7813 Math Praxis

Question: integer
Answer: Positive and Negative Whole Numbers and 0. Examples: .... -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3.....(Does not include fractions or decimals)

divisible by 1 without a remainder
Question: whole number

Question: natural numbers
Answer: 1,2,3

*also known as counting numbers
Question: rational numbers
Answer: any number that can be expressed as a fraction
Question: prime numbers
Answer: a number which can only be divided by itself and 1

Question: composite numbers
Answer: 3 or more factors

Question: composition of numbers
Answer: the ability to find the total, or sum, by combining two or more numbers - addition
Question: decomposition of numbers
Answer: the ability to take one number away from another - subtraction
Question: _____x______=_______
Answer: factor x factor = product

Answer: rational numbers
Question: rational x rational =
Answer: rational

Answer: positive
Question: 1/1 =
Answer: 100% 1.0
Question: 1/2 =
Answer: 50% 0.5
Question: 1/3 =
Answer: 33% 0.33
Question: 1/4 =
Answer: 25% 0.25
Question: 1/5 =
Answer: 20% 0.2
Question: 1/8 -
Answer: 12.5% 0.125
Question: 1/10
Answer: 10% 0.1
Question: refers to the value of the digit based on its position
Answer: place value
Question: 422 =
Answer: 4 hundreds 2 tens 2 ones
Question: commutative property
Answer: you can change the order of the addends a+b=b+a
Question: associative property
Answer: you can change the grouping of addends 3+(7+29) =(3+7)+29
Question: identity property
Answer: adding 0, or multiplying by 1, does not change a number n+O=n
Question: distributive property
Answer: combines addition and subtraction
a(b+c) = axb+axc
Question: degree means the same as
Answer: exponent
Question: in the expression 4x^2+7 what is the degree of 4x^2
Answer: 2

Answer: you flip the inequality symbol!

Answer: stays the same!

Answer: changes from positive to negative or negative to positive
Question: supplementary angles
Answer: two angles that add up to 180 degrees

Answer: equal
Question: polygons
Answer: 2D closed shapes made up of straight lines

Answer: polygons
Question: types of triangles
Answer: equilateral, isosceles, scalene
right, obtuse, acute
Question: equilateral triangle
Answer: has three equal sides
Question: isosceles triangle
Answer: has two equal sides
Question: scalene triangle
Answer: has no equal sides
Question: acute triangle
Answer: has three angles <90 degrees
Question: right triangle
Answer: has one 90 degree angle
Question: obtuse triangle
Answer: has one angle greater than 90 degrees
Question: convex
Answer: curved outward
Question: concave
Answer: curving inward
Question: mean
Answer: average - add up all values and divide by the total number of values
Question: median
Answer: middle value - put all values in order and find the middle value; if there are two middle values add them and divide by 2
Question: mode
Answer: the most frequent value - there can be more than one
Question: range
Answer: the difference between the highest and the lowest - subtract
Question: quotient
Answer: a result obtained by dividing one quantity by another.

Answer: a sum

Answer: difference
Question: one to one correspondence
Answer: an early learning math skill that involves the act of counting each object in a set once, and only once with one touch per object.
Question: cardinality
Answer: the number of elements in a set or other grouping, as a property of that grouping
Question: equivalent fractions
Answer: fractions with different numerators and denominators that represent the same value or proportion of the whole.
Question: top number of a fraction
Answer: numerator
Question: bottom number of a fraction
Answer: denominator
Question: perfect square

Question: prime factorization
Answer: breaking down a composite number until all of the factors are prime
Question: A+B=B+A
Answer: Commutative Property/ Communicative Property
Question: A+(B+C)=(A+B)+C
Answer: Associative Property
Question: n+0=n
Answer: identity property
Question: ax(b+c) = axb+axc
Answer: distributive property
Question: rounding
Answer: replacing a number with an approximate value that has a shorter, simpler, or more explicit representation
Question: estimation
Answer: a rough calculation of the value, number, quantity, or extent of something.
Question: absolute value
Answer: distance from 0 - always positive
Question: 28 = 10+10+8
Answer: composition of base ten numbers
Question: expression
Answer: a sentence with a minimum of two numbers and at least one math operation
Question: equation
Answer: A mathematical sentence that contains an equals sign

2 expressions connected with an equal sign
Question: inequality
Answer: A statement that compares two quantities using <, >, ≤,≥, or ≠
Question: slope
Answer: The steepness of a line on a graph; m; rise/run
Question: x-axis ; y-axis
Answer: the x axis is the horizontal number line on a coordinate plane; the y axis is the vertical number line on a coordinate plane
Question: coordinate plane
Answer: two-dimensional plane formed by the intersection of a vertical line called y-axis and a horizontal line called x-axis
Question: ordered pair
Answer: a pair of numbers used to locate a point on the coordinate plane (x,y)
Question: linear equation
Answer: An equation whose graph is a line
Question: slope intercept form
Answer: y=mx+b, where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept of the line.
Question: slope
Answer: rise/run, y2-y1/x2-x1
Question: supplementary angles
Answer: two angles that add up to 180 degrees - a line
Question: complementary angles
Answer: Two angles whose sum is 90 degrees - right angle
Question: probability
Answer: likelihood that a particular event will occur
Question: linked/compound probability
Answer: two or more independent events will occur
Question: area of a rectangle
Answer: A=lw/
Question: area of a triangle
Answer: A=1/2bh
Question: circumference of a circle
Answer: C=2πr
Question: area of a circle
Answer: A=πr²
Question: Pythagorean Theorem
Answer: a²+b²=c²
Question: degrees in a triangle
Answer: 180
Question: Degrees in a polygon
Answer: (# of sides - 2) x 180
Question: Pick's Formula
Answer: A=I+ B/2-1
Question: 12 inches = _ ft
Answer: 1 foot
Question: 36 inches=__________________ yard
Answer: 1 yard
Question: 3 feet= ___ yards
Answer: 1
Question: 1,760 yards = ______mi.
Answer: 1 mile
Question: 5,280 feet = _____ mi
Answer: 1 mile