A Modest Proposal Commonlit

Question: According to Swift, what is the occupation of Irish mothers?
Answer: Begging.
Question: List the 3 things that the poor, unwanted children in Ireland will grow up to be if his plan isn't followed.
Answer: Thieves, slaves, or soldiers.

Answer: Uses the term "savages" which is a form of irony.
Question: If Swift's plan is considered the best, what should be erected (built) in his honor?
Answer: A statue.
Question: At what age will children start becoming thieves?
Answer: Six (6) years of age.

Answer: Boys "get bigger" and girls "start their periods." (It's literally what we're told to write down on our Modest Proposal sheet.)
Question: What are "Papists"? Does this word have positive or negative connotation towards the group it mentions?
Answer: A "Papists" is someone of the Roman Catholic Church. The word has a negative connotation towards it.
Question: Swift's proposition will lessen the number of _______________ in Ireland, which he states is one of the advantages of his plan.
Answer: Swifts plan will lessen the number of "Papists" in Ireland.
Question: According to Swift, what's his motive for writing A Modest Proposal?
Answer: It was to help poor children in Ireland with the hope that they would be of service to the public one day. He did not want the children to be a burden to Ireland or their parents.
Question: Review the section where Swift talks about Lent and Papists. What is ironic about his use of irony to satirize anti-Catholic feelings that were widespread in England at the time?
Answer: He was insulting them by using the Catholic holiday "lent" against them when it is a problem in Ireland itself.
Question: What does Swift plan to do with the flesh or skin of infants (babies)?
Answer: Make boots and gloves.
Question: Why does Swift refuse to consider young boys as a replacement for venison?
Answer: Boys can make more children, girls will be breeders to make more children.
Question: How does Swift explain that his plan will help landlords?
Answer: Tenants will have something valuable in return to pay their rent.
Question: Explain what Swift believes should be done to the old people in Ireland.
Answer: He feels they should be left alone, since he feels that they are dying everyday.
Question: List and summarize the 8 advantages to accepting Swift's proposal. (NOTE: You will be asked to list all 8 on the test)
Answer: 1.) Lessen the number of Roman Catholics.
2.) Help the Irish tenants to pay their rent.
3.) English and Irish economies will get better.
4.) Irish mothers won't have to take care of their children after one years old.
5.) Create new dishes for restaurants.
6. Encourage marriage among the Irish
7.) Replace the exploration of beef.
8.) Dublins economy will get better.
Question: What's the one major objection Swift believes people will say to his plan?
Answer: He believes the population of the Irish Kingdom should be lessened.
Question: SHORT ANSWER: How does the essay's last paragraph provide a contrast to the rest of the essay's tone?
Answer: It became very detached from the essay. He didn't want his family to go through what he had described.
Question: SHORT ANSWER: What was Swift's purpose in mentioning how Americans prefer to eat infant's flesh?
Answer: It mentions words like "folly" and Roman Catholic.
Question: SHORT ANSWER: Who will benefit the most from Swift's plan?
Answer: It will benefit the the wealthy the most.
Question: SHORT ESSAY: Describe the types of conditions the Irish lived under. How did these conditions contribute or make Swift want to write A Modest Proposal?
Answer: The living conditions for the Irish were very poor. They didn't live an easily. They also didn't make enough to afford themselves better living conditions. This contributed to Swift writing A Modest Proposal.
Question: Who wrote A Modest Proposal?
Answer: Johnathan Swift.
Question: What social issue in Ireland was the author of A Modest Proposal discussing in the essay?
Answer: Irish people were starving due to harsh and unfair English laws.
Question: List 2 reasons why this was even an issue in Ireland.
Answer: Mothers could not work, they had to beg for support and nourishment.
Question: What do writers depend on to show tone or voice in satiric writing?
Answer: Both tone and voice.
Question: In this essay, what does the word "modest" mean?
Answer: It mean ironic like very large plan.
Question: State the 3 persuasive techniques Swift uses in A Modest Proposal to get the reader to agree with his point of view.
Answer: Use of satire, tone, and voice.
Question: Explain the purpose of satire.
Answer: Satire is a technique employed by writers to expose and criticize foolishness and corruption of an individual or a society by using humor, irony, exaggeration or ridicule.
Question: List 3 places where satire is typically used.
Answer: A scary movie, a large majority of comedy shows, political cartoons.
Question: Specifically, what do writers use to keep their audience's attention in satiric writing?
Answer: Making small references that either make them think of what the writer wants them to think of.
Question: State the 2 purposes as to why Swift even wrote A Modest Proposal.
Answer: To grab readers attention into reading the piece in order for them to realize the issue in Ireland, and for the readers to realize as they continue into the piece what similarities are happening in Ireland.
Question: When is satire most useful?
Answer: To persuade someone to believe in what you think about a social issue.