70K Army

Question: Levels of Logistics
Answer: Theater - Press/SecDef
Operational - Combatant Commander's
Tactical - Operational Level Commanders
Question: Direct Support
Answer: The supporting unit provides dedicated support to a specific unit
Question: Responsibilities of the SPO
Answer: • External logistics customer support functions are under the supervision of the SPO
• Advises the commander on support requirements versus support assets available.
• Principal staff officer for coordinating logistical reach operations for supported units and the BN.
• Provides the technical supervision for the BDE's external sustainment mission.
• Requests and coordinates augmentation with the higher echelon when requirements exceed capabilities.
• Determines which reach resources can be directly coordinated and which must be passed to the next higher support level for coordination.
• Continually updates logistics reach requirements based on the logistics plan.
Question: Sustainment Brigade
Answer: Attached to an ESC/TSC, provides mission command for all subordinate units, and provides sustainment in an area of operations as defined by the ESC/TSC. The sustainment brigade plans and executes sustainment, distribution, theater opening and reception, staging, and onward movement of Army forces in full spectrum operations as directed by the ESC/TSC
Question: Theater Support Command (TSC)
Answer: The TSC executes its mission through the use of modular forces, to include expeditionary sustainment
commands (ESC), sustainment brigades, combat sustainment support battalions, and other modular sustainment formations. Sustainment brigades, functional groups, combat sustainment support battalions, and functional sustainment units serve as the building blocks of the force structure designed to execute TSC missions within the theater.
Question: Combat Sustainment Support Battalion (CSSB)
Answer: CSSB is a fixed headquarters organizations comprised of a command group and staff (see figure 3-1). The support capability of the CSSB comes from the attachment of various logistics organizations selected to support the ongoing mission.
Question: Army Preposition Stocks (APS) locations
Answer: 1. Conus (USA)
2. Europe
3. Afloat
4. Pacific (Japan/korea)
5. SWA (southwest asia)
Question: APS Automation Systems
Answer: • PBUSE - Property Book Unit Supply Enhanced
• ABS - Automated Battle Book System
• DRRS-A/ NETUSR - Unit Status Reports
Question: LMP
Answer: Logistics Modernization Program
Question: TAT
Answer: To Accompany Troops
Question: NAPM
Answer: Not Authorized Preposition Materiel
Question: OPROJ
Answer: Operational Project Stocks
Question: AWRS
Answer: Army War Reserve Sustainment
Question: WRSA
Answer: War Reserve Stocks for Allies
Question: MEL
Answer: Master Equipment List
Question: RSO&I
Answer: Reception, staging, on-ward movement, and integration is the final stage of deployment. RSO&I is the essential process that transitions deploying forces, consisting of personnel, equipment, and materiel arriving in theater into forces capable of meeting the CCDR's operational requirements
Question: Reception, Staging, On-ward movement, and Integration (RSO&I)
Answer: • Simple definition: process by which combat power is generated in a given theater
• Since this process serves to complete movement of the network into theater, it is considered a transportation function.
Question: Intermediate Staging Base
Answer: • A temporary location used to stage forces upon inserting them into the host nation located within the theater of operations, but outside the combat zone.
o Ex: Kuwait
Question: Force Health Protection (FHP) - Reception and Staging
Answer: Disease Nonbattle Injuries (DNBI)
Sick call
Medical threat
Class VIII supply procedures
Question: Force Health Protection (FHP) - On-ward Movement and Integration
Answer: IAW Operations Plan (OPLAN) and mission requirements
Assume and provide the full spectrum of Combat Health Support (CHS)
Question: Force Closure
Answer: Point which the combatant commander determines that an adequate combat-ready force is available. It ends the RSOI process.
Question: Power Projection Platform (PPP)
Answer: The ability of the United States to apply all or some of the elements of National Power DIME (diplomatic, informational, military, and economic).
Question: The characteristics of the Power Projection Platform (PPP)
Answer: • Army installations that strategically deploy one or more high priority active component brigades or larger and/or mobilize and deploy high priority Army reserve component units.
• Active Army or federally activated state operated installations that strategically deploy individuals from all services, the civilian force and mobilized reserve components.
• PSPs house training facilities and heavy equipment for units.
• Must Have:
Warehousing to support basic loads
Question: Strategic Mobility Triad
Answer: The combination of strategic airlift, sealift, and prepositioned equipment, provides the capability to respond to contingencies.
Question: Mobilization
Answer: Process by which the Armed Forces or part of them are brought to a state of readiness for war or other national emergency. This includes activating all or part of the Reserve Components as well as assembling and organizing personnel, supplies, and equipment
Question: Emergency Support Functions
Answer: ESF #8 - Public Health and Medical Services
Public health
Medical Mental health services
Mass fatality management
Question: The Defense Distribution Pipeline
Answer: DLA is the primary operator of the defense supply and depot system and is responsible for acquisition, receipt, storage, issuance, and generation of source data for all materiel

USTRANSCOM that manages the defense transportation system

The Geographic Combatant Commander that manages and directs the theater distribution system
Question: Mission of the Expeditionary Sustainment Command (ESC)
Answer: Provides C2 of operational-level logistics in a specified AO

Executes logistics operations limited in scale and scope

Conducts logistics operations in accordance with TSC plans, policies, programs, and mission guidance

Plans and executes sustainment, distribution, theater opening, and reception, staging, and onward movement
Question: ESC Key Functions
Answer: RSO&I
Distribution Management
Materiel Management
Movement Control
Provide Sustainment
ARSOF Support
Provide Common User Log Support
Conduct Redeployment Activities
Question: Theater Sustainment Command (TSC)
Answer: Plan, prepare, rapidly deploy, and execute operational-level logistics operations within an assigned theater

• Provide centralized management of the distribution system across the theater (operational to tactical)
• Integrate strategic sources, contractors and other agencies into the sustainment mission
• establish the support procedures and functional relationships to sustain multinational forces in a joint operations area (open a theater)
Question: Transportation Nodes
Answer: ◦ The local Movement Control Team
◦ The Support Operations Transportation Section
◦ The local Convoy Support Centers
◦ The Combat Sustainment Support Battalion
◦ The Distribution Management Centers
◦ Brigade Distribution - A Co., BSB
Question: 5 Paragraphs in an OPORD
Answer: 1. Situation
2. Mission
3. Execution - discusses how Logistics mission will be executed
4. Sustainment - Refer to Annex "F" for sustainment
5. Command and Control
Appendix 1- Logistics (G-4, S-4)
Appendix 2- Personnel Services Support
Appendix 3- Army Health System Support (Surgeon)
Question: Combat Support Hospital (CSH) Early Entry Hospital Element (EEHE)
Answer: Mission:
Provide hospitalization services for all classes of patients within the Corps
Personnel: 138 Total - OFFICERS 50 - ENLISTED 88
Question: Combat Support Hospital (CSH) Early Entry Hospital Element (EEHE)
Answer: Capabilities:
• 24-hour stand alone ops for 72 hours (w/aug from HHD, EEHE)
• EMT (receive, triage, and prepare incoming patients for surgery)
• Surgical capability (general and orthopedic )
o 2 OR tables / 36 operating table hours per day
• Hospitalization for 44 patients
o 2 ICU (24 beds)
o 1 ICW (20 beds)
• Pharmacy
• Clinical laboratory services to include basic microbiology screening
• Blood banking
• Radiology services
• Patient administration, logistical and nutritional care services
• Hospital Ministry
• Unit maintenance
• 100% Tactical Mobility
Question: Transportation Element
Answer: Capabilities:
This unit provides organic transportation required for
mission accomplishment of the Hospital Company (84-Bed),
- This unit does not perform unit maintenance on organic equipment
- This unit is dependent upon personnel assigned to the EEHE to sign for vehicles at port of arrival.
Question: Role of the CSH S4
Answer: Coordinates with general and medical logistics supply and service units to provide logistics functions throughout the hospital, to include:

General and medical supplies and maintenance;
blood management; utilities such as water distribution, waste disposal, and environmental control of patient treatment areas; power and vehicle maintenance;
equipment records and repair parts; fuel distribution

Coordinates with sustainment brigade (SB)/ theater support command (TSC) elements for materiel handling equipment (MHE) for movement of the hospital's Deployable Medical System (DEPMEDS) equipment.

Maintains the unit property book.

Establishes a temporary morgue for handling remains until transported to the supporting mortuary affairs (MA) organization.

Coordinates with SB/TSC the to ensure each RTD soldier has or is issued one basic serviceable uniform and also for the transportation of RTD soldiers to the replacement companies.

Coordinates patient movement item (PMI) requirements with the supporting MEDLOG Company.

Plans and coordinates contractual support requirements for the hospital (e.g., food service, laundry and bath, general housekeeping and medical maintenance).
Question: Hospitalization Augmentation Element
Answer: Capabilities:
Outpatient specialty clinic services
Additional hospitalization for up to 40 patients consisting of two ICWs
Augmentation to company headquarters and supply and services section
Seven days of supplies maintained in the MMS Medical Supply
When augmented by HQ SECTION, HOSPITALIZATION AUGMENTATION ELEMENT, provides laundry services for patient related linens and coordinates with the supporting element for all other laundry support. Limitations: This unit cannot stand alone and is dependent on the EEHE for field feeding, power generation, and unit maintenance.
Question: Army Medical Logistics Enterprise
Answer: PURPOSE: To provide an overview of the Army Medical Logistics Enterprise (AMLE).

Purpose & Evolution of the Enterprise
Power of the Enterprise
CONOPS Evolution
Nesting & Alignment of Strategy Maps (Army MED & DMLE)
Emerging Initiatives
Enterprise SWOT & Pearls of Wisdom