A Motorboat Is Approaching A Sailboat Head On

Question: What is the best way to cast off if the wind or current direction is away from the dock?

Cast off all lines. Keep the boat clear of the dock. Shift into forward gear and slowly leave the area.

Cast off all lines, shift into reverse and turn the bow sharply toward the dock, and then add power.

Keep the stern line tied to the dock, shift into forward and turn the bow sharply away from the dock, and then add power.

Keep the stern line tied to the dock, shift into reverse, and then add power.
Answer: Cast off all lines. Keep the boat clear of the dock. Shift into forward gear and slowly leave the area.
Question: Which side of a boat has a red light at night?

port (left)
Answer: Port (left)
Question: Which side of a boat has a green light at night?

starboard (right)
Answer: starboard (right)
Question: You are operating a powerboat at night. You see red and white lights on another boat. What do these lights tell you?

A power-driven vessel is approaching head-on, but you have the right of way.
A sailing vessel is crossing your path, and you must swerve to avoid it.
You must give way to the other vessel.
You are the stand-on vessel.
Answer: You must give way to the other vessel.
Question: You are operating a powerboat at night. Your green sidelight must be visible to boats approaching from which direction(s)?

head-on only
port (left) only
head-on and starboard (right)
head-on and behind
Answer: head-on and starboard (right)
Question: If two boats are traveling on paths that will cross, what determines which boat is the give-way vessel?

The size of the boats
How the two boats are propelled
The speed of the boats
The time of day
Answer: How the two boats are propelled
Question: A sailboat under sail is about to cross paths with a PWC. What action should be taken?

No action is required.
The sailboat should change course and speed.
The PWC should change course and speed.
The PWC should speed up.
Answer: The PWC should change course and speed.
Question: A motorboat and a PWC are approaching head-on. What action should be taken?

Both vessels should turn to starboard (right).
Both should maintain course until the last moment.
The motorboat and the PWC should speed up until one of them has to turn the last moment.
The PWC should slow down to a no-wake speed and give way to the motorboat.
Answer: Both vessels should turn to starboard (right).
Question: One boat is overtaking another. Which boat should stand on?

the boat being overtaken
the boat creating the most wake
the faster boat
the larger boat
Answer: the boat being overtaken
Question: What is one possible meaning of a single prolonged blast of a horn?

I am passing an information marker.
I am coming around a blind bend.
I am creating a large wake.
I am filling my gas tank.
Answer: I am coming around a blind bend.