JS-US013 Joint Staff Equal Opportunity Policy Basic Training - (1 hr) (PRE-TEST) on JKO

JS-US013 Joint Staff Equal Opportunity Policy Basic Training - (1 hr) (PRE-TEST) on JKO

True or False. Historically and cross culturally, sexism is most often used to subordinate women. (Equal Opportunity Term and Definitions, Page 3)

True (correct)

Sex-Based harassment
What is the result of Service members or civilians being subjected to offensive, unwanted, unsolicited comments and behaviors of a sexual nature that interfere with their work performance? (Equal Opportunity Terms and Definitions, Page 7)

Hostile environment (correct)

Which of the following terms is described as an unreasonable negative attitude, judgment, or opinion toward others because of their membership in a particular group? (Equal Opportunity Terms and Definitions, Page 4)

Prejudice (correct)

True or False. When filing an informal complaint, the complaint must be in writing and the chain of command must be notified. (Equal Opportunity Complaint Process, Page 2)

False (correct)

Message: 1) True or False. Historically and cross-culturally, sexism is most often used to subordinate women. (Equal Opportunity Terms and Definitions, Page 3)


True (correct)

2) True or False. Bystanders might be subordinate or senior to the person whose comment or behavior warrants reaction. (Bystander Intervention, Page 1)


True (correct)

3) What is the minimum number of days for an informal complaint to be resolved? (Equal Opportunity Complaint Process, Page 2)

15 business days from when the complaint was submitted

Informal complaints are not subject to timeline suspense (correct)

10 business days from when the complaint was submitted

3 business days from when the complaint was submitted

4) Which of the following terms is described as an unreasonable negative attitude, judgment, or opinion toward others because of their membership in a particular group? (Equal Opportunity Terms and Definitions, Page 4)




Prejudice (correct)

5) Which of the following are traits of leadership responsibility? Select all that apply. (Equal Opportunity within the DoD, Page 4)

Ensure that unit personnel are aware of complaint processing procedures (correct)

Actively seek to identify discriminatory practices early on, and start actions to remove the contributing factors (correct)

Ensure that all military members receive EO training (correct)

Counsel subordinates on EO roles and responsibilities (correct)

Ensure that EO policies are publicized and enforced (correct)

6) Select all that apply. The DoD EO policy was established to provide equal opportunity and treatment for all Service members, civilian employees, and their families without regard to which of the following? (Equal Opportunity within the DoD, Page 4)

National origin (correct)

Religion (correct)

Race (correct)

Gender (correct)

Color (correct)

7) True or False. Bystanders might be subordinate or senior to the person whose comment or behavior warrants reaction. (Bystander Intervention, Page 1)

True (correct)


8) True or False. When filing an informal complaint, the complaint must be in writing and the chain of command must be notified. (Equal Opportunity Complaint Process, Page 2)


False (correct)

9) Which of the following alternatives best describes the term "Racism"? (Equal Opportunity Terms and Definitions, Page 8)

An adverse opinion formed without just grounds directed against an individual or group

Attitude, belief, behavior, or institutional arrangement that favors one race or ethnic group over another (correct)

Actively making distinctions and choices that have an adverse impact on members of one group

A dislike based on faulty and inflexible generalizations toward a group or an individual

10) Which of the following terms is described as an unreasonable negative attitude, judgment, or opinion toward others because of their membership in a particular group? (Equal Opportunity Terms and Definitions, Page 4)




Prejudice (correct)

11) Which of the following are traits of leadership responsibility? Select all that apply. (Equal Opportunity within the DoD, Page 4)

Ensure that all military members receive EO training (correct)

Ensure that unit personnel are aware of complaint processing procedures (correct)

Actively seek to identify discriminatory practices early on, and start actions to remove the contributing factors (correct)

Counsel subordinates on EO roles and responsibilities (correct)

Ensure that EO policies are publicized and enforced (correct)

12) Select all that apply. The DoD EO policy was established to provide equal opportunity and treatment for all Service members, civilian employees, and their families without regard to which of the following? (Equal Opportunity within the DoD, Page 4)

National origin (correct)

Gender (correct)

Religion (correct)

Color (correct)

Race (correct)

13) What is maximum number of days to submit a formal complaint? (Equal Opportunity Complaint Process, Page 6)




30 (correct)

15) True or False. A bystander is anyone who sees or otherwise becomes aware of behavior that appears worthy of comment or action. (Bystander Intervention, Page 1)


True (correct)

16) True or False. A bystander is anyone who sees or otherwise becomes aware of behavior that appears worthy of comment or action. (Bystander Intervention, Page 1)


True (correct)