Heart Anatomy Quiz – Learn The Anatomy Of The Heart By Number

The anatomy of the heart consists of

Answer: Chambers, valves, vessels and circulation

The function of the heart is to

Answer: circulate blood throughout the lungs and various tissues of the body.

Without the circulation of the heart

Answer: nutrients cannot be delivered, waste products cannot be removed, and therefore you would die.

What happens when the heart contracts

Answer: blood moves into the lungs to get oxygen, then the oxygen gets into the body’s circulation delivering oxygen to the tissues

Blood supplies the tissues with

Answer: nutrients and O2

Blood removes

Answer: CO2 and waste products

The heart is what shape organ

Answer: triangular shaped

The heart is located

Answer: in the center of the chest, under the sternum and in between the lungs. 2/3 rds of the heart lies to the left of the sternum

The Approx. size of the heart is

Answer: The size of a fist

The approx weight of the heart is

Answer: 10.6 oz

Beats average (minutes, Day, lifetime)

Answer: 72 beats per minute – 100,000 beats per day – 22.5 billion in a lifetime

The heart Pumps about ____ ml blood per beat for a total ___L/minute

Answer: 140 blood per beat for a total 5L/minute

Heart pumps daily about ______ L or ______ gallons of blood (average bathtub filled 36 times)

Answer: 7250 L or 1800 gallons of blood average bathtub filled 36 times

The heart is like ____ pumps side by side divided by ________.

Answer: 2 pumps side by side divided by septum

What are the 4 chambers of the heart

Answer: 2 upper atria 2 lower ventricles

What keeps blood flowing in one direction

Answer: Valves

What prevent the valves from turning inside out

Answer: Chodae Tendae

Middle muscular layer

Answer: Myocardium

Muscle is thickest in what chamber of the heart

Answer: L ventricle

thicker muscle in heart chamber means.

Answer: stronger contraction of that chamber giving it the ability to pump blood through body

The valve between the R atrium and the R ventricle is the

Answer: Tricuspid valve

The valve between the L atrium and the L ventricle is the

Answer: Bicuspid valve AKA mitral valve

Valves that divide the atrium from the ventricles on R & L of heart are known as

Answer: Atrioventricular valves

Why are the heart valves one-way

Answer: to keep the blood flowing in one direction

What type of valve is named because they look like half moons. And what are the names of the 2 in your heart

Answer: semilunar valve Semi (half) lunar (moon) pulmonary and aortic semilunar valves

transports blood back to the heart

Answer: Vena cava

returns blood from the head, arms and upper body to heart

Answer: Superior vena cava

returns blood from the lower legs and body to heart

Answer: Inferior vena cava

when the heart contracts the R ventricle pumps deoxygenated blood to the lungs via this artery

Answer: Pulmonary artery

transports oxygenated blood from the lungs back to the heart via L atrium

Answer: Pulmonary veins

The largest artery in the body. It transports oxygenated blood to entire body. T

Answer: Aorta

The first of the arteries to branch off of the aorta is

Answer: coronary arteries

Trace a drop of blood through the heart to the lungs

Answer: Enters via the vena cava to R atrium -Thru the tricuspid valve -Into R ventricle -Thru pulmonary valve -To pulmonary arteries to lungs -There are tiny capillaries and thin walls so O2 and CO2 can pass over through Osmosis

Trace a drop of blood from the lungs through the heart to the body

Answer: Blood now has oxygen -Thru pulmonary veins -Into L atrium -Past Mitral (bicuspid ) valve -Into L ventricle -Out the aorta (largest artery in the body) -The aorta after descending past the diaphragm is known as the abdominal aorta

Three types of circulation

Answer: Pulmonary – between the heart and lungs-Systemic – between the heart and body-Coronary – the hearts blood supply

The portion of the cardiovascular system which carries oxygenated blood away from the heart, to the body, and returns deoxygenated blood back to the heart.

Answer: Systemic circulation

Refers to the movement of blood through the tissues of the heart

Answer: Coronary circulation

Each beat of the heart has two phases that indicate contraction and relaxation periods what are the two phases and what cycle do they make up

Answer: Relaxation phase – Diastole

Conduction Phase – Systole

-These 2 phases together make up the cardiac cycle.

What happens during diastole

Answer: Blood from the body returns to the heart via vena cavas.

R atrium fills with blood and contracts, pushing open the tricuspid valve (this allows blood to flow into the R ventricle).

At the same time, blood returns from the lungs via the pulmonary veins into the L atrium . (blood fills L atrium prior to atrial contraction).

Atrial contraction forces mitral valve to open to allow blood to flow into L ventricle.

What happens during Systole

Answer: Heart muscles contract, creating pressure to open the pulmonary and aortic valves.

Blood from R ventricle is pushed into the lungs to exchange O2 and CO2.

Blood from the L ventricle is pushed thru the aorta to be distributed throughout the body.

In general women have faster heartbeats then men true or false

Answer: True

Children’s rates are faster then adults true or false

Answer: True

On average adults heart beats

Answer: 60-100 bpm

what sound is heard during systolic phase by the contraction of the ventricles and the closing of the AV valves

Answer: Lubb sound

during the diastolic phase. It is a shorter sound and occurs during the beginning of ventricular relaxation. Caused by the closing of the semilunar valves.

Answer: Dubb sound

Each contraction of heart is caused by

Answer: electrical impulses throughout the heart

The pumping cycle of heart is controlled by

Answer: electrical impulses

______ _______are initiated and transmitted through the heart in a specific pathway.

Answer: Electrical impulses

What do Specialized masses of tissues in the heart do

Answer: They produce electrical impulses and form the conduction system

The conduction system is necessary

Answer: for the heart to pump continuously and rhythmically.

ability of the heart to initiate an electrical Impulse without being stimulated by another source

Answer: Automaticity

Ability of the heart muscle cells receive and transmit an electrical impulse

Answer: Conductivity

Ability of the heart muscle cells to shorten in response to an electrical stimulus

Answer: Contractility

Ability of the heart muscle cells to respond to an impulse or stimulus. Without this quality the heart would nor react to the electrical impulses that are initiated within the heart

Answer: Excitability

Where is the SA node located

in upper portion of the R atrium

What is the SA node also known as? /why?

AKA pacemaker of the heart – it initiates the heartbeat

Automatricity of the fibers of SA node produces

the contraction of the R and L atria

SA node fires about

60 – 100 times per minute

Where is the AV node located

Answer: on the floor of the R atrium

Impulses travel from the SA node à

Answer: AV node because of conductivity

The AV node itself causes a delay (slowdown) of the impulse two reasons why

Answer: 1) to allow additional blood to travel from the atrium to the ventricles before they contract (known as atrial kick)

this will increase the cardiac output (the amount of blood pumped out of the heart into the rest of the body)

2) reduces the number of electrical impulses transmitted onto the ventricles,

this is important if the SA node is firing too fast

What is located next to the AV node – Provides transfer of electrical impulses from atria to the ventricles

Answer: Bundle of HIS

What is located on the L and R side of the interventricular septum- Impulses travel R and L bundle branches to the R and L ventricles Electrical impulse split and travel down both sides. This activates the myocardium to contract.

Answer: Bundle branches

What Speeds impulses thru the ventricles provides an electrical pathway for each of the cardiac cells. The electrical impulses accelerate and activate the L and R ventricle at the same time to contract.

Answer: Purkinje fibers

1) The right ventricle is the chamber of the heart that pumps blood for the pulmonary circulation. Based on this information, blood from the right ventricle is on its way to the __________.

  • lungs

  • liver

  • appendages

Answer: lungs

2) Which of the following is correct regarding the flow of blood in reference to the left side of the heart?

  • Blood flows from the left atrium, through the bicuspid valve, into the left ventricle, through the aortic semilunar valve, and then into the aortic arch.

  • Blood flows from the left atrium, through the aortic semilunar valve, into the left ventricle, through the bicuspid valve, and then into the aortic arch.

  • Blood flows from the left atrium, through the bicuspid valve, into the left ventricle, into the aortic arch, through the aortic semilunar valve, and then into the systemic arterial system.

Answer: Blood flows from the left atrium, through the bicuspid valve, into the left ventricle, through the aortic semilunar valve, and then into the aortic arch.

3) Number 2 is pointing to …

  • the right atrium

  • the left atrium

  • the right ventricle

Answer: the right atrium

4) The aorta is indicated by number …

The anatomy of the heart

  • 1

  • 8

  • 7

Answer: 7





5) Number 1 is pointing to …

The anatomy of the heart

  • the aorta

  • the superior vena cava

  • the inferior vena cava

Answer: the superior vena cava


6) What is number 8 pointing to?

The anatomy of the heart

  • pulmonary arteries

  • pulmonary veins

  • aorta

Answer: pulmonary arteries


7) Number 4 is pointing to …

The anatomy of the heart

  • the pulmonary valve

  • the inferior vena cava

  • the superior vena cava

Answer: the inferior vena cava





8) The pulmonary valve is indicated by number …

The anatomy of the heart

  • 12

  • 5

  • 11

Answer: 5


9) The tricuspid valve is indicated by the number …

The anatomy of the heart

  • 3

  • 12

  • 11

Answer: 3


10) The inferior vena cava is indicated by number …

The anatomy of the heart

  •  1

  • 5

  • 4

Answer: 4


11) The right ventricle is indicated by number …

The anatomy of the heart

  • 6

  • 4

  • 13

Answer: 6

12) The distal end of the heart

  • pericardium

  • epicardium

  • apex

  • Myocardium

Answer: apex


13) inner layer of the pericardium

  • parietal pericardium

  • visceral pericardium

  • myocardium

  • Endocardium

Answer: visceral pericardium


14) outer layer of the pericardium

  • visceral pericardium

  • parietal pericardium

  • epicardium

  • Myocardium

Answer: parietal pericardium


15) The arteries that feed the heart muscle

  • Capillaries

  • Coronary

  • Chordae teindineae

  • Coronary sinus

Answer: Coronary


16) After blood leaves the Right atrium it passes through the ________.

  • right ventricle

  • aortic valve

  • av valve

  • tricuspid valve

Answer: tricuspid valve

17) Blood may exit the heart through either ______ or ______ structures called the great vessels.

  • superior vena cava, inferior vena cava

  • pulmonary trunk, aorta

  • the right ventricle left ventricle

  • pulmonary arteries, pulmonary veins

Answer: pulmonary trunk, aorta


18) Name the part.

  • Pulmonary vein

  • Right atrium

  • Aorta

  • Pulmonary artery

Answer: Aorta


19) Name the part.

  • Left ventricle

  • Vena cava

  • Right atrium

  • Right ventricle

Answer: Left ventricle


20) Name this part.

  • Superior vena cava

  • Right ventricle

  • Inferior vena cava

  • Pulmonary vein

Answer: Inferior vena cava

21) Name this part.

  • Pulmonary veins

  • Left atrium

  • Aorta

  • Pulmonary artery

Answer: Pulmonary veins

22) Name this part.

  • Right atrium

  • Left ventricle

  • Right ventricle

  • Left atrium

Answer: Left atrium


23) Which side of the heart pumps oxygen-rich blood to the rest of the body?

  • Right

  • Left

Answer: Left

24) Which side of the heart pumps blood into the lungs?

  • Right

  • Left

Answer: Right

25) ______ carry blood to the heart.

  • Arteries

  • Veins

  • Capillaries

  • Vena Cava

Answer: Veins

26) _____ carries blood away from the heart.

  • Blood cells

  • Veins

  • Capillaries

  • Arteries

Answer: Arteries

27) What carries the oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart?

  • vena cava

  • aorta

  • pulmonary vein

  • Pulmonaryartery

Answer: pulmonary vein

28) What are the two large veins that drain blood from the upper body and from the lower body and empty it into the right atrium of the heart?

  • vena cava

  • aorta

  • pulmonary artery

  • pulmonary vein

Answer: vena cava 

29) The two chambers of the heart with thin walls that collect blood from the major veins and empty it into the larger, more muscular chambers.

  • aorta

  • atria

  • ventricles

  • Lungs

Answer: atria

30) What are the functions of the tricuspid and bicuspid valves?

  • prevent blood from leaking back into he ventricles

  • prevent blood from leaking back into the atria

  • allow blood to flow into the atria

  • allow blood to leave the ventricles

Answer: prevent blood from leaking back into the atria

31) What is the main function of the heart?

  • The heart circulates blood and oxygen throughout the body.

  • The heart is the control center for all body activities.

  • The heart gets rid of the wastes in your body produced by homeostasis.

  • The heart transports, protection, and regulation.

Answer: The heart circulates blood and oxygen throughout the body.

32) What does the left side of the heart do?

  • The left side of the heart pumps blood through the lungs where it gets oxygen.

  • The left side of the heart receives the blood containing oxygen and pumps blood to the rest of the body.

  • The left side of the heart controls the muscles on the left side of the body,

  • The left side of the heart supply our arms with blood

Answer: The left side of the heart receives the blood containing oxygen and pumps blood to the rest of the body.

33) What does the right side of the right heart do?

  • The right side of the heart receives deoxygenated blood from the body through the vena cava and pumps it into the right ventricle which then sends it to the lungs to be oxygenated.

  • The right side of the heart is  responsible for words, logic, numbers, analysis, lists, linearity and sequence

  • The right side of the heart pumps blood through the lungs where it gets oxygen.

  • The right side of the heart is a meaty organ that sits on the right side of the belly.

Answer: The right side of the heart pumps blood through the lungs where it gets oxygen.

34) Name part #6

  • Left Ventricle

  • Left Pulmonary Artery

  • Left Pulmonary Vein

  • Aorta

Answer: Left Pulmonary Artery

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