A Mineral Commonly Lacking In American Diets Is

Question: Which of the following statements about vitamins is TRUE?
Answer: Vitamins are required by the body in large amounts.
Question: A mineral commonly lacking in American diets is
Answer: Iron
Question: Vegetarians who eat no meat, poultry, or fish, but do eat eggs and dairy products, are called
Answer: lacto-ovo-vegetarians.
Question: Protein sources that provide all the amino acids that cannot be manufactured in the body are considered
Answer: complete
Question: What is the main nutrition-related problem likely to be encountered by a vegan if his or her diet is not carefully selected?
Answer: insufficient intake of vitamin B-12
Question: Fat provides ________ calories per gram.
Answer: 9
Question: Which of the following should count toward your total daily fluid intake?
Answer: only water
Question: Essential nutrients include all of the following EXCEPT
Answer: enzymes
Question: The primary function of vitamins is
Answer: to regulate various chemical reactions within cells.
Question: Endurance athletes may benefit from consuming additional
Answer: proteins
Question: Consumption of whole grains has been linked to
Answer: All of these
Question: Most of the fats in food are in the form of
Answer: Triglycerides
Question: Human body weight is composed of approximately _______________ water.
Answer: 50-60%
Question: Examples of trace minerals include
Answer: fluoride, copper, and zinc.
Question: Which of the following are richest in complex carbohydrates?
Answer: grains and legumes
Question: Meats, fish, poultry, and eggs are sources of ___________ protein.
Answer: complete
Question: Fiber can help
Answer: all of these
Question: Leading sources of saturated fat in the American diet include all of the following EXCEPT
Answer: fish
Question: Which of the following is NOT a function of fats?
Answer: The remove waste products
Question: A potentially fatal vitamin deficiency disease, caused by a lack of vitamin C in the diet, is
Answer: Scurvy
Question: Foods from most plant sources supply ____________ proteins.
Answer: incomplete
Question: If the air temperature is 75°F, cooked or refrigerated foods should not be left at room temperature for more than
Answer: 2 hours
Question: Examples of major minerals include
Answer: calcium, potassium, and magnesium.
Question: Which of the following essential nutrients does NOT supply energy?
Answer: vitamins
Question: Which of the following is NOT one of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans?
Answer: Choose a diet low in complex carbohydrates.
Question: Which of the following foods is NOT considered a simple carbohydrate?
Answer: potato
Question: A guideline for food safety is to
Answer: wash hands for 10 seconds after handling food.
Question: Saturated fats are primarily found in
Answer: animal food sources and are solid at room temperature.
Question: Individuals with high blood pressure may benefit from dietary restriction of
Answer: sodium
Question: Two vitamins produced within the body are
Answer: vitamin D and vitamin K.
Question: Endurance exercise significantly increases
Answer: daily calorie expenditure
Question: Cooling down after exercise is important to
Answer: restore circulation to its normal resting condition.
Question: To improve cardiorespiratory endurance during moderate-intensity activities such as walking or swimming slowly, you should exercise for at least
Answer: 45 minutes, three times per week.
Question: Flexibility is best described as
Answer: the ability of joints to move through their full range of motion.
Question: Which of the following statements about athletic injuries is TRUE?
Answer: Seek medical attention for minor injuries that do not get better within a reasonable amount of time.
Question: Exercise is a subset of physical activity that is
Answer: planned, structured, and repetitive.
Question: Which of the following statements about exercise programs is TRUE?
Answer: The best exercise programs promote health and are fun.
Question: The physical activity pyramid includes all of the following EXCEPT
Answer: agility training.
Question: Which of these statements about warm-up sessions is FALSE?
Answer: Warm-up activities are usually of high intensity.
Question: Which of the following activities will provide the MOST aerobic benefit for a beginning exerciser who has been sedentary until then?
Answer: walking
Question: Muscular endurance is the
Answer: amount of force a muscle can produce with a single maximum effort.
Question: Which of the following statements about treating injuries with application of heat is FALSE?
Answer: It should be used before using ice.
Question: Serious dehydration may cause all of the following EXCEPT
Answer: torn ligaments.
Question: Application of force with movement is called _______________ exercise.
Answer: isotonic
Question: All of the following are dimensions of progressive overload EXCEPT
Answer: specificity.
Question: To develop a particular fitness component, you must perform exercises that are designed particularly for that component. This is referred to as
Answer: specificity.
Question: To improve muscular endurance, it is best to
Answer: use heavy resistance with few repetitions.
Question: Exercise frequency refers to
Answer: the number of times per week you exercise.
Question: Weight training with free weights represents which one of the following types of exercise?
Answer: isotonic
Question: In which of the following situations should John get a medical examination before beginning an exercise program?
Answer: all of these
Question: In a weight training program for general fitness, do ______ repetitions of each exercise.
Answer: 8-12
Question: The ability of the body to perform prolonged, large-muscle, dynamic exercise at moderate-to-high levels of intensity is
Answer: cardiorespiratory endurance.
Question: Exercise intensity refers to
Answer: How hard you work
Question: Which of the following is a person with excessive body fat more likely to experience than a person with a healthy body composition?
Answer: all of these
Question: Which of the following statements about the effects of cardiovascular exercise on metabolism and body composition is FALSE?
Answer: It can result in substantial weight gain due to increase in muscle mass.
Question: Exercise duration refers to
Answer: how long your exercise session is.
Question: The best fluid replacement during a 45-minute exercise session is
Answer: cool water
Question: Which of the following statements about fluid balance during and after exercise is FALSE?
Answer: Thirst is a good indicator of how much you need to drink.
Question: Which of the following statements about the effects of improved cardiorespiratory fitness is FALSE?
Answer: Resting blood pressure increases.
Question: All of the following are cardiorespiratory endurance activities EXCEPT
Answer: Weight training
Question: Characteristics of bulimia include all of the following, EXCEPT
Answer: Significant weight loss
Question: An eating disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of overeating followed by purging is
Answer: bulimia nervosa.
Question: Type 2 diabetes
Answer: is best prevented by eating a healthy diet and exercising.
Question: An initial step in the treatment of bulimia is
Answer: Treating depression
Question: An example of a snack low in energy density is
Answer: celery sticks.
Question: Resting metabolic rate is
Answer: the energy required to maintain vital body functions.
Question: The amount of stored fat in a given individual is the result of all of the following EXCEPT
Answer: climate.
Question: The main drawback of using BMI to assess health is that it is not a good tool for
Answer: assessing body composition.
Question: People who tend to store body fat in the _________ are at increased risk for chronic disease.
Answer: Buttocks
Question: A condition characterized by extreme dissatisfaction with appearance, body type, and/or body composition is
Answer: body dysmorphic disorder.
Question: Psychological problems stemming from obesity include all of the following, EXCEPT
Answer: schizophrenia
Question: Exercise affects metabolic rate by doing all of the following, EXCEPT
Answer: building strength during exercise.
Question: Which of the following is considered essential fat?
Answer: fat stored in various tissues and critical for normal body functioning
Question: Recent research indicates that drinking more than one soda per day may be associated with
Answer: metabolic syndrome.
Question: A health problem associated with bulimia is
Answer: tooth decay.
Question: The greater the amount of muscle mass, the
Answer: higher the resting metabolic rate.
Question: Hydrostatic weighing is used to predict percent body fat based on
Answer: body density and water displacement.
Question: The largest component of metabolism is
Answer: resting metabolic rate.
Question: In America, eating disorders affect
Answer: mostly women.
Question: Body mass index (BMI) is calculated by dividing
Answer: your weight by the square of your height.
Question: Which of the following is NOT characteristic of binge-eating disorder?
Answer: purging
Question: The concept of energy balance refers to the need to balance
Answer: calories consumed with calories burned.
Question: According to the National Institutes of Health, which of the following trends is occurring?
Answer: The percentage of overweight Americans is increasing.
Question: Surgical procedures to help the extremely obese lose weight involve
Answer: modifying the gastrointestinal tract to reduce food intake.
Question: Which of the following is considered a psychosocial factor that contributes to obesity?
Answer: the use of food to lessen stress
Question: A health risk associated with anorexia nervosa is
Answer: low blood pressure.
Question: Most weight problems are caused by
Answer: unhealthy lifestyle.
Question: Which of the following are activities that use calories?
Answer: all of these
Question: Which of the following patterns of eating is recommended for weight management?
Answer: eating every three to four hours
Question: Which of the following protects against weight gain and is essential for maintaining weight loss?
Answer: Physical activity
Question: Meats, fish, poultry, and eggs are sources of ___________ protein.
Answer: complete