A Metamorphic Rock Can Be Classified According To Its

Question: the changes in mineral composition and texture of a rock subjected to high temperature within Earth
Answer: metamorphism
Question: changes in rock caused by the heat from a nearby magma body
Answer: contact metamorphism
Question: metamorphism associated with large-scale mountain-building process
Answer: regional metamorphism
Question: the hot, watery solution that escapes from a mass of magma during the later stages of crystallization; Such solutions may alter the surrounding rock
Answer: hydrothermal solution
Question: a metamorphic rock with a texture that gives the rock a layered appearance
Answer: foliated metamorphic rock
Question: metamorphic rock that does not exhibit a banded or layered appearance
Answer: non-foliated metamorphic rock
Question: Most metamorphism takes place in a zone that begins several kilometers below the surface and extends into the upper mantle.
Answer: Where does most metamorphism take place?
Question: 1-heat,
2-pressure, and
3-hydrothermal solutions.
Answer: What are three agents of metamorphism, and what kinds of changes does each cause?
Question: Foliated rocks are banded metamorphic rocks that form when minerals realign as the result of pressure from opposing sides.
Answer: What are foliated metamorphic rocks, and how do they form?
Question: Metamorphic rocks can be classified according to composition and texture.
Answer: How are metamorphic rocks classified?
Question: Contact metamorphism is a process whereby slight changes occur in rocks as the result of an increase in temperature resulting from a magma body. Regional metamor- phism, which is associated with mountain- building, can result in high-grade changes in both composition and structure.
Answer: Compare and contrast contact metamorphism and regional metamorphism.
Question: Foliated metamorphic
rocks have a layered or banded appearance. Nonfoliated metamorphic rocks do not have a banded texture.
Answer: Contrast foliated and non foliated metamorphic rocks.
Question: Metamorphic rocks can be classified according to composition and texture.
Answer: How are metamorphic rocks classified?
Question: Heat can cause existing minerals to recrys- tallize or it can cause new minerals to form. Pressure produces a more compact rock with a greater density. Pressure also causes miner- als to recrystallize. Fluids aid in recrystalliza- tion by making it easier for ions to move and by dissolving original minerals and deposit- ing new ones.
Answer: Name the agents of metamorphism and explain how each changes a rock.
Question: Most metamorphism takes place in a zone that begins several kilometers below the surface and extends into the upper mantle.
Answer: Where does most metamorphism take place?
Question: Foliated rocks are banded metamorphic rocks that form when minerals realign as the result of pressure from opposing sides.
Answer: What are foliated rocks, and how to do they form?