ACQ 202 Intermediate Systems Acquisition

There are four basic techniques used by the DoD for creating cost estimates: Analogy, Parametric, and Actual Costs are three techniques.


Which appropriation category would fund the design of new equipment, material, or software?

Research, Development, Test and Evaluation

What's the primary purpose of an Analysis of Alternatives (AoA)?

Provide decision-making aid in selecting a cost-effective material alternative

When comparing alternative concepts to provide needed warfighting capabilities, which of the following must be met?


Estimating potential demand for a capability and developing a rough order of magnitude (ROM) estimate of future sales are characteristics of which International Acquisition & Exportability (IA&E) Assessment area?

International Markets

Both the Army and Marine Corps have a capability need to procure additional helicopters beyond the number specified in the current contract; the helicopter program is currently in production. What cost estimating technique would the services most likely use as a basis requesting the funding to pay for the additional aircraft?

Actual Cost

The largest amount of software life cycle cost comes during the design development


An AOA is a study of the _________

Potential Acquisition Strategies for the alternatives WRONG

Which of the following guidance documents requires DoD Components to incorporate interoperability and defense exportability aspects into Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System requirements documents to ensure they are addressed in initial planning and design?


Which of the following are characteristics of ICPs

Shared cost, Shared risks and benefits, and Government-to-Government

To obtain guidance and (if required) approvals on the level and type of protection required, the DoD Component International Program Organization and Program Management Offices (PMOs) must engage:

TSFD technology area ("pipe") owners/authorities

In certain situations, there may be a U.S. Government requirements to restrict specific portions of a weapon system sale to FMS only while permitting other portions to be acquired DCS


As a general rule of thumb _______ of the total ownership costs of a system occur late in the life cycle, due to costs associated with operations and support.


What element of IA&E assess the risks of transferring controlled technology and information that provide U.S. warfighters a combat advantage as well as the benefits of international participation?

Sales and Transfers WRONG

For FMS non-program of record acquisition programs, the FMS customer nation is responsible for developing, awarding, and executing the contract in accordance with their own contracting policies and procedures.


____refers to the cost of procuring prime mission equipment.

Flyaway cost

The ____ and the _____ along with the Funding Plan should be established early on in the JCTD to ensure that preparations are developed to facilitate movement of the JCTD into the acquisition process.

Management Plan and Transition Plan

What document is developed for DoD acquisition programs with substantial international involvement, as a companion to the Acquisition Strategy, to ensure effective integration of domestic and international acquisition efforts throughout the program's life cycle?


The best time to reduce life cycle costs is ____ in the life cycle process. ____ can be applied throughout the life cycle to achieve an affordable and effective system.

Early/Affordability and Should cost

Which of the following IA&E activities addressed in the "International Considerations" sections of the Acquisition Strategy could influence the program's overall acquisition strategy?

A software-costing model that bases cost estimates up statistical data such as source lines of code is an example of a ____ costing model.

Top-down, Delphi WRONG

Based on the information from the ICD, an AoA inlcudes:

Functional areas, Range of military OPs, and Key attributes as defined by Measure of Effectiveness

An International Agreement is established between the U.S. and a partner nation to develop a new defense capability. What are the benefits that typically result from establishing a successful ICP?

Enhanced, Enhanced, Lower

What is a characteristic of a JCTD?

Demonstrates technology in a field environment

Which of the following IA&E areas described in the International Considerations section of a program's Acquisition Strategy could have a significant long-term impact on overall program affordability?

Establishing a domestic, Coordination with partner, and International partner

FMS, BPC, DCS and ACSAs are Security Cooperation equipment and financing activities under what element of International Acquisition & Exportability?

Sales and Transfers

During which part of the IA&E Assessment does the Program Management Office and Integrated Product Team identify the TSFD technology areas ("pipes") that are relevant to the program's future international acquisition activities?

Program Protection Considerations

The Navy is in the early stages of developing the next generation attack submarine with state...

Analogy WRONG

Affordability and Should Cost means

Performance and schedule tradeoffs will be made to achieve cost objectives

The final approval authority for system-related National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation is the:

Component Acquisition Executive (CAE).

Who would certify the interoperability performance of a command and control system used by both the Army and Navy?

Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC).

Barriers to the successful implementation of Integrated Product and Process Development (IPPD) include the following (Select all that apply):

1. Need for significant cultural change.

2. Contractor uses IPPD / DoD does not

3. Poorly run meetings or reviews.

The Navy awards a cost-plus award fee (CPAF) contract for $265 million to design and develop electronic components for a communications system within 18 months. What reports, if any, would the contractor normally need to provide to the Program Management Office regarding their cost, schedule, and technical performance?

The contractor would submit a Contract Performance Report (CPR) formats 1 through 5 and an Integrated Master Schedule (IMS).

Which of the following are "Best Practices" that may be appropriate for software intensive programs? (Select all that apply)

Use metrics to manage and monitor risk.

Which of the following exceptions to the full funding policy would allow the Government to budget for buying three years worth of engines under one contract in order to save money?

Multiyear Procurement.

Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC) has primary responsibility for Developmental T&E functions throughout DoD.


Transitioning to Integrated Product and Process Development (IPPD) will involve application of certain key tenets, such as customer focus, concurrent development, and:

Event-driven scheduling.

Which one of the following T&E products is required at Milestone C?

Approved TEMP

If a contractor chooses to use their own quality system, they must demonstrate compliance with the established military standard through formal third party certification. .


A _______ is an aggregation of program elements that reflects a macro-level force mission or support mission of DOD.

Major Program (MP).

Which of the following is recognized as a barrier to the successful implementation of Integrated Product and Process Development (IPPD)?

Lack of commitment from top management

In fixed-price contracts:

The government can terminate the contract for default if the contractor is late or his product does not meet specifications.

Which one of the following is a duty of the Director, Operational Test, and Evaluation (DOT&E)?

Reviewing and analyzing the results of operational test and evaluation (OT&E) conducted for each major DoD acquisition program.

The Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP) links together, and must be consistent with, which of the following related program documents (Select all that apply)?

1. Systems Threat Assessment (STA)

2. Initial Capabilities Document (ICD)

3. Acquisition Program Baseline (APB).

Critical Intelligence Parameters (CIPs) are those key performance thresholds of foreign threat systems, which, if exceeded, could compromise the mission effectiveness of the U.S. system in
development. Adversary military doctrine, tactics, strategy, and ______________ of systems should be considered in CIPs.

Expected employment.

The first key step of the Product Support Strategy Process Model includes which of the following?

Understanding Warfighter requirements in terms of performance.

If the program is on the DOT&E Oversight List, which one of the following test and evaluation (T&E) products is required before the Full Rate Production Decision Review?

DOT&E report on initial operational test and evaluation.

Each of the following issues impact test planning and execution activities except one. Select the one that is NOT a test planning/execution issue.

Limited test reports

The National Environment Policy Act (NEPA) can affect defense acquisition program managers because:

NEPA requires environmental impacts to be considered in the decision making process for acquisition programs.

In which phase of the life cycle does the Life Cycle Sustainment Plan (LCSP) focus on development of sustainment metrics to influence design, the product support strategy, and on actions that can be taken prior to the next milestone to reduce future operating and support costs?

TMRR Phase.

In which phase of the life cycle does the Life Cycle Sustainment Plan (LCSP) focus on developing the execution plan for the design, acquisition, fielding, and competition of sustainment activities to deliver the Product Support Package?

EMD Phase

The four common risk mitigation strategies are:

Avoiding, Mitigating, Transferring, and Accepting

What do operational testers evaluate to determine the degree to which a system is usable in its intended environment, e.g., reliable, supportable, maintainable, and transportable?

Measures of Suitability (MOS).

The Joint Staff has oversight for certifying interoperability capability requirements for the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps are valid.


One of the primary disadvantages of international cooperative development includes

Increased documentation.

As part of the Program Protection Plan (PPP), cybersecurity is a critical priority for DoD. Effective cybersecurity in DoD acquisition programs encompasses all of the necessary actions taken to ensure the _________________ of a system's information to enable warfighting operations.

Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability (CIA).

Which of the following is a key tenet of Integrated Product and Process Development (IPPD)?

Multidisciplinary teamwork.

By implementing Integrated Product and Process Development (IPPD), gains realized by the early integration of business, contracting, manufacturing, testing, training, and support considerations in the design process can result in ___________________.

fewer costly changes made later in the process.

The risk management process has five activities:

Planning, Identification, Analysis, Handling, and Monitoring.

How does a program management office show the sequence and interrelationship of all the business and technical activities required to accomplish the acquisition?

Acquisition Strategy - Program Structure Chart.

to minimize current and future funding risks program management offices use __________ to project and track obligations and expenditures

spending plans

The Earned Value Management (EVM) ___________ reveals how much it will cost to complete the program based on current program status.


An over-target baseline (OTB) is a comprehensive rebaselining effort that is best categorized as an internal replanning effort.


Which of the following test items are determined by the Program Management Office that is developing the system?


Your program is liable for payment on goods and services received under a contract.

NOT commitment

Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding the requirements and objectives associated with an integrated baseline review (IBR) ?

The primary objective of an IBR is to evaluate the contractor's EVM system.

The service Developmental Test and Evaluation (DT&E) agency is responsible for the establishment of critical Operational Issues (COIs)


Which of the following is FALSE?

Exit criteria are not specific to a particular phase of an acquisition program.

________ is required for all major munitions and missile programs to determine whether the system can reliably destroy its target.

Lethality testing

Select a primary weapon system function tested during Live Fire and Evaluation

Not accuracy

If you have not been obligating your funds according to your obligation plan, you may become a prime candidate for losing your funds to other programs through ____________

NOT misappropriation act

Modeling and Simulation can replace authentic testing and evaluation


The specific information required for each milestone review can be found in _________

DoD instruction 5000.02

The following data is received from your contractor:
budgeted cost of work performed = 200
cost of performed index = 0.8
budgeted cost of work scheduled = 300
schedule performance index = 0.66
actual cost of work = 250
budget at completion = 800
contractors latest revised estimate = 900
equation fo restimate at completion low = ACWP+ ((BAC-BCWP)/(CPI)) equation for EAC high = ACWP+ ((BAC-BCWP)/CPI*SPI))

Which of the following represents the most reasonable EAC range for these data based on Earned Value Management?

EAC low: 1000
EAC high: 1386

What is your assessment about a program wit a Cost Performance Index of 0.65?

The project is more than expected and may need additional funds

What would operational testers use to determine whether a system meets operational performance parameters?

Measures of Effectiveness

As individual hardware and software components are aggregated to form subsystems or systems, ________ is used assess their compatibility

Integration Testing

To minimize current and future funding risks, Program Management Offices use _____________ to project and track obligations and expenditures.

Spending Plans

the following data is received from your contractor on a key component of the project: budgeted cost of work performed = 300
bcws = 200
acwp = 500
Which of the following Earned Value management metrics can be determined from these data?

CV = -200 SV = 100

A configuration management program should focus on ensuring designs are traceable to capability needs, developmental changes are controlled and documented, interfaces are well-defined and understood, and _______________________________.

All product documentation is consistent with its supporting information.

Which technical review is held during the Technology Maturation and Risk Reduction phase to ascertain progress in defining system technical requirements?

System Requirements Review (SRR)

Program cost increases and schedules slips are most likely caused by __________________, changes to the design, and changes to the production processes.

Changes to user capability needs.

What group is used to help control the configuration of external interfaces for a system?

Interface Control Working Group

Your new-start program was approved this year's Authorization Bill and you are currently operating under Continuing Resolution Authority. To avoid losing a top engineering from your program, you authorial the Contractor to begin work since you expect the Appointment Bill to be signed next week. You are now in conflict with the _____.

Anti-Deficiency Act

Cost, schedule, and performance parameters are interrelated and a change in one parameters can affect the others. Therefore it is important to involve all the key stakeholders when considering changes to Acquisition Program Baseline (APB).


The Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC) verifies ________________ through the field assessment of systems during exercises and contingencies, and provides certificates of _____________ upon validation.

Interoperability performance/ interoperability.

Which of the following configuration baselines provides the details from which a contractor can transition from design to production of a system?

Product Baseline

In the interest of independent reporting, Developmental Test and Evaluation (DT&E) and Operational Test and Evaluation (OT&E) activities may NOT be integrated.


Changes are typical in acquisition programs; therefore, it is important to develop a sound configuration management strategy, place the Government in control of each element of the baselines, and design enough flexibility into the system to handle enhancements.


The _____________ includes details of processes, procedures, and materials used in fabrication and is usually controlled by the contractor.

Product Baseline.

A new capability need has surfaced to modify an existing U.S. command and control system so that it can exchange information with a system operated by a European ally. Which of the following software best practices must be followed in order to successfully make this modification?

Define and control interfaces

When using the cause-and-effect (Fishbone) diagram to resolve an acquisition problem, after you draw the fishbone diagram, the next step is to ____________________.

Define the problem

Correct identification of the underlying root cause is the desired outcome of the ________________ approach to problem solving.


The approved detail design resulting from the __________ serves as a basis for making the decision to begin production.

Critical Design Review

The below-threshold maximum amount of Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) funds that can be moved into a program element is _________.

$10 Million

Using pre-production systems, and Operational Assessment can reduce program risk by

Providing operational effectiveness and suitability data.

When a commercial item is procured by the Government, what will the contractor provide to the Government that documents the functional, performance, and physical characteristics of their product and will assist in the development of configuration management efforts?

Technical Data Package (TDP).

A program deviation occurs if the PM thinks his/her program will not meet the threshold value established for a performance parameter in the Acquisition Program Baseline.


A Government official who obligates the Government on a contract without having sufficient funds to cover that expense has violated the _______________.

Anti-Deficiency Act

The Army can transfer excess funds from a Procurement appropriation to a Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) appropriation to cover a funding shortfall of $3 million without prior approval of Congress.


Select the best statement about the use of Technical Reviews in the current acquisition environment.

Technical Reviews should be tailored to assess development maturity and risk and to determine readiness to proceed to the next phase.

What are some of the planning challenges that must be considered when taking commercial items and modifying them for military use (Select all that apply)?

1. Maintain technical data
2. Integration
3. Long-term logistics support

An Operational Assessment will provide operational effectiveness and suitability data.


A program manager should normally look for opportunities to integrate developmental testing (DT) and operational testing (OT) in order to save time and money.


The Program Manager just received approval of his proposed acquisition strategy with one exception: he has been directed to make maximum use of existing Air Force software. Which of the best software acquisition practices is most applicable to his situation?

Assess reuse risks and cost

A program deviation (informally known as a "breach") from the Acquisition Program Baseline (APB) occurs when the Program Manager (PM) has reason to believe that the current estimate of a performance, schedule, or cost parameter is not within the threshold value for that parameter. When a deviation occurs, the PM will notify the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) ________________ that a program deviation has occurred.


Instability of user capability needs, design, and production processes are most likely to cause

Cost increases and schedule slips

Which technical review is held during the Engineering and Manufacturing Development Phase to assess the final design after the "build to" baseline has been achieved?

Critical Design Review (CDR)

The focus of the ___________________ program is to ensure that designs are traceable to capability needs; to control and document all developmental changes; to ensure that all interfaces are well defined and understood by all parties, particularly where multiple engineering teams or vendors are involved; and to ensure that all product documentation is consistent with its supporting information.

Configuration Management

As part of the overall systems engineering effort, both the Government and the Contractor conduct configuration management activities, and either can take the lead for a particular configuration item. The contractor is usually responsible for design and control of ___________________, while the Government is responsible for _______________.

Internal interfaces / external interfaces

Your new-start program was approved in this year's Authorization Bill and you are currently operating under Continuing Resolution Authority. To avoid losing a top engineer from your program, you authorize the Contractor to begin work since you expect the Appropriation Bill to be signed next week. You are now in conflict with the __________.

Anti-Deficiency Act

The Army can transfer excess funds from a Procurement appropriation to a Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) appropriation to cover a funding shortfall of $3 million without prior approval of Congress.


Which of the following is used by the contractor to define boundaries between the subsystems and components within a system?

Interface management

One of the many potential issues associated with the configuration management of commercial items, is the ongoing requirement to track:

The numerous product releases over the life cycle of the program

Using pre-production systems, an Operational Assessment can reduce program risk by _____________________.

Providing operational effectiveness and suitability data

An Acquisition Program Baseline (APB) is used to document the cost, schedule, and performance thresholds and objectives of a program beginning at program initiation. The APB is a formal agreement signed by the ____________ /___________.

Program Manager / Milestone Decision Authority

Effective ________________ is multi-faceted and includes managing the impact of changes on system operation, interoperability, long-term maintenance, and the technical data package (TDP).

Configuration Management

Which technical review is required for a successful Milestone B prior to the Engineering and Manufacturing Development Phase and occurs when all major design issues have been resolved in the system preliminary design and work can begin on detailed design?

Preliminary Design Review (PDR)

Who usually controls the "build to" or product baseline in an acquisition program?


Problem-solving models typically involve identifying all possible causes, and then narrowing down the critical causal factors to uncover the root cause.


Which of the following configuration baselines is used to define design requirements for each of the components or configuration items of a system?

Product Baseline X

Where would the initial Functional Baseline be reviewed to ensure that it covers all the Government's capability needs?

Critical Design Review X

Changes in user capability needs are most likely to cause _____________________.

Cost increases and schedule slips

The final outcome of using the cause-and-effect (Fishbone) diagram is to identify the problem statement.


When filling in the cause-and-effect (Fishbone) diagram, the _____________ are identified and entered as the fish bones and the __________ is (are) entered as the fish head.

Causes, problem statement.

The Army can transfer excess funds from a Procurement appropriation to a Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) appropriation to cover a funding shortfall of $3 million without prior approval of Congress


Match each System Product Lifecycle element to the appropriate software configuration management baseline.

System Product Baseline

The management of internal interface design would usually be the responsibility of the _____________?


Which of the following configuration baselines is used to define the overall system level capabilities of a system?

Functional Baseline

Instability of user capability needs, design, and production processes are most likely to cause _________________.

Cost increases and schedule slips

When filling in the cause-and-effect (Fishbone) diagram, the _____________ are identified and entered as the fish bones and the __________ is(are) entered as the fish head.

Causes, problem statement

The primary system interoperability issue is the complete, accurate, and timely transfer of information from one system to another. In order to validate the interoperability of systems, extensive testing is required.


When a program deviation occurs, the Program Manager should notify the Milestone Decision Authority within 90 days of the occurrence.


Which technical review is held during the Engineering and Manufacturing Development Phase to assess the final design after the "build to" baseline has been achieved?

Critical Design Review (CDR)

An Early Operational Assessment is typically conducted to _____________________.

Identify potential operational effectiveness and suitability issues during system development

Within _____ days after a program deviation occurs, the Program Manager must inform the Milestone Decision Authority of the action(s) necessary to get the program back on track.


When using a cause-oriented approach to resolve acquisition problems, it is important to ____________________.

Identify all possible causes

he Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC) addresses the interoperability mission via two types of certification testing: ___________________ and _______________________.

Standards conformance testing / interoperability testing

Your Program received Procurement Funding for 10 tanks; you bought 9 tanks and built a maintenance facility. Now you've been brought up on charges for violating the ______________.

Misappropriation Act

The Navy can transfer $11 million Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) funds from one program element to another without prior approval of Congress.


A new joint command and control system is being developed to meet the strategic information needs of all the military services. The Air Force is the lead service, but the Army and Navy have different points of view about what functions the system should perform. Which one of the software acquisition best practices would be most relevant in managing this issue as the program office undertakes system development?

Manage and trace requirements

A program deviation (informally known as a "breach") from the Acquisition Program Baseline (APB) occurs when the Program Manager (PM) has reason to believe that the current estimate of a performance, schedule, or cost parameter is not within the threshold value for that parameter. When a deviation occurs, the PM will notify the Milestone Decision Authority (MDA) ________________ that a program deviation has occurred.


Who usually controls the "build to" or product baseline in an acquisition program?


When using the cause-and-effect (Fishbone) diagram to resolve an acquisition problem, after drawing out a blank fishbone diagram, the next step is to ____________________.

Define the problem

What developmental test would you conduct to see how an item would perform under tropical conditions of heat and moisture?

Environmental Testing

An operational test agency is responsible for the establishment of Critical Operational Issues (COIs).


Ultimately, the use of open systems design is expected to result in lower life cycle costs


An engineer is designing a new system to transport hazardous material across rough terrain......

Virtual prototyping

Which is NOT TRUE about Systems Engineering?

it ensures the lowest possible production cost and shortest program schedule

three critical factors in achieving maximum operational availability (Ao) are:

Reliability, maintainability and supportability

During the Developmental Test (DT) effort, the purpose of verification is to determine

Whether or not the system meets it's "build to" specifications

When making tradeoffs among completing features, what can be used to quantifiably compare alternatives by selecting, weighting, and applying criteria?

Decision matrix

Which is true about the Work Breakdown Structure ?

The WBS is a tool that can help identify and assess technical risk.

What element of International Acquisition & Exportability (IA&E) assesses the risks of transferring controlled technology and information that provide U.S. warfighters a combat advantage as well as the benefits of international participation?

-IA&E Planning & Analysis incorrect
-International Contracting
-International Cooperative Programs incorrect
-Technology Security and Foreign Disclosure incorrect
-Sales & Transfers
-Defense Exportability incorrect

What is the procurement cost of this system?
Cost Types Cost (in millions of dollars)
Research, Development, Test & Evaluation $400
Procurement of Prime Mission Equipment $800
Procurement of Support Equipment $100
Procurement of Initial Spares $100
Operations and Support $70,0000
Disposal $100

-$1,400 million
-$800 million
-$900 million
-$1,000 million

The largest amount of cost for a system is related to its operations and support.


Which of the following are characteristics of International Cooperation Programs (ICPs)? (Select the three that apply.)

-Shared cost
-Shared risks and benefits
-One way transfers/grants
-Foreign aid
-Buyer-seller relationship

Program Management Offices/Integrated Product Teams should conduct their initial International Acquisition & Exportability (IA&E) Assessment during the Production & Deployment phase of traditional, major capability 5000.02 acquisition programs.


Program-level exportability feasibility studies should be conducted as early as possible in a system's life cycle to assess the international market for potential cooperative programs, foreign sales, or transfers; identify the feasibility of designing and developing defense exportability features (DEF) for the system; and estimate potential return on investment from future international acquisition partnership and sales efforts.


DoD receives a Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Letter of Request (LOR) from an allied nation for a DoD system that is currently in Low Rate Initial Production. At this point in the acquisition life cycle, what are the possible impacts to the program if an exportable version of the system is available for offer to this prospective FMS customer? (Select the three that apply.)

-Lower research and development costs through Research, Development Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) cost sharing
-Lower production costs for the DoD and the FMS customer due to economic order quantity savings
-Reduced DoD and FMS customer Operations & Support (O&S) costs if common product support strategies are used
-Enhanced U.S. political-military relationships with foreign nations
-Lower research and development costs through Research, Development Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) cost sharing
-Lower production costs for the DoD and the FMS customer due to economic order quantity savings
-Reduced DoD and FMS customer Operations & Support (O&S) costs if common product support strategies are used
-Enhanced U.S. political-military relationships with foreign nations
-Lower research and development costs through Research, Development Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) cost sharing
-Lower production costs for the DoD and the FMS customer due to economic order quantity savings
-Reduced DoD and FMS customer Operations & Support (O&S) costs if common product support strategies are used
-Enhanced U.S. political-military relationships with foreign nations

Based on information from the Initial Capabilities Document (ICD), an AoA includes (Select all that apply):

-Test Requirements
-Key attributes as defined by Measures of Effectiveness
-Range of Military Operations
-Functional Areas
-Detailed System Specifications

The largest percentage of software life cycle costs is associated with _________?

-Design and Development
-Upgrades and Maintenance
-Research and Development
-Test and Evaluation

What document is developed for DoD acquisition programs with substantial international involvement, as a companion to the Acquisition Strategy, to ensure effective integration of domestic and international acquisition efforts throughout the program's life cycle?

-Technology Release Roadmap (TRR)
-Contract Data Requirements List (CDRLs)
-Data Item Descriptions (DIDs)
-International Business Plan (IBP)

Affordability is most concerned with:

-Making tradeoffs in performance and schedule to achieve cost objectives within affordability constraints.
-Use of commercial design practices to save development and production costs.
-Making tradeoffs that will provide the best possible system in the least amount of time.
-Use of state-of-the-art design and materials to accomplish the mission documented in the Initial Capabilities Document (ICD) and Capability Development Document (CDD).

The Air Force is in process of completing development on an upgrade to an existing fighter aircraft that will improve survivability and reliability. The contractor has provided the Government with detailed technical drawings and associated costs of the parts, materials, and labor required to produce the system. What cost estimating technique would the Air Force most likely use to prepare their budget estimate for the upgrade?

-Actual Cost

Which of the following requires that U.S. Government tariffs be added to purchases of international products or materials, unless an exception (such as public interest) applies or the foreign sourced items are acquired from a qualifying country with a Reciprocal Procurement Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

-Competition in Contracting Act (CICA)
-Buy American Statute
-National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)
-Barry Amendment

DoD Component International Program Organizations and Program Management Offices are responsible for approving export license requests made by program contractors and support contractors.


When comparing alternative concepts to provide needed warfighting capabilities, which of the following must be met?


The _______________ and the _____________________ along with the Funding Plan should be established early on in the Joint Capabilities Technology Demonstration (JCTD) to ensure that preparations are developed to facilitate movement of the JCTD into the acquisition process. Please choose from below to fill in the blanks.

-Program Management Office and an Acquisition Strategy
-Management Plan and Transition Plan
-Technical Support IPT and a Technical Integration Plan
-Contracting Officer and an Acquisition Plan

A software costing method that uses a team of experts working both independently and together to combine different approaches and arrive at a collective judgment through consensus is an example of the _________ costing method.


Which of the following International Acquisition & Exportability (IA&E) activities addressed in the "International Considerations" section of the Acquisition Strategy could influence the program's overall acquisition strategy? (Select the three that apply.)

-Potential export version(s) cost, schedule and performance characteristics
-Potential changes in international lending policies and practices
-Defense exportability feasibility study results
-Participation of international companies as potential subcontractors or suppliers in domestic and international acquisition efforts
-Balance of payments issues with foreign nations

_______ refers to the cost of procuring prime mission equipment.

-Life Cycle Cost
-Flyaway Cost
-Development Cost
-Weapon System Cost

In certain situations, there may be a U.S. Government requirement to restrict specific portions of a weapon system sale to "Foreign Military Sales (FMS)-only" while permitting other portions to be acquired through Direct Commercial Sales (DCS).


The majority of a system's life cycle costs can be attributed directly to ______.

-operations and support costs
-weapons system costs
-procurement costs
-research and development costs

what steps must be taken to obtain technology security and foreign disclosure (TSFD) authorizations? (select three that apply)

-identify the system's critical technology areas
-implement guidance into defense exportability integration plan
-approve export license requests
-engage with TSFD pipe owners
-submit international cooperative program (ICP) of foreign military sales (FMS) congressional notifications required by the Arms Export Control Act.
-identify the system's critical technology areas
-implement guidance into defense exportability integration plan
-approve export license requests
-engage with TSFD pipe owners
-submit international cooperative program (ICP) of foreign military sales (FMS) congressional notifications required by the Arms Export Control Act.

both army and marine corps have a capability need to procure additional helicopters beyond the number specified in the current contract; the helicopter program is currently in production. what cost estimating technique would the services most likely use as a basis for requesting the funding to par for the additional aircraft?

-actual cost

an international agreement is established between the us and a partner nation to develop a new defense capability. what are the benefits that typically result from establishing a successful international cooperative program (ICP)? select three that apply

-lower research and development costs through research, development test, and evaluation (RDT&E) cost sharing
-enhanced us political-military relationships with foreign nations
-extend dod service life through sustainment cooperation for systems transitioning into non-program of record
-sell/transfer dod inventory of spare parts that are no longer needed to allied/friendly nations
-enhanced capability and interoperability based on access to foreign partner technology and industrial capabilities

the best time to reduce life cycle cost is ____ in the life cycle process. _____ can be applied throughout the life cycle to achieve an affordable and effective system. which combination below provides the CORRECT response for the blanks above?

-when the budget is submitted / the spending plan
-late / CAIV
-early / affordability and should cost
-mid way / tradeoffs

in which of the following areas do contracting officers support program managers/integrated product teams on both domestic and international acquisitions programs? (select two)

-evaluating proposed technology security and foreign disclosure (TSFD) guidance alternatives
-including international acquisition-specific documentation requirements in the contract data requirements list (CDRLs)
-developing program protection measures for restricted technology and information
-communicating requirements in the request for proposal (RFP)

the largest distribution of software cost will be _____ in the program's life cycle.


When comparing two alternative concepts, you discover that both will provide the needed capabilities. Alternative 1 requires new development that will take 7 years and will cost more than the other alternative. alternative 2 can be developed in 4 years relying on proven joint capabilities technology demonstration technology. based on the information provided here, which is a better alternative?

-alternative 1
-alternative 2

what is a characteristic of a joint capabilities technology demonstration (JCTD)?

-is based on a validated requirement which is documented in a capability development document (CDD)
-requires no user involvement until after successful completion of the demonstration.
-demonstrates technology in a field environment
-is funded by procurement money set aside specifically for JCTDs

which of the following guidance documents requires dod components to incorporate interoperability and defense exportability aspects into joint capabilities integration and development system (JCIDS) requirements documents to ensure they are addressed in initial planning and design?

-national defense authorization act (NDAA) 2019 incorrect
-defense acquisition guidebook (DAG) chapter 9, program protection incorrect
-joint requirements oversight council memorandum (JRCOM)
-defense federal acquisition regulations supplement (DFARS)

during a program's initial design and development efforts, program managers and integrated product team members should allocate sufficient time, talent, and study funding to assess the potential impact of international acquisition & exportability (IA&E) considerations- both positive and negative- on the program's overall acquisition strategy.


when comparing two alternative concepts to provide needed warfighting capabilities, you discover that the total life cycle costs of both are projected to be nearly the same. Alternative 1 relies on technology that has been successfully demonstrated during advanced technology demonstrations and can be fielded in 5 years. alternative 2 relies on technology that is in the basic research stage and can be fielded in 8 years. based on the information provided here, which is the better alternative?

-alternative 1
-alternative 2

For foreign military sales (FMS) non-program of record acquisition programs, the fms customer nation is responsible for developing, awarding, and executing the contract in accordance with their own contracting policies and procedures.


during which part of the international acquisition & exportability (IA&E) assessment does the program management office and integrated product team identify the technology security and foreign disclosure (TSFD) technology areas ("pipes") that are relevant to the program's future international acquisition activities?

-program protection considerations
-international markets
-cooperative opportunities
-interoperability requirements

the _____ compares alternatives by estimating their ability to satisfy the identified capability need through an effectiveness analysis and by estimating their life cycle costs through cost analysis

-analysis of alternatives
-cost analysis requirements description
-capability development document
-acquisition decision memorandum

a software-costing method that bases cost estimates upon statistical data such as source lines of code is an examples of a _______ costing model


which of the following international acquisition & exportability (IA&E) areas described in the international considerations section of a program's acquisition strategy could have significant long-term impact on overall program affordability? select three

-un delib
-establishing a domestic
-pending decisions
-international partner
-coordination with partner

an analysis of alternatives is a study of the ______

-cost analysis for the alternatives
-potential acquisition strategies for the alternatives incorrect
-potential technical solutions
-operational effectiveness and life cycle cost of the alternatives probably this one

What is the weapon systems cost of this system?
Cost Types Cost (in millions of dollars)
Research, Development, Test & Evaluation $400
Procurement of Prime Mission Equipment $800
Procurement of Support Equipment $100
Procurement of Initial Spares $100
Operations and Support $70,0000
Disposal $100

900 million

to obtain guidance and (if required) approvals on the level and type of protection required (eg additional program protection measures, removal of critical program technology...

-technology security and foreign disclosure (TSFD) technology area ("pipe") owners/authorities
-under secretary of defense for acquisition & sustainment

affordability and should cost means _________.

performance and schedule tradeoffs will be made to achieve cost objectives

estimating potential demand for a capability and developing a rough order of magnitude (ROM) estimate of future sales are characteristics of which international acquisitions & exportability

international markets

the international involvement section of the acquisition must include a list of the system's critical program information (CPI) and a detailed description of anti-tamper


_______ consists of all costs associated with developing, procuring and housing a weapon system.

-flyaway cost
-life cycle cost
-weapon system cost
-program acquisition cost

one cost estimation method can be used in combination with another method.


Which of the following is NOT one of the methods used to achieve a producible design?

Introduce variability in the manufacturing process.

A Fixed-Price Incentive (Firm Target) (FPIF) contract is awarded for $25 million to design a computer based training course for the Air Force with a period of performance of 18 months. What reports, if any, must the Air Force Program Manager (PM) require the contractor provide regarding their cost, schedule, and technical performance?

The contractor would submit an Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR) with formats 1, 5, 6 and 7.

In which of situations is early operational testing least likely to be required for non-developmental item (NDI)?

When the NDI will be maintained by the contractor and used in the same environment for which
it was designed.

Under what condition would contractor logistics support be most appropriate for a non-developmental item (NDI) communications device being acquired by the U.S. Army?

The configuration of the device is expected to change frequently to incorporate technological advances as they become available.

Earned Value Management provides a sound basis for (select all the apply):

1. Estimating probable completion times and costs
2. Taking corrective action.
3. Identifying problems.
4. Re-planning the project, if needed.

Which of the following best describes the differences between the "incremental" and
"waterfall" development models?

The "incremental" model follows an evolutionary approach, where the "waterfall" model builds
the entire system all at once.

Program Managers can use data from the Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR), including the Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB) to integrate _____________ and _____________ performance data with objective technical measures of performance.

Cost / schedule.

The first step in developing a Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB) is to:

Define or scope all work.

Which of the following is NOT a consideration when making tradeoffs among various functional areas to achieve a balanced design?

Profits from manufacturing.

When do the OSD Comptroller analyst and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) analyst hold hearings to review the service's budgets?

Each year around October and November.

Which of the following best describes software management metrics?

Metrics that determine progress against the plan.

Which one of the Integrated Program Management Report formats reports time-phased budgets that are displayed showing current period, cumulative value to date, the next six months, and five additional specified periods which take the contract to completion?

Format 3

As part of the overall system engineering process, there are a variety of software development methods, but three most common at DoD and Waterfall Approach, the Incremental Approach, and the ______ Approach.


The extent of developmental testing and evaluation necessary on a commercial or non-developmental
item depends on __________.

The amount of modification required, the environment in which the item will be used, and the availability of test results.

What design consideration facilitates the manufacture of an item and reduces assembly error,
material waste, and labor time?


As part of the overall systems engineering process, manufacturing must be integrated into the design process to ___________________.

Reduce program risk

DoD policy requires all new and upgraded Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence (C4I) acquisitions to comply with DoD Information Technology Standards Registry (DISR).


Which one of the following is NOT considered a common problem for software-intensive systems?

Use of open systems architecture.

The _____________________ makes adjustments to the Services' budget submission to OSD.

Resource Management Decision (RMD).

The Integrated Program Management Report has seven formats. Which one of the formats
reports the history of the current status and any actions being taken to address problems that
have arisen?

Format 5

Which one of the following is considered to be a typical cause of trouble for software
development projects?

Poor definition of requirements.

Which of the following best describes the differences between the "incremental" and "waterfall"
development models?

The "incremental" model follows an evolutionary approach, where the "waterfall" model builds
the entire system all at once.

Every commercial item must undergo the same Governmental testing as a newly developed item before it is acquired for use by the Department of Defense.


In which of the following situations is early operational testing least likely to be required for a non-developmental item (NDI)?

When the NDI will be maintained by the contractor and used in the same environment for which it was designed.

Which of the following is a potential logistics support issue that tends to be associated with
the acquisition of commercial and non-developmental items?

Availability of replacement parts.

In order to reduce the risks inherent in software acquisition, systems engineering activities
should begin _____________ in the process, and contractors should utilize __________________
development methods.

Early / iterative

A highly producible design will increase ___________.

Efficient use of materials with reduced waste.

Tradeoffs in cost involve examining the development of alternative designs,
_________________ and the required industrial base capability.

Required technology

In addition to the scope of contract work and the budget for the contract, the Performance
Measurement Baseline (PMB) integrates the _________________.

Integrated Master Schedule (IMS)

DoD policy requires all new and upgraded Command, Control, Communications, Computers,
and Intelligence (C4I) acquisitions to comply with DoD Information Technology Standards Registry


When using commercial and non-developmental items, the need for testing and evaluation is


By representing the budget and schedule associated with each task, the Performance
Measurement Baseline (PMB) allows program managers to ___________________.

Compare the value of work performed to actual costs.

Earned Value Management is an important management tool because it measures much more
than money spent, it also measures the progress of actual work accomplished and the actual cost of that work against the planned costs and schedule to accomplish that work.


Which one of the following is considered to be a typical cause of trouble for software development projects?

Poor definition of requirements

Which of the following best describes the differences between the "incremental" and "waterfall" development models?

The "incremental" model follows an evolutionary approach, where the "waterfall" model builds the entire system all at once.

Reliability, usability, and interoperability are examples of which kind of software metric?


The extent of developmental testing and evaluation necessary on a commercial or non-developmental item depends on __________.

The amount of modification required, the environment in which the item will be used, and the
availability of test results.

Early Operational Assessments (EOA) or Operational Assessment (OA) are types of OT&E and are
conducted on commercial items or NDIs ____________________ (Select all that apply).

1). to determine if the item is operationally effective and operationally suitable

2). to detect deficiencies that may impact performance, availability, and/or supportability

3). to increase our confidence in the commercial items or NDIs, thereby reducing program risk

In order to reduce the risks inherent in software acquisition, systems engineering activities should begin _____________ in the process, and contractors should utilize __________________ development methods.

Early / iterative

Manufacturing tradeoffs are made throughout the design process among three areas: producibility, cost, and _______________________.

Operational capabilities.

___________________ is an important management tool that is used to monitor and manage the contract and/or project performance by emphasizing the planning and integration of program cost, schedule, and performance factors.

Earned Value Management (EVM)

The Navy awards a Cost-Plus-Award-Fee (CPAF) contract for $265 million to design and develop electronic components for a communications system with a period of performance of 18 months. What reports, if any, must the Navy Program Manager (PM) require the contractor to provide regarding their cost, schedule, and technical performance?

The contractor would submit an Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR) formats 1 through 7.

What does it mean if a project has a Percent Spent of 90%, Percent Scheduled of 85% and Percent Complete of 95%?

The project is in good shape and should early and within budget.

Your program is liable for payment on good and services received under a contract. Your payment, based on a submitted invoice, for all or part of this obligation is a(n) __________.


Which of the following is a valid reason for rebaselining the Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB)?

The plan for completing the remaining contract effort is no longer achievable.

Which of the following test items are determined by the Program Management office that is developing a system?

Critical Technical Parameters (CTPs).

With modeling and simulation, we model the system and then test the _________ to gather test predictions.


The following data is received from contractor: Budgeted Cost of Work Perform (BCWP) = $300 Cost Performance Index (CPI) = 1.2 Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled (BCWS) = $400 Schedule Performance Index (SPI) = 0.75 Actual Cost of Work Performed (ACWP) = $250 Budget at Completion (BAC) = $1,000 Contractor's Latest Revised Estimate = $1,000 Equation for Estimate at Completion (EAC) Low = ACWP + ((BAC-BCWP)/(CPI)) Equation for EAC High = ACWP+((BAC-BCWP)/(CPI*SPI) Which of the following represents the most reasonable EAC range for these data based on EVM?

EAC Low: $833 - EAC High: $1,028

What type of testing would be conducted to determine the effectiveness of the manufacturing process?

Production Qualification Testing (PQT).

A(n) ________________ can be used for predicting program obligation performance and funding requirements and identifying potential budget execution problems.

Spending Plan

Which of the following statements is NOT true regarding the requirements and objectives associated with an Integrated Baseline Review (IBR)?

The initial IBR should be completed within six months of contract award.

The specific information required for each milestone review can be found in _____.

DoD instruction 5000.02

Which of the following is FALSE?

a. Exit criteria are measurable and demonstrable.

b. Exit criteria must be successfully demonstrated before a program can proceed further.

c. Exit criteria are not specific to a particular phase of an acquisition program.

d. Exit criteria help mange and reduce risk.

c. Exit criteria are not specific to a particular phase of an acquisition program.

The Program Management Office creates a(n) ____________ plan for each fiscal year of funding that is available for new obligation and a(n) ______________ plan for each fiscal year funding that has not been completely expended.


The following data is received from your contractor on a project's key component: Budgeted Cost of Work Performed (BCWP) = $100 Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled (BCWS) = $200 Actual Cost of Work Performed (ACWP) = $100 Budgeted at Completion (BAC) = $500 Latest Revised Estimate (LRE) = $900 Which of the following Earned Value Management (EVM) metrics can be determined from these data:

SPI = 0.5, CPI = 1.0, TCPI(BAC) = 1.0, TCPI/(LRE) = 0.5

The Earned Value Management (EVM) _____________ reveals how much it will cost to complete the program based on current program status.

Estimate at Completion (EAC)

What developmental test would you conduct to see how an item would perform under tropical conditions of heat and moisture?

Environmental Testing.

An operational test agency is responsible for the establishment of Critical Operational Issues (COIs).


Which of the following is FALSE about Measures of Effectiveness (MOEs)?

They are developed by the service development test agency.

Select a primary weapon system function tested during LIVE FIRE TEST and Evaluation.


When a contractor begin work generated by a change order that does not have a full negotiated agreement on terms of work, cost, and schedule signed by both parties, a contract change has been initiated that is _______ .


All of the five elements (5Ms) of manufacturing contribute o the cost of production. Which one of the following is NOT one of the 5Ms?


According to learning curve theory, when the quantity of an item produced doubles, the labor hours required to produce the item _______.

Decreased by a fixed percentage.

The ____________ has a direct line of communication with the Procuring Contracting Officer, and the __________ has a direct line of communication with the Program Manager.

Administrative Contracting Officer, Program Integrator.

Personal liability for unauthorized commitments is determined by _________.

The procedures of each agency.

Design changes that are made after the beginning of production tend to be equal in cost to changes made prior to production.


The cost of achieving quality can be broken down into which THREE of the following areas (Select three answers):

1). Appraisal

2). Failure

3). Prevention

In determining the correct appropriation for funding the development of a product improvement, the first/primary consideration is:

Will it increase the performance capability?

Process proofing ensures that high risk areas, such as assembly methods and personnel training, are optimized _______________________.

Before the start-up of full rate production

Which of the following can negatively impact the learning curve, production costs, and schedule?

Inconsistent product design.

Manpower, measurement, methods, machinery, and materials are collectively referred to as the ___________________.

5Ms of Manufacturing.

Which process is recommended for those products with the highest volume and the highest standardization on the product continuum?

Continuous flow.

Lean manufacturing tends to increase manufacturing costs and delay schedules in the manufacturing process.


Which process is recommended for those products with the lowest volume and the lowest standardization on the product continuum?

Jumbled flow

Which of the following is NOT lawful authority and can be a cause of unauthorized commitments?

Apparent Authority

As production of an item increases, what impact does that typically have on the unit cost?

Unit cost decreases

What is the typical impact on a program's cost and schedule when unstable requirements lead to changes late in the system's development?

Significantly negative impact on cost and schedule.

In determining the correct appropriation for funding the development of a product
improvement, the first/primary consideration is:

Will it increase the performance capability?

The Army has an urgent requirement for trucks that can operate under arctic conditions. The
Contracting Officer on the current contract for trucks tells the contractor to install special snow
tires on a shipment of trucks. The Contracting Officer does not have enough time to negotiate the
price up front, but she limits the Government's risk by putting a not-to-exceed price on the work.
This is an example of what kind of modification?

change order that is undefinitized.

Which of the following is considered to be a practice of "Lean Manufacturing?"

Low levels of inventory

In the cost of quality breakdown, appraisal is:

Money spent looking for errors.

Learning curve theory states that as the quantity of a product produced _______, the man-hours
per unit expended producing the product ______.

Doubles; decrease at a fixed rate.

Which of the following results in a flatter learning curve?

Increased automation.

What is the typical impact on a program's cost and schedule when unstable requirements lead
to changes late in the system's development?

Significantly negative impact on cost and schedule.

Taking a contractual dispute to court should be the first step in attempting to resolve controversy between the disputing parties.


Which core ethical value are you violating if you reject an opposing point of view during a disagreement and call it a shortsighted, uninformed way to look at the situation?


What is the purpose of fielding/deployment planning?

To provide for a smooth introduction of the system to the user.

Which of the following is sufficient justification to terminate a contract for convenience?

The Government no longer needs the goods or services in the contract.

Which style of leadership is generally most appropriate for leading Integrated Product Teams (IPTs)?

Team Leadership

Which of the following is a problem that could likely be minimized through good deployment planning?

Inadequate training

When supportability issues are sufficiently resolved, which of the following is likely to decrease (Select all that apply)?

1. Costs

2. Logistics Footprint

Who is responsible for planning post-production logistics support?

Program Manager

Unexpended funds that have expired may be used to pay for new obligations.


If a contractor is producing missiles for the Navy, and the contractor fails to deliver them on time, the Navy has the right to:

Terminate the contract for default

Decreased operational availability (Ao), increased costs, and bloated inventories may result from

Unresolved supportability issues

Expired Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) funds may be used to redesign a system when the redesign will NOT increase the system's performance and is NOT likely to require extensive testing.


The primary difference between the supervisory leader and the participative leader is the participative leader ____________.

Gets inputs for decisions

Post-production support is essential ___________.

To ensure the system will continue to be sustained after production lines have closed.

Planning for post-production support should begin after the system is deployed as specific support problems arise.


Match the leadership styles with the best response:

a).Team Leadership---Expands group capabilities

b).Supervisory Leadership----Directs individual workers

c).Participative Leadership----Coordinates group effort

Once unexpended Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) funds have expired, they can be used for _____________________.

Payments or adjustments to the original obligations

Which of the following is something you should NOT do during negoiations?

Established action items or issue inquiries if the contractor doesn't answer.

The concept of _____________ is used to address the interplay between system performance, availability (reliability, maintainability, and supportability), process efficiency, and system life cycle cost.

Affordable System Operational Effectiveness (ASOE).

Tracking Technical Performance Measures on high-risk components should provide:

Early warning signs of potential performance problems.

A decision matrix can be used to quantifiably compare alternatives when conducting the tradeoff process to create a supportable design that is also producible, testable, and ____________________________.


Maintainability is how quickly, easily and cost effectively a system can be returned to operational status after maintenance is performed. It is measured by ________.

Mean Time To Repair (MTTR)

Ultimately, the use of open systems design is expected to result in lower life cycle costs.


Three critical factors in achieving maximum Operational Availability (Ao) are:

Reliability, maintainability, and supportability.

The System Engineering Process primarily is used by acquisition management to manage technical risk, but it can also help to reduce program cost and schedule risk.


___________ shows how different parts of a system fit together from various perspectives as a system is designed and developed.

Virtual Prototypes.

Simulation Based Acquisition involves the integration of ______________across functional disciplines throughout the acquisition process.

Modeling and Simulation.

When using a decision matrix, after you identify all options, what is the next step?

Establish the criteria that will be used to rate the options.

Capabilities related to the support and operation of a system should be considered early and continuously in the design and development of a system.


The Affordable System Operational Effectiveness (ASOE) concept places emphasis on the system's ability to execute its mission. its reliability and maintainability, and ______.

Cost effective responsiveness of the supply chain.

Human Systems Integration (HSI), a supportability issue that every program should consider, addresses such factors as accessibility, visibility, testability, and ____________________.


If three alternatives are equal in terms of initial cost and meeting performance requirements, the systems engineers should select the one that will result in the lowest life cycle costs.


Which of the following supportability analysis tools is used for defense planning and performed to determine the best, most efficient location where an item can be repaired?

Level of Repair Analysis (LORA)

Which is true about the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)?

The WBS is a tool that can help identify and assess technical risk.

During the Development Test (DT) effort, the purpose of verification is to determine ___________.

Whether or not the system meets its "build to" specifications.

During course selection, a contractor call you with a question about the request for proposal (RFP). To whom should you refer this inquiry?

Contracting Officer

In Government contracting, one criterion for cost allowability is that the contractor's costs must comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and

Government Cost Accounting Standards (CAS)

During source selection, evaluators reviewing the proposals and compiling their questions for individual offerors is commonly referred to as

fact finding

the _____ presents the total revenues and expenses of a company for a given period

income statement

which of the following is something you should NOT do during negotiations?

reach agreements on how to perform tasks

What form of information exchange would a contracting officer use to reach agreement with a offeror over the terms of a contract?


To implement a company's business strategy, an effective organizational structure will:

Support one's company's vision

An effective organizational structure can create a competitive advantage by:

Facilitating responsiveness to change

For a contract cost to be considered "allowable" it must meet certain criteria. If the cost can be attributed to a specific contract, which one of the following criteria is met?


Any cost necessary to the overall operation of the business is called

general and administrative (G&A) cost

For a cost in a contract to be considered allowable, it must meet certain criteria. One of the criteria that must be met is that _____

the cost must me reasonable

Forward pricing rates agreements provide negotiated rates that represent reasonable projections for such things as _____

Rates for Labor and labor hours

Which is more likely to decentralize staff functions, dedicating them to each business or product organization?

Larger companies

What element of International Acquisition & Exportability (IA&E) assesses the risks of transferring controlled technology and information that provide U.S. warfighters a combat advantage as well as the benefits of international participation?

-IA&E Planning & Analysis incorrect
-International Contracting
-International Cooperative Programs incorrect
-Technology Security and Foreign Disclosure incorrect
-Sales & Transfers
-Defense Exportability incorrect

What is the procurement cost of this system?
Cost Types Cost (in millions of dollars)
Research, Development, Test & Evaluation $400
Procurement of Prime Mission Equipment $800
Procurement of Support Equipment $100
Procurement of Initial Spares $100
Operations and Support $70,0000
Disposal $100

-$1,400 million
-$800 million
-$900 million
-$1,000 million

The largest amount of cost for a system is related to its operations and support.


Which of the following are characteristics of International Cooperation Programs (ICPs)? (Select the three that apply.)

-Shared cost
-Shared risks and benefits
-One way transfers/grants
-Foreign aid
-Buyer-seller relationship

Program Management Offices/Integrated Product Teams should conduct their initial International Acquisition & Exportability (IA&E) Assessment during the Production & Deployment phase of traditional, major capability 5000.02 acquisition programs.


Program-level exportability feasibility studies should be conducted as early as possible in a system's life cycle to assess the international market for potential cooperative programs, foreign sales, or transfers; identify the feasibility of designing and developing defense exportability features (DEF) for the system; and estimate potential return on investment from future international acquisition partnership and sales efforts.


DoD receives a Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Letter of Request (LOR) from an allied nation for a DoD system that is currently in Low Rate Initial Production. At this point in the acquisition life cycle, what are the possible impacts to the program if an exportable version of the system is available for offer to this prospective FMS customer? (Select the three that apply.)

-Lower research and development costs through Research, Development Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) cost sharing
-Lower production costs for the DoD and the FMS customer due to economic order quantity savings
-Reduced DoD and FMS customer Operations & Support (O&S) costs if common product support strategies are used
-Enhanced U.S. political-military relationships with foreign nations
-Lower research and development costs through Research, Development Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) cost sharing
-Lower production costs for the DoD and the FMS customer due to economic order quantity savings
-Reduced DoD and FMS customer Operations & Support (O&S) costs if common product support strategies are used
-Enhanced U.S. political-military relationships with foreign nations
-Lower research and development costs through Research, Development Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) cost sharing
-Lower production costs for the DoD and the FMS customer due to economic order quantity savings
-Reduced DoD and FMS customer Operations & Support (O&S) costs if common product support strategies are used
-Enhanced U.S. political-military relationships with foreign nations

Based on information from the Initial Capabilities Document (ICD), an AoA includes (Select all that apply):

-Test Requirements
-Key attributes as defined by Measures of Effectiveness
-Range of Military Operations
-Functional Areas
-Detailed System Specifications

The largest percentage of software life cycle costs is associated with _________?

-Design and Development
-Upgrades and Maintenance
-Research and Development
-Test and Evaluation

What document is developed for DoD acquisition programs with substantial international involvement, as a companion to the Acquisition Strategy, to ensure effective integration of domestic and international acquisition efforts throughout the program's life cycle?

-Technology Release Roadmap (TRR)
-Contract Data Requirements List (CDRLs)
-Data Item Descriptions (DIDs)
-International Business Plan (IBP)

Affordability is most concerned with:

-Making tradeoffs in performance and schedule to achieve cost objectives within affordability constraints.
-Use of commercial design practices to save development and production costs.
-Making tradeoffs that will provide the best possible system in the least amount of time.
-Use of state-of-the-art design and materials to accomplish the mission documented in the Initial Capabilities Document (ICD) and Capability Development Document (CDD).

The Air Force is in process of completing development on an upgrade to an existing fighter aircraft that will improve survivability and reliability. The contractor has provided the Government with detailed technical drawings and associated costs of the parts, materials, and labor required to produce the system. What cost estimating technique would the Air Force most likely use to prepare their budget estimate for the upgrade?


Which of the following requires that U.S. Government tariffs be added to purchases of international products or materials, unless an exception (such as public interest) applies or the foreign sourced items are acquired from a qualifying country with a Reciprocal Procurement Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

-Competition in Contracting Act (CICA)
-Buy American Statute
-National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)
-Barry Amendment

DoD Component International Program Organizations and Program Management Offices are responsible for approving export license requests made by program contractors and support contractors.


When comparing alternative concepts to provide needed warfighting capabilities, which of the following must be met?


The _______________ and the _____________________ along with the Funding Plan should be established early on in the Joint Capabilities Technology Demonstration (JCTD) to ensure that preparations are developed to facilitate movement of the JCTD into the acquisition process. Please choose from below to fill in the blanks.

-Program Management Office and an Acquisition Strategy
-Management Plan and Transition Plan
-Technical Support IPT and a Technical Integration Plan
-Contracting Officer and an Acquisition Plan

A software costing method that uses a team of experts working both independently and together to combine different approaches and arrive at a collective judgment through consensus is an example of the _________ costing method.


Which of the following International Acquisition & Exportability (IA&E) activities addressed in the "International Considerations" section of the Acquisition Strategy could influence the program's overall acquisition strategy? (Select the three that apply.)

1. Potential export version(s) cost, schedule and performance characteristics
-Defense exportability feasibility study results
-Participation of international companies as potential subcontractors or suppliers in domestic and international acquisition efforts

_______ refers to the cost of procuring prime mission equipment.

-Life Cycle Cost
-Flyaway Cost
-Development Cost
-Weapon System Cost

In certain situations, there may be a U.S. Government requirement to restrict specific portions of a weapon system sale to "Foreign Military Sales (FMS)-only" while permitting other portions to be acquired through Direct Commercial Sales (DCS).


The majority of a system's life cycle costs can be attributed directly to ______.

-operations and support costs
-weapons system costs
-procurement costs
-research and development costs

What steps must be taken to obtain technology security and foreign disclosure (TSFD) authorizations? (select three that apply)

-identify the system's critical technology areas

-implement guidance into defense exportability integration plan

-engage with TSFD pipe owners

Both Army and Marine Corps have a capability need to procure additional helicopters beyond the number specified in the current contract; the helicopter program is currently in production. what cost estimating technique would the services most likely use as a basis for requesting the funding to par for the additional aircraft?

-actual cost

An international agreement is established between the us and a partner nation to develop a new defense capability. what are the benefits that typically result from establishing a successful international cooperative program (ICP)? select three that apply

-lower research and development costs through research, development test, and evaluation (RDT&E) cost sharing
-enhanced us political-military relationships with foreign nations
-extend dod service life through sustainment cooperation for systems transitioning into non-program of record
-sell/transfer dod inventory of spare parts that are no longer needed to allied/friendly nations
-enhanced capability and interoperability based on access to foreign partner technology and industrial capabilities

The best time to reduce Life Cycle Cost is ____ in the life cycle process. _____ can be applied throughout the life cycle to achieve an affordable and effective system. which combination below provides the CORRECT response for the blanks above?

-when the budget is submitted / the spending plan
-late / CAIV
-early / affordability and should cost
-mid way / tradeoffs

In which of the following areas do Contracting Officers support program managers/integrated product teams on both domestic and international acquisition programs? (select two)

-evaluating proposed technology security and foreign disclosure (TSFD) guidance alternatives
-including international acquisition-specific documentation requirements in the contract data requirements list (CDRLs)
-developing program protection measures for restricted technology and information
-communicating requirements in the request for proposal (RFP)

The largest distribution of software cost will be _____ in the program's life cycle.


When comparing two alternative concepts, you discover that both will provide the needed capabilities. Alternative 1 requires new development that will take 7 years and will cost more than the other alternative. alternative 2 can be developed in 4 years relying on proven joint capabilities technology demonstration technology. based on the information provided here, which is a better alternative?

-alternative 1
-alternative 2

What is a characteristic of a joint capabilities technology demonstration (JCTD)?

-is based on a validated requirement which is documented in a capability development document (CDD)
-requires no user involvement until after successful completion of the demonstration.
-demonstrates technology in a field environment
-is funded by procurement money set aside specifically for JCTDs

Which of the following guidance documents requires dod components to incorporate interoperability and defense exportability aspects into joint capabilities integration and development system (JCIDS) requirements documents to ensure they are addressed in initial planning and design?

-national defense authorization act (NDAA) 2019 incorrect
-defense acquisition guidebook (DAG) chapter 9, program protection incorrect
-joint requirements oversight council memorandum (JRCOM)
-defense federal acquisition regulations supplement (DFARS)

During a program's initial design and development efforts, program managers and integrated product team members should allocate sufficient time, talent, and study funding to assess the potential impact of international acquisition & exportability (IA&E) considerations- both positive and negative- on the program's overall acquisition strategy.


When comparing two alternative concepts to provide needed warfighting capabilities, you discover that the total life cycle costs of both are projected to be nearly the same. Alternative 1 relies on technology that has been successfully demonstrated during advanced technology demonstrations and can be fielded in 5 years. alternative 2 relies on technology that is in the basic research stage and can be fielded in 8 years. based on the information provided here, which is the better alternative?

-alternative 1
-alternative 2

For foreign military sales (FMS) non-program of record acquisition programs, the fms customer nation is responsible for developing, awarding, and executing the contract in accordance with their own contracting policies and procedures.


During which part of the international acquisition & exportability (IA&E) assessment does the program management office and integrated product team identify the technology security and foreign disclosure (TSFD) technology areas ("pipes") that are relevant to the program's future international acquisition activities?

-program protection considerations
-international markets
-cooperative opportunities
-interoperability requirements

The _____ compares alternatives by estimating their ability to satisfy the identified capability need through an effectiveness analysis and by estimating their life cycle costs through cost analysis

-analysis of alternatives
-cost analysis requirements description
-capability development document
-acquisition decision memorandum

A software-costing method that bases cost estimates upon statistical data such as source lines of code is an example of a _______ costing model


Which of the following international acquisition & exportability (IA&E) areas described in the international considerations section of a program's acquisition strategy could have a significant long-term impact on overall program affordability? select three

-un delib
-establishing a domestic
-pending decisions
-international partner
-coordination with partner

An analysis of alternatives is a study of the ______

Operational effectiveness and life cycle cost of the alternatives.

What is the weapon systems cost of this system?
Cost Types Cost (in millions of dollars)
Research, Development, Test & Evaluation $400
Procurement of Prime Mission Equipment $800
Procurement of Support Equipment $100
Procurement of Initial Spares $100
Operations and Support $70,0000
Disposal $100

900 million

To obtain guidance and (if required) approvals on the level and type of protection required (eg additional program protection measures, removal of critical program technology...

-technology security and foreign disclosure (TSFD) technology area ("pipe") owners/authorities
-under secretary of defense for acquisition & sustainment

Affordability and should cost means _________.

performance and schedule tradeoffs will be made to achieve cost objectives

Estimating potential demand for a capability and developing a rough order of magnitude (ROM) estimate of future sales are characteristics of which international acquisitions & exportability

international markets

The international involvement section of the acquisition must include a list of the system's critical program information (CPI) and a detailed description of anti-tamper


_______ consists of all costs associated with developing, procuring and housing a weapon system.

-flyaway cost
-life cycle cost
-weapon system cost
-program acquisition cost

One cost estimation method can be used in combination with another method.


Which program is funded by U.S. Government Title 10 appropriations and used by DoD and other U.S. Government agencies in the furtherance of national security objectives for the purpose of bolstering partnering nation security forces and enhance their capability to conduct counterterrorism operations?

Building Partner Capacity (BPC).

The Navy is in the early stages of developing the next generation attack submarine with state of-
the-art capabilities in terms of speed, power, and weapon capacity. Data are available on a
variety of US and British submarines over the past thirty years. This data indicates a clear
relationship between each of the desired performance characteristics (speed, power, weapon
capacity) and system cost. What cost estimating technique would the Navy most likely use in
preparing their programming and budgeting documents?


__________________ refers to the cost procuring prime mission equipment.

Flyaway Cost.

Foreign Military Sales (FMS), Building Partnership Capacity (BPC), Direct Commercial Sales (DCS), and Acquisition and Cross Servicing Agreements (ACSAs) are Security Cooperation equipment and financing activities under what element of International Acquisition & Exportability?

International Cooperative Programs.

The majority of a system's life cycle costs can be attributed directly to _______.

Operation and Support Costs.

What element of International Acquisition & Exportability (IA&E) assesses the risks of transferring controlled technology and information that provide U.S. warfighters a combat advantage as well as the benefits of international participation?

-IA&E Planning & Analysis incorrect
-International Contracting
-International Cooperative Programs incorrect
-Technology Security and Foreign Disclosure incorrect
-Sales & Transfers
-Defense Exportability incorrect

What is the procurement cost of this system?
Cost Types Cost (in millions of dollars)
Research, Development, Test & Evaluation $400
Procurement of Prime Mission Equipment $800
Procurement of Support Equipment $100
Procurement of Initial Spares $100
Operations and Support $70,0000
Disposal $100

-$1,400 million
-$800 million
-$900 million
-$1,000 million

The largest amount of cost for a system is related to its operations and support.


Which of the following are characteristics of International Cooperation Programs (ICPs)? (Select the three that apply.)

-Shared cost
-Shared risks and benefits
-One way transfers/grants
-Foreign aid
-Buyer-seller relationship

Program Management Offices/Integrated Product Teams should conduct their initial International Acquisition & Exportability (IA&E) Assessment during the Production & Deployment phase of traditional, major capability 5000.02 acquisition programs.


Program-level exportability feasibility studies should be conducted as early as possible in a system's life cycle to assess the international market for potential cooperative programs, foreign sales, or transfers; identify the feasibility of designing and developing defense exportability features (DEF) for the system; and estimate potential return on investment from future international acquisition partnership and sales efforts.


DoD receives a Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Letter of Request (LOR) from an allied nation for a DoD system that is currently in Low Rate Initial Production. At this point in the acquisition life cycle, what are the possible impacts to the program if an exportable version of the system is available for offer to this prospective FMS customer? (Select the three that apply.)

-Lower research and development costs through Research, Development Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) cost sharing
-Lower production costs for the DoD and the FMS customer due to economic order quantity savings
-Reduced DoD and FMS customer Operations & Support (O&S) costs if common product support strategies are used
-Enhanced U.S. political-military relationships with foreign nations
-Lower research and development costs through Research, Development Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) cost sharing
-Lower production costs for the DoD and the FMS customer due to economic order quantity savings
-Reduced DoD and FMS customer Operations & Support (O&S) costs if common product support strategies are used
-Enhanced U.S. political-military relationships with foreign nations
-Lower research and development costs through Research, Development Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) cost sharing
-Lower production costs for the DoD and the FMS customer due to economic order quantity savings
-Reduced DoD and FMS customer Operations & Support (O&S) costs if common product support strategies are used
-Enhanced U.S. political-military relationships with foreign nations

Based on information from the Initial Capabilities Document (ICD), an AoA includes (Select all that apply):

-Test Requirements
-Key attributes as defined by Measures of Effectiveness
-Range of Military Operations
-Functional Areas
-Detailed System Specifications

The largest percentage of software life cycle costs is associated with _________?

-Design and Development
-Upgrades and Maintenance
-Research and Development
-Test and Evaluation

What document is developed for DoD acquisition programs with substantial international involvement, as a companion to the Acquisition Strategy, to ensure effective integration of domestic and international acquisition efforts throughout the program's life cycle?

-Technology Release Roadmap (TRR)
-Contract Data Requirements List (CDRLs)
-Data Item Descriptions (DIDs)
-International Business Plan (IBP)

Affordability is most concerned with:

-Making tradeoffs in performance and schedule to achieve cost objectives within affordability constraints.
-Use of commercial design practices to save development and production costs.
-Making tradeoffs that will provide the best possible system in the least amount of time.
-Use of state-of-the-art design and materials to accomplish the mission documented in the Initial Capabilities Document (ICD) and Capability Development Document (CDD).

The Air Force is in process of completing development on an upgrade to an existing fighter aircraft that will improve survivability and reliability. The contractor has provided the Government with detailed technical drawings and associated costs of the parts, materials, and labor required to produce the system. What cost estimating technique would the Air Force most likely use to prepare their budget estimate for the upgrade?

-Actual Cost

Which of the following requires that U.S. Government tariffs be added to purchases of international products or materials, unless an exception (such as public interest) applies or the foreign sourced items are acquired from a qualifying country with a Reciprocal Procurement Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).

-Competition in Contracting Act (CICA)
-Buy American Statute
-National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA)
-Barry Amendment

DoD Component International Program Organizations and Program Management Offices are responsible for approving export license requests made by program contractors and support contractors.


When comparing alternative concepts to provide needed warfighting capabilities, which of the following must be met?


The _______________ and the _____________________ along with the Funding Plan should be established early on in the Joint Capabilities Technology Demonstration (JCTD) to ensure that preparations are developed to facilitate movement of the JCTD into the acquisition process. Please choose from below to fill in the blanks.

-Program Management Office and an Acquisition Strategy
-Management Plan and Transition Plan
-Technical Support IPT and a Technical Integration Plan
-Contracting Officer and an Acquisition Plan

A software costing method that uses a team of experts working both independently and together to combine different approaches and arrive at a collective judgment through consensus is an example of the _________ costing method.


Which of the following International Acquisition & Exportability (IA&E) activities addressed in the "International Considerations" section of the Acquisition Strategy could influence the program's overall acquisition strategy? (Select the three that apply.)

-Potential export version(s) cost, schedule and performance characteristics
-Potential changes in international lending policies and practices
-Defense exportability feasibility study results
-Participation of international companies as potential subcontractors or suppliers in domestic and international acquisition efforts
-Balance of payments issues with foreign nations

_______ refers to the cost of procuring prime mission equipment.

-Life Cycle Cost
-Flyaway Cost
-Development Cost
-Weapon System Cost

In certain situations, there may be a U.S. Government requirement to restrict specific portions of a weapon system sale to "Foreign Military Sales (FMS)-only" while permitting other portions to be acquired through Direct Commercial Sales (DCS).


The majority of a system's life cycle costs can be attributed directly to ______.

-operations and support costs
-weapons system costs
-procurement costs
-research and development costs

what steps must be taken to obtain technology security and foreign disclosure (TSFD) authorizations? (select three that apply)

-identify the system's critical technology areas
-implement guidance into defense exportability integration plan
-approve export license requests
-engage with TSFD pipe owners
-submit international cooperative program (ICP) of foreign military sales (FMS) congressional notifications required by the Arms Export Control Act.
-identify the system's critical technology areas
-implement guidance into defense exportability integration plan
-approve export license requests
-engage with TSFD pipe owners
-submit international cooperative program (ICP) of foreign military sales (FMS) congressional notifications required by the Arms Export Control Act.

both army and marine corps have a capability need to procure additional helicopters beyond the number specified in the current contract; the helicopter program is currently in production. what cost estimating technique would the services most likely use as a basis for requesting the funding to par for the additional aircraft?

-actual cost

an international agreement is established between the us and a partner nation to develop a new defense capability. what are the benefits that typically result from establishing a successful international cooperative program (ICP)? select three that apply

-lower research and development costs through research, development test, and evaluation (RDT&E) cost sharing
-enhanced us political-military relationships with foreign nations
-extend dod service life through sustainment cooperation for systems transitioning into non-program of record
-sell/transfer dod inventory of spare parts that are no longer needed to allied/friendly nations
-enhanced capability and interoperability based on access to foreign partner technology and industrial capabilities

the best time to reduce life cycle cost is ____ in the life cycle process. _____ can be applied throughout the life cycle to achieve an affordable and effective system. which combination below provides the CORRECT response for the blanks above?

-when the budget is submitted / the spending plan
-late / CAIV
-early / affordability and should cost
-mid way / tradeoffs

in which of the following areas do contracting officers support program managers/integrated product teams on both domestic and international acquisitions programs? (select two)

-evaluating proposed technology security and foreign disclosure (TSFD) guidance alternatives
-including international acquisition-specific documentation requirements in the contract data requirements list (CDRLs)
-developing program protection measures for restricted technology and information
-communicating requirements in the request for proposal (RFP)

the largest distribution of software cost will be _____ in the program's life cycle.


When comparing two alternative concepts, you discover that both will provide the needed capabilities. Alternative 1 requires new development that will take 7 years and will cost more than the other alternative. alternative 2 can be developed in 4 years relying on proven joint capabilities technology demonstration technology. based on the information provided here, which is a better alternative?

-alternative 1
-alternative 2

what is a characteristic of a joint capabilities technology demonstration (JCTD)?

-is based on a validated requirement which is documented in a capability development document (CDD)
-requires no user involvement until after successful completion of the demonstration.
-demonstrates technology in a field environment
-is funded by procurement money set aside specifically for JCTDs

which of the following guidance documents requires dod components to incorporate interoperability and defense exportability aspects into joint capabilities integration and development system (JCIDS) requirements documents to ensure they are addressed in initial planning and design?

-national defense authorization act (NDAA) 2019 incorrect
-defense acquisition guidebook (DAG) chapter 9, program protection incorrect
-joint requirements oversight council memorandum (JRCOM)
-defense federal acquisition regulations supplement (DFARS)

during a program's initial design and development efforts, program managers and integrated product team members should allocate sufficient time, talent, and study funding to assess the potential impact of international acquisition & exportability (IA&E) considerations- both positive and negative- on the program's overall acquisition strategy.


when comparing two alternative concepts to provide needed warfighting capabilities, you discover that the total life cycle costs of both are projected to be nearly the same. Alternative 1 relies on technology that has been successfully demonstrated during advanced technology demonstrations and can be fielded in 5 years. alternative 2 relies on technology that is in the basic research stage and can be fielded in 8 years. based on the information provided here, which is the better alternative?

-alternative 1
-alternative 2

For foreign military sales (FMS) non-program of record acquisition programs, the fms customer nation is responsible for developing, awarding, and executing the contract in accordance with their own contracting policies and procedures.


during which part of the international acquisition & exportability (IA&E) assessment does the program management office and integrated product team identify the technology security and foreign disclosure (TSFD) technology areas ("pipes") that are relevant to the program's future international acquisition activities?

-program protection considerations
-international markets
-cooperative opportunities
-interoperability requirements

the _____ compares alternatives by estimating their ability to satisfy the identified capability need through an effectiveness analysis and by estimating their life cycle costs through cost analysis

-analysis of alternatives
-cost analysis requirements description
-capability development document
-acquisition decision memorandum

a software-costing method that bases cost estimates upon statistical data such as source lines of code is an examples of a _______ costing model


which of the following international acquisition & exportability (IA&E) areas described in the international considerations section of a program's acquisition strategy could have significant long-term impact on overall program affordability? select three

-un delib
-establishing a domestic
-pending decisions
-international partner
-coordination with partner

an analysis of alternatives is a study of the ______

-cost analysis for the alternatives
-potential acquisition strategies for the alternatives incorrect
-potential technical solutions
-operational effectiveness and life cycle cost of the alternatives probably this one

What is the weapon systems cost of this system?
Cost Types Cost (in millions of dollars)
Research, Development, Test & Evaluation $400
Procurement of Prime Mission Equipment $800
Procurement of Support Equipment $100
Procurement of Initial Spares $100
Operations and Support $70,0000
Disposal $100

900 million

to obtain guidance and (if required) approvals on the level and type of protection required (eg additional program protection measures, removal of critical program technology...

-technology security and foreign disclosure (TSFD) technology area ("pipe") owners/authorities
-under secretary of defense for acquisition & sustainment

affordability and should cost means _________.

performance and schedule tradeoffs will be made to achieve cost objectives

estimating potential demand for a capability and developing a rough order of magnitude (ROM) estimate of future sales are characteristics of which international acquisitions & exportability

international markets

the international involvement section of the acquisition must include a list of the system's critical program information (CPI) and a detailed description of anti-tamper


_______ consists of all costs associated with developing, procuring and housing a weapon system.

-flyaway cost
-life cycle cost
-weapon system cost
-program acquisition cost

one cost estimation method can be used in combination with another method.


All of the five elements (5Ms) of manufacturing contribute to the cost of production. Which one of the following is NOT one of the 5Ms?


Choose the ideal cost of quality breakdown from the following options.

-Prevention 15%, Appraisal 35%, Failure 50%
-Prevention 25%, Appraisal 50%, Failure 25%
-Prevention 5%, Appraisal 45%, Failure 50%
-Prevention 50%, Appraisal 35%, Failure 15%

Which of the following is considered to be a practice of "Lean Manufacturing"?

-Low levels of inventory
-Centralized management control
-Mass production
-Highly specialized workforce

Which process is recommended for those products with the lowest volume and the lowest standardization on the product continuum?

-Assembly line
-Jumbled flow
-Continuous flow

Which of the following can negatively impact the learning curve, production costs, and schedule?

-Uninterrupted serial production
-Inconsistent product design
-Consistent product design
-Management emphasis on productivity improvement

Any Government employee can make changes to a contract as long as the Government will benefit from the changes.


With respect to product improvements, if a modification will not cause an increase in system performance, does not require extensive independent testing, and the system is currently in production, its development and test should be funded with ___________ and modification kits should be funded with ___________.

-Procurement; Operations & Maintenance (O&M)
-O&M; O&M
-Procurement; Procurement
-Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E); Procurement

Which of the following are duties of a Program Integrator (Select all that apply)?

-Lead and direct the program support team
-Administering day to day contractual activities after contract award
-"Eyes and ears" of the Program Manager
-Has a direct line of communication with the Procuring Contracting Officer
-Provide data to the Program Manager

Estimates based on learning curve theory may NOT apply if ________.

-The design of the product keeps changing
-Units of production are homogeneous
-The factory workforce remains stable
-The production process continues for 18 months without a break

What is the typical impact on a program's cost and schedule when unstable requirements lead to changes late in the system's development?

-Significantly negative impact on cost and schedule
-Negative impact on cost; no impact on schedule
-Marginally negative impact on cost and schedule
-No impact on cost; negative impact on schedule

Process proofing ensures that high risk areas, such as assembly methods and personnel training, are optimized _______________________.

-Before initial operational capability (IOC) is achieved
-Before entering the Operations and Support phase
-Before system integration is complete
-Before the start-up of full rate production

When a contractor begins work generated by a change order that does not have a full negotiated agreement on terms of work, cost, and schedule signed by both parties, a contract change has been initiated that is ___________.


Which leadership style expands the team's capabilities, creates a team identity, and inspires team members?

-Supervisory Leadership
-Team Leadership
-Participative Leadership
-None of the answers are correct.

Unresolved supportability issues may result in each of the following, except which one?

-Increased logistics footprint
-Increased cost
-Decreased reliability
-Increased operational availability (Ao)

The twelve logistics support elements include maintenance planning and management; manpower and personnel; supply support; support equipment; technical data; training and training support; computer resources; facilities and infrastructure; packaging, handling, storage, and transportation; design interface; sustaining engineering; and product support management.


When Congress does not appropriate sufficient funds to cover the cost of work to be performed under a contract, the Government may:

-Terminate the contract for convenience
-All of the answers are correct
-Terminate the contract for default
-Terminate the contract for cause

The contractor is solely responsible for providing post-production support.


What is the purpose of fielding/deployment planning?

-To ensure all functional disciplines will be integrated into system design.
-To ensure all necessary funding will be programmed to support the system throughout its useful life.
-To provide for a smooth introduction of the system to the user.
-To ensure the system will meet critical technical performance parameters established in the Capability Production Document.

Taking a contractual dispute to court should be the first step in attempting to resolve controversy between the disputing parties.


Which core ethical value are you violating if you reject an opposing point of view during a disagreement and call it a shortsighted, uninformed way to look at the situation?

-Civic virtue and citizenship

Expired Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E) funds may be used to redesign a system when the redesign will NOT increase the system's performance and is NOT likely to require extensive testing.


A program manager should normally look for opportunities to integrate developmental testing (DT) and operational testing (OT) in order to save time and money.


Program cost increases and schedules slips are most likely caused by __________________, changes to the design, and changes to the production processes.

-Changes to the number of systems ordered
-Robust and accurate configuration management
-Well-defined and documented technical data packages
-Changes to user capability needs

An Early Operational Assessment is typically conducted to _____________________.

-Support the decision to begin low rate initial production (LRIP)
-Meet the requirement to conduct initial operational test and evaluation (IOT&E)
-Track the evolution of critical technical parameters against the system design
-Identify potential operational effectiveness and suitability issues during system development

The management of internal interface design would usually be the responsibility of the _____________?

-Independent Test and Evaluation Agency
-Joint Interoperability Test Command
-Government Program Manager

The Program Manager just received approval of his proposed acquisition strategy with one exception: he has been directed to make maximum use of existing Air Force software. Which of the best software acquisition practices is most applicable to his situation?

-Use metrics to manage
-Use system based software design
-Assess reuse risks and cost
-Inspect requirements and design

When a program deviation occurs, the Program Manager should notify the Milestone Decision Authority within 90 days of the occurrence.


The below-threshold maximum amount of Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) funds that can be moved into a program element is __________.

-$5 million
-$15 million
-$2 million
-$10 million

The _______ defines design requirements and is primarily documented by the Item Performance Specifications.

-Maintenance Baseline
-Product Baseline
-Functional Baseline
-Allocated Baseline

The final outcome of using the cause-and-effect (Fishbone) diagram is to identify the problem statement.


Which technical review is held during the Engineering and Manufacturing Development Phase to assess the final design after the "build to" baseline has been achieved?

-Test Readiness Review (TRR)
-Critical Design Review (CDR)
-Preliminary Design Review (PDR)
-System Requirements Review (SRR)

An Acquisition Program Baseline (APB) is used to document the cost, schedule, and performance thresholds and objectives of a program beginning at program initiation. The APB is a formal agreement signed by the ____________ /___________.

-Product Quality Manager / Lead System Integrator
-Financial Manager / Cost Analyst
-Program Manager / Milestone Decision Authority
-Systems Engineer / Test Engineer

A Government official who obligates the Government on a contract without having sufficient funds to cover that expense has violated the _______________.

-Anti-Deficiency Act
-Reprogramming Thresholds
-Misappropriation Act
-Bona Fide Need Rule (NOT THIS ONE)

When using a cause-oriented approach to resolve acquisition problems, it is important to ____________________.

-Focus exclusively on problem history
-Analyze symptoms only (NOT THIS ONE)
-Identify all possible causes
-Place blame on the responsible person/people

Where would the initial Functional Baseline be reviewed to ensure that it covers all the Government's capability needs?

-Test Readiness Review
-Preliminary Design Review (NOT THIS ONE)
-Systems Functional Review
-Critical Design Review

Effective ________________ is multi-faceted and includes managing the impact of changes on system operation, interoperability, long-term maintenance, and the technical data package (TDP).

-Configuration Management
-Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
-Earned Value Management (EVM)
-Integrated Product and Process Development (IPPD)

What are some of the planning challenges that must be considered when taking commercial items and modifying them for military use (Select all that apply)?

-Long-term logistics support
-Management of government furnished equipment
-Maintain technical data
-Availability of test ranges and personnel

Changes are typical in acquisition programs; therefore, it is important to develop a sound configuration management strategy, place the Government in control of each element of the baselines, and design enough flexibility into the system to handle enhancements.


Which of the following configuration baselines provides the details from which a contractor can transition from design to production of a system?

-Allocated Baseline
-Configuration Management Baseline
-Product Baseline
-Functional Baseline

The Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC) verifies ________________ through the field assessment of systems during exercises and contingencies, and provides certificates of _____________ upon validation.

-Reliability and maintainability / compliance
-Configuration management / compliance
-Interoperability performance/ interoperability
-Achievement of key performance parameters (KPPs) / compliance

Which test would a contractor conduct on a software item before they integrate it with hardware?

-Environmental Testing
-Production Qualification Testing
-Component Testing
-Production Acceptance Test and Evaluation

A(n) ________ occurs when an authorized federal employee signs a document that legally binds the Government to a future expenditure; a(n) _____________ occurs when the Government check is cashed and money is withdrawn from the Treasury.

-Expenditure; obligation
-Commitment; obligation
-Obligation; outlay

When would the decision be made about the number of low rate initial production articles to produce?

-Milestone A
-Milestone B
-Milestone C
-Milestone D

The following data is received from your contractor: Budgeted Cost of Work Performed (BCWP) = $200 Cost Performance Index (CPI) = 0.8 Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled (BCWS) = $300 Schedule Performance Index (SPI) = 0.66 Actual Cost of Work Performed (ACWP) = $250 Budget at Completion (BAC) = $800 Contractor's Latest Revised Estimate = $900 Equation for Estimate at Completion (EAC) Low = ACWP+((BAC-BCWP)/(CPI)) Equation for EAC High = ACWP+((BAC-BCWP)/(CPI*SPI)) Which of the following represents the most reasonable EAC range for these data based on Earned Value Management (EVM)?

-EAC Low: $900 ? EAC High: $1,500
-EAC Low: -$1,000 ? EAC High: $1,500
-EAC Low: $900 ? EAC High: $1,375
-EAC Low: $1,000 ? EAC High: $1,386

The Integrated Baseline Review (IBR) assesses the validity of the Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB) and the Integrated Master Schedule (IMS). Which of the following is NOT an IBR outcome goal?

-Confirming that the contractor is compliant with ISO 9000
-Ensuring that work scope schedules are consistent with contract delivery requirements
-Determining that the PMB and IMS are realistic and achievable
-Determining that all contract work scope requirements are baselined

__________________ enables the Government to see how much work was planned to be done compared to how much work was actually done.

-Integrated Product and Process Development (IPPD)
-Earned Value Management (EVM)
-Configuration Management
-Enterprise Resource Management (ERM)

A(n) ______________________ can be used for predicting program obligation performance and funding requirements and identifying potential budget execution problems.

-Spending Plan
-Commitment Plan
-Progress Payment

What type of test would normally be conducted on actual production items to make sure they comply with the requirements specified in the contract?

-Production Acceptance Testing and Evaluation (PAT&E)
-Production Qualification Testing (PQT)
-Initial Operational Test and Evaluation
-Live Fire Test and Evaluation

To minimize current and future funding risks, Program Management Offices use __________________ to project and track obligations and expenditures.

-Spending Plans
-Fielding Plans
-Acquisition Plans
-Life Cycle Sustainment Plans

With modeling and simulation, we model the system and then test the ______________ to gather test predictions.


The following data is received from your contractor on a key component of the project: Budgeted Cost of Work Performed (BCWP) = $300 Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled (BCWS) = $200 Actual Cost of Work Performed (ACWP) = $500 Which of the following Earned Value Management (EVM) metrics can be determined from these data?

-CV = - $200 and SV = $100
-CPI = 1.67 and SPI = 0.67
-%Spent = 66% and %Complete = 50%
-Cost Variance (CV) = $200 and Schedule Variance (SV) = - $100

Which of the following is FALSE about Measures of Effectiveness (MOEs)?

-They must be specific and objective.
-They are developed by the service developmental test agency.
-They are used in operational test and evaluation.
-They indicate whether a system meets established mission performance requirements.

What type of testing is performed to determine a weapon system's performance with respect to survivability and lethality?

-Live Fire Test and Evaluation
-Critical Technical Parameter (CTP) Assessment
-Production Acceptance Test and Evaluation
-Critical Operational Issue (COI) Analysis

What is your assessment about a program with a Cost Performance Index (CPI) of 0.65?

-The project is only 65% complete at this point in time.
-The project is performing efficiently in regard to cost.
-The project is ahead of schedule, but we will need additional funds.
-The project is costing more than expected, and the contractor may need additional funds.

The service Developmental Test and Evaluation (DT&E) agency is responsible for the establishment of Critical Operational Issues (COIs).


Which of the following test items are determined by the Program Management Office that is developing the system?

-Critical Technical Parameters (CTPs)
-Measures of Effectiveness (MOEs)
-Critical Operational Issues (COIs)
-Measures of Suitability (MOSs)

Which of the following is a valid reason for rebaselining the Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB)?

-The plan for completing the remaining contract effort is no longer achievable.
-The cost and schedule earned value variance metrics exceed the OSD thresholds.
-The contractor projects that the Budget at Completion will exceed the Estimate at Completion.
-The Government agrees to a minor administrative modification to the contract.

Which of the following is FALSE?

-Exit criteria are not specific to a particular phase of an acquisition program.
-Exit criteria are measurable and demonstrable.
-Exit criteria help manage and reduce risk.
-Exit criteria must be successfully demonstrated before a program can proceed further.

Ultimately, the use of open systems design is expected to result in lower life cycle costs.


When making tradeoffs among competing features, what can be used to quantifiably compare alternatives by selecting, weighting, and applying criteria?

-Delphi technique
-Parametric modeling
-Least squares regression analysis
-Decision matrix

What problem-solving process is used within an Integrated Product and Process Development (IPPD) management process to provide a design that balances capability needs?

-Technical Performance Measurement
-Test and Evaluation
-Systems Engineering
-Configuration Management

During the Operational Test (OT) effort, the purpose of validation is to determine ______________________.

-The type and quantity of critical technical parameters to be monitored
-The number of test units and test ranges required for all test events
-Whether or not we have "built the right thing"
-The maximum capabilities of a system achievable under unrealistic operating conditions

Using ________________, as part of the life cycle logistics and systems engineering processes to influence the design, also helps to determine the most cost effective way to support the system throughout its life.

-Product Support Analysis (PSA)
-Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)
-A Full-Up Systems-Level (FUSL) test
-An In-Service Review (ISR)

______________ shows how different parts of a system fit together from various perspectives as a system is designed and developed.

-Virtual Prototypes
-Technical Review
-Performance Measurement Baseline
-Technical Performance Measure

If three alternatives are equal in terms of initial cost and meeting performance requirements, the systems engineers should select the one that will result in the lowest life cycle costs.


The systems engineering process must address the need to sustain a system once it is deployed in the field or fleet.


Modeling and Simulation is a risk management tool that we use:

-To avoid conducting developmental and operational testing.
-Exclusively for mature designs that will be produced in quantity.
-Primarily in early development to support the Analysis of Alternatives.
-In virtually all phases of the acquisition life cycle.

One of the benefits of using redundant back-up systems is:

-Increased transportability
-Increased reliability
-Increased number of parts
-Increased size and weight

Tracking Technical Performance Measures on high-risk components should provide:

-Detailed program cost and schedule data
-A product and process oriented framework for the Work Breakdown Structure
-Early warning signs of potential performance problems
-A baseline for preparing the technical Statement of Work

The Affordable System Operational Effectiveness (ASOE) concept places emphasis on the system's ability to execute its mission, its reliability and maintainability, and ___________.

-Limiting the need for Software-embedded systems
-Automated Information Systems
-Cost-effective responsiveness of the supply chain
-Use of Commercial/Non-developmental items

Human Systems Integration (HSI), a supportability issue that every program should consider, addresses such factors as accessibility, visibility, testability, and ______________.

-Return on investment
-Mean logistics delay time

In our decision matrix, Option 1 receives a "3" for speed and a "1" for cost, and Option 2 receives a "2" for speed and a "2" for cost. The speed criterion has been assigned a weight of 0.4 and the cost criterion has been assigned a weight of 0.6. In accordance with the decision matrix approach, which of the following statements is true?

-Option 1 is better than Option 2 because its total weighted score is lower.
-Option 1 and Option 2 each score a total of 1.8; therefore, either choice is fine.
-Option 2 is better than Option 1 because its total weighted score is higher.
-Option 1 is better than Option 2 because its total weighted score is higher.

Which is true about the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)?

-The WBS can be used to track key performance parameters against projected values as a system evolves over time.
-The WBS can be used to track contractor performance in terms of only cost against an established baseline.
-The WBS is a tool that can help identify and assess technical risk.
-The WBS cannot be used by contract personnel.

Which of the following supportability analysis tools is used for defense planning and performed to determine the best, most efficient location where an item can be repaired?

-Level of Repair Analysis (LORA)
-Preventive Maintenance
-Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)
-Failure Modes and Effects Criticality Analysis (FMECA)

Availability is the key to system readiness. One of the contributors to system downtime is _____________________.

-Due to having all parts on hand before starting maintenance
-The ease with which the part can be viewed and accessed by the technician
-Administrative delays caused by personnel or paperwork
-The ease with which the required repair can be made by the technician

For a contract cost to be considered "allowable," it must be consistent with Government Cost Accounting Standards, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, the terms of the contract, and the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). It must also be reasonable and:

-Reflected in the liabilities listed in the corporate balance sheet
-Fair and equitable to all parties, including all involved subcontractors
-Factored into the profitability ratios reported by the firm
-Allocable to the contract (in whole or in part) or to the overall cost of operating the business

A company's organizational structure supports its business strategy by:

-Using only the divisional organizational structure
-Having as many managers as possible
-Focusing on only one area
-Focusing resources where needed to achieve corporate goals and objectives

What form of information exchange would a Contracting Officer use to reach agreement with an offeror over the terms of a contract?


For a cost in a contract to be considered allowable, it must meet certain criteria. One of the criteria that must be met is that ______________________.

-The cost need not be in compliance with industry accounting standards
-The cost must be reasonable
-The cost must exceed what a prudent business person would incur
-The cost must be exempt from compliance with the Federal Acquisition Regulations

The Air Force is procuring maintenance services, and the Contracting Officer decides that no discussions are required to select the best contractor. However, the contractor's proposal has a typographical error showing period of performance beginning 1 June rather than 1 July. What type of information exchange would be used to resolve this discrepancy?


Items that are owned by a company are listed on which of the following financial statements?

-Statement of Cash Flows
-Income Statement
-Profitability Report
-Balance Sheet

In Government contracting, one criterion for cost allowability is that the contractor's costs must comply with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and _________________.

-Lean Manufacturing Principles
-Government Cost Accounting Standards (CAS)
-Cost as an Independent Variable (CAIV) Principles
-ISO 9001 Principles

During source selection, a contractor calls you with a question about the Request for Proposal (RFP). To whom should you refer this inquiry?

-Contracting Officer
-Deputy Program Manager
-Program Manager
-Lead Systems Engineer

During fact finding, the proposal reviewers submit their questions to the ________________.

-Program Manager
-Contracting Officer

Becoming thoroughly familiar with the solicitation and proposal(s), tabbing them for easy access, documenting questions, and submitting the questions to the contractor in advance are part of ____________________.

-Negotiation preparation
-Supportability analysis
-Request for proposal development
-Analysis of alternatives

Which is an attribute of an effective organizational structure?

-Ensures that top management makes all the decisions
-Facilitates stability and resistance to change
-Focuses solely on customer support
-Focuses on key products, programs, markets, and customers

Any cost necessary to the overall operation of the business is called __________.

-General and administrative (G&A) cost
-Direct labor cost
-Direct materials cost
-Overhead cost

Which is more likely to centralize functions in staff organizations that support all business areas or product lines?

-Smaller companies
-Non-governmental organizations
-Larger companies
-Divisional organizational structure

Using percentages or ratios based upon unforeseen differentials in prices, Forward Pricing Rates Agreements (FPRAs) protect the contractors by allowing an extra amount above and beyond the estimated quoted prices. Which of the following is NOT an example of an FPRA rate?

-Rates for spare parts provisioning
-Rates for corporate outings
-Rates for indirect materials
-Rates for material obsolescence and usage

Which one of the following is NOT considered a common problem for software-intensive systems?

-Poorly defined interfaces
-Overlooking hardware deficiencies
-Use of open systems architecture
-Lack of user involvement

Which one of the Integrated Program Management Report formats reports time-phased budgets that are displayed showing current period, cumulative value to date, the next six months, and five additional specified periods which take the contract to completion?

-Format 4
-Format 3
-Format 2
-Format 1

Which of the following is NOT one of the methods used to achieve a producible design?

-Use standard components
-Introduce variability in the manufacturing process
-Minimize total number of parts
-Use a modular approach

Earned Value Management provides a sound basis for (Select all the apply):

-Identifying problems
-Managing the Integrated Master Schedule (IMS)
-Program Management Plan (PMP)
-Estimating probable completion times and costs
-Re-planning the project, if needed
-Establishing the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
-Taking corrective action

When designing software, DoD policy focuses on creating integrated architectures which include the operational architecture, systems architecture, and ________________.

-Technical architecture
-Functional architecture
-Subsystems architecture
-Mechanical architecture

When do the OSD Comptroller analyst and Office of Management and Budget (OMB) analyst hold hearings to review the service's budgets?

-Each year around October and November
-Every other year during July and August
-Once quarterly throughout the year
-Throughout the year as needed

Which of the following is a potential logistics support issue that tends to be associated with the acquisition of commercial and non-developmental items?

-Tradeoff between logistics reliability and system reliability
-Human systems integration factors
-Availability of replacement parts
-Design producibility

Which of the following best describes software management metrics?

-Metrics that impact performance, user satisfaction, supportability, and ease of change
-Metrics that quantify reliability, maintainability, flexibility and integrity
-Metrics that determine progress against the plan
-Metrics that deal with the maturity and robustness of the organizational processes used to develop the software

Which of the following is NOT a consideration when making tradeoffs among various functional areas to achieve a balanced design?

-Environmental concerns
-Profits from manufacturing

The last step in developing a Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB) is to:

-Budget the work
-Negotiate the contract cost
-Schedule the work
-Define and scope the work

A design that optimizes ease and economy of fabrication and assembly would be considered:


As part of the overall systems engineering process, there are a variety of software development methods, but the three most common at DoD are the Waterfall Approach, the Incremental Approach, and the ______________ Approach.


The extent of developmental testing and evaluation necessary on a commercial or non-developmental item depends on __________.

-The amount of modification required, the environment in which the item will be used, and the availability of test results.
-The availability of contractor logistics support for the item once it is fielded.
-The discretion of the Program Manager.
-The degree of early operational assessment (EOA) that can be conducted prior to the start of Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP).

A highly producible design will increase ___________.

-Parts shortages
-Total ownership costs
-Efficient use of materials with reduced waste
-Assembly errors

The Navy awards a Cost-Plus-Award-Fee (CPAF) contract for $265 million to design and develop electronic components for a communications system with a period of performance of 18 months. What reports, if any, must the Navy Program Manager (PM) require the contractor to provide regarding their cost, schedule, and technical performance?

-The contractor would submit an Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR) formats 1 through 7.
-The contractor would submit an Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR) with formats 1 through 5 only.
-The contractor would not be required to submit any earned value related reports to the Program Management Office.
-The contractor would submit an Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR) with format 1 only.
-The contractor would submit either an Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR) with formats 1 through 5 or an Integrated Program Management Report with format 6, but not both.

The capability needs for a new software-intensive telecommunications system are well understood, but funding is not available to meet all the capabilities at once. The user is willing to field a basic system initially and add the rest of the capabilities over a period of three years. Which development model is best suited for this project?

-Waterfall model
-Incremental model
-Life cycle model
-Spiral model

In addition to the scope of contract work and the budget for the contract, the Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB) integrates the _________________.

-Over Target Baseline (OTB)
-To Complete Performance Index (TCPI)
-Integrated Master Plan (IMP)
-Integrated Master Schedule (IMS)

If a computer monitor was initially designed for use in a home or office environment, and the Navy decided to modify it for use on board ship, an early operational assessment (EOA) of that monitor would likely be conducted.


Productivity, rework, and technology impact are examples of which kind of software metric? [28f. Using DoD Practical Software Measurement methodology principles, select appropriate software measures to make sound decisions regarding acquisition of software intensive systems.]

Resource allocation
--> Process

The extent of developmental testing and evaluation necessary on a commercial or non-developmental item depends on __________. [29e. Identify key issues regarding Test and Evaluation (T&E) of commercial and non-developmental (NDI) items.]

--> The amount of modification required, the environment in which the item will be used, and the availability of test results.

The availability of contractor logistics support for the item once it is fielded.

The discretion of the Program Manager.

The degree of early operational assessment (EOA) that can be conducted prior to the start of Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP).

Changes made late in development or early in production usually have less impact on program cost and schedule than changes made early. [36a. Recognize the impact of manufacturing on cost, schedule and performance.]

--> False

A Fixed-Price Incentive (Firm Target) (FPIF) contract is awarded for $25 million to design a computer based training course for the Air Force with a period of performance of 18 months. What reports, if any, must the Air Force Program Manager (PM) require the contractor provide regarding their cost, schedule and technical performance? [21a. Identify performance report tailoring considerations and their effect on reporting.]

The contractor would not be required to submit any earned value related reports to the Program Management Office.

The contractor would submit an Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR) with formats 1 through 5 only.

The contractor would submit an Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR) with formats 1, 5, 6 and 7.

The contractor would submit an Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR) with formats 1 only.

X The contractor would submit an Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR) with formats 1 through 7.

If a computer monitor was initially designed for use in a home or office environment, and the Navy decided to modify it for use on board ship, an early operational assessment (EOA) of that monitor would likely be conducted. [31b. Identify the role of Early Operational Assessment (EOA) and Operational Assessment (OA) in reducing program risk.]

--> True

The Integrated Program Management Report has seven formats. Which one of the formats reports current and cumulative performance element data broken out by Contract WBS? [21a Revised: Identify the purpose and content of the Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR).]

--> Format 1
Format 2
Format 3
Format 4
Format 5

Some of the user capability needs of a new automated information system for logistics support are ill-defined and still evolving. Sufficient time and money is expected to be available for the project. Which development mode is BEST suited for a developer to sue for this project? [27a. Given a software-intensive system (sucks as a telecommunications or guidance system), select an appropriate software development technology.]

--> Spiral model
Waterfall model
Incremental model
Life cycler model

Which one of the following is a method of designing for producibility? [36d. Identify the methods and objectives of manufacturing that influence system design.]

--> Minimize assembly requirements
Maximize the number of parts used
Limit the functions performed by each part
Use a wide variety of component parts

The second step in developing a Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB) is to: [20b. Identify the steps in the development of the initial Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB).]

Budget the work (last/3rd step)
Negotiate the contract cost
--> Schedule the work (2nd step)
Define and scope the work (1st step)

Which one of the following leads to problems, particularly for software-intensive systems? [26d. Identify common ways that software-intensive projects have gotten into trouble.]

Risk management reporting requirements Affordability objectives established by the user
--> Poorly-defined architecture and interfaces
Diversity of vendor, expert, and end user perspectives

Manufacturing tradeoffs are made through the design process among three areas: producibility, cost, and _______? [Distinguish from a young the types of tradeoffs that may be required to attain a producible design.]

X Schedule
Operational capabilities

As part of the overall systems engineering process, manufacturing must be integrated into the design process to ___? [Recognize the relationship of manufacturing to the systems engineering process.]

Develop the estimated labor time
Capture tooling and repair costs
Provide the number of producible designs
--> Reduce program risk

In addition to the scope of contract work and the budget for the contract, the Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB) integrates the _____. [Identify the relationship of the PMB to program objectives.]

X Over Target Baseline (OTB)
To Complete Performance Index (TCPI)
Integrated Master Plan (IMP)
--> Integrated Master Schedule (IMS)

The _______ makes adjustments to the Services' budget submission to OSD. [Identify the key events in budgeting phase, including the preparation, review and decision process associated with BES, RMD, and Reclamas.]

Program Element (PE)
Budget Estimate Submission (BES)
Future Years Defense Program (FYDP)
--> Resource Management Decision (RMD)

Under what conditions would contractor logistics support be most appropriate for a non-developmental item (NDI) communications device being acquired by the U.S. Army? [33a. Recognize key logistics related acquisition policies and their impact (e.g., Life-Cycle Cost, Contractor Logistics Support, Commercial and Non-Development Items).]

--> The configuration of the device is expected to change frequently to incorporate technological advances as they become available

Major modifications are required before the device can be integrated within Army helicopters

The Army is expected to keep the device in its inventory for at least 20 years

The device is planned for use in combat situations in environments ranging from jungles to deserts to cold regions

DoD policy requires all new and upgraded Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence (C4I) acquisitions to comply with DoD Information Technology Standards Registry (DISR). [Identify typical software development life cycle activities and standards.]

--> True

Earned Vale Management provides a sound basis for (Select all that apply): [Recognize the importance of earned value as a management tool.]

--> Estimating probable completion times and costs
--> Taking corrective action
Managing the Integrated Master Schedule (IMS)
--> Identifying problems
Program Management Plan (PMP)
---> Re-planning the project, if needed
Establishing the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Estimating probable completion times and costs
--> Taking corrective action
Managing the Integrated Master Schedule (IMS)
--> Identifying problems
Program Management Plan (PMP)
Re-planning the project, if needed
--> Establishing the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

As part of the overall systems engineering process, there are a variety of software development methods, but the three most common at DoD are the Waterfall Approach, the Incremental Approach, and the ______________ Approach. [Recognize the relationship between software development activities and the systems engineering process.]

--> Spiral

Which of the following is a true statement about the Product Support Strategy Process Model?

-It enables the identification of supportability and sustainment strategies near the end of the life.
-It is an iterative process in which the sustainment of a system (or systems) is adapted and evolved to optimally support the needs and requirements of the Warfighter.
-It is a continuing process that assists in the identification and evolution of the PSM IPT.
-It is a one-time process that defines the needs and requirements of the Warfighter early in the life cycle.

Executive Orders on environmental activities and policy, sometimes referred to as "Greening the Government":

-States that Major Program Managers must take and pass formal training in environmental protection.
-Directs all Federal Agencies to establish plans to improve energy efficiency, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, conserve and protect water resources and reduce or eliminate toxic or hazardous materials.
-Exempts less-than-ACAT I programs from compliance with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) procedures if they have an approved Environmental Impact Statement.
-Applies only to ACAT I and ACAT II programs.

Which one of the following test and evaluation (T&E) products is required at Milestone C?

-DOT&E Report on Initial Operational Test and Evaluation (IOT&E)
-Operational Assessment (OA) Results
-Early Operational Assessment (EOA)
-Live Fire Test and Evaluation (LFT&E) Report

How does a program management office show the sequence and interrelationship of all the business and technical activities required to accomplish the acquisition?

-Integrated Product and Process Development (IPPD) Plan (NOT THIS ONE)
-Risk Management Plan
-Acquisition Strategy - Program Structure Chart
-Integrated Systems Engineering/Business Management Plan

A TEMP (either initial or updated, as appropriate) must be provided for consideration and approval before each milestone review, starting with Milestone B.


The ____________________ provides military intelligence to defense policy makers, force planners and warfighters in DOD in support of weapons system acquisition.

-Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
-Director of National Intelligence (DNI)
-Army Intelligence
-National Security Agency (NSA)

By implementing Integrated Product and Process Development (IPPD), gains realized by the early integration of business, contracting, manufacturing, testing, training, and support considerations in the design process can result in ___________________.

-increased logistics footprint
-unnecessary schedule delays
-fewer costly changes made later in the process
-complicated detail design reviews

The purpose of the Program Protection Plan (PPP) is to help programs ensure that they adequately protect their technology, components, and information. It is used to develop __________________ for dissemination and implementation throughout the program for which it is created.

-System security engineering plans
-Updated criticality analysis
-Counterintelligence analytical products
-Tailored protection guidance

Transitioning to Integrated Product and Process Development (IPPD) will involve application of certain key tenets, such as customer focus, concurrent development, and:

-Risk avoidance
-Reliance on independent organizations
-Event-driven scheduling
-Supervisory leadership

In which phase of the life cycle does the Life Cycle Sustainment Plan (LCSP) focus on how sustainment performance is measured, managed, assessed, and reported?

-TMRR Phase
-P&D Phase
-EMD Phase
-O&S Phase

The Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP) is mandated by DoD policy and must be updated periodically to ensure that it stays current as the program evolves through the life cycle.


Operational Measures of Effectiveness (MOE) and Measures of Suitability (MOS) are formally documented in the ________.

-Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
-Initial Capabilities Document (ICD)
-Acquisition Strategy
-Test and Evaluation Master Plan (TEMP)

The final approval authority for system-related National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation is the:

-Program Manager (PM)
-Component Acquisition Executive (CAE)
-Environmental coordinator
-Under Secretary of Defense (Environmental Security)

Barriers to successful implementation of Integrated Product and Process Development (IPPD) include the following (Select all that apply):

-Poorly run meetings or reviews
-Need for significant cultural change
-Empowered, qualified team members
-Open discussions with no secrets
-Contractor uses IPPD / DoD does not

Each of the following issues impact test planning and execution activities except one. Select the one that is NOT a test planning/execution issue.

-Limited test articles
-Limited test time
-Limited test reports
-Limited test resources

Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC) has primary responsibility for developmental test and evaluation (T&E) functions throughout DoD.


The risk management model includes risk planning, risk identification, ___________, risk handling, and risk monitoring.

-Risk handling (NOT THIS ONE)
-Risk control
-Risk avoidance
-Risk analysis

Which one of the following organizations would conduct testing on the flight controls of a fighter aircraft to ensure it will meet the critical technical parameters (CTPs) derived from the Capability Development Document (CDD)?

-Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA)
-Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC)
-Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center (AFOTEC)
-Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC)

DoD policy is to consider international cooperative development only after U.S.-only solutions have been shown to be impractical.


Sources of risk include:

-All of the answers are correct

who would certify the interoperability performance of a command and control system used by both the Army and the Navy?

Joint Interoperability Test Command

If the program is on the DOT&E Oversight List, which one of the following test and evaluation (T&E) products is required before the full rate production decision review?

DOT&E report on initial operational test and evaluation

One of the primary disadvantages of international cooperative development includes

increased documentation

system-specific validated online lifecycle threat (VOLT) reports are required to be kept current and validated throughout the acquisition process. All major defense acquisition programs (MDAPs) must have a updated VOLT in place at:

Milestone A (TMRR phase)

the risk management model includes risk planning, risk identification, ____________, risk handling, and risk monitoring.

risk analysis

regarding test and evaluation (T&E) issues that may affect a program's acquisition strategy, the program office can use _________ to aid in understanding the implications of any necessary tradeoffs among testing constraints.

design of experiments (DOE)

as part of the program protection plan (PPP), cybersecurity is a critical priority for DoD. Effective cybersecurity in DoD acquisition programs encompasses all of the necessary actions taken to ensure the ____________ of a system's information to enable warfighting operations.

confidentiality, integrity and availability (CIA)

The joint staff has oversight for certifying interoperability capability requirements for the army, navy, air force, and marine corps are valid.


the first key step of the product support strategy process model includes which of the following?

understanding warfighter requirements in terms of performance.

A TEMP (either initial or updated, as appropriate) must be provided for consideration and approval before each milestone review, starting with milestone B.


the acquisition strategy should normally be generated using an integrated product team (IPT) approach, including representation from all players listed below EXCEPT

milestone decision authority (MDA)

which of the following is a key tenet of integrated product and process development (IPPD)?

multidisciplinary teamwork

Using the Standard Capability Maturity Model Integration Appraisal Method for Process Improvement (SCAMPI), an organization whose acquisition processes are well documented and standardized would be rated at least:

-Level 1
-Level 2
-Level 3
-Level 4

When selecting a software developer, which of the following should contractors possess (Select all that apply)?

-Successful past performance record
-Domain experience in developing comparable software systems
-Maturity level four
-Demonstrable mature software development capability and processes

With regard to exceptions to the full funding policy, _________ funds are budgeted as a separate procurement line item from the related end item.

-Multiyear Procurement
-Advance Procurement
-Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP)

Earned value management (EVM) reports are available to help the program manager (PM) track the contractor's cost, schedule, and performance against a Performance Measurement Baseline.


In the Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) process, one result of the programming activities is the __________

-Future Years Development Program (FYDP)
-Budget Estimate Submission (BES)
-Defense Planning Guidance (DPG)
-Program Objectives Memorandum (POM)

If a contractor chooses to use their own quality system, they must demonstrate compliance with the established military standard through formal third party certification.


The Contracting Officer's responsibilities include all of the following EXCEPT

-Preparing the request for proposal
-Managing performance of the contractor on a daily basis
-Conducting discussions with potential offerors in response to a solicitation
-Making a modification to an existing contract

A _______ is an aggregation of program elements that reflects a macro-level force mission or support mission of DoD.

-Future Years Defense Program (FYDP)
-Major Force Program (MFP)
-Program Objectives Memorandum (POM)

If your procurement budget request did not provide for buying a whole number of useable end items, this would be a violation of which funding policy?

-Annual Funding
-Full Funding
-Incremental Funding
-Deficit Funding

Small business set-asides require the expectation that at least three capable small disadvantaged businesses will submit offers.


Which of the following describes DoD's policy on acquiring data rights?

-Acquire only those data rights that are essential to meeting minimum Government needs.
-Acquire the maximum data rights possible within the scope of the contract.
-Acquire unlimited data rights unless there is compelling justification to do otherwise.
-Acquire restricted data rights to protect the contractor's right to use, modify, reproduce, release or disclose data to the general public.

Configuration management helps control software items and shared information


For DoD computer-based systems such as automated information systems and command and control systems, standard information technology interfaces are defined in the:

-Capability Maturity Model Integrated
-International Standard ISO 9000
-Military Interoperability Protocol (NOT THIS ONE)
-DoD IT Standards Registry (DISR)

The __________ presents the Component's (Service/Agencies) proposal for service resources within specified constraints to satisfy the Defense Planning Guidance (DPG).

-Budget Estimate Decision (BED)
-Resource Management Decision (RMD)
-Budget Estimate Submission (BES)
-Program Objectives Memorandum (POM)

The Government must conduct appropriate market research before soliciting offers from potential contractors. Various IPT members can participate. Cost analysts can provide input on_______________________________.

-developing product descriptions (NOT THIS ONE)
-modifying the user's requirements
-proper contract pricing information
-modifying the available products

In a ________ type of contract, the contractor bears virtually all the financial risk associated with procurement.

-Cost plus incentive fee
-Sole source
-Firm fixed price
-Cost plus award fee

Escalation allows us to make predictions about future costs based on:

-Expected inflation rates and affordability analyses
-Expected inflation and outlay rates
-Expected outlay rates and affordability trade-offs
-Expected cost/performance trade-offs and affordability analyses

The Army receives proposals from eight different companies in response to a Request for Proposal (RFP). The contracting Officer has identified the most highly rated proposals, determined the competitive range, and wants to get the offerors' best and final proposals. What type of information exchange would the Contracting Officer use to get the information needed to allow the offerors to revise their proposals?


The ________ shows the financial condition of the firm at a point in time expressed as assets and liabilities.

Balance Sheet

Which is an attribute of an effective organizational structure?

Focuses on key products, programs, markets, and customers.

Negotiations cannot take place until after the Source Selection Authority has awarded the contract.


Using percentages or ratios based upon unforeseen differentials in prices, Forward Pricing Rates Agreements (FPRAs) protect the contractors by allowing an extra amount above and beyond the estimated quoted prices. Which of the following is NOT an example of an FPRA rate?

Rates of corporate outings

Engineering expenses attributable solely to a contract are an example of _____.

Direct labor costs

Which of the following is something you should NOT do during negotiations?

Reach agreements on how to perform tasks.

During source selection, evaluators reviewing the proposals and compiling their questions for individual offerors is commonly referred to as _____.

Fact finding

For a contract cost to be considered "allowable," it must be consistent with Government Cost Accounting Standards, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, the terms of the contract ,and the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR). It must also be reasonable and:

Which is more likely to decentralize staff functions, dedicating them to each business or product organization?

Larger companies

To implement a company's business strategy, an effective organizational structure will:

Support the company's vision

The costs included in a contract must be evaluated to determine whether they are allowable. During this process, the Government and the contractor can agree that a certain costs will be considered unallowable.


During source selection, you are evaluating a proposal and you have some questions for the offeror. What should you do?

Convey your questions to the contracting officer to send to the offeror

Tradeoffs in cost involve examining the development of alternative designs, ______ and the required industrial base capability.

- Unique components
- System life cycle costs
- Required technology
- Methods of production

Some of the user capability needs of a new automated information system for logistics support are ill defined and still evolving. Sufficient time and money is expected to be available for the project. Which development mode is BEST suited for a developer to use for this project?

- Life cycle model
- Waterfall model
- Incremental model
- Spiral model

___ is an important management tool that is used to monitor and manage the contract and/or project performance by emphasizing the planning and integration of program cost, schedule, and performance factor.

- Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
- Earned Value Management (EVM)
- Program Management Plan (PMP)
- Integrated Master Schedule (IMS)

In which of the following situations is early operational testing least likely to be required for a non-developmental item (NDI)?

- When the NDI has been significantly modified
- When the NDI will be maintained by the contractor and used in the same environment for which it was designed.
- When the NDI will be used in an environment different from that for which it was designed.
- When the NDI is being integrated into a larger system

Program Managers can use data from the Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR), including the Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB) to integrate ____ and ____ performance data with objective technical measures of performance.

- Maintainability / supportability
- Producibility / sustainability
- Reliability / availability
- Cost / schedule

In order to reduce the risks inherent in software acquisition, systems engineering activities should begin ___ in the process, and contractors should utilize ____ development methods.

- Midway / single-step
- Early / iterative
- After Milestone C / iterative
- Early / single-step

The integrated Program Management Report has seven formats. Which one of the format reports current and cumulative performance element data broken out by Contract WBS?

- Format 1
- Format 2
- Format 3
- Format 4
- Format 5

The Army awards a Firm Fixed-Price (FFP) contract to procure $1 billion in unmanned ground vehicles with a period of performance of two years. What reports, if any, must the Army Program Manager (PM) require the contractor to provide regarding their cost, schedule, and technical performance?

- The contractor would submit an integrated Program Management Report (IPMR) with formats 1 through 5 only.
- The contractor would submit an Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR) with format 1 only.
- The contractor would submit an integrated Program Management Report (IPMR) with formats 1 through 7.
- The contractor would submit an Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR) with formats 1, 3, and 6 only.
- The contractor would not be required to submit any earned value related reports to the Program Management Office.

Which one of the following is NOT considered a common problem for software-intensive systems?

- Use of open systems architecture
- Lack of user involvement
- Poorly defined interfaces
- Overlooking hardware deficiencies

Changes made late in development or early in production usually have less impact on program cost and schedule than changes made early in development.

- True
- False

The Resource Management Decision (RMD) is used to adjust the ____, which translates programming decisions into budgeting decisions.

- Acquisition Program Baseline (APB)
- Budget Estimate Submission (BES)
- Capability Development Document (CDD)
- Defense Planning Guidance (DPG)

DoD policy requires all new and upgraded Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence (C4I) acquisitions to comply with DoD Information Technology Standards Registry (DISR).

- True
- False

A producible design is the output of the systems engineering process which drives manufacturing.

- True
- False

The second step in developing a Performance Measurement Baseline (PMB) is to:

- Schedule the work
- Define and scope the work
- Prepare the Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR)
- Budget the work

When using commercial and non-developmental items, the need for testing and evaluation is eliminated.

- True
- False

We must be careful when making Government unique modifications to commercial or non-developmental items because ____.

- The modifications may invalidate the available testing and usage data.
- Modifications to commercial items are not consistent with acquisition reform initiatives.
- The modifications may not be necessary to accomplish the operational need.
- All benefits of acquiring a commercial or non-developmental item are lost when a modification is made to that item.

Which of the following best describes software management metrics?*

- Metrics that deal with the maturity and robustness of the organizational processes used to develop the software.
- Metrics that quantify reliability, maintainability, flexibility and integrity.
- Metrics that impact performance, user satisfaction, supportability, and ease of change.
- Metrics that determine progress against the plan.

Which one of the following is a method of designing for producibility?

- Maximize the number of parts used
- Limit the functions performed by each part
- Minimize assembly requirements
- Use a wide variety of component parts

Using the Standard Capability Maturity Model Integration Appraisal Method for Process Improvement (SCAMPI), an organization whose acquisition processes are well documented and standardized would be rated at least:

-Level 1
-Level 2
-Level 3
-Level 4

When selecting a software developer, which of the following should contractors possess (Select all that apply)?

-Successful past performance record
-Domain experience in developing comparable software systems
-Maturity level four
-Demonstrable mature software development capability and processes

With regard to exceptions to the full funding policy, _________ funds are budgeted as a separate procurement line item from the related end item.

With regard to exceptions to the full funding policy, funds used to procure long lead items for a system with the intent to provide program continuity are known as

-Multiyear Procurement
-Advance Procurement
-Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP)

Earned value management (EVM) reports are available to help the program manager (PM) track the contractor's cost, schedule, and performance against a Performance Measurement Baseline.


In the Planning, Programming, Budgeting and Execution (PPBE) process, one result of the programming activities is the __________

-Future Years Development Program (FYDP)
-Budget Estimate Submission (BES)
-Defense Planning Guidance (DPG)
-Program Objectives Memorandum (POM)

If a contractor chooses to use their own quality system, they must demonstrate compliance with the established military standard through formal third party certification.


The Contracting Officer's responsibilities include all of the following EXCEPT

-Preparing the request for proposal
-Managing performance of the contractor on a daily basis
-Conducting discussions with potential offerors in response to a solicitation
-Making a modification to an existing contract

A _______ is an aggregation of program elements that reflects a macro-level force mission or support mission of DoD.

-Future Years Defense Program (FYDP)
-Major Force Program (MFP)
-Program Objectives Memorandum (POM)

If your procurement budget request did not provide for buying a whole number of useable end items, this would be a violation of which funding policy?

-Annual Funding
-Full Funding
-Incremental Funding
-Deficit Funding

Small business set-asides require the expectation that at least three capable small disadvantaged businesses will submit offers.


Which of the following describes DoD's policy on acquiring data rights?

-Acquire only those data rights that are essential to meeting minimum Government needs.
-Acquire the maximum data rights possible within the scope of the contract.
-Acquire unlimited data rights unless there is compelling justification to do otherwise.
-Acquire restricted data rights to protect the contractor's right to use, modify, reproduce, release or disclose data to the general public.

Configuration management helps control software items and shared information


For DoD computer-based systems such as automated information systems and command and control systems, standard information technology interfaces are defined in the:

-Capability Maturity Model Integrated
-International Standard ISO 9000
-Military Interoperability Protocol (NOT THIS ONE)
-DoD IT Standards Registry (DISR)

The __________ presents the Component's (Service/Agencies) proposal for service resources within specified constraints to satisfy the Defense Planning Guidance (DPG).

-Budget Estimate Decision (BED)
-Resource Management Decision (RMD)
-Budget Estimate Submission (BES)
-Program Objectives Memorandum (POM)

The Government must conduct appropriate market research before soliciting offers from potential contractors. Various IPT members can participate. Cost analysts can provide input on_______________________________.

-[[developing product descriptions (INCORRECT)]]
-modifying the user's requirements
-[[proper contract pricing information (INCORRECT)]]
-modifying the available products

In a ________ type of contract, the contractor bears virtually all the financial risk associated with procurement.

-Cost plus incentive fee
-Sole source
-Firm fixed price
-Cost plus award fee

Escalation allows us to make predictions about future costs based on:

-Expected inflation rates and affordability analyses
-Expected inflation and outlay rates
-Expected outlay rates and affordability trade-offs
-Expected cost/performance trade-offs and affordability analyses

If the Government has funded the entire development of an item, the Government is entitled to _____ rights.

-Government purpose

Which of the following is NOT a required characteristic of a contractor's quality management process?

-Monitor and control product variation
-Establish a feedback mechanism
-Implement a system for corrective action
-Appraise the product and inspect in quality

What is the Government's basic purpose of using the Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) and the associated Standard CMMI Appraisal Method for Process Improvement (SCAMPI) assessment process?

-It is a model of the specific software to be used in a program.
-Allows the contractor to rate their own software development processes and experience on a multi-level scale. The Government would then look at the contractor's self-assessment to produce defect-free software at a predicted cost and schedule.
-Is used by contractors to show clients how they develop various types of software.
-To rate potential software developers on their ability to produce software at a predicted cost and schedule using a four-level capability scale and a five-level maturity scale.

An 8a small disadvantaged business graduates from the 8a program after ____ years.


DoD services and agencies submit Program Objectives Memorandum (POM) to OSD, "and OSD issues the Resource Management Decision (RMD)" during which phase of the Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) process?


the government must conduct appropriate market research before soliciting offers from potential contractors. Various IPT members can participate. Cost analysts can provide input on ________.

-modifying the available products
-modifying the user's requirements
-developing product descriptions
-proper contract pricing information

responsibility for awarding the contract and any modifications for government contracts rests with the _____.

-Program Manager
-Contracting Officer
-Head of the Contracting Agency
-Defense Contract Audit Agency

Interoperability of command, control, communications, computers, and intelligence (C4I) systems is confirmed through testing overseen by the ____.

-Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment (USD, (A&S))
-Joint Staff
-Director, Developmental Test and Evaluation (DDT&E)
-Joint Interoperability Test Command (JITC)

Which of the following are "best practices" that may be appropriate for software intensive programs (Select all that apply)?

-Use metrics to manage and monitor risk
-Generate new code whenever possible
-Consider the risks of reusing existing software
-To speed development, only test software at completion

-Use metrics to manage and monitor risk

Full funding policy applies to the ____ appropriation category and states that ____.

-Procurement and Military Construction; DoD is to fund the total costs incurred to deliver a given quantity of useable end items.
-RDT&E; DoD is to fund the total costs to be incurred over a 12-month period.
-[[Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E); DoD is to fund the total costs incurred to develop and test a given quantity of useable end items. (INCORRECT)]]
-Procurement; DoD is to fund the total costs to be incurred over a 12-month period.

When financial managers adjust for cost inflation in programming and budgeting, they usually:

-Prepare initial estimates in base-year (constant) dollars and escalate costs into then-year (current) dollars
-Refer to Federal Reserve Board guidelines on outlay rates and income flows
-Revise their Program Objectives Memorandum (POM) submission based on the Resource Management Decision (RMD) released by the Deputy Secretary of Defense
-Expect investment appropriations, such as Procurement and Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDTE), to have quick outlay rates

Each Component (Services/Agencies) uses the guidance provided by the Planning phase of the Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) process to prepare its proposal for all available resources, including funding, force structure and personnel end strength, over a five year period. This proposal, submitted to the Secretary of Defense, is known as the:

-Defense Planning Guidance (DPG)
-Program Objectives Memorandum (POM)
-[[Budget Estimate Submission (BES) (INCORRECT)]]
-President's Budget (PB)

The primary unit of data in the future years defense program (FYDP) and normally the smallest aggregation of resources controlled by the office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) is the ____.

-Defense Appropriation Item
-Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) Cost Center
-Program Element
-Appropriation Line Item

in a _____ contract, the Government bears the financial risk of increased costs.

-Competitively awarded
-Cost plus fixed fee
-Firm fixed price
-Sole source

When selecting a software developer, years of experience in the software business should be the most important consideration. The amount of experience a contractor has developing the specific type of software needed is not as important as experience in general.


To ensure interoperability, compliance with the DoD IT Standards Registry (DISR) is required for all command, control, communications, computers, and intelligence (C4I) systems and automated information systems acquired within DoD.


When are all seven Integrated Program Management Report (IPMR) formats required?

-Fixed price contracts of $15 million or less
-Cost and incentive contracts of $50 million or more
-All DoD contracts
-Cost and incentive contracts of $15 million or less

In order to ensure that a contractor has an acceptable quality assurance system in place, the Government can require that a contractor be ISO 9001 certified.


Contracts greater than $100,000 are reserved for small business.


an example of participation in market research by the technical Integrated Product Team (IPT) members would be their evaluation of existing commercial products and non-developmental items (NDI)


three of the items below are considered best practices for software development. Which one of them is NOT a best practice for software development?

-Track defects against quality targets
-Practice configuration management and interface control
-Minimize the use of commercial software to reduce risk
-[[Use metrics (INCORRECT)]]

which of the following exceptions to the full funding policy would allow the government to budget for buying three years' worth of engines under one contract in order to save money?

-Advance Procurement
-Multiyear Procurement
-Low Rate Initial Production (LRIP)

Financial managers use escalation to consider the effects of inflation on an acquisition program by applying:

-Full funding policy to defense procurement appropriations requested in the budget
-Compound and composite indices to program cost estimates
-Incremental funding policy to Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) appropriations requested in the Program Objectives Memorandum (POM)
-[[Inflation factors to actual costs incurred by the contractor (INCORRECT)]]

The ____ assumes responsibility for monitoring how the contractor is doing in terms of cost, schedule, and technical performance

-Program Executive Office
-Program Manager
-Business/Financial manager
-Procuring Contracting Officer

In the process of conducting design considerations, a program's systems engineers are deciding from among Components A, B, and C. All three components meet performance requirements. Component C has the highest initial cost; however, due to its superior reliability, it is projected to lead to lower life cycle costs than Components A and B in the long run, and this will help meet the program's affordability goals. This is adequate justification forthe team to select Component C.

- True
- False

Which of the following supportability analysis tools relies on scheduled maintenance to spot a failure before it impacts system effectiveness?

- Level of Repair Analysis (LORA)
- Failure Modes, Effects and Criticality Analysis (FMECA)
- Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)
- Test, Analyze, Fix and Test (TAFT)

In our decision matrix, Option 1 receives a "3" for reliability and a "2" for cost, and Option 2 receives a "1" for reliability and a "3" for cost. The reliability criterion has been assigned a weight of 0.4 and the cost criterion has been assigned a weight of 0.6. In accordance with the decision matrix approach, which of the following statements is true?

- Option 2 is better than Option 1 because its total weighted score is lower.
- Option 1 and Option 2 each score a total of 2.5, therefore, either choice is fine.
- Option 1 is better than Option 2 because its total weighted score is higher.
-Option 2 is better than Option 1 because its total weighted score is higher.

Modeling and simulation can enhance the Systems Engineering process by:

- Providing designs that will consistently exceed functional capabilities.
- Eliminating technical risk before production begins.
- Helping IPT members to understand the interrelationship of components without physically changing the system.
- Quickly providing physical solutions to meet functional capabilities.

In accordance with DoD acquisition policy and guidance, every program should consider, at a minimum, ______, human systems integration, reliability, availability, and maintainability.

- Open systems architecture
- Return on assets
- Profit margin
- Return on investment

Which Systems Engineering tool would be used to describe the products to be developed under the terms of the contract?

- Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
- Technical Performance Measurement (TPM)
- Modeling and Simulation
- Trade Study

When making tradeoffs among competing features, what can be used to quantifiably compare alternatives by selecting, weighting, and applying criteria?

- Parametric modeling
- Decision matrix
- Delphi technique
- Least squares regression analysis

During the Developmental Test (DT) effort, the purpose of verification is to determine ______.

- Appropriate technical performance measures for a program
- Solutions to any unplanned technical issues that may arise
- Whether or not the system meets its "build to" specifications
- The needed capabilities to reduce the program's technical risk

What problem-solving process is used within an integrated Product and Process Development (IPPD) management process to provide a design that balances capability needs?

- Technical Performance Measurement
- Configuration Management
- Systems Engineering
- Test and Evaluation

A strategy that adopts interface standards that are defined by and widely used throughout industry to facilitate the update of components with new technology is _____?

- Non-developmental items
- Software-embedded systems
- Automated information systems
- Open systems

Reliability is how long an item or system will perform its function before it breaks. Good reliability will _____.

- Increase manpower waste
- Increase life cycle sustainment costs
- Decrease system readiness
- Decrease logistics support requirements

Which of the following design features is NOT likely to improve supportability?

- Use of minimum number of different sizes screws and bolts
- Requirement for highly trained individuals to perform routine maintenance
- Minimum number of tools required for routine maintenance
- Built-in hard points to allow maintenance work without external stands of scaffolding

One of the main purposes of the ____ portion of the PSA process is to relate design, operational, and supportability characteristics to system readiness objectives and goals.

- Operational assessment
- Analysis of product support
- Assessment and verification
- Manpower and personnel readiness

The capability of a system design to support operations and readiness at an affordable cost throughout the system's life is best described as ______?

- Reliability
- Producibility
- Maintainability
- Supportability

Using one of many Product Support Analysis tools, ______ is a tool that examines each failure to determine and classify its effect on the entire system.

- Mean Down Time (MDT)
- Failure Modes and Effects Criticality Analysis (FMECA)
- Test, Analyze, Fix, and Test (TAFT)
- Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM)

One of the primary purposes of Technical Performance Measures is to:

- Serve as a record for configuration management.
- Serve as a tool to mitigate risk.
- Test the feasibility of the Work Breakdown Structure.
- Track the effects of changes to the CDD.

Modeling and simulation, when properly planned for and implemented, has been shown to (Select all that apply):

- Increase technical risk
- Improve system quality
- Help make better decision
- Shorten program schedules

When making tradeoffs among competing features, what can be used to quantifiably compare alternatives by selecting, weighting, and applying criteria?

Decision matrix

Ultimately, the use of open systems design is expected to result in lower life cycle costs.


One of the primary purpose of Technical Performance Measures (TPM) is to

Serve as a tool to mitigate risk

Reliability is how long an item or system will perform its function before it breaks. Good reliability will

Decrease logistics support requirements

One of the benefits of using redundant back-up systems is:

Increased reliability

Which is true about the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)?

The WBS can be used to aid in the development of a Statement of Work (SOW) and the contract line items.

In accordance with DoD acquistion policy and guidance,e very program should consider, at a minimum, __________, humand systems integration, reliability, availability, and maintainability.

Open systems architecture

Modeling and simulation can enhance the systems engineering process by

1) Validate designs and feasibility of design concepts, 2) Identify potential relaibility and sustainability issues, 3) Reduceing technical risks

In our decision matrix, Option 1 receives a '3" for speed and a "1" for cost, and Option 2 receives a "2" for speed and a "2" for cost. The speed criterion has been assigned a weight of 0.4 and the cost criterion has been assigned a weight of 0.6. In accordance with the decision matrix approach. Which of the following statements is true

Option 2 is better than Option 1 because its total weighted score is higher.

The Systems Engineering Process primarily is used by acquisition management to manage technical risk, but it can also help to reduce program cost and schedule risk.

TRUE (Correct) False (Incorrect)

Using ________________, as part of the life cycle logistics and systems engineering processes to influence the design, also helps to determine the most cost effective way to support the system throughout its life.

Product Support Analysis (PSA)

Which of the following supportability analysis tools systematically identifies the likely modes of failure, and the criticality of each effect on mission completion, environmental impacts, health hazards, and system safety?

Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM) (Incorrect)

When applying the systems engineering process to determine the optimal design solution, the impact on both immediate costs and life cycle costs needs to be considered, with the greatest weight placed on immediate costs.

True (Incorrect) False (Correct)

During the Developmental Test (DT) effort, the purpose of verification is to determine ______.

- Whether or not the system meets its "build to" specifications

Using ________________, as part of the life cycle logistics and systems engineering processes to influence the design, also helps to determine the most cost effective way to support the system throughout its life.

Product Support Analysis (PSA)

APB is a formal agreement between whom

MDA and the program manager

how long does the PM have to notify the MDA of breach

30 dyas

Nunn Mcurty reporting criteria


when PM has the flexability to work in trade space

between threshold and objective parameters

When is obligation authority for the Program is suspended

When congressional reporting timelines are not met

Nun Mcourty breaches affect


APB is developed for Milestone


a change in a cost perameter can you have other changes is other cost and schedule perameters


The definition of Termination of a contract, for comercial, efault and convience


When would you go to court for litigation

1Court is most appropriate when:
Dispute is over issues of law
Full public record is required
Fraud is suspected
Other party is likely to falsely present their case

definitions of ADR types



A neutral third party listens to the issues, helps develop options, and works with the disputing parties to obtain a negotiated settlement


A neutral technical expert renders an advisory decision to both parties based on the facts presented by the disputing parties


Senior-level management listens to both parties and renders a decision

Non-binding Arbitration

A neutral third party renders a non-binding decision based on evidence presented by disputing parties

COR's Role in Modifying a Contract

*KOs can modify a contract
The KO can designate qualified personnel as their authorized representatives. (COR)

Change orders are authorized by

the "changes clause" in non-commercial contracts, which require contractors to continue performance as changed. (Examples: Drawings, Shipping method, Place of delivery)

A constructive change is

an oral or written act or failure to act by a government official (in position of authority), interpreted
by the contractor as having the same effect as a written change order.

Common causes of constructive changes include the following:

Inadequate Requirements/Documents
Improperly Interpreted Specifications (Impossible to Perform)
Overly Strict Inspection
Government Delay
Improper/unauthorized Technical Direction
Acceleration of work or performance

Personal Liability

The individual that causes the constructive change is liable!

The five categories of money are

Research, Development, Test and Evaluation (RDT&E)


Operations and Maintenance (O&M)

Military Personnel (MILPERS)

Military Construction (MILCON)

Operations and Maintenance (O&M)

The O&M appropriation category funds the following types of items and activities:
Day-to-day operations
Headquarters operations
Civilian salaries
Minor construction
Training and education
Expenses of operational military forces
Base operations support

Earned Value Management System (EVMS)

A fundamental program management requirement of any acquisition is
insight into the contractor's progress
EVM implementation ensures the PM is provided with contractor cost, schedule, and performance information which:
Relates time-phased budgets to specific contract tasks
Indicates work progress
Properly relates cost, schedule, and technical accomplishment
Is valid, timely, and able to be audited
Allows for statistical estimation of completion of technical, schedule, and costs
Supplies managers with information at a practical level of summarization
Is derived from the same management systems used by the contractor to manage
the contract

Logistics and Sustainment Take-aways

Loss of training personnel CAN endanger the success of a new system.
NOT all software problems and defects are detected through testing.
The preferred support strategy within DoD, whenever practical, includes PMs working directly with users to develop and implement the required agreements in Performance Based Logistics.
Sustainment planning includes the delivery of all logistics elements after the system is fielded that result in operational readiness.
In regards to Logistics and Sustainment, the primary purpose of deployment planning is to ensure a smooth introduction of the system to the end user.***
IPT members prepare their replacements to ensure continuity which is a personnel turnover method

Leadership and Ethics

Classical Models
Consequentialism / Utilitarianism
End justifies the means as long as the greater good is served
The Golden Rule
"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
Kant's Absolute Moral Duties
'Higher truths' are not flexible and there are no exceptions

Josephine institute of ethics

Trustworthiness Respect
Responsibility Justice & Fairness
Caring Civic Virtue & Citizenship

The Principled Decision-Making model

model combines aspects of all three classical models
It calls for decisions to take into consideration the welfare of all stakeholders
It also expects ethical values, such as trustworthiness and fairness, to take precedence over other values, such as efficiency or self-interest
Finally, it offers help in prioritizing conflicting ethical values based on what will bring the most good and the least harm to others

Understand change clause, when can be used in contract

method of shipping, changes in drawings, allowed for KO by change clause

Situations that lead to constructive change

Unauthorized technical direction from government
Person can be held liable for constructive change

IPT leadership styles

Open discussions with no secrets.
Qualified, empowered team members.
Consistent, success-oriented, proactive participation.
Continuous "up-the-line" communications.
Reasoned disagreement.
Issues raised and resolved early

, three styles of leadership are common in the workplace:

Team leadership

Technical reviews include tech rep by experts a chairman will be requested to be a

senior official outside the program

do we conduct tech reviews when

throughout the life cycle

Critical Design Review establishes

Detailed Product Baseline

when do you review the system specification

system requirements review

what do tech reviews help with

reduce both program and technical risk wether or not to proceede answer all are correct

CM ensures designes are traceable to requirements

All are correct

CM controlles and docs changes


3 config base lines

and product

the contractor is respon for which base line

The product base line

gov base line

fiunctional or system level