A Mineral Can Be Composed Entirely Of One Element.

Question: Sulfides, sulfates, carbonates, native elements, oxides, and halides are ALL nonsilicate mineral groups.
True or False?
Answer: true
Question: A mineral that breaks into pieces all having the same shape is exhibiting _______.
Answer: cleavage
Question: Which of the following is NOT one of the eight most common elements in Earth's crust?
Answer: carbon
Question: Specific gravity is the ratio of a mineral's weight to the weight of an equal volume of silicon. True or False?
Answer: false
Question: Atoms of the same element, zinc for example, have the same number of ________.
Answer: protons in the nucleus
Question: If one electron from a sodium atom is transferred to a chlorine atom, it results in opposite charges and _______.
Answer: an ionic bond
Question: An element is composed of a group of atoms having _______.
Answer: all of these
Question: All atoms of the same element have the same atomic number. True or False?
Answer: true
Question: The resistance of a mineral to abrasion is known as _________.
Answer: hardness
Question: Which carbonate mineral reacts readily with cool, dilute hydrochloric acid to produce visible bubbles of carbon dioxide gas?
Answer: calcite
Question: A mineral can be composed entirely of one element. True or False?
Answer: true
Question: Atoms tend to gain, lose, or share electrons until they are surrounded by _______valence electrons.
Answer: eight
Question: Isotopes of the same element have the same mass number. True or False?
Answer: false
Question: Most common rock-forming minerals are 5 to 6 times heavier than an equal volume of water. True or False?
Answer: false
Question: All minerals exhibit cleavage. True or False?
Answer: false
Question: A covalent bond is formed when a pair of electrons is shared between atoms. True or False?
Answer: true
Question: Which one of the following mineral groups exhibits sheet-like silicate structure?
Answer: micas
Question: The characteristic shape of a mineral is also known as its ______.
Answer: habit
Question: Which of the following is correct for isotopes of the same element?
Answer: the atoms have different numbers of neutrons and the same number of protons
Question: What element is the most abundant in the Earth's crust by weight?
Answer: oxygen
Question: In the silicon-oxygen tetrahedron there are more silicon atoms than oxygen atoms. True or False?
Answer: false
Question: Most minerals have a higher specific gravity than water. True or False?
Answer: true
Question: Which of these is NOT part of the definition of a mineral?
Answer: organic
Question: Radioactive decay is a process during which ______.
Answer: all of these
Question: The most variable, and therefore the most unreliable physical property used for identification of minerals is ______.
Answer: color
Question: Atoms that have an electrical charge due to a gain or loss of electrons are called ______.
Answer: ions
Question: An atom's mass number is 13 and its atomic number is 6. How many neutrons are in its nucleus?
Answer: 7
Question: A mineral with a hardness of 7 on the Mohs scale is ten times harder than a mineral with a hardness of 6. True or False?
Answer: false
Question: Electrically neutral atoms have equal numbers of electrons and neutrons. True or False?
Answer: false
Question: Valence electrons are free to move from one atom to another and are shared by many atoms in ______.
Answer: chemical bonding
Question: Which one of the following is NOT true for minerals?
Answer: they can be a liquid, solid, or glass
Question: The silicon-oxygen tetrahedron is the building block of silicate minerals. True or False?
Answer: true
Question: Most silicate minerals form at Earth's surface. True or False?
Answer: false
Question: The ion at the center of a silicon-oxygen tetrahedron is surrounded by ______.
Answer: 4 oxygen ions
Question: Often useful in mineral identification, the color of the powdered mineral is termed the _____.
Answer: streak
Question: The strong tendency of certain minerals to break along smooth, parallel planes is known as ______.
Answer: cleavage