JKO Anthrax Course

Which statement would be most correct to give a woman who has just received her first routine anthrax vaccination?

The most common local reactions are tenderness, pain, erythema, and arm motion limitation. These reactions generally last only a few days

Which form of naturally occurring anthrax is the most common?


The primary vaccination series for anthrax consists of five doses. The first two are given at 0 weeks and 4 weeks. The next three doses are given at:

6 months, 12 months, and 18 months

Which statement is correct about the efficacy of anthrax vaccine?

After two doses of vaccine, 91% of recipients have antibodies against anthrax

Click on Yes if you think the person being described should be given routine anthrax vaccination today, or on No if you think the anthrax vaccine should not be administered or should be deferred. Assume that adequate vaccine is available. A man who has a history of a severe allergic reaction to his first dose of anthrax vaccine.


Currently, anthrax vaccine is administered to people according to:

Their risk for exposure and the supply of vaccine

If there was a bioterrorist attack that exposed unvaccinated workers to anthrax, those individuals would receive 3 shots of anthrax vaccine over 4 weeks for protection.


A Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) report must be submitted if any adverse event results in 48 hours or more time lost from duty or work.


A person who received anthrax vaccine yesterday telephones and says, "My arm is sore and red where you injected the vaccine, and I can feel a lump under the skin." What information would be correct to give the caller?

"Redness and soreness are common and may last a few days. A small lump is also normal, and should go away by itself within a few weeks."

Which statement would be most correct to give a woman who has just received her first routine anthrax vaccination?

The most common local reactions are tenderness, pain, erythema, and arm motion limitation. These reactions generally last only a few days

Which form of naturally occurring anthrax is the most common?


The primary vaccination series for anthrax consists of five doses. The first two are given at 0 weeks and 4 weeks. The next three doses are given at:

6 months, 12 months, and 18 months

Which statement is correct about the efficacy of anthrax vaccine?

After two doses of vaccine, 91% of recipients have antibodies against anthrax

Click on Yes if you think the person being described should be given routine anthrax vaccination today, or on No if you think the anthrax vaccine should not be administered or should be deferred. Assume that adequate vaccine is available. A man who has a history of a severe allergic reaction to his first dose of anthrax vaccine.


Currently, anthrax vaccine is administered to people according to:

Their risk for exposure and the supply of vaccine

If there was a bioterrorist attack that exposed unvaccinated workers to anthrax, those individuals would receive 3 shots of anthrax vaccine over 4 weeks for protection.


A Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) report must be submitted if any adverse event results in 48 hours or more time lost from duty or work.


A person who received anthrax vaccine yesterday telephones and says, "My arm is sore and red where you injected the vaccine, and I can feel a lump under the skin." What information would be correct to give the caller?

"Redness and soreness are common and may last a few days. A small lump is also normal, and should go away by itself within a few weeks."