JKO Joint Integrated Persistent Surveillance 2hrs Questions and Answers

All the following are considered solutions to persistent surveillance shortfalls, except:

lengthen reaction times

Which of the following is not recommended for improving persistence surveillance missions:

ad-hoc processes

The use of one intelligence discipline, asset, or sensor type to cross-cue or initiate collection by another sensor is defined as:


What is a planned event where a second asset is tasked with providing greater visibility and visibility of the target to confirm assumptions or provide additional detail?

Weighing the gains of the persistent surveillance against the loss of collection on other requirements is a consideration just for the asset manager.

Which role is responsible for integrating national and theater intelligence assets to the lowest level?


Which of the following is NOT part of the Joint Intelligence Preparation of the Operational Environment (JIPOE) process?

Producing a detailed list of intelligence requirements

Which of the following questions should you consider when determining if an RFI is complete?

All of these are considered when reviewing an RFI for completeness

Which of the following is a goal of collaboration and synchronization?

actively share operational awareness concerning collection assets and requirements.

Which role is responsible for synchronizing their efforts with supported military operations and synchronizing asset coverage to facilitate cross-cueing during persistent surveillance planning?


_______ is a vital tool to rapidly identify necessary situations for re-tasking and to effectively coordinate between higher, lower and adjacent units.


Collection Asset Baseline (CAB) is described as a comprehensive, common and readily adaptable view of the available collection capabilities in their given theater of operations. T/F
