7.1 Shifting Power After 1900

Question: What kind of Revolution did Russia have?
Answer: A communist Revolution
Question: What type of government did Russia have?
Answer: Monarchy ruled by a tsar
Question: Revolution in Russia
Answer: Slow industrialization and military weakness due to internal weakness; after losing 2 battles a revolution to overthrow the tsar; provisional govt. was created (ineffective); communist revolution which initiated many communist reforms.
Question: What battles did Russia lose?
Answer: Crimean War and the Russo-Japanese War
Question: Crimean War
Answer: Lost Crimean peninsula to the Ottoman Empire.
Question: Russo-Japanese War
Answer: Lost to Japan over navel control of the pacific.
Question: Communist Revolution in Russia
Answer: A revolution that successfully overthrew the provisional govt. and initiated many communist reforms.
Question: Who was the Communist Revolution in Russia led by?
Answer: The Bolshevik party led by Vladimir Lenin.
Question: What were the Communist Reforms in Russia?
Answer: Abolishment of Private trade and the redistribution of farmland and crops.
Question: Rule in China?
Answer: Qing Dynasty ruled by the Manchus under foreign rule and the ethnic majority of China were the Han.
Question: Causes of the revolution in China?
Answer: Flood and crop failure led to famine; govt. failed to manage tax revenue which led to poor infrastructure, trade effects, an effect on the innerworkings of the country and the economy. Threats from the West (opium wars) led to China's loss of economic control and territory.
Question: Revolution in China?
Answer: Revolution in 1911; Yat-Sen overthrew Qing Dynasty; created a republic; created Chinese Nationalism and tried to unify ethnic groups in China; expelled foreign traders but lacked military control which resulted in the Kuomintang ruling China.
Question: What kind of party were the Kuomintang?
Answer: A nationalist party.
Question: Causes of Revolutions in the Ottoman Empire?
Answer: Lack of industrialization + Nationalist feelings led to revolutions and failures in war which resulted in the shrink of the Ottoman Empire.
Question: Revolution 1 in the Ottoman Empire?
Answer: Young Turks advocated western-style country (tried to industrialize under the west like Japan) and emphasized Turkish Culture. Conflict with Armenia and Ottoman Empire broken up.
Question: What battle did the Ottomans lose?
Answer: A conflict against Armenia during WWI even though they allied with Germany against the Armenian.
Question: Revolution 2 in the Ottoman Empire?
Answer: Turkey was created by Ataturk and established a western-style govt. Deemphasized Islamic culture but was dictator so his rule ended in 1938.
Question: Causes of revolution in Mexico
Answer: Porfirio Diaz ruling-foreign investments + income inequality + jailing of an opposition leader by Diaz.
Question: Revolution in Mexico
Answer: 1911; Land Redistribution to peasants to change income inequality but violence continued until 1930 (2 decades) 2 million dead from conflicts.
Question: Effects of Revolution in Mexico
Answer: Stable constitution since 1917; public education, land redistribution, and universal suffrage. Controlled by Pri and Mexico overall had a more centralized govt.
Question: What kind of political party was Pri?
Answer: A revolutionary party.
Question: Date: 1911
Answer: Qing Dynasty overthrown by Sun Yat-Sen
Question: Date: 1917
Answer: 1. Communist Revolution in Russia
2. Mexican Constitution Ratification
Question: Date 1923
Answer: Ataturk becomes leader of Turkey.