Gift Of The Magi Questions And Answers

1) What is Della doing at the beginning of the story and why?

ANSWER : At the beginning of the story Della was moping and crying because she only had ONE DOLLAR 

AND EIGHTY-TWO CENTS to use to buy her husband Jim a gift for Christmas, and it was Christmas Eve 

meaning she had very little time to think of something.

2) Which possessions do Della and Jim value most?

ANSWER : Della valued her hair. Jim valued his gold chain.

3) What is Jim’s initial reaction to Della when he arrives home?

ANSWER : Jim’s initial reaction when he entered the flat, (their home or apartment), was shock.

4) What gifts do the couple give each other?

ANSWER : Della gets Jim a watch chain with the money she got from selling her hair. Jim gets Della hair 

combs that are designed for both fastening and adorning a woman’s hair.

5) According to the narrator, who were the Magi?

ANSWER : The Magi were the three wise men, (kings), that delivered presents to Jesus’ on his 


6) The story begins on Christmas Eve. Why is this aspect of setting so important to the story?

ANSWER : This aspect of setting is important because it shows how little time they have to get each 

other a gift.

7) What do Della’s and Jim’s sacrifices tell you about their relationship?

ANSWER : Della and Jim’s sacrifices show that they care about each other because they both gave up 

something special to them to get each other a thoughtful gift for Christmas.

8) Della compares the watch chain to Jim: “Quietness and value-the description applied to both.” Does 

this description apply to Jim when he enters the flat? Why?

ANSWER : Yes, this can be applied to Jim when he entered the flat because he was shocked but stood 

quiet. Value can also be applied to Jim also because you can tell that he values his wife Della more than 

his gold pocket watch.

9) What is both wonderful an terrible about each gift? use details from the story to explain the irony of 

the situation.

ANSWER : What was wonderful about each gift is that they were both things that each person wanted, 

and they were thoughtful. What was terrible about each gift was that Della would not be able to really 

use the combs too much, because her hair is short. Jim cannot use the watch chain that Della gave him, 

because he sold his gold watch to get Della the combs. So basically what was terrible about both gifts is 

that they were kind of useless because they can’ really use them since they both made sacrifices.

10) Why might the narrator refer to Della and Jim as the Magi?

ANSWER : The narrator might refer as Della and Jim as the Magi because they both get thoughtful and 

wise gifts to each other like the Magi gave thoughtful and wise gifts to Jesus. The narrator says that of all 

who give gifts, these two are the wisest. Their sacrifices for each other made them wise, therefor are 

compared to the three wise men.

11) What does the narrator know that the characters don’t know? Cite specific lines from the story as 


ANSWER : The narrator knows that these two are very wise. “…let it be said that of all who give gifts, 

these two are the wisest…” (page 13).

12) The narrator comments on the characters and events in this story. How would the story change if the 

narrator were not to comment?

ANSWER : The story would change if the narrator did not comment because then we will not get as good 

of a feel for the story, meaning that we will not get as good of an explanation.

13) What is the narrator’s opinion of the characters and their actions? Use details from the story to 

support you answer.

ANSWER : The narrator’s opinions on the character’s actions are foolish, wise, and sorta unwise. “… And 

here I have lamely related to you the uneventful chronicle of two foolish children in a flat who most 

unwisely sacrificed for each other the greatest treasures of their house…” (page 13). “…let it be said that 

of all who give gifts, these two are the wisest…” (page 13).


ANSWER : guilt


ANSWER : extreme unwillingness to spend money


ANSWER : brings about


ANSWER : being the greatest or strongest element

mendicancy squad

ANSWER : police who arrest homeless people or beggars


ANSWER : lobby or hallway


ANSWER : encourage or suggest


ANSWER : relating to or concerning


ANSWER : the state of being wealthy


ANSWER : mirror


ANSWER : Able to move quickly and easily


ANSWER : to lose value


ANSWER : a small waterfall


ANSWER : an item of clothing

rosy wings

ANSWER : happily


ANSWER : go through hurriedly, causing damage


ANSWER : unused; pure


ANSWER : fake; something that seems to have value but does not


ANSWER : the state of being drunk or not in one’s right mind


ANSWER : cautiousness; wisdom


ANSWER : severely damaged effects


ANSWER : one who skips school or disobeys


ANSWER : a hunting dog


ANSWER : attitudes; feelings or emotions


ANSWER : requiring long, hard work


ANSWER : obvious


ANSWER : extremely stupid behavior


ANSWER : gathered in his arms

discreet scrutiny

ANSWER : very careful observation


ANSWER : not important


ANSWER : statement of fact


ANSWER : highlighted; clarified or explained


ANSWER : long locks of a woman’s hair


ANSWER : to make more beautiful


ANSWER : treasured; desired


ANSWER : to burn lightly


ANSWER : enthusiastic or passionate

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