JKO Assistance Reporting Tool (ART) Basics

What is in Part 1 of the ART Continuity Binder?

All ART appointment letters (i.e. USAFE Readiness Measures, Wing ART Manager's, Subordinate ART Monitor's, and Commander Designation letters).

What is in Part 2 of the ART Continuity Binder?

All publications and messages outlined in the Required Document Listing provided by USAFE Readiness Measures. These messages will be maintained until they are rescinded, superseded, or incorporated into the supplement.

What is in Part 3 of the ART Continuity Binder?

Copies of the most current HQ USAFE Readiness Measures SAV report, printout of most current completed ART checklist from MICT (if available), or hardcopy of latest self-inspection checklist.

What is in Part 4 of the ART Continuity Binder?

Wing training program, and documented training completion

What is in Part 5 of the ART Continuity Binder?

Locally developed ART checklists and/or wing supplements/Operating Instruction (OI).

How many days does the Wing ART Manager have to train newly appointed commander or ART monitors?

Within 30-days of appointment

What will be accomplished if any training is not conducted within the outlined time?

An MFR must be completed. Training must be accomplished, as soon as possible, after the member returns.

How many ART monitors must be assigned to each unit?

No Less then two.

Who must an ART monitor contact prior to marking a UTC Black?

ART Monitors will coordinate with FAMs and follow up if corrective action is required, NLT 72-hours after notification.

What do commanders ensure is reported in ART?

The current cycle and the next cycle; if applicable to support each postured UTC.

What are the 4 readiness categories of ART?

Equipment Supply
Equipment Condition

What are the levels of visibility in ART?

Air Staff
Wing Commander
AEF Center Schedulers

What are the ART Approver Responsibilities?

Certify UTCs to Wing Commander
Ensure timeliness, accuracy, and validity of unit's ART data.
Designate a primary and alternate unit ART Monitor in writing.
Ensure unit ART Monitor is trained on policies and procedures for ART status reporting.
Ensure adequate UTC remarks are entered in ART.

What are the ART Monitors Responsibilities?

Update ART UTC readiness status.
Ensure timeliness, accuracy, and validity of ART data.
Review deficiencies noted in previous reports and take corrective actions to eliminate them.
Research disconnects between UAL and the UTA loaded in ART.
Resolve UTC posturing issues with MAJCOM FAMs.
Adhere to AF, MAJCOM and Wing policies and procedures on ART status reporting.

What is standard reporting?

Every 30 days for each UTC. However, USAFE SUP states updates will be made during the second and last weeks of each month

What is Out-of-cycle reporting?

Any update that is made out of the normal reporting window.

True or false. You mark a UTC red if you can not afford to have it deployed?


True or false. You mark a UTC red when its deployed.


How many days do you have to mark a UTC deployed?

5 Days

What are the minimum standard remarks for ART?

Line number, Name, Grade, AFSC, Security Clearance, DAV code, and Profile( if applicable )

If a member is with in 270 Days of a PCS how does it effect the color status?

Changed to Yellow.

How long do you have to update a significant event that changes the assessment of a UTC? (Out-Of-Cycle)

Within 24 hours of the change. This includes notification of a UTC change or addition.

If a member is with in 180 Days of a PCS how does it effect the color status?

Changed to Red.

What is provided after Initial training?

AF Form 2426.

What are the prerequisites for ART training?

Appointment letter and ART turnover letter.

How often must the ART managers summarize and report ART data to the wing commander and key staff personnel.


If there is a change in the ___ a unit will receive an Invalid Assessment.


How long does a unit have to assess an Invalid Assessment?

24 Hours

How does ART differ from SORTS?

SORTS is based in total wartime requirements, ART reports on specific UTC tasking's

True or false. Non-Standard UTCs are reported in ART?

False. Only Standard UTCs are reported in ART.

How often are commander approval reports signed?

The last duty week of the month, prior to the SAD Brief

If a unit receives a Not reported UTC what does it mean?

A new UTC has been assigned to the unit and has not been assessed.

If the Commander's Approval Reports are maintained in a separate folder what must be placed in the Continuity Binder?

DD Form 2861

Units must maintain how many Commander approval reports?

Previous and current

Verifying Officials must provide a valid________ on the appointment letter?
