Pythagorean Theorem Quiz

1. Use the Pythagorean Theorem to see if the measurements below can form a right triangle. ***** a = 5 in. b = 12 in. c = 13 in.

  • Yes, it is a right triangle. (CORRECT ANSWER)

  • No, it is not a right triangle

  • There is not enough info.

2. a = 6.4, b = 12, c = 12.2 is this a right triangle?

  • yes


3. a = 2.1, b = 7.2, c = 7.5 is this a right triangle?

  • yes


4. If a triangle has a side a=5 and b=12, what is c?

  • 10

  • 17

  • 169


5. Which three side lengths form a right triangle?

  • 5, 12, 13(CORRECT ANSWER)

  • 4, 5, 7

  • 3, 6, 9

  • 1, 3, square root of 11

6. Use the Pythagorean Theorem to see if the measurements below can form a right triangle. **** a= 6 cm, b= 8 cm, c = 10 cm

  • Yes, it is a right triangle.(CORRECT ANSWER)

  • No, it is not a right triangle

  • There is not enough info.

7. What is the length of x?


  • 7

  • 8

  • 25

8. Solve for c

  • 33

  • 11.2


  • 13

9. Solve for x


  • 11.4

  • 13

  • 2

10. Find the hypotenuse in the image shown

  • 169


  • 14.4

  • 17

11. Do the segment lengths 9, 12, and 15 form a right triangle?


  • No

  • Maybe

  • Pythagoras

12. Do the segment lengths 9, 11 and 15 cm form a right triangle?

  • yes


  • maybe

  • pythagoras

13. Given the 3 lengths of a triangle are 6 in, 8 in and 10 in.  Will this make a right triangle?


  • no

  • maybe

  • 22

14. The Pythagorean Theorem ONLY works on which triangle?

  • obtuse

  • scalene

  • isosceles


15. What is the name of the longest side of a right-angled triangle?

  • Pythagoras

  • Hypotenoose

  • Hipotenuse

  • Hypotenuse(CORRECT ANSWER)

16. What kind of triangles does the Pythagorean Theorem work with?


  • Left

  • Isosceles

  • Equilateral

17. What is the formula for Pythagoras theorem if in a right angles triangle a and b are the short sides and c is the longest side?

  • a2 x b2 = c2

  • a + b = c

  • a2 + a2 = c2

  • a2 + b2 = c2(CORRECT ANSWER)

18. Does an 8, 15, 16 triangle have a Right Angle?

  • yes


19. To get from point A to point B you must avoid walking through a pond.  To avoid the pond, you must walk 34 meters south and 41 meters east.  To the nearest meter, how many meters would be saved if it were possible to walk through the pond?

  • 35


  • 58

  • 75

20. John runs diagonally across a rectangular field that has a length of 40 yards and a width of 30 yards, as shown in the diagram.What is the length of the diagonal, in yards, that John runs?


  • 60

  • 70

  • 80

21. Does this triangle have a Right Angle?

  • No




ANSWER :  Sides that are adjacent (same vertex, share a common side) the right angle. There are two.


ANSWER :  The side opposite the right angle

Right Triangle

ANSWER :  A triangle that has one right angle (90 degrees) with 2 legs, and one hypotenuse.


ANSWER :  Either of the two shortest sides of a right triangle, they meet at a common vertex to form a right angle.


ANSWER :  The longest side of a right triangle. It is always opposite of, and never is a part of, the right angle.


ANSWER :  The result of multiplying a number by itself.

root (of a square)

ANSWER :  Any side of a square. A number which, when multiplied by itself, makes a square. One of the dimensions of a square.

pythagorean theorem

ANSWER :  The sum of the squares of the legs of a right triangle is equal to the square of the hypotenuse.

perfect square

ANSWER :  A square with a whole number root.


ANSWER :  Greek philosopher, 570-495 BC. There is no evidence that Pythagoras himself worked on or proved the Pythagorean Theorem, which was used previously by Babylonians and Indians.

right triangle

ANSWER :  A triangle that contains a right angle.

right angle

ANSWER :  An angle of exactly 90 degrees.

inverse operations

ANSWER :  Math operations that reverse the effect of each other.

c, and the longest side of a right triangle

ANSWER : Hypotenuse

labeled a and b, the other two sides of the right triangle


the square of the hypotenuse is equal to the sum of the squares of the other two sides.

ANSWER : Pythagorean Theorem

a=3 b=4 c=?


a=7 b=24 c=?


a=6 b=8 c=?


Is this a right triangle: a=4, b=6, c=9


Is this a right triangle: a=5 b=12 c=13

ANSWER : yes

Right Triangle

ANSWER : a triangle where one angle is guaranteed to be 90 degrees.



Would these three sides form a right angle 8, 15, 17

ANSWER : yes


Which side length would be considered c? 9,12,10



Find b: a=5 b=? c=13




Either of the two shortest sides of a right triangle, they meet at a common vertex to form a right angle.

ANSWER : leg


The longest side of a right triangle. It is always opposite of, and never is a part of, the right angle.

ANSWER : hypotenuse



The result of multiplying a number by itself.

ANSWER : square



The sum of the squares of the legs of a right triangle is equal to the square of the hypotenuse.

ANSWER : pythagorean theorem

A square with a whole number root.

ANSWER : perfect square



Greek philosopher, 570-495 BC. There is no evidence that Pythagoras himself worked on or proved the Pythagorean Theorem, which was used previously by Babylonians and Indians.

ANSWER : Pythagoras

A triangle that contains a right angle.

ANSWER : right triangle



An angle of exactly 90 degrees.

ANSWER : right angle



Math operations that reverse the effect of each other.

ANSWER : inverse operations

A right triangle (with a 90 degree angle) is composed of two legs and a hypotenuse (side opposite the right angle).

ANSWER : Pythagorean Theorem Definition

Sides that are adjacent (same vertex, share a common side) the right angle. There are two.


The side opposite the right angle

ANSWER : Hypotenuse

A triangle that has one right angle (90 degrees) with 2 legs, and one hypotenuse.

ANSWER : Right Triangle

Right triangle geometric means formula


a=square root of b*c

d=square root of b+c * b

e=square root of b+c * c


How to recognize a right triangle

ANSWER : c2=a2+b2

How to recognize an obtuse triangle

ANSWER : c2>a2+b2

How to recognize an acute triangle

ANSWER : c2<a2+b2

How to solve 30-60-90 triangles

ANSWER : hypotenuse is 2b, legs are b and b square root of 3

How to solve 45-45-90 triangles

ANSWER : hypotenuse is a square root of 2, legs are same length

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