Of Mice And Men Quiz: Learning & Practice

1. Who wrote Of Mice and Men?

  • William Shakespeare

  • John Steinbeck

  • Arthur Miller

  • Mitch Albom

Answer: John Steinbeck

2. How does Steinbeck portray society in Of mice and men?

  • Cruel and unjust

  • Cowardly and Confusing

  • Sweet and Compassionate

Answer: Cruel and unjust

3. Who said this? – “What’s the matter with me?  Ain’t I got a right to talk to nobody?”

  • Crooks

  • Curley’s wife

  • Lennie

  • Slim

Answer: Curley’s wife


4. The death of Candy’s dog foreshadows….

  • The death of Slim’s puppies

  • Lennie’s tragic death

  • Lennie killing Curley’s wife

  • Crooks’ tragic death

Answer: Lennie’s tragic death


5. Why is George concerned about Lennie taking a long drink of water, in chapter one?

  • He is getting his clothes wet

  • There are sharks in the water

  • The still water may make him sick

  • He has dirty hands

Answer: The still water may make him sick


6. In which state is Of Mice and Men set?

  • Oklahoma

  • California

  • Nevada

  • Kansas

Answer: California


7. Who said it? – “If I was alone I could live so easy.  I could get a job an’ not have no mess.”

  • Lennie

  • Curley

  • Curley’s wife

  • George

Answer: George

8. What caused Lennie to accidentally kill Curley’s wife?

  • Her hair barrette poked him and he struck her because it hurt

  • He grabbed ahold of her dress and would not let go

  • He accidentally crushed her while hugging her

  • He panicked when she screamed and shook her to make her stop

Answer: He panicked when she screamed and shook her to make her stop

9. The first person George and Lennie meet on the ranch is…

  • Curley

  • The boss

  • Candy

  • Crooks

Answer: Candy


10. What is the stable buck’s name?

  • Slim

  • Carlson

  • Curley

  • Crooks

Answer: Crooks


11. What does Crooks spend most of his time doing?

  • Talking to Curley’s wife

  • drinking

  • reading

  • Gambling

Answer: reading


12. Lennie’s aunt’s name is…

  • Cate

  • Clara

  • Clarissa

  • Clarisse

Answer: Clara


13. What does Slim remind Carlson to take when he leaves the bunkhouse with Candy’s dog?

  • the cat

  • a flashlight

  • a shovel

  • a picture of Candy

Answer: a shovel


14. Why do George and Lennie have to leave Weed?

  • Lennie was accused of rape

  • George was accused of rape

  • Lennie killed too many mice

  • They were fired

Answer:Lennie was accused of rape


15. What do the men think of Curley’s wife?

  • They think she is a “tart”

  • They pity her for her marriage to Curley

  • They think she married Curley for money

  • They suspect she is pregnant

Answer:They think she is a “tart” 

16. What does George tell Lennie before he shoots him?

  • He apologizes to him.

  • He tells Lennie that he is mad at him.

  • He tells Lennie they are going to the ranch.

  • He tells Lennie that he will never tend rabbits.

Answer: He tells Lennie they are going to the ranch.

17. Skinner, tall, well-mannered understanding

  • Slim

  • Candy

  • Crooks

  • Carlson

Answer: Slim


18. Recently married; wanted to be a movie star

  • Crooks

  • Lennie

  • George

  • Curley’s wife

Answer: Curley’s wife

19. In chapter one, Lennie asks George for _____________, which makes George very angry.

  • ketchup

  • beans

  • rabbits

  • a new house

Answer: ketchup


20. Why does Curley’s wife feel lonely on the ranch?

  • She is not allowed to have a life or identity of her own

  • She is a “tart” and isn’t happy unless she is causing trouble

  • She used to be a movie star and hates ranch life

  • Curley always teased her in front of other people

Answer: She is not allowed to have a life or identity of her own

21. Why does Curley hate Lennie?

  • Lennie loves his wife

  • Lennie killed his dog

  • He is jealous of men who are bigger than him

  • The boss tells Curley that Lennie is bad news

Answer: He is jealous of men who are bigger than him


22. Which of the animals is NOT killed in the story?

  • rabbit

  • puppy

  • old dog

  • Mouse

Answer: rabbit


23. How was George different from a typical ranch worker in the story?

  • He stays at each job for over a year

  • He lacks experience

  • He has a traveling companion

  • He has a family

Answer: He has a traveling companion


24. When Curley attacks Lennie, what does he initially do?

  • weep and cry for help

  • he crushes his hand right away

  • strangle Curley

  • run away

Answer: weep and cry for help


25. George says he and Lennie are different from other ranch hands because they have…?

  • more experience

  • a dream

  • each other

  • money saved

Answer: each other


26. Who said: “Whatever we ain’t got, that’s what you want.  God a’mighty, if I was alone I could live so easy.”

  • George

  • Lennie

  • Crooks

  • Slim

Answer: George


27. Who said: “If I catch any one man, and he’s alone, I get along fine.  But just let two of the guys Get together an’ you won’t talk.  Jus’ nothing but mad.  You’re all scared of each other.”

  • Curly

  • Curly’s wife

  • Candy

  • Crooks

Answer: Curly’s wife


28. The following is an example of what literary device: “In and out of the beam flies shot like rushing stars.”

  • hyperbole

  • allusion

  • metaphor

  • Simile

Answer: Simile


29. Slim said, “You hadda, George. I swear you hadda. Come on with me.”

  • Alliteration

  • Repetition

  • Onomatopoeia

Answer: Repetition


30. At the BEGINNING of chapter 5, Lennie has accidentally killed

  • his puppy

  • Curley’s wife

  • a mouse

  • none of the above

Answer: his puppy


31. In chapter 5, we learn that Curley’s wife

  • met Curley at the Riverside Dance Palace

  • was offered a chance to travel with a group of traveling actors

  • met a guy who said he could get her into the movies in Hollywood

  • All of these

Answer: All of these

32. Who comes looking for Lennie at the end of chapter 5?

  • Curley’s wife

  • Candy

  • Slim

  • George

Answer: Candy

33. When Lennie is waiting for George which of the following voices does he hear

  • his Aunt Clara

  • a giant rabbit

  • both of these

  • none of these

Answer: both of these


34. Where do George and Slim go at the end of chapter 6?

  • back to the ranch

  • to a whorehouse

  • to get a drink

  • to the train station

Answer: to get a drink


35. The story begins and ends in the same setting. What is this an example of?

  • Symbolism

  • Parallel Structure

  • Metaphor

  • Circles

Answer: Parallel Structure

36. What is the effect of hearing the men shouting at a distance (right before George shoots Lennie)?

  • To explain the situation

  • To create an allusion to society

  • To build  tension

  • To show the reader Lennie is mentally challenged

Answer: To build  tension

37. Why will George feel a huge sense of loss at the end? (Aside from losing his BFF)

  • He will be no different than all the other migrant workers

  • He broke his promise to Aunt Clara

  • He will no longer get double pay

  • He will have to leave the ranch so he is not sent to jail

Answer: He will be no different than all the other migrant workers


38. What is the name of Curley’s wife?

  • Clara

  • Curletta

  • Colleen

  • No name is given

Answer: No name is given

39. According to Curley’s wife, under what condition do the men speak to her?

  • When no one else is around

  • When Curley is gone

  • When she cleans for them

  • When she gives them “the eye”

Answer: When no one else is around


40. Curley’s wife threatens to…

  • have Crooks lynched

  • have Lennie killed

  • have George fired

Answer: have Crooks lynched


41. WHO SAID IT? – Nobody ever gets to heaven and nobody ever gets no land.

  • Crooks

  • Candy

  • George

  • Slim

Answer: Crooks


42. WHO SAID IT???? – Why do you got to get killed? You ain’t so little as mice.

  • George

  • Lennie

  • Aunt Clara

  • Candy

Answer:  Lennie

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