JKO Haemophilus Influenza Type B Questions and Answers

Which action is most likely to result in infection with Hib bacteria?

Breathing in droplets sprayed out of the respiratory tract of an infected person

What is the most common adverse reaction to Hib vaccine in adults?

Redness, swelling, and soreness at the injection site

Which statement about Haemophilus influenzae type b is accurate?

Invasive Hib infections occur most commonly in children younger than 5 years of age

Hib bacteria is spread through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes.


An adult has bacteremia caused by H. influenzae type b. How are invasive Hib infections in adults treated?

A course of IV antibiotics, followed by a course of corresponding oral antibiotics

Which illness can be caused by H. influenzae bacteria?


A healthy man has been given a Hib vaccine. He asks how effective the vaccine is at preventing Hib illness. Which answer is most correct?

95% to 100% effective

A 2 year old with sickle cell disease who has a mild upper respiratory infection without fever should receive a Hib vaccine.


Which statement about Hib vaccine is accurate?

Hib vaccine is made by binding polysaccharide from the Hib bacteria capsule to a protein carrier

Hib vaccine contraindications include the following:

Age younger than 6 weeks and a severe allergic reaction to vaccine component

Hib vaccine is a conjugate vaccine. This means the vaccine is made by ________

attaching protein carriers to Hib capsule antigens

Which statement is correct and included in the Hib Vaccine Information Statement (VIS)?

Before the Hib vaccine, Hib disease was the leading cause of bacterial meningitis among children under 5 years old in the United States

What is the main purpose of conjugating purified capsular polysaccharide from H. influenzae type b to a protein carrier?

To enhance antibody production against Hib bacteria and provide longer lasting immunity

Prior to administering Hib vaccine, all personnel who administer vaccines should receive competency-based training?


What is the recommended schedule for giving ActHIB vaccine to an infant?

2, 4, 6, and 12-15 months of age

A man who had a bone marrow transplant 5 months ago should receive a Hib vaccine today.


A 40 year old man who will start chemotherapy in 3 weeks should receive a Hib vaccine.


You have just given a 2 month old her first dose of ActHIB vaccine. The recommendation for the remaining doses is:

4, 6, and 12-15 months

What is the minimum age requirement for the Hib vaccine?

6 weeks

How many doses of Hib vaccine usually are given to an adult who needs to be protected against Hib disease?


What is the recommended route for giving Hib vaccine to an infant?

intramuscularly into the vastus lateralis muscle

The number of doses of Hib vaccine depends on the child's current age.


Hib vaccine is given to older children and adults into the _____.

muscle of the deltoid

Children who receive their first dose of Hib vaccine when they are 7 months of age or older still need at least four doses of vaccine.


A man who is receiving chemotherapy for Hodgkin's and has a history of severe allergic reactions to eggs should not receive a Hib vaccine today.


What is the most common adverse reaction after Hib vaccination?

Redness and swelling at the injection site

Hib bacteria can live in the nasopharynx for several months without causing illness.
