7.1 Life Is Cellular

Answer: Microscope
Question: How did the first true microscope come to be?
Answer: eyeglass makers in Europe discovered that using several glass lenses in combination could magnify small objects
Question: Robert Hooke
Answer: used a compound microscope to examine cork. It seemed to be made of thousands of tiny chambers. He called them cells.
Question: Anton van Leeuwenhoek
Answer: used a single-lens microscope to observe pond water and it revealed tiny organisms that were found everywhere, today we call them bacteria
Question: Cells
Answer: the basic units of life
Question: Matthias Schleiden
Answer: concluded all plants are made of cells
Question: Theodor Schwann
Answer: stated all animals are made of cells
Question: Rudolf Virchow
Answer: concluded that new cells can be produced from the division of existing cells
Question: Cell Theory
Answer: The fundamental concept of biology. It states: 1) All living things are made up of cells. 2) Cells are the basic units of structure and function in living things. 3)New cells are produced from existing cells.
Question: Most Microscpes use lenses to magnify the image of an object by _____________.
Answer: Focusing light or electrons.
Question: Compound Light Microscope
Answer: is a typical light microscope that allows light to pass through a specimen and uses two lenses to form an image.
Question: Objective lens
Answer: The first lens located just above the specimen
Question: Ocular lens
Answer: The second lens that magnifies the image still further.
Question: Light microscopes produce clear images of objects only to a magnification of
Answer: 1000 times
Question: Using chemical stains solves the problem of
Answer: the fact that most living cells are transparent (flourescence)
Question: Electron microscopes
Answer: use beam of electrons that are focused bh magnetic fields. They offer much higher resolution than light microscopes.
Question: Two major types of electron microscopes:
Answer: Transmission and scanning.
Question: Tansmission electron microscopes
Answer: make it possiblle to explore cell structures and large protein molecules. Beams of electrons can only pass through thin samples making images 2 dimensional
Question: Scanning electron microscopes
Answer: a pencil like beam of electrons is scanned over the surface of the specimen. They produce three dimensional images
Question: To prevent electrons from scattering in the air,
Answer: samples must be placed in a vacuum and chemically preserved since they have to be nonliving cells and tissues
Question: Cell membrane
Answer: A thin flexible barrier that surrounds a cell.
Question: nucleus
Answer: a large membrane-enclosed structure that contains genetic material in the form of DNA.
Question: Eukaryotes
Answer: cells that enclose their DNA in nuclei.
Question: Prokaryotes
Answer: cells that do not enclose their DNA in nuclei.
Question: Prokaryotic Cells are generally _____ and ________ than eukaryotic cells.
Answer: smaller and simpler
Question: One example of prokaryotes
Answer: bacteria
Question: Eukaryotic Cells are generally _____ and ________ than prokaryotic cells.
Answer: larger and more complex