JKO PMITS Overview and Basics

When must you signal before making a turn?

at least 100 feet

How close may you park to a stop sign?

50 feet away

How close may you park to a fire hydrant?

10 feet

What are the penalties for driving without insurance?

suspension of license and registration privilege's and fines

What is the penalty for driving with a suspended license-first offense?

$500 fine and up to 6-month additional suspension

What should you do at a flashing yellow light

slow down and proceed with caution

What should you do at a flashing red light?

Stop before proceeding.

What documents must you have when operating a motor vehicle?

License, registration, insurance card.

What does a yellow diamond shaped sign mean?

a warning or caution

What is the minimum following distance?

2 seconds

What direction should you look first when at a stop sign?


What does a red and white triangular sign mean?


What should you do after driving through a big puddle of water?

Test your brakes

What does a red 8 sided sign mean?

to stop

What is the best way to communicate with other drivers?

Correct use of lights, signals, and horn

When is the road surface most slippery?

During the first few minutes of rain

When should you use your high beams?

Country roads with no oncoming vehicles.

What should you do if you have a tire blowout?

slow down gradually and move to side of the road.

What is the standard speed limit in a residential area?

25 MPH

How should you turn your wheels when parking downhill next to a curb?

To the right

It is good practice to keep a space cushion in order to?

Give you time to react

You are required by new Jersey law to keep to the right except:

When passing or when it is not practical to stay on that side.

What is a form of primary identification for use at NJMVC

Original Birth Certificate, original passport, permanent resident card.

When is it legal to make a right turn on red?

After making a full stop and checking traffic.

The maximum legal BAC level for people over 21 is?


The first step in managing IT project risk is

Risk Planning

____________ involves determining the likelihood and project impact of a risk

Risk Assessment

________ is the core layer in the IT Project Risk Identification Framework.

Measurable Organizational Value

A structured technique for identifying risks which requires participants to rank and prioritize ideas in round-robin fashion is most closely associated with:

Nominal Group Technique

A ________ is a structured tool that identifies risks that have occurred in the past


Which of the following distributions has mean which is equal to (a +b +c) / 3 where a, b, and c are denote optimistic, most likely, and pessimistic estimates respectively?

Triangular Distribution