JKO (OPSEC) Operations Security Annual Refresher Questions and Answers

All EUCOM personnel must know the difference between:
-OPSEC and traditional security programs.
-Operations and OPSEC.
-None of the answers are correct.
-Operational limitations and OPSEC.

~Operations and OPSEC.

An OPSEC indicator is defined as:
-An OPSEC measurement used to assess the effectiveness of the program via measures of performance and measures of effectiveness.
-An OPSEC situation that indicates adversary activity.
-The key piece of OPSEC information used to brief individuals prior to deployments in support of named operations.
-Friendly detectable actions and open-source information that can be pieced together by an adversary to derive critical information as well as an OPSEC measurement used to assess the effectiveness of the program via measures of performance.
-Friendly detectable actions and open-source information that can be interpreted or pieced together by an adversary to derive critical information.

~An OPSEC situation that indicates adversary activity.

Operations Security (OPSEC) defines Critical Information as:
-Specific facts about friendly intentions, capabilities, and activities needed by adversaries to plan and act effectively against friendly mission accomplishment.
-Classified information critical to the development of all military activities.
-Classified information critical to the development of operational plans.
-Information needed by NATO forces in order to coordinate coalition and multinational operations.
-All answers are correct.

Specific facts about friendly intentions, capabilities, and activities needed by adversaries to plan and act effectively against friendly mission accomplishment.

The Joint COMSEC Monitoring Activity provides OPSEC assistance by:
-Monitoring communications only for specific named operations.
-Monitoring of COMMAND SECURITY (COMSEC) processes and procedures.
-Monitoring NIPR email traffic.
-Monitoring unclassified government telephones.
-Monitoring unclassified government telephones and monitoring NIPR email traffic.

~Monitoring of COMMAND SECURITY (COMSEC) processes and procedures.
-Monitoring NIPR email traffic.

Who has oversight of the OPSEC program?
-Each EUCOM member person has program oversight and must ensure OPSEC is applied at all times.
-The Commander US European Command.
-The EUCOM Directors and EUCOM Component Commanders.
-All answers are correct.
-The EUCOM Security Program Manager.

~The EUCOM Security Program Manager.

Where is the CIL located?
-On the EUCOM NIPR and SIPR homepages and accessed via the OPSEC ICON.
-On the wall of the EUCOM J3/Joint Operations Center.
-On NIRP and SIPR desktops and on the EUCOM NIPR and SIPR homepages and accessed via the OPSEC ICON.
-In the EUCOM J2/Intelligence Directorate.
-On both the NIPR and SIPR desktops via the OPSEC ICON

~On the EUCOM NIPR and SIPR homepages and accessed via the OPSEC ICON.

OPSEC is concerned with:
-Identifying and controlling classified and unclassified information.
-Identifying and controlling classified information.
-Identifying, controlling, and protecting unclassified information that is associated with specific military operations and activities.
-The daily administrative activities associated with military operations.
-Controlling the operations of daily activities.

~Identifying and controlling classified and unclassified information.

OPSEC's most important characteristic is that:
-It provides guidance and direction to senior leadership.
-It focuses on the adversary's vulnerabilities.
-It is a product that is used daily.
-None of the answers apply.
-It is a process.

~It is a product that is used daily.

The purpose of OPSEC is to:
-Inform all members of the military the dangers associated with improper handling of operational plans.
-All answers apply.
-Reduce the vulnerability of US and multinational forces from successful adversary exploitation of critical information.
-Increase the amount of time required to develop a CONOP or standing plan.
-Prevent the adversary from gaining access to classified information.

~All answers apply.

What action should a member take if it is believed that an OPSEC disclosure has occurred?
-None of the answers are correct.
-Report the OPSEC disclosure immediately to the EUCOM J2 Security Office.
-Take direct action and conceal the disclosure immediately as it constitutes a critical threat that must be rectified.
-Do nothing as it is not your responsibility.
-Report the OPSEC disclosure to your OPSEC representative or the EUCOM OPSEC PM.

~Report the OPSEC disclosure immediately to the EUCOM J2 Security Office.

OPSEC countermeasures can be used to:
-Assist in the identification of OPSEC vulnerabilities.
-Prevent the adversary from exploiting a vulnerability.
-Assist in the development of daily support to secure all unclassified information.
-Prevent the adversary from detecting an indicator and from exploiting a vulnerability.
-Prevent the adversary from detecting an indicator.

Prevent the adversary from detecting an indicator and from exploiting a vulnerability.

-A program designed to ensure the safety of all information.
-A process that is a systematic method used to identify, control, and protect critical information.
-All answers are correct.
-A set of tactics, techniques and procedures requiring daily implementation.

~All answers are correct.

The identification of critical information is a key part of the OPSEC process because:
-It focuses the OPSEC process on protecting all unclassified information.
-None of the answers are correct.
-It is required by the JTF commander to formulate operational COAs in the planning process.
-It is the fifth and final step of the OPSEC process.
-It focuses the remainder of the OPSEC process on protecting vital information rather than attempting to protect all unclassified information.

~It focuses the remainder of the OPSEC process on protecting vital information rather than attempting to protect all unclassified information.

After initial OPSEC training upon arrival to the command all personnel are required to:
-Accomplish OPSEC annual refresher training and inform their OPSEC representative that training has been accomplish, therefore no further OPSEC training is required until the following year.
-Inform the EUCOM J2 Security Office of Initial OPSEC training completion.
-Accomplish OPSEC annual refresher training.
-Inform their OPSEC representative that initial OPSEC training has been accomplished and therefore no further OPSEC training is required until the following calendar year.
-Enter the date of initial OPSEC training completion into the JTIMS system.

Accomplish OPSEC annual refresher training.

OPSEC planning should focus on:
-Identifying adversary order of battle information.
-Routine daily activities that only include classified information.
-Routine daily activities to include all unclassified information.
-None of the answers apply.
-Identifying and protecting critical information.

Identifying and protecting critical information.

What is the CIL?
-The Consolidated Intelligence Listing.
-None of the answers are correct.
-The Center for Information at Langley.
-The Classification of Intelligence List.
-The Critical Information List.

The Critical Information List.

A vulnerability exists when:
-The adversary is capable of collecting critical information, correctly analyzing it, and then taking timely action.
-Friendly forces detect a weakness in their operations and when the adversary is capable of collecting critical information, correctly analyzing it, and then taking timely action.
-The adversary is able to collect friendly critical information.
-Friendly forces detect a weakness in their operations.
-The adversary is capable of detecting critical information.

The adversary is capable of collecting critical information, correctly analyzing it, and then taking timely action.

Understanding that protection of sensitive unclassified information is:
-The responsibility of Military members.
-The responsibility of only the OPSEC Program Managers.
-The responsibility of Military and Government Civilians.
-The responsibility of all persons, including civilians and contractors The responsibility of Contractors

The responsibility of all persons, including civilians and contractors The responsibility of Contractors

-None of the answers are correct.
-A security function not an operations function.
-All of the answers are correct.
-An operations function, not a security function.
-A COMSEC function and not a security function.

An operations function, not a security function.

OPSEC as a capability of Information Operations
-All answers are correct.
-Provides additional time for the synchronization of the 5-Core Information Operations Capabilities.
-Denies the adversary the information needed to correctly assess friendly capabilities and intentions.
-Provides guidance and responsibility for coordinating all information operations.
-Is considered the most important capability of Information Operations.

~Provides guidance and responsibility for coordinating all information operations.
~All answers are correct.