A Member Of Congress Cannot Be Held Legally Responsible For

Question: What is the minimum age for a member of the house of Representatives
Answer: 25
Question: What does the vice president
Answer: He is the President of the Senate
Question: In order for the Senate or House to vote on a bill, how many members must be present?
Answer: more than 1/2 (quorum)
Question: A member of Congress cannot be held legally responsible for?
Answer: Statements made in speeches or debates in either house
Question: Overriding a presidential veto of a bill requires
Answer: A 2/3 vote by both houses of congress
Question: If congress passes a bill and sends it the President two weeks before a scheduled adjournment, and doesn't sign it nor returns it that bill
Answer: becomes a law
Question: Under what conditions may a state engage in war with a foreign nation
Answer: only when if delay would be dangerous
Question: The president must
Answer: be born by birth in the country
Question: The president salary
Answer: can not change during the term he or she is elected
Question: The president oath
Answer: He must swear to hold up the constitution
Question: The Presidents pardons
Answer: has the power to grant pardons for crimes against the United States
Question: the president must
Answer: report to congress on how the nation is doing
Question: Federal judges
Answer: hold their offices for life unless they were dismissed for bad behavior
Question: A person can not be convicted of treason without
Answer: 2 witnesses of the crime that occured
Question: new states may be admitted to the union if
Answer: approved by congress
Question: The constitution requires that state governments
Answer: represent the people who reside in the states
Question: Someone charged with a crime who flees to another state must be returned to the original state by the state he or she has gone to if
Answer: the governor of the original state requests it
Question: The constitution can be amended if
Answer: the change is approved by a 2/3 majority of both houses of congress and 3/4 of the states
Question: in the Constitution the "Supreme law of the land" is
Answer: the constitution itself
Question: A person cannot serve as a member of a state legislature or hold federal office unless
Answer: he or she swears an oath of loyalty to the constitution
Question: how many states had to raify the Constitution for it to become the law of the land
Answer: 9 states
Question: If the senate votes 49 to 49 on a bill does the President of the senate cast the tie breaking vote
Answer: Yes the vice president can cast the vote.
Question: Can a senator be sued for slander because he or she said in a speech on the floor of the senate
Answer: No they are privileged from arrest and the house
Question: If congress creates a new government agency, can a senator of Representative resign from office to become the head of that agency
Answer: No senator or representative can
Question: Can the senate Expel one of its members?
Answer: if 2/3 agree on it
Question: If the house unanimously votes to override a presidential veto of 64 to 34 does the bill become a law?
Answer: It requires 2/3 vote from both houses
Question: Can congress pass the after fact law if both houses agree on it
Answer: No they can't pass the law after the after fact law
Question: Can a state impose an import tax on goods entering from another state?
Answer: they can't unless congress okays it
Question: Could a bill pass by the senate by a vote of 26 to 27?
Answer: Yes because there has to be 51 people present and there are 53 in that vote
Question: If a bill is sent to the president one week before congress adjourns, and the president doesn't sign it nor returns it, does it become a law?
Answer: No because congress is adjourned for a week
Question: Can congress pass the after fact law if both houses favor it by 2/3 majority?
Answer: No bill attained after the after fact shall be passed
Question: Can a state legally engage in war with a foreign nation if the state is invaded by troops of that nation
Answer: Yes because danger will not delay
Question: Ky Pham is 32 years old and became a U.S citizen at the age of 24. Could he serve as a senator of Maine
Answer: Yes he has to be a citizen for 9 years
Question: Is the length of a president's term set by the constitution
Answer: yes he shall have 4 years
Question: Does the number of elector college votes vary from state to state
Answer: Yes the whole number of representatives plus two
Question: Can someone under the age of 35 become a president
Answer: No they must be 35 and be a natural born U.S citizen
Question: Can someone born out of the country become the president
Answer: No they must be born in the united states
Question: can the president pardon someone convicted of treason
Answer: yes He has the power to grant pardons of people convicted of treason
Question: Must the president report to congress on how the nation is doing
Answer: yes he shall give information of the state of the union
Question: Can the president convicted of bribery remain in office
Answer: no government official shall remain in office for bribery of any other higher up crime
Question: Can a president dismiss a member of the supreme court and replace him or her with someone more in agreement with the president
Answer: No, Judges are to serve for life unless they die or retire
Question: Can the salary paid to a federal judge be lowered while the judge remains in office
Answer: You can't punish a judge for his pay
Question: Must a case in which a resident of Nebraska sues a citizen of Louisiana be heard in a federal court
Answer: Yes because if it weren't then it would favor one in one state
Question: Can someone who publicly urges others to overthrow the federal government be convicted of treason for that position
Answer: No it has to be involving someone in another country and it has to have 2 witnesses
Question: Can a person who gives secret U.S government information be convicted of treason
Answer: yes if there are 2 witnesses of the crime
Question: Can a person who denies having committed treason be convicted on the testimony of a single person be convicted?
Answer: There must be 2 witnesses of the crime
Question: must one state honor the ruling of a state court in another state?
Answer: Yes full faith and Credit for public act and records
Question: If a women commits a crime in Missouri and is captured in New York, can New York refuse to return her back to Missouri
Answer: yes the executive force must send them back
Question: Would it be possible for North and South Dakota to become one state if both state legislatures and congress approved of such a merger?
Answer: Yes but both state legislatures and congress would have to agree
Question: Can one state establish a dictatorship within that state as long as it doesn't interfere with the lives of citizens in other states
Answer: Every state is granted a republican form of government
Question: What institution decides when an amendment to the Constitution should be proposed and considered
Answer: The congress when 2/3's of both houses shall propose the amendment
Question: How many states must approve an amendment for it to take effect?
Answer: 3/4 of the states or 38 states
Question: Can one state enforce a law within its own borders that conflicts with national law
Answer: National law tops over state law
Question: If a man refused to support the constitution could he serve as a member of his state legislature
Answer: No because he takes an oath before taking office
Question: Can an atheist be denied the right to hold federal office
Answer: No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office
Question: How many states had to ratify the constitution for it to become the law of the land
Answer: 9 states must agree with ratification of the constitution
Question: In what year was the constitution signed by delegates to the constitutional convention
Answer: September 12, 1787
Question: Lois Deevers, a texan for 2 years, is 26 and has been a U.S citizen for 10 years. Could she serve as a congresswomen from texas
Answer: Yes because you have to be 7 years as a citizen, 25 years or older and a resident of the state
Question: 1st amendment
Answer: Religious and Political freedom
Question: 2nd amendment
Answer: Right to Bear arms
Question: 3rd amendment
Answer: Quartering troops
Question: 4th amendment
Answer: Searches and Seizures
Question: 5th amendment
Answer: Right of Accused Persons
Question: 6th amendment
Answer: Right to a Speedy and Public trial
Question: 7th amendment
Answer: Trial by jury in civil cases
Question: 8th amendment
Answer: Cruel and Unusual Punishments
Question: 9th amendment
Answer: Right of the People
Question: 10th Amendment
Answer: Power of the states
Question: 12th Amendment
Answer: Requires that electors for president and vice president clearly identify the person they choose for each office
Question: 17th amendment
Answer: Changes the way in which U.S senators are electors
Question: 22nd amendment
Answer: Limits the number of presidential terms
Question: 25th amendment
Answer: Establishes when and how the vice president can take over presidential powers (Vice president, speaker of the house, pro temor)
Question: Article 1
Answer: Supreme
Question: Article 2
Answer: Executive
Question: Article 3
Answer: Judicial
Question: Article 4
Answer: Realationship between states
Question: Article 5
Answer: Amending the Constitution
Question: Article 6
Answer: Supremacy of the National Government
Question: Article 7
Answer: Ratification