful contributions.

    76. Demonstrated a willingness to take on additional responsibilities between October 2018 and June 2019, volunteering for difficult tasks.

    77. Displayed tremendous resilience when dealing with difficult situations between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding solutions to complex problems.

    78. Demonstrated the ability to work independently between October 2018 and June 2019, effectively managing tasks without direct supervision.

    79. Developed and implemented new training protocols between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all personnel were properly trained.

    80. Showcased excellent communication skills between October 2018 and June 2019, providing clear and concise instructions to subordinates.

    81. Actively provided advice and guidance to subordinates between October 2018 and June 2019, helping them to reach their goals.

    82. Exhibited a high level of trustworthiness between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently displaying integrity and honesty.

    83. Showed a commitment to excellence between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently meeting and exceeding standards.

    84. Actively developed plans to improve squadron safety between October 2018 and June 2019, resulting in a 25% decrease in preventable accidents.

    85. Successfully identified and implemented cost-saving measures between October 2018 and June 2019, resulting in a reduction of expenditures.

    86. Demonstrated the ability to remain calm and composed in difficult situations between October 2018 and June 2019, exhibiting a high level of composure.

    87. Showed initiative when facing challenging tasks between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding ways to overcome obstacles.

    88. Actively monitored aircraft performance between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring aircraft performance remained within standards.

    89. Demonstrated a commitment to meeting deadlines between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all tasks were completed in a timely manner.

    90. Showed a commitment to personal development between October 2018 and June 2019, actively researching and learning new skills.

    91. Exhibited exemplary knowledge of aircraft systems between October 2018 and June 2019, providing detailed and accurate information to the commander.

    92. Maintained a high level of accuracy when completing paperwork between October 2018 and June 2019, ensuring all paperwork was completed correctly.

    93. Exhibited a commitment to team building between October 2018 and June 2019, helping to build a cohesive team environment.

    94. Demonstrated the ability to work independently between October 2018 and June 2019, effectively managing tasks without direct supervision.

    95. Showed a commitment to maintaining a safe working environment between October 2018 and June 2019, proactively addressing potential hazards.

    96. Actively engaged with subordinates between October 2018 and June 2019, providing clear guidance and direction.

    97. Demonstrated excellent problem solving skills between October 2018 and June 2019, consistently finding solutions to complex issues.

    98. Demonstrated superior leadership abilities between October 2018 and June 2019, leading by example and motivating team members.

    99. Actively sought out and identified areas of improvement between October 2018 and June 2019, implementing new processes and procedures to increase efficiency.

    100. Demonstrated a deep understanding of aviation regulations between October 2018 and June 2019, providing accurate and up-to-date information to the commander.

  • When writing examples for the "Significant Self-Improvement" section of the AF Form 1206, it's recommended to use a similar format as the "Leadership and Job Performance in Primary Duty" and "Airman Concept" section. The sentence structure should be written in active voice and be specific, clear, and concise. This will help to clearly convey the airman's actions, achievements, and their impact.

    For example:

    "Airman Smith completed three college credit hours, earning a 3.0 GPA, and destroying 20% of general education requirements."

    "Airman Smith organized a four-man 6-hour race team, improved health and combat mission readiness, and finished first out of 26 teams."

    In these examples, the sentences clearly state who is taking the action (Airman Smith) and what action is being taken (completing college credit hours, organizing a race team) and the result (earning a 3.0 GPA, improving health and mission readiness, finishing first in the race).

    It's also recommended to use a consistent and logical structure for examples, for instance, starting with a subject, verb and objective. Also, providing context such as time-frame, specific duties and responsibilities could be helpful. It's also a good practice to consult with the relevant authorities, supervisor or previous evaluations to ensure that the examples align with the criteria and standards for the "Significant Self-Improvement" section of the form 1206.


    1. Developed a time management system for her squadron, ensuring task completion and efficiency within six months.

    2. Developed a comprehensive training plan for new airman, resulting in improved retention and morale within the squadron.

    3. Created a streamlined process to track aircraft maintenance records, reducing paperwork by 50% in eight months.

    4. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 30% reduction in costs within four months.

    5. Mentored five junior airman, improving their performance and morale.

    6. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve operational safety, reducing incidents by 25% in six months.

    7. Established a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within four months.

    8. Developed a program to increase airman fitness and wellbeing, resulting in improved morale and productivity within six months.

    9. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within four months.

    10. Developed a strategy to improve the squadron’s public image, resulting in improved relations and greater recognition within six months.

    11. Created a system to track aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within five months.

    12. Developed a plan to improve airman retention and morale, leading to improved recruitment and retention within six months.

    13. Developed a system to monitor aircraft safety, resulting in improved safety and operations within four months.

    14. Created a program to improve airman communication and performance, leading to improved efficiency and morale within six months.

    15. Developed a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within four months.

    16. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 20% reduction in costs within six months.

    17. Established a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within eight months.

    18. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within four months.

    19. Mentored five junior airman, improving their performance and morale.

    20. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve operational safety, reducing incidents by 20% in six months.

    21. Developed a comprehensive training plan for new airman, resulting in improved retention and morale within the squadron.

    22. Created a streamlined process to track aircraft maintenance records, reducing paperwork by 45% in eight months.

    23. Developed a strategy to improve the squadron’s public image, resulting in improved relations and greater recognition within six months.

    24. Developed a system to monitor aircraft safety, resulting in improved safety and operations within four months.

    25. Developed a program to increase airman fitness and wellbeing, resulting in improved morale and productivity within eight months.

    26. Created a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within four months.

    27. Established a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within six months.

    28. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 25% reduction in costs within four months.

    29. Developed a time management system for her squadron, ensuring task completion and efficiency within six months.

    30. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve airman retention and morale, leading to improved recruitment and retention within eight months.

    31. Created a program to improve airman communication and performance, leading to improved efficiency and morale within four months.

    32. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within six months.

    33. Mentored five junior airman, improving their performance and morale.

    34. Developed a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within five months.

    35. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve operational safety, reducing incidents by 25% in four months.

    36. Developed a comprehensive training plan for new airman, resulting in improved retention and morale within the squadron.

    37. Created a streamlined process to track aircraft maintenance records, reducing paperwork by 50% in four months.

    38. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 30% reduction in costs within six months.

    39. Developed a strategy to improve the squadron’s public image, resulting in improved relations and greater recognition within four months.

    40. Developed a system to monitor aircraft safety, resulting in improved safety and operations within six months.

    41. Developed a program to increase airman fitness and wellbeing, resulting in improved morale and productivity within four months.

    42. Created a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within eight months.

    43. Established a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within four months.

    44. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 20% reduction in costs within four months.

    45. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within eight months.

    46. Mentored five junior airman, improving their performance and morale.

    47. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve operational safety, reducing incidents by 20% in four months.

    48. Developed a comprehensive training plan for new airman, resulting in improved retention and morale within the squadron.

    49. Created a streamlined process to track aircraft maintenance records, reducing paperwork by 45% in four months.

    50. Developed a strategy to improve the squadron’s public image, resulting in improved relations and greater recognition within eight months.

    51. Developed a system to monitor aircraft safety, resulting in improved safety and operations within four months.

    52. Developed a program to increase airman fitness and wellbeing, resulting in improved morale and productivity within four months.

    53. Created a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within four months.

    54. Established a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within six months.

    55. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 25% reduction in costs within six months.

    56. Developed a time management system for her squadron, ensuring task completion and efficiency within four months.

    57. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve airman retention and morale, leading to improved recruitment and retention within four months.

    58. Created a program to improve airman communication and performance, leading to improved efficiency and morale within six months.

    59. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within four months.

    60. Mentored five junior airman, improving their performance and morale.

    61. Developed a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within five months.

    62. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve operational safety, reducing incidents by 25% in six months.

    63. Developed a comprehensive training plan for new airman, resulting in improved retention and morale within the squadron.

    64. Created a streamlined process to track aircraft maintenance records, reducing paperwork by 50% in six months.

    65. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 30% reduction in costs within four months.

    66. Established a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within four months.

    67. Developed a strategy to improve the squadron’s public image, resulting in improved relations and greater recognition within six months.

    68. Developed a system to monitor aircraft safety, resulting in improved safety and operations within eight months.

    69. Developed a program to increase airman fitness and wellbeing, resulting in improved morale and productivity within four months.

    70. Created a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within six months.

    71. Established a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within four months.

    72. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 20% reduction in costs within four months.

    73. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within six months.

    74. Mentored five junior airman, improving their performance and morale.

    75. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve operational safety, reducing incidents by 20% in eight months.

    76. Developed a comprehensive training plan for new airman, resulting in improved retention and morale within the squadron.

    77. Created a streamlined process to track aircraft maintenance records, reducing paperwork by 45% in six months.

    78. Developed a strategy to improve the squadron’s public image, resulting in improved relations and greater recognition within four months.

    79. Developed a system to monitor aircraft safety, resulting in improved safety and operations within four months.

    80. Developed a program to increase airman fitness and wellbeing, resulting in improved morale and productivity within six months.

    81. Created a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within eight months.

    82. Established a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within five months.

    83. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 25% reduction in costs within six months.

    84. Developed a time management system for her squadron, ensuring task completion and efficiency within four months.

    85. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve airman retention and morale, leading to improved recruitment and retention within four months.

    86. Created a program to improve airman communication and performance, leading to improved efficiency and morale within four months.

    87. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within eight months.

    88. Mentored five junior airman, improving their performance and morale.

    89. Developed a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within six months.

    90. Developed a comprehensive plan to improve operational safety, reducing incidents by 25% in four months.

    91. Developed a comprehensive training plan for new airman, resulting in improved retention and morale within the squadron.

    92. Created a streamlined process to track aircraft maintenance records, reducing paperwork by 50% in four months.

    93. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 30% reduction in costs within six months.

    94. Developed a strategy to improve the squadron’s public image, resulting in improved relations and greater recognition within eight months.

    95. Developed a system to monitor aircraft safety, resulting in improved safety and operations within six months.

    96. Developed a program to increase airman fitness and wellbeing, resulting in improved morale and productivity within four months.

    97. Created a system to track and monitor airman performance, leading to improved accountability and better performance within four months.

    98. Established a system to track and monitor aircraft maintenance, leading to improved performance and efficiency within four months.

    99. Reorganized squadron supply inventory, resulting in a 20% reduction in costs within six months.

    100. Spearheaded a project to upgrade squadron communication systems, resulting in improved communication and efficiency within four months.

    Completed 3 college credit hours; earned 3.0 GPA--destroyed 20% of general education requirements

    Organized four man 6 hr race team; improved health and combat mission readiness--finished first of 26 teams

    Completed advanced training in (relevant field) and earned a certification; resulting in increased proficiency and expertise in their primary duty and improved mission readiness by 20%.

    Completed a professional development course in (relevant field) and earned a certification; resulting in an increase in job proficiency by 15% and being able to take on more responsibilities.

    Completed a degree program in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and being able to successfully tackle complex task with greater ease.

    Volunteer in community service and achieved a recognition for their commitment, this helped to improved the public perception and support for the airforce by 25%.

    Published a research paper or article in (relevant field); showing the ability to conduct independent research, share knowledge with others and increased their professional reputation by 50%.

    Participated in competitive sports or physical fitness training; resulting in improved health and fitness by 20% and being able to carry out the duty with greater ease, speed and efficiency.

    Completed a language-training program and achieved proficiency in (foreign language); resulting in increased ability to work with diverse groups of people and understand different cultures, improved the ability to work with coalition forces by 25%.

    Participated in mentorship program, where they helped fellow airmen and increased the proficiency and expertise of the mentees by 20%.

    Implemented a new process or system in their primary duty, resulting in an increase in efficiency by 30% and productivity by 25%

    Completed an online or distance-learning program, showing the ability to continue learning and growing, even when face-to-face training is not possible, This led to an increase in the skill set by 15%.

    Attended a professional development course in (relevant field), resulting in a greater understanding of the profession, improved mission readiness by 20%, and increased the individual’s ability to work with others.

    Developed a new program or procedure to improve morale and efficiency in their primary duty, resulting in improved morale by 25% and increased efficiency by 20%.

    Attended a seminar or workshop in (relevant field); resulting in greater knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Completed a certification in (relevant field); resulting in an increase in the skill set by 15% and the ability to take on additional job responsibilities.

    Completed an online or distance-learning program in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty, and being able to successfully tackle complex tasks with greater ease.

    Organized and coordinated a fundraising event to benefit a charitable cause; resulting in increased awareness and support, and improved public perception of the airforce by 25%.

    Developed a new safety procedure in their primary duty, resulting in improved safety by 20% and increased mission readiness by 15%.

    Became a certified instructor in (relevant field); resulting in the ability to teach others, and increased mission readiness by 25%.

    Attended a professional conference in (relevant field); showing the ability to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies, and increased their professional reputation by 40%.

    Participated in a research project in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and being able to successfully tackle complex tasks with greater ease.

    Developed and implemented a new system to improve the accuracy and speed of (relevant field); resulting in improved mission readiness by 15% and increased efficiency by 25%.

    Attended a leadership course and earned a certification; resulting in increased ability to lead and manage teams, and improved mission readiness by 20%.

    Completed a certification program in (relevant field); resulting in increased skill set by 15% and the ability to take on additional job responsibilities.

    Attended a seminar in (relevant field); resulting in improved knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Organized and hosted an event to benefit a charitable cause; resulting in increased awareness and support, and improved public perception of the airforce by 25%.

    Completed a training program and earned a certification; resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and improved mission readiness by 10%.

    Completed a professional development program in (relevant field); resulting in increased understanding of the profession, improved mission readiness by 15%, and increased the individual’s ability to work with others.

    Participated in a job shadowing program and learned new skills; resulting in improved job proficiency by 15% and increased ability to work with diverse groups of people.

    Attended a workshop in (relevant field); resulting in greater knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Participated in a mentorship program and increased the proficiency and expertise of the mentees by 15%.

    Developed and implemented a new system to improve the accuracy and speed of (relevant field); resulting in improved mission readiness by 20% and increased efficiency by 25%.

    Attended a leadership course and earned a certification; resulting in increased ability to lead and manage teams, and improved mission readiness by 25%.

    Completed a certification program in (relevant field); resulting in increased skill set by 20% and the ability to take on additional job responsibilities.

    Attended a seminar in (relevant field); resulting in improved knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Organized and hosted an event to benefit a charitable cause; resulting in increased awareness and support, and improved public perception of the airforce by 30%.

    Completed a training program and earned a certification; resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and improved mission readiness by 15%.

    Completed a professional development program in (relevant field); resulting in increased understanding of the profession, improved mission readiness by 20%, and increased the individual’s ability to work with others.

    Participated in a job shadowing program and learned new skills; resulting in improved job proficiency by 20% and increased ability to work with diverse groups of people.

    Attended a workshop in (relevant field); resulting in greater knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Participated in a mentorship program and increased the proficiency and expertise of the mentees by 20%.

    Completed a certification in (relevant field); resulting in an increase in the skill set by 20% and the ability to take on additional job responsibilities.

    Completed an online or distance-learning program in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty, and being able to successfully tackle complex tasks with greater ease.

    Organized and coordinated a fundraising event to benefit a charitable cause; resulting in increased awareness and support, and improved public perception of the airforce by 30%.

    Developed a new safety procedure in their primary duty, resulting in improved safety by 25% and increased mission readiness by 20%.

    Attended a professional development course in (relevant field), resulting in a greater understanding of the profession, improved mission readiness by 25%, and increased the individual’s ability to work with others.

    Developed a new program or procedure to improve morale and efficiency in their primary duty, resulting in improved morale by 30% and increased efficiency by 25%.

    Attended a seminar or workshop in (relevant field); resulting in greater knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Implemented a new process or system in their primary duty, resulting in an increase in efficiency by 35% and productivity by 30%

    Completed a language-training program and achieved proficiency in (foreign language); resulting in increased ability to work with diverse groups of people and understand different cultures, improved the ability to work with coalition forces by 30%.

    Participated in competitive sports or physical fitness training; resulting in improved health and fitness by 25% and being able to carry out the duty with greater ease, speed and efficiency.

    Volunteer in community service and achieved a recognition for their commitment, this helped to improved the public perception and support for the airforce by 30%.

    Published a research paper or article in (relevant field); showing the ability to conduct independent research, share knowledge with others and increased their professional reputation by 55%.

    Completed a degree program in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and being able to successfully tackle complex task with greater ease.

    Organized four man 6 hr race team; improved health and combat mission readiness--finished first of 30 teams

    Completed advanced training in (relevant field) and earned a certification; resulting in increased proficiency and expertise in their primary duty and improved mission readiness by 25%.

    Completed a professional development course in (relevant field) and earned a certification; resulting in an increase in job proficiency by 20% and being able to take on more responsibilities.

    Attended a professional conference in (relevant field); showing the ability to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies, and increased their professional reputation by 45%.

    Participated in a research project in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and being able to successfully tackle complex tasks with greater ease.

    Completed 3 college credit hours; earned 3.5 GPA--destroyed 25% of general education requirements

    Attended a professional development program in (relevant field); resulted in increased understanding of the profession, improved mission readiness by 30%, and increased the individual’s ability to work with others.

    Completed a certification program in (relevant field); resulting in increased skill set by 25% and the ability to take on additional job responsibilities.

    Attended a seminar in (relevant field); resulting in improved knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Organized and hosted an event to benefit a charitable cause; resulting in increased awareness and support, and improved public perception of the airforce by 35%.

    Completed a training program and earned a certification; resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and improved mission readiness by 20%.

    Developed a new system to improve the accuracy and speed of (relevant field); resulting in improved mission readiness by 25% and increased efficiency by 30%.

    Attended a leadership course and earned a certification; resulting in increased ability to lead and manage teams, and improved mission readiness by 30%.

    Participated in a job shadowing program and learned new skills; resulting in improved job proficiency by 25% and increased ability to work with diverse groups of people.

    Attended a workshop in (relevant field); resulting in greater knowledge in their primary duty and increased ability to perform their job with greater proficiency.

    Participated in a mentorship program and increased the proficiency and expertise of the mentees by 25%.

    Developed and implemented a new safety procedure in their primary duty, resulting in improved safety by 30% and increased mission readiness by 25%.

    Completed a certification in (relevant field); resulting in an increase in the skill set by 25% and the ability to take on additional job responsibilities.

    Completed an online or distance-learning program in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty, and being able to successfully tackle complex tasks with greater ease.

    Organized and coordinated a fundraising event to benefit a charitable cause; resulting in increased awareness and support, and improved public perception of the airforce by 35%.

    Developed a new program or procedure to improve morale and efficiency in their primary duty, resulting in improved morale by 35% and increased efficiency by 30%.

    Attended a professional conference in (relevant field); showing the ability to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies, and increased their professional reputation by 50%.

    Participated in a research project in (relevant field); resulting in increased knowledge and skills in their primary duty and being able to successfully tackle complex tasks with greater ease.

  • When writing examples for the "Base or Community Involvement" section of the AF Form 1206, it is recommended to use a similar sentence structure as for the "Leadership and Job Performance in Primary Duty," "Significant Self-Improvement" and "Airman Concept" section, using active voice and being specific, clear, and concise. This will help to clearly convey the airman's actions, achievements, and their impact on the community.

    For example:

    "Airman Smith escorted a Special Olympic athlete and supported them to win a gold medal, representing the Air Force on a national scale."

    "Airman Smith was elected as Dorm Council President and spearheaded the construction of a fitness center, providing a gym for 60 dormitory personnel."

    In these examples, the sentences clearly state who is taking the action (Airman Smith) and what action is being taken (escorting a Special Olympic athlete, elected as Dorm Council President) and the result (winning a gold medal, constructing a fitness center).

    It's also recommended to use a consistent and logical structure for examples, for instance, starting with a subject, verb, and objective. Also, providing context such as time-frame, specific duties and responsibilities could be helpful. It's also a good practice to consult with the relevant authorities, supervisor or previous evaluations to ensure that the examples align with the criteria and standards for the "Base or Community Involvement" section of the form 1206.


    1. Coordinated off-base visits to local schools to educate students on the importance of service, 2015-present.

    2. Led weekly meetings with volunteer organization to develop strategies for local outreach initiatives, 2018-2019.

    3. Spearheaded efforts to organize a fundraising event for a local charity, 2017.

    4. Mentored junior airmen in the unit on the importance of service and civic engagement, 2016-2017.

    5. Developed a program to sponsor a family in need during the holidays, 2018.

    6. Volunteered at the base’s food pantry to help feed families in need, 2017-present.

    7. Established a partnership with a local non-profit to assist in their mission, 2018-2019.

    8. Participated in a weekly volunteer program to clean a local park, 2016-2017.

    9. Hosted a career fair for local high school students to learn about military opportunities, 2019.

    10. Created a program to provide meals for the homeless in the area, 2018-present.

    11. Donated time to a local animal shelter to assist with pet adoptions, 2017-2018.

    12. Organized a clothing donation drive to benefit a local homeless shelter, 2019.

    13. Built a playground for a community center in a low-income area, 2018.

    14. Assisted in the development of a mentorship program for underprivileged youth, 2017-2018.

    15. Assisted in the organization of an airshow to benefit the local community, 2019.

    16. Participated in an annual blood drive to support the local hospital, 2018-present.

    17. Developed a program to provide free tutoring services to local low-income students, 2018-present.

    18. Established a partnership with a local elementary school to provide after-school activities for students, 2017-2018.

    19. Participated in a volunteer program to build homes for families in need, 2018-2019.

    20. Spearheaded efforts to organize a community outreach event for the base, 2019.

    21. Organized a community clean-up day to improve the local environment, 2018.

    22. Donated time to a local animal shelter to assist with pet adoptions, 2017-2018.

    23. Assisted in the organization of a community event to raise awareness of airman contributions, 2018-2019.

    24. Spearheaded efforts to create a mentorship program for local youth, 2017-2018.

    25. Developed a program to provide meals for the homeless in the area, 2018-present.

    26. Hosted a career fair for local high school students to learn about military opportunities, 2019.

    27. Supported a local youth center by helping to increase access to resources, 2018-2019.

    28. Participated in a weekly volunteer program to clean a local park, 2016-2017.

    29. Led weekly meetings with volunteer organization to develop strategies for local outreach initiatives, 2018-2019.

    30. Coordinated off-base visits to local schools to educate students on the importance of service, 2015-present.

    31. Organized a volunteer program to collect donations for a local charity, 2018.

    32. Created a program to provide free tutoring services to local low-income students, 2018-present.

    33. Developed a program to sponsor a family in need during the holidays, 2018.

    34. Established a partnership with a local non-profit to assist in their mission, 2018-2019.

    35. Mentored junior airmen in the unit on the importance of service and civic engagement, 2016-2017.

    36. Assisted in the development of a mentorship program for underprivileged youth, 2017-2018.

    37. Volunteered at the base’s food pantry to help feed families in need, 2017-present.

    38. Participated in an annual blood drive to support the local hospital, 2018-present.

    39. Supported a local youth center by helping to increase access to resources, 2018-2019.

    40. Assisted in the organization of an airshow to benefit the local community, 2019.

    41. Led a team of volunteers to build a playground for a community center in a low-income area, 2018.

    42. Sponsored a local underprivileged student to attend a summer camp, 2019.

    43. Established a partnership with a local elementary school to provide after-school activities for students, 2017-2018.

    44. Volunteered at a local homeless shelter to help serve meals, 2015-present.

    45. Participated in a volunteer program to deliver meals to homebound seniors, 2018.

    46. Assisted with a community project to provide clean water to a local village, 2018-2019.

    47. Developed a program to provide free meals to homeless veterans, 2017-present.

    48. Organized a clothing donation drive to benefit a local homeless shelter, 2019.

    49. Mentored a group of local high schoolers on how to be successful in their future careers, 2017-2018.

    50. Coordinated a base-wide volunteer project to clean up a local park, 2018.

    51. Established a partnership with a local library to provide literacy services, 2016-2017.

    52. Conducted a series of workshops for local high school students on the importance of financial literacy, 2019.

    53. Organized a community clean-up day to improve the local environment, 2018.

    54. Assisted with a local organization to provide job-training services to disadvantaged citizens, 2017-2018.

    55. Led a team of volunteers to build a playground for a community center in a low-income area, 2018.

    56. Developed a program to provide job-placement assistance to local veterans, 2018-present.

    57. Assisted in the organization of a community event to raise awareness of airman contributions, 2018-2019.

    58. Spearheaded efforts to organize a fundraising event for a local charity, 2017.

    59. Participated in a volunteer program to restore a local park, 2016-2017.

    60. Donated time to a local animal shelter to assist with pet adoptions, 2017-2018.

    61. Established a partnership with a local school to provide a mentoring program for at-risk youth, 2018-2019.

    62. Developed a program to provide free job-training for local residents, 2017-present.

    63. Hosted an event for local teachers to learn about military career opportunities, 2019.

    64. Coordinated off-base visits to local schools to educate students on the importance of service, 2015-present.

    65. Led weekly meetings with volunteer organization to develop strategies for local outreach initiatives, 2018-2019.

    66. Assisted with a community project to provide clean water to a local village, 2018-2019.

    67. Led a team of volunteers to build a playground for a community center in a low-income area, 2018.

    68. Participated in an annual blood drive to support the local hospital, 2018-present.

    69. Developed a program to provide meals for the homeless in the area, 2018-present.

    70. Assisted in the organization of a community event to raise awareness of airman contributions, 2018-2019.

    71. Established a partnership with a local elementary school to provide after-school activities for students, 2017-2018.

    72. Organized a volunteer program to collect donations for a local charity, 2018.

    73. Mentored junior airmen in the unit on the importance of service and civic engagement, 2016-2017.

    74. Participated in a weekly volunteer program to clean a local park, 2016-2017.

    75. Developed a program to sponsor a family in need during the holidays, 2018.

    76. Supported a local youth center by helping to increase access to resources, 2018-2019.

    77. Donated time to a local animal shelter to assist with pet adoptions, 2017-2018.

    78. Hosted a career fair for local high school students to learn about military opportunities, 2019.

    79. Created a program to provide free tutoring services to local low-income students, 2018-present.

    80. Assisted with a local organization to provide job-training services to disadvantaged citizens, 2017-2018.

    81. Spearheaded efforts to organize a community outreach event for the base, 2019.

    82. Organized a clothing donation drive to benefit a local homeless shelter, 2019.

    83. Mentored a group of local high schoolers on how to be successful in their future careers, 2017-2018.

    84. Developed a program to provide free meals to homeless veterans, 2017-present.

    85. Participated in a volunteer program to deliver meals to homebound seniors, 2018.

    86. Coordinated a base-wide volunteer project to clean up a local park, 2018.

    87. Established a partnership with a local library to provide literacy services, 2016-2017.

    88. Assisted in the development of a mentorship program for underprivileged youth, 2017-2018.

    89. Conducted a series of workshops for local high school students on the importance of financial literacy, 2019.

    90. Sponsored a local underprivileged student to attend a summer camp, 2019.

    91. Developed a program to provide job-placement assistance to local veterans, 2018-present.

    92. Volunteered at the base’s food pantry to help feed families in need, 2017-present.

    93. Spearheaded efforts to organize a fundraising event for a local charity, 2017.

    94. Volunteered at a local homeless shelter to help serve meals, 2015-present.

    95. Assisted in the organization of an airshow to benefit the local community, 2019.

    96. Organized a community clean-up day to improve the local environment, 2018.

    97. Led a team of volunteers to build a playground for a community center in a low-income area, 2018.

    98. Created a program to provide free tutoring services to local low-income students, 2018-present.

    99. Developed a program to provide meals for the homeless in the area, 2018-present.

    100. Hosted an event for local teachers to learn about military career opportunities, 2019.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity event, which raised $10,000 for a local children's hospital.

    Organized a blood drive that collected over 100 units of blood, helping to save hundreds of lives.

    Volunteered as a mentor for a local youth organization, helping to guide and support at-risk youth.

    Organized a community clean-up event, which helped to beautify the local area and improve the quality of life for residents.

    Assisted in the training of local emergency responders, helping to improve their ability to respond to emergencies and save lives.

    Volunteered at a local animal shelter, helping to care for and find homes for adoptable pets.

    Organized a toy drive, which provided Christmas presents for hundreds of underprivileged children.

    Volunteered at a local food bank, helping to distribute food and other essentials to those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity run, which raised $5,000 for a local veterans organization.

    Organized a disaster-relief effort, which provided assistance to those affected by a natural disaster.

    Participated in a charity cycling event, raising money for a local charity supporting cancer research.

    Assisted in the organization and execution of a community safety fair, educating community members on emergency preparedness and safety procedures.

    Led a team of airmen in volunteering at a homeless shelter, providing support and assistance to those in need.

    Organized a local sporting event, promoting healthy living and encouraging physical activity among community members.

    Organized a health fair, providing free health screenings and educating community members about healthy living.

    Participated in a community beautification project, helping to improve the appearance of the local area and boost morale.

    Volunteered at a local school, providing support and assistance to students and teachers.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a fundraising event, raising money for a local charity supporting children with disabilities.

    Assisted in a community outreach program, providing support and assistance to veterans and military families in the local area.

    Organized a donation drive for a local food pantry, providing food and other essentials for those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity golf tournament, raising money for a scholarship fund for disadvantaged youth.

    Volunteered at a local animal shelter, helping to find homes for adoptable animals.

    Organized a clothing drive, providing warm clothing and other essentials to those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in coordinating a fundraising event, raising money for a local homeless shelter.

    Assisted in organizing a car wash event, raising money for a local charity supporting cancer research.

    Organized a school supply drive, providing supplies to underprivileged children in the local area.

    Assisted in a community health education program, providing information to local residents about health and safety.

    Organized a volunteer event at a local soup kitchen, providing meals and other essentials to those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity auction, raising money for a local charity supporting children’s education.

    Participated in a community clean-up event, helping to beautify the local area and improve the quality of life for residents.

    Volunteered at a local library, helping to organize and provide resources to library patrons.

    Assisted in a community outreach program, providing education and resources to those in need.

    Organized a community picnic, providing an opportunity for local residents to come together and socialize.

    Volunteered at an animal rescue organization, helping to find homes for stray and abandoned pets.

    Organized a holiday food drive, providing food to those in need during the holidays.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity car show, raising money for a local charity supporting veterans.

    Volunteered at a local hospital, providing emotional and physical support to patients and families.

    Organized a backpack drive, providing backpacks filled with school supplies to underprivileged children.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a 5K run/walk, raising money for a local charity supporting children’s causes.

    Assisted in a local job fair, providing resources and assistance to those seeking employment.

    Organized a community recycling program, helping to promote environmental awareness and reduce waste.

    Led a team of airmen in volunteering at a soup kitchen, providing meals and other essentials to those in need.

    Participated in a community garden project, providing fresh produce to those in need in the local area.

    Organized a fundraising event for a local animal shelter, raising money to help care for and find homes for adoptable pets.

    Volunteered at a local homeless shelter, providing support and assistance to those in need.

    Organized a community block party, providing a safe environment for local residents to come together and socialize.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity concert, raising money for a local charity supporting children’s causes.

    Assisted in a local literacy program, providing literacy resources and support to those in need.

    Organized a donation drive for a local school, providing supplies and other essentials to students and teachers.

    Volunteered at a local senior center, providing support and assistance to elderly residents.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity baseball game, raising money for a local charity supporting homeless veterans.

    Assisted in a local mentoring program, providing guidance and support to at-risk youth.

    Organized a community art project, helping to promote creativity and artistic expression in the local area.

    Volunteered at a local animal shelter, helping to care for and find homes for adoptable pets.

    Organized a charity bike ride, raising money for a local charity supporting cancer research.

    Participated in a community outreach program, providing education and resources to those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity golf tournament, raising money for a local charity supporting breast cancer research.

    Assisted in a local job training program, providing resources and assistance to those seeking employment.

    Organized a donation drive for a local homeless shelter, providing food and other essentials to those in need.

    Volunteered at a local library, helping to organize and provide resources to library patrons.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity dinner, raising money for a local charity supporting underprivileged children.

    Assisted in a local disaster relief effort, providing assistance to those affected by a natural disaster.

    Organized a donation drive for a local animal shelter, providing food and other essentials to care for animals.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity golf tournament, raising money for a local charity supporting the environment.

    Volunteered at a local soup kitchen, helping to provide meals and other essentials to those in need.

    Organized a community clean-up event, helping to beautify the local area and improve the quality of life for residents.

    Assisted in a community outreach program, providing education and resources to those in need.

    Organized a toy drive, providing Christmas presents for hundreds of underprivileged children.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity dance, raising money for a local charity supporting women's rights.

    Participated in a charity cycling event, raising money for a local charity supporting mental health research.

    Assisted in the organization and execution of a community health fair, providing free health screenings and educating community members about healthy living.

    Volunteered at a local animal shelter, helping to find homes for adoptable animals.

    Organized a donation drive for a local food pantry, providing food and other essentials to those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity run, which raised $3,000 for a local veterans organization.

    Organized a school supply drive, providing supplies to underprivileged children in the local area.

    Volunteered at a local school, providing support and assistance to students and teachers.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity golf tournament, raising money for a scholarship fund for disadvantaged youth.

    Assisted in a community health education program, providing information to local residents about health and safety.

    Organized a clothing drive, providing warm clothing and other essentials to those in need.

    Organized a fundraising event for a local animal shelter, raising money to help care for and find homes for adoptable pets.

    Volunteered at a local homeless shelter, providing support and assistance to those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity auction, raising money for a local charity supporting children’s education.

    Participated in a community beautification project, helping to improve the appearance of the local area and boost morale.

    Organized a donation drive for a local library, providing resources to library patrons.

    Assisted in a local job fair, providing resources and assistance to those seeking employment.

    Organized a community recycling program, helping to promote environmental awareness and reduce waste.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a 5K run/walk, raising money for a local charity supporting children’s causes.

    Volunteered at a local hospital, providing emotional and physical support to patients and families.

    Organized a backpack drive, providing backpacks filled with school supplies to underprivileged children.

    Assisted in a local literacy program, providing literacy resources and support to those in need.

    Organized a community picnic, providing an opportunity for local residents to come together and socialize.

    Volunteered at an animal rescue organization, helping to find homes for stray and abandoned pets.

    Organized a holiday food drive, providing food to those in need during the holidays.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity car show, raising money for a local charity supporting veterans.

    Participated in a community garden project, providing fresh produce to those in need in the local area.

    Organized a community block party, providing a safe environment for local residents to come together and socialize.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity concert, raising money for a local charity supporting children’s causes.

    Assisted in a local job training program, providing resources and assistance to those seeking employment.

    Organized a health fair, providing free health screenings and educating community members about healthy living.

    Volunteered at a local senior center, providing support and assistance to elderly residents.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity baseball game, raising money for a local charity supporting homeless veterans.

    Assisted in a local mentoring program, providing guidance and support to at-risk youth.

    Organized a community art project, helping to promote creativity and artistic expression in the local area.

    Organized a blood drive that collected over 50 units of blood, helping to save lives.

    Volunteered as a mentor for a local youth organization, helping to guide and support at-risk youth.

    Assisted in the training of local emergency responders, helping to improve their ability to respond to emergencies and save lives.

    Organized a disaster-relief effort, which provided assistance to those affected by a natural disaster.

    Participated in a charity walk, raising money for a local charity supporting research for a rare disease.

    Led a team of airmen in volunteering at a homeless shelter, providing support and assistance to those in need.

    Organized a local sporting event, promoting healthy living and encouraging physical activity among community members.

    Volunteered at a local food bank, helping to distribute food and other essentials to those in need.

    Organized a donation drive for a local animal shelter, providing food and other essentials to care for animals.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity golf tournament, raising money for a local charity supporting the environment.

    Assisted in a community outreach program, providing education and resources to those in need.

    Organized a fundraising event for a local animal shelter, raising money to help care for and find homes for adoptable pets.

    Volunteered at a local soup kitchen, helping to provide meals and other essentials to those in need.

    Organized a community clean-up event, helping to beautify the local area and improve the quality of life for residents.

    Participated in a charity cycling event, raising money for a local charity supporting mental health research.

    Assisted in the organization and execution of a community health fair, providing free health screenings and educating community members about healthy living.

    Volunteered at a local animal shelter, helping to find homes for adoptable animals.

    Organized a donation drive for a local food pantry, providing food and other essentials to those in need.

    Led a team of airmen in organizing a charity dance, raising money for a local charity supporting women's rights.

  • EPR bullets, or Enlisted Performance Report bullets, are short, concise statements that summarize an airman's accomplishments and contributions to the Air Force. When writing EPR bullets, it is important to follow a specific format and structure to ensure they are clear and effective. Here are some tips on how to write EPR bullets:

    Use active voice: EPR bullets should be written in the active voice to clearly convey who performed the action and what was accomplished.

    Be specific: Use specific facts, figures, and dates to support the bullet and make it more compelling.

    Use action verbs: Use strong action verbs to describe the accomplishment, such as "managed," "led," "implemented," "executed," "trained," etc.

    Use quantitative measures: Use quantitative measures such as numbers, percentages, or dollar amounts to demonstrate the impact and significance of the accomplishment.

    Show impact and results: The key to a good EPR bullet is showing the impact and results of the accomplishment. Explain how the accomplishment improved mission readiness, saved time or money, or contributed to the unit's goals and objectives.

    Be concise: EPR bullets should be short and to the point. Use no more than two or three sentences to describe the accomplishment.


    Led a team of flight engineers in executing a complex aircraft maintenance plan, resulting in a 100% mission readiness rate for the quarter.

    Implemented a new pre-flight checklist procedure, increasing the efficiency of flight operations by 20% and reducing potential safety hazards.

    By following these tips, you can ensure that your EPR bullets are clear, concise, and effectively communicate the airman's accomplishments to the appropriate leadership.


    - Analyzed pt accts for Rx refills; processed 1.8K/monitored alerts--prevented pt harm/zero discrepancies noted

    - Analyzed pt orders for accuracy; verified 7K orders/correlated data--zero discrepancies found/wing SAV

    - Analyzed pt status/refill requests; processed 2.1K requests/monitored alerts--zero discrepancies detected/wing SAV

    - Authored SOPs/pharmacy automation sys; trained 12 prsnl/cell refill steps--zero discrepancies noted/wing SAV

    - Authored SOPs/pharmacy automation sys; trnd 13 prsnl/cell refill steps & performed 5 audits--100% compliant/std

    - Certified in narcotic inventory; performed 98 inventories/reconciled 200 items--zero discrepancies found/wing SAV

    - Certified off-duty eqpmt upgrade; managed 1.2K refill orders/6 GSUs--developed tactical expertise/met deployment rqmnts

    - Coord'd $1.3M off-duty automation upgrade proj/55 prsnl; transferred $55M stock/49 areas--zero downtime/pt care

    - Coordinated $625K pharmacy relocation/12 off-duty hrs; arranged shelf workflow/18K stock items--zero pt downtime

    - Developed/implemented PHA sop; trnd 54 prsnl/cell refill steps/5 audits--100% compliant/std/wing SAV

    - Executed $659K eqpmt refresh; assisted in replacement of 49 dispensary stations--enhanced care capabilities/39 sites

    - Implemented PHA sop; trnd 54 prsnl/cell refill steps/5 audits--100% compliant/std/wing SAV

    - Led $1.5M eqpmt refresh; coord'd transfer $55M stock/49 areas--broadened pt care svc capabilities for 39 sites

    - Managed $62K narcotic acct; performed 98 inventories/reconciled 200 items--zero discrepancies found/wg SAV

    - Monitored/verified pt accts for Rx refills; processed 1.8K/monitored alerts--prevented pt harm/zero discrepancies noted

    - Monitored/verified pt orders for accuracy; verified 7K orders/correlated data--zero discrepancies found/wing SAV

    - Monitored/verified pt status/refill requests; processed 2.1K requests/monitored alerts--zero discrepancies detected/wing SAV

    - Processed/verified Rx orders; corr'd data/verified 7K orders--zero discrepancies found/wing SAV

    - Processed/verified Rx refills; evaluated 1.8K/monitored alerts--prevented pt harm/zero discrepancies noted

    - Processed/verified Rx status/refill requests; processed 2.1K requests/monitored alerts--zero discrepancies detected/wing SAV

    - Recorded 98 controlled items; performed 30 audits--zero diversions documented/wing disinterested inventory insp

    - Reconciled $62K narcotic acct; performed 98 inventories/reconciled 200 items--zero discrepancies found/wg SAV

    - Sq NCO/DSD selectee; devised 13 events/12 gps as sq lead/Wingman Olympics--fortified CAF tenets/178 AD

    - Trained 12 prsnl/cell refill steps; verified 1.2K refill orders/6 GSUs--developed tactical expertise/met deployment rqmnts

    - Assessed prescriptions for generic availability; reconciled 3.4K pharmaceuticals/eliminated $5.5M cost overrun

    - Augmented $365K medication mgmt system; designed inventory control flow/reduced shrinkage--gained $215K savings

    - Co-authored critical review article; attained up-to-date clinical practices/transflected on AF clinical strategies--praised by FHP

    - Co-created care group course; provided 45 hrs trng/bulk material mgmt--awarded ribbon/insp score 100%

    - Collaborated w/3 med groups; dev'd ADG document w/70 pts/new proc--facilitated med ops/no changeover time

    - Coord 9 Refill Request/Rx Orders; executed 5K/pts met ETPs/75% fewer rejects--enabled streamlined process

    - Coord 7 World Class Events; anticipated preset time frames/eliminated hiccups--promoted logistics/facility mgmt

    - Coordented 3 Pharmaceutical Summits; arranged 6 hrs accreditation/met regs--eval'd for future events

    - Developed 10 drug protocols; crafted policy statement & standards--vital to AF mission/credit to OI

    - Developed/coord GSE case study; trnd 15/lt research/production planning--recognized/Nmed "Tech of Qtr"

    - Demonstrated 3D printing proficiency; innovated retail medication mgmt/reduced waste--saved $100K/renewed comms

    - Dispensed 8.5K prescriptions; f/upd 34K chart & entered into system--zero omissions/3 hrs turnaround time

    - Evaluated 4 parent/child therapeutic options; enacted BDX protocol/d provided alternative safe treatment pathway--assisted 500 families

    - Expedited 6 refills/controlled meds; monitored clients/90% compliance--facilitated $45K/better health outcomes

    - Facilitated 3 community X-days; engaged w/20 pts/self mgmt counseling--4% improvements/lab #s/surveyed

    - Hosted alumni workshop; returned 15/5 wks access/med decision making--3 hrs/reactivated/unsubscribing pts

    - Improved clinical flow efficiency; trained 22 monitors/5 hrs/increased prods per hr--awarded "Team of Qtr"

    - Launched 7 Biologics X-d program; cooperated w/8 local pharmacies/2K pts--saved DoD $1.8M/enhanced care

    - Monitored 8K patient visits; conducted 140 index pts/real-time problem sovling--reduced reqs/zero impact/mx ops

    - Negotiated 5 med contracts; coordinated 2K pts/reduced OOPs--saved $650K/better quality care

    - Obtained 10 munitions; receiving/tracking 10 shipments/zero delay--enabled turnaround sustain/14K sq mts

    - Optimized 24-hrs spt lifecycle; trnd 12 mgrs/4 hrs/increased 24-hr emer ops--awarded ww af shuttle challenge

    - Participated in DoD team; established 140 CMC research pts/five mo--reviewed/isolated problems/prevented future issues

    - Pioneered refills process; dep'd 3 orders/simplified patient access--solved backlog/zero delays/1K pts

    - Prepared 5 orientation briefs; created 7 hrs trng/6 mbrs/understing eqpt/fcty emer reqs--promoted readiness/safety

    - Revised 8 MHA directives; aligned DAF policies/regs/8K pts contact info--incr'd info accuracy/avoided ODs

    - Spearheaded base Rx digital conversion project; enabled 8K pts/test on e-prescribing--saved $500K/transcription costs

    - Calculated/verified duty cycle vols; tracked/labeled 577 products in storage bins--reduced avg. cycle time by 2 hrs

    - Compiled 20 bulk orders; organized/sorted bottles & vials according to size/catalog--reduced waste by 20%

    - Coord'd 3-week Flu Clinic; processed vaccinations for 1.7K personnel/cross-site coverage--zero discrepancies/2 weeks

    - Developed multi-team BSA/7 inspections; certified 4K unit materials/5 pm chaplains--processed 397 pkgs/invested $7K

    - Developed/maintained imaging supplies/eqpmt; cataloged 505 line-items/area 3--marked 25 items/25 labels/shift

    - Executed/coord'd 485qty bulk orders/730 consumable items; controlled/validated product accountability--minimized waste 25%

    - Fabricated 24 transport cart models; inspected/tested quality control per protocol--saved $24K/installed at 5 sites

    - Hosted 2-day symposium/7 prs; coordinated product displays/samples per TM--presented 1.8K promotional items/9 hrs

    - Installed $600K eqpmt; implemented automated system processing/4 sites--realized 9% increase/line ops productivity

    - Led small group PDCs/teleconferencing; counseled/approved medications for 23K enrollees--gained 100% compliance

    - Modified ctrl system/capabilities; signed authorization 4 tasking/143 remote codes--prevented unauthorized use 24 hrs

    - Monitored/verified vendor shipments; maintained accuracy/138 shipments/route mgt--on time delivery rate 95%

    - Orchestrated multi-site logistics; processed 2.7K orders/314 shipments/inventory flow--saved $43.4K/4 personnel costs

    - Planned 4500-person enlistee MHS event; organized 10K supplies/utilized 3 staff members--raised reqs delivery rate 72%

    - Procured/tested custodial eqpmt; inspected/modified 3 trucks/used in line ops--improved capacity by $7K/3 mths

    - Processed 50K individual orders/9 rotations; ensured proper qty/storage/order rate--netted $90K in savings/loop costs

    - Refined 4-phase automated system; upgraded 4K pharm processes/48 netwrk nodes--integrated 10K forms/15 nodes

    - Reorganized stockroom/storage systems; reduced 700 sq ft/supplied drugs daily--verified chain-of-custody 12 items

    - Revamped pt refills call center; replaced 500 man-hours/3 cycles/day--increased productivity by 25%/2 mths

    - Scheduled 7K equiptment/vehicle mxs; tracked/replaced 5 technologies/24 hrs--saved $32K/overhead costs/4 rotations

    - Stratigized 4-phase inventory system; upgraded 4K pharm processes/48 netwrk nodes--integrated 10 processes/20 nodes

    - Supported 4K emergency refills/stock mxs; inspected/tested drug orders/50 AMs--saved $45K/4 drug shortages/7 hrs

    - Troubleshot 100 prblms/device failures; validated/repaired 3K eqpmt/returns--averted 1 rework incident/5 reps

    - Attended AOR qual trng; verified 250 rxs/zero errors--developed pharmacy ops/ldrshp skills/supplied essential meds 6 GSUs

    - Attended immunization trng; attained A76 cert/administer'd 50 influenza shots--bolstered prsnl musculoskeletal capabilities

    - Attended Medical Class on Patient Rights; completed 60% of requirement--elicited legal infl/prevented potential infractions

    - Completed 3-hr PDC; proficient in pharmacy sep rxs/refills--aviated 86 chall spts incl pxlies/taggs/records mgmt

    - Completed PDC; instilled Wingman ethos/4 prsnl--elevated wrk performance/contributed to TAP awd/FCE accomplishment

    - Completed tri-sq pre-OCONUS trng; provided bedding/food spt to 100 Airmen--garnered Wing SQ/Group SNCO Cmd Spt Awd

    - Conducted 10 CDCs; ensured MEDIIM accuracy/create'd accurate inventories--enabled safe distribution/eliminated 150 mxs

    - Conducted wing SNCO Night Out; detailed med tray/assisted w/chow lne spt--assisted 40 prsnl/nurtrd HC Career Flds

    - Construct'd PDC; trnd 4 prsnl on AF prescribing regs--honed/expedited rcsg refills/reduced wait times by 2.2 hrs

    - Demonstrated excellent cost consciousness; ordered/tracked 140 assets--received ACC FCSA awd/conserved $6K

    - Earn'd 15 hrs towards B.S. in Environmental Mgmt; maint'd 4.0 GPA/3 classes--validated self-monitoring/career dev

    - Evaluated 40 MASA ret'd items; expedited ships/recoup'd $35K--secured scope/eschewed rqmnts/saved AF $3K

    - Mentor'd flt member; engaged in weekly mentorship sessions--imparted trng/dev'd peers/enriched tour/foster'd rcvry

    - Obtained A76 cert/immunization seminar; admin'd 50 influenza shots/2 hrs--bolstered physical superiority/80 prsnl

    - assisted in patient safety shift at Surgical Surge--honed knowledge/provided 35 hrs of MA service/provided patient care

    - attended AFMC Pharm PG Crs; completed 25 hrs of trng--grasped pharmaceutical lgl knowledge/platform for future DUs

    - attended 3 PDCs; appl'd ldrship insights/5 prsnl--heightened trng/instill'd Ropes Cse Crs principals/mgt techniques

    - Attended Orientation for Flt Evals; proficient in writing EPRs/awards--crucial for 250 prsnl career progression/recognition

    - Attended 3-hr Trauma PDC; acquired knwlg of trauma/injury mngment--essential for pharmacy-absent sites/executed spt

    - Completed 8-hr Hazmat PDC; evaluated 10- emergency scenarios--learned viable dfc/incr'd aptitude in assessing situations

    - Document'd supply info; tracked 550 assets/zero errors--submitted wg's ammo acct/post validation/11 hrs of vrfy

    - Examined 10 drug recipies; assessed orders/analyzed contracts--sicked 400 rxs/set site up 60 days of continual stock

    - Verified accuracy/150 PAX/ensured all records trnsfr'd/integrity maintained --cert'd AF Prep/assessed critical info/submitt'd to med grp.

    - Coord'd BLS/CPR instruction; trnd 18 prsnl on 10 medical scenerios -- warded off medical emergencies/prompt mx trtment

    - Assist'd w/Sqc Free Designated Driver campgn; coord'd event logistics--culminated w/150 prsnl/promote'd risk-free practices

    - Attended 5 PDCs/AOR qual Trng; 3rd qtr was 5th sharpest Class A/uniform exmpled--garnered level 5 EMDG Award/ensured new med strategies

    - Participated in BLS instrc module; refreshed 4 prsnl/incr'd aptitude in emergency rxns--sust'd HC sq performance/prtcr'd

    - Attended AFMC-hosted wg ldrshp PDC; shared insight on prsnl mgmt --prmtd career progression/increased morale/50 prsnl

    - Conducted 1000 pt trn-over; ensured all new mbrs trnd accordg to regs--cntrbl to Sq awards trgt/received FCSA Mtl of Apprc.

    - Dev'd Pharm 4yd PDC; trnd 6 prsnl on critical trng standards--all passed exam/granted lvr 1 accreditation for wg grp.

    - Completed AFMC Pharm Post-Grad Cert; attained 10 cpe credits/annually--expanded lgl expertise/statutory reqt/continuing educ.

    - Discussed new RXinfo system; briefed 25 prsnl/increased medicl acy--expedited drug orders/upgraded lvr of care/38 pts

    - Attended ldrshp seminar; acquired insight on prsnl goal setting --encouraged 12 prsnl to pursue higher ed/orient tran roles.

    - Attended 2-day PDC; trnd 4 prsnl on resource mgmt/10 days--contributed trng/enables medicl suites/ensured wrk quality.

    - Audit'd 50 med/pharm dx intervns; ensured pt compliance/dev'd stds--increased awareness of safe medicl prcts/prevented med errors.

    - Attended AOR qual trng; verified 250 rxs/zero errors--developed pharmacy ops/ldrshp skills/supplied essential meds 6 GSUs

    - Attended immunization trng; attained A76 cert/administer'd 50 influenza shots--bolstered prsnl musculoskeletal capabilities

    - Attended Medical Class on Patient Rights; completed 60% of requirement--elicited legal infl/prevented potential infractions

    - Completed 3-hr PDC; proficient in pharmacy sep rxs/refills--aviated 86 chall spts incl pxlies/taggs/records mgmt

    - Completed PDC; instilled Wingman ethos/4 prsnl--elevated wrk performance/contributed to TAP awd/FCE accomplishment

    - Completed tri-sq pre-OCONUS trng; provided bedding/food spt to 100 Airmen--garnered Wing SQ/Group SNCO Cmd Spt Awd

    - Conducted 10 CDCs; ensured MEDIIM accuracy/create'd accurate inventories--enabled safe distribution/eliminated 150 mxs

    - Conducted wing SNCO Night Out; detailed med tray/assisted w/chow lne spt--assisted 40 prsnl/nurtrd HC Career Flds

    - Construct'd PDC; trnd 4 prsnl on AF prescribing regs--honed/expedited rcsg refills/reduced wait times by 2.2 hrs

    - Demonstrated excellent cost consciousness; ordered/tracked 140 assets--received ACC FCSA awd/conserved $6K

    - Earn'd 15 hrs towards B.S. in Environmental Mgmt; maint'd 4.0 GPA/3 classes--validated self-monitoring/career dev

    - Evaluated 40 MASA ret'd items; expedited ships/recoup'd $35K--secured scope/eschewed rqmnts/saved AF $3K

    - Mentor'd flt member; engaged in weekly mentorship sessions--imparted trng/dev'd peers/enriched tour/foster'd rcvry

    - Obtained A76 cert/immunization seminar; admin'd 50 influenza shots/2 hrs--bolstered physical superiority/80 prsnl

    - assisted in patient safety shift at Surgical Surge--honed knowledge/provided 35 hrs of MA service/provided patient care

    - attended AFMC Pharm PG Crs; completed 25 hrs of trng--grasped pharmaceutical lgl knowledge/platform for future DUs

    - attended 3 PDCs; appl'd ldrship insights/5 prsnl--heightened trng/instill'd Ropes Cse Crs principals/mgt techniques

    - Attended Orientation for Flt Evals; proficient in writing EPRs/awards--crucial for 250 prsnl career progression/recognition

    - Attended 3-hr Trauma PDC; acquired knwlg of trauma/injury mngment--essential for pharmacy-absent sites/executed spt

    - Completed 8-hr Hazmat PDC; evaluated 10- emergency scenarios--learned viable dfc/incr'd aptitude in assessing situations

    - Document'd supply info; tracked 550 assets/zero errors--submitted wg's ammo acct/post validation/11 hrs of vrfy

    - Examined 10 drug recipies; assessed orders/analyzed contracts--sicked 400 rxs/set site up 60 days of continual stock

    - Verified accuracy/150 PAX/ensured all records trnsfr'd/integrity maintained --cert'd AF Prep/assessed critical info/submitt'd to med grp.

    - Coord'd BLS/CPR instruction; trnd 18 prsnl on 10 medical scenerios -- warded off medical emergencies/prompt mx trtment

    - Assist'd w/Sqc Free Designated Driver campgn; coord'd event logistics--culminated w/150 prsnl/promote'd risk-free practices

    - Attended 5 PDCs/AOR qual Trng; 3rd qtr was 5th sharpest Class A/uniform exmpled--garnered level 5 EMDG Award/ensured new med strategies

    - Participated in BLS instrc module; refreshed 4 prsnl/incr'd aptitude in emergency rxns--sust'd HC sq performance/prtcr'd

    - Attended AFMC-hosted wg ldrshp PDC; shared insight on prsnl mgmt --prmtd career progression/increased morale/50 prsnl

    - Conducted 1000 pt trn-over; ensured all new mbrs trnd accordg to regs--cntrbl to Sq awards trgt/received FCSA Mtl of Apprc.

    - Dev'd Pharm 4yd PDC; trnd 6 prsnl on critical trng standards--all passed exam/granted lvr 1 accreditation for wg grp.

    - Completed AFMC Pharm Post-Grad Cert; attained 10 cpe credits/annually--expanded lgl expertise/statutory reqt/continuing educ.

    - Discussed new RXinfo system; briefed 25 prsnl/increased medicl acy--expedited drug orders/upgraded lvr of care/38 pts

    - Attended ldrshp seminar; acquired insight on prsnl goal setting --encouraged 12 prsnl to pursue higher ed/orient tran roles.

    - Attended 2-day PDC; trnd 4 prsnl on resource mgmt/10 days--contributed trng/enables medicl suites/ensured wrk quality.

    - Audit'd 50 med/pharm dx intervns; ensured pt compliance/dev'd stds--increased awareness of safe medicl prcts/prevented med errors.

    - Checklisted drug formulary/$1.2M; reconciled 4.2K items/96K pts--decreased stolen stock/prevented $45K/yr in losses

    - Compiled supply list/$8M; inventoried 19 meds/verified 100 vendor orders--reduced stock/prevented $48K/yr in losses

    - Consensus builder for 26 Pharmacy staff; collaborated to generate visibility/5 Sq's--increased morale by 15%

    - Contributed to 15 white papers; refined/integrated practices w/peer reviewed sources--broadcasted best practices/AF

    - Coord'd 18-hrs of QI/Safety forum; sched'd 10 speakers/answred 50 pt's Q's--spurred 6 new quality initiatives

    - Developed annual pharmacy budget; reconciled/integrated $250K expenditure/5M hlthcare ins--met AFMS avg of 97%

    - Developed interactive EPR Bullets charts; distribut'd 10K copies/portaled qtrly updates--primed 24K members w/EPRs

    - Directed MTF-wide pharmacy survey; polled 400 pts/enlisted 500 responses--inspired/crafted 12 new policies

    - Facilitated personnel sho' system; expedited 5K requisitions/79 trccs--spt'd business continuity/100% mission msn

    - Instrumental in 4K+ annual rxs; developed/implemented inventory mgmt system--bolstered patient satisfaction by 5%

    - Led 2 projs for 72 RX's; train'd 40 technicians/4 hrs--generated $120K yrly savings/reduced staff by 20%

    - Led 90M renovation project; corrdinated 50 subcontractors/2 Sq's--reduced projected cost/10% while exceeding quality

    - Led MEDLOG initiative; devised/integrated order/track 6K meds--saved $250K yrly/outdistanced peers in turnaround time

    - Overhauled pt EDIS; assessed/utilized 6K pt files--enabled post-acu care mgmt/facilitated 10K C&P claims

    - Participat'd 436 OCA wg; launched RX change mgmt tool/3 AF bases--streamlined admin proceds/saved $12K/yr

    - Participated in 5-mbr COC; chaired 5 ssn/facilitated/revamped 20K orders--exceeded $1M CARE mgt goal by 20%

    - Pioneered 7QI peer reviews; constructed/leveraged 5 KM's/65 mbrs--database utilized/expanded AFMS quality init's

    - PRP Speaker for 457 Pharmacy Sq; lectured/taught 600 prsons/yr--awarded Spt Staff Award from TACT Mgmt Div

    - Reengineered 35 pts/day process; implement'd/evaluated autofill machine--accelerated process/saved $75K/yr

    - Reorganized 60-mbr workforce; coordinated/led 6-hrs of team-building wkns--augmented 38 daily mission requisitions

    - Spearheaded antimicrobial stewardship pgm; network'd 23 MTFs/proj'd 25 practices--decreas'd antibiotic resist by 5%

    - Spearheaded PCR workflow; collaborated w/150 specialists/2wks--accelerat'd equip updt/improve patient safety by 30%

    - Spearhead'd Rx Monitoring Taskforce; devised 10 policies/40 members--bolstered Data entry accuracy from 88% to 100%

    - Streamlined tech-tracking process; reconstructed 5K inventories/3 sites--saved $110K/yr/gained 9.4% accuracy rate

    - Supervised fleet-wide Bio-containment process; ensur'd 800 protocols/6 wks--mastered 99.3% order accuracy rate

    - Train'd/certified 48 Pharmacy staff; integrated daily ops techs/reduced training time by 50%--enabled 25K orders/mo

    - Tutored 5 Pharmacy Students; coached/parametered curriculums/12 hrs--awarded 4 grads w/Special Recognition Award

    - Utilized automated med ordering sys; optimized/monitored 4K orders/4 Sq's--awarded Operational Excellence Award

    - Demonstrated exceptional leadership; adjusted pharmacy workflow/staffed 80 hrs/wk--ensured narcotics filled/no pts delayed

    - Developed rx management system/partnered w/LGR; collaborated w/loc PA--maintained pharm records/led AFDD w/zero errors

    - Established trng prog for new hires; conducted classes/covered all aspects of job responsibility--developed 3 GSs

    - Executed sec eval/codified new protocols; partnered w/spt staff 22 wg progs--guidanced ops/safeguarded $400K in supplies

    - Extensive knowledge of MedAdmin systems; managed 270K medicaries/100K hrs--met demand/curtailed 1.5K mol/2QTRs

    - Instituted policies/procedures in pharmacy; alloted hrs of coverage/inventory mgt--ensured AFDD compliance/zero pt delays

    - Oversaw day-to-day ops of $3.8M pharmacy; implemented 1.5K drug profiles--maintained $9.4M stock levels/2QTRs

    - Performed rx audits/identified discrepancies; voluntarily filled txg gaps/awaited spt team--outsmarted stockout/5K pts

    - Prepared/recorded medications in sterile area; logged 33K meds/630K hrs--partnered w/LGR/decreased inventory costs

    - Prepared/supervised 15 med admin Airmen --raised morale/secured supply channel--enabled 95% equip readiness

    - Processed Narcotic Rx trng prog; tracked 67 admin prsnl/upgraded certificates--primed $390K of meds w/ERM guidelines

    - Provided patient care instruction; educated 5K pts/210K hrs--improved overall health/signed off 370K meds

    - Raised standards/secured 2QTRs of pharmacy ops; monitored workload/managed $858K in supplies--reduced pt delays to 0

    - Revamped warehouse/gen'd ORF lists; conducted monthly reviews/forecasted drug reqs--extended $3.6K in drug inventory

    - Scheduled 45 prsnl/secured patient care; partnered w/3DSS/activated safety protocols--safeguarded AFDD/2QTRs of zero pt delays

    - Spearheaded unit's PALS program; organized fundraisers/raised $85K/360K hrs--build 16K sq.ft. of local public park

    - Streamlined backorder rotation process; monitored supply fan/spliced $1M of meds--met demand/coached 4 prsnl to GS level

    - Supervised/mentored 5 pharmacy NCOs; critiqued daily/prepared staff evaluations--excelled 91% of team to 5-level/1 yr

    - Updated narcotics mgt OI revision; standardized flt ops/instituted new fed mandates--primed 3 sites f/TJC insp

    - Zeroed in on patient safety/care; implemented 25 QA programs/reviews--improved throughput/minimized 820K hrs of pt delays

    - Developed travel planning course; taught 63 hrs/130 hr annual min--enabled 186 prsnl to meet reqs/complete TDYs

    - Detected underutilized supplies; tapped 32 high-cost items--realized $490K in savings/amplified patient care

    - Built "how-to" AD rx ID guide; enabled 1,200 prsnl to complete reqs/3 mos--drove 24% decrease in wait times

    - Created Emergency Disaster Guide/3 FOBs; re-crafted logistics chain/1.3K+ requests--enabled 80% pt care/72 hrs

    - Cut sq supply losses 10%; realigned rx program/replenished backlogged meds--resulted in $80K in resource savings

    - Authored sq AD annual appeal; effectively recruited/uploaded 19 prsnl--enabled 78% sq staff/mission readiness

    - Developed new products TQA; identified/addressed 3 areas of opportunity--saved DoD $127K/reduced shortages/errors

    - Authored crit trng PG; led 85 hrs/13 topics/100+ prsnl--instilled confidence/enhanced perf/raised AF Core Values

    - Coord'd Spec Ops refill execution; revampd prgm/10 sqs & 47 sites--cut delivery times by 45%/amplified resp rate

    - Authored bulk orders guide; dev'd pgm w/5+ diff delivery methods--enabled consolidations/improved resource efficiency

    - Created "RX List" for Emerm Dept; collated 31 ADC-reported items--utlzd as reference guide/raised pt safety awareness

    - Authored trng guide; taught 16 hrs/5 topics/88 prsnl--instilled confidence/amplified critical thinking/raised AF Core Values

    - Improved Rx integrity process; configured guidelines/62 pt visits daily--reduced errors/ensured pt info was consistent

    - Dedicated volunteer; devoted 3 hrs to 8 local health fairs--raised awareness/pgms offered in local community

    - Engaged 300+ prsnl; completed 21 CEs/grandfathered-in nat l cert--enhanced rx prot/amplified pt safety measures

    - Developed temp out-of-stock process; formed/revised/implemented 8 vetted SOPs--realized 100% pt contact/incomplete rxs

    - Applied supply chain principles; analyzed usage trends/5+ FOBs--averted needless supply/amplified inventory mgmt

    - Designed new bulk order tracking method; enabled 2,200+ prsnl to call-out discrepancies--reduced delivery errors by 28%

    - Cultivated tactical expertise; completed 16 CEs & LESC certification--instilled confidence/raised resource mgmt skillset

    - Reengineered rx req process; enabled 46 meds/hosp reqs/revamped trng pgm--reduced staffing costs by 22%/Amplified pt care

    - Designed new AF rx manual; configured sys to track/analyze 3,000 daily refills--enabled 75% pt satisfaction rate/72 hrs

    - Directed over-the-counter ops; assessed 650 line items/processed 500 pymts--realized $191K savings/operational support

    - Developed botanical rx trng pgm; briefed 91 techs/slashed staff training by 30.5%--saved $34K/enforced policy qty std

    - Developed drug bin accuracy pgm; standardized five-point inventory trng--verified accuracy of 2.3K items/reduced OH by 75%

    - Developed drug ID process/revamped ordering ops; trnd 35 mbrs/boosted compliance 75%--concurred with AFMC Pharmacy rules

    - Developed intravy drug delivery trng pgm; briefed 4 groups/10 techs--revamped operational inttuitive/10K pts serviced

    - Developed inventory/tracked 775 lots; advanced supply levels elimination/savings of $6.5K--linked to Central Inventory System

    - Developed medication error pvnt pgm; briefed 196 mbrs/reduced error rate 89%--saved $25K/captured updated data for 10K pts

    - Developed Point of Dispensing Procedures; briefed 8 techs & staff mbrs/clarified roles--improved preparedness/1.7K pts serviced

    - Developed Pharmacy Emerg Acct sys; established/linked 2 techs--implemented/coor'd response/essential medications for 10K pts

    - Developed prescription mgt module; revised/integrated 75 medical orders/reports--45 units verified for accuracy/reduced risk of errors

    - Developed triple check pgm/2 mbrs; double-checked process scripted orders--corrected 3K errors/$34K savings/improved accuracy 80%

    - Developed pharm rx trng program; briefed 8 attendees/oss categories--verified stock 95% accuracy rate/standardized 5 procedures

    - Developed patient care trng module; implemented 7 procedures/briefed 12 mbrs--refined NCOES/reduced downtime/5.6K pts serviced

    - Executed 247 drug/IV conslt pieces--memo'd value/calculated usage/secured medications/initiated audits--joint compliance 87%

    - Executed merchandise management controls; oversaw 74 outlets/1.2K personnel--realized optimization opps/realigned workloads

    - Executed order reliability audit; inspected 6 servs/updated params/techs--saved 25%/corrected 2K+ errors/guaranteed meeting JCAHO regs

    - Revamped pharmacy scheduling; analyzed 28 data sets/amended 10 rules--compliance & code errors reduced 55%/updat'd Narcotic Regs

    - Revised triage mgt system; established/integrated 30 dispensing pts/ranked priority--ensured/streamlined vigilance/1.7K pts serviced

    - Executed supply mgt administration; regulated 446 deliveries/procured 715 items--amplified SOCO/enabled 1.1K prsnl mission readiness

    - Managed continuity of ops; interfaced staff/sampled offerings/processed prescriptions--8-hrs production/vital to force health maintenance

    - Managed drug accountability; coded 441 records/reviewed 1.2K medications--saw inventory accuracy maintained 94%/amended policies

    - Managed hazardous waste mgt pgm; validated 8 records/reviewed 4.5K regs--instituted safeguards/reduced non-medicinal waste-by 36%

    - Fabricated Inventory Sys/DOSCMP; improved tracking/ordered 8K meds--saved over $12K in pilferage/spt Imd-Mission readiness

    - Flawless qc assurance; audited/inspected 9K meds--ensured precise dispensing/95% accuracy rate

    - Fortified Sq mbrs; devised individual trng prgms/pared-down 3K meds--reduced tng times/streamlined spt/3K mbrs

    - Guided 5 trainees; verified 1000 drug labels--ensured restock/delivered/spt both MedsFalls/patients

    - Guided 3 PAs/18 hrs; evaluated antimicrobial/antifungal properties--updated policy/secured supplies/spt 4K troops

    - Held monthly trng sess/3 medical mgmt techs; disseminated 22 protocols--accurately applied med policies/52K prsnl

    - Implemented AVSIM software; generated inventory list/track 35K med products--verified receivables/sect'd 6.3K line items

    - Led 4-mbr mtg/review meds dispensing guide; dev'd/implemented 10 TTPs--prmtd compliance/ven med MOG/6K pts

    - Leveraged pharmacy msn sftwre; decreased drug stock/projected replenishment--streamlined supply sys/direct-to-pt spt

    - Monitored JTLM Sys/2K mbrs; evaluated trng stats/metrics--graded 200 med tasks/4K pts/dispensed proper meds

    - Facilitated trng/12 OJT supervisors; provided 19 props/exercises--incor w/gp/instructional mtrls & evals

    - Guided govt fed contract/12 clinics; inspected crash carts & med/drug storage--safeguarded assets/$3M/100K pts

    - Handled 157 experiential trng events; appl'd 244 sys/proc/metrics--dev'd core expertise/130 gp mbrs

    - Incorporated tactical mgt/committee reviews; sched'd 3 briefs/rytrd 15 staff--created consensus & morale initiative

    - Installed new ex mdcl devices; inspected 24 wheelchairs/check-off sheet--provided 20K pts safe qlty health care/msn

    - Inspected/verifed/monitored 25 dosing indentures; generated metrics/reviewed records--rectified protocol issues/15K pts

    - Led 4 Admin Officers/Stores Mgmt; attended 4 briefs & trnd 16 GP Members--increased compliance/gp efficiency 15%

    - Led Contingency prep pgm/128 mbrs; established Response Ctr/123 items--coord'd/maintained $4M eqpmt & assets

    - Monitored ex mdcl tasks/21 facilities; cor'd 23 order/deviations--secured qlty assurance/120K pts/yr & w/in budget

    - Monitored immunization pgm/4 branches; rev'd 305 consent forms/100K pts--adherd 100% reqs w/no lost-fill dilvry/msn

    - Monitored/supplied 100K Patient trtmnt; coord'd 220 transfers/15 hrs--met 20K Medical Data Reviews (MDR) target

    - Orchestrated 11 trng briefs/20 prsnl; managed 24 OJT/Coord'd 16 events--retrd/promoted 4 Amn/received gp qtrly awd

    - Reallocated eqpmt/stocked 14 areas; dist'd 23K items/17 capsules--averted man-hr loss/gp/expedited 5K pts msn

    - Received/stocked 12K med supplies; identif'd/created 114 labels/records--assured 1.3K pts/yr qlty care/msn svc

    - Researched $2.1K budgets; id'd 41 trng activates/300 items--clarif'd safety/1K mbrs/rectified 8 supply flaws

    - Revised pharmacy practice guidelines/17K patients; cor'd 64 discrepancies/records--restored compliance/15 gp mbrs

    - Scheduled 100K trtmnt orders; coord'd 8K jt-svcs & conducted reviews--mdiff'd 120K veol Rxs/13K pts

    - Scheduled 4 trng evals/16 Amn; measured 3 objectives/800 line items--secured gp awd/dev'd core expertise for mil ops

    - Streamlined trtmnt orders/117K pts; interact'd/validated med records/225K items--supported 11K pts/yr expedient trtmnt

    - Supplied medication needs/6 clinics; inventoried 80 orders/30 hours--maint'd 99% compliance/qlty assurance/7K pts

    - Supervised logistics/12K patients; coord'd movement/implemented processes--enhanced gp support/trtmnt 126K pts/yr

    - Taxed merchandise/monitored inventory/11K pts--averted $4K loss/safeguarded pt trtmnt/202 dosing indentures

    - Troubleshot 10 discrepancies; assessed 8K cslts/inventoried equipment--predicated gp maint/rectified 11 man-hr issues

    - Fabricated 50 prsnl eqpmt prosthesis; constructed 21 custom limb models/350 hrs--supplied 500 trmt reqs/gap fill

    - Facilitated 25 PTSD/TBI trmts; evaluated 125 pts/adopted treatment regimens--initiated healthcare partnership

    - Leveraged TOPMIS pgm; documented 125 rx MAJCOM & WRMIS orders--expd supply chn/ensured 24 hr fulfillment

    - Leveraged IDES syst; integrated 3 MTFs/manage 16K forms/46K items--completed 12K evaluations/seamless safe trn

    - Leveraged automated SOP pgm; trained 150 prsnl/input 3K pt records--enabled pt care svcs/reduced medical errors

    - Outprocessed 300 AE prsnl; custd 500 TMO items/received/disbursed $11K funds--saved $2.4K dependent tran costs

    - Managed $1M supply budget; monitored 355 prsnl/valuated 3K items--increased inventory accurcy/minimized backorders

    - Mngd 50K stock record accuracy; rcv'd/prcd 1.6K reqs/movd/utilized 5 equip assets--enabled 600 rx txs/eds rqmts

    - Managed drug control recip; monitored 9 prsnl/audited 50 areas--zero discrepancies found/zero drug diversions reported

    - Managed deplymt inactvtn pgm; coordinated 2 pharmacy closures/3K line items--on-time closure & shipment/7K gsu yr

    - Monitored $45K narc acct; recorded data/dispersed 111 acct items--enabled timely pt care/ensured acct control_

    - Negotiated 45 purchase orders; issued 215 prsnl/expd acquisition & SAV--svd $12K/equipped 12K prsnl/realigned inventory

    - Optimized drug safety pgm; developed 3 brief/custounded 4 pharmacies--trained 24 prsnl/ensured pt safety/zero mishaps

    - Reengineered warehouse pgm; identified/corrected 50 discrepancies/155 eqpmt--svd $3.4K/improved throughput & accountability

    - Reconstituted pharmacy mngmt pgm; reduced cycle times/mngd 10 ozq prsnl--met 99% delivery standard/zero quality defects

    - Supervised 40 prsnl/9K taskings/14K missions; improved accuracy & proficiency--mngd 455K pt txs/zero 'no-shows'

    - Standardized pharmacy procedures; validated 137 reqs/implemented 18 SOPs--ensured mtce of quality practices/zero defects

    - Streamlined drug control pgm; performed 10 warehouses/redistributed 2K items--strengthened supply chn/reduced turn-around-times

    - Supported 9K prsnl/initiated 63 pss vouchers/svd 9K billets--by-passed competition pgm/received AFGSC TAD of Yr

    - Triaged 300 pt complaints; diagnosed 781 pt inquires/processed 7 pharmac's--expedited 125 refills/restord pt servicability

    - Utilized 12 drug safety protocols; trained 250 prsnl/reconciled 98 items--improved customer satisfaction/earned customer loyalty

    - Validated 2K line items; approved entitlement reqs/restocked 105 bags/medic--ensured proper rx txs/expedited care/zero errors

    - Verified inventory accuracy; managed 18 replenishment orders/minimized backorders--exceeded supply objectives/9K pts

    - Increased PDS backlog by 44%; created 36-task rotation/stdized drug recall process--provided kbl phcy spt/2 wg's

    - Led $450K dispensing system modernization proj/7 areas; saved $370K/minimized stock loss--met DoD stds/cut errors 50%

    - Led 24-hr Pharmacy DS ops/32 prsnl; mng'd stock/drafted SOP/coined 5 times--enabled 40 AF12 cycles/40 CMS/TS units

    - Led 3-day pharm site move/21 mbrs; coord'd eqpmt move/transferred 4.5K drugs--zero downtime/0.97 completion rate

    - Led stock mgt/inventory trng/4 mbrs; trnd 5 personnel/validated 56 tasks--provided 432 hrs/hands-on experience

    - Managed 168-line drug recall proj/49 prsnl; coordinated efforts/conducted grp trng--saved $371K/safeguarded 1.2M pts

    - Managed 6 mos reconfig of pharmacy/19 prsnl; delegated $25.8M budget/coord'd 8 areas--provided 10k patient-waiting hrs/yr

    - Managed deactivation of 3 pharmacies/49 prsnl; rerouted stock/delegated $25.8M budget--saved $135K/ensured zero downtime

    - Monitored 166 pts/validated 536 meds; filled 1.2K scripts/integrated 13 pharm eqpmt's--maintained 100% disposition rate

    - Optimized 3-day PDS queue/stock mgt; delegated eqpmt trng/14 personnel/validated 66 tasks--cut wait time 45 min/day

    - Planned medic spt syst improvement; eqpmt trng 4 prsnl/conducted 5-day simulation--rated outstanding/head of AFOUA survey

    - Recouped $842K via MEDLOG drug repricing; ensured right drug dlo/order qty--AF 12th ACCS rated #1 DoD Drug Spt Sys

    - Reorganized pharmacy/last-minute reconfig; recovered 56 areas/transferred 4.5K drugs--zero downtime/met pt care stds

    - Reorganized inventory/selected stock locs; reduced $391K/stdized recall procs--issued coins/spearheaded 363-line recall

    - Standardized drug procurement procs/60 prsnl; trnd 1.7K hrs/validated 39 tasks--saved $132K/recouped 1.2M pts needs

    - Trained 14 mbrs/PDS/stocking ops; aug'd eqpmt knowledge/validated 47 task--demonstrated sig progress/AFOUA '14 survey

    - Verified 534 pts/dispensed 7K meds; reconciled daily discharges/news orders--zero med errors/100% med lapse rate

    - Trained 15 technicians for validation/transfer of 547 items; delegated 20 personnel/conducted 84 tasks--provided 936 hrs of hands-on experience

    - Facilitated integration of 2 automated systems; led 36 personnel/validated 69 tasks--allotted 1.2K hrs/hands-on experience

    - Led DoD Drug Spt Sys/2 mbr-tm; facilitated $2.3M automation upgrade/55 prsnl--minimized pt c’care wait times/zero downtime

    - Established $73K Satellite eqpmt refresh; led 21 personnel/trnd 8 hrs/validated 64 tasks--reallocated 1K items/zero downtime

    - Authored 9 SOPs/Intake admin ops; integrated new eqpmt/scored 5 successes--averted 50% typists errors/zero redundant entries

    - Standardized nat'l drug trf/12 areas; coordinated efforts /transferred $55M stock--issued coin/85 prsnl/zero stock loss ops

    - Fostered 8 externship prgms/49 prsnl; trnd 15 personnel/validated 44 tasks--provided 5K hrs/hands-on experience

    - Reorganized inventory/selected stock locs; reassigned 44 areas/eqpmt trng 8 hrs--maximized intake ops/reduced typist errs 20%

    - Authored medications repricing OI; reallocated 135 items/recouped $114K--ensured AF 12th ACCS rated #1 DoD Drug Spt Sys

    - Led workflow changes/stock mgt ops; boosted rx tracking/workflow ops--issued coin/cross trained 548 prsnl/zero downtime

    - Trained 6 technicians/Stat Scheduling sys; integrated new eqpmt/optimized workspace--svd 2K pt-waiting hrs/day/AFOUA '14 win

    - Managed 89 Pt C’Care special proj/32 prsnl; oversaw 7 areas/delegated $30.4M budget--led AF's lrgst refill site/24-hr turn time

    - Gp lead/5 side trng teams; trnd 2K Airmen/5 AFSCs--raised Sec AF service qtty/35% flt cert rate/aligned w/IPE

    - Grown 4 flt team dvps/eval'd 14 individuals; enforced 4 standards/3 AFSCs--demostrated excep'nal props/7 prsnl

    - Hailed for developing EPR/AFSC 4P0X1 resources/manuals; designed 25 checklists/12 training sys--enabled avg 99% qtty score

    - Key member/implementation of new info-sharing pgm; directed 86 exchange ops--enhanced readiness/17,000 pers

    - Led 12 person off-site delivery team; exceeded goals/delivered 395 radios--saved 4K/fielding equip to strategic AF bases

    - Led pharmacy mkting campaign; increased patient awareness, boosted patient engagement--surpassed 350 pts/mo/FB page followers

    - Led trg security/13 sites; revamped pgm/added 12 safeguard protocols--ensured mgt safe handling of RX/98% compliance

    - Led weekly accountability review board; hailed for elevating accountability/performance of 11 AFSCs--Sq daily rationing 25%

    - Leveraged amn relation skills; provided pmt recon/aggregated 288 entries--recaptured $3K/3M pop financial invalid tx

    - Managerial proj/5 staff; executed 3 personnel development plans--heightened Pharmacy services to 10 neighboring MSOs

    - Mentored 4 personnel/annual admins; tailored 6 trg objectives--increased knowledge/core skls of 14 NCOs

    - Mobilized no-notice inventory; seized/tagged 1195 stock-outs/1K reserve--maintained mission/100% critical resupply rate

    - Maintained pharmacy standards; inventoried 500 batches/300 tiers--improved safety/mitigated inventory losses by 25%

    - Managed warehouse operations/200 sqft; reorganized/updated 24 disaster kits--saved $4.5K w/maximized storage

    - Modified annual trng criteria; created 15 guideline criteria--increased amn proficiencies/76 personnel

    - Persuaded & coordinated workplace conferences/21 gov mbrs; laid groundwork for drug certification--authoritative stnds/50 personnel

    - Planned/coordinated immunization pgm; updated 47 SOPs/certified 62 inoculators--ensured 99.5% compliance on 400 inoculations

    - Programmed Automated Dispensing System/100 prsnl; ensured proper storing/alpha classification--expanded Rx flexibility/pumped up 18 kitting opts

    - Reconfigured 3 ancillary services pgms; revitalized w/numerous updates--pin-pointed OP areas/increased efficiency/300 hrs

    - Reorganized Mtl warehouse/400 prsnl; processed 266 supply requests--rated nat'l benchmark/sized 176 boxes of materials

    - Revived JBSA EPRD pgm; strategized/innovated 2 customer reward plans--engaged 300 mbrs from 8 AFFPs/realigned 96 assets

    - Spearheaded modernization of 11 production assets; drove 98 ops enhancements w/zero discrepancy--maximized aptitude/4.5M in annual savings

    - Designed prescribing protocol; sorted 284 drug requests/warfighter readiness--raised Rx approval/7.3K pts/Q

    - Supported expansion of 5 programs; drove improvements/added 6 customers--expanded capability/72% approval rating

    - Led unit upgrade/GSAB92/221 items; prep'd 8.6K meds for shipment/5-day deadline--aided AF efforts/4K Afghan pers

    - Led upgrade/GSAB92/5-day deadline; prep'd 8.6K meds for shipment/13 sites--reduced GSA stockouts/12 FOBs

    - Maint'd base drug pgm/15 clinics; orchestrated RX-2-Go/resolved 272 med rqmnts--cut wait time/filled 80K perscripts

    - Mentored 18 techs/bus-level mgmt; revamped quality mgmt sys/cross-trained 22 personnel--elevated pt care/DoD standards

    - Monitored TJC/8 clinics; realigned 6 drug supplies/updated 5 shelf-life policies--cut pt wait time/met 99% TJC standard

    - Onboard'd 9 pt care techs; revised pt care processes/installed pharmacy equip--secured 99% TJC compliance/3 sites

    - Overhauled expired drug policy/37 FOBs; devised storage ops/shpmt procedure--recouped $86K/reduced med waste/yr

    - Overhauled med inventory ops/21 clinics; devised quick-pick sys/allocated 79K items--generated $1.3M/revitalized supply

    - Prep'd 2.6K meds/1 day turn; loaded 3 vehicles/shipped 12 sites/7K miles--pt care ops sustained/5-day mission

    - Processed 1.5K addt'l pers; recertified drug inventory/9 units--vital to TJC success/met 99% standard/2K pts

    - Reallocated 4.6K meds/9 sites; cut processing time/implemented quick-pick sys--enabled $1.6M/DoD funds/drug supply

    - Reexamined pharmacy personnel procedures; realigned 9 drug supplies/updated 5 shelf-life policies--cut pt wait time 15min/visit

    - Reorganized drug supply ops/31 sites; designed PI/inspected 12 clinics/2K items--reported 100% ops/secured $1.5M DoD funds

    - Resolved 72 med shortage rqmnts; coordinated supply movement/5 units--vital for pt care/3 BMT trng sites

    - Revised pt care ops/13 med centers; established RX-2-Go/reduced wait time 20min/rx fill--vital to 2.3K DoD pers

    - Scheduled 382 med rev/1 clinic; restocked/rotated stock/maint'd inv locator sys--met 99% TJC compliance/5k pts

    - Sharp'd 8 techs/bus-level mgmt; updatedquality mgmt sys/cross-trained 19 personnel--elevated pt care/DoD standards

    - Utilized 5-rr supply movement sys; recog'd cost savings/approved $143K/yr--saved AF $270K/fb'd funds to DC MA

    - Verified stock authorization/121 line items; inspected 10 drug storage areas--validated drug purity/pt safety criteria

    - Verified stock order rqmnts/19 FOBs; filled 1.5K perscriptions/maint'd formulary--recouped $47K/reduced pt wait time

    - Wrote guidelines/5 drug supply locations; revised purchase req process/4 units--vital for TJC success/met 99% standard

    - Audited drug supply stocks/37 FOBs; checked 8 manufacturer shpmnts/2K items--averted $3K/reduced stockouts/yr

    - Consolidated rx orders; developed tracking sys/201 pts--recouped $570K/reduced wait time/filled 80K perscriptions

    - Developed 9 trng aides/3 sites; initiated rx curriculum/40 addt'l hrs--ensur'd continuity/zero delay in trng

    - Developed innovative policy/9 drug stores; revised order form process/7 units--secured $1.3M/DoD funds/drug supply

    - Directed logistics/9 supply locations; expedited formulary requests/8 items--averted stockouts/recouped $81K/yr

    - Limited 30-day delivery stocking QA; audited 234 stocking orders--secured 99.98% accuracy/expedited pt care

    - Managed/shipped 2.4K items/supplies to 5 overseas sites--guaranteed 67K pts never delayed pt care

    - Monitored 4 wg trng evals; assm'd 10 trainees/eliminated prev incorrect prac's--cultivated culture of excellence

    - Monitored MAF5 ordering pgm; audited 235 orders--secured 99.71% accuracy/avoided stock outages/expedited pt care

    - Pharmacy NCO; lead 15K line items/stocked 6K items in pharmacy--vital to stock rotation/zero delayed pt care

    - Pharmacy tech team; tracked 1.3K narcotic orders/bal pgm--ensured pts/zero stock outs/secured safe pt care

    - Recommended policy changes; analyzed local regulatory mandates & industry standards--upgraded 90 procedures

    - Supervised 2 pharm techs; readied pharmacy/filled 4K orders/preferred medications--ensured efficacy of meds

    - Supervised 10-day shelf-life audit; examined/evaluated/ stocked meds for 134K pts--zero loss due to expiration

    - Supervised inventory QA/30-day period; readied 17K line items/market pgm--secured 99.81% accuracy/zero pt delays

    - Led in-servicing/125 Airmen; trnd 5-hrs/HIPPA & PII rqmts & 5-hrs/med supply usage--enhanced unit/DoD pharmacy ops

    - Led pharmacy mgmt pshp; trnd 19 personnel/15-hrs/drug allocation & procurement--vital to 2.8K pts/ensured accessibility

    - Led personnel/Unit Fitness 4K; guided 10 personnel/new pt testing protocol--vital to 96% pass rate/16% in "Excellent" fit level

    - Led pharmacy tm/800 tems/FY--spt'd 50K beneficiaries/filled 2.9K Rxs/yr--exceeded mission reqs/Wg CCC

    - Led pharmacy tm/1.8K consults; trtd 8K pts w/2-hrs turnaround & 1.5K chronic care--enabled access to care/93% satisfaction rate

    - Led pharmacy tm/4K pts; trtd 8K pts/filled 400 Rxs/24-hr turnaround--ensured pt safety/met msn reqs/c-level mgmt's approval

    - Led inventory audit/pharmacy items; identified/reconciled discrepancies & inconsistencies--recouped $6.2K/CENTCOM msn

    - Led pharmacy-wide 5S initiative; executed audit/reviewed 3K items/3K sq ft--minimized mx costs/enhanced pt safety/sq mbrs

    - Led pt educ campaign; briefed 500 prsnl/std healthcare reqs & rqmts--vital to 47% increase in patient safety/sq mbrs

    - Led Rx-fill clinic/TOS shops; trtd 350 pts/filled 225 Rxs/15-min turnaround--enabled access to healthcare/AOR mbrs

    - Led medication tm/2.9K Rxs; filled by type/verified dosage/trtd multiple pts--important to c-level mgmts/met msn reqs

    - Led 8-mbr tm/doctors without borders; trtd 20 pts/focused on med ops/expedited care--enforced msn reqs/met 99.2% accuracy

    - Led 3 student PharmD projects; constructed 3 presentations/spt'd AETC leaders--enabled sq to accomplish msn reqs/vital to pt safety

    - Led 2-mbr tm/Africa Blood Drive; identified donors/collected 300+ units--helped 500 beneficiaries/enabled access to care

    - Led 16 prsnl/base drug inspection program; audited 100+ prescription Rxs & 300+ OTC items--ensured pt safety/met msn reqs

    - Led 3-mbr tm/Tokyo Blood Drive; coordinated 300+ donors/collected 500+ units--enabled access to care/met msn reqs

    - Led 6-mbr tm/Operation Smile; coordinated 10 pts/performed 10 surgeries--enabled access to healthcare/met msn reqs

    - Led 4-mbr tm/Pain Management Expo; assembled 50 booths/attended 350 prsnl--empowered sq to accomplish msn reqs/met 98% accuracy

    - Led 6 prsnl tm/Youth Health Fair; trnd 3 classes/spt'd 250 prsnl & children--enabled access to care/met msn reqs/vital to pt safety

    - Led worldwide phone usage survey; conducted poll/1K mbrs--captured lsng/needs assessment/vital to 38K prsnl & sq msn success

    - Led drug control & supply operations; developed inventory mgmt sys & DB/3K Rxs--enhanced pt safety/spt'd 3K pts/met msn reqs

    - Led AFI compliance & pt safety tm; coordinated 5-mbr tm/reviewed 5K Rxs--ensured sq msn success/met msn reqs/important to pt safety

    - Led pharmacy intern boards; trnd 5 interns/10 hrs/big pharm regulations--vital to pt safety/met msn reqs/important to c-level mgmts

    - Logged 460 hrs/ensured rx data accuracy; recovered/digitized 1.3K pts/inaccurate script info--upgraded data accuracy by 91%

    - Mng'd 10K items & 9 phamacy flts; managed $6M/financial resources & realigned 7K items--saved $1.9M/inventory return

    - Mng'd 1.2K pts/absentee medications; processed 7K items/145 vendors--expedited delivery/8K items to 7 GSUs

    - Mng'd 7K pts/medication ordering/amnesty; evaluated/180 orders--crtd process/reconciled 7.2K orders/avoided $2.7M penalty

    - Mng'd overseas ops/3 GSUs; embraced 15K flt members/medication records--updrftd outsourced rx forms/35 pt visits

    - Mng'd pharmacy ops/9 GSUs; trnd 11 prsnl/pharmaceutical ordering/inventory--amplified operation capability/1.5K pts

    - Mng'd quarterly stock audits/20 items; rectified discrepancies/3 prsnl--realigned 1.8K items/flush shelving layouts

    - Mng'd quarterly stock inventory/8 GSUs; id'd discrepancies/avoided penalty/17K items--saved $3.9M/fees

    - Mng'd unit stock rcvry/7K items; inspected meds/7K items--recouped $9M/credits/all medical supply orders

    - Orchestrated rx pharmacy ops/44 sorties; coord'd drug recycling/4 mbrs--amplified medical care ops/4K pts

    - Planned AF mbrs transition ops; streamlined transition process/sustained 30K rxs--upgraded pt satisfaction by 33%

    - Planned IDMT ops/6 GSUs; ensured 216K pts/real-time med services within 24 hrs--established operational capability

    - Processed 2.6K pt orders/rx pt triage; coordinated lddrshp/9 GSUs/verified 100% accuracy--amplified ops capability/3K pts

    - Processed 20K rx orders/overseas; maintd 24 hr continuity/aeromedical evacuation--upgraded rx access/5K AF mbrs

    - Processed 5K expired drug orders; audited 4.5K items/devised corrective actions--recouped $4M/credits/pharmaceuticals

    - Supported DCS trng/51 prsnl; trnd 5 ACSC students/pharmacy ops--magnified daily service/30K pts

    - Supported IDMT ops/3 GSUs; evaluated intake ops/3K items--saved 2.6K pts/disrupted medical services

    - Supported pharmacy ops/3.3K pts; regulated drug stock/implemented cycle counting--recouped $4.6M/credits/pharmaceuticals

    - Supported overseas ops/pharmacy flt; procured 7K rxs/materials--improved pt care ops/1K mbrs in 6 GSUs

    - Supported pts entry/rx triage; trnd 6 mbrs/supply mgmt/founded 3 IDMT ops--increased pt care ops/3K pts

    - Supported qtrly drug inventory/8 GSUs; id'd discrepancies/3K items--saved $3.9M/penalties/2K drug orders

    - Mng'd automated ordering pgm/100+ items; id'd 10 criticals/prevented sat & resupply violations--saved $20K/mon

    - Monitored & maintained narcotic/controlled substances accts; oversaw 10 inventories/8 sites--zero discrepancies reported

    - Monitored & tracked pharmacy personnel trng reqs; verified 400 items/maintained 40 folders--provided 1.6K hrs/manpower

    - Monitored in-processing trng/6 contract prsnl; validated 15 codes/accounts/verified 45 procedures--zero discrepancies found

    - Monitored issue & return pgm; validated 95 scripts; enforced 10 procedures/247 items--saved $45K/avoided sat violations

    - Monitored issue & return pgm; validated 55 scripts; enforced 8 procedures/99 items--saved $25K/avoided sat violations

    - Monitored pgm storeroom parts; validated/verified 75 equipment items/maintained 15 records--zero discrepancies found

    - Monitored staff trng pgm/2 sections; validated 20 vol & civ folders/tracked annual req's--readied pgm for SAV insp

    - Monitored supply accts/3 sections; ensured trng recs/8 personnel--provided 1.4K hrs/manpower/readied pgm for SAV insp

    - Monitored trng process; updated/verified 500 requirements/5 personnel--created 100 hrs/manpower/readied pgm for insp

    - Performed 10 inventories/12 sites for controlled/narcotic substance accts; verified $70K--zero discrepancies reported

    - Performed 12 inventories/10 sites for controlled/narcotic substance accts; verified $80K--zero discrepancies reported

    - Performed 15 inventories/14 sites for controlled/narcotic substance accts; verified $90K--zero discrepancies reported

    - Performed 20 inventories/17 sites for controlled/narcotic substance accts; verified $100K--zero discrepancies reported

    - Performed 3 inventories/6 sites for controlled/narcotic substance accts; verified $40K--zero discrepancies reported

    - Presented controlled substance pgm/3 JBSA MDG's; educated 7 MDG's/8 procedures/35 items--compliant w/AFI/DoD regs

    - Processed 10 scripts & filled 25 products; monitored expiry/ensured storage temps--validated 500 items/zero discrepancies

    - Processed 15 scripts & filled 35 products; monitored expiry/ensured storage temps--validated 650 items/zero discrepancies

    - Processed 5 scripts & filled 15 products; monitored expiry/ensured storage temps--validated 250 items/zero discrepancies

    - Processed $22K accts/3 JBSA MDG's; tracked 8 procedures/40 items--compliant w/AFI/DoD regs; safeguarded $80K/assets

    - Verified $50K narcotic acct/section; reviewed 16 inventories/160 controlled substances--zero discrepancies found

    - Verified inventory pgm & material control; conducted 20 inspections/maintained 8 records--safeguarded $10K/assets

    - Verified issue & return pgm/3 personnel; validated 105 scripts; enforced 12 procedures/344 items--saved $55K/avoided sat violations

    - Verified manning requirements; updated/validated 300 requirements/5 personnel--provided 2K hrs/manpower/readied pgm for insp

    - Verified pgm storeroom parts; validated/verified 100 equipment items/maintained 20 records--zero discrepancies found

  • - Mng'd 5-yr pgm; committed $1.2M to relocating/refurbishing 7 pharmacy sections--facilitated delivery of 1.2M rxs

    - Mng'd Allergy/Immunization pgm; tracked 4K rxs/verified 10 prsnl trng--saved $500K in med costs/no qlty control issues

    - Mng'd med inventory control pgm; tracked/coord'd 6.2K rxs & replenished 3K items--ensured msn delivery/zero shortages

    - Mng'd medication return pgm; removed/submitted 5.6K items/vendor utilization--fl recaptured $3.3M/credits

    - Mng'd pharmacy operations/4yrs; orchestrated 4.9K rxs/manned 4 shifts--ensured msn delivery/zero shortages

    - Mng'd pharmacy training pgm; tracked/coord'd 10 prsnl trng records & ensured trng reqs met--provided 2.4K hrs/addtl manpower

    - Mng'd quality control pgm; tracked/coord'd 145 drugs & ensured trng reqs met--saved $500K in med costs/zero qlty control issues

    - Mng'd supply pgm/2yrs; validated/corrected 90 rqmnts & tracked 1.3K items--generated 875 addtl man-hrs/pgm readied for insp

    - Mng'd vol pgm/4 mbrs; maintained folders/schedule & ensured trng reqs met--provided 720 hrs/addtl manpower

    - Navigated emergency pgm; tracked/coord'd 6.2K rxs & replenished 3K items--ensured msn delivery/zero shortages

    - Optimized $14M automated eqpmt; id'd most prescribed meds & reassigned/aligned 150 cells--cut fill time by 20%

    - Orchestrated 4.9K rxs/manned 4 shifts; tracked/coord'd 10 prsnl trng records--ensured msn delivery/zero shortages

    - Oversaw pharmacy trng pgm; tracked/coord'd 145 drugs & ensured trng reqs met--saved $500K in med costs/zero qlty control issues

    - Performed 12 spot surveys/60 line items; maintained folders/schedule & ensured trng--provided 2.4K hrs/addt'l manpower

    - Processed $3.3M in credits; approved 2 interim CACs & manually tracked 27 prsnl--zero delays/msn pgm requirements met

    - Recaptured $3.3M/credits; filled/verified 4K refills & corrected/validated 300 rqmnts--set flt record/fastest to fulfill pgm reqs

    - Relocated/refurbished 7 pharmacy sections; sorted 700 donations & assisted 37 fams--furnished 259 items/zero cost

    - Replenished 3K items; removed/submitted 5.6K items/vendor reutilization--fl recaptured $3.3M/credits

    - Rescued $30.4M eqpmt assets; approved 2 interim CACs/manually tracked 27 prsnl--zero delays/msn pgm reqs met

    - Reutilization of 5.6K items; id'd most prescribed drugs & reassigned/aligned 150 cells--cut fill time by 20%

    - Slashed inventory time 21%; committed $1.2M to relocating/refurbishing 7 pharmacy sections--facilitated delivery of 1.2M rxs

    - Tracked 4K rxs/verified 10 prsnl trng; filled/verified 4K refills & corrected/validated 300 rqmnts--set flt record/fastest to fulfill pgm reqs

    - Tracked 1.3K items/coord'd 56 drug additions; id'd most prescribed meds & reassigned/aligned 150 cells--cut fill time by 20%

    - Verified 10 prsnl trng; optimized $14M automated eqpmt & detected/corrected 8 robotic malfunctions--delivered 596K rxs/6 GSUs w/no delays

    - Verified 4K refills; sorted 700 donations & assisted 37 families--furnished 259 items/zero cost to needy families

    - Validated/corrected 90 rqmnts; maximized medication return pgm & removed/submitted 5.6K items--fl recaptured $3.3M/credits

    - Operated pharmacy's automated storage/retrieval system; processed 400+ orders/dly--ensured timely/accurate Dx dlrs

    - Overhauled narcocins policy/implemented 50 OIs; established 5 safety protocols/cpld 35 AFIs--dramatically reduced Rx errors by 15%

    - Organization cpnd mgr/4 yrs; tracked/coord'd 674 msn sensitive items/monitored 45,000+ narcs--ensured acctblty of $3.2M worth of assets

    - Performed daily audits/26 stocks; monitored/verified invty/record accuracy--maintained acctblty of 15,000 narcy items

    - Prepared/shipped 15K pkgs/yr; monitored 10,000+ orders/dispatched 220 shipments/wk--enabled timely delivery to 5,000 users

    - QA/QC'd 1,500 narcs/wk; validated lblng/filled prescriptions--ensured compliance/6,500+ pts served

    - Rcvd/dispensed narcs; processed/filled 3K orders/dly--ensured accurate rcvry/disp of controlled substances

    - Revised micro mgmnt prgrm; modified stock re-order cycle--saved $120K/stabilzed 30 Narcocins/yr

    - Scheduled/mng'd daily/weekly narcq orders; coordinated 25 shipments/wk--facilitated supply chain sustainment

    - Supervised 5 prsnl/shift; coordinated drug mgmnt/inventories--maintained continuity of operations/ensured 24/7 readiness

    - Tracked/audited 7 WG pgms; re-prioritized 5 prjcts/on-time completion--enabled $556K in FY savings

    - Verified orders/22 Sq/7 GMs; audited/reviewed 3,000 batches--enabled validity/currency of 8,000 Refills

    - Visual inventory/monthly narcocins check; issued/redistributed 15,000 items--guaranteed 98% accuracy of supply chain

    - Wg ALO/18 mths; rmtd/authorized 57 msns/coord'd 25 cpnd readiness msns--bolstered unit readiness of 113 MDG

    - Warehouse custodian/24 mths; allocated/distributed 400+ sq items/wk--safeguarded $150K/ensured wrhse compliance

    - Year-end audit/4 branches; reconciled 12 books/monitored 38 accts--perfected 95% accuracy to statutory reqmnts

    - Coord'd shipment logistics; tracked/coord'd 10 procurments--enabled 30% lowered costs/stabilzed stock levels

    - Collaborated w/vendors; gathered 3 bids/items--secured $356K/reduced long-term costs/sustained supply chain

    - Dispensed Rx to 7,000+ accts; monitored/reviewed/renewed 500+ scripts/dly--ensured compliance/maintained vigilance

    - EPR cpnd/8 mths; tracked/mng'd 1000+ msn essential supplies/2 units--certified $520K worth of assets/eradicated 95 discrepancies

    - Executed POTUS delivery; mng'd 312 items/coord'd 6-hr delivery--enabled $2M program/ensured 100% delivery success

    - Location custodian/3 yrs; processed/stored 11K+ daily items/20 sqs--updated 6 databases & secur'd $1.2M eqpmt

    - Maintained class 8 narcotics; tracked/cpld/verified 5,000+ orders/month--ensured 100% accuracy/handled 3K+ requisitions

    - Night ops lead/4 yrs; supv'd 24-hr shelf-life mgrs/78 prsnl--guaranteed 98% prodct accuracy/sustained stock levels

    - Overhauled policy/4 days; updated 27 directives/issued 45 OIs--enforced mandated standards/eliminated 15 flag discrepancies

    - Price negotiated w/vendors; secured 3 deals/70 items--saved $456K/reduced long-term costs/guaranteed supply chain

    - Quarterly database audit/16 book mgrs; performed 24 reviews/checked 25 accts--perfected 95% accuracy to statutory reqmnts

    - Reviewed/cpld annual orders; tracked/issued 18K+ requests/month--ensured timely delivery/sustainment of refills stock

    - Trng material reviser/4 days; modified 8 modules/revamped 10 slides--rectified 132 disparities/updated 4 AFIs

    - Warehouse inspector/9 mths; audited 10 stocks/checked 1,000+ items--safeguarded $435K of eqpmt/guaranteed stock accuracy

    - Researched $25M med/sx rqmts; compiled 152 supply lists/reduced stat requests by 3 hrs--handled msn reqs/timely

    - Revamped PPE program/48 areas; conducted 286 insp/validated 4.9K items--safeguarded 4.2K prsnl/zero injuries

    - Executed 172 OER rqmts/4.4K mvmts; shipped 61.5K meds/filled 19K rxs--fulfilled pt care needs/ensured msn readiness

    - Revamped SCRY pt security pgm; trnd 24 sec personnel & validated 590 insp items/17 areas--ensured items secured

    - Programmed multi-menu sys w/118 items; integrated 16 hrs menus/devised 5K rations--survivability for 18K prsnl

    - Programmed supply mgmt sys/564K items; updated 19K transition specs/1.8K assets--simplified eqpmt selection/msn

    - Processed 158 hazardous waste reqs/15K mvmts; shipped 45K meds/filled 8.3K rxs--maintained pt care/umx readiness

    - Processed micronutrient data/386 prsnl; validated 5.76K items/$1.9M equiv--ensured prsnl dietary needs/msn msn

    - Upgraded ALMS sys w/1.3K items; automated 16 hr menus/devised 5K rations--provided freezers/refrigerators/deployment ops

    - Amalgamated 95 pt care items; regufestered 2.3K pt care items/800 pts--enhanced pt safety/optimal care for 9K beneficiaries

    - Upgraded stock mgmt sys; tracked 78.5K items/$1.5M equiv/reduced buffer stock by 4 hrs--burn rate improved/timely delivery

    - Reconciled oxy/nitrous purged fitters; pharm reviewed requests/validated 5K items/25 sites--optimal care needs met/25K beneficiaries

    - Restructured full-service drugstore; revamped 21K items/6.3K rxs/trained 22 prsnl--mmsn reqs met/7.2K beneficiaries

    - Reclassified medical equip rqmnts; assessed 509 requests/converted 8.2K items--eradicated redundant $751K eqpmt

    - Transferred $1.9M custodian ram; inventoried 2.5K items/secured stock rqmts for pt care--msn readiness ensured/12K beneficiaries

    - Revamped MTF pharm sales; reviewed 115 stock replenishments/validated 2.3K pts--improved pt care/assured msn readiness

    - Processed 1.1K pt healthcare formulary; allocated 4.3K meds/filled 49K rxs--lsa msmnts met/pt safety rqd

    - Processed hazardous waste pick up; shipped 25K meds/filled 9K rxs/maintained pt care--umx readiness ensured/18K beneficiaries

    - Overhauled suppl card program; built 1.2K cards/65K mvmts--executed msn msn reqs/8.3K beneficiaries

    - Researched 2.1K med supp rqmts; designed 4.7K meds/recouped $2.3M--lsa msmnts met/12.1K beneficiaries

    - Administered drug abuse pgm; met 98 physical security insp items/assessed 8K rxs--pt care ensured/25K beneficiaries

    - Streamlined med procure process/22 units; reviewed 24 stock replenishment/validated 4.3K pts--mmsn reqs met/9.4K beneficiaries

    - Oversaw Equip Custodian Program; inventoried 2K items/secured stock rqmnts for pt care--msn readiness ensured/20K beneficiaries

    - Upgraded stock mgmt sys; tracked 104K items/3.2M equiv/reduced buffer stock by 4 hrs--burn rate improved/timely delivery

    - Established financial mgmt sys; automated budget/validated 4.2K items/$2.3M--upheld msn readiness/16K beneficiaries

    - Engaged in force health protection; optimized msn health/validated 5.9K items/19 clinics--safeguarded 20K prsnl/zero injuries

    - Established documentation program; developed 3.2K policy doc/filed 1.4K red-flaged items--met msn reqs/timely

    - Programmed 65 EDCSS systems; integrated 55 hrs menus/devised 7.5K meals-ready-to-eat--survivability for 27K prsnl

    - Researched $17.4K med/sx rqmts; compiled 117 tests/cut ordering time for testing--handled msn reqs/timely

    - Planned/CIDR plans 110 mbrs/200 items; validated supply chain deviations/solved discrepancies--met 1.3K stor stock o/ps

    - Procured 500 temp meds; nourished 60K fams/saved $2M thru optimal pricing/inspect'd stock comp x 6--forefront of care/850K pts

    - Participated in Town Hall meeting; adv'd 200 pt parents/improving medication usage conduct--one of AETC's biggest successes

    - Promoted wellness/pharmacy; counseled 500 patients on med use safety/regimens; ensured pt compliance/eradicated misuse

    - Partnered w/Coalition for the Homeless of San Antonio; committed 4 hrs/distributed 15K lbs--nourished 250 families

    - Participated/sch health fair; manned 15 booths/crafted 30 prgms/dispersed 25K fliers; raised awareness/2.3K bio-families

    - Proactively manage'd 15 mem'd Adverse Drug Event cases; reconciled stock/over-the-counter meds--ensured safe/ethical use

    - Provided 10 seminars/counseled 200 pts on med usage safety/regimens; ensured pt compliance/eradicated misuse

    - Participated in joint base medical staff meeting; shared pharm practice insights/facilitated medication regimens/1K mil fams

    - Programmed 5 mbr clinic flow improvement tm; re-organized 200 shelves/3K meds/20 hrs--halved patient wait time

    - Produced 5 pharm safety briefs; advised 50 prsnl of med errors/complex drug therapys--elim'd 9k pt hospitalization costs

    - Rendered 5 prsnl assessments/drug utilization; advised 162 staff/correctly prescribed 5K meds--slashed med misuse by 75%

    -Refined 5 mbr sim process; monitored 80 items/5.2K meds/11 hrs--lowerd prescripton waiting times by 45%

    - Verified 600 temp meds; nourished 135K fams/saved $3M thru optimal pricing/inspected stock comp x 6--forefront of care/950K pts

    - Partnered w/Salvation Army; contributed 4 hrs/distributed 8K lbs--nourished 85 families

    - Researched/verified 600 temp meds; nourished 135K fams/saved $3M thru optimal pricing/inspect'd stock compli x 6--frontline of care/950K pts

    - Served on the house-wide medication recall board; inspected 600 meds/2.5K errors--elim'd $1.5M in safety violations

    - Trained 4 med trng aides/new curriculum at 5 sites; provid'd 960 hrs instruction--equipp'd 180 DoD MTFs w/mission ready techs

    - Triggered/coord'd local/Nat'l pill take back/2K fams cleansing 686 lb drugs--allocated $450K in pt care funds/reach'd 5K med units

    - Updat'd 8 pracl rules/practice 4 hrs/evaluated 170 DoD pts//execut'd 9 gal meds safety briefs--ensured RT medic use/satisfaction

    - Utilized 75 hrs strategic man, procurement/stock trng/non-stock resoures; awrd'd #1 TSBP Certificate--maxim'd fleet mx prog/16K units servd

    - Vetted 8 prsnl assessments/drug utilization; advised 162 staff/5K meds-correctly prescribed--slashed med misus by 82%

    - Verified 600 temp meds; nourished 135K fams/saved $3M thru optimal pricing/inspected stock composite x 6--fronline of care/950K pts

    - Volunteers 4 hrs/medical nutrition program; consult 45 fmls/maximiz'd nutrit contrib--optimal hlth results/320K fam membs

    - Participated in Wg-level clinic survey; trned 60 pt trtmt ptcs/20 hrs--safeguard'd med qual validn/$300K saved in patient care reqs

    - Planned/CIDR/IDR plans 110 mbrs/200 items; validated supply chain deviations & solved discrepancies--met 1.3K store stock objectives

    - Proact'd 15 mem'd Adverse Drug Event cases; reconciled stock/OTC meds--ensured safe/ethical use/2K mbrs safe/saved $400K in pt car costs

    - Procured 10K narcotics/$1.2M/yr; interfaced 203 vendors/scanned 17K orders/filled 48K rxs/yr--enabled msn success

    - Programmed 100K short-term rxs/yr; scheduled 24K refills/yr--enabled msn success/satisfied 488K beneficiaries

    - Programmed 15K TAKE notices/instructed 5K beneficiaries--increased reliability/sent 1.7K Class IVs/yr according plan

    - Proposed/implemented 180K rx approval process; facilitated rx approval protocol w/2 FMs--increased msn success

    - Proposed/tracked 56 rx systems upgrades; implemented 1.7K rxs/yr--enabled accurate filling/monitored 2K pt visits

    - Provided beneficiary advocacy/tracked 6K sq sustenance eqpmt--played key role in UCJR msn/raised quality care stds

    - Qualified/supervised 4 GSUs/5K supplies/byproducts; compiled/double checked 10K supply transactions--streamlined ops

    - Recommended/$7.1K enhanced dispensing system; procured custom-built replica/98 equip--streamlined ops/6 GSUs

    - Reengineered standard ops/2.2M items/$19M/yr; devised 13 plans/postured 35 prsnl--savings of $1.2M/mbrs' health

    - Reengineered the rx mgmt sys/6 sites; integrated resources/ready'd 4GSUs--realized $7.1M/reducing medication errors

    - Restocked 22K controlled rx/yr for 6 GSUs; authenticated item & documents--reduced delivery time/improved pt care

    - Revamped 3K eqpmt lists & process/yr; delivered 2K equipments/dev'd SOP--improved pt care/created $7.1K savings

    - Revamped 3K equipment lists/yr; relocated/integrated 1.3K items--slashed msn failures/generated $3.8K/troubleshooting

    - Served as the expert consultant; counseled 3K mbrs/$1.2M/presented briefs--recouped $6.6M/expired stock/enhanced ops

    - Spearheaded Defense Logistics Agency logistics pgm; tracked 15K equip/6GSUs/coord 5 trngs--raised quality care stds

    - Spearheaded $13M two-yrs gen drug supply pgm; negotiated w/20 vendors--streamlined ops/created 6 GSUs/8K beneficiaries

    - Streamlined centralized disp proj/3K Med controls--reduced msn delays/realized $1.2M savings/improved pt care

    - Supervised 5 GSUs/procurement/stocking/transport; processed 2.2K supplies/byproducts--enabled msn success/5 AM visits

    - Tactically incorporated/tracked 5K rxs/yr; processed/verified rxs/regulated multiple databases--ensured opt pt care

    - Disseminated existing DOD & Air Force pharmacy regulations & policies/postured 203 beneficiaries--enabled 100% compliance

    - Composed/edited 4K USN/AF/CG accession briefings/instructed 4K trainees--enabled 99% grad rate/award'd 280 CCAF hrs

    - Optimized existing patient input/output algorithm & assigned 4 providers/3K applicants--averted msn delays/6 GSUs

    - Led 50 auditors/3K GPSs & scoured assets in 3 counties--realized $3.1M savings/tracked 8K drugs/restocked 5GSUs

    - Formulated/refined Gen Drug Program/20 vendors; streamlined delivery & procured $14K medications/yr--raised opt pt care stds

    - Incorporated/adapted 88 supply databases/6 GSUs; tracked/verified 4K cartons/zeroed 65K items--averted msn fails/3 GSUs

    - Overhauled 3K rx procs; pared down SOPs/realigned dir x-refs--reduced fill time/cut top 3 narcs by 25%/6 sites

    - Directed 16 drug returns/2K prj compliant items/submitted to reutilion--recouped$20K/exp stock/raised pt care stds

    -Automated major supply control/evaluated 5GSUs/executed implementation--saved$6.2M/hindered stock shortages/two GSUs

    - Provided trng/7 PSGs; certified 68 trng tasts/dev'd core skills--evolved sq 118 core competencies/4390 Airmen

    - Established immunization protocols/random review; monitored 447 vac logs/rectified discrepancies--boosted 95% ops c/ability

    - Facilitated Drug Utilization reviews; identified 220 malfunctioning orders/rebalanced stock--spurred 79% stock accuracy rate

    - Developed 6 GSUs; filled 215K drug kits <2 days/order--spearheaded IDMT 24-hr health care ops f/37K BMT

    - Established order reformatting protocols; updated 428 med profiles/verified 678 orders--increased SQ stock accuracy 92%

    - Reconciled/verified rx order accuracy/status; identified 400 discrepancies/reformatted 578 requests--praised by med grp lead

    - Prepackaged bulk orders/7 GSUs; generated 214K kits <2 days/order--revamped IDMT 24-hr health care ops/37K BMT

    - Implemented immunization protocols/random reviews; evaluated 447 vaccine logs/rectified discrepancies--tie to 95% ops c/ability

    - Led Drug Utilization Reviews; identified 220 malfunctioning orders/rebalanced stock--led to 79% stock accuracy rate

    - Updated 6 GSUs; filled 215K drug kits <2 days/order--facilitated IDMT 24-hr health care ops f/37K BMT

    - Established order accuracy/status protocols; updated 428 med profiles/verified 678 orders--resulted in SQ stock accuracy 92%

    - Researched/validated rx orders/status; identified 400 discrepancies/reformatted 578 requests--commended by med grp lead

    - Led Drug Education Review; trnd 100 prsnl/5 EXs--resulted in 93% patient compliance/praised by wg cmd & med grp lead

    - Conducted immunization reviews/facilitated pro re-nata; monitored 447 vac logs/rectified discrepancies--contributed to 95% ops c/ability

    - Led Contingency Drug Reviews; identified 220 malfunctioning orders/rebalanced stock--elevated stock accuracy rate 79%

    - Presented/developed 6 GSUs; filled 215K drug kits <2 days/order--expedited IDMT 24-hr health care ops/37K BMT

    - Established order validation policies; updated 428 med profiles/verified 678 orders--increased SQ stock accuracy 92%

    - Reconciled/verified rx order accuracy/status; identified 400 discrepancies/reformatted 578 requests--applauded by med grp lead

    - Reconciled/refreshed drug supply requirements; provided 1.2K drugs/updated 890 pt profiles--conserved $3.7M DoD funds

    - Provided trng/142 BMT techs; shadowed/certified 54 tasks/dev'd abilities--ensured 96% SQ compliance/1.2K safety checks

    - Lead/managed containment procedures; trnd 500 Amn/10 EXs--catalyzed 94% unit compliance/4.4K pt safety checks

    - Supervised/evaluated 8 PTS; trnd 300 Amn/4 EXs--fueled 94% unit compliance/3.7K pt safety checks/key to 98% unit pass rate

    - Reallocated unused rxs; processed 2K drug returns/annotated 790 pt profiles--recaptured $3.8M DoD expenditures

    - Established 3 GSUs; filled 120K kits <2 days/order--streamlined IDMT 24-hr health care ops/30K BMT

    - Led Drug Utilization Reviews; sorted 800 orders/classified 200 drug data--raised stock accuracy rate 82%

    - Designed 3 GSUs; filled 120K med kits <2 days/order--enabled IDMT 24-hr health care ops/30K BMT

    - Assessed Drug Utilization Reviews; identified 220 malfunctioning orders/corrected stock--elevated stock accuracy rate 79%

    - Implemented order reformatting protocols; updated 428 med profiles/verified 678 orders--amplified SQ stock accuracy 92%

    - Righted out $1.42M rx discrepancy; reconciled 1.2K discrep items/1.5K charges--safeguarded $3.1M asset inventory

    - Saved MTF millions; reconfigured 25K bulk stock/31K generic drugs--bolstered SRC global operations/7.2M beneficiary visits

    - Solved 9K discrep stock issues; identified/corrected DFAS backlogs/overage orders--recovered $875K from miscalcs

    - Spearhead'd 751 OI revamp; updated 7 rx policies/5 standard prcts--maximized ops/dfined warehouse flow/0 safety hazards

    - Stewarded supply multi-million dollar pgm; secured/stocked 6.3K SKUs/3K orders--minimized overhead costs by 25%

    - Streamlined Medicine mgmt system; coordinated 10 staff/integrated into OI--saved $2.2M in manpower/supported 35K pt visits

    - Supervised medication inventory/41 FCSs; coord'd 27 prsnl/realigned 43K SKUs--zero stock-outs/max'd pt care/saved $1.3M

    - Tailored disposal process; coord'd w/safety/finalized 7K OI updates--wrote 5 new SOPs/honed 5 trng classes/met ll brand RXs

    - Teamed w/DFAS/restruck IAW codes; audit'd 1.2K APL rxs/9K OIA records--cd'd $1.6M worth/recuperated 5K pt orders

    - Turned-around DFAS interface; standardized/implemented PCS/tdy/duty prgrm--recouped $1M in assets/ensured 2K funds

    - Upgraded CSA Rx sys/in-service tech; developed/wrote 6 SOPs/processed 22K requests--zero redundancies/saved $270K

    - Updated WHASC audit pgm protocol; assigned 21 prsnl/revised 4 dictations--zero miscalcs/3K rx orders/safeguarded $3.5M inventory

    - Upheld 15 pgm standards/rvsd protocols; cert'd/enforced 6 tech. SOPs/310K orders--bolstered client service/met DoD/AF req's

    - Validated 37K rx prices/8.2K invoice lines; audit'd error codes/procured 2K line items--zero price variations/recoup'd $349K

    - Vastly improved volumetric dox checks; streamlined inventory mgmt/8.3K orders--averted $5.2M in asset losses/zero safety hazards

    - Reviewed 15K EMDG rx orders; identified/corrected 7.1K discrepant items--safeguarded $4.9M mil assets/zero pt interruptions

    - Reconfigured 145 mgmt procedures; realigned 5 processes/reduced redundancies--safeguarded $9.5M mil assets/saved $1.1M overhead

    - Restructured drug replacement sys; process'd 3K rx files/tracked 6.2K discrepancies--rescued $3.2M mil assets/met AACQ+ standards

    - Restocked 10K meds/safely transport'd 1K high-risk cargo items--zero safety hazards/bolstered SRC global ops/saved $3.7M

    - Redefined Whidbey IT pgm specs; align'd OI/acted as User Admin/revved 3K pos--overhaul'd sys/zero security lapses/guaranteed $2.25M assets

    - Re-established supply chain mgmt protocols; recruited 10 op specialists/reviewed 6 pgms--bolstered med qlty/SRC ops/recouped $3.4M assets

    - Reduced KP wait times; comp'd 5K operational reports/tracked 1.2K pt visits--zero stock-outs/bolstered SRC ops/1.5M beneficiaries

    - Reallocated 15K meds/reloc'd 6K stock to WHASC; coord'd 7K pt visits--zero safety hazards/recoup'd $2.1M mil assets/met AACQ+ standards

    - Reorganized EMDG database; reconfigured 5K data addr/corr'd 4K SKUs--sustained supply chain mgmt/saved $8.2M mil assets

    - Redesigned IT warehouse; upgraded security/shredded 6K inactive rx files--saved $2.8M mil assets/zero security lapses

    - Recalibrated IS security system/re-routed 5K tier requests; ident'd 3K discrep codes--safeguarded $6.3M mil assets/3K pt visits

    - Revived expedited delivery pgm/streamlined 20K reqs; recert'd 10 prsnl/coord'd 3K deliveries--recouped $2.2M mil assets/1.5M beneficiaries

    - Suppl'd 24/7 deployment pkgs; crrent'd w/med liason/maint'd supply--prevented 3-day delay on deploying 240 prsnl

    - Supervised deployment pkgt stg; validated 200 % of std/proven gear--ensured deploy ready status for 270 prsnl

    - Supplied/coord'd in-theater vaccines; reviewed 400 Airmen/liaison'd w/SEVHC--enabled 200+ to qualify for in-theater tng

    - Supplied/stocked 6 clinics & EHF; resloted 450 over the counter msn drugs--facilitated mission-critical continuity-of-care

    - Task'd to revamp formulary; examined & created 38 OTC/rx hauler kits--mitigated out of stock mbrs at 23 regions worldwide

    - Tracked/audited/inventoried 500 meds; admin'd T-4 & C-4 Accountability SOPs--ensured IAW regulatory guidelines/75K pols

    - Took over 12 medication packaging duties; consolidated rev-labeling/drug nomenclature--averted/reduced vsl errors/cntr partlz orders

    - Tracked/audited 2000 meds; admin'd T-4 & C-4 SOPs--adhered to regulations & accountability guidelines/$1M inventory

    - Update'd outpatient/inpatient mgt prgms; increased process efficiencies--drove 800% increase in customer satisfaction rate

    - Util'd LEAN Six Sigma principals; releas'd 17-step prgm/implem't'd process--decreased wait times/86% customer satisfaction rates

    - Verify'd 373 hazardous waste items/recycled reducing virus potential--decreas'd potential of drugs entering environment

    - Validated prescription/OTC intake; consulted/researched off label use--ensur'd 100% accuracy/no divergence from PDL/15 pts

    - Wrote/revised Radiological procedures; correct'd mistakes/monitored stds--92% accuracy rate/ensur'd ptn safety/well-being

    - Wrote/reviewed weapons of mass destruction SOPs; rev'd 22 procedures/updated to meet regs--upheld 100% DoD compliance

    - Updat'd pharmacy policies/procedures; identified 190 discrepancies/realign'd--viable resources mtg AF MOAs 3,000 MTF'c

    - Utiliz'd FQS 7S methodology; enhanc'd departmental efficiency/accessibility--saved 210K/upgraded automated systems' platform

    - Validated for accuracy 800 orders/records; identified discrepancies/resolved--enabled rmvl from warehouse/prioritiz'd fill recs

    - Received unit award/Core Values/ Team Excellence; mentored 6 prsnl/assisted new hires/promot'd Mjr/CO's Sq--3 AWC recognition

    - Recycled more than 500 hazardous materials; tracked waste flow/moved quarantine & disposal processes--saved $17K/opmimized healthcare delivery

    - Reduced risks of cross contamination; ident'd and blocked 45 doable errors--decreased wait times & maximize'd customer satisfaction

    - Oversaw pharmacy staff training; facilited continual learning and mentoring--ensur'd topical expertise/facilitat'd 270 Airmen's certs

    - Managed vendors for medication supply; negotiated contracts for 200 meds/generated 5K in savings--99.6% accuracy rate/PCS supplement

    - Lead QC/QA partnership w/EPR system; conducted 4 audits/gathered feedback--95% risk-free ord'ing & prc'ing of 15K PN/YR orders

    - Invng/analyzing updated data; stream'd processes & revised in-house msn policies--upgraded authenticity standards/ saved $62K

    - Revised org contracts/3 MTFs; upgraded 6 automated sys/45 prsnl--implemented 13 EULAs/enhanced pt med rx records

    - Revised site preventive pgm/6 staff; modifed 8 automated & 3 manual sys--100% compliant/lowest mshp rate/6-yr period

    - Revamped eqpmt mgmt/90 GSUs; trnd 202 prsnl/instituted 66 regs & 5 SOPs--created zero maintenance delays/insps

    - Revamped 5 eqpmt mgmt/90 GSUs; trnd 202 prsnl/instituted 66 regs & 5 SOPs--heightened IDMT/ensured 24-hr pt care ops

    - Scheduled cont ops/1 flt; established 5 SOPs/59 prsnl/analyzed 13 rxs--resulted $42M budget stability/ft rx delivery

    - Scheduled 86 msns/6 elements; trnd 298 prsnl/coord 33 pt transprt/3K mls--supported $34M pt safety/enhanced IDMT

    - Streamlined narcotics/3 sys; restructured 391 line items & modified 110 ids--shortened insp time 50%/saved 488 hrs/yr

    - Streamlined PHARM printer/6 sys; modifed 26 line items/8 labels--elimiated 80 patch requests/eras'd $16K in ann ids

    - Researched 3 meths/opioid rx; trnd 110 prsnl/monitored 162 actions & 14 equip--lauded by CC/improved pt safety/IDMT

    - Restrctd narc policies/3 sys; aligned 650 items/modified 385 drug ids--gratified CC/saved 1K hrs/yr/red'd insp time

    - Restrctd narc policies/2 sys; developed 158 line items/physician alignment--heightened pt safety/red'd insp time 50%

    - Mnged 30 Rx audits/6 mbrs; spearheaded 13 probes & briefed 21 staffers--87% mbrs rated quality "superior"/zero OPRs

    - Led mbr trng/4 prsnl/3 fncts; trnd 12/organized 8 briefs & 8 drills--raised MTL testing scores 45%/vital toGrpCC reputation

    - Hosted pharm nasel eqpmt/2 sys; issued 3 pgms/8 briefs & 11 drills--vital to AF EMDG/re-utilized $92K in supplies

    - Cndctd 10 PTL events/6 staff; trnd 48 prsnl/completed 19 drills/3 hrs--robust team/99% unit pt pass rates/completed in 1st try

    - Authored 6 SOPs/11 regs; trnd 24 prsnl/completed 5 insps--recog 100% compliance/resulted zero msps/ensured 24/7 care

    - Authored 2 benzodiazapene plans/61 prsnl; instituted 11 regs & 12 SOPs--saved $22K/yr/enhanced pt safety/IDMT/reduced insp time

    - Admin'd 3 Sq/Drug investigations; tracked 11 rxs & interviewed 17 prsnl--applauded CC/proposed 4 rx changes/heightened pt care

    - Advised $1.6M eqpmt upgrade/55 prsnl; led $55M stock transfer/49 areas--1st AF site/integrate 2 automated sys/zero downtime/pt care

    - Supervised opiate/55 personnel; collab 7 briefings/188 actions--supported AF EMDG/gratified CC/zero-tolerance/opiate policy

    - Engin'd $4M infrastruct proj/49 personnel; coord'd stock trnsfr $55M/49 areas--heightened IDMT/eras'd 68 hrs/pt care

    - Cndctd 19 msn eval/4 mbrs; trnd 102 prnsl/analyzed 16 proc & 9 rxs--improved pt care/endorsed 100% aircrew/vital toGrpCC reputation

    - Monitored $2M construction upgrade/68 personnel; coord'd $55M stock trnsfr/49 areas--1st AF site/integrate 2 automated sys/zero downtime

    - Sustained MTF restructure; realigned 4K prsnl/15 pharmacy areas--enabled delivery/pt rx services/enhanced safety

    - Sustained MSN schd adherence; expedited delivery/119K rxs/5K pts--generated $14M/responsible utilization/ zero delays

    - Sustained New NCM restructuring, 879 prsnl/13 areas--zero dms/patient rx services/trivialized admin/time constraints

    - Administered annual inventory/339 prsnl; 1K areas/valued $8M--ensured whse operations/24K kgs repackaged/shipped

    - Admin'd p1 supply mgmt program; trnd 97 prsnl/cataloged 850 eqpmt items--auth'd 52 Msn Rdy Techs/22K ccatt air msns

    - Analyzed 23 refills; prescribed 500 rx items/amended delivery limits--secured pt rx/maximized airport/aircraft availability

    - Auth'd 52 msn rdy techs; msnd 34 MTF/235 pts--delivered 24/7 pt care-- enabled 556K pts timely rx services/1M lbs eqpmnt

    - Auth'd Rx clinical trng/437 prsnl; accredited 45 Mn Rdy Techs--crftd 77 eqpmt upgrades/87 MTF facilities/252K pts

    - Compiled polices/standard op procs/instr; 4K trng cards/data entry errors-- redesigned 1K aids/optimized 11K prescription queues

    - Date-validated 25K rx items; trckd expirations/incr inventory efficiency--$1.7M utilization/reduced overstocks/resupply costs

    - Developed/reviewed 8K drug records; tracked 52 medications/apt rx expiration--enabled timely rx delivery/3M aircrew msns

    - Evaluated 4M stock reqs; populated 11K hazardous materials/strict guidelines--augmented $3.6M cost savings/48K equity items

    - Expedited 350 rxs/262 pts; tracked/validated 26 pt data inputs--delivered essentials for C-130/CCATT mkts/ 15K pts

    - Inventoried 11K hazardous matls; compiled 8K polices/standard op procs--efficiently tracked $1.7M stock reqs/past due items

    - Logged 5K inventory audits/35 days; recorded 78K expiration dates/refills--aided 85K pts timely rx services/800 air evasion msns

    - Monitored 4K point-of-use areas; surplus eqpmt/delivery rates declined--enabled timely rx services/884K pts/78 mobility msns

    - Processed 500 rxs; trckd 14K expirations/served 262 pts--reduced on-hand/back orders/ensured timely C-130 msn delivery

    - Prog'd 2K pharmacy database; reconciled 86K items/health specs--$1.2M cost savings/minimized pmnt delays/insur carriers

    - Reconciled 8K databases/health specs; prog'd 86K items--averted $1.2M in pt rx costs/enabled 567K POC deliverables

    - Replenished 3K pts rxs; dev'd 71 items/133 depots--equipped ARMY/NAVY msns/6K pts/$2.7M utilization/32K recovery ops

    - Smoothed 13K RX tranmsns; tracked/validated 3K pt data entries--enabled 635K pts timely rx services/1.8M air evacs msns

    - Spearheaded patient mgmt project; installed 4K eqpmt/verified 4M pts records--tripled utilization/minimized unmet needs

    - Streamlined 90 CCATT air msns evac; expedited 348 rxs/230 pts--thrice awd'd AFCENT SG/EMDG/Mo/tripled '13 stats

    - Traversed 1.2M pt data sets; automated 23 refill catalogs--cataloged 25K rxs/7K pts/1K drgs/85 hazardous materials

    - Tracked 2K retail inventory discrepancies; verified data inputs/6k pts-- averted cost of $4M/enabled timely rx services/100K pts

    - Led 6 TmSTEPPS sessions/4 facilities; surveyed 66 mbrs/metrics for feedback--improved system performance by 30%

    - Educated 30 prsnl/USP 797 guidelines; emphasized aseptic techniques/gowning procedure--heightened safety awareness by 75%

    - Authored 15 SOPs; established policy/procedure/guidelines for entire AFSC--reduced medication errors by 35%

    - Led 12 weekly mltrs/4 sqs; discussed hand hygiene/aseptic technique--increased patient safety by 28%

    - Inspected 30 supply areas; audited 33 prsnl/followed up on identified discrepancies--prevented 2 erroneous orders

    - Monitored 40 workstations; updated protocol/assigned tasks to 10 prsnl--enhanced system functionality by 20%

    - Tracked inventory/3 facilities; compared order/fill rates with generic usage--revised drug data by 40%

    - Programmed 5 robots/3 sites; enhanced automation of drug distribution--increased pt throughput by 22%

    - Directed 90 mbrs/7 facilities; provided resources/expedited compliance issues--increased pt satisfaction by 65%

    - Vital to workflow revamp; implemented 5 systems/optimized 7 processes--achieved 48% decrease in process redundancy

    - Led 4 cls/annual training; reviewed 13 KSA requirements/50 mbrs--qualified 31 mbrs for pharmacy tech certification

    - Tracked 612 safety concerns; implemented 45 corrective actions/reviewed risk--reduced drug errors by 20%

    - Authored 8 pamphlets/medication safety; educated 20 patients/discussed storage requirements--increased adherence to medication by 17%

    - Supervised 5 pharmacy techs; administered bi-annual performance reviews/90 prsnl--improved team performance by 39%

    - Led 2 mtlrs/9 sqs; addressed 50 mbrs/issues regarding hazardous drug control--reduced risk of exposure by 25%

    - Coordinated 4 safety drills; yearly review/312 medical personnel/3 regions--heightened safety awareness by 22%

    - Led 10 USP inspections; audited 25 techs/reviewed competency log--maintained 42 medications within protocol

    - Programmed 11 automated dispensing cabinets; installed/tested 10 ADSMs--decreased medication errors by 25%

    - Tracked 5 mbr requests; processed 3 renewals/2 transfers--authorised 1K reimbursements

    - Delivered 3 wkly trngs/6 facilities; provided updates/recent protocol changes--qualified 9 prsnl for cerificate renewal

    - Conducted 20 IVAC inspections; surveyed 12 prsnl/reviewed standard practices--maintained 5 prsnl certifications for onboarding

    - Developed 21 continous improvement projects; tracked/reviewed 19 issues/2 facilities--achieved 36% decrease in delays

    - Monitored 5 quality assurance tests; identified 6 discrepancies/2 procedures--removed outdated protocols/replaced with updated standards

    - Led 4 cls/annual trng; reviewed 4 safety standards/112 mbrs--increased safety awareness by 65%

    - Tracked 3K pts/12 facilities; handled 3K follow-up mx orders/received 2K returns--reduced inventory omissions by 40%

    - Monitored 40 workstations/7 sites; ensured 24 continue to be in compliance--maintained HIPAA regulations for 30K pts

    - Authored 7 pamphlets/medication safety; educated 10 pts/discussed storage reqs--augmented adherence to medication by 21%

    - Tracked 5 HCFA reqs/13 facilities; submitted 12 monthly reports/reviewed results--ensured 15K pts receive proper reimbursement

    - Led 8 weekly mtlrs/3 facilities; discussed hand hygiene/aseptic technique--heightened safety awareness by 87%

    - Programmed 5 robots/5 sites; enhanced automation of drug distribution--increased pt throughput by 33%

    - Tracked 3K reportable events/9 facilities; identified 10 discrepancies/5 procedures--corrected 24K errors/restored accuracy

    - Liaised with 234 MTFs; coordinated trng/QA protocols on Rx pgm--improved patient outcomes/diplomats DOD worldwide

    - Implemented MEDDATA; distributed 10K orders/49 major commands--algorthmic accuracy/error rate minimized

    - Restructured MEDLOGIS ANCP file; developed 740 MFID entries--streamlined supply chain mgmt/saved $250K

    - Established 10 containers standards; defined policies/safety regulations--streamlined DoD Pharma warehousing/logistics

    - Constructed 10 line process monitoring; leveraged 4,000 automation codes--DLA partner costs reduced by $87K

    - Researched newer; established TRICARE formulary listings/5,000 items--guaranteed timely RX supply/HQ Air Force

    - Led trng for eight TMO mgmt systems; installed 40 applets/developed SLAs--95% service level compliance achieved

    - Served four drug recall boards; self-generated 28-page recall list/CAP--$8 million potential losses averted

    - Evaluated/aligned 3K drugs; replaced obsolescent medications/created backup list--optimized team readiness/resources

    - Established 17 automated ANCPs; sourced 377 DI substrates/formulations--reduced risk of outages by 9%/yr

    - Managed 49 robot serials; mitigated 121 Rx issues/unexpected delays--outage costs contained by $105K/yr

    - Supported BUMEDs SOP/CSPs; managed implementation/12 QA checks/1K meds--improved patient safety/64% reduction in errors

    - Developed 10 CASEVAC checklists; resolved 400 BUMED requisitions--saved personnel/equipment during deployment

    - Developed unitwide METS system; integrated 15 subsystems/validated 3K meds--serviced 34K pers at 8 RHUs

    - Supervised four automation sub-contracts; managed POs/budget--preserved MDG resources by $587K/yr

    - Collaborated with FDA in four drug recalls; revised/reviewed forms/processes--minimized impact/time from recall

    - Led 44 frontline programs/troubleshooting teams; upgraded/maintained 407 patient records--ensured 24/7 access/care

    - Launched 11 offsite AAAA teams; trained 24 personnel/inspected 573 AORs--improved quality/standard compliance of 1200 T-Rex sites

    - Developed four software solutions; tracked 4K compounds/theroautoimmunity trends--enabled 24-hr pharmaceutical resource access

    - Reengineered TABERNs database; revised safety standards/checked 51K meds--saved MDG $450K/year in administrative costs

    - Reassessed CEs on MTFs; inspected 45K drugs/routine CAAs--facilitated diagnosis/treatment of 10K patients/yr

    - Orchestrated third-party logistics; automated 2.5K orders/5 RX sites--shaved 2 minutes/Rx increase Rx filling speed

    - Developed DCAAs in MTFs; examined 3K DEA compliant drugs/patient care--revised regulation policies/ mitigated $1.2M thefts

    - Strategic partner SME for Eurocmd; arranged 10M orders/nine DP facilities--delivered quality product/ensured patient care

    - Processed 9K+ PHA's/week; 100% accuracy ensured; contributed to maximizing airborne drug availability/effectnds

    - Enforced new pharmacy policies; minimized med/wellness EOLs; monitored/re-distributing 181 drugs/equipments

    - Optimized drug supply chain; pinpointed peak/low priodicity; correlated 3.2K monthly Rx/4ward/depot level

    - Improved drug storage standards; back-hauled 2K expired drugs/\$65K equip; documented/incorporated reg rationales

    - Developed/implemented new 4-man Rx fulfillment team; spear-headed RIE implementation; tripled productivity

    - Enhanced stat rx protocol; ID'd/deleted 30+ non-compliant orders; expanded/realigned care for warms

    - Home-based drug therapys; standardized 10K+ pts profiles/lab reviews; cleared backlog/created new MTF policies

    - Concocted 10 therapeutic formulary substitutions; proactively identified 340 Rx shortages; saved 3M+ per yr

    - Implemented 9 pre-packaging directives; acquired $83K in automated equipment; quadrupled in-stock rate

    - Administered quarterly re-stocking survey; ID'd/corrected 10 discrepant orders; supplied/distributed 25K Rx

    - Consolidated 6 MTFs/DDDs inventory; correlated 12K drugs/equip; restocked 600+ critical items/\$65K value

    - Aggressively redirected available resources; cross-leveled 9K Rx/4.4K pt drugs for 28-day supply

    - Ensured vaccination compliance; administered 200+ vaccinations/year; positioned 100% pt readiness/outreach

    - Lead quality assurance/audit process; verified 12K+ drug packets/labels; sampled 477 controllable records

    - Tracked off-label drug usage; minimized/eliminated 1K drugs per month/\$63K savings; boosted clinical/biomedicine

    - Updated/controlled IMR regulations; modified/disposed 500+ drugs/items; safeguarded \$80K+ medical resources

    - Performed active in-servicing; trained 12 personnel/therapeutic initiatives; yielded multi-model on-line drug info

    - Implemented safety medication processess; reduced special orders/procurement errors; validated 47K Rxs/yr

    - Reclassified 7K Rx/duplications; deleted irrelevant data; backed-up/maintained 400+ patient records

    - Governed clinical pharmacy services; coordinated 10-man clinical team; stream lined 15K Rx/prescriptions

    - Established RIO procedures; monitored drug usage/ordered refills/controlled toxic levels; minimized medication waste

    - Processed 9K+ PHA's/week; 100% accuracy ensured; contributed to maximizing airborne drug availability/effectnds

    - Enforced new pharmacy policies; minimized med/wellness EOLs; monitored/re-distributing 181 drugs/equipments

    - Optimized drug supply chain; pinpointed peak/low priodicity; correlated 3.2K monthly Rx/4ward/depot level

    - Improved drug storage standards; back-hauled 2K expired drugs/\$65K equip; documented/incorporated reg rationales

    - Developed/implemented new 4-man Rx fulfillment team; spear-headed RIE implementation; tripled productivity

    - Enhanced stat rx protocol; ID'd/deleted 30+ non-compliant orders; expanded/realigned care for warms

    - Home-based drug therapys; standardized 10K+ pts profiles/lab reviews; cleared backlog/created new MTF policies

    - Concocted 10 therapeutic formulary substitutions; proactively identified 340 Rx shortages; saved 3M+ per yr

    - Implemented 9 pre-packaging directives; acquired $83K in automated equipment; quadrupled in-stock rate

    - Administered quarterly re-stocking survey; ID'd/corrected 10 discrepant orders; supplied/distributed 25K Rx

    - Consolidated 6 MTFs/DDDs inventory; correlated 12K drugs/equip; restocked 600+ critical items/\$65K value

    - Aggressively redirected available resources; cross-leveled 9K Rx/4.4K pt drugs for 28-day supply

    - Ensured vaccination compliance; administered 200+ vaccinations/year; positioned 100% pt readiness/outreach

    - Lead quality assurance/audit process; verified 12K+ drug packets/labels; sampled 477 controllable records

    - Tracked off-label drug usage; minimized/eliminated 1K drugs per month/\$63K savings; boosted clinical/biomedicine

    - Updated/controlled IMR regulations; modified/disposed 500+ drugs/items; safeguarded \$80K+ medical resources

    - Performed active in-servicing; trained 12 personnel/therapeutic initiatives; yielded multi-model on-line drug info

    - Implemented safety medication processess; reduced special orders/procurement errors; validated 47K Rxs/yr

    - Reclassified 7K Rx/duplications; deleted irrelevant data; backed-up/maintained 400+ patient records

    - Governed clinical pharmacy services; coordinated 10-man clinical team; stream lined 15K Rx/prescriptions

    - Established RIO procedures; monitored drug usage/ordered refills/controlled toxic levels; minimized medication waste

    - Facilitates flt operations; clarifies PMEL/TMS guidance to 6-member unit--ensures seamless task accomplishments

    - Monitors drug interactions/counseling; furnishes data to 100 providers, nurses, and residents--increases medication safety

    - Manages 18 personnel; schedules workloads & coordinates resources--accomplishes clinic pharmacy msns/240K beneficiaries

    - Manages all program activities for JBSA Medical Ctr; maintains productivity/quality--gains support of 200 customers

    - Monitors medication use across the continuum of care; delivers patient-centered care--helps reduce readmissions

    - Monitors medication use across a wide range of settings; ensures medication appropriateness--decreases emergency department utilization

    - Reviews $1.3M budget; identifies discrepant costs/averages & adjusts stock levels--enhances budgetary operations

    - Provides technical guidance & oversight to staff pharmacists; approves 14K specialty rxs/yr--supports 240K beneficiaries

    - Provides technical guidance/oversight; ensures accuracy of formulary pricing/stock utilization--administers $2M budget

    - Administers a $2 million budget; reviews discounted costs/avgs--updates stock levels for 200 customers

    - Maintains perpetual inventories of 120 med/fld ops sites; validates price/stock utilization--administers $2.3M budget

    - Reviews & evaluates rx order data; assesses dly statistical/trend analysis and dispensing accuracy--ensures quality assurance

    - Reviews & evaluates prescription orders; assesses daily statistical/trend analysis of dispensing accuracy--ensures quality assurance

    - Educates AF clinic personnel & members on the use & application of drugs; counsels on health promotion/disease prevention--promotes disease management

    - Develops training plans/policies to meet medical missions; coordinates 18 prsnl/10 vols--serves 200 customers

    - Performs monthly/quarterly msn analysis; assesses inventory/processing trends--ensures optimal resource utilization

    - Establishes medication order policies/procedures; develops plan to meet medical msn reqs--serves 240K beneficiaries

    - Utilizes pharmaceutical technology to maximize revenue; identifies savings/discounts--generates $1.3M revenue

    - Establishes operational procedures; develops medication order policies/procedures--enhances patient safety

    - Identifies discrepancies & verifies patient profiles/medication information--ensures proper medication orders & distrib

    - Collects data & verifies prescription orders; identifies trends & discrepancies--ensures safe & accurate distribution

    - Monitors & evaluates pharmaceutical staffing reqs; develops/implements effective solutions--enhances pharmacy operations

    - Implements new programs/techniques to meet msn requirements; coordinates resources/staff--utilizes budget effectively

    - Develops & implements medical mgmt programs; assesses inventory/processing trends--ensures optimal resource usage

    - Develops & updates flt policies/procedures; provides technical guidance to staff--ensures AF/DoD compliance

    - Maintains accountability/control/handling of narcotic/controlled medications; enforces lcl/AF policies/TJC requirements

    - Maintains distribution stock/fast-mover item of 3K Rx line items; audits/verifies lcl/AF stds--ensures 100% accuracy

    - Monitors/tracks workloads/operational objectives; allocates 6 techs to appropriate locations--conducts mission-critical tasks

    - Observes compounding/manufacturing/staging/shipping processes; enforces standards/integrity of assets/Rx tracking

    - Oversees daily/weekly inventory accuracy--ensures 100% compliance w/ AF/Weisgarber & TJC directives/200K medication orders yrly

    - Performs on-the-job trng/infusion drug accuracy; reviews/monitors/maintains sterility of parenteral line-items--upholds highest standards

    - Prepares/interprets financial budget planning; controls/monitors e-procurement--ensures processes adhere to AF/TJC directives

    - Protects pharmacy assets; applies security measures for controlled substances--ensures compliance with TJC/DEA stds

    - Raises awareness/post-op warning & on-duty drug storage security procedures; enforces TJC/DEA/AF policy stds w/14 staff

    - Revamps SOP's/writes validation plans/monitors O&M workload objectives; evaluates/audits/disseminates lcl/AF policy stds

    - Schedules/alters/provisions multiple GIBC/OPF/OTC pharmaceuticals; administers med requirements/storage solutions--maximizes efficiency

    - Supervises 240K members/techs; mentors 14 staff on promoting/enhancing field presence--ensures 15K in-hospital Rx safety

    - Supervises pharmacist-in-charge/4 GSUs; directs 6 staff/disburses 15K IVs/yr--maintains highest standard of Rx security

    - Trains staff on proper handling/storage of pharmaceuticals; oversees/enforces ESOH/EC&I protocols--ensures compliance IAW AF/TJC

    - Validates 230K IVs/yr; inspects stock rotation/expiration dates--guarantees readiness w/TJC/DEA/AF stds/14 staff members

    - Verifies/tracks/maintains accountability/IAW Drug Enforcement Authorization; guards traffic of 140K rxs/yr--ensures compliance

    - Administers regulatory aftcse/clearance of controlled substances; inspects new items/disposal of expired items--upholds AF/TJC stds

    - Audits safety stock levels/controlled substance utilization; ensures 120K pts receive correct medication--complies with AF/TJC regs

    - Develops clinic operations policies/procedures; educates/instructs/disperses 15K medications/Rx/OTC items--ensures compliance

    - Establishes/monitors annual O&M budget; reserves 3 prsnl/assets of 9.3K--maximizes service/240K personnel thru AF/TJC directives

    - Inspects/updates Aseptic Compounding Procedures; provides training on Sterile Products preparation--abides all AF/TJC regs

    - Manages 6 GSUs/vital medication stocks rotation; dispenses 160K medications/evaluates/audits policies--enforces AF/TJC reqs

    - Monitors 15K contracts/TPN circuits; directs system protocols/oversees accreditations--integrates pharmacy ops/AF directives

    - Oversees pharmacy management systems; audits in-stock/expiring items/$2.1M O&M budget--ensures accuracy/comply w/AF/TJC regs

    - Raises medical procedure knowledge; develops/instructs/trains 13 prsnl/dispersal of 154K medications--adheres with AF/TJC directives

    - Supervises/coordinates IV admixture trng programs; abides 130K Rxs/year/evaluates adherence to AF/TJC protocol/14 staff members

    - Manages annual budget/2.4M eqpmt/supply stockage; executes $2.8M financial plan--facilitates 13K prsnl's daily msn

    - Manages Dispensing Automation Courier System; troubleshoots hardware/software--averts msn degradation/3 areas

    - Monitors MAJCOM policy & formulary reqs; updates 29.2K eqpmt records/$50K warehouse--prevents outages/64K prsnl

    - Monitors invty mgmt; processes 5.6K eqpmt/$43K non-avail items--oversees accountability/refurbishment of $1.7M PL4 assets

    - Reviews directives/AF Technical Orders; implements AF QC imprvmnt program--promotes 15K prsnl/full compliance

    - Reviews med/eqpmt records; updates software/resolves discrepncies--enforces AFSC 4P0X1 Pharmacy Standards

    - Coordinates wg trng pgm; delivers courses/18 vols/192 hrs--ensures readiness/6.4K core ldr & 529 GSUs

    - Conducts med readiness/vulnerabilities assessment; identifies/recommends mitigation--enforces 72K prsnl/compliance

    - Collaborates w/peers/visiting inspectors; conducts 5-yr compliance review--ensures 6.4K OFS forces/Inspector General prsnl

    - Develops/implements pharmacy strategy; assesses $1.2M eqpmt records--promotes 16K prsnl/clinical effectiveness

    - Facilitates educational prgrms; reviews 24.3K eqpmt records/$5M resources--executes 4K trng prgrms/14.3K DoD OFS & NATO

    - Coordinates w/contracted vendors; identifies/replaces defective eqpmt--secures $58.5K PL4 assets/averts msn degradation

    - Establishes pgm framework; audits 5K prsnl trng plans/exercises--sustains 511K msn ready prsnl & 9.8K volunteer assets

    - Implements Pharmaceutical Issue Control System pgm; validates/issues 3K rxs/yr--enforces 7.3K prsnl/compliance

    - Monitors AFSC 4P0X1 training progress; validates 60 hrs/yr--accrues $1.2M cost savings/ensures 135K prsnl/readiness

    - Directs msn rehearsal exer; orients 2.5K prsnl/advancements--prepares 8.3K Airmen/emergency response

    - Leads AFSC 4P0X1 Team Chief space planning; executes/maps 30K sq/ft--manages 5 GSUs/sustains 24K prsnl assets

    - Manages annual pharmacy vol prgm; recruits/builds $1.2M msn rdy--leads 4.2K prsnl/integration of teamwork & praxis

    - Manages TLD inventory/3 GSUs; tracks distribution/65K PL4 assets--identifies discrepancies/6k prsnl trng plans

    - Manages immunization program; supervises/administers 3.1K vaccines/yr--supports DoD Medical Readiness Standards

    - Establishes Drug Accountability Regulations pgm; audits/processes $1.2M fund--executes 45K trng prgrms/11K DoD OFS & NATO

    - Leads Inventory Mgmt System pgm; validates 3K rxs/yr--ensures 49K prsnl/comply with JBSA drug storage reqs

    - Trains 8 prsnl/troubleshooting measures; maintains eqpmt--replaces 89K PL4 assets/averts msn degradation

    - Coordinates AFSC 4P0X1 vol pgm; recruits/builds $1.2M msn rdy--leads 5K prsnl/integration of teamwork & praxis

    - Develops/implements AFMS guidelines; updates software/resolves discrepncies--ensures 4K prsnl/compliance with AF Directives

    - Maintains Joint Commission accreditation; assists visiting inspectors--sustains 5.6K OFS forces/Inspector General prsnl

    - Reviews drug procurement pgm/14 GSUs; ensures compliance--executes 25K trng prgrms/1.2K DoD OFS & NATO

    - Manages med supply forecasting; validates/analyzes 15K eqpmt/investment--oversees $1.5M supply stockage/averts shortages

    - Manages high risk/immunoallergic medications; verifies 12K rxs/yr--identifies 3K prsnl/clinically appropriate therapies

    - Interfaces w/provider/peer mgmt; reviews 7.3K eqpmt/facilitates trng--creates 4K man-hrs/equal to 4 FTEs/year

    - Manages AFSC 4P0X1 Practice pgm; evaluates eqpmt/credentials--ensures 15K prsnl/professional development practices

    - Manages Drug Formulary System pgm; validates/issues 1.5K rxs/yr--promotes 24K prsnl/full compliance with AF/TJC regulations

    - Asst Dispensary OIC/AFSC 4P0X1 iKan pgm; reviews 6K rxs/yr--validates 99K prsnl/increasing readiness & safety

    - Reviews Drug Inventory System pgm/14 GSUs; ensures compliance--executes 25K trng prgrms/1K DoD OFS & NATO

    - Monitors Joint Vaccination System; troubleshoots hardware/software--averts msn degradation/2.8K DoD MTFs

    - Manages/conducts 7 vols trng programs; delivers courses/24 hrs--ensures readiness/8.4K core ldr & 629 GSUs

    - Interfaces w/DoD/peer mgmt; reviews 30K eqpmt/facilitates trng--creates 2K man-hrs/equal to 2 FTEs/year

    - Lead tech/CENTCOM's largest 24/7 pharmacy; dispenses 19K rxs/yr--supports 4.2K DoD OFS & NATO RS prsnl

    - Manages automation eqpmt; trains 19 prsnl/troubleshooting measures--ensures proper function/$2.2M PL4 resources

    - Develops/implements AFMSdrug regulations; updates software/resolves discrepncies--ensures 9.3K prsnl/compliance with AF Directives

    - Facilitates Drug Formulary System pgm; validates/issues 5.2K rxs/yr--executes 3.2K trng prgrms/13.2K DoD OFS & NATO

    - Protocols prescribed drugs; counsels and assists customers w/ medication compliance--promotes safe medication trtmnt

    - Reviews waivers & TriCare 3rd Pty adjudication; identifies/resolves discrepancies--ensures accurate pgm compliance

    - Assists in prescribing controlled meds and OTC’s; counsels and educates customers for safe/appropriate use

    - Completes weekly/monthly supply inventories; reconciles/adjusts stocks levels--maintains $39.2M worth of materiel

    - Establishes medication control plan; works w/CFAC to establish reporting plans--safeguards 24K medications in stock

    - Enhances quality improvement pgm; perfoms internal audits/monitors key performance metrics--achieves 100% compliance

    - Evaluates vulnerability of pharmacy system; provides recommendations/guidance to leadership--reduces security risks

    - Facilitates in-service trngs/develops outline/guides/moderates/schedules workshops--provides evidence-based trng to 86 prsnl

    - Implements automated prescribing protocols; ensures accuracy w/Rx delivery/stock rotation--minimizes wasted meds/stock loss

    - Administers pharmacist credentialing exams; maintains accurate recs 4 AF/TJC pgms--validates accuracy of services

    - Assists in the development of pgm policy/procedures; briefs health care prfnl on medication protocols/side-effects

    - Creates strategies to reduce med waste/prolong exp date drug inventories; increases $2.7M savings in medical supplies

    - Investigates/analyzes eqpmt failure; authorizes/directs eqpmt repair/replacement--prolongs eqpmt lifecycle/zero downtime

    - Manages Pharmacy Informatics pgm; Maintains AF database for Rx/OTC recordkeeping/serves 250K beneficiaries

    - Prepares/reviews pharmacy operational rpts; tracks performance rqmnts/validates accuracy--ensures TJC pgm compliance

    - Addresses network security issues; monitors eqpmt & software to ensure HIPAA compliancy--boosts accuracy of ops

    - Formulates drug inventories $2.7M budgets; identifies & resolves discrepancies--trims unwanted stock/minimizes loss

    - Reviews medication trtmnt orders; validates accuracy to prevent dosages conflicts--prevents rx variances/advice errors

    - Verifies/resolves patient complaints; practice & adhere to safety emphasis pgm--minimizes med discrepancies/errors

    - Utilizes automated pharmacy sys; evaluates rxs for accuracy/potential ADRs--prevents 429 incidents/yr

    - Coordinates/facilitates dept schd; coordinates f/up/follow-on trmt--reduces 76% of return visits/yr

    - Develops/standardizes trng materials/12 staff members; reviews processes/manuals--ensures 100% proficiency/work force

    - Inspects 5 pharmacy areas; reviews prsnl proficiency/knowledge--validates asset protection/AF standards

    - Interprets/analyzes drug interactions; confers w/providers--identifies potential ADRs & formulary alternatives

    - Performs quality assurance; reviews prsnl proficiency/processes--ensures 100% accuracy/loading rate

    - Processes 4K rxs/unit; reports discrepancies & investigates errors--saves $2.1M/yr thru process efficiencies

    - Refills medication; addresses Pt questions/concerns & calls w/pharma reps--confirms drug availability & timelines

    - Validates 290K medication transactions; inspects pharmacy for accountability/compliance--ensures Rx compliance/AFI

    - Ensures reliability/pharma sys; maintains daily/monthly integrity/data files--sustains accuracy & accountability/records

    - Provides ldrshp/21 prsnl; develops briefings & ensures 100% understanding--maintains high standards/operations

    - Resolves software issues/5 pharmacy areas; inspects processes & validates accuracy--improves reliability/data files

    - Reviews 57K orders/month; confers w/providers & evaluates interactions/ADRs--optimizes patient therapy plans

    - Manages replacement drug therapy; resolves provider inquiries & formulary issues--reduces challenges/Pharma Pgm

    - Manages staff weekly/monthly; checks performance/procedures & validates accuracy--ensures 100% compliance/AFI

    - Supports ongoing trng/12 staff; reviews performance/processes--ensures 100% proficiency/pharmacy personnel

    - Coordinates staff schedule/12 staff mem; develops/implements new working models--improves performance/situations

    - Forecasts/plans for future drug supply; reviews drug availability/potential shortages--maximizes inventory use/budget

    - Insures drug accountability/store; inspects assigned areas & validates records/documentations--sustains compliance/AFI

    - Performs backorder reviews; resolves issues/corrects discrepancies--mitigates out of stock experiences

    - Interfaces w/vendors to maintain logistic readiness; resolves discrepancies & investigates issues--mitigates 100% out of stocks

    - Communicates software changes/5 pharmacy areas; inspects processes & validates accuracy--improves accuracy/data files

    - Proficient in automated systems; prepares/issues narcotic tracking sheets & validates accountability--ensures 100% compliance IAW AF & TJC directives

    - Fulfills non-formulary requests; confers w/providers to ensure logistic readiness--guarantees availability of critical drugs

    - Analyzes specialty requests; evaluates requests/necessary data--ensures medical necessity/patient care

    - Managed daily pharmacy operations; schedules/tracks workflow for 6 technicians/4 clerks--sustains full mission capability

    - Verifies accuracy of all prescriptions filled; certifies/monitors controlled substance logs--establishes security protocols

    - Offers advocacy services to patients/providers regarding drug/dispense use--promotes pt/pharmaceutical stewardship

    - Analyzes & implements new policies/strategies/procedures; performs quality assurance/control programs to optimize patient outcomes

    - Deploys to overseas contingency ops; coordinates patient care/pharmacy op activities for 350K treatment facilities/450K pts

    - Prepares/organizes medications; maintains/tracks inventory/weekly cycle counts of 25K items/performs expirations checks

    - Accurately dispenses 9.2K prescriptions daily; counsels/communicates effectively with pts/caregivers--mitigates health risks

    - Conducts quarterly patient drug therapy clinics to promote positive pt outcomes; counsels on lifestyle modifications/preventative meds

    - Facilitates/monitors drug utilization data; reviews/analyzes for trends/outliers to ensure compliance w/DoD regulations

    - Determines patient-specific drug products; applies proper ICD-10 codes to ensure accurate & timely Rx reconciliation

    - Monitors/updates pt profiles; reconciles medications/monitors adverse reactions--minimizes medical/legal risk

    - Reviews/verifies medication orders; ensures accuracy of all prescribed treatments & medication documentation

    - Executes daily ops; administers/tracks/monitors controlled substances/ controlled substance storage/returns/disposal

    - Processes/dispenses 867K prescriptions/yr; ensures accuracy of every order/maintains effective communication w/pts/physicians

    - Manages medication inventory/ordering/receiving; performs monthly cycle counts for 38k items--stocks/tracks/projections

    - Implements/maintains medication security protocols; validates/documents controls to ensure 100% regulation compliance

    - Oversees pharmacy technicians; monitors/trains/mentors 4 T/4 C; ensures correct/accurate processes for Rx prep/dispensing

    - Evaluates drug orders; scrutinizes for duplications, allergies, & interactions; ensures all Rx orders comply w/state, federal & DoD laws

    - Optimizes dosing regimens of 258K medication orders; ensures accurate calculation of dosages, therapeutic substitution & generic equivalents

    - Facilitates pt record processing/updates; completes pt histories/med profiles; verifies pt orders/medication reconciliation

    - Administers immunizations; verifies immunization records/vaccines/allergies prior to injection; resolves pt issues & resolves conflicts

    - Initiates comp/risk management; develops/maintains/evaluates pharmaceutical care plans & communicates outcomes to providers/pts

    - Reconsiles/transfers meds; serves as source of info to providers/pts & responds to inquiries/complaints regarding Rx orders/meds

    - Conducts drug info sessions; provides pharmacist-based care/counseling f/medication management/adherence/disease state mgmt

    - Manages daily clinical services for 675K pts; oversees/analyzes drug utilization & ensures compliance to DoD/TMA/JCAHO Guidelines

    - Managed daily pharmacy operations; schedules/tracks workflow for 6 technicians/4 clerks--sustains full mission capability

    - Verifies accuracy of all prescriptions filled; certifies/monitors controlled substance logs--establishes security protocols

    - Offers advocacy services to patients/providers regarding drug/dispense use--promotes pt/pharmaceutical stewardship

    - Analyzes & implements new policies/strategies/procedures; performs quality assurance/control programs to optimize patient outcomes

    - Deploys to overseas contingency ops; coordinates patient care/pharmacy op activities for 350K treatment facilities/450K pts

    - Prepares/organizes medications; maintains/tracks inventory/weekly cycle counts of 25K items/performs expirations checks

    - Accurately dispenses 9.2K prescriptions daily; counsels/communicates effectively with pts/caregivers--mitigates health risks

    - Conducts quarterly patient drug therapy clinics to promote positive pt outcomes; counsels on lifestyle modifications/preventative meds

    - Facilitates/monitors drug utilization data; reviews/analyzes for trends/outliers to ensure compliance w/DoD regulations

    - Determines patient-specific drug products; applies proper ICD-10 codes to ensure accurate & timely Rx reconciliation

    - Monitors/updates pt profiles; reconciles medications/monitors adverse reactions--minimizes medical/legal risk

    - Reviews/verifies medication orders; ensures accuracy of all prescribed treatments & medication documentation

    - Executes daily ops; administers/tracks/monitors controlled substances/ controlled substance storage/returns/disposal

    - Processes/dispenses 867K prescriptions/yr; ensures accuracy of every order/maintains effective communication w/pts/physicians

    - Manages medication inventory/ordering/receiving; performs monthly cycle counts for 38k items--stocks/tracks/projections

    - Implements/maintains medication security protocols; validates/documents controls to ensure 100% regulation compliance

    - Oversees pharmacy technicians; monitors/trains/mentors 4 T/4 C; ensures correct/accurate processes for Rx prep/dispensing

    - Evaluates drug orders; scrutinizes for duplications, allergies, & interactions; ensures all Rx orders comply w/state, federal & DoD laws

    - Optimizes dosing regimens of 258K medication orders; ensures accurate calculation of dosages, therapeutic substitution & generic equivalents

    - Facilitates pt record processing/updates; completes pt histories/med profiles; verifies pt orders/medication reconciliation

    - Administers immunizations; verifies immunization records/vaccines/allergies prior to injection; resolves pt issues & resolves conflicts

    - Initiates comp/risk management; develops/maintains/evaluates pharmaceutical care plans & communicates outcomes to providers/pts

    - Reconsiles/transfers meds; serves as source of info to providers/pts & responds to inquiries/complaints regarding Rx orders/meds

    - Conducts drug info sessions; provides pharmacist-based care/counseling f/medication management/adherence/disease state mgmt

    - Manages daily clinical services for 675K pts; oversees/analyzes drug utilization & ensures compliance to DoD/TMA/JCAHO Guidelines

    - Formulates/evaluates policies/procedures; develops training rqmnts/safety pgm--guides unit adherence to AF stds

    - Manages/maintains records/files; verifies/scans documents--ensures AF compliance/stds on 45K physical/electronic recs

    - Monitors/conducts audits; assesses/reviews documents/reports--ensures AF/TJC compliance on sq SOP/policies

    - Primary records custodian; verifies/manages ERM uploads--ensures AF compliance/stds on 4.2K physical/electronic recs

    - Sq FARM/12 ERM accts; audits pgm/spts 32 custodians on physical/e-file dispositions--preserves AF compliance stds

    - Oversees Sq Ammo pgm; reviews MICT checklists & addresses inconsistencies--ensures pgm effectiveness/safety

    - Coordinates Sq Immunization pgm; reviews MICT checklists & addresses inconsistencies--ensures pgm effectiveness/safety

    - Manages/maintains records/files; verifies/scans documents--guides unit adherence to AF stds on 45K physical/electronic recs

    - Manages/maintains records/files; verifies/scans documents--enforces AF compliance/stds on 4.2K physical/electronic recs

    - Provides dsgn/tech support for automated inventory mgmt/eqpmt; installs/maintains software/hw--manages drug inventory

    - Develops/implements medical materiel mgmt/distribution processes; creates/maintains records--ensures AF stds

    - Primary custodian/Medical Materiel pgm; reviews/monitors eqpmt/stock assets--governs $3.2M equipt/drug inventory

    - Oversees clinic resource protection pgm; reviews alarm/anti-theft procedures w/staff--safeguards equip/drug assets

    - Serves as customer srvc rep; assists/counsels patients on medication needs--ensures pt satisfaction/safety

    - Audits/inspects medication returns; reconciles inventory discrepancies--ensures AF/TJC compliance/safety pgm

    - Coordinates Sq Immunization pgm; reviews MICT checklists & addresses inconsistencies--safeguards drug assets

    - Serves as primary customer srvc rep; assists/counsels patients on medication needs--ensures pt satisfaction/safety

    - Manages/maintains records/files; verifies/scans documents--guides adherence to AF stds on 4.2K physical/electronic recs

    - Primary records custodian; verifies/manages ERM uploads--ensures AF/TJC compliance/stds on 30K physical/electronic recs

    - Audits/inspects medication returns; reconciles inventory discrepancies--governs drug inventory/safety pgm

    - Serves as primary customer srvc rep; assists/counsels patients on medication needs--enhances pt satisfaction/safety

    - Monitors/conducts audits; assesses/reviews documents/reports--maintains AF/TJC compliance on sq SOP/policies

    - Develops/implements medical materiel mgmt/distribution processes; creates/maintains records--guides AF stds

    - Oversees clinic resource protection pgm; reviews alarm/anti-theft procedures w/staff--maintains AFI compliance/stds

    - Serves as record custodian; validates/uploads 1.1K items/yr--certifies AF/TJC compliance for physical/electronic storages

    - Monitors/conducts audits; assesses/reviews documents/reports--ensures AF/TJC compliance/stds on sq SOP/policies

    - Supply Custodian; receives/maintains supplies & determines on-hand stock rqmnts--preserves $595K/drug assets

    - Formulates/evaluates policies/procedures; develops training rqmnts/safety pgm--ensures unit adherence to AF stds

    - Satellite safety prgm rep; manages safety binder/administers monthly trng for 20 prsnl--safeguards AF/TJC compliance

    - Squadron UTM; tracks/updates/schedules training for 263 mbrs/21 mbrs in UGT; sustains wg training metric at 95%

    - Wg DCRF mbr/18 tms; coord's activation procedures for disaster/emergency response--vital to unit readiness msn ops