Cellular Respiration Quiz: Learn And Practice For Free

During which step is H2O formed?

Answer: ETC

During which step is CO2 produced?

Answer: krebs cycle

During which step is O2 (oxygen) used?

Answer: ETC

During which step is glucose broken down?

Answer: glycolysis

Which step produces the most NADH and FADH2?

Answer: krebs cycle

Which is the correct order of the steps of cellular respiration

Answer: glycolysis > krebs cycle > ETC

Which step provides the most ATP?

Answer: electron transport chain

Which type of fermentation do people do?

Answer: Lactic acid fermentation

Which type of respiration is most efficient?

Answer: Aerobic

The energy in ATP is stored

Answer: in the bond between the second and third phosphate

Where does anaerobic respiration occur?

Answer: cytoplasm

Glycolysis results in a net gain of how many ATP?

Answer: 2

Which molecule isn’t an energy carrier?

Answer: oxygen

14. What is cellular respiration?

Answer: the breakdown of glucose  to release ATP

Cellular Respiration’s goal is to

Answer: make ATP

Where does the Krebs Cycle take place?

Answer: mitochondria

What is the correct equation for cellular respiration?

Answer: 6O2 + C6H12O6 -> 6CO2 + 6H2O + Energy

What are the reactants in the equation for cellular respiration?

Answer: glucose and oxygen

In which way are photosynthesis and cellular respiration different?

Answer: Photosynthesis used carbon dioxide, while cellular respiration produces carbon dioxide.

How many ATP are produced in aerobic respiration?

Answer: 36

The mitochondria is responsible for …

Answer: aerobic respiration

22. The expression “feel the burn” means that a person exercising is doing

Answer: lactic acid fermentation

What is the molecule called that mitochondria produce when they respire glucose?

Answer: ATP

What type of respiration requires oxygen?

Answer: Aerobic

What are the products of aerobic respiration?

Answer: Carbon dioxide and water

What happens to your breathing rate when you exercise?

Answer: It increases

A plant is releasing a gas. What is the mosl tlikely the gas?

Answer: oxygen

______________ produces the most ATP.

Answer: aerobic respiration

What is one of the reactants of cellular respiration?

Answer: glucose

All living things do which of the following?

Answer: Respiration

If oxygen is not present, this step will happen after glycolysis

Answer: Fermentation

cellular respiration

Answer: the process in which cells make ATP by breaking down organic compounds


Answer: the process in which autotrophs convert light energy into chemical energy

which types of organisms undergo cellular respiration

Answer: both autotrophs and heterotrophs

what happens when organic compounds are broken down into simpler compounds

Answer: energy is released

what is the energy released by the organic compound mostly used to do

Answer: produce ATP

the products of cellular respiration (3)

Answer: CO2, water, and ATP

two stages of cellular respiration

Answer: glycolysis and aerobic respiration


Answer: a biochemical pathway in which one six-carbon molecule of glucose is oxidized to produce two three-carbon molecules of pyruvic acid

how photosynthesis and cellular respiration depend on each other

Answer: the products of photosynthesis are the reactants of cellular respiration, and the 

reactants of photosynthesis are the products of cellular respiration


Answer: does not require the presence of oxygen

aerobic respiration

Answer: pyruvic acid is broken down and NADH is used to make lots of ATP

what pyruvic acid undergoes with no oxygen present

Answer: fermentation


Answer: the breakdown of pyruvic acid by enzymes, bacteria, yeasts, or mold in the absence of oxygen

type of reaction in cellular respiration

Answer: redox

redox reaction

Answer: one reactant loses electrons and another gains electrons

cellular respiration equation

Answer: C6H12O6+6O2—> 6CO2+6H2O+ATP

where the reactions of glycolysis take place

Answer: cytosol

step one glycolysis

Answer: two phosphate groups are attached to one molecule of glucose, ATP converted to ADP

step two glycolysis

Answer: 6-carbon molecule split into two 3-carbon molecules of G3P

step three glycolysis

Answer: G3P molecules lose electrons and receive another phosphate group, two molecules of NAD+ converted into NADH

step four glycolysis

Answer: all phosphate groups are removed from the molecule to make two molecules of pyruvic acid, the four released phosphates convert four ADP to four ATP

net yield of ATP in glycolysis

Answer: 2 ATP

total ATP produced in glycolysis

Answer: 4 ATP

how many NADH molecules produced in glycolysis

Answer: 2 NADH

how NAD+ becomes NADH

Answer: electrons released through glycolysis attach to NAD+

where pyruvic acid goes if there’s no oxygen

Answer: fermentation

what fermentation regenerates

Answer: NAD+

what fermentation does not produce

Answer: ATP

how various fermentation pathways differ (2)

Answer: enzymes and products

the two common fermentation pathways products

Answer: lactic acid and ethyl alcohol

lactic acid fermentation

Answer: pyruvic acid is converted into lactic acid

what is used to make lactic acid

Answer: one hydrogen atom from NADH and one free hydrogen proton

what happens to NADH in lactic acid fermentation

Answer: it is oxidized and converted to NAD+

type of reaction that occurs in muscles during strenuous exercise

Answer: lactic acid fermentation

organ where lactic acid is converted back into pyruvic acid

Answer: liver

the liver

Answer: where lactic acid is converted back into pyruvic acid

how many carbons in lactic acid

Answer: 3

alcoholic fermentation

Answer: pyruvic acid is converted into ethyl alcohol

organisms that use alcoholic fermentation

Answer: plant cells and unicellular organisms

process of alcoholic fermentation (2 steps)

Answer: CO2 is removed from pyruvic acid, two hydrogen atoms added

what is regenerated in alcoholic fermentation

Answer: NAD+

one kilocalorie=? calories

Answer: 1000

efficiency of glycolysis=

Answer: energy required to make ATP/energy released by oxidation of glucose

where pyruvic acid goes when oxygen is available

Answer: aerobic respiration

aerobic respiration produces ?x as much ATP as glycolysis

Answer: 20

two stages of aerobic respiration

Answer: the Krebs cycle and the electron transport chain


Answer: process by which ATP is made using the energy released as protons move across a memrbrane

as glucose is oxidized NAD+ is…

Answer: converted into NADH

the Krebs cycle, function

Answer: breaks down acetyl CoA

where the Krebs cycle takes place (eukaryotes)

Answer: the mitochondria

where the Krebs cycle takes place (prokaryotic)

Answer: None

mitochondrial matrix

Answer: the space inside the inner and outer membranes of a mitochondrion

what the mitochondrial matrix contains

Answer: enzymes to catalyze the reactions of the Krebs cycle

in the mitochondrial matrix, pyruvic acid reacts with ? to form ?, and releases a ?

Answer: CoA, acetyl CoA, CO2 molecule

products of the Krebs cycle (3)

Answer: CO2, hydrogen atoms, and ATP

final electron acceptor of ETC

Answer: oxygen

efficiency of cellular respiration=

Answer: energy required to make ATP/energy released by oxidation of glucose

What is represented by the hexagon?

Answer: Glucose (6C)

How many carbon atoms (C) are in one molecule of glucose?

Answer: 6

How many carbon atoms (C) are in one molecule of pyruvic acid?

Answer: 3

In the process of glycolysis, what happens to glucose after it crosses the cell membrane into the cytoplasm of the cell?

Answer: It splits into 2 pyruvic acids when it crossed.

Thinking about the number of carbon atoms in glucose and in pyruvic acid, explain why there is one molecule of glucose on the left side of the arrow and two molecules of pyruvic acid on the right side of the arrow.

Answer: There is only 3 carbon in pyruvic acid, so since glucose had 6 carbon, it split into 2 pyruvics making 6 altogether.

How many ATP molecules are produced during glycolysis?

Answer: 2

Hydrogen-carrying molecules are also produced during glycolysis. What is the symbols of these hydrogen-carrying molecules?

Answer: NADPH

Does glycolysis occur inside or outside the mitochondria?

Answer: Outside

According to Model 2, what happens to pyruvic acid during the Kreb’s cycle?

Answer: It turns into 3 molecules of carbon dioxide.

According to Model 2, where does the change identified in the previous question occur?

Answer: Mitochondrial matrix.

Note the number of atoms of carbon in pyruvic acid and explain why three molecules of carbon dioxide are produced.

Answer: Each pyruvic acid molecule contains 3 carbon atoms and each carbon dioxide molecule contains only 1. 3 x 1= 3

Considering the glycolysis produces 2 pyruvic acid molecules per glucose molecule, how many total CO2 molecules will be produced from the complete breakdown of each glucose molecule? Show a mathematical equation to support your answer.

Answer: 6 because each pyruvic acid has 3 carbons and 2 pyruvic molecules are produced. (3 x 2 =6)

What 2 hydrogen carrying molecules are formed during the Kreb’s cycle?

Answer: NADH, FADH2


Answer: ATP-2 NADH-2 FADH2-0

Kreb’s cycle (1st pyruvic acid)

Answer: ATP-1 NADH-4 FADH2-1

Kreb’s cycle (2nd pyruvic acid)

Answer: ATP-1 NADH-4 FADH2- 1

What cell structure is the site for the electron transport chain?

Answer: Inner Mitochondrial Membrane

What substance do the carrier proteins transport across the inner mitochondrial membrane?

Answer: H+

What high energy molecules are formed by the electron transport chain?

Answer: ATP

What atom accepts the hydrogen ion at the end of the electron transport chain?

Answer: Oxygen

What molecule is formed as a product of that acceptance?

Answer: Water

Formulate an explanation for why the events of the ETC constitute an aerobic process rather than an 

anaerobic process (like glycolysis)

Answer: The ETC is an aerobic process because it requires oxygen.


Answer: # of ATP produced-2 # of H-carriers produced NADH-2 FADH2-0

Kreb’s Cycle

Answer: # of ATP produced-2 # of H-carriers produced NADH-8 FADH2-2


Answer: # of H-carriers produced NADH-x3 FADH2-x2

Total ATP Produced

Answer: # of ATP Produced-4 #of H-carriers produced NADH-30 FADH2-4

Grand Total ATP Produced (Add all 3 columns above)

Answer: 38


Answer: Used in- Glycolysis


Answer: Used in- ETC


Answer: Produced in- Kreb’s Cycle


Answer: Produced in- ETC

38 ATP

Answer: Produced in- Glycolysis-2 Kreb’s-2 ETC-34

Compare the ATP available to cells when oxygen is present versus when it is absent. How might this help explain why brain and heart functions are so quickly affected when a person cannot breathe?

Answer: Because there would be only a little bit of ATP able to be produced without oxygen, the cells of the brain and heart would die and the functions would stop.

What are the two substances that may be formed in anaerobic respiration?

Answer: Lactic acid/alcohol + CO2

Recall that two molecules of ATP are formed during glycolysis. Neither fermentation process shown above creates any more ATP. Knowing this, what would you Predict about the cellular energy available to organisms that carry out fermentation?

Answer: They don’t need much energy since glycolysis produces only a little ATP & fermentation produced none.

Research the relationship between overexertion of muscles and the formation of lactic acid. How does this relate to “the burn” felt during strenuous activity?

Answer: When muscles require more energy aerobically, they switch to anaerobic respiration, the lactic acid produced builds up & produces a burning sensation in the muscles.

What common foods involve the process of fermentation? Use your text or other resource to make a list of the foods and the specific organic organisms used.

Answer: Cheese- various fungi Bread- Saccharomyces cerevisiae & other yeasts Yogurt- various bacteria

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