CCMRF Tactical Course

The job of the CCMRF is to focus on what caused the CBRNE incident

False answer

CCMRF units would most likely be deployed and employed under.

The President's Constitutional authority
The Stafford Act
The SECDEF's statutory authority
All of the above

What kind of function does a "posse comitatus" perform?

Law enforcement

Which National Guard team augments the WMD-CSTs?

CBRNE Enhanced Force Package (CERPs)

How many force package can be involved in a CCMRF deployment?


Which of the following are reimbursable expenses?

Travel and per diem expenses of military and civilian personnel
Cost of consumable items of supply requisitioned for issue to disaster victims
Cost to repair or recondition non-consumable items returned
Cost to pack and crate supplies and equipment

DoD plays a minor role in the National Disaster Medical System's patient evacuation and logistics operations


After samples are analyzed for contamination, the results should be sent to whom?

The Incident Commander

Which of the following biological agents can be relatively persistent and may require decontamination?

Anthrax, Tularemia, Ricin, Botulism

Decontamination processes must be established for personnel and equipment exiting which zones

Hot zone, Warm zone

Most logistics support requirements will probably come from the:

Base support installation

In a DSCA operation, when will CCMRF members will receive a briefing on the Communications Plan?

During Joint Reception, Staging, Onward Movement and Integration (JRSON)

Which Federal civilian organization can provide 24/7 availability to deploy and provide emergency medical service at incidents involving radiation anywhere in the world?

Radiation Emergency Assistance Center/Training Site (REAC/TS)

What is the primary mechanism for forecasting and filling routine logistical requirements and tracking requirements?

Situation Report (SITREP)

How many force packages can be involved in a CCMRF deployment?

The Economy Act allows reimbursable agreements between Federal agencies for total costs, when which of the following apply:

One Federal agency needs goods/services

Another Federal agency can provide the goods/services

The goods/services cannot be provided by contract as conveniently or economically by a commercial enterprise

All of the above

Any costs incurred before a disaster declaration is made, which generally reflect "leaning forward" to be prepared for a possible response, are funded by the unit through direct budget authority while response costs incurred after a disaster declaration are often reimbursable under the Stafford Act.


DoD plays a minor role in the National Disaster Medical System's patient evacuation and logistics operations.


The Posse Comitatus Act applies to the Army and Air Force, but not to the Navy, Marines, or Coast Guard.


DoD will respond to a catastrophic incident only after local, State, and Federal civilian agencies are overwhelmed.


The CCMRF may respond to a catastrophic incident only at the direction of the President or Secretary of Defense


There are no exceptions to the Posse Comitatus Act


Which of the following is a critical National Guard CBRNE response unit

When commenting on any aspect of the response, DoD personnel should understand and make clear that we are playing a _____ role


What kind of functions does a "posse comitatus" perform

Cost to repair or recondition non-consumable items returned
Travel and per diem expenses of military and civilian personnel
Cost to pack and crate supplies and equipment
Cost of consumable items of supply requisitioned for issue to disaster victims

Which Federal civilian organization uses fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft to assess the location, size, dispersion pattern, radioisotope content, and radiation intensity of the contamination on the ground?

Aerial Measuring System (AMS)