JKO Group Dynamics One: Fundamentals

During which stage of group development does one usually see a building of cohesiveness of the group and the formulation of rules for decision-making?


What word best describes team leadership?


What teambuilding approach is most appropriate when problems in communication and coordination occur among professionals on a work team?

Ground rule setting meeting

Which tool is used to organize the tasks for the group?

Responsibility matrix

Which tool is used when members are unable to meet face-to-face?

Delphi technique

What is usually the minimum size of a group to ensure effectiveness?


Which tool is used to draw out ideas from introverts in the group?

Nominal group technique

Initiator and reality tester are examples of which type of group member roles?


Which ground rule for meetings should be applied to deal with group dynamic issues associated with status differences among members of a group?

Equal participation

Of the following, what is most detrimental to group effectiveness?


Which one of the following questions would be most effective in evaluating a meeting?

What should be done differently the next time we meet?

Which of the following are usually part of a group charter? Select all that apply.

-Reporting relationships