A Network Server Mainframe Computer And A

Question: A ______ is a machine that accepts some kind of information, performs actions and calculations according to a set of instructions, and returns the results of its calculations
Answer: Computer
Question: Categories of computer design (2):
Answer: - Analog
- Digital
- Usually ______
- As they operate, their physical state changes from a fixed starting point
- Solve only one specific kind of ____
Answer: - Mechanical
- Problem
- Process sequences of _______
- Convert ____ into numeric codes used in calculations
- Rely on ______, not _____ components
- Extremely ____ and flexible
Answer: - Numbers
- Input
- Electrical, mechanical
- Fast
Question: 4 types of computers:
Answer: 1. Supercomputer
2. Mainframe computers
3. Midrange computers
4. Personal computers
Question: Single-user computers = ______ computers, or _________
Answer: personal, microcomputers
Question: Single-user computers are meant to be used by _____ person at a time
Answer: one
Question: Single-user computes can be used independently or connected via ________
Answer: networking
Question: Types of single-user computers (5):
Answer: 1. Desktop computer
2. Workstations
3. Notebook computers
4. Tablet computers
5. Handheld personal computers
Question: The main component of a DESKTOP computer:
Answer: System unit
Question: The ____ ____, houses the processing and storage devices
Answer: System unit
Question: ______ are specialized, single-user computers with more power and features than a standard desktop PC
Answer: Workstations
Question: Workstations are popular among...(3):
Answer: Scientists, engineers, animators
Question: ________ often have large, high-resolution monitors and accelerated graphics-handing capabilities
Answer: Workstations
Question: Notebook computers, also known as ______
Answer: laptops
Question: Some notebooks may be plugged into a ______ _____, which lets a notebook hook up to devices and services such as a full-sized keyboard, large monitor, and local network
Answer: docking station
Question: ______ are a variation of notebooks that offer compact size and lower price, but have less processing power
Answer: Netbooks
Question: Notebooks fall into a category called _____ _____
Answer: mobile computers
Question: ______ _____ are portable, full-featured computers that offer the functionality of a notebook computer and can accept input from a special pen called a ____ or digital pen
Answer: Tablet computers, stylus
Question: _______ computing devices small enough to fit in your hand, limited processing power
Answer: Handheld PCs
Question: The handheld PCs of the 1990s and early 2000s were commonly known as _____ ______ _____
Answer: Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs)
Question: Early PDAs could run a ________ set of software programs
Answer: limited
Question: ______-______ ______ = the largest organizational computers support thousands of individual users at the same time, with some working from thousands of miles away.
Answer: Multi-user computers
Question: ______-_____ ________ may be devoted to a single purpose or a wide variety of tasks
Answer: Multi-user computers
Question: Types of MULTI-USER COMPUTERS (4):
Answer: 1. Network Servers
2. Mainframe computers
3. Minicomputers (midrange)
4. Supercomputers
Question: _____ ______ central computers with special software and equipment enabling them to serve as the primary computer in a network of personal computers
Answer: Network servers
Question: When requests from the network are too large and complex for one _______, a network may link together several, dozens, or even hundreds of ______
Answer: server, servers
Question: Large groups of servers may be called _____ or _____ _____
Answer: Clusters, server farms
Question: These ________ don't need keyboards and screens, so they may not be contained in a big case like a typical PC.
Answer: clusters
Question: Each server can be a thin unit, called a ______, which is housed in a rack with the other servers
Answer: blade
Question: ________ ______ are large, powerful systems used in organizations where users frequently need to use the same data
Answer: Mainframe computers
Question: Users access the mainframe through a ______ or a standard pc
Answer: terminal
Question: A(n) _____ terminal is strictly an INPUT/OUTPUT device
Answer: dumb
Question: A(n) ________ terminal can perform some processing operations but usually doesn't have storage
Answer: Intelligent
Question: The largest MAINFRAMES can handle the processing needs of _______ of users at a time
Answer: Thousands
Question: Most mainframes are limited to a certain kinds of ______, such as storing large amounts of data
Answer: tasks
Question: MAINFRAMES are used at:
- Many large ______, like banks
- ________ companies
- ______ and _____ sector
- ______ companies process data on a mainframe
Answer: - corporations
- Insurance
- Travel, retail
- Telecom
Question: Minicomputers are often called______ computers
Answer: midrange
Question: _____ offer capabilities between those of a mainframe and a personal computer
Answer: Minicomputers/midrange
Question: Some MINICOMPUTERS are designed for a _____ user; the most powerful serve hundreds of users at a time
Answer: single
Question: Users can access a central minicomputer through a ______ or standard PC
Answer: terminal
Question: _________ are the most powerful computers and physically some of the largest
Answer: Supercomputers
Question: The fastest can perform nearly 2 quadrillion _______ per second
Answer: calculations
Question: Some SUPERCOMPUTERS link together hundreds of thousands of _______
Answer: processors
Question: _________ are ideal for handling large and highly complex problems (forecasting the weather, mapping the human genome)
Answer: Supercomputers
Question: Supercomputers are used for:
-_____ forecasting
- Animated graphics
- Fluid dynamic _____
- ______ energy research
- ________ exploration
Answer: -weather