JKO Trust In Leadership


Someone who can influence others and who has managerial authority


The process of leading a group and influencing that group to achieve its goals

Trait Theories of Leadership

Theories that isolate characteristics that differentiate leaders from nonleaders
-early theory of leadership/not sufficient to ID effective leaders
1. Drive
2. Desire to lead
3. Honesty and integrity
4. Self-confidence
5. Intelligence
6. Job-relevant knowledge
7. Extraversion
8. Proneness to guilt

Behavioral Theories of Leadership

Theories that isolate behaviors that differentiate effective leaders from ineffective leaders
-what leaders do versus who leaders are

Managerial Grid

A 2D grid for appraising leadership styles

Fiedler Contingency Model

Leadership theory proposing that effective group performance depends on the proper match between a leader's style and the degree to which the situation allowed the leader to control and influence
-LPC determines leaders style as either task (57-) or relationship (64+)
3 Key Variables:
-leader-member relations
-task structure
-leader's position power

Least-Preferred Coworker Questionnaire

A questionnaire that measures whether a leader was task or relationship oriented

Situational Leadership Theory

A leadership theory that focuses on followers readiness level using willingness and ability to identify four possible outcomes. It then ID's preferred leadership style for each four levels.
1. Able and willing
2. Able but unwilling
3. Unable but willing
4. Unable and unwilling


The extent to which people have the ability and willingness to accomplish a specific task

Path-Goal Theory

A leadership theory that says the leader's job is to assist followers in attaining their goals and to provide direction or support needed to ensure that their goals are compatible with the organization's or group's goals. Leader uses:
-achievement style

Leader-Member Exchange Theory

A leadership theory that says leaders create in-groups and out-groups and those in the in-group will have higher performance ratings, less turnover, and greater job satisfaction
-goal is to get everyone in the in-group

Transactional Leaders

Leaders who lead primarily by using social exchanges in a quid pro quo

Transformational Leaders

Leaders who stimulate and inspire followers to achieve extraordinary outcomes

Charismatic Leaders

Enthusiastic, self-confident leaders whose personalities and actions influence people to behave in certain ways

Visionary Leadership

The ability to create and articulate a realistic, credible, and attractive vision of the future that improves on the present situation


The act of increasing the decision-making discretion of workers


The degree to which followers perceive someone as honest, competent, and able to inspire


The belief in the integrity, character, and the ability of a leader
-essential for effective leadership

Behavioral Leadership Studies

-3 studies conducted that say a leader's behavior has a dual focus on the task and the people

Managerial/Leadership Grid

-concern for people and production
-ranked from 1-9
-9,9 was the best

Contingency Leadership Theories

-looked at situational influences
-which leadership styles were most effective in which situations?

-Fiedlers Contingency Theory
-Situational Leadership Theory
-Leader-Participation Model
-Path-Goal Theory

Leader-Member Relations

The degree of trust, confidence, and respect employees have for their leader/good or poor

Task Structure

The degree to which job assignments are formalized and structured/high or low

Position Power

The degree of influence a leader has over the hiring, firing, discipline, promotions, etc/strong or weak

Contemporary Leadership Theories

-Leadership-Member Exchange
-Transformation-Transactional Leadership
-Charismatic Leadership
-Team Leadership

Contemporary Issues

-employee empowerment
-national culture influences leadership style
-emotional intelligence

Emotional Intelligence

Non-cognitive skills, capabilities, and competences that influences a person's ability to cope with environmental demands and pressures
-single best factor in predicting emerging leaders

define attitude

an expression of favor or disfavor toward a person, place, thing, or event.

attitude is

a little thing that makes a big difference

minimal leaders

do the bare necessities to get by

average leaders

will do bare necessities for the team but are not motivated to come up with ideas on their own

EXCEL leaders

will do whatever it takes

a bad attitude

is like a flat tire; you can't go anywhere until you change it

courage, will power, good communication

qualities of a leader

confident belief in someone or something


stages of trust

relationship, core values, consistency, faith


actions are so predictable that we don't consciously have to think about the relationship.


enables us to anticipate behavior and actions

core values

leads to trusting relationships


first stage of trust

what's needed to build trust

clarity, consistency, competency, care, think before you act

Research has identified five dimensions that make up the concept of trust including competence, which is __________.

chnical and interpersonal knowledge and skills

__________ is one of Fiedler's situational contingencies; it describes the degree to which job assignments are formalized and structured.

tasl structure

Research has identified five dimensions that make up the concept of trust including __________, which is honesty and truthfulness.


Research has identified five dimensions that make up the concept of trust including integrity, which is __________.

honesty and truthfulness

__________ is the belief in the integrity, character, and ability of a leader.


__________ are enthusiastic, self-confident leaders whose personalities and actions influence people to behave in certain ways.

charismatic leaders

__________ dictates work methods, makes unilateral decisions, and limits employee participation.

A leader with an autocratic style

Research has identified five dimensions that make up the concept of trust including __________, which is the willingness to protect a person, both physically and emotionally.


__________ is the ability to create and articulate a realistic, credible, and attractive vision of the future that improves upon the present situation.

Visionary leadership

__________ is one of Fiedler's situational contingencies; it describes the degree of influence a leader has over activities such as hiring, firing, discipline, promotions, and salary increases.

position power

__________ is the degree to which followers perceive someone as honest, competent, and able to inspire.


__________ is the act of increasing the decision-making discretion of workers


Research has identified five dimensions that make up the concept of trust including __________, which is the willingness to share ideas and information freely.


__________ is the extent to which a leader has work relationships characterized by mutual trust and respect for group members' ideas and feelings


__________ involves employees in decision making, delegates authority, and uses feedback as an opportunity for coaching employees.

a leader with a democratic style

__________ is a leadership contingency theory that focuses on followers' readiness.

situational leadership theory

__________ is a process of influencing a group to achieve goals.


leader-member relations is ________

one of Fiedler's situational contingencies; it describes the degree of confidence, trust, and respect employees have for their leader

Transactional leaders are __________.

leaders who lead primarily by using social exchanges (or transactions)


the ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or set of goals

Trait Theories

Focus on personal qualities and characteristics

Big Five Personality Framework

Extraversion has strongest relation to leadership
Conscientiousness and openness to experience also strongly related to leadership
Agreeableness and emotional stability not correlated with leadership
Emotional intelligence is correlated with leadership; link under investigation

Two conclusions of trait theories

1. traits can predict leadership
2. traits do a better job predicting the emergence of leaders and the appearance of leadership than distinguishing between effective and ineffective leaders

Behavioral Theories of leadership

Determine leadership effectiveness by leader behavior, and perhaps train people to be leaders

Two key studies of leadership

Ohio State Studies
University of Michigan Studies

Ohio State Studies

initiating structure and consideration

The University of Michigan Studies

production oriented and employee oriented

Global Implications

GLOBE Leadership Project Results:
Brazil - Leaders are participative and humane
France - Leaders are bureaucratic, task oriented and autocratic
China - Initiating structure and consideration important: status differences but participation valued

(Contingency Theories)
Fiedler Leadership Model

effective group performance depends on the proper match between the leader's style and the degree to which the situation gives the leader control

Least-Preferred Co-worker (LPC)

determines leadership style (fixed trait)
- Relationship oriented
- Task oriented

Degree of situational control

Match leader's style with degree of situational control
- Leader-member relations, task structure, position power

Matching leaders to situations

Other contingency theories

Situational leadership theory (SLT)
Path-goal theory
Charismatic leadership theory

Situational leadership theory (SLT)

Successful leadership is achieved by selecting the right leadership style, which is contingent on the level of the followers' readiness.

Path-Goal Theory

A theory that states that it is the leader's job to provide followers with information, support, or other resources necessary to achieve goals

charismatic leadership theory

Attributions of heroic leadership abilities when followers observe certain behaviors
- Vision and articulation, personal risk-taking, sensitivity toward followers, unconventional behaviors

Charismatic leaders: born or made?

Charisma is partially attributed to genetics and partially to training and experience

How Charismatic Leaders Influence Followers

Articulate an appealing vision
Communicate a new set of values
Model behaviors for those values
Express dramatic behavior

Charisma and Situational Dependency

-charisma is strongly correlated to high performance and satisfaction

best used when
-environment is uncertain or stressful
-ideology is involved

most closely associated with upper level executives
people are most receptive to charisma when there is a crisis

The potential dark side of charismatic leadership

Some leaders use organizational resources for personal benefit, remake companies in their own image, and allow self-interest and personal goals to override organization's goals

Transactional leaders

motivate their followers in the direction of established goals by clarifying role and task requirements

Transformational leaders

inspire followers to transcend their self-interests for the good of the organization

Full Range Leadership Model

The first four behaviors represent transactional approaches and begins with the Laissez-Faire approach, which is the most passive. As a leader progresses on the scale, she moves toward more active behaviors. The final four behaviors on the model represent transformational actions. This model shows that as leaders utilize more transformational behaviors, they become more effective.

Evaluation of Transformational Leadership

-Is effectively used in various job levels and disparate occupations
-Tends to be more effective in smaller companies
-Works better when the leader directly interacts with followers
-Can be learned

Global Implications

GLOBE study found that many elements of transformational leadership are universal
Vision is important in any culture, but how it is formed and communicated may need to vary by culture

Transformational vs. Transactional Leadership

Transformational leadership is more strongly correlated with lower turnover rates, higher productivity, lower employee stress and burnout, and higher employee satisfaction

Authentic Leadership: Ethics and Trust

Authentic leaders know who they are, what they believe in and value, and act on those values and beliefs openly and candidly
They create trust, encourage open communication, people have faith in them

Ethics and Leadership

Ethics and leadership intersect and many junctures

Executives set the moral tone for an organization so they must set and adhere to high ethical values

Leadership is not value-free, and the means by which a leader achieves their goals must be framed by ethics

socialized charismatic leadership

leadership that conveys other-centered values by leaders who model ethical conduct

servant leadership

Servant leaders go beyond their self-interest and instead focus on opportunities to help followers grow and develop.

Effects of servant leadership

-higher levels of commitment to the supervisor, self-efficacy, and perceptions of justice
-increased team potency and higher group performance
-higher levels of creative performance

Leadership for the future

Mentor: a senior employee who sponsors a less-experienced employee, a proteges

Challenges to the Leadership Construct

- attribution theory of leadership
- substitutes & neutralizers

Substitutes for and Neutralizers of Leadership

Finding and Creating Effective Leaders

selection and training