NTTP 3-50.3 2019

five phases of evasion

1 immediate action
2 initial movement
3 hide site
4 evasion movement
5 recovery

1000 days of evasion are better than ___

one day of captivity

stealing to aid in evasion is illegal except during _____

wartime operations

SLLS acronym


ensure watch alarms cell phones and electronic chimes are _____ during evasion.

turned off

What outlines of your body are more noticible

armpits and "V" of the crotch

occupy hide sites for no more than ____ hours


When would you use BLISS

to select a hide site

BLISS acronym

Low silhouette
Irregular shape
Secluded location

how many colors of are used to camouflage the ears


a moving object is _______

easy to spot

what is the "military crest"

2/3 of the way up a hill

peripheral vision is best for recognizing movement ___________________

at night or twilight

if pursued by dogs, concentrate on defeating what?

The handler by tiring the handler or decreasing confidence in the dog
-rapidly increase seperation distance
-travel downwind

how should you enter ditches

feet first to avoid injury

how should you cross a fence

around if able,
if unable go under or at damaged areas

How should you cross a road

90 degree angle but leave footprints parallel to the road

successful urban evasion depends on the ability of the isolated person to ______________________________________

adjust to the environment and temporarily adopt the customs and idiosyncrasies of the locals.

how close to a wall should you travel

1.5-3 feet from the wall.elbow or arm length

how should you look around a corner?

lay on the ground or use a piece of reflective material to peer around.

line of site radios are limited where?

in built up areas. ie urban environments

SARDOT acronym

Search and Rescue point


search and rescue numerical encryption grid

The isolated personel's goals are to ___________

survive, evade, and return.

how many paces does it take to go 100 meters over open terrain

65 paces (average)

how many paces does it take to go 100 meters over rough terrain

90-100 paces (average)

vision takes approximately ___ minutes to adapt to low light conditions

30 minutes

five A's pertaining to rafts

Assistance (help others in)
Anchor (ensure sea anchor deployed)
Air (all chambers inflated)
Accessory Bag (locate it)
Assessment (assess situation

how long should radio transmissions be to avoid detection finding.

3-5 seconds

if transmitting in the blind which shoulder should face the equator


There is less available battery life at _________________

cold temperatures

what can be used in place of antibiotic ointment


improvised treatment of burns

-break aloe vera leaf and spread
-soak willow, oak or maple bark and use liquid to soothe and protect the burned area

When is the best time for manipulating a fracture

immediately following the injury

hypothermia reactions


when does hypothermia occur

when the body temp falls below 95deg. F

is it possible to determin superficial from deep frostbite while in the field?


what are the two types of venom


Hemotoxic venom affects what

circulatory system, destroys blood cells, internal bleeding

neurotoxic venom affects what

Nervous system and may cause respiratory collapse.

what type of venom should you use a "pressure immobilization bandage"?

Neurotoxic venom ONLY

symptoms of food poisoning

nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea soon after ingesting contaminated food.

signs of vitamin a deficiency

decreased vision, especially at night.

Vitamin B1 deficiency

muscle weakness, loss of sensation over parts of extremities, numbness or tingling in the feet.

vitamin C deficiency

joint pain, swollen gums

Uses for tannin

prevents infection, aid healing and to treat burns

Where is tannin found

outer bark of acorn and oak trees, banana plants, plantains, strawberry leaves, blackberry stems

Medical uses for willow and Aspen bark

reduces pain (asprin like)

Medical uses for Yarrow plant root

pain killer
insect repellent

how should you wear clothing

loose and layered

purpose of a tepee fire

concentrated heat for cooking, lighting, or signaling

purpose of log cabin and pyramid fires

produce large amounts of light and heat dry wood and provide coals for cooking

what is a scout fire

small fire used to boil water (1 foot by 1 foot) then buried, which will still produce warmth but no light.

long fire

spread heat over great distance to benefit large group.

sod fire

fire reflectors (such as a rock) to get the most warmth from a fire.

dakota fire hole

fire in a hole with a hole on the upwind side for ventilation connected together.
(used in high winds and evasion situations)

how much water should you drink in a day

at least two quarts

as a rule how much water should an active individual drink

1 quart per hour

signs of dehydration

chapped lips
dark urine

what are substitutes for water

there are NO substitutes for water

how many drops of bleach should you use for water

2 drops per quart

how many drops of iodine

for clear water use 5 drops per quart
for cloudy water use 10 drops per quart

what color berries are often poisonous

white, yellowish, transparent and green berries

what berries are sometimes poisonous

black blue and red

what berries are never poisonous if they are sweet

aggregate berries

with what smells should you stop the testing of food.

moldy, musty, almond

what is the rule of eight

inner arm 8 min
outer lips 8 min
tip of the tongue to taste
inside the mouth 8 min
swallow wait 8 hours
swallow a handful wait 8 hours

COLDER acronym

keep it CLEAN
wear clothing LOOSE and in LAYERS
keep clothing DRY
EXAMINE clothing for defects
keep clothing REPAIRED