A Meteor Shower Is Produced When

Question: a bit of matter that enters the Earths atmosphere and survies to reach the ground is called
Answer: meteorite
Question: A meteor shower is produced when
Answer: Earth passes through the orbital path of a comet
Question: The Widmanstätten patterns found in some meteorites show that the material
Answer: cooled very slowly
Question: A chondrite is a meteor that has
Answer: been heated but never very hot.
Question: Currently the most accepted explanation of the Tunguska Event is the explosion of
Answer: a stony asteroid just above the surface of the earth.
Question: The Allende meteorite is important because
Answer: its composition suggests that it is very old and unchanged from when it formed.
Question: The iron meteorites
Answer: appear to have formed from the interiors of molten objects of planetesimal size.
Question: Most of the asteroids orbit the sun in a belt between the orbits of
Answer: Mars and Jupiter
Question: Which of the following could not be caused by the gravitational influence of the planets?
Answer: Hirayama families
Question: An asteroid could produce an iron core and a silicate mantle if it
Answer: differentiated
Question: The diagram below is a plot of an object's albedo versus its ultraviolet minus visual color (U - V color). In this diagram, which of the asteroids would be most reflective?

Question: What evidence exists that some of the asteroids were geologically active?
Answer: Spectroscopically, Vesta appears to have regions of small lava flows.
Question: The diagram below is a plot of an asteroid's albedo versus it ultraviolet minus visual color (U - V color). In this diagram, which of the asteroids is most likely an S-type asteroid?
Answer: object 3
Question: Uranium, thorium, and the radioactive isotope of potassium cannot supply the heat to melt small planetesimals, yet are sufficient to melt the interior of Earth. This is because these elements
Answer: decay slowly, and the heat generated must be trapped by a thick crust if it is to melt the interior.
Question: Uranium, thorium, and the radioactive isotope of potassium cannot supply the heat to melt small planetesimals, but the existence of iron and achondrite (stone) meteorites indicates that some asteroid sized bodies did melt inside. This is thought to be because short lived, intensely radioactive aluminum 26 atoms
Answer: were much more abundant in the solar nebula at the location where the asteroids formed
Question: a gas tail of the comet alwaysÂ
Answer: points away from the sun
Question: Short-period comets do not have randomly oriented orbits because
Answer: their orbits have been altered by encounters with the planets.
Question: One theory suggests that the bodies in the Oort cloud formed
Answer: near the present orbits of the Jovian planets.
Question: The density of Comet Halley was found to be about 0.2 g/cm3. This implies that Comet Halley
Answer: is loosely packed ices with a small amount of rocky material.
Question: The ____ is a disk-shaped cloud of icy bodies believed to extend from about 40 AU out to 100 AU. It is believed that short-period comets originate from this region.
Answer: Kuiper belt
Question: Sungrazers are
Answer: comets that get very close to the sun.
Question: The type I, or gas, tail of a comet
Answer: is streaked and shows emission lines of ionized atoms.
Question: One important way a major impact on Earth is thought to have triggered extinction of many species is because
Answer: of changes to the world-wide climate.
Question: A large iron asteroid striking the earth can create a(n)
Answer: large crater.
Question: The dust thrown up into the stratosphere by the impact of an asteroid can
Answer: cool the surface of the earth
Question: The Tunguska impact in 1908 in Russia left behind
Answer: no crater
Question: The Cretaceous extinction 65 million years ago is thought to have been caused by
Answer: the impact of a small asteroid
Question: During the Cretaceous extinction 65 million years ago ____ percent of the species on Earth died out.
Answer: 75
Question: The impact of a large comet with Earth has been suggested to have caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. The impact site of this comet is in or near
Answer: Chicxulub Mexico
Question: If a large comet struck the Earth,
Answer: I & IV
Question: What type of physical process has led to the different types of meteorites that we see today?

Question: How is the coma of a comet produced?
Answer: ices vaporize to become gas that form around the comet nucleus
Question: What characteristic of long period comets suggest they come from the Oort cloud?
Answer: their orbits have random inclinations with respect to the ecliptic planeÂ
Question: Which of the following is evidence for the connection between comets and meteor showers?
Answer: Meteor showers are a predictable, annual event.