JKO Emergency Preparedness Response Course (EPRC) - Operator Course

Which of the following is NOT a challenge in gaining access and acceptance?

similar cultural values (correct)

This form of detection provides warning in sufficient time to implement protective and/or treatment measures before exposure to agent.

Detection to warn (correct)

Radiation burns, which cause delayed, irreversible changes of the skin, can be caused by high doses of what form of ionizing radiation?

Beta (correct)

Which of the following is a cyanide antidote?

Nitrite (correct)

A patient presented with the following symptoms for the past week: fever, chills and weakness, very swollen tender lymph nodes of bubo, and skin ulcerations. He states the ulcerations are exactly where very small insects bit him. Which type of plague is responsible for the patient's symptoms?

Bubonic (correct)

Over 20 people who worked together developed cough, excess fluid in their lungs, and difficulty breathing. Chest x-rays show bilateral infiltrates with bronchial aspirates rich in protein. Several died. What was the likely agent?

Ricin (correct)

Which of the following agents is considered to be a slow effect agent?

Chlorine (correct)

Experts anticipate that biological incidents are ________________.

the most likely to occur, and will have the greatest impact on the greatest number of people. (correct)

How is the victim of a pulmonary agent exposure presenting with respiratory distress less than 4 hours after exposure classified?

Expectant (correct)

Advantages of adopting a comprehensive all-hazards approach include the following EXCEPT:

Attention is directed towards a single hazard (correct)

During which post disaster phase do survivors realize that they will need to solve their problems of rebuilding their homes, businesses, and lives and have gradually assumed the responsibility to do so?

Reconstruction/Recovery Phase (correct)

Eyes are the most vulnerable to this agent due to their thin, moist, warm mucosa.

Sulfur mustard (correct)

The Disaster Mental Health Response Team can be called upon to assist victims and disaster responders. Which of the following is NOT a service that they may provide:

Provide professional psychological treatment (correct)

All of the following are procedures for activating the Hospital Incident Command System (HICS) EXCEPT:

Refer to your Job Action Sheet (JAS) for response duties (correct)

The immediate concern of chlorine exposure is the effects on the ____?

Airway and lungs (correct)

Which of the following would NOT be used for the detection or collection of radiological material?

Nucleic acid amplification (correct)

ICS has been used to manage incidents such as fires, earthquakes, hurricanes, and acts of terrorism. Which of the following situations represents another viable application for the use of ICS?

The planning and operation of the Central City annual Labor Day celebration, including a parade and fair. (correct)

Decontamination will be conducted in the __________ hazard control zone.

Warm (correct)

Smallpox can spread from one person to another by the following routes:

All of the Above (correct)

What form of ionizing radiation is the least penetrating?

Alpha (correct)

__________ occurs outside of the incident area when people come in contact with a contaminated person or object.

Secondary Contamination (correct)

How is the victim of vesicant (blister agent) exposure with skin burn over less than 5 percent of Body Surface Area (BSA) and minor eye irritation classified?

Minimal (correct)

A nerve gas attack has occurred in one of the city's underground subway stations. This is the second attack this month. After arriving on the scent, a veteran responder, considered a "tough guy" by his team, freezes up and is unable to continue. After talking to him, you determine he responded to the previous attack. What personal situation stressor is this veteran exhibiting?

Prior disaster experience (correct)

A patient suffering blast effect presents with dyspnea, some hearing loss, and tinnitus following an explosion. Which of the following is NOT a likely diagnosis?

Intestinal rupture (correct)

Which of the following compounds can be administered to reduce the absorption of radiation that targets the thyroid?

Potassium Iodide (correct)

Type of decontamination that is carried out by a unit to reduce contamination equal to natural background or to the lowest level possible.

Thorough (correct)

Which of the following cell types are least sensitive to ionizing radiation damage?

Cells that divide slowly (correct)

Processed foods and temperature-abused foods are most commonly associated with ________ poisoning.

Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B (SEB) (correct)

What is the role of the liaison officer within the Hospital Incident Command System (HICS)?

Determination of genetic differences in pathogens may allow determination of source laboratories (correct)

Which of the bacterial disease produces a non-specific illness that may produce a prolonged disability but is rarely fatal?

Q Fever (correct)

What is the value of verification or confirmation of biological agents?

Determination of genetic differences in pathogens may allow determination of source laboratories (correct)

What level of civilian chemical equipment would healthcare providers don when providing initial medical treatment after an incident but not involved with decontamination?

Level C (correct)

Which of the following is a way to organize chemical agents that manifest most of their symptoms for several hours to days?

Slow effect (correct)

A secondary explosive device has been spotted. Which of the following options describes how to proceed?

Withdraw at least 50 yards from the scene and tell the Incident Commander (IC) immediately. (correct)

What is the most available explosive agent?

Nitroglycerin (correct)

Which of the following bacterial diseases produce ulcers on the skin?

Tularemia (correct)

The decontamination site should NOT be located:

Near waterways and drainage systems (correct)

Patient presents with 5-day-old blisters/rash mostly on the arm, face, and hands. No scabs are present. Patient reports fever started several days before blisters appeared. Based on the information would you suspect chickenpox or smallpox?

Smallpox, because the rash is centrifugal on the patient (correct)

Select the two categories Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is generally divided into.

Respiratory Protection & Chemical Protective Garments (correct)

Wearing PPE can put the responder at considerable risk both physically and psychologically. Which of the following is NOT considered a risk factor?

Hyperactivity (correct)

Acute Radiation Syndrome results from high-level external exposure to ionizing radiation. Which sub-syndrome is normally seen at the higher range of exposure?

Neurovascular Syndrome (correct)

Your patient is recovering from injuries sustained in a terrorist incident and is exhibiting stress symptoms. Which of the following is a common behavior reaction associated with severe short-term stress reactions?

Substance abuse (correct)

Secretary of Defense has the responsibility to provide defense support to civil authorities when the actions:

are legal (correct)

How is the victim of nerve agent exposure presenting with convulsions classified?

Immediate (correct)

Nerve agents are organophosphorus agents that cause all the following EXCEPT?

Slow heart rate (correct)

Which phase of CBRN response synchronizes planning and execution efforts with the efforts of the supported civil authorities?

Phase III - Operate (correct)

All-hazards are often categorized as:

Man-made: technological (correct)

When conducting a medical assessment, what status is checked first?

Respiratory Status (correct)

What directive establishes policies to strengthen the preparedness of the US to prevent and respond to threatened or actual domestic terrorist attack, major disasters and other emergencies by requiring a national domestic all-hazards preparedness goal?

Presidential Policy Directive-8 (correct)

Penetrating trauma caused by shrapnel is usually attributed to which of the following?

Secondary blast effect (correct)

During which post disaster phase do survivors realize that they will need to solve their problems of rebuilding their homes, businesses, and lives and have gradually assumed the responsibility to do so?

Reconstruction/Recovery Phase

What Mission Oriented Protective Posture (MOPP) level provides the greatest level of protection?


How is the victim of vesicant (blister agent) exposure with skin burn over less than 5 percent of Body Surface Area (BSA) and minor eye irritation classified?


Experts anticipate that biological incidents are ________________.

the most likely to occur, and will have the greatest impact on the greatest number of people.

How is the victim of nerve agent exposure presenting with convulsions classified?


Eyes are the most vulnerable to this agent due to their thin, moist, warm mucosa.

Sulfur mustard

What is the most available explosive agent?


Radiation burns, which cause delayed, irreversible changes of the skin, can be caused by high doses of what form of ionizing radiation?


What is the role of the liaison officer within the Hospital Incident Command System (HICS)?

Function as the incident contact person for representatives from other agencies

Type of decontamination that is carried out by a unit to reduce contamination equal to natural background or to the lowest level possible.


Which of the following bacterial disease is contagious person to person?

Pneumonic plague

The decontamination site should NOT be located:

Near waterways and drainage systems

Acute Radiation Syndrome results from high-level external exposure to ionizing radiation. Which sub-syndrome is normally seen at the higher range of exposure?

Neurovascular Syndrome

All of the following are procedures for activating the Hospital Incident Command System (HICS) EXCEPT:

Refer to your Job Action Sheet (JAS) for response duties

Over 20 people who worked together developed cough, excess fluid in their lungs, and difficulty breathing. Chest x-rays show bilateral infiltrates with bronchial aspirates rich in protein. Several died. What was the likely agent?


A nerve gas attack has occurred in one of the city's underground subway stations. This is the second attack this month. After arriving on the scent, a veteran responder, considered a "tough guy" by his team, freezes up and is unable to continue. After talking to him, you determine he responded to the previous attack. What personal situation stressor is this veteran exhibiting?

Prior disaster experience

Chlorine casualties that require immediate treatment would most likely be suffering from:


Your patient is recovering from injuries sustained in a terrorist incident and is exhibiting stress symptoms. Which of the following is a common behavior reaction associated with severe short-term stress reactions?

Substance abuse

A patient is exhibiting the following symptoms: fever, cough, dyspnea, prominent gastrointestinal symptoms, absence of buboes. Which form of plague is responsible?


__________ occurs when people comes in direct contact with a harmful agent at or near an incident.


Select the two categories Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is generally divided into.

Respiratory Protection & Chemical Protective Garments

START stands for:

Simple Triage and Rapid Treatment

What form of ionizing radiation is the least penetrating?


How is the victim of a pulmonary agent exposure presenting with respiratory distress less than 4 hours after exposure classified?


ICS has been used to manage incidents such as fires, earthquakes, hurricanes, and acts of terrorism. Which of the following situations represents another viable application for the use of ICS?

The planning and operation of the Central City annual Labor Day celebration, including a parade and fair.

What is the value of verification or confirmation of biological agents?

Determination of genetic differences in pathogens may allow determination of source laboratories

Which phase of CBRN response focuses on the prioritization of forces to deploy for mission task?

Phase II - Response

A secondary explosive device has been spotted. Which of the following options describes how to proceed?

Withdraw at least 50 yards from the scene and tell the Incident Commander (IC) immediately.

Which of the following is a way to organize chemical agents that manifest most of their symptoms within seconds or minutes?

Fast effect

Area immediately surrounding a hazardous material incident which extends far enough to protect personnel outside the zone from contamination.

Hot Hazard Zone

What device detects and discriminates between nerve and mustard vapors and can be used to sort contaminated and clean personnel during decontamination?

Improved Chemical Agent Monitor (ICAM)

What type of biological toxin is predominantly derived from the bean of the castor plant?


What type of care is a stress management component that fosters a mourning process and helps treat psychological stress reactions?

Pastoral care

Secretary of Defense has the responsibility to provide defense support to civil authorities when the actions:

are legal

Which of the following statements does NOT describe spores produced by Bacillus anthracis, causative agent of anthrax?

Sensitive to UV light.

Patient presents with 5-day-old blisters/rash mostly on the arm, face, and hands. No scabs are present. Patient reports fever started several days before blisters appeared. Based on the information would you suspect chickenpox or smallpox?

Smallpox, because the rash is centrifugal on the patient

Which of the following cell types are least sensitive to ionizing radiation damage?

Cells that divide slowly

What is the comprehensive preparedness required to manage the casualties resulting from the host of possible hazards?

All-hazard preparedness

What directive establishes policies to strengthen the preparedness of the US to prevent and respond to threatened or actual domestic terrorist attack, major disasters and other emergencies by requiring a national domestic all-hazards preparedness goal?

Presidential Policy Directive-8

One of the five intervention principles in the management of the stress response is promoting the sense of safety. How can this be accomplished?

Leadership provide an accurate, organized voice to help circumvent threat

Wearing PPE can put the responder at considerable risk both physically and psychologically. Which of the following is NOT considered a risk factor?

Nerve agents are organophosphorus agents that cause all the following EXCEPT?

Slow heart rate

This form of detection provides warning in sufficient time to implement protective and/or treatment measures before exposure to agent.

Detection to warn

For which virus is the mosquito not known as a possible vector?


Which of the following agents is considered to be a slow effect agent?


A patient suffering blast effect presents with dyspnea, some hearing loss, and tinnitus following an explosion. Which of the following is NOT a likely diagnosis?

Intestinal rupture

Advantages of adopting a comprehensive all-hazards approach include the following EXCEPT:

Attention is directed towards a single hazard

Penetrating trauma caused by shrapnel is usually attributed to which of the following?

Secondary blast effect

Which of the following compounds can be administered to reduce the absorption of radiation that targets the thyroid?

Potassium Iodide

________ blocks aerobic metabolism by interfering with cell use of oxygen.
