JKO Navy Health Promotion Basics

To enhance the acceptance and potential success of the Health Promotion (HP) Program by encouraging command, crew members, and staff ownership of the program is the primary job description of?

(T)- Health Promotion Committee.

What is the name of the survey that is funded by DoD (Health Affairs) and is conducted every three years?

(T)- The Department of Defense (DoD) Survey of Health Related Behaviors Among Military Personnel.

Student manuals, course fees, and Health Promotion Program participation incentives are all examples of what type of expense?

(T)- Variable Costs.

At what point in the ten step planning process does the Health Promotion Coordinator implement Health Promotion Program activities?

(T)- After developing a budget.

What is the Navy website that has a Health & Wellness page targeted with information for DAPAs, CFLs, HP Coordinators and the individual Sailors?

(T)- NKO website.

Which is the first step in developing a successful Health Promotion Program?

(T)- Form a HP Committee

What is the last step in developing an effective Marketing Plan for your command Health Promotion Program?

(T)- Evaluate marketing efforts

What is a prerequisite of a Health Promotions Committee Coordinator?

(T)- Has been at the command at least six months or is familiar with the command and the command culture and has good "people" skills

Which award is designed to enhance battle readiness by promoting health, fitness, and mental well being of active duty Sailors assigned to Commander Naval Surface Force (COMSURFOR)?

(T)- Green H Health Promotion Award

What needs to be established prior to evaluating a Health Promotion Program?

(T)- Program goals and objectives

Which of the following is a method that can be used at your command to determine the interests of your crew or staff?

(T)- Conduct key leader interviews

Looking at the pros and cons of making a behavior change is one of the key issues involved in what?

(T)- Contemplation

Which of the following is a type of Health Promotion Program evaluation?

(T)- Outcome

What is an example of an uncontrollable risk factor that can influence the level of risk for developing particular diseases or that can contribute to early death and disability?

(T)- Family history

What is the fifth stage in the Stages of Behavior Change model?

(T)- Maintenance

Using a short article in the command newsletter or a flyer to report Needs Assessment results would be most appropriate and effective for which group?

(T)- Command personnel

Which of the following is an example of a measurable process objective?

(T)- By September 30, 2008, the command will decrease tobacco use by at least 10%, as evidenced by results on the Fleet & Marine Corps HRA.

What serves as the construction phase of a program evaluation?

(T)- Data analysis

Which of the following is a data source for an Outcome Evaluation?

(T)- Pre/post Tests, Measurement of health risk factors, and Monitor use of healthcare system.

Which of the following is essential in conducting an Outcome Evaluation?

(T)- Customer satisfaction surveys

What is the first step in developing an effective Marketing Plan for your command Health Promotion Program?

(T)- Identify the audience

What step in the HP Program planning process can help ensure that command personnel know about the Health Promotion Program, the activities and events offered, the benefits of participation, and the long term outcomes of adopting a healthy lifestyle?

(T)- HP Program Marketing Plan

How many steps are there to designing a successful Health Promotion Program?

(T)- Ten

What element of the Health Promotion Program Evaluation Report highlights the purpose of the program evaluation?

(T)- Summary of results

What should the Health Promotion Coordinator consult when scheduling a Health Promotion Program activity?

(T)- The results of the Command Assessment

Encouraging enrollment in an Intervention level program, such as ShipShape or a Tobacco Cessation Program, is most effective for individuals who are in at least what stage of behavior change?

(T)- Contemplation

What is an indicator of the success of a Health Promotion Program activity?

(T)- Participation rate

What is an advantage to using Health Promotion Program participation incentives?

(T)- Encourages participation in Health Promotion Programs.

How much of the annual Health Promotion Program budget should be dedicated to Intervention level programs?

(T)- 5-50%

What is focused on the necessary actions to achieve one or more marketing objectives?

(T)- Marketing Plan

The long-term components should be reviewed and possibly updated every two years.

= Vision Statement, Mission Statement, Goal Statements

The short-term components should be updated annually.

= Develop measurable objectives, Develop strategies and action steps, Develop a budget, Develop an evaluation plan

A Marketing Plan is developed on an annual basis, consisting of these 5 steps.

1. Identify audience
2. Research methods to reach target audiences
3. Develop and pretest materials
4. Distribute marketing message
5. Evaluate marketing efforts

According to the national Healthy People 2010 report over 70% of all premature deaths in this country are directly related to behaviors and environmental factors.


What is the level of prevention that should be the major focus of your command's Health Promotion Program?

(T)- Primary

Videotapes, DVDs, reference books, and computer software programs are all examples of what type of expense?

(T)- Fixed

Which type of question used on a written questionnaire typically asks for a Yes or No answer?

(T)- Closed, form questions

What is the name of the annual Health Promotion Program award that is given for excellence in the delivery of Health Promotion programming and divided into two categories, medical and fleet?

(T)- Health Promotion and Wellness Award

What stage of behavior change is an individual in when they have no intention of making any behavior changes even though their family and friends may recognize the need for that person to change?

(T)- Pre-contemplation

What instruction provides guidance to the Navy's comprehensive Health Promotion Program?

(T)- OPNAVINST 6100.2A

What is a key element of a command Health Promotion Program Evaluation Report?

(T)- Cost of the program activity

Who appoints members to the Health Promotion Committee?

(T)- Commanding Officer

What characteristic of a successful Health Promotion Program is being addressed when the staff and crews preference for content is taken into account?

(T)- High satisfaction rate

What tool can be used by Navy and Marine Corps commands to quickly assess the lifestyle of its members?

(T)- Fleet and Marine Corps Health Risk Appraisal (HRA)

Which group would an abbreviated, executive summary with charts or graphs be most appropriate and effective to report the results of the Command Assessment?

(T)- Chain of command

What provides general statements about the expectations for the program?

(T)- Goal Statements

Which of the following is an example of a long term component of a Health Promotion Plan?

(T)- Vision Statement

The Navy Health Promotion Coordinator should use Health Promotion Program resources that are primarily focused on what?

(T)- Navy Health Promotion Program priority areas

What determines the type of Health Promotion Program participation incentives?

(T)- Target audience

How much of the annual Health Promotion Program budget should be dedicated to Education/Motivational level programs?

(T)- 20-40%

What is the first stage in the Stages of Behavior Change model?

(T)- Pre-contemplation

What is the participation rate for Awareness level program activities?

(T)- 100%

What is the next step after "Developing Measurable Program Objectives" in the Health Promotion Program planning process?

(T)- Develop strategies and action steps