JKO Applied Radiological Response Techniques (ARRT-1) Module 5 - Solid State Detectors

The material emits light when it interacts with radiation, the the basic principle behind what type of detector?


Which instrument is the best choice for general purpose radiation work and specifically detection and evaluation of contaminated surfaces but cannot differentiate between types of radiation and their energies?

Geiger- Mueller

Which of the following is NOT a component of the scintillation detector?

Refracting Window

A liquid scintillation counter is commonly used to analyze gamma emitters.


The analysis of the type and energies of radiation emitted to identify the radionuclide, best describes what type of analysis?

Nuclear Spectroscopy

Name one of the three types of semiconductor detectors.


There are several ways in which a radionuclide can be identified. Which of the following is NOT one of those methods?


Alpha probes and sodium iodine detectors fall under which type of detector?


Name the primary type of radiation that a cadmium telluride detector is used to measure.


Which instrument is the best choice for the laboratory analysis of alpha and beta emitters but is not practical for use in the field due to electronics, weight, shielding, and quality control issues.

Liquid Scintillation