NTTP 3-60.2 Maritime Dynamic Targeting

What pub is used for Maritime Dynamic Targeting?

NTTP 3-60.2

What is NTTP 3-60.2 used for?

Maritime Dynamic Targeting

What was created as a solution to asset sharing conflicts between surface warfare and antisubmarine warfare?

sea combat commander (SCC)

What provides for better and faster methods of passing targeting information?

A network-centric environment

What is a MDT?

the maritime component designation of a target that requires immediate response because it poses a danger to friendly forces or is highly lucrative, but not designated as a TST.

What concepts are used to shape the maritime dynamic targeting process?

Based on fundamental principles of naval warfighting doctrine

Dynamic targeting uses the F2T2EA kill chain process. What is F2T2EA?


what are the Dynamic Targeting Guiding Principles?

1. Reduce Response Time
2. Rapid Decision-making
3. Mission Command Tactical Commanders Fight the Battle
4. Collaboration
5. Unity of Effort
6. Common Understanding
7. Battlespace Deconfliction
8. Concurrent Target Process Execution
9. Redundancy
10. Communication Discipline
11. Autonomous Maritime Dynamic Target Prosecution

What is one of the most difficult elements of naval warfare?


What three things are all predicated on good communication?

situational awareness
speed of decision

What is dwell time?

The time from initial detection of the target until the engagement opportunity is lost.

How many steps are in the engagement cycle?