JKO USSOCOM Intelligence Oversight Course (FOUO)

SOCOM primary mission

primary mission is to organize, train, and equip special operations forces (SOF) and provides those forces to the Geographic Combatant Commanders under whose operational control they serve

what are the seven sub-components to SOCOM


What are the responsibilities of the Commander, USSOCOM

to organize, train, and equip SOF for current and future challenges and:
(1) Serve as the SOF joint force provider.
(2) Integrate and coordinate DOD MISO capabilities to enhance interoperability and support US Strategic Command's IO responsibilities and other CCDRs' MISO planning and execution.
(3) Synchronize planning for global operations against terrorist networks in coordination with other CCDRs, the Services, and as directed, appropriate USG departments and agencies.
(4) Train SO force, including developing recommendations to the CJCS regarding strategy, doctrine, tactics, techniques, and procedures for the joint employment of SOF

SOCOM additional missions

1. develops special operations strategy, doctrine, and procedures for the use of SOF and also develops and procures specialized, SOF-unique equipment for its assigned forces
2. the lead COCOM for synchronizing DOD planning against terrorists and their networks on a global basis (and executive with orders from POTUS or SecDef)

what is the CDRUSSOCOM

an FCC who exercises COCOM of all assigned AC [Active Component] and mobilized RC [Reserve Component] SOF minus US Army Reserve CA and MISO [Military Information Support Operations] forces

US Army SOC assets

Green Berets; Rangers; Civil Affairs, and Military Information Support Operations (MISO)

Naval Special Warfare Command assets

- SEAL teams that conduct operations in both maritime and ground environments
- SEAL Delivery Vehicle (SDV) teams—specialized SEALs that pilot small submersible vehicles that can deliver SEALs to their area of operations
- Special Boat Teams that can deliver SEALs from ship to shore as well as operate in the littorals and rivers

AFSOC assets

- provides specialized fixed and rotary wing support to USSOCOM units
- Combat Controllers, Pararescue Jumpers, Special Operations Weather Teams, and Tactical Air Control Parties (TACPs)

Marine Special Operations Command

- newest subcomponent
- three Marine Special Operations Battalions
- a Marine Special Operations Support Group
- a Marine Special Operations Intelligence Battalion
- Marine Special Operations School.

Joint Special Operations Command capabilities

1. JSOC is a sub unified command charged with studying special operations requirements and techniques to ensure interoperability and equipment standardization
2. plans and conducts special operations exercises and training and develops joint special operations tactics
3. Press reports suggest JSOC is home to USSOCOM's national mission forces which reportedly conduct highly sensitive combat and supporting operations against terrorists on a world-wide basis.

Joint Special Operations University mission

Educate Special Operations Forces executive, senior, and intermediate leaders and selected other national and international security decision-makers, both military and civilian, through teaching, research, and outreach in the science and art of Joint Special Operations

Special Operations Command - Joint Capabilities mission

to train conventional and special operations force commanders and their staffs in the employment of Special Operations Forces focusing on the full integration of SOF and the conventional forces in both planning and execution to enhance warfighting readiness.

USSOCOMs comparative advantage

three pillars: 1) persistent engagement, 2) enabling partners, and 3) discreet action

SOF core activities

1. direct action
2. special recon
3. unconventional warefare
4. foreign internal defense
5. civil affairs ops
6. military information support ops
7. counter-proliferation of WMD
8. security force assistance
9. hostage rescue and recovery
10. foreign humanitarian assistance
11. counterterrorism
12. counterinsurgency

direct action

Short-duration strikes and other small-scale offensive actions employing specialized military capabilities to seize, destroy, capture, exploit, recover, or damage designated targets

special recon

Actions conducted in sensitive environments to collect or verify information of strategic or operational significance

unconventional warefare

Actions to enable a resistance movement or insurgency to coerce, disrupt, or overthrow a government or occupying power

foreign internal defense

Activities that support an HN's internal defense and development (IDAD) strategy and program designed to protect against subversion, lawlessness, insurgency, terrorism, and other threats to their internal security, and stability, and legitimacy

civil affairs ops (CAO)

CAO enhance the relationship between military forces and civilian authorities in localities where military forces are present


Actions taken directly against terrorist networks and indirectly to influence and render global and regional environments inhospitable to terrorist networks

military information support operations (MISO)

Counter-proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction

Activities to support USG efforts to curtail the conceptualization, development, possession, proliferation, use, and effects of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), related expertise, materials, technologies, and means of delivery by state and non-state actors

security force assistant

Activities based on organizing, training, equipping, rebuilding, and advising various components of Foreign Security Forces


The blend of civilian and military efforts designed to end insurgent violence and facilitate a return to peaceful political processes.n

hostage rescue and recovery

Offensive measures taken to prevent, deter, preempt, and respond to terrorist threats and incidents, including recapture of U.S. facilities, installations, and sensitive material in overseas areas

foreign humanitarian assistance

The range of DOD humanitarian activities conducted outside the US and its territories to relieve or reduce human suffering, disease, hunger, or privation