2.6.4 Ice Cream

Question: Comments are written for…

Answer: Humans to read and to understand


Question: What symbol is used at the beginning of an in-line comment?

Answer: #


Question: What punctuation is used to begin a multi-line comment?

Answer: “““


Question: What name follows all naming rules?

Answer: make_square


Question: If I am creating a function that makes two squares, what would be the best name option?

Answer: draw_squares


Question: What is not a way functions make our code more readable?

Answer: Each function only contains one command


Question: What two things must be included in your function definition?

Answer: A function name and commands to be performed


Question: What is the proper way to call the function three_circles?

Answer: three_circles()


Question: How would I change Tracy’s trail to a yellow line with a thickness of 10 pixels?

Answer: color(“yellow)



Question: What is true of Tracy’s color command?

Answer: The color name must be in quotation marks


Question: What is the correct way to draw a circle that is filled in?

Answer: begin_fill




Question: what would be the output of the following command?

Answer: circle(50,360,5)


Question: What would be the output of the following command?

Answer: circle(50,180,3)


Question: Top down design makes it easier to solve a problem by…

Answer: Breaking the problem down into smaller parts


Question: What is not an example of using top down design?

Answer: Using descriptive names for variables


Question: Variables allow us to…

Answer: Store information to use in our programs


Question: Which program will have Tracy move forward 10, then turn left and move forward 20?

Answer: distance=10



distance = distance * 2



Question: Which program would produce the following output?

Answer: square_length = 20

for i in range(4):



squarelength = squarelength * 2
