Reading Plus Answers

What is the central idea of this selection?

Answer:  Modern anesthesia means people no longer need to suffer from their disease rather than…

Read this excerpt from the selection. The overall tone in this excerpt is best described as… 

Answer: Optimistic…

Read these two excerpts from the selection. What is the author’s main purpose for…  

Answer: To help the reader visualize how anesthetics prevent pain signals from being sent to the brain…

Choose the one sentence in this excerpt that suggests surgery could have… 

Answer: As early as the 1200’s scientists became aware of drugs that produced an absence of sensation, but the…

Which two outcomes occurred as a result of an increase in surgical procedures after anesthesia was discovered?…  

Answer: Doctors were doing longer surgeries, but infections from dirty operation rooms…   Because it was difficult to know how much anesthetic to administer, many patients…

Wells performed a tooth extraction using nitrous oxide for doctors…  

Answer:  The patient, who was not fully anesthetized, cried out in pain during the extraction…

 Place these events in anesthesia history in order from the earliest to the latest…  

Answer:  Medical practitioners who performed surgeries also cut hair…  Dr.Horace wells discovered that nitrous oxide could reduce pain…  Dr.William Morton discovered he could use ether to make patients…  The Invention of inhalers to deliver anesthetic made it possible to…

Based on this selection, which procedure would call for drugs other than general anesthesia for a pain-free procedure?… 

 Answer:  Toe surgery…

Read this excerpt from the selection. The author uses the phrase “past the threshold of…  

Answer:  Reversal of the unconscious state is not possible…

Read this excerpt from the text and one from another source. Together, which idea from this selection do these excerpts best support?… 

 Answer:  Balanced anesthesia…

What is the central idea of this selection?…  

Answer: The true-life story behind a famous novel…

Highlight the one sentence that provides evidence that Captain Pollard…  

Answer: “Wretched and confused, Pollard and Ramsdell did not…

Read this excerpt. Based on these actions, the crew of the…  

Answer: Thoughtless…

This text is best characterized as…  

Answer: Nonfiction…

After the Essex was destroyed, what prevented the…  

Answer: They thought it would be inhabited by cannibals…

How did people come to know the story of Essex?… 

Answer: One of the captains Pollard told his story to write it down…

What two events made Captain George… 

Answer: Ans 1: The stranding of the Two Brothers on a coral reef…  Ans 2: The sinking of the Essex…

What was author Herman Melville’s opinion of… 

Answer:  Ans: Melville found Pollard the most impressive man he’d…

Read this excerpt from the text. Which of the following words… 

Answer:  Shove…

Read these two excerpts. The mood of these two excerpts can best be described as… 

Answer: Suspenseful & frightening…

These sentences are from this selection…  

Answer: The pride movement grew from outrage…

The United States Constitution was debated…  

Answer: The first U.S LGBTQ rights demonstration…

Read this excerpt from the selection…  

Answer: To help readers connect their own…

Which detail from this text shows what allowed…  

Answer: Laws that criminalized dressing in a way…

Which one of the following subheadings…  

Answer: United for a Common Cause…

The previous question asked about…  

Answer: Violent hate crimes against…

Choose the 2 sentences in this excerpt…  

Answer: Ans 1: In 1973, Maryland…  Ans 2: Over the next 20 years…

Think about what you have read…  

Answer: Informational text…

Read this excerpt from this selection and one from…  

Answer: Which president repealed the law…

Place these events in order from first to last…  

Answer: Ans 1: President Eisenhower…  Ans 2: The Stonewall Riots…  Ans 3: The first Gay Pride March…  Ans 4: The rainbow flag…

What is the main idea of this selection? 

Answer:Real success comes from using our…

Why didn’t Jeremy move to Atlanta…

 Answer:He did not want to start his life over…

What does this selection imply about… 

Answer:It was a safe haven for the destitute and…

Jeremy found his passion as a photographer… 

Answer:Taking pictures of his clients after giving…

Based on this excerpt for which two reasons… 

Answer:He wanted to give them a new… 

He wanted them to feel important…

Put the following in order…

Answer:a – Star lake wilderness camp

b – Drop in center at Jefferson park

c – Parents home in Atlanta

d – Band concert in port

The tone of this excerpt could be…



Based on this excerpt why was Jeremy… 

Answer: His working life had overtaken his…

Choose the sentence in this… 

Answer: Somehow, I did not finish school and…

In the end, how did Jeremy help… 

Answer:He gave them meaningful jobs that would…

The selection is mainly about…  

Answer: The natural environment, history, and culture of a modern desert city…

Choose the sentence in this excerpt that uses the figure of speech called a simile…  

Answer: These plates lie next to one another like sections of a giant concrete sidewalk…

Based on this excerpt, a succulent plant can best be described as…  

Answer: Thick and fleshy to retain water…

What do these two excerpts have in common?… 

 Answer: Both use personal accounts to describe the creative influences of the desert…

Based on these excerpts, which two features of the sky islands directly affect the biological… 

Answer:  Ans 1: Their isolation from one another…  Ans 2: Their high elevations…

According to the text, what human adaptation best helps our survival in the desert?…  

Answer: Our ability to use our intellect to create solutions for difficult problems…

Which two of the following are given as examples of Tucson’s extreme weather?… 

Answer:  Ans 1: Monsoon storms…  Ans 2: Excessive heat…

This selection can best be described as what type of… 

Answer: Non-narrative nonfiction…

In this excerpt, what does the word “moreover” signal?…  

Answer: The author is going to make an additional point that is related to the one before it…

The term “Old Pueblo” refers to…  

Answer: Tucson’s history as a long-standing settlement…

The selection is mainly about…  

Answer: Original inventions that changed the world…

According to the selection, if we want to be great innovators, we should…  

Answer: Have several hobbies…

Read these two excerpts. The “butterfly effect” and the “hummingbird effect” are similar because both effects…  

Answer:  Are triggered by a small action…

In this excerpt, what does the author mean by “collaborative networks”?… 

Answer: People working together…

Gutenberg’s printing press is an example of an invention that had a number of unanticipated effects. Which two effects…  

Answer: The invention of the telescope…  Ans 2: The demand for spectacles…

When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone to listen to live orchestra music, he most likely…  

Answer: The way we use phones today…

Read this excerpt. The author’s purpose for including this part is to…  

Answer: Provide a scenario to help the reader understand a concept…

This selection can be best described as informational nonfiction because it…  

Answer: Gives facts and details about a specific topic…

Read this excerpt. Choose the one sentence that explains what Johnson means by…  

Answer: Basically, when someone comes up with a new idea, technology, or platform of some kind…

Choose the one sentence from the excerpt that supports Steven Johnson’s argument… 

 Answer: It is people like John Leal, John Snow, and Ellis Chesbrough, who helped create the fact that we can now drink water…

What is the main idea of this selection?

 Answer:  War can both mentally and physically hurt a person.

This excerpt describes the role of non-combatants, people who helped soldiers in times of war. Why does the author describe the role of these people as “inglorious but important”? 

 Answer: Though they do not fight, they are very helpful to those who do fight.

Captain Graffenried worked in administrative services before being sent to the front lines… 

 Answer: He had no experience as a soldier despite attending military school.

Read this excerpt. Which expression would most likely appear on Captain Graffenreids face? 

 Answer: Determination.

Choose the sentence in this excerpt that contains examples of the figure of speech called simile. 

 Answer: From somewhere way to the right came as the wind served intermittent murmur like that of the ocean in a storm like that of a distant railway train like that of wind among the pines.

At what point in the selection does Captain Graffenreids attitude toward war change? 

 Answer: After he narrowly misses being shot by enemy fire.

Which of the following best describes captain Graffenreid’s mood in this excerpt? 

 Answer: Cheerful.

Based on this expert in which way does captain Graffenreid differ from the other men fighting in this troop. 

 Answer: He is more nervous during battle.

Think about how the author described Captain Griffinreid…

 Answer:  A poor leader.

The author wrote this story mainly to? 

 Answer: Demonstrate the horror of war.

The selection is mainly about scientists’… 

 Answer:  Research on preserving glacier ice from factors that threaten to harm it…

Read these two excerpts. Ice researchers are trying to pressure the global community to solve two issues. What are…  

 Answer: Ans 1: Climate change…  Ans 2: Plastic waste…

Think about your answer to the previous question. which sentence from the text suggests the author believes…  

 Answer: Ans: “I think that everyone individually can contribute, by pressing politicians, but also by making their contribution in terms of the reduction of CO2…”

Choose the sentence in this excerpt that is an example of the figurative language… 

 Answer:  Each year, high on Greenland’s glaciers, algae perform…

In this selection, the author describes the sound of glaciers melting and cracking as “that noise is the end… 


 Answer: Ominous…

Read this excerpt. This excerpt suggests that Alexandre Anesio is…  

 Answer: Eager…

How does this image of the Greenland ice sheet relate to this selection?…  

 Answer: The loss of glacier ice is contributing to the declining…

This text gives facts and statistics about the Greenland ice sheet. This text can…  

 Answer: Informational nonfiction…

Based on what you have read, which two factors are contributing to glaciers…  

 Answer: Ans 1: Climate change…  Ans 2: Algae blooms…

Which sentence from the selection confirms why scientists want the world to be more aware…  

 Answer: As glaciers retreat from India to Greenland, biodiversity is being lost…

What is the main idea of this selection?…  

 Answer: Ans: Powerful forces of nature can create remarkable landscapes…

This excerpt describes gypsum, a material that easily washes away in the water. Choose the two sentences…  

 Answer: Ans 1: But mountains on all sides of this particular desert…  

Ans 2: What little rainfall the arid area receives does not…

In this excerpt, what does the phrase “fluid landscape” mean?…  

 Answer: A changing shape…

What determines the color of the sand?…  

 Answer: The material from which the sand eroded…

The color of the sand on this beach indicates its source material was…  

 Answer: Magma…

Based on this excerpt, what can you conclude from the sands of…  

 Answer: Wind can carry sand long distances to its final destination…

This is the opening paragraph from the selection. From this paragraph, a reader can…  

Answer:Has a deep appreciation for nature…

Put the steps in the order in which sand is created by flowing water in the correct order, starting…  

Answer:Ans 1: Rocks force the flow of water to bend around the rocks…   Ans 2: As water collides with rocks, bits of the rock break off…  Ans 3: Some grains of rock or sand are deposited elsewhere…  Ans 4: Over many years, the water erodes obstacles in its path…

How is sand created?…  

Answer:Erosive forces break down larger substances into granular…

The Grand Canyon was formed by… 

Answer:Water erosion…

What is the main idea of this selection?

Answer: A young woman follows her…

What destructive force in nature was responsible…

Answer: Erosion.

What effect did Mary’s near death … 

Answer:She expanded…

What does this selection tell you about the life…

Answer: There were many infant deaths from smallpox…

Put these in order in which they occurred… 

Answer:Mary’s mother opens a curio stand, Mary finds a skeleton to go, Mary discovers the first British example, Mary opens her fossil shop.

The tone of this excerpt can be described as…


What does e word “dissenters” mean in this excerpt…

Answer: People who questioned the accepted views of the time.

What are two reasons why Mary was not…

 Answer:She was a working class, The Geological Society of…

What evidence does the author give to show that… 

Answer:Mary discovered a chamber containing ink…

Why was Mary’s “Crocodile in a Fossil State” such… 

Answer:It raised questions about the history of…

What is the author’s purpose in writing this selection.  

Answer:To highlight the significant contribution…

What is the main idea of the selection… 

Answer:Oil is a form of ecocide that can be prevented…

Based on the selection what is the best way to prevent oil spills in the future? 

Answer:Switch from fossil fuel to renewable energies…

Based on this selection, what was the initial cause of the Deepwater Horizon oil pass? 

Answer:Leaking Methane…

What are two ways BP tried to clean up its oil spill? 

Answer:Controlled Explosions, ships with large skimmers scooped…

How is an oil created? 

Answer:The Earth’s heat…

How effective were Exxon’s initial efforts to clean up the Valdez oil spills? 

Answer:Exxon only collected a small percent of the oil spill…

What type of evidence does the author use to show that BP oil spill was the worst ecocide ever committed? 

Answer:Hard Statistics…

What statement supports the author’s statement that oil spills will happen in the future? 

Answer:There are very few regulations…

Why does the author begin and end the selection with these excerpts? 

Answer:To show consumers…

Choose the one sentence in the excerpt that gives examples of the best alternatives to fossil fuel. Unlike fossil fuels

Answer:A Legendary Prison/ The Rock

This selection is mainly about… 

Answer:The unique history of a…

How does the author create… 

Answer:By using phrases like…

Choose the sentence in this excerpt… 

Answer:However, most of the prisoners…

Place these events in history… 

Answer:Juan Manuel, Alcatraz is chosen, Civil War, Civilian prisoners…

The need for a new… 

Answer:Increase in organized crime…

In which two of the following ways… 

Answer:Take showers,  get haircuts.

What do the items in this image…

Answer: Escaped Alcatraz on a raft made of…

What sentence supports the government’s… 

Answer:In most federal prisons the ratio…

Based on this excerpt… 

Answer:Had not resorted to vandalizing buildings…

Based on this ending excerpt… 

Answer:Every cloud has a silver lining.

What is the main idea…

Answer: Social work is a fulfilling career…

Derrick had an important effect… 

Answer: liked the experience…

Which sentence is the best definition…

Answer: Help people get through difficult…

Which sentence helps to explain…

Answer: I was naturally drawn…

Put these events in the author’s life… 

Answer: happily entertains, cares for a young, interviews caregivers and learns, works in an…

Besides working directly…

Answer: Develop programs to address issues…

According to this selection…

Answer: a caregiver,  exhausted…

The author states that social… 

Answer: Although Derrick’s language was warbled…

Choose the sentence…

 Answer: One of the most important services…

Which sentence support’s the author’s statement that…

Answer: Social workers often see the good…

What is the main idea of this selection?…

Answer: A new tenant learns about his landlord during their first meeting.

Who is the narrator of this selection?… 

Answer: Mr.Lockwood, the new tenant.

Choose the sentence in this excerpt…defines the name…

Answer: “Wuthering” being a significant provincial…

In this excerpt… 

Answer: You can tell that Mr.Heathcliff treasures his solitude.

Mr.Heathcliff reveals he has a sense of compassion by asking…

Answer: A servant to tend to Mr.Lockwood’s horse.

Based on this excerpt, the decor of… 

Answer:. A mishmash of objects, both large and small.

Mr.Lockwood feels that his reputation…

Answer: His solitary nature made him…

His reaction to the dogs’ assault… 

Answer: Felt apologetic…

Mr.Lockwood describes seeing which two types of dogs… 

Answer:. Pointers, sheep-dogs.

Read this excerpt. Following the dog incident…

Answer: Switches to a more relaxed atmosphere.

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