Force Protection ZZ133079 - Active Shooter Training

Q: True or False: In most cases, active shooters use firearms and there is no pattern or method to their selection of victims.
A: True

Q: True or False: Most active shooter incidents follow a predictable pattern.
A: False

Q: True or False: There are NEVER any early indicators of a possible active shooter.
A: False

Q: Scenario. Maria just heard gunshots in her office building. She knows the shooter is nearby but she cannot see him/her. The stairway to the first floor is a long distance from her office. What is Maria's safest response?
A: Lock and barricade office door, be prepared to fight

Q: True or False: When emergency personnel arrive at an active shooter scene, it is only okay to stop and speak to them if you need directions to safety.
A: False

Q: True or False: An active shooter's physical description is not relevant when providing information to first responders; instead, only provide the shooter's location, number of weapons, and types of weapons.
A: False

Q: How can deployed personnel prepare for an active shooter situation? Select ALL that apply.
A: Understand the rules of engagement. Mentally rehearse actions and responses. Be mentally prepared to use his or her weapon. Know how to put your weapon into action from a duty configuration.

Q: In a deployed environment, you must REACT. What does the "R" in REACT represent?
A: Respond to the situation

(1)TSgt Holland suspects she may have been exposed to a biological agent. What steps should she take: A: Cover her mouth and nose, get away in a hurry and warn others, seek medical attention, use soap and water to wash areas suspected of exposure, contact authorities

(2) What actions should be taken by someone who has inhaled a chemical agent? Select ALL that apply A: Move upwind to an area with good ventilation, cover as much of your body as possible, seek medical attention, contact authorities, move to higher elevation, wash areas in contact with chemical agents with warm soapy water,