A Myth Is Best Understood As A

Question: Jung's label for the idea that humans share inborn and instinctual models for understanding human experience is
Answer: collective unconscious.
Question: A mythical figure known more for virtue and contributions to society than for singular exploits is an example of
Answer: an Asian or Middle Eastern hero.
Question: What does Carl Jung call the models that help us understand experiences and deal with the difficult task of being human?
Answer: archetypes
Question: Creation myths deal with
Answer: the unsolved question of the world's origin.
Question: If the myth we are studying involves the notion that life is a series of happenings rather than a quest, that myth is an example of
Answer: the non-Western idea of life as a journey.
Question: The Oedipus plays and The Oresteia plays all concern myths of
Answer: being cursed by fate.
Question: The problem of suffering, woman as transgressor, and curiosity are all part of the
Answer: Greek myth of Pandora.
Question: With respect to childhood myths, Stephen's Sondheim's Into the Woods is meant to
Answer: shatter comforting illusions.
Question: Which famous archetype is associated with the Western journey?
Answer: the Holy Grail
Question: Early recognition, great deeds, and eventual loss of power are characteristic of
Answer: the hero archetype.
Question: A myth is best understood as a
Answer: story, perhaps historical, that explains something beyond the natural or phenomena that is not easily grasped
Question: The myths of childhood
Answer: are representative of how we absorb values.
Question: The 1959 Brazilian film Black Orpheus is an updated version of a myth involving
Answer: a descent into the underworld.
Question: "What goes around comes around"; "Just desserts"; "All you need is love"; are all categories of
Answer: common sayings.
Question: Freudians may interpret the Minotaur myth as
Answer: a young person's arriving at sexual maturity.
Question: The myth also known as "the problem of evil" concerns
Answer: human suffering.
Question: Alfred Lord Tennyson's poem "The Lotos-eaters," based on a section of Homer's The Odyssey, is considered an example of how myth
Answer: continues to influence the humanities.
Question: The type of myth most likely to contain fairy tales is
Answer: myth of childhood.
Question: If we believe that some famous actors (such as Robert Downey Jr.) or wealthy people (such as Bill Gates) might be authorities on things such as politics, we are seeing a modern example of which mythical feature?
Answer: the special someone
Question: Recent clichés such as "It is what it is" and "You only live once" might best be thought of as examples of
Answer: popular mythology.
Question: parable
Answer: A simple story told to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson.
Question: monomyth
Answer: Reference made by Irish novelist James Joyce to what he considered a fundamental myth of all cultures: that of the hero. Also known as the world myth.
Question: Archetype
Answer: Mythic character, event, symbol, or buried assumption that becomes part of our subconscious
Question: collective unconscious
Answer: Jung's phrase for the universality of many myths and archetypes among cultures, some of which could not possibly have had any contact with each other.
Question: gender roles
Answer: The way acceptable male and female behavior and functions are defined in a given culture.
Question: anthropomorphic
Answer: having human characteristics
Question: mythology
Answer: the study of myths, either those of world cultures or of a specific culture.
Question: myths
Answer: Tales and beliefs transmitted from generation to generation, or springing up as part of the popular mind in a current generation, many containing psychological truth or fulfilling some deep-rooted need.
Question: According to who, the ultimate discovery and killing of the Minotaur thus becomes the young adult's arrival into sexual maturity.
Answer: Freudian
Question: What, today's demigods and demigoddesses, may not be the literal progeny of deities and mortals, but they are as vivid in the public mind as their bygone counterparts.
Answer: Celeberties
Question: There are still those who perform _______________ tasks and win admiration, the Stephen Hawkings of our world.
Answer: Herculean
Question: great dynastic rulers are cited for their virtue and their social achievements in what type of mythology?
Answer: Chinese
Question: What is another way of depicting the course of human life?
Answer: The difficult journey, or quest,
Question: The mythical journey is also a quest. The hero searches for his homeland, a buried treasure, ______________.
Answer: the Holy Grail.

Answer: the journey is supposed to yield important results, and life has purpose and destination
Question: Mythology supplies a number of different answers, and the quest continues.

Answer: Upanishads, the sacred books of India,
Question: a major Chinese philosophy that stresses the social world and one's duties within it and avoids the question of how it began, which does not matter as much as how life is lived.
Answer: Confucianism
Question: Which greek myth explains how human misfortune came about because of a woman's curiosity.
Answer: Pandora
Question: The prizewinning film set during the night of Carnivale in Rio de Janeiro
Answer: Black Orpheus
Question: What story consists of three plays about the doomed family of Atreus, who kills his brother's children and then serves them to him as food.
Answer: Oresteia by Aeschylus
Question: Story where a son kills his father and marries his mother
Answer: Oedipus
Question: Five categories of Archetypes
Answer: Hero, Circle, Journey, Garden, God