JFC 100 Module 2: Joint Intelligence

The joint intelligence preparation of the operational environment (JIPOE) consists of four steps. Match each of the steps of the JIPOE to its correct process.
a) Step 4
b) Step 1
c) Step 2
d) Step 3

Step 1- Analyze the adversary and other relevant aspects of the operational environment (OE)
Step 2- Describe the impact of the OE on the adversary and friendly courses of action (COAs)
Step 3 - Evaluate the capabilities of adversary forces operating in the operational environment
Step 4 - Determine/describe potential adversary COAs and civilian activities that might impact military ops

1) Match each combat support agency to its definition.
a) Intelligence support provided includes, but is not limited to all-source military analysis, human factors analysis, HUMINT, MASINT, MEDINT, CI, counterterrorism, chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear counter-proliferation, counterdrug operations, and personnel recovery.

b) Responsible for integrating unique and innovative space-based reconnaissance technologies, and the engineering, development, acquisition, and operation of space reconnaissance systems and related intelligence activities.

c) Provides timely, relevant, and accurate GEOINT support to IMINT, geospatial information, national imagery collection management, commercial imagery, imagery-derived MASINT, and some meteorological and oceanographic data and information.

d) A unified organization that provides for the SIGINT mission of the U.S. to ensure the protection of national security systems for all departments and agencies of the U.S. Government.

National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) - D

Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) - A

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) - B

National Security Agency (NSA)/Central Security Service (CSS) - C

The intelligence component of the National Joint Operations and Intelligence Center (NJOIC) provides planning, management, and infrastructure for intelligence working groups and intelligence task forces that provide direct intelligence support during major conflicts.


Intelligence analysts must communicate a degree of analytical confidence to help intelligence consumers decide how much weight to place on an intelligence assessment when making a decision.


Intelligence should increase the commander's understanding of the threat and adversary's probable intentions, end states, objectives, most likely and most dangerous COAs, strengths, and critical capabilities. This allows the J-2 to:

Identify, define, and nominate objectives which are consistent with the threat and are relevant to the JFC's mission and intent

Collection activities acquire and extract data from the operational environment such that Processing and Exploitation can convert that data into information to be used during Analysis and Production to refine into __________ to satisfy Requests for Information (RFI) or the commander's Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIR).


A key function of the J-2 is to integrate outside stakeholders into intelligence planning and operations. The J-2 can support the Joint Force Commander by integrating:

Partner nation intelligence capabilities and assessments

This intelligence product category involves the integration of time-sensitive, all-source intelligence and information into concise, objective reporting on the current situation in a particular area.

Current Intelligence

Intelligence dissemination requirements and procedures must be coordinated through the __________.

Communications directorate of the J-6

What are the J2's responsibilities toward multinational intelligence support? (Select all that apply)

Select All

When considering the principle of synchronization, the most common error that impacts the J-2, J-3, and J-5 is the failure to build sufficient lead time for intelligence production.


What two features distinguish intelligence from information? (Select TWO)

Consists of the synthesis of quantitative analysis and qualitative judgment with an assigned degree of confidence to the analytical conclusion

Provides raw, factual information on a wide variety of subjects

Prior to fulfilling the J2 staff responsibilities of "Identifying, Defining and Nominating objectives" the J-2 should understand the JFC's

Mission and Intent

During this activity in the joint intelligence process raw data is converted into forms that can be readily used by commanders, decision makers at all levels, intelligence, analysts and other consumers.

Processing and Exploitation

Which of the following levels of intelligence focuses on adversary military capabilities and intentions and helps the JFCs and component commanders keep abreast of events within their area of interest?

Operational Intelligence

This intelligence product category results from the fusion of identity attributes and other information and intelligence associated with those attributes collected across all intelligence disciplines.

Identity Intelligence

An intelligence estimate of the enemy campaign lines of operation based on intelligence reporting of an extremist group's use of safe houses and the local population for logistical support is an example of what level of intelligence?

Operational intelligence

As it relates to management of priority intelligence requirements (PIRs), what is the responsibility of the J-2 once the commander has approved the PIRs?

Continuously review the PIRs with respect to the adversary and the changing situation that determine whether they remain relevant to the commander's intent

The __________ validates or produces a baseline Dynamic Threat Assessment for each Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (JSCP) directed plan.

Defense Intelligence Agency

What level of intelligence is produced for the President, Congress, Secretary of Defense, senior military leaders and Combatant Commanders?

National Strategic

Technology is often applied against what common analyst challenge?

Information overload

Which of the following are true when forming priority intelligence requirements (PIR)? (Select all that apply)

- Staff must be aware of intelligence requirements of higher, adjacent, subordinate and supporting elements (correct)
- The JFC's PIRs should be prioritized to the most urgent intelligent requirements (correct)
- PIRs will drive collection and production requirements (correct)

2) Which of the following national intelligence leadership positions advises the Secretary of Defense and Deputy Secretary of Defense, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, combatant commanders (CCDRs), and USD(I) on all matters concerning military and military-related intelligence.

Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (correct)

The Commander's Critical Information Requirements represent both Friendly Force Information requirements and ______ which are derived from the intelligence organization and vetted across staff.

priority intelligence requirements (PIR) (correct)

The __________ is the primary intelligence organization that provides support to the combatant commands.

Joint Intelligence Operations Center (JIOC) (correct)

Match each intelligence product category to its brief description

e - Estimative Intelligence
h - General Military Intelligence
g - Warning Intelligence
f - Target Intelligence
b - Scientific and Technical Intelligence
a - Current Intelligence
d - Counterintelligence
c - Identity Intelligence

When considering the principle of synchronization, the most common error that impacts the J-2, J-3, and J-5 is the failure to build sufficient lead time for intelligence production

True (correct)

What two features distinguish intelligence from information? (Select TWO)

- Consists of the synthesis of quantitative analysis and qualitative judgment with an assigned degree of confidence to the analytical conclusion (correct)
- Allows anticipation or prediction of future situations and circumstances (correct)

Match each principle of intelligence to its definition.

b - Fusion
a - Prediction
c - Synchronization
d - Collaboration

Intelligence analysts must communicate a degree of analytical confidence to help intelligence consumers decide how much weight to place on an intelligence assessment when making a decision.

Identify, define, and nominate objectives which are consistent with the threat and are relevant to the JFC's mission and intent (correct)

Intelligence should increase the commander's understanding of the threat and adversary's probable intentions, end states, objectives, most likely and most dangerous COAs, strengths, and critical capabilities. This allows the J-2 to:

Identify, define, and nominate objectives which are consistent with the threat and are relevant to the JFC's mission and intent (correct)

Which of the following levels of intelligence focuses on adversary military capabilities and intentions and helps the JFCs and component commanders keep abreast of events within their area of interest?

Operational Intelligence (correct)

A key function of the J-2 is to integrate outside stakeholders into intelligence planning and operations. The J-2 can support the Joint Force Commander by integrating:

Partner nation intelligence capabilities and assessments (correct)

Which of the following must collection managers continuously monitor the results of? (Select all that apply)

- Effectiveness of meeting collection requirements to address the JFC's evaluation and feedback portion of the intelligence process. (correct)
- Processing and exploitation and production capacity (correct)
- Available collection assets (correct)

The joint intelligence preparation of the operational environment (JIPOE) consists of four steps. Match each of the steps of the JIPOE to its correct process.

15) What level of intelligence supports joint operations across the range of military operations in an Area of Responsibility and determines the current and future capabilities of adversaries that could affect the national security and U.S. or allied interests?

Theater strategic (correct)

Match each combat support agency to its definition.

b - National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
a - Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
c - National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
d - National Security Agency (NSA)/Central Security Service (CSS)

This intelligence product category results from the fusion of identity attributes and other information and intelligence associated with those attributes collected across all intelligence disciplines.

Identity Intelligence (correct)

Joint intelligence planning supports joint operation planning and may result in the production of what products? (Select all that apply)

- Annex B: Intelligence (correct)
- National Intelligence Support Plan (correct)
- Dynamic Threat Assessment (correct)

Which of the following roles must be well versed with timelines required to complete a required product and able to obtain the aid of external resources in acquiring needed intelligence?

The J-2 collection manager (correct)

What are the J2's responsibilities toward multinational intelligence support? (Select all that apply)

- Integrating multinational intelligence personnel (correct)
- Having personnel knowledgeable of the foreign disclosure policy and procedures (correct)
- Providing a releasable collection management plan (correct)
- Assuring unity of effort against a common threat (correct)

Intelligence dissemination requirements and procedures must be coordinated through the __________.

Communications directorate of the J-6

Who is/are responsible for providing maps, charts, digitized products, and precise geodetic coordinates?

The Geospatial Information and Services Officer

1) The Commander's Critical Information Requirements represent both Friendly Force Information requirements and ______ which are derived from the intelligence organization and vetted across staff.

priority intelligence requirements (PIR)

Commanders use intelligence to __________. (Select all that apply)

Select ALL
- Understand adversary capabilities and intentions

- Visualize and understand all dimensions of the OE

- Support a predictive estimate of the situation

Which one of the following non-DoD intelligence communities supports HUMINT collection, all source analysis, and political, economic, and biographic intelligence?

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

A key function of the J-2 is to integrate outside stakeholders into intelligence planning and operations. The J-2 can support the Joint Force Commander by integrating:

Partner nation intelligence capabilities and assessments

This intelligence product category forecasts current or potential situations with implications for planning and executing military operations.

Estimative Intelligence

After intelligence requirements are established, the staff reviews organic information sources for answers to requirements. If a requirement cannot be met from local sources then the __________.

staff issues a Request For Information (RFI)

The joint intelligence preparation of the operational environment (JIPOE) consists of four steps. Match each of the steps of the JIPOE to its correct process.

Step 1 - Analyze the adversary and other relevant aspects of the operational environment (OE)

Step 2 - Describe the impact of the OE on the adversary and friendly courses of action (COAs)

Step 3 - Evaluate the capabilities of adversary forces operating in the operational environment

Step 4 - Determine/describe potential adversary COAs and civilian activities that might impact military ops

Match each principle of intelligence to its definition.

A. Prediction
Vulnerable to incomplete information and adversary deception, but should never be avoided because it helps JFCs determine enemy intentions and capabilities.

B. Fusion
Results in a finished intelligence product that provides the most accurate and complete picture possible of what is known about an activity.

C. Synchronization
Requires that all intelligence sources and methods be applied in concert with the operations plan and operations order.

D. Collaboration
Relies on unhindered access to and sharing of all relevant information and can take many forms such as competitive analysis, brain storming, and federation.

When considering the principle of synchronization, the most common error that impacts the J-2, J-3, and J-5 is the failure to build sufficient lead time for intelligence production.


Joint intelligence planning supports joint operation planning and may result in the production of what products? (Select all that apply)

Dynamic Threat Assessment

Annex B: Intelligence

National Intelligence Support Plan

What two features distinguish intelligence from information? (Select TWO)

Consists of the synthesis of quantitative analysis and qualitative judgment with an assigned degree of confidence to the analytical conclusion

Contributes to or shapes the commander's decision making process

What level of intelligence supports joint operations across the range of military operations in an Area of Responsibility and determines the current and future capabilities of adversaries that could affect the national security and U.S. or allied interests?

Theater Strategic

This intelligence product category involves the integration of time-sensitive, all-source intelligence and information into concise, objective reporting on the current situation in a particular area.

Current Intelligence

Which of the following national intelligence leadership positions advises the Secretary of Defense and Deputy Secretary of Defense, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, combatant commanders (CCDRs), and USD(I) on all matters concerning military and military-related intelligence.

Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency

The JTF J-2 should have personnel knowledgeable in foreign disclosure policy and procedures and should obtain necessary foreign disclosure authorization from DIA as soon as possible.


Which of the following must collection managers continuously monitor the results of? (Select all that apply)

Effectiveness of meeting collection requirements to address the JFC's evaluation and feedback portion of the intelligence process.

Processing and exploitation and production capacity

Available collection assets

Which of the following roles must be well versed with timelines required to complete a required product and able to obtain the aid of external resources in acquiring needed intelligence?

The J- collection manager

What role(s) is responsible for providing maps, charts, digitized products, and precise geodetic coordinates?

the Geospatial Information and Service Officer

An intelligence estimate of the enemy campaign lines of operation based on intelligence reporting of an extremist group's use of safe houses and the local population for logistical support is an example of what level of intelligence?

Operational Intelligence

Automation technology can be used to reduce the burden of sorting through large amounts of __________ to enable an analyst to correlate various sets of __________ to make an assessment.

data, information

Match each combat support agency to its definition.

A. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
- Intelligence support provided includes, but is not limited to all-source military analysis, human factors analysis, HUMINT, MASINT, MEDINT, CI, counterterrorism, chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear counter-proliferation, counterdrug operations, and personnel recovery.

B. National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
-Responsible for integrating unique and innovative space-based reconnaissance technologies, and the engineering, development, acquisition, and operation of space reconnaissance systems and related intelligence activities.

C. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
- Provides timely, relevant, and accurate GEOINT support to IMINT, geospatial information, national imagery collection management, commercial imagery, imagery-derived MASINT, and some meteorological and oceanographic data and information.

D. National Security Agency (NSA)/Central Security Service (CSS)
-A unified organization that provides for the SIGINT mission of the U.S. to ensure the protection of national security systems for all departments and agencies of the U.S. Government.

Technology is often applied against what common analyst challenge?

information overload

Which of the following are true when forming priority intelligence requirements (PIR)? (Select all that apply)

- Staff must be aware of intelligence requirements of higher, adjacent, subordinate and supporting elements (correct)
- The JFC's PIRs should be prioritized to the most urgent intelligent requirements (correct)
- PIRs will drive collection and production requirements (correct)

2) Which of the following national intelligence leadership positions advises the Secretary of Defense and Deputy Secretary of Defense, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, combatant commanders (CCDRs), and USD(I) on all matters concerning military and military-related intelligence.

Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (correct)

The Commander's Critical Information Requirements represent both Friendly Force Information requirements and ______ which are derived from the intelligence organization and vetted across staff.

priority intelligence requirements (PIR) (correct)

The __________ is the primary intelligence organization that provides support to the combatant commands.

Joint Intelligence Operations Center (JIOC) (correct)

Match each intelligence product category to its brief description

e - Estimative Intelligence
h - General Military Intelligence
g - Warning Intelligence
f - Target Intelligence
b - Scientific and Technical Intelligence
a - Current Intelligence
d - Counterintelligence
c - Identity Intelligence

When considering the principle of synchronization, the most common error that impacts the J-2, J-3, and J-5 is the failure to build sufficient lead time for intelligence production

True (correct)

What two features distinguish intelligence from information? (Select TWO)

- Consists of the synthesis of quantitative analysis and qualitative judgment with an assigned degree of confidence to the analytical conclusion (correct)
- Allows anticipation or prediction of future situations and circumstances (correct)

Match each principle of intelligence to its definition.

b - Fusion
a - Prediction
c - Synchronization
d - Collaboration

Intelligence analysts must communicate a degree of analytical confidence to help intelligence consumers decide how much weight to place on an intelligence assessment when making a decision.

Identify, define, and nominate objectives which are consistent with the threat and are relevant to the JFC's mission and intent (correct)

Intelligence should increase the commander's understanding of the threat and adversary's probable intentions, end states, objectives, most likely and most dangerous COAs, strengths, and critical capabilities. This allows the J-2 to:

Identify, define, and nominate objectives which are consistent with the threat and are relevant to the JFC's mission and intent (correct)

Which of the following levels of intelligence focuses on adversary military capabilities and intentions and helps the JFCs and component commanders keep abreast of events within their area of interest?

Operational Intelligence (correct)

A key function of the J-2 is to integrate outside stakeholders into intelligence planning and operations. The J-2 can support the Joint Force Commander by integrating:

Partner nation intelligence capabilities and assessments (correct)

Which of the following must collection managers continuously monitor the results of? (Select all that apply)

- Effectiveness of meeting collection requirements to address the JFC's evaluation and feedback portion of the intelligence process. (correct)
- Processing and exploitation and production capacity (correct)
- Available collection assets (correct)

The joint intelligence preparation of the operational environment (JIPOE) consists of four steps. Match each of the steps of the JIPOE to its correct process.

15) What level of intelligence supports joint operations across the range of military operations in an Area of Responsibility and determines the current and future capabilities of adversaries that could affect the national security and U.S. or allied interests?

Theater strategic (correct)

Match each combat support agency to its definition.

b - National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)
a - Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
c - National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
d - National Security Agency (NSA)/Central Security Service (CSS)

This intelligence product category results from the fusion of identity attributes and other information and intelligence associated with those attributes collected across all intelligence disciplines.

Identity Intelligence (correct)

Joint intelligence planning supports joint operation planning and may result in the production of what products? (Select all that apply)

- Annex B: Intelligence (correct)
- National Intelligence Support Plan (correct)
- Dynamic Threat Assessment (correct)

Which of the following roles must be well versed with timelines required to complete a required product and able to obtain the aid of external resources in acquiring needed intelligence?

The J-2 collection manager (correct)

What are the J2's responsibilities toward multinational intelligence support? (Select all that apply)

- Integrating multinational intelligence personnel (correct)
- Having personnel knowledgeable of the foreign disclosure policy and procedures (correct)
- Providing a releasable collection management plan (correct)
- Assuring unity of effort against a common threat (correct)

Intelligence dissemination requirements and procedures must be coordinated through the __________.

Communications directorate of the J-6

Who is/are responsible for providing maps, charts, digitized products, and precise geodetic coordinates?

The Geospatial Information and Services Officer

Which of the following are true when forming priority intelligence requirements (PIR)? (Select all that apply)

- The JFC's PIRs should be prioritized to the most urgent intelligent requirements
-Staff must be aware of intelligence requirements of higher, adjacent, subordinate and supporting elements
-PIRs will drive collection and production requirements

During this activity in the joint intelligence process raw data is converted into forms that can be readily used by commanders, decision makers at all levels, intelligence analysts, and other consumers.

Processing and exploitation

Identify the National Intelligence member that has overall responsibility for intelligence support to the President and the day-to-day management of the intelligence community.

Director of National Intelligence

A key function of the J-2 is to integrate outside stakeholders into intelligence planning and operations. The J-2 can support the Joint Force Commander by integrating:

Partner nation intelligence capabilities and assessments

Which one of the following non-DoD intelligence communities supports HUMINT collection, all source analysis, and political, economic, and biographic intelligence?

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

Collection activities acquire and extract data from the operational environment such that Processing and Exploitation can convert that data into information to be used during Analysis and Production to refine into __________ to satisfy Requests for Information (RFI) or the commander's Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIR).


Technology is often applied against what common analyst challenge?

Information overload

Which of the following are tasks that the J-2 performs? (Select all that apply)

- Produces threat assessments on a continuing basis to help the commander create or exploit opportunities to accomplish friendly force objectives
- Assesses the characteristics of the adversary's decision-making process and identifies weaknesses that may be exploited
- Ensures that critical intelligence is disseminated appropriately in a timely manner to the joint force commanders (JFCs), staff, and components
- Analyzes the adversary and other relevant aspects of the operational environment

Which of the following intelligence communities is responsible for providing timely, relevant, and accurate geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) support to imagery intelligence (IMINT), geospatial information, national imagery collection management, commercial imagery, imagery-derived MASINT, and some meteorological and oceanographic data?

National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)

When considering the principle of synchronization, the most common error that impacts the J-2, J-3, and J-5 is the failure to build sufficient lead time for intelligence production.


Which of the following levels of intelligence focuses on adversary military capabilities and intentions and helps the JFCs and component commanders keep abreast of events within their area of interest?

Operational Intelligence

As it relates to management of priority intelligence requirements (PIRs), what is the responsibility of the J-2 once the commander has approved the PIRs?

Continuously review the PIRs with respect to the adversary and the changing situation to determine whether they remain relevant to the commander's intent

This intelligence product category involves the integration of time-sensitive, all-source intelligence and information into concise, objective reporting on the current situation in a particular area.

Current Intelligence

Which one of the following intelligence principles is described as the process of collecting and examining information from all available sources and intelligence disciplines to derive as complete an assessment as possible?


Automation technology can be used to reduce the burden of sorting through large amounts of __________ to enable an analyst to correlate various sets of __________ to make an assessment.

data, information

The joint intelligence preparation of the operational environment (JIPOE) consists of four steps. Match each of the steps of the JIPOE to its correct process.

Step 1 -- Analyze the adversary and other relevant aspects of the operational environment (OE)
Step 4 -- Determine/describe potential adversary COAs and civilian activities that might impact military ops
Step 2 -- Describe the impact of the OE on the adversary and friendly courses of action (COAs)
Step 3 -- Evaluate the capabilities of adversary forces operating in the operational environment

What level of intelligence is produced for the President, Congress, Secretary of Defense, senior military leaders and Combatant Commanders?

National strategic

This intelligence product category results from the fusion of identity attributes and other information and intelligence associated with those attributes collected across all intelligence disciplines.

Identity Intelligence

Joint intelligence planning supports joint operation planning and may result in the production of what products? (Select all that apply)

- Dynamic Threat Assessment
- National Intelligence Support Plan
- Annex B: Intelligence

The JTF J-2 should have personnel knowledgeable in foreign disclosure policy and procedures and should obtain necessary foreign disclosure authorization from DIA as soon as possible.


Intelligence analysts must communicate a degree of analytical confidence to help intelligence consumers decide how much weight to place on an intelligence assessment when making a decision.


The __________ validates or produces a baseline Dynamic Threat Assessment for each Joint Strategic Capabilities Plan (JSCP) directed plan.

Defense Intelligence Agency

The Commander's Critical Information Requirements represent both Friendly Force Information requirements and ______ which are derived from the intelligence organization and vetted across staff.

priority intelligence requirements (PIR)

What level of intelligence is produced for the President, Congress, Secretary of Defense, senior military leaders and Combatant Commanders?

National strategic

Who is/are responsible for providing maps, charts, digitized products, and precise geodetic coordinates?

The Geospatial Information and Services Officer

Match each intelligence product category to its brief description.

General Military Intelligence: H
Target Intelligence: F
Estimative Intelligence: E
Counterintelligence: D
Current Intelligence: A
Scientific and Technology Intelligence: B
Warning Intelligence: G
Identity Intelligence: C

What level of intelligence is produced for the President, Congress, Secretary of Defense, senior military leaders and Combatant Commanders?

National strategic

1) After intelligence requirements are established, the staff reviews organic information sources for answers to requirements. If a requirement cannot be met from local sources then the

staff issues a Request For Information (RFI)

Identify the National Intelligence member that has overall responsibility for intelligence support to the President and the day-to-day management of the intelligence community

Director of National Intelligence

The Commander's Critical Information Requirements represent both Friendly Force Information requirements and ______ which are derived from the intelligence organization and vetted across staff.

priority intelligence requirements (PIR)

Which one of the following non-DoD intelligence communities supports HUMINT collection, all source analysis, and political, economic, and biographic intelligence?

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)

This intelligence product category involves the integration of time-sensitive, all-source intelligence and information into concise, objective reporting on the current situation in a particular area.

Current Intelligence

When considering the principle of synchronization, the most common error that impacts the J-2, J-3, and J-5 is the failure to build sufficient lead time for intelligence production.


Technology is often applied against what common analyst challenge?

Information overload

Which one of the following intelligence principles is described as the process of collecting and examining information from all available sources and intelligence disciplines to derive as complete an assessment as possible?


) Intelligence analysts must communicate a degree of analytical confidence to help intelligence consumers decide how much weight to place on an intelligence assessment when making a decision.


Which of the following are tasks that the J-2 performs?

Analyzes the adversary and other relevant aspects of the operational environment (correct)
Produces threat assessments on a continuing basis to help the commander create or exploit opportunities to accomplish friendly force objectives (correct)
Assesses the characteristics of the adversary's decision-making process and identifies weaknesses that may be exploited (correct)
Ensures that critical intelligence is disseminated appropriately in a timely manner to the joint force commanders (JFCs), staff, and components (correct)

Which of the following levels of intelligence focuses on adversary military capabilities and intentions and helps the JFCs and component commanders keep abreast of events within their area of interest?

Operational Intelligence

A key function of the J-2 is to integrate outside stakeholders into intelligence planning and operations. The J-2 can support the Joint Force Commander by integrating:

Partner nation intelligence capabilities and assessments

Collection activities acquire and extract data from the operational environment such that Processing and Exploitation can convert that data into information to be used during Analysis and Production to refine into __________ to satisfy Requests for Information (RFI) or the commander's Priority Intelligence Requirements (PIR)


The joint intelligence preparation of the operational environment (JIPOE) consists of four steps. Match each of the steps of the JIPOE to its correct process

Step 2 -- Describe the impact of the OE on the adversary and friendly courses of action (COAs)
Step 1 -- Analyze the adversary and other relevant aspects of the operational environment (OE)
Step 3 -- Evaluate the capabilities of adversary forces operating in the operational environment
Step 4 -- Determine/describe potential adversary COAs and civilian activities that might impact military ops

Match each combat support agency to its definition. [objective17] [Remediation Accessed :N]

Provides timely, relevant, and accurate GEOINT support to IMINT, geospatial information, national imagery collection management, commercial imagery, imagery-derived MASINT, and some meteorological and oceanographic data and information. -- National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA)
Intelligence support provided includes, but is not limited to all-source military analysis, human factors analysis, HUMINT, MASINT, MEDINT, CI, counterterrorism, chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear counter-proliferation, counterdrug operations, and personnel recovery. -- Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA)
A unified organization that provides for the SIGINT mission of the U.S. to ensure the protection of national security systems for all departments and agencies of the U.S. Government. -- National Security Agency (NSA)/Central Security Service (CSS)
Responsible for integrating unique and innovative space-based reconnaissance technologies, and the engineering, development, acquisition, and operation of space reconnaissance systems and related intelligence activities. -- National Reconnaissance Office (NRO)

This intelligence product category results from the fusion of identity attributes and other information and intelligence associated with those attributes collected across all intelligence disciplines

Identity Intelligence

Joint intelligence planning supports joint operation planning and may result in the production of what products? (Select all that apply)

Annex B: Intelligence (correct)
Dynamic Threat Assessment (correct)
National Intelligence Support Plan (correct)

Which of the following roles must be well versed with timelines required to complete a required product and able to obtain the aid of external resources in acquiring needed intelligence?

The J-2 collection manage

The JTF J-2 should have personnel knowledgeable in foreign disclosure policy and procedures and should obtain necessary foreign disclosure authorization from DIA as soon as possible.
