6Th Grade Social Studies Test With Answer Key Pdf

Question: How would describe the island of Greece?
Answer: Rocky, and mountainous
Question: According to the Iliad, what finally enabled the Greeks to win the Trojan War?
Answer: The Greeks put a horse full of soldiers next to a city and the enemies took the horse inside the walls later to have the city destroyed
Question: What were some characteristics of the Dark Ages in Greece?
Answer: Extreme poverty, no writing, and no art.
Question: Why were Greek cities built on high rocky hilltops?
Answer: So they were more protected from invaders.
Question: Which group of people in Greece did NOT believe the gods were the cause of all natural events?
Answer: Philosophers did not believe that the gods explained every event
Question: Who was the most beautiful woman in Greece? (The Trojan War was fought because she was kidnapped!)
Answer: Helen of Troy was the most beautiful woman in the world.
Question: Who was the ruler of the Greek gods and the world? (The Olympic Games were held in his honor.)
Answer: Zeus
Question: Who was allowed to vote in ancient Athens?
Answer: Only civilian Men; not women, slaves, or foreigners.
Question: Why was Sparta's military so powerful?
Answer: Spartan boys began military training at age 7; Spartan culture valued strength and did not encourage men to read.
Question: How did Spartans treat sickly infants?
Answer: Sick infants were put outside the city to die.
Question: Who was Alexander the Great and how did he come to power?
Answer: Alexander conquered the Persian empire and created a Greek empire. He became ruler when his father was assassinated.
Question: How did Alexander the Great die and what happened to his empire after he died?
Answer: Alexander died of disease and his empire was divided into three groups.
Question: Who was Socrates and how did he die?
Answer: He was a philosopher who challenged peoples beliefs and values and he was put to death by poison.
Question: On which peninsula is Rome located?
Answer: Italy
Question: Who were Romulus and Remus? Who was their father? By whom were they raised?
Answer: Legendary twins who founded Rome. Ares god of war was their father, but they were raised by a wolf and a Shepard.
Question: Why was Julius Caesar assassinated?
Answer: The senate hated having the idea of a dictator as king. Caesar had appointed himself a dictator for life
Question: After Caesar was assassinated Rome fell into civil war. After the war _____________ became Rome's first emperor.
Answer: Augustuss
Question: Where and how did poor people (plebeians) in ancient Rome live?
Answer: They lived in poorly made tall wooden apartments houses with frequent fires. Most plebeians were unemployed and living off government handouts.
Question: Who was the last of the five good emperors?
Answer: Marcus Aurelius
Question: What might be seen during a day's events at a Roman circus?
Answer: Criminals were fed to lions and gladiators fight till the death.
Question: Two of Rome's greatest architectural achievements were _________ and the _________.
Answer: Aqueducts and the Colosseum
Question: What four things contributed to the decline of the Roman empire?
Answer: Corrupt, emperors, weak army, inflation, and the empire was too large
Question: Who was Jesus and what did he acomplish?
Answer: He was belived by christians to be the messiah. The Holy Bible states that he was crucified, rose from the dead, and talked to his desciples.
Question: What are the five major world religions?
Answer: Judaism, Hinduism, Buddism, Christianity, and Islam.
Question: Religious place to worship of Christianity
Answer: Church
Question: Founder of Judaism
Answer: Abraham
Question: After the break up of the Roman empire, communites needed protection against _____ invaders
Answer: Viking
Question: Founder of Hinduism
Answer: No single founder.
Question: Holy Book of Judaism
Answer: Torah
Question: Founder of Buddism
Answer: Siddhartha Gautama Buddha
Question: Religious place to worship of Islam
Answer: Mosque
Question: Founder of Christianity
Answer: Jesus
Question: Holy Book of Hinduism
Answer: Upanishad
Question: Founder of Islam
Answer: Muhammad
Question: What did Galileo believe about the relationship between the earth and the sun? What did Aristotle and the Catholic Church believe?
Answer: Galileo believed the earth rotated around the sun; Aristotle and the Catholic Church believed the sun rotated around the earth.Galileo was placed under house arrest because of his beliefs.
Question: Holy Book of Buddism
Answer: No single text follow the middle way.
Question: Who called Christians to fight in the Crusades? Who did they fight and why?
Answer: Pope Urban II. They fought the Islamic people because they were in control of what was considered Holy Land to the Christians
Question: Holy Book of Christianity
Answer: Bible
Question: During the Middle Ages, ______ were given land by their lords and swore loyalty to him.
Answer: Knight
Question: Holy Book of Islam
Answer: Quran
Question: What is another name for the black plague and how did it spread?
Answer: Bubonic Plague; by fleas and rats.
Question: Religious place to worship of Judaism
Answer: Temple
Question: Religious place to worship of Hinduism
Answer: Temple
Question: The reformation began with Martin Luter. Luther believed the key to getting into heaven was ______________.
Answer: Belief in God not obedience to the Church. Luther especially disliked the church's use of indulgence.
Question: ______ is a power structure that developed during medieval times.
Answer: Feudalism
Question: Religious place to worship of Buddism
Answer: Temple
Question: List ten parts of a Medieval Castle. When were most castles built?
Answer: Baily, keep, portcullis, moat, drawbridge, barbican, battlements, ramparts, buttress, and arrowloops. Castles were built in the Middle Ages 1,000 AD to 1,500 AD Nobles built castles for protection
Question: During the Renaissance, Europe experienced a rebirth in art, learning and culture. Name two Renaissance artist. What are each famous for painting?
Answer: Michelangelo painted the Sistine Chapel and Leonardo painted the Mona Lisa.
Question: How were Jews treated during the Middle Ages?
Answer: During the Middle ages, Jews were discriminated.
Question: The Renaissance in Europe begain in ____.
Answer: Italy
Question: What was most important result of the Crusades?
Answer: Trade and exchange of ideas between Europe and Asia increased.
Question: Education in the Renaissance was different from education during the Middle Ages because__________.
Answer: During the Renaissance people studied the humanities and sciences. During Middle Ages most people could not read and studied the bible.