JKO JFC 200 Module 12: Authorities Course

Developing rules of engagement (ROE) and managing ROE measures is a staff function led by the _____.

J3 or J5 (correct)

It is Department of Defense (DoD) policy that members of the DoD components comply with the Law of War during _____.

all military operations (correct)

What are the main sources of authority in planning and conducting a mission? (Select all that apply.)

- legitimacy in the means of conducting the mission (correct)

- legitimacy in the mission itself (correct)

- legitimacy in the results of the mission (correct)

At the tactical level, rules of engagement (ROE) are tied to the _____.

mission profile (correct)

The United States is _____.

not beholden to the United Nations (correct)

Authority often provides both the permission to do something as well as providing guidance and limitations on how it should be done.

True (correct)

Dialogue and translation between echelons and across organizational, command, and national boundaries early in the planning process and throughout execution of the mission is not essential to achieving a common and shared understanding of all matters in a mission command environment.

False (correct)

A key goal of the rules of engagement (ROE) working group is to proactively develop ROE and respond to requests for additional ROE measures.

True (correct)

Which of the following directly affects the image portrayed to the local, national, and international public? (Select all that apply.)

- thinking through second-order effects (correct)

- determining accountability (correct)

- taking appropriate action (correct)

- the commander's ability to quickly and thoroughly investigate incidents (correct)

In non-combat situations during non-combatant evacuation or personnel recovery operations, requests for rules of engagement (ROE) permitting the use of riot control agents can be requested at the last minute.

False (correct)

Operational control (OPCON) is the authority to perform certain functions of command over subordinate forces and includes which of the following?

- designating objectives (correct)

- organizing and employing commands and forces (correct)

- assigning tasks (correct)

Some coverage plans have been augmented by battle rhythm event archives with primary reference material and notes from event meetings.

True (correct)

Escalation of force is an example of _____.

commander's guidance (correct)

The Law of War principle of "distinction" _____.

requires parties to a conflict to distinguish between combatants and noncombatants and to distinguish between military objectives and protected property and places (correct)

In time of war or national emergency, the President has the authority to take control of certain critical civilian infrastructure.

True (correct)

Military commanders and their staffs are typically most familiar with the large and diverse body of authorities under which U.S. Code?

Title 10 (correct)

Three factors that influence both the mission assigned to the joint force and the rules of engagement (ROE) are _____. (Select all that apply.)

- military capability (correct)
- policy (correct)
- law (correct)

Customary international law is developed from _____.

the practice of nations over time (correct)

Correct decisions on use of force never dictate restraint rather than force.

False (correct)

A best practice employed by successful staffs in tracking and understanding necessary authorities in the mission command construct is to _____.

utilize an authorities matrix (correct)

Which of the following choices best describes how design enriches planning, and states the differences between the two?

Design actions generally consist of more "brainstorming" - dialogue, critical reasoning and creative thinking, whereas planning actions consist of more deliberate analytical thinking and detailed production of plans and orders.

Well informed dissenting opinions in the course of dialogue for design activities should _____.

be considered to better develop an operational approach

The commander and his staff must work to clearly display objectives and end states by phase, demonstrating explicitly their incorporation of what elements of design? (Select all that apply.)

arranging operations (through phasing)

Which of the following describes a role of the Chief of Staff in design and planning?

helps prioritize the planning efforts with a disciplined approach

Adaptive planning centers on _____.

a strategic-level "Capstone" plan

"Co-creation of context" refers to _____. (Select all that apply.)

stakeholders leveraging each other's unique viewpoints and perspectives (correct)

the simultaneous development of a fuller situational understanding across echelons of command (correct)

What is the danger (if any) posed by planning efforts conducted independent, or outside of, the three event horizons?

Planning efforts, outside of the three event horizons, are more prone to losing visibility from the Chief of Staff because they are not generally followed and managed through the plans management board (PMB).

As a crisis emerges within the combatant command's areas of responsibility, the deliberate planning conducted in anticipation of the crisis is adapted to the situation. This sharpens the combatant command's focus on what three concurrent operations?

Deep operations, operations on the flanks, and regional operations

Which of the following choices accurately describes how commands follow the standard joint operation planning process (JOPP) steps to achieve success in the development of commander's critical information requirements (CCIRs)?

Core planners collaborate with working groups during initial JOPP steps; the staff creates initial estimates during mission analysis and the commander interacts with the staff to develop CCIRs.

Which of the following statements describes characteristics of a well-written problem statement that can help focus the staff and subsequent planning process?

The problem statement should not pose a solution, accounts for current circumstances, and does not predict what future actions may occur.

At what point in the overall design and planning process should commanders and planners consider integrating lethal and nonlethal actions?

at the beginning of the process

How can joint task force (JTF) headquarters promote the sharing of design products to the greatest extent possible?

ensuring design products are at a classification level that promotes sharing

For what can training exercises serve as "surrogate?"

for actual execution of a plan

Which of the following links design activities to more detailed planning commonly associated with the joint operation planning process (JOPP)?

an operational approach (correct)

The commander and his staff must work to clearly display objectives and end states by phase, demonstrating explicitly their incorporation of what elements of design? (Select all that apply.)

arranging operations (through phasing) (correct)
lines of effort (correct)
end state (correct)

Which of the following statements best highlights the benefit of organization in design and planning efforts?

Organization can contribute to quick translation of the commander's guidance and intent, and can efficiently devise suitable operational approaches.

Which of the following statement(s) describes the benefit of the adaptive planning process? (Select all that apply.)

allows for continual update and shared awareness of the plans (correct)

centers on a strategic-level "Capstone" plan that provides the framework for other plans that address contingencies that could happen in the geographic combatant command's areas of responsibility (correct)

ensures each of the contingency plans take into account national interests so that actions addressing one contingency do not inadvertently impact U.S. national interests in another area (correct)

The first step in achieving efficiency and effectiveness in planning at all headquarters is _____.

establishing a viable battle rhythm (correct)

Combatant command operations influence planning focus by prioritizing and resourcing planning efforts across which level(s) of planning? (Select all that apply.)

operational (correct)
policy (correct)
strategy (correct)

All of the following are elements of a well-written problem statement, EXCEPT?

should lead the commander and planners to narrow the focus early (correct)

What is the key to success in integrating both lethal and nonlethal activities during planning?

including stakeholders from the very beginning of the design and planning process (correct)

Joint task forces (JTFs) have approach design in many novel ways, often reflecting on whether the JTF headquarters are _____.

standing, rotational, or crisis only and functionally or geographically oriented (correct)

Training exercises are conducted by joint force commanders and their headquarters and based on their operation plans, concept plans, and scenarios related to "most likely" and "most dangerous" crises/contingencies in their areas of responsibility. What is a secondary role of these complex training events?

provide an intensive venue for the focused, structured dialogue that drives design and subsequent planning (correct)