7.1 Angles Of Polygons Answer Key

Question: 180°
Answer: What is the sum of the interior angles of a triangle?
Question: 540°
Answer: What is the sum of the interior angles of a pentagon?
Question: 108°
Answer: What is the measure of each interior angle in a regular pentagon?
Question: 360°
Answer: The exterior angle sum of a hendecagon is ______.
Question: 36°
Answer: What is the measure of each exterior angle in a regular decagon?
Question: 130°
Answer: If a polygon's interior angle measures 50°, what is the measure of its adjacent exterior angle?
Question: 135°
Answer: The interior angle sum of a regular polygon is 1080°. What is the measure of each interior angle? (hint - find the number sides first!)
Question: 720°
Answer: What is the interior angle sum of a hexagon?
Question: 60°
Answer: What is the measure of each exterior angle in a hexagon?
Question: 10
Answer: An exterior angle of a regular polygon is 36 degrees. How many sides does the polygon have?
Question: 180(n - 2)
Answer: What is the equation for finding the sum of the interior angles of a polygon?
Question: 360/n
Answer: What is the equation for finding the measure of each exterior angle of a regular polygon?
Question: heptagon
Answer: What do we call a 7-sided polygon?
Question: hexagon
Answer: What do we call a six-sided polygon?
Question: 40°
Answer: What is the measure of each exterior angle of a regular nonagon?
Question: 140°
Answer: What is the measure of each interior angle of a regular nonagon?
Question: 12°
Answer: What is the measure of each exterior angle of a regular 30-gon?
Question: 168°
Answer: What is the measure of each interior angle of a regular 30-gon?
Question: octagon
Answer: One exterior angle of a regular polygon measures 45°. Classify the polygon.
Question: dodecagon
Answer: One interior angle of a regular polygon measures 150°. Classify the polygon.
Question: triangle
Answer: One exterior angle of a regular polygon measures 120°. Classify the polygon.
Question: 6840°
Answer: Find the sum of the interior angles of a convex 40-gon.
Question: 24-gon
Answer: The sum of the measures of the interior angles of a convex polygon is 3960. Classify the polygon.
Question: 121°
Answer: A convex hexagon has interior angle measures of 105°, 142°, 140°, 124°, 88° and x°. Find the value of x.
Question: 56°
Answer: A convex pentagon has interior angle measures of 64°, 3x°, 86°, 110°, and 2x°. Find the value of x.
Question: 64°
Answer: A convex quadrilateral has exterior angle measures of 93°, 75°, 2x°, and x°. Find the value of x.