JKO Training and Readiness - The Active Shooter

You have just finished The Active Shooter online training course. You review the references and make a note to start preparations in the near future. You overhear a conversation a disgruntled employee is having with a fellow co-worker. They sound very negative and borderline threatening at times. You do not really think anything of it until you hear one man mention taking "drastic measures" to stick it to the Command. You consider your next move. Should you tell your supervisor about this conversation?

Yes, while it may not appear like a threatening situation, the supervisor should be made aware of the conversation.

You decide to tell your supervisor about the conversation. She tells you that she will take the conversation into consideration and talk with someone in Human Resources.

You hear gun shots followed by screaming and yelling coming from down the hall. With shots fired and people screaming, you recognize you have an Active Shooter situation and you must respond now and quickly. What is your initial response?

Evacuate. Directly exit the building immediately.

You have found the nearest stairwell and have started your exit. As you pass the third floor, you encounter a fellow co-worker who has sprained her ankle in an attempt to flee. Noting that your co-worker will have a difficult time using the stairs, you realize you must take action. What do you do?

Help your co-worker. You decide to help her to safety.

You and your co-worker are almost to the bottom of the staircase. You see the exit at the far end of the hall. You decide to head towards the exit; however, you look out the window and notice the Active Shooters are outside and moving toward the building. You are forced to stay inside and have to act fast to determine your next move.

You decide to find a room to hide in and barricade yourselves in until Law Enforcement Officers arrive. You then call 911 and give what information you can about the shooter.

You hide with your injured co-worker in a nearby lab. Suddenly you hear shots ring out and several people yelling. The door bursts open and several members of the SWAT team stand in the doorway. Now that help has arrived, what do you do?

Immediately freeze, keep your hands visible, make no sudden movements, and wait for the instructions from the police.

You have reached the evacuation assembly area and handed off your injured co-worker to some EMTs who are treating injured victims. After some time, you receive word that the shooters have been stopped and they are no longer threats on the base. The nightmare has come to and end. What do you do next?

You approach the law enforcement officers and give them information regarding the shooting. You wait on the premises until they release you.

A. Avoid

-Escape Plan -Help Others
-Evacuate -Prevent others
-Leave Belongings -911

B. Barricade

-Visual Concealment -Hide - Large Items
& Ballistic Cover
-Leave Option -Silence Phone - Non Vibrate
-Lock Door - Turn off Radios / TVs
-Block Door -Quiet

C. Confront

- Surprise -Improvise weapons
-Group -Yell
-Aggressive -Commit
-Distract - Throw items


Activate the pull station — during an active shooting

911 info — active shooting

Address Name
Shooter location Weapons
How many Victims ? #?
Description Explosions

Police response

-Police Focus
-Follow Instructions
-No Sudden Movements
-Move Toward officers

Limited Penetration

-Allow for visual scanning of the room including the hard corners.
-Limits the exposure of the LEO(s) body using the edge of the doorway as cover /concealment.
-Allows for target discrimination from cover / concealment.
-Engagement can occur from any angle.


Provides a general location and allows direct to threat movement


May give direction of travel but not an exact location. Limited penetration is used to scan rooms until is located.

Active Threat

-Threat is actively engaged in causing death or serious bodily injury to others.
-The incident location will usually contain large numbers of victims.
-The incident is ongoing when law enforcement arrives.

Tradicional Response

Responding LEO(s) establish perimeter, contain the situation and wait for specialized teams.

Non-Traditional Response

Responding LEO(s) should enter immediately; locate, isolate, contain, and eliminate the threat(s)




Post shooting/incident considerations. Immediately the LEO(s) should position themselves as to support a good 360 security coverage of all areas. The goal is to stack the danger areas while minimizing the risk of additional threat and/or dangers during the link-up of responding officers.

Immediate Action Plan

Once know threat/have been neutralized and security has been set, formulate a simple pon so you know what to do in the event additional fire erupts.


Once the threat has been neutralized and contained, in a calm and clear voice notify dispatch or 911 operator of the situation. See other side of car for details considerations.


One security has been set, an immediate action plan has been developed and communications have been established, you may need to provide a medical assessment for yourself and the team before rendering aid to others. While maintaining proper security you can direct the victims on self-aid.

When communicating

With Dispatch or a 911 operator you should state:

What your emergency is

Active threat, hostage situation, etc... to include location.

What is your exact location

Glynco, middle school, room 122 marked with upside down trash can outside the door. I'm inside the room

Who you are

Your name, who you work for, on duty, etc...

Your identifiable information

I am a Hispanic female wearing black shirt, militarily pants.

Status of the threat

Has the shooter(s) been contain and/or stopped?

Are there any more threats?

Are they armed, with what type of weapons and where?

Are there injuries?

Include officers and victims.

Is there a need for EMS?

If is yes is the scene safe for them to enter?

Explain SICM

Security-stacking danger areas and 360 coverage
Implement plan- contingency for second threat and link-up
Communication- notify dispatch 911
Medical-renders aid to self and others