JKO Mental Health Assessment Health Care Personnel Training Course

n accordance with Title 10, United States Code, 1074m, Mental Health Assessments for Members of the Armed Forces Deployed in Connection with a Contingency Operation, deployment mental health assessments are required for the following Service members deployed in connection with a contingency operation:

All of the above

Follow-up questions assessing functional impairment help providers identify which of the following items?

All of the above

How many questions on the Primary Care PTSD Screen (PC-PTSD) must be answered "yes" to require administration of the PTSD Checklist - Civilian version (PCL-C)?

Two or more

At or above what PCL-C score is a referral for a mental health evaluation required (assuming the deplorer self-reported level of functioning is "very difficult" to "extremely difficult")?


MHA provider will complete only Part C, Section II of the PHA and must certify the Mental Health Assessment process by signing and dating the Mental Assessment portion of the PHA.


What is the time period covered by the questions in the PTSD Screening checklist PCL-C?

One month

Providers can use the Alcohol Feedback Cards to show Service Members how their drinking compares to the drinking of deployed Service members. In what ways are the feedback cards broken down?

A and B

During provider feedback, you should offer an impression of the Service member's symptoms and referral options.


After completing the Self-Report Survey, Service members must:

Can proceed directly to the person-to-person interview if screening for PTSD and depression is negative

During the person-to-person interview, the provider performs which of the following functions?

All of the above

The brief intervention for managing risky drinking includes which of the following activities?

All of the above

How many questions on the Patient Health Questionnaire-2 (PHQ-2) for depression must be endorsed as "2" or "3" ("more than half of the days" or "nearly every day") to require administration of the Patient Health Questionnaire-8 (PHQ-8)?

At least two

What type qualifies as a person-to-person deployment mental health assessment?

All of the above

By law, a deployment mental health assessment is NOT required at which of the time periods listed below?

Within 30 days after return from deployment

When should the provider consider a mental health referral for the Service member?

All of the above

Why is the Civilian rather than the Military version of the PTSD Checklist (PCL) is used in the deployment mental health assessment?

All of the above

Which Service members are eligible for the Military Health System's inTransition Program, which is designed to assist Service members receiving mental health treatment by ensuring a smooth transition to their next provider in case of transfer or separation from the Service?

All of the above

Which type of provider is NOT eligible to be trained and certified to perform the person-to-person interview portion of the Mental Health Assessment?

Licensed practical nurse

In making a decision to refer Service members to mental health care for depression or PTSD, which of the following things should providers consider?

Both of these choices

The brief intervention for managing risky drinking includes which of the following activities?

All of the above

At or above what AUDIT-C score should a referral for alcohol treatment be considered?


What determines if the Service member must answer the entire 10 questions on the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test?

If the AUDIT-C is contains 3 questions marked positive

In accordance with DoD policy, the DoD PHA is designed to?

All of the above

True or False. The PHA is conducted annual and includes a MHA.


True or False. Each Service can use their own system to implement the DoD Periodic Health Assessment.


What are the progressive parts of the DoD Periodic Health Assessment?

All of the above

True or False. Service Members must answer all questions on the DoD Periodic Health Assessment.


Module 3: Record Review and Recommendations

When it asks you to choose your role, you will choose

HCP Record Reviewer

Drag and drop each item the Record Reviewer must confirm and include in Part B Record Review into the cone.


outside medical care


profile status



women's health

Reserve component workman compensations

VA disability claims

Module 4: Mental

Health Assessment
When it asks you to choose your role, you will choose

HCP Record Reviewer

Module 5: PHA Provider Recommendations and Referrals

When it asks you to choose your role, you will choose

HCP Record Reviewer

Follow-up questions assessing functional impairment help providers identify concerns for further evaluation and treatment.


During the person-to-person interview, the provider performs which of the following functions?

All of the above

The DoD Periodic Health Assessment must be completed:


Prior to providing a digital signature and notating the Periodic Health Assessment completion date, the PHA Provider must complete which of the following:

Both A and B

What type qualifies as a person-to-person deployment mental health assessment?

All of the above

For "Yes" and "Unsure" answers to questions about emotional problems or major life stressors, providers should do which of the following:

All of the above

The three progressive parts of the DoD Periodic Health Assessment include which of the following?

All of the above

What is the time period covered by the questions in the PTSD Screening checklist PCL-C?

One month

During Part C, Health Care Provider review, health care personnel trained in the DOD Periodic Health Assessment and/or Mental Health Assessment process can complete which of the following?

Both the DOD Periodic Health Assessment and Mental Health Assessment

Which of the following statements are true?

A and C

In making a decision to refer Service members to mental health care for depression or PTSD, which of the following things should providers consider?

Both A and B

Which of the following health care personnel roles can be performed simultaneously?

A and B

The brief intervention for managing risky drinking includes which of the following activities?

All of the above

Which of the following statements are true about the newly standardized DoD PHA?

All of the above

The Periodic Health Assessment Provider performs which of the following functions during the Health Care Provider review process?

A and B

The brief intervention for managing risky drinking includes which of the following activities?

All of the above

Which type of provider is NOT eligible to be trained and certified to perform the person-to-person interview portion of the Mental Health Assessment?

Licensed practical nurse

Which of the following is true about the Service member portion of the DoD Periodic Health Assessment?

A and C

The Periodic Health Assessment Provider must complete the DoD Periodic Health Assessment in the following manner(s).


At or above what AUDIT-C score should a referral for alcohol treatment be considered?


Providers can use the Alcohol Feedback Cards to show Service Members how their drinking compares to the drinking of deployed Service members of the same sex and age group. Other considerations include:

None of the above

An MHA provider completing only Part C, Section II of the PHA must perform which of the following for their section to be considered complete? certify the Mental Health Assessment process by signing and dating the Mental Assessment portion of the PHA.

Certify, sign, and date the Mental Health portion of the PHA

During provider feedback, you should:

All of the above

After completion of the self-assessment, the Service member receives electronic health education based on the answers they provided. Service members have the capability to do what with the electronic education they receive?

All of the above

During the record review process, the Record Reviewer performs which of the following functions?

All of the above

When can the PHA Provider document recommended referrals for further Service member evaluation?

After review of the Service member's responses, Record Reviewer's inputs, AND MHA Provider recommendations

While screening for alcohol consumption, the provider notes that the member is positive on the three questions AUDIT-C. The Service member must:

Complete the entire 10 question AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test)

After completing the Self-Report Survey, Service members must:

Can proceed directly to the person-to-person interview if screening for PTSD and depression is negative

During the first process of the DoD Periodic Health Assessment, which of the following occurs?

A and B

In accordance with DoD policy, the DoD Periodic Health Assessment is designed to?

All of the above

Which of the following is true about the Service member portion of the DoD Periodic Health Assessment?


The Service member can only complete their annual PHA utilizing the electronic DD Form 3024 at

All the above

The civilian rather than the military version of the PTSD Checklist (PCL) is used in the deployment mental health assessment in order to ensure coverage of symptoms caused by all traumatic stressors including combat and sexual trauma?


During the record review process of the DoD periodic health assessment, which of the following are sources the record reviewer could reference?

All of the above

During the person-to-person interview, the provider performs which of the following functions?

All of the above

How many questions on the Patient Health Questionnaire-2 (PHQ-2) for depression must be endorsed as "2" or "3" ("more than half of the days" or "nearly every day") to require administration of the Patient Health Questionnaire-8 (PHQ-8)?


Which of the following health care personnel roles can be performed simultaneously?

A and B (Record Reviewer And MHA)

During the first process of the DoD Periodic Health Assessment, which of the following occurs?
