JKO Yellow Fever Course Questions and Answers

A person planning a trip to a country that requires travelers to have a yellow fever vaccination certificate can get both the vaccination and the certificate from any healthcare provider.


What type of adverse reaction is most commonly linked to yellow fever vaccine administration?

Soreness at the injection site

Which statement is correct and included in the Yellow Fever Vaccine Information Statement (VIS)?

People 60 years of age or older should check with their doctor before getting yellow fever vaccine as they might be at increased risk for severe problems following vaccination.

Click on Yes if you think the person should receive Yellow Fever vaccine today, on No if you think vaccine administration would be contraindicated, or on it depends if it would depend on the situation. A 40-year-old man who takes oral inhaled steroids for asthma.


Based on the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices' recommendation, the administration of a single dose of yellow fever vaccine provides lifelong immunity; therefore, a booster dose is no longer required every 10 years for most travelers at risk for the disease.


What do yellow fever, West Nile fever, Japanese encephalitis, and tick-borne encephalitis all have in common?

They are al caused by single strand RNA virus in the flaviviridae

Which statement is correct about the administration of yellow fever vaccine?

Yellow fever vaccine should be administered subcutaneously

Click on Yes if you think the person should receive Yellow Fever vaccine today, on No if you think vaccine administration would be contraindicated, or on it depends if it would depend on the situation. A 5-month-old infant in good health.


How long is the incubation period for yellow fever?

3 to 6 days

What area of the world has the highest annual incidence of yellow fever illness?

West Africa

How is a yellow fever outbreak best prevented in a population

Yellow fever vaccine and eradication of mosquitoes

In general, what percentage of people who become clinically ill with yellow fever will progress to the more serious "toxic phase"?


Which symptom appears in the toxic phase, but not in the initial or transient phase of yellow fever illness?


What makes people with yellow fever turn yellow?

Liver damage

To date, which is the only treatment that has been shown to be effective in treating yellow fever?

Providing supportive care